I PORTLAND DAILY ! not spell their own name*. O slavery, how PRESS, I sin* must be laid at & many thy charge. These LEGAL OFFICIAL. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. I-’OIi SALE & TO l,HT. JOHN T. OILMAN. Editor. I people, born and educated in the State of 1 Maim* in a l»*w "munition*. if not the first, NOTICE. 1. ut No. Rooim to published 62) KXCHAKliK STKKF.T would become valuable ami Xlicltllo Stroof. MOKE TESTIMONIALS! Counting Lei. respectable mem- Standing Committee on Side rpiIK Streets, KOOX over No #0 Commercial St. IN FOX bers ot The fd to whom was BLOCK, by society. negroes lieio (that iulVri- I walks a Bridge*, referred the COUNTIN'!Thomas* Block, to lei. to and Apply N. A. ar race) are by far the most and petition of >7*»Uingtou Kyau others, that tin- > J. FOSTER A CO. respectable of Street from Thomas to lff MILLER, intelligent.’’ grade Spriiftf Vaughan 9 mcnil dtf Jver92 Commercial.1Stiett. 'tii be det Trained ami established, NEW DRY GOODS STORE! letter i< eta, may hereby | My already too long or I would notice that they will meet at the corner of MRS. MANCHESTER give * Is Terms: give you a longer account of these wretched Spiiugaad rhombs streets, on Wednesday, the llth J-BY- constantly receiving unsolicited testimonials of To Lei — ol November Inst., at 3 o’clock 1*. M to inve*- the astonishing cures The Portland Daily Piikss is published every j people American citizens! Time forbids, day performed by her. Among commodiou.Cliambcr iu tbe northerly cor in tigate the eye and hear all parties interested, as re- TUF. momiug (Sundays excepted), at •G.cO per year but more anon. Cat-iianck. mauy receutly received are the following, which are 'orn'r or time and cents an Ordinance of the City iu such cases ■■itk street*, directlyrrCkibl0,:lS' the which will be added twenty-five quired ■ lacing market. advapce.to by flEflTVASGU k ZlVilER.’ commended to the notice of the afflicted. Mis. Man- Rent low fur each three months’ delay, and if not paid lor at provided. Enquire at office of FREDERICK (i. MESSER, Chester be consulted at the end ol the year the paper will be discontinued. may OCEAN INSURANCE CO. three cents. chainun 11 of Committee on Streets, Sidewalks, 8ept.l5,18o2. dtT No. 27 Single copies The to call the attention of No. 11 ClappN Block. Room No. 6. Exchange St The MaineStatk Press is published everv Thurs- MISCELLANEOUS. and Bridges. undersigned bf; thef»eo* #2.00 per wunuiu, in advance; 92.25 Portland, Nov. 3d. 1963. novo did day morning.at j pie ol' Portland and vicinity to their] A CASK OF SPIXAL DISK ASK CURED. Office It withiu nix months; and 92.50, If payment be lo Lei. paid Exec utive Department, { This is to that I N he»oud the year. United States Internal Revenue. or certify went to see Mrs. Manches- tecond floor. Middle Street, centrally situated delayed Augusta, October 24, J8C.'l. j CITY .PORTLAND, |N E W AND CO LET E aud Advertisements inserted in the Maine State .UJP ter last March with a daughter of miue troubled with Ol easy of accca*. Apply .1 No. 73 Kachan.. CITIZENS: In Board ok MLavor ani» Aldkrmi n, i Phess (which has a large circulation in every part o BELLOW 17 ti The President has called for 300,000 additional November 6. t spinal disease, for which she had been doctored for Jr the State) lor 50 cents jier square in addition to the COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. I 1.863. and exi- above rates for each insertion. j voiuuteers, to meet the present prospective On the petition of Micssr Ruraery A Burnham, five years, aud by a number ot physicians of all I NAlliAXIEL J. of the war. for license to meet and uae a steam and boil- Goods '|*o he Le|( transient advertisements must be paid for in ad- MILLER. Collector for the I gencie* engine Dry Establishment, kinds: and she has had twenty-one applications ol to fur- riHAMBhI!su,h(! to0ulld ranee 1 First Collection District in the State of Maine, 01 this additional force Maine Is expected ers iu their buildings on Franklin atn-et, uear Coni- itor ortr gtarc ,, tliar but all to no effect; but she con- Middle notice to all that 1 nish her quota, amt site will not disappoint ex- ine re ial St reel; electricity applied, v street—Mitchell', Building" Possession hereby give persons concerned, JI'ST OPKNK1), given have iecei\«d for collection the Second Animal Col- lactation. Now. as heretofore, her patriotic men OrJernt, That Saturday. the 21st day of Novem- tinually grew worse. 1 came to the conclusion, as immediately, Inquire of Rates of lection made will to the call, and furnish lor ber at 4 o’clock P. at the ■’*n2“ Advertising: List, and committed to me by the A.- respond promptly iust., M., Alderineu’s the last to and see Mrs. and A. T. DOLE. full of the force to vindicate tl in- resort, go Manchester, .si’SHor thoreot, In accordance with the Act of Con- share* necessary Room. I»e assigned as the time and place lor the con- At Wl ... #1.25 square daily first week; 75 cents week No. nidillc Street. did and to she told me the first per per gress out it le«l. “An Act to provide Internal Revenue tegiity ol our (•overiuuent, and maintain tl su- sideration of said petition, and that said applicants so; iny great surprise 'l*o after; tbfee insertions or less, #1.00; eve- of the Union. continuing to support the (lovermneut, and to interest on premacy of the laws give notice thereof by publishing this order in one cause of the disease, and how she had been from time ry other day after first week, 50 cents. pay ,ui,M’ or*r stunt the public debt," approved Julv 1, and the Our people, with almost entire uiianimitv, have of the daily pupeis of this four times, the tirst No». Io3 tad 154 1862, city Near the Post Office—where the to time, which me to try her medicines. » Exchange street. unnositit it* amendments thereto March determined that the rebellion shall be sup- to be at lealt fourteen encouraged Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one approved 3, 186.3: that present publication days t»efoiehHud. ‘'I'l'1.' »« the to the Bev era I that the Union which it was des that ail 1 did so. aud uow my is able to be around premises week, #1.00; 50 cents per week alter. duties, taxes, (on income, carriages and ami gned persons interested may be present and be daughter I°o3I?tr*"* pressed, For this T. S. HATCH ptate,) and licenses, assessed, enumerated and con- to destroy, shall be maintained. pu pose heard thereon. the house all oi the time. Miealso rides ten or fif- Under head of Amusements, 92 00 per square tained in *aid Second Annual Collection have entered upon the contest, and to this end they Attest: j. M. Clerk. per List, they HEATH, City Latest and Most teen miles without auy trouble or iuconveuknce.and week; three insertions or less, #1,50. become dm* and that I will in will until Hi*- object I** accomplished, and Copy Attest: Fashionable, payable; portion or by persevere For Male or attend to and until the world shall he satisfied that fiee men can i»ov7 .1. 1 thiuk in a short time she will be restored to perfect lo Lei. Special Notices. 91.75 square first deputy collecting receiving the afore- M. HEATII, City Clerk. per said taxes and and for the coon ANI) CLIP? #1,00 per square after; three insertion* or less, 9U25; duties, licenses assessed and payable endure more, persevere longer, preserva- CHKAP health. Mince my daughter has been doctoring, I COTTAGE, containing over El within the of free than can rhe most rooms,large stable and slieds— half a three one County Cumberland in said District, tion of government, desper- situated two square, insertions, #1.00; week, CITY or PORTLAND. have heard of a great many cases that Mrs. Maudit s and one-half •1.26. at my office. No. 22 street, Portland, from ate and determined traitors for it.-; destruction. miles from 1‘ortland, and tn« Kxchaugc has cured. I thiuk if deserves tiuest *iiuatiou iu the second of The of the conflict is not to be measured is that it is the intention ter auy person pat- Cape Elizabeth for a wa- i.EOAL Notices at usual day November, 1868, to the 12th day length by hereby given, rates. of is of the to taring and summer November, 1868, both inclusive; that 1 will iu years, but by events. Treason lobe put Philadelphia. They they see and aud the Knoxville and Chat- power Portland. Nov. 4th, 1862. novo dtd Woodbury, or W. Woodbury, or Georgia, II Market is offered for Sale. im. how much additional aid is it aired ot them, ami Bailroads Square JOHN C. PROCTER, Lime Sireet. tanooga find here their termini. 1 ted full assurance that anch aid will be rendered. that I could live but a short sured bio by tapping Portland, Sept. 18, 18t>3. oc« tf Tlie Rebels bad here numerous mm; ono pnVc cash Boot, Shoe ami Lubber I therefore, with great confidence, cull upon tin* cit- Notice. A At I D machine-shops, only O A time. I had made up my mind to go home and lire JL store iii Portland, and now » as with one mind have re- fouuderies, rolling mills, Ac., and belore the doing gt>od |«a\ izens of this State, they r|uii. Mo‘kuoluer* of the Islam! Pond Popper busing** as well as one in Fort- to the lebellion, with united hearts 1 as as I could with the disease, and then die. On For of ing (probably any solved suppress Mining Company arc hereby notified tliat a long Sale. advent Kosecrans' army were a large laud. mr cash book will that desirous to this Latest doing show, any U» provide the means necessary accomplish meeting will be held at Island Pond, Vt.. Improved mv way home I stayed over night in Portland with New SOD ton* business the of Tuesday, Banjue UNION, tnei.ored ■* for Confederates. From the pm chasing cau see.) Hut iu consequence of my object. Nov. 10ch, al 10 A. M., to act the or upou tollowiug ai- a friend of mine, and told them what my mind was Stnarle decked, :J88 ton* doiitde-derked, Nniscle Shoals in to lamenes.