The Ethical Course Is to Recommend Infant Male Circumcision — Arguments Disparaging American Academy of Pediatrics Affirmative Policy Do Not Withstand Scrutiny
The Ethical Course Is To Recommend Infant Male Circumcision — Arguments Disparaging American Academy of Pediatrics Affirmative Policy Do Not Withstand Scrutiny Brian J. Morris, John N. Krieger, Jeffrey D. Klausner, and Beth E. Rivin e critically evaluate an article published in tions. Today, 38% of the world’s adult male popula- the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics by tion is circumcised.3 Preventive medicine is a, “norm W Svoboda, Adler and Van Howe1 challeng- of medical practice,” as recognized in AAP and CDC ing the validity of the American Academy of Pediat- MC policies. rics (AAP) 2012 affirmative policy statement on infant male circumcision (MC).2 The serious errors in their B. Origins: Barbarism and Medical Quackery arguments and claims deserve a detailed response. They cite opinion pieces and selectively refer to Vic- To assist readers, our critique will follow the section torian misunderstandings about MC, but not benefits headings of their article. recognized in the Victorian era, namely protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), penile I. The Facts cancer, phimosis, balanitis and inferior hygiene.4 A. Normal Bodies and Customary Medical Practice Their claim of “medical quackery,” is an example of Our human forebears would have seen foreskin prob- the genetic fallacy — a fallacy of irrelevance where a lems — phimosis, paraphimosis and balanitis — so conclusion is suggested based solely on someone’s or could have adopted MC for prophylaxis. Over time something’s history, origin, or source rather than its MC might have been subsumed by cultural tradi- current meaning or context. Brian J. Morris, D.Sc. Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus in the School of Medical Sciences of Sydney Medical School at University of Sydney.
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