- I oiler a good aud well selected stock lor The for the soldier is most ample. ith tides: built at Alabama Knoxville, provision Brunswick. lhtuemioo*—lb, H it sale at a it for soon. and a of hundreds of dollars, in to disease. me the Tennessee river is bargain applied liberal wages, Bounty First—The ameudinent of the s relative to CLOTHES WRINGER! regard my They finally persuaded -—, 11., leet on deck. 28 feet beam. 10 feet 8 Tt-un., navigable for that tho.-. de- by-law inch** CALEB 8. SMALL. he can go forth with the assurance tlie share* in capital stock. to and see Mrs. Manchester. She examined me lower hold, 5 feel between steamers of considerable size, some of go deck*—built ot good ma- which Nov 4,1863. t'od&w8w pendent upon trim will receive all needed support in Second—To an assessment. terials well tautened with lay and told me case * copper. Iron mud thtnurh to be used for aud as with tin*consciousness that his ef- Third—To act my exactly. transportation gunboats his absence, ami upon such other business a* may treouaira, ana of good model for carrying and **ii. are now in a forward stale of construction at fort* will contribute to the perpetuity of our free stem expedient at time ot such meeting. I was so much astonished to think that she told me mg. Apply to the of our and the honor Ala., which is now institutions, glory country, N. U. CftAM, President. correctly, that I told her that I would take her medi- McGU.VF.RY, RYAN ft DAVIS. Bridgeport, guarded by of her brave defenders. I summon, therefore, the Portland, Oct. 28, 1863. OcSButf of Howard's lltli J2w' not the least faith that would do Ml Commercial Street troops Corps. loval men of this State to aid in the speedy accom- cines, having they THE MOCNTAINR. plishment of thia work. 1 call upon the rtpres nta- me auy good, or that I should get the slightest relief to contribute of their number* city or For Sale ul a Lookout Mountain, the tives of ever)’class jpOBTUIB. from auy course whatever; finally 1 took the medi- Bargain. reported by newspa- and their mean*. Personal effort* and personal sac- lx splendid, modern Buaid of Mayor am# Ai.dkhmkn, went home. In one week from the time I built, three-ttorv pers as captured by Howard's and A\OTHER R AID in ( eiue and House. No. 48»» Corps part riilces are uuworthv considerations, compu.i-on October 19th, 1868. J Kill Congress street* non occur..cd of both the issues at stake, Let not the e be commenced the medicine, 1 had over three JHJL Jcilersou Slocum’s, under command of Gen. w ith the immense the taking by Coolcuge, Ks.j., containing lj -ON- petition of J. W. Hanson, for rises through our 1 believe that a permission me in seven aud fel- looms. A good stable is coui.ccMtl with Hooker, from the river 2400 imperilled inactivity. to erect aud use a gallons of water pass hours; my fipuhetl abruptly the necessities of the Go.crn- ON Stationary Mrum Lnginc ou the house. Hard aud soft a pro|>er appreciation of York water in abundance. It • feet, about mile and a half west of Chatta- ! street, on lot Messrs. Littlefield A low sutlerers may be assured that it was a great relief not sold ment on the of the of thi* State, would udfoining I previous to the 25th it will be sold at The part people Wilson. j in»l.f nooga. telegraph reports that govern- HAFLPLIS’ render but a few days necessary to auswer tin call ! tome. I had not been ablo to lie (town in bed at auction. Ordered, That the second of Novem- ment considers this au of the President us. I am too well Monday day 1 For particulars of J. M. KMe.ll important acquisition, upon acquainted ber at seven am! a before this for two years. Now I can lie down enquire 1, 42* t. to next, hall o’clock. I\ M., at the The of night State or with the results of determined effort in the pa. 1 superior points this Wringer over others street, KMlitlT A k No. 2 I aud it may well do so, as it overlooks Chatta- Aldermen'* room, be a* I taken her for HOST, RN. assigned the time and place are: with perfect ease. have medicine ; street. CLOTH IIATS. doubt this. ABNKRCOBl for the aud Thomas’ fortifications. consideration of’said and that-aid 1 nooga Governor ami Commauder-in-Chief. petition, 1. Simplicity of construction. months, aud am as well as auy mau could wish Portland, Not, d, 1.>q3. j** give notice thereof this order eight WHY WAS ROHECRAXR REMOVER? oc30 eoU3w petitioner by publishing 2. It ha< no iron that cau ever rust the ('lotties. in one of the daily papem of tin* lour time*. the W> be, and uo signs of dropsy. I would advise all -KRPKrULLT TUK- | «Uy :i. It is very strong amt not liable to get out of or- of Gen. Thomas reminds one of first to U at least fourteen dav ■* before- Speaking publication der. wringing anything from a lac*.* collar to a bed that are sick to go aud consult Mrs. Manchester, the reasons for the removal State* of Maine. ! hand, that ail parties interested may be and many given of present quilr, working easier thau any other evetf if have been up other Just l1 u\r \\s\ie d. Blue I be heard thereon. We Wringer. they giveu by phy- Gen. Kosecrans. Stitched, 4 deep, Executive Department. warrant this Wlinger in every particular. ) Attest: J. M. 11 LATH, Clerk. sicians. I have sent her a number of cases of other it can do no harm lor Augusta. Nov 2, J City fclT*Agents wanted in every section of the coun- perhaps your humble Copy, Attest: J. M. 11 LATH. Clerk. has them A N adlournrd session of the Executive Ccuncil City try. A liberal discount made to tlie trade. diseases, and sho cured also. Go and see correspondent to quote a from a letter 3 oct20 For sale at the old “why” Orey Stitched, deep. iV will be hold at the Council Chamber, in Augus- Wringer’s stand, 229 Con- for Iliad uo faith, but uow my faith HILLARDS READERS. received him written an olilcer who is street. yourselves. by by ta, on Tue-dav, the first dav of December next. gress NEW admitted to cannot be #haked in her skill in telling and curing SERIES. the presence of those in “high Brown NUtrlaed Brim, Attest. JOSEPH B. HALE. Proposals lor Horses. E. CH APM AN, Jr., Agent. of State. disease. ... Charles S. Harmon, it is unnecessary to that nov2 dtd Secretary oc9 d4w places.'’ Perhaps say Cavalry Bureau. “communicant is "an Sarah K Harmon. Hillard'i Sixth Reader. my intelligent and re- Office of the Chief uuabtkiimahti r, Blue Stitched Panama. Sale. Mary A. Harmon. | liable gent leman.” Under date of Bridgeport, Administrator's Washington, D. c., August 15,1853. A CARD. Hillard’* Fifth Reader. are solicited aud will be received at HanMaine, April 2*t. Ala., Oct. 20tb, he say3: to a license from the JIou. John A. Water-Proof IyiiOPOSALhthis office for the of CAVALUY UlLLARD AlsrCRMEDIATR Reader,ILLUSTRATED “The removal of Kosecrans is confirmed to Stitched. Waterman, Judge of J’robate for the County of furnishing 8 A. M.till P. IJURSl’ANT ! HOUSES. to Ik* ileliv#*red at Pittsburg. l*a., Phila- DR. S. C. office Hours—From 5 M. its the < umle-rlaml. grant* d on the first Tuesday of Ucto- FERNALD, Hillard's Fourth illustrated lo-day by receipt of an order from Gen. delphia. oj Iudi- iuA octal ed Header, her Inst., I shall sell at auction on the tweuti- j Wushiiigtoii City, Syracuse,N. Y., auglT as the of | public auapolis, lud. Hillard's Thomas, commanding Army the eth of November next,at 12 o’clock M., a'l the Third (Primary) Reaper, illus- Gentleman’s Stitched Cloth Hat! j day will be considered for the of Cumberland. We are sorry for not that title and interest George G. Taylor t ail in aud Proposals furnishing trated. this, right, Hors os in lots of not less than (25). The OENTIST, Geu. Thomas is not the best mm; to the lot of land with the buildiuus thereon situate, twenty-live possible— j Horses to be from title, n (15) to sixteen baud* No. 175 N[t to-day, him say to Geu.- Proposals lougeuperlencc. prepar- that the oc26 ! f IIH E Subscriber giv e* public notice to all concern- C. <». Sawtelle, Chief Bu- ed to insert Artilicial Teeth on the" Vulcanite llnae," erican Goods, which they are prepared to make to pupil, u-ing it may lie trained to gite prop- that Geu. Kosecrans had no prarliral talent, quartermaster. Cavalry er force and due i X ed. tbut she bus bceu duly appoiuted and takeu reau. ami be endorsed ou the envelope and all oilier methods known to the profession. expression to every form ofii.tc and that lie would have been “Proposals order iu the latest Whether grave or tiiimorou- compelled to iipou herself the trust of Administratrix of the r-- lor Horses.” C. Portland, May 25,1883. tf style. say, or pathetic, debat- j SAWTLLLK, ed or for inte ot Daniel late of Portland, in the (Yuntv tamiliar. declamatory or Tare ha* baeu give up to ON HAND ! ! Fox. Lieutenant-Colonel and Chief 1 simple Chattanooga inability supply Quarteriuaser, Plain Scarlet and Scotch Plaids, Long and Square takeu to admit himself had he been allowed to remain in of Cumberland, deceased, by giving bond as the law aug22 dtf Cavarly Bureau. nothing which young pernon. would who are be likely to pronounce dull or tame. command. I directs: she therefore request* all person* Officeof Collector of Shawls, finest quality and best style. A PRIME LOT OF READY-MAJDE Indebted to the said deceased’* estate to make imme- Internal Revenue, lliographical, Critical, ami K.xptanatorr notice* Gen. General of 1'. Superior of Plain Silks, in all the new and arepr-ti.xed to timet ef the selection*. Meigs, Quarter (Master diate pavment: and those who have any demands H'nil Prove*.! First Collection District quality They ha..- S. also , Vlaislial, of State of Maine, been Mr. A., gave nearly the same opinion when thereon, to exhibit the sauie for settlement to desirable shades. carefully prepaid by Hillard, and are a W. First valuable feature ol the book. he was alter been at the out SUSAN VOX. Distbiit Maixk, ( 22 here, having up fl OVERCOATS, ExrliuiigcStreet, The on Port land, Nov. 3, 1803. d3w’ Portland, August 2Utb. 1863. I ▲ lot of Extra All Wool Blankets, Introductory Treatise Kioctttiou. prepatrd f ir a week or two. t will be a large Quality Profc**or Mark of Gen|0ran vig- AKD of Teu Dollars (*10) and the reason- Portland, July nth, 1863. by Bailey, Yale College, is a plain orous and successful man at less than tie* practical, and u«cful treuline tlii< to have at the head \ULWable expenses incurred, w ill be paid to an\ per- Agents' prices. upon difficult ait BiiNinesN Conls. andcannot tail to he of these about I son for the and of a Deserter highly approved. departments to ha consolida- apprehension delivery Winter Flannels. Balmorals, Ac., Ac. ted. FALL STOCK IsJttK at these IB ad Quarters. Internal Revenue -AND- order Provost Marshal Cuneral. Stamps. _ By Their Cloak Gen. Thomas is Department contains all the new The everywhere respected and CI1AKLK.S II. DuUtillTY, rpiILS Office having been made a depository of Filth Reader. has been to aug21 d3m and Provost Marshal. 1. Revenue the will be at of Fall and Winter Garments, at low same care invariably equal any emergency in Capt. Srauifw, public supplied styles very The ha- been taken iu the .election of which be has been the following rate*: a of placed.-’ 0. L. SANBORN & -T- variety eulortaimug.ud choice piece. i„r the Coats! I CO, Less than 9o0 at par. prices. I mil Header as tor the Sixth. Rl'RROl'XDIXGS OE English Walking Many excellent de- CHATTANOOGA. •50 to 91000, 4 perceut. discount. iyCorner of Congress and Preble Street! The — ml clamatory piecesare given difficult word* in The of Made men,and sold at a low 55 n\rli:niK<* Sirrel Curl la TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT • lOOOaud & cent, discount. each ie*.ou viciuity Chattanooga is not unlike exclusively by figure. | upwards, per oclT -ire deli lied, and uumerou* carelhl bio- that of in NATH’L J. M1 LI.Kit. graphical sketches and critical note* are Harper's Ferry being mountainous Have now in store more than -OK THE — Collector. found their usual throughout the book. Tha and the scenery romantic, but the former is Treatise upon Klocutiou 1 J. W. SYKES. i* the work ol Prolcsaor Hailer. of Yale described as far havr»a,l*o received large additions to my LARGE AN D FULL VARIETIES College »uj being more picturesque and QUANTITIES MASSACHUSETTS FLea.1 i* easily understood aud practical. rugged. The mountains are and there Estate, Pntchniti tor Eastern Aerount higher | of in the are more of them. The now Stock of ever) thing or famous Mission- Cloths, INVESTMENTS ! The LOUR.dKAIN. SKKDS. Intermediate Reader, ary Ridge and Lookout Ridge (not to be con- Mutual Life Insurance Co. PROVISIONS. I.ARP, making jiy assortment complete, which will be BL’TTKR and WKSIKRN PKOlHTK (ILLUSTRATED.) founded with the mountain of that are name) August 1, lBO.'l. GREAT (KAMI FOR BARGAINS WORE IRE RISE 1 generally. Thi* Header i* for high and long bills about four miles ROOK AMI STATIOSEHV LINE. designed lurge foams und d ie. rising up Particular attention to wlieie the of HADE IP TO 0 It HER given shipping bv quickest grading the school* may reunite an.u- from aud j' (#UARANTLK C A PITA !.. (all paid 00 be- Chattanooga extending South all of which will be sold at the LOWEST XEW Up)_*100.000 20 HOUSES, at prices from »1000to *$000. ana cheapest routes. No. 152 SOL I II WATKK ST., ditional book. the line. i Kt*wa\ K, August 1,1862,. 375.09168 lUO 1IOUSK at yoml Georgia Between these ridges IN TICK VERY BEST ST'Yf.K, LOTS, prices from $200to $3000. p. o. Box 471. Chicago, Illinois. is a RECEIPTS. 3.000.U00 feet of FLATS. valley quit*- level and permits a riv- YOKE JOBfirXG PRICES. * ■*«* 1* ourth quite at short and as as can Premiums received the 000 feet of LAND. Reader. er, called, I think, the West i«>t« oe, I9«3dly. training Organa will be munication. It was this I Full line of New Hoston and •721,63660 fouud to be valuable helps. and up valley that llragg Philadelphia, York, Canvas, J. L. A Spelling Defining withdrew his forces 94 F x< iian<;e street. F re nch DISBURSEMENTS, WINSLOW', gen I, LeSHous are attached to each lesson iu the Fouith upon Rosecrans’ advance -FOR BALK BY- and Intermediate Headers. They hate been care* irom Chattanooga before the battle. The oc29 lined Paid for Claim* by Death, ou MAttuyACTCRBR or pos- ■'holograph AIIhiiiim, 26 Policies. #54.400 00 fully prepared. session of this railroad our JAMES T. PATTEN & by forces would Balance of distribution to Pol- CO., lie an and making almost an endless of and tize?. important desirable attainment, and EME11Y dr variety styles iev Holders. 2,051 07 Me. Steam Steam The Third Piimnry Reader. no need be FURBISH; Med- Rulh, Engines, Boilers, surprised to hear of it ere this is Paid for Salaries. Rents, The Second St cccssors to A. K. Shurtletf, ical Examinations. Stc.. 15.545 45 Primary Reader. printed. Ai t BOLTS Blenched | AM 1YIRT HSCEimo.t OF Paid Commissions to Agents,. 15,258 7$ i) Superior lU'HI.MRY, The Firat 300 do All flax "liov- ... Primary Reader. to Guarantee Long | ,. k AnotTT C1I ATTAXOOG A* CoiiiQii^ioii llercliantN, I The Juvenile Paid Dividend eminent PEOPLE. Department contract." } Steam Cocks, Valves, Pipes and Connections, Whole, The Readers were I was much interested Stockholders. 7,000 00 Aroroatn. Primary chiefly prepared by a by an account given 300 do Extra All Long flax | sale or Retail. in of the No. 1 1-2 i Is especially full. F.vervthing ami anything iu Hook Paid for re-insurance. 393 82 geutleinau lung engaged teaching, and ol much people of Union Wharf Portland. 300 do fine ox nee in south-eastern Tennessee by and Game liue "The Little Folks" can de-ire. will Paid tor Surrendered and Can- Kavy j practical pen. all that relate to education Delivered in Portland STEAM ANI) GAS but under Mr. Hilliard , uiy correspondent, when upon a forag- •JOHN A IMIKY, be found here. All the Hound Hooks and Paper and celed Policies.. 22,079 07 *110,728 19 or Boston. FITTING, direct ami carrlul supei.p private .ion. coutain ing expedition. In the course of their h. f. fi 'ft uieii. nov3 3m Linen Toys, are in this stock. Bath. April20,1863. Done in the best manner. They Icaaon. in Kuuuciatinu with ridings ap22dtf brief direction, to teacher., and selection, lie and the surgeon ol Capital and Surplus.$604,89$ 41 in v, hcad-quurlcrs uf tin* Works 0 Union 8t., and 233 & 235 For* St. and prose fur reading Icons. The 11th at Flxereuc iu corps, called a house where suc- Assets August 1, 18*33, invested as follows: Foundation are such a. can be used they Annuals, Poets, Elegant Lift Books, Jnlidlf rOKTLAND. Mh easily by vouu.* ceeded In purchasing a dozen of children w ith the aid of the teacher. eggs lor HO in rich and handsome to suit taste. Real Estate,(unincumbered' 9213,850 00 Is E W cents, and two of butter binding* every Mortgagcson pounds at~50 cents t,AIM? OT\M A'. The stock complines the best Fhiglisli and Anieiicau Loan Notes, (with interest accrued.). 177.777 24 These book, are beautifully illustrated with — &M& otigit per luxuries. The at the New York and Phil- Hundred and Shares al by BlLLIXoa. pound inhabitants were publications, just bought Throe Twenty-Three designs engraved by3 J,,mv Av. HAIR DRESSING SALOON! diikw 1 he »ule of m a lamentable condition everywhere F A .n F It F nuc F D adelphia Trade Sale Auctions, and will be sold LOW. Bank Stock. 27,529 25 OR V. C. HANSON & ; ucarlv they Loans ou Collaterals and personal securi- CO, went. The rest I give In his own words. lie At the C’entral By the Sm tuner* of 13tl» November oaly, ties,. 31.10000 House. Wholesale aud Retail Dealers in 300,000 of the s»ys,*‘I never saw humanity iu such an United States Securities. 30 Readers abject Treasury 74.544 the Post Ofllcr, I.ime Primary and pitable state. When I State Opposite Street. "«• arrived at camp I VIA PANAMA RAILROAD. English Billies, Michigan Bond,.. 1.00000 : was almost sick at the Real Estate, (at cost.). 9,63224 dewecofnitdr^^ndarily/1'*1» feeling sights and at- w the Fouith. teudent THI.UK various styles and size-, hich were imported w hen Deferred Premiums and Agents* accounts. 5* ,992 46 BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, Intermediate. Fifth aud Sixth reflections of this afternoon. .Some i>rkj(r only one Opposition strainer ou the was and will be sold Pa rhw of the most appkovkh A funKi gold down, correspondingly. Cash on hand, 92 selection* one i a n of the it 17,972 IF. "W. NICHOLS in the s remarked he had seen some the ovembor, (that 13th), is im- Sole compiler former series are but of poorer portant thr.t I L'l>|>«‘i'liiiil I.outlier, the reproduced, Irish at the ickets should bo secured as larlr «■* | .-elections for the moat are derived from North iu same ** 111 41 part very nearly the con- °y* ier to obtain a *604,898 respectfully aiiuounce to hit* former other sources, and passage, ol in \yOULD pat- the examination of Fuglish J.if. dition. Iu sonic I Whole tiumbcr Policies force .3,102. Ft rolls and the respects have. Hut it seems rf; only at orticr 31 Exchange Street, and public generally, that he hus tak- FINDINGS, SHOE TOOLS, Ac. erature h»* beta very extensive to flud a varieti of different to me t.ll noUJnl&w Writing Paper Envelopes Amount at ri.-k.*6,748,400. eu the room iu the Centra! ot very to contemplate the condi- w. n. UTll-E, \geut. j House, formerly occupied pieces intrinsic worth and />rrm,uunt merit. ol sold at manufacturers’ C. RICK, President, by F.llwell Brothers, where he strict atten- t«reat care ha- been the tion these people born iu our prices. hopes by N. 146 Middle St. Portlaud. taken that did rent nuui* country—our !'• B. tiou to to merit a bet* and BACON, Secretary. | business, share of the public pat* ; of the .Nlw Ski;ibs should be CABtrrLLY free, enlightened — mili.in ery run I V. C. HANSO.X. ELIJAH VARNEY. privileged country and fancy goods. age. mis duatxd to the ol the claoac- tor whh h their 1 O' l" dtf capacity patents audgrauil-pareiits for many *roii- I'oi'IIiiikI Ollici1, IGG I'urc SI. £8^*Particular attention given to Dying Hair and | they arc designed. PRINTERS’ Whiskers. eratious horn here, living not in the crowded STOCK, | oct27 distf School officer* and Teacher* are invited to ad* dress the und squalid alley ol a city, but iu It. A. A E. Comprising Cap. Letter, Folio Post ar.d Demy Pa- JOHN W. MUNGER & publishers. living lhe«e ALEXA^UEK, | SON, Agents. Coni and of the book* will he furnished for extended with room pers, Card Stock, of cheap, medium and best iiual- Wood! Copies examina* valleys on tilla- I or thov will be sent mail on enough, *1 H’ OonguenH I [ties. leptiBtf FI LTO\ FISH MARKET! -AT THE- tiou, by receipt of the ble the soil o( Street, w hich is lor the lands, unequalled fertility and | po-tagr. Sixth, 24 cents ; Fifth. ‘.V the (HiTwrcli Oak.4t Grceu -AT- LOWEST cents: Fourth. It* cents: Third market near. We passed several log huts st».,) PRICES FOR CASH. Primary, 12 ceuts- about Olticc ol tlie Occitai liiMii aucc Co., DELIVERED TO AXY PART Of Second Primary, 9 cents; and First H ct*. all the same size and style. of now in store one of the most btvlhdi as- and Medical Books TIIE CII Y Primary, In'one Singing Ao. 1IO Federal Street. A V tlie houses HAVEsort ineir <8 of the above mimed ever XIIOR V AO Til E. rnblication we entered wo first found four dir- goods kept iu stock, ami sold at Publisher’s prices. Pohtlavi>. Nov. 4. 1863. tl^Thc of the Old .Series will be cou* offered for *aJe in the latest a a* children on the thi&city, including Fall following is statement of the a flairs of this Our Coal is of the BUST tinued heretofore. ty-faced lying floor, aud arc also fpilE eery tjuality, ami war* covering Wiuter *t vies. They constantly in n Entire satisfaction guarantied to all 1 Company, rendered in pm«uancc of the ranted to themselves with feed such as our of parties require- rV. HOPKINS give satiafactiou. bags, quar- ceipt patter .is of the latest styles, from the famau* ordering. oc!7 oort&w low meuta of Chap. 49, Sec. 21, of the Revised Statutes termasters draw their corn and oats in for the cMubUfcbnteuc »f Madame Demurest,Broadway,New oi the State of Maine: Has this -ALSO, FOB SALK- * als opened horses. We saw iu a corner on Easbic liable dress making carried on in ( Stock iu BEEWEB & some ragged all its apitul paid $140,000 All Kinds of Kuril anil TILEST0N, brauehe *. octiiodtf Bank and other Stocks. FISH Moll Wuoil. 131 W Ho.ton. bedclothes a woman who is insane, has ALBERT WEBB A CO., 112,650 eCMTK.il. MARKET n.hiugtoti SI., ing Loau* on mortgages of real estate and tieen taken ill a few weeks our citizens. oc'ii violently ago. I -UEALEKB IK stock*, 17,867 To accommodate The Public are iuvited to give us a call, as we are TuThA88whw8wl8 afterwards Notice. buuud to salialactioti us with saw her sitting upon the hearth and Premium Note* ami Bill* receivable ou SALT AND SMOKED FISH. /jive to all who favor it was as Port Office, Portland. Me., ( ! FRESH. their custom. sad and deplorable a as I ever Flour and band, 58.266 46 Onld Found. sight October 31st, 1863. i Corn, Grain, Real estate, Of description, and Lobsters, tube had at this saw. I will no of the 2o.ooo every quantity of coin wa. picked la attempt description face r November 2*1, Mails tor the South Cash on hand, estublLisment. OFFICE NO. 49 COMMERCIAL STREET. gold up the street or the HEAD OK MERRILL’S WHARF. 7.762 01 \ on Moudav. Hie owner can bar. It fllthy, ragged clothing. None ol these will close at 1$ o'clock P M and the Whole amount at risk, 3764.505 Orders will be auswered and delivery made to those bv ealiiu. * McALLISTER. at the olttco ot the t ity Marahal. can read or or the Kennebec will be discontinued Csuiiuiicliil ■ who tuav desire, open until o’clock P M RANDALL & proving pron.i;yr people write. The children could Hoiiluud, Me. of liabilities, 5.470 31 and paying fur thi. advertlitemcnt. A T. DOEK, P. M Jtf'Jkt t uov6dlw Gf-0. A Jt«4tr aua'.'o dlitf | WRhili|, secretary. ootT dfl atf JOHN 8 MkAl U fm ■ — ■■ A N l> SELECTED. Stocking* iilf it Mnlne Regiment. ORIGINAL BIT ta!; First Lmut. S-domon J. Mrs Ion, Go, H, I S re liner Harvest; Muon. Unix. Bangor. THE DAILY PRESS. and hn* ist Bark ila rv Booth, Dri-ro. >' E\V a of rtf the Itnppnhnnnork by General W. House, Co. I, do.; Sergeant Thatcher Vose, BrigJ II Dillingham, Harrington, Matanzas—K Jlvude—f held A Co. ure not accustomed to oversee rederieksbunj by General Co. do. : John Churchill X5os»t the Press is larger spi ciors very j Mr. Frederick Hale of Ellsworth, was K, Sergeant Iloioer, do. do.; the circulation of Daily ~§" Kilpatrick. llrig Mechanic, Marstuu, Havana—Hight & Dyer | -i^lcturoa, the of these vessels, Corporal Theodore N. Kerr, do. do.; Corporal * ***'<”>• ■>’"< other in the city. closely discharging | admitted to the Hancock at a late term wxrreet them to * than that of any daily bar, Nkw York, Nov. 8. Levi Win. *atisfactiou.]»'“** give Blood,do, do.; Warton, do. do.; A fore-and-aft schooner ot 25© perfect which are visited from time to time, of tlte Court iu '.bat of the ton*, railed the iCtUr®8 flnialied simply Supreme county. Headquarter* Army lJotornac, Nov. Fergus do.; Patrick “Marcus Hunter," built Master ( lias in Uil er *«k at the lowest three months Sth. 4 t*. Potter,do. I)ryau,do, do.; by Tupper, was I Txaus,—96.0# a year if paid mithtn one the super- M.—I leurn that our is well launched from the of E pr^?Tl inspector frequently having j The house ol Alexander Weaver in army Emile IIuiHiemait,do.do.; Fred. Dana,do. do.; yard Richardson, at Jones- at the end if over the 1 on the 31st ult. She is owned 4 rilASK A the date snbtcr or 97.00 on one occa- river, and Gen. Sedgwick’s advance Allen do. do.: Peter do. boro, by Joiiu IJulway DAVIS, from of iption, vision of several of them. But I Cunningham, Cheater, & Ellsworth was tire on has reached Song, of Machine*. destroyed by Thursday Brandy Station. This will be a Daniel W. do. Solomon 27 Market over the gear. ■si. the something do.; Bay ley, do.; W. t Square. Morrison's Picture n, inspector, suspecting of last week of hot work. novlbtf week. Liddey., do. do. The sale* are bv the New York Frame More. his whole attention to the dis- The Herald's following reported wr mg, devoted Washington dispatch says ad- Shipping List: Bark Express. 2©l tons, built at that on Wed- \V Home lor Soldiers' Orphans. The ~#“Tlke Bangor Whig says vices from the front are to the effect Pc asset in 1847, for *325©; sch White Sea, 175 charge of one of these craft*. captain | that Gen. From Charleston. term, j built at Harpsweil in 18©©, on terms. ■Removal. an no less titan seven Kilpatrick the and of private More than two years since Association wu work ol discharg- nesday night last, dwellings occupied city hights 9. evidently uneasy—the | New York, Nov. from N,J-113 to dore ilk wore entered rot liters. Fredericksburg,ami was in a posbiou to hold recently7 in New York, colled “The Insti- went on one seemed Hampden by The Morris Bland of the DISASTERS. “Onuph-d by Messrs. Charlcc It. & Witt formed ing cargo slowly—every them until the infantry could reach him. It correspondent .gens Jo.. on the 3d states that Brig Caroline E the leading object of but the A sister of General Grant was mairied is Tribune, writing inat., Kelley. Fredericks, at Cardenas •No*. 107 & 109 tute of Reward,” great impatient imperturbable inspector, probable that the army has already reached j from 1 ortlaud. -truck Cowmen in I ; Block Island H occupied by our troops. It is on Salt Cay Shoal* on the pas- Street, in State a watched the seal- in Cikwdikuatt. a few him, and is now itself on the sage out and lost rudder. whol e wo »!ia!l conduct which is to establish every loyal who patiently proceedings, Covington, Ky., opposite intrenching nearer to Charleston than other held a whclesale south bank of the any point MeriiarU. Jami-eon. ,t and half ol wln n he went to his meals. since to a in.ui of the Methodist Rappahannock. J'1!1!1 Barbailnv, from Home for the orphans orphans ing op the hatches days clergy : with the of the extreme encountered a : The following is taken from the Herald, by us, exception rnilHilolphia, hurricane isein In in lat Grocer j. Plonr and Provision Business. wlio have sacrificed their the that his detention Church. north end of Morris Island, 27. bin 30. in wln. li lo*t fnretnpin»,t ami >aj| Soldiers and Sailors Finally captain, teeing Times and rivtiluor> Tribune’s accounts of the and with boom ■ novkJ dft w3w W. ft engage- Tiie view that can he here obtained of the flying jih, rigging. t\ It. M1LIJKKR. altar, to preserve in was to be and ineut: j lives upon their country’s port likely long expensive, £5f“The uikited societies of Dart- : literary is very With a some of the Ibis November city good. glass !*• KtEVRS. Kashionatde v„ honor and to maintain its authority. announced that he had on board tire him died 1th.—Major General Sedgwick, A Mi.iiary’• ***** its mouth College have elected John G. Saxe of i sign-boards Ikj read the houses. DOMESTIC PORTS. A. auJ tiiK the of the cou- may ii|>on Tailor, of the best-known were commanding right wing tinny, —Sid Association embraces many pairs of stockings which forwarded by as llicir for the next annual com- The rebels have in vain tried to shell us away 7th, ship Syren, Sears, lor SW Street. Albany poet nting of the 5lh ami Oth corps, left Warren- Liverpool Exchange citizens of the Empire iw a from this We are well entrenched and and most influential tfii.on in Nova Scotia gift mencement. ton this with place. NEW' ORLEANS—Ar 28tli ult, sympathisers morning, orders to proceed to brig Ocean Wave, \RKss COATS, I’tiVTS and V mer- covered by the gnus of the Commo- Alchorn. New York. | EaTS, and Hi-i- — lawyers, physicians, to a Maine A smile Station And take and hold that gunboat Ltv,i ~'»'t-I made State, clergymen, regiment! grim lighted Rappahannock Cld Lisbon V (oOlder, at (bo s.c.rt uutioo of r.Jf“Tbe inauguration of Ruv. Asa D. dore 24th, ship Brown. New York; 27th, IT », trades and The march was a and the McDonough. bout*. A. U REEVES w» ghantsandmen ol all professions, up the countenauce of the inspector at ibis position. rapid one, bark Argeau, Cladding, do; brig itaaka, Coburn, Exchange St. Smith, D. I)., as President of Dartmouth Col- i*t division of the Oth under — Boston. Valkntine Mott is the Presi- in (Wright's) corps, l)r. sudden development of Uniou sympathy Below 3©th. from /.HAVE .IAI callings. lege, is appointed to take place at Hanover, Brig. Gen. 1). A. Russell,*Gen. Wright being Gen. Meade ordered to briny on a Decisive ship Motintuiner. N**w York R,PI*U J3AliITS, RETS. aud David P. Holto* is the Corres- in considera- Battle. Cld 24t»i, A Leerlioff. ‘•“‘c> Waists Ladles «ur and mad* to-or- dent and Ur. Nwa JScctia, aud the Collector, in command of the reai be 1 the brig Hopkins. Philadelphia; T", *l jor N. II. oil Wednesday, 18lh inst. corps, hights 28th. tch Wm Wilson. Pierce, Ruatuu Island. * L> KEEVE.V, 9* SI. and General In the consented this side of the river about 1 Nov. 9. Ewhw.ge ponding Secretary Agent. tion of the munificence of gift, 1\ M. ami drove Washington, Towed to *ea. ship C C Duncan. we jy Private R. Co. C, 17th in the Gen. Howe’s di- The of “Gen. KEY WEST—Passed 21st bark tlVEKY IMC4I the list of Vice Presidents aud Trustees to overlook the accidental omission ol the Veri-ill, Maine, enemy’s pickets. (2d) Intelligencer to-day says: by ult. Bradford, ^ A, Mem Cables, Now York for Vera X-S and cut at is one of tlie soldiers who lias died at vision of the same corps was on Russell's Meade’s orders are to press the rebels with a Cruz; brig Ocean Wave, Hoys short notice, at names whose is confined to in the manifest. So a Maine reg- recently from do for do. A. L>. 99 notice reputation importation and commenced soon view of on a decisive battle. Our KKLVRg', lawebsnge Street. from the effects of and right, skirmishing after, bringing Pi iHT ROYAL SC—Sid 1st L L as the of let- and the Annapolis cruelty inst, ship Sturge*, no State but is as wide republic iment got a supply of uice stocking, and drove the enemy before them. whole force is now between the Rappahan- Williams. New York. starvation while a at Richmond. lUIKB ill the shape ol Clothing for M.» humane efforts. The chief for a of prisoner The 5th under Gen. found : nock aud the Ar 2t*th. sch J R Mitchell. Eld New York. laR' and E,p ters or the field of Nova Scotians got credit degree good corps, Maj. Sykes, Rapidan.” ridge. Boj.nwdetoord. r w ith nealii. se ami BALTIMORE—Cld 8th. um- been to The Dover Observer there is their skirmish line on the south of the ship Minstrel, Bangs, for A~ U of the Association thus far has fee' toward our which is hard- jjf* says a Orange Boston. U Exchange s! labor ll* government Sr Alexandria She a woman in another column picking Sambuc which in tht Railroad, stretching down tow- Ar 8th. sch Elizabeth Arcularins, Jackson. N York. swell a “Patriotic Fund,” 1 >rnc out the advices from deep feeling of religious interest Acad- I for Speer's Wine. It is an admirable article AI.IEfY OK establish and ly by published ards Normand's ford. division of Ew- Grapes, PH ILA DELPHI A—Ar bark >1 \ CI.OTIIS, Caesim. res and Vest- Early’s nsed in the first families in Paris tttli, Williamson. » invested in available iu that which lias resulted in sev- hospitals,and by lugs always on hand at is and that quarter. emy town, ell's rebel the on this I Loudon and New York, in *to old Port Thompson, Apalachicola: schs Harper, Coomb*, fin safely profitably corps occupied hights preference A. U. HEEV ES’, VS St. estab- ul side Wine, it is worth a a* it satisfac Calais; Undine, Baker. Portland. Exchauge to be used at the time in conversions. of the river, the works upon w hich they trial, gives great shape, proper tion. Cld tttli. sells Eoui.-a Walsh, Eaton, < alais: Ida F had so turned as to make them defensible from dec27dly Ml LIT A Y the of State Teacher*’ Association. Wheeler, Dyer, Portamontii; C'alista, R and .Natal oflicer can bo the “Homes” for orphaus patri- fcF”C alifornia papers ultimate that tlie Aiuesbury, MSPVKKV titled lishing attack in this direction. (These works were and Pioneer, Tapley. Boston. out at the laiiorieg ljiab.islix.ent ot sailors to which we have al- To th$ Editor of the Tress: of that State is At Delaware A IT otic soldiers aud population being quite rapidly captured last summer by our forces while we S P K V I A L N OTICEi. Breakwater 5th, brig Harriot, Brown, |}g REEVES, U0 Eac hall go St. fund—now considerable Allow me lo call the attention of teachers from Cardenas for Portland. referred. This diminished for the benefit of Nevada and occupied the line of the Rappahannock.) The NEW ready anil others tolbe annual ol tile Slate YORK—Ar 7th. barks Gazelle. Black. Bar- IAL ArrEXTION glvcc ill garttiegap Bo>V of lectures meeting other enemy had strengthened them by digging a bad oes; Sarah E Bryant, Lane, Turks Island KG I J .Jackets, l'ahts and —is being swollen by proceeds which will be held in outride mining region*. Overcoats at Teachers’ Association, semi-circle of Parsons' Celebrated W l. mnhni. ocean who donate rifle pits around their front.— Cough Candy Dodgn, Jarvia, brig* fnitllw A O. REEVES VS Exchange St. speakers on and of Mausanillm; Win JlovIOdtf given by distinguished Bali), Monday, Tuesday Wednesday ZJ0** The new Veteran Cavalry regiment Such was the formidable which Rus- (retails only 12 ct* per package,)for tho cure of Bron- Frethy. Nickel*.Knotts, Baltimore; of position sch A E Glover. Iiarrnon, New Orleans. their services, by publication interesting Thanksgiving week. sell's brave attacked and carried chitis, Hoarseness, Couyh*. ('obis, and Iritation of to be recruited iu this Stale, will encamp upon boys to-day. < Id 7th, ship Uncle Joe. Nickels, Panama; barks NOTICE. of the war, hv the All tlie railroads will furnish flee return of I. the Throat. free from all (* W facts and historic incidents Col. Tompkins the 1st R. artillery, and Being wholly disagreeable | llorton. Packard. Cayenne; Princeton, Seeley. l.ave disposed of our interest in the store at and the the grounds opposite the State House, where tickets lo members in tendance, chief of ou Gen. ft is Deinarara; Reindeer, Barbadoes; J;m- WErecently cs In M ,sr* » of the of the Association—the artillery Sedgwick’s staff, taste, peculiarly adapted to the above diseases in Wellington. occupied by t C. H organ citizens <>t Bath otler ; the l*t Maine, per, Chase. New Orleans; schs Lite Boat. Reed. Tor- MIL/. / A i. S, who wilt continue proceeds very generally gratui- cavalry encamped. Martin’s of the 5th U. $. Childreu as well as adults. the tat-in****. as vol- posted Capt. battery Prepared by Siiort A Tilt. heretofore of thelnstituteof Reward—ami by tons entertainment lo ladies aud tugas: Nye, Fastport; Boundary Devi*. Bos- We would hereb) solicit for them th** Journal gentlemen, and Waterman's of corner of Free aud ZIP** Col. Fessenden’s Veteran Regiment artillery Capt. Battery C, Waterhouse, Apothecaries, ton; A E Willard, Connelly, do; Francisco. Kilby, coiitinusi.ee of the fa* or of our former cukIohum-s for that A large members of the aud untary donations purpose. Association. the 1st R. I. upon the about three- Middle Portland, Me. The testimon- Portsmouth. the trade as oi ail will into at Col. hights, streets, highest 1 generally, worthy couiideDce. move- The time of the Convention w ill be occu- go camp Augusta to-day. Ar 7th, fm London; W e have takeu an oftce in the work of this meritorious quarters of a mile this side of the liver.— ials can be of the of this ship Southampton, Whitney, up stairs, the -am** build- portion of given superior qualities ex- Alamo. loss pied by lectures, essays, discussion*, singing Reals’ Veteran regiment have been in camp These commenced to shell the works about 3 brig* Steele, Mayaguez (with ot sails); ‘“f; fHAKLKS ROUKR* ft < 0. ment is ladies. The following cellent Cough Remedy, For sale by all Druggists. | Eli/a Thompson. Ward. Guayaniila. I ortlaud, Jiov.3d, IAS. performed by and exeieises in leaching. All persons inter- and afterward R. uovJudftw3w about a mouth. o’clock, shortly Gen. C. Ty- Portland, Oct. 27. 1S63. 3medAweow Sid 8th, ships Harvest t^ueen, and Hobomok; bark a of the modus ope- work of education are in- circular explains portion ested in live great ler, commanding the reserve artillery, who j Tempest, and Amelia. Potatoes are :n for 5b Mulct. vited to attend. Edward P. Wkstos. selling ltangor was on the his PROVIDENCE—Sailed 8th. sch Fannie Mitchell, ground,seut Adjutant General, Idrectorx of the COMMITKES. for the Ex-Com. Johnson, New York (or Portland.) j rpiIE UAIXR MUTUAL FIHF HISTORIC ami 59 cents a bushel. The Gardiner Journal (’apt. C. II. Whittlesey, to order up Cant. C. i. HANt'E I Cowell & Morrell have received their WAREI1AM—Sid 7tb, brig J W Woodruff. Eaton. I^el OMUAM >’, bating made the Gorham, 1803. just a*se*«4iu*‘ut behalf of and Half Orphans of Nov.9, bushels there than in some I). Tulls’f.t’i independent battery of ?Ix 20- Philadelphia -Hrh of -aid Company. ami committed In Orphans says they get bigger of DRY are P. S. Will other call atten- FALL STOCK GOODS, and prepared 1 the s uae to m«* to member *» r< Soldiers and Sailors, it is recommend- papers please pound Parrott's, making in all eighteen guns WOOD’S HOLE—Ar 7»h, ship White Swallow, collect. are '*ied to* Patriot other a consideration. to show the one of selected Bunker. pay the amount of their that in each tion to tills Convention. places, very important in them at this short public the best stocks in Howland's Bland. j respective bills to me. or to ed the Institute of Reward engaged shelling range. an authorized toe to by the at the lowest for ('ASH, on HOLMES’S HOLE—Ar 8th inst. schs C F Young, j spoilt by reeuivo the same, with- or Committees of The 2d now The whs and the effect demor- city, price** delivery. iu school district, town ward, Cavalry regiment being firing splendid Hume. Curacoa for i'ortland: Geo E Prescott. Mills, i thirty days from In c. 1st. 18H3. that there Call ami see. I'-.* Middle Street. to in Bounties.—It is very desirable That of was al- Baltimore for Boston; New York Packet. CHARMS* ilLMI'HKEY. C ollector. Ladies should be organized preserve in this Suite, will a demand alizing. theeuemy’s artillery Randall, organized -,-v ...... 1HS3. eodtf for H Yarmouth, Nor. 18(3. so — Portland, 3, do; S and Sa- 10th, eotlfew3w21* the records of events in the should be a uniform of bounties *- Sept. hlizahethport Lindsay. Emery, written volumes system ... for about 1200 horses, all of which are to be I rah Louisa. Newcomb. New A or* for do; Eliza Wil-* volunteers in their While this was on Gen. Ilussell was soldier life of the respect- that each volunteer may net very the going liarns Corson, Philadelphia tor Eyun; Leopard.Tur- nearly iu ll.i« a maximum o. with his Lie his hues Waal'"i. localities. purchased State,at price busy musketry. pushed ner. do for Ipswich: S D Hart. Wall. Havre de * trace ive same amount. The States of Connecticut and PHI *125. of skirmishers upon both flanks of the lor Bowdoinham; Wm Butina: Smart. Dighton lor |-iANVA8SKRSf.,r NATIONAL BA V.VFR is: enemy’s you are to the or North- .V and Journal of iho The in many places are to have extra sessions of £'y"If going West, South, In.x..^...... mror- plan adopted Massachusetts work* until nearly sunset, when his new brig- of The Press states that a West, prr-.cure Tickets at Littte’b Union Ar 7tl», trigs Harriet. Brown, Sierra Morer a via pttaua Patriot*, hr Maine. .Uaxn.cl.uxt a tail In a blank volume of suitable siro of : fry Philadelphia ade, of the 5th Wisconsin, 5th Mair.e Through 1st To tabulate the legislature for the purpose securing composed Cardenas for Gloucester; James Cro*b>. Bunker, AewUainptfh.ru. l.u.a. tliat. appl.cat.ou .UoaM bo liativl and other in tliat In tn Ticket Office, No. .31 Exchange Street where you matte to 8 L. tbe names, ages, y, oecupation. private dispatch icceived city and 12ist New York, was ordered to for Orison A da in-. Bal- CARLKTJN Jitfo., .Vo. ay Middle SI. sailors from tho in this is charge Georgetown Boston; Waite. Items of all soldiers and given uniformity particular. Nothing j the rifle and may have a choice of routes at the lowest rates of timore fur uovll) dlw* Washington says it is understood to be sett- pits earthworks upon both flunks, Portland: Lincoln Webb, Lloyd, do lor exorbitant but an fare, ami obtain all needful information. Hath: *ch Komlout for Bo-ton. of tho sev- gained by paying bounties, j led by Gen. Russell iu went Lookout, Wall, rocord thp disposition led that Geu. Buell is to be Gen. Grant's person. They NEW sch A locality p,m.ra| at- Major Nov. 1363. BEDFORD—S.ld 8th, Jameson, Jainc- 4(lmliii*tr;fttor'« ^alc. or ships to which they nay Is- amount sufficient tapay every man who vol- I steadily and onward, as 2, TuTbS&wtf eral'companies silently fighting they son. N**w Yoik. OTICE is leri-bv tbe h features connected with tho new chid of start', given, that pursuant to license tached.and adiug as or earn else- until nearing the works fixed BOS I ON—Ar 7th. bark Robit son. New unteers, much mote than can proceeded, they Commerce, N fr.»in tlie Probate Court ol Cumberland « eun- labor of tlio-c divisions respectively. Da. J. W. Kelley will be in attendance at hit sch Elizabeth. bayonets and in with cold steel. Th ■ Orleans: Knsbie. Eli/abctbport tv. I shall to sell at To solicit and receive letters written to friends where should lie raised. It has been 2:IT* The first snow of the season, here, fell pitched proc-ed public atic ion, at the 3d supposed Medical Office, 214 Congress street, op|M>site the Un- Ar Hth ship Hampden, Pendleton. Leith: bark lion.HO of the in tho Army and Navy as uiav be of was too much even for the flower of the dwelling subscriber, In Kaymoi d iu by Individuals from 3 to 5 o'clock. verbalist to Persia, Jones, Cronstadt: sch* Mi-nn, Heart, Capo •aid oh the collate and record such that &IUO in addition to the bounty offered yesterday morning, for was i Church, give advice and prescribe in all County, 15th uay of Itocember, A. H. general interval—to credit, by Southern army, it the much vaunted llaytien; Watchman, Ober. J P and other evidence of the forms Georgetown: Aims, i^rS, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, so much of the lettera extracts of letters, the Federal Government is a sufficient At II o’clock last night, it commenc- Louisiana that found and of disease, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 10th Rvder.Rondout; pecu- again brigade they there, Reynold*. Philadelphia; Olizaoti*. real esta'u ol .lauiea M late ot said noble deeds or the delenders of our nation, as mar Joidan, Kay- after a short baud to hand contest and 11th ot November. The sick are invited to call. Union, White. andOtts. Ames. Komlout; W d. as or form valuable addi- to volunteers. ed snowing, but it melted about as rapidly as they turned George inoud. ceased will produce the suui of three prove of apecis) local interest, niary inducement procure If, Advice free. nuvTd&wlw Snow, lia.-kcil, White, Ban- to flee toward their which were EJi/abethport; Dime, hundred and dollar* and tion to Americau and history. it tell. At 3 this the pontoon**, ly- ninety-four seventy-live biography with such with the morning thermometer gor. cent.-—the saiu-’t inducements, together in b mg necessary tor the pay m**nt of ing directly their rear, but here they were ('Id 7th. ship John k Albert. Gorham. Now Or- the contributions are stood at 33 Made from the pure Hat sums of Vermont. debts of said decern-ini aud charg< * oi* adminis- of these publish- love of that should degrees. our leans: Waltham. *cln» Albert [Portions country inspire every loyal foiled; boys had already secured the ap- brig Wiley, Wiscasset; tration OLIVER 1*. JORDAN, Administrator Executive Dexter, Jeretnie; D K Bel- ed under the authorization of the tile number of men cannot The recent of Generals proach to the bridge,and they had no alterna- sparrow, Arey. Ryan, Nov 7th, >863. 21 «3W citizen, requisite jy victory Sedg- N. H. Downs's Vegetable Balsamic Elixir. last; Alpine. Elliott. Bath. one of the characteristic tive but to swiiu for it. Some of them tried Committee, forming be obtained lei the draft tie resorted to. This wick and French on the Rappahannock, by This honest, standard old Cough Remedy, made Ar 9th. -hip Harriet, Mooney. Malaga: brig Ire e. A<1 the but it was no hiiiii*fr>Mor'* hale. of the Institute of latter, easy matter, ami they in Vermont, ha* been used w ith entire success for Look. Philadelphia: sch* Ophir, Urann, Sullivan; features of the ‘•Journal amount could lie raised the state or which lbtX) rebel were is all VOTIfE i* to by partly prisoners captured yielded. When those on the opposite shore thirty-three years. It is warranted as usual for Astoria. Smith. Ellsworth: Nimrod, Turner, ami hereby given that, pursuant license Oncco. Post. Ada S Clement*, i.1 from the iioi; of Probate lor the Reward.” the state and tlie balance the towns and the more from the fact that it was found that we held this end of the Coughs, Coltfs, Whooping Cough, Crimp. Asthma, Bangor: Wiawell, do; Judge county by by refrcslrtug bridge, they oi 1 shall at aud a-1 diseases of thr throat. Chest and Lungs, Dover Packet. Averill; Marv Hall, Rattis.and Glide Cumberland. sell public auction uu Sat- This interesting inci- set tire to their side and a the periodical, embracing cities, with the understanding that the amount so unexpected. Hot work is expected for the destroyed portion and all diseases tending to Consumption. Ha-kell, Rockland: Exeter. Snow Bath. urday, 12th day of December, 1863, at 10 o’clock A M at No. 74 Cumberland iu dents in American and al- of it. We have testimonials from many of the be«*t physi- (‘Id 9th. brig Lillian. Johnson, Gnnaive*- street, tlie city of History Biography, shall be uuiforin. next lew weeks. Portland, (uulo** This closed at dark one of the most brilliant cians and gentlemen of standing,'among whom we SALLM—Ar 8th. brig II H MeGilvery, Carver, fm previously disposed of at private and so so educational and items, mention the lion. Paul Lieut, l.ov. of Boston toi sch Ida L Howard. sale.) much of the real estate of Ibouia* Hawks, philanthropic of the war. was Dillingham. Searsport: McDuffie, jy A crowd of rowdies assailed a building actions It fought by the late of Wind ham iu said between .Maine Prisoners nt Richmond. Vermont; Hon. Rates Turner, late Judge of the Su- Philadelphia for Portland county, deceased, includ- the medium of communication same that so stormed and car- trie reversion of the being occupied by several women in Presque Isle troops gallantly Court of Vermont; Dr. J. B. Woodward, GLOUCESTER—Ar Hth. brig Catharine Rogers. ing widow's dower therein, as the Institute ried the of fet. Yeaton. New York for Portland: sell* (. li- will produce the sum ot hundred dollars. the benefactors and recipients, The following names are copied from an bights Mary’s, at the second Breinerigade Surgeon U. S. Army. Lake, eight with stone* and clubs, smashing in windows JOHN F. I1F.NRY * CO.. nos*. Bucksport for New York; Eg Buxton, Tit- PALL HALL. an and battle of Fredericksburg. Proprietors, and the public, has become accepted official list of Union officers held comb, Saco for do. Administrator do bonis nou of said estate. prisoners and one of the inmates on the — SuccessorstoN.it Downs, # billing head, H'arrentoicu Junction, Nov. 8. Noon. Nov. 6. 1*8. 21 w3w useful visitor to its and remunerative the rebels at on the iWth Octo- Watkkuuky. Vt. patrons, by Richmond, the of the our forces com- her so bad that it is feared that she Upon tilting fog 'rice 25 cents, 50 cents, and *1 per bottle. FOREIGN injuring FORTS. HE subscriber to the Institute.! ber last: menced crossing and found little or no opposi- H 11. Ilav uiidJ. W. Perkins A Co., Portland. f|1 hereby gives public notice to all Will not recover. A at Genoa 17th ult. abfp Moro ( astle. Boas, from X concerned, that he has been aud of the death of these soldiers or Dow. tion. are now Me., wholesale agents for Maine. oc5ed&ew6w* duly appointed 4th, In the event Brigadier General Neal They pressing forward toward Ardrossan. taken himself the trust of the HistoricTommlttee will upon Administrator of the sailors leaving children, Colonel Char'# * W Tiidt-n, 161 h Maine. :y Arrangements are being made on tiie Culpepper. Aral (irecnock—th ult. ship Missouri, Hughes, estate of find their records s bond of sympathy toward L. let Maine ; A. M. special burgeon*—8. Henry, ca\airy The Second division of the Third un- New York. Joseph \v. weeks. and will, as Foster Parents, l*t Kennebec, Penobscot,and var'uus other corps, tbe needy orphans, Parker, Maine cavalry. rivets, GREAT DISCOVERY.—Anadhesivepreparation At Buenos Ay re* 25th. ship B Ay mar. saw- for their as in the or- 11. der Gen. II. Prince, crossed the river last eve- Sept late of Portland iu the County of Cumberland, de- make such provision proteges ('antns—f*. l*»lbbury,5th Maine: K. W. Att- lakes and in this to secure a from New York, bark /one. wig. ponds State, that will STICK yer, disg: Bursley. c a*ed. bond as the law directs: he there- dcr of Providence, be«t they can. wood, 16th Maine; John A»er, l'itli Maine. ning at Kelly's ford, and captured 252 of the At Rio Janeiro 1st uit. bark Adelaide. Luu'air.di-g by giving Patches and to Roots Shoe* fore requests all who are indebted to the said Birst Lieut* rant*—II. M. Anderson. 8*1 Maine: L. large quantity of ice the coming season. Second and North Carolina Linings and sufficient Sid 1-t uit. bark Leighton, Randall, for St Thomas persons known that on the 2d of Tnirty-eighth reg- deceased’s estate, to make immediate aud It is well July, C. Hi*ke, bull Maine; J. H. Da>,3. L. That will At Barbadoea 19th ult, bark Montezuma Ham- passed an Agricultural College to remain and until ordered to cdectually mend Furniture. Crockery *ame tor settlement to LEWlg PIKK< E. 1862, Congress Gilman, 3d Maine; G. A 16th Mail e; S. S. ice in this State last Rather tight retreat or mond. from New York, ar 15th disg: Irma. Russell, birring, year. slippery ail Port.ami. Nov 3. 1863. w8w* to each State “in quantity Stevens and J. D. hibb. 6Hi Maine; ti. K. blink, 3d taken General Prince’s waded Toys.and articles of household use. from do do; John Bernard. Jame- 2i bill, appropriating business. prisoners. boys Philadelphia, brig Maine: (». A. Chandler, 6th Maine; A A. KobhiiiH. was Belt Makers, son. from ar lit a, disg, lor l>ematara. to acres of land lor each seuator the ford, which about waist deep, and the Philadelphia, fflHE subscriber give* notice to a1* equal 30,000 4tli Maine; M. C. Wadsworth, him Maine. Boot and Shoe Makers, \rat Ponce 16th ult, brig Abby Watson, Auld, hereby public The Ellsworth American a little had to w ade back. X concerned,that he liar beeu and in to which the t•rival*'#—Jerome Clark, 4th Maine; il. Vounj, 2;y says prisoner’s Manufacturers and Machinists, Mill to duly appointed and representative Congress idge. takou upon himself the trust ot Aministiator of 4th SaiM. Hie wouuded are arming here, on their And Families At 19th ult. brig Mecosta. Dunbar, from tbe girl belonging to one of the schools in that Mayiftwi the estate of States are entitled by appor- to are tor Turk- 0 to load lor respectively way Washington. Cars also ordered willflnd it invaluable! It Millbridge, disg, Island day*, JOSEPH town, was mu over by a lumber team a few wiHeffbctuall) stopth BARSTOW. tionment under the census of I860.” This New Hooks.—Messrs. O. L. Sanborn k for 1500 250 of whom were taken leakage of t oal Oil. Boston. prisoners, by from Maii£ani!la 19th ult. Brad- late ot North Yarmouth iu the of Cumberland, the wheel over her neck. It is insoluble in water or oil. Sai’ed brig Urania. county is to be sold for the establishment of an have received “Waller’s Tour in East” days since, passing the left w ing, under Gen. French. The pris- decea*«*d, bond a* tlie law directs; land Co., 11 is a and as as ford. Boston. by giving oners are now are liquid, easily applied pa«te. he therefore all who are indebted to the aad “Pater Own Strange to say, she jumped up and ran into arriving. They chiefly It will adhere At do 17th ult, brig Henry, lVrkio*, for N York r»*quest* persons College in each State, leg- Parley’s Story,” published oily substances. the said deceased'* estate to make immediate Agricultural from North Carolina and and It is G days. pay- the school “it did not hurt her Louisiana, they aud which shall vote to the SlicMan A New York. These are house, saying, ** Arat Havana 28>h ult, brig* Titos Connor, York. ment; those who have any i* ‘mauds thereon, to islature of accept grant by Co., say to our You all could not have ta- HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT ! boys* Portland: 39tli. K 9 Haaaell. Miute, Cardenas: l*t exhibit the same for settlement to on which and useful books for and much.” Hilton Brothers. Proprietors, attd to with the conditions interesting youth ken us if we bail hail like Jul- JOHN 8. BARSTOW comply bayouet* yours.” Providence. R. I. inst bark P C Alexander. Merriman, Portland; “O ihats’s North Yarmouth, Nov. 3, 1863. 21 w8w* it is made. One of these conditions may be read with interest hy [persons of .all The Newbury port Herald says “the gammon! played out. We did the ia. Blanchard. Boston: brig 11 IS Emery Gregg, fm requires bark same at can in from 2 oz. to Portland: sch Julia,-. do; 2d. Almoner, is dead now. am! we thing Fredericksburg,and always Supplied packages 100/5*., by the establishment of au Experimental Farm. ages. Democracy enough hope I.anphor. do; brigs Nancy N Locke. McCalmon. and fflllE subscriber notice to all do it. Our orders were to go into those works, CI1AS. RICHARDSON ft CO., hereby gives public Messrs. & have received a the will it HI Broad C II Kennedy, Luke, do:’ Mauzoui, Carlsou, Soars- X concerned, that he has been duly appointed and Since the passage of this Agricultural Col. Hailey Noyes Republican party keep dead, by and we should have done it, or no Street, Boston, bayonets Sole Agents for New Flugland. port taken upon himself the trust of Administrator of lege bill by Congress, tbe Institute of Reward new novel entitled “Pit. bark Sol Wildea. Bunker. New York : the estate of feblTdly sch Mabel Moore, Portland; 28th, bark (»ertrudc, **L Boston. broad foi the continent.” This we got close up to the and then HANNAH BASTON, have seen in its provisions the means by which >ring” policy enough redoubts, Chase1. New York: 39th Angelia Brewer. Foss. do. filed them.” late of North Yarmouth iu the county of Cumber- made It. L. Davis has received of J. CL Is for a that has inner Ar at < ardeuav 2l*t ult. bark John Aviles, Back- its own great purpose may be attainable, poems pretty good paper Cape Elizabeth. land, deceased.by giving boud as the law directs; lie Another account states: At dusk the 6t’i July 1.1868. man. Boston; 27th. brig C E Kelley, Fredericks, W! War shown the to the connection with the'state Re- therefore requests all persons who are indebted to and that too in a way to gladden every loyal ittier, entitled In Time,” published slightest leaning Republican Maine w as as a double skirmish Sir;—During my Portland: 3l-t. Almon Rowell, Boyd. do. deployed line, form a-* a I.. F Atwood's tin* said deceas»*d’s estate to make immediate School, teacher. Bitters Ar at Mat an/as .9th ult. hark John GritTiu, Chase. pay- heart. ficknnr A Field, Boston. the 5th Wisconsin Itciug drawn iu line ol ni*‘ut; and those who have demands to and benevolent They ask, therefore, by organization. up were introduced there and used with marked success, New York: brig Essex. Bain, Portland. any thereon, exhibit the same for settlement to in the battle oil the left. Perhaps for the first time particularly in Itilion* affections. Sid Swordfish, for Portland. in securing the Farms contemplated Whatever may l>e the taste 22d, brig DLRA BASTON. I ates College.—The for this Z'jfr- displayed the war the skirmishers Yours, Ac., A. P. HILLMAN. that States catalogue during charged upon North Yarmouth, Oct. 6, 1863. w3w* 21 Agricultural College movement, by an audience in leaving the concert hall the works, and tlu* two SPOKEN. yoi ng am! vigorous institution for the year enemy’s regiments, II a mover. Me., Oct 1,1861. liberal in tbe amount of from will be sufficiently during the performance of the last piece, we both belonging to the .‘id brigade, carried the Dear Sir:—I have used L F. Atwood's Hitters Oct 10, ofT Sale Rock, brig T B Patterson, St hereby gives notice to all ending Nov. 25, 1803—a neat of 48 for Cork. f|^ilKsubscriber public pamphlet fortifications for some 10 or 15 vear*. I have tried a : Thomas I concerned, that he has been land secured, to allow room on tbe Farms thus think no desirable will that it is by storm, dashing forward gal- great number duly appointed and person dispute of* Nov G. lat 45. Ion 07, ship Pocahontas, Delano, from taken himself trust of pag-s from the Journal office, Lewiston—is and iu the face of a mur- medicine* for L>) epepsia.hut without effect These upou the Adiuiiustrator ol tha with for the lantly impetuously for Bath. secured or in connection them, in \t ry bad taste for numbers tostait Bitters aro t lie on I v remedy that have ever relieved Liverpool estate of before us. It shows the uew to he in large derous fire and seven of ar- j college captured pieces me of this complaint My neighbors JOHN QCJNBY. establishment of the State Orphan Home, ami lor the door while u collection is taken distressing a very flourishing condition, with the most being tillery. have also ben greatlv beueiitted by the use o' thrm. late of Portland in the county of Cumberlai d. de- be made to the of oud as the law he application will legislatures up, esjiccially on such an occasion us that of The right of the line of the fortifications JOEL HOW. ceased, by giving directs; there- brilliant prospects before it. Kev. (). B. rZ%T“Beirare qf Counterfeits and base imitations, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fore requests all who are indebted to the the different States to to the was still Held by the enemy, and the glorious persons grant authority Sunday night last. some of which air signed instmd of L F. said deceased’s estate to make immediate pay ment; Cheney, I). D., is President of the Board of of assailing that was to Institute of Reward to establish such bottles on duty point assigned I Atwoiut. The genuine is signed L. F. Attn»uf, and and those who have any demands theteou to exhib- B. clerk of the Courts of a an Instruction, and he is not only a live man, hut 2J^"K. Street,Esq., the 121st New York and 5th Maine, of the 2d i a* safeguard against imposition hears EXTRA NEW ARRIVALS it the same for settlement to the Agricultural College Farms, the outlay to and // H. HAY, Fort THOMAS y LIN BY. he i* a died at his residence iu brigade, faithfully did they perform the Label.countersigned Druggist, whole man, having both head and heart Sagadahoc County, Ale., sole (leueral Portland, Nor. 3. 1S33. 21 w3w be met by the funds already accruing, ami to duty. The 49th and 110th Pennsylvania land. Agent. -SY THK- and under his administration Hales Richmond ou Saturday last, aged 30 years. reg- For sate by respectable dealers in medicine grner- College iments the victorious 1 be raised to be solicited from supported already boys ally. jyl3 Huieod&w 4 At a Court ok Probatk held at Portland, within by subscriptions His funeral was attended on dele- j will be no old concern to obstruct rather Sunday by of the dd while the 2d was MIDDLE STREET < the benevolent. fogy brigade, brigade aud forthe ouuty of Cumberland, on Ike drat Masonic iu A Bad iu the of our Lord than promote the cause of human progress. gations from Lodges Bowdoinham, hurling the enemy from what lie deemed his Breath—The greatest Curse the human Tuesday of No>eiaber, year Iu several of the States the necessary au- family is heir to. How many lovers it has separate d kindred end sixty -three, and Bath. Mr. S. was a native of impregnable position. j eighteen Dresden, —how many friends forever parted. The subject is NEW DRY GOODS STORE. A RLE* W»m>DsH>E.* Administrator of the been none has — j has already granted—in Fatal Accident. We learn from The enemy made several unsuccessful at- or thority the New Brunswick and cam* to Richmond about too delicate: your nearest friend will not mention it, tillJ estate of E i/abetli Woodalde. late Hiunswick it been refused. New York lias taken tbe in- tempts to retake the works, during w hich the aud von are ignorant ot the fact yourself. To effect iu-am county, dtvvas d. having presented hi* first Portsmouth Chronicle that on Friday last, for j No. Ml Middle Mlrcet, IT years ago, where he has practised law right, of the Gth Maine suflercd heavily. There | a radical cure, use tlie “HAl.M OF A TIIOt’SAMD account ol administration ol said estate lor probate: itiative. dollar contributed lo the In- Albert Me FLO WKUS' as a anti ft ip ti That the said Every Inlire, 35 years, was killed in- was no dentrifice night morning. It Ordered, Administrator give aged several years and won the respect of the com- chance tor the rebels to escape by OFFICE. to a Home also Is-autities the complexion, removing all tan, NEARLY OPPQ3ITE POST notice to all interested, bv causing notice to stitute will lie devoted in the Slate his while at the a** we had the range ol their j persons stantly by cousin, gunning, York, munity. He leaves a wife and two children. crossing river, | pimples and freckles, lea* iug the skin soil and white. be puhii-hed three weeks successively, in tlie Mail • from which it was received. As the Corres in a lew mounted men Price 50cents. For sale IT. II. this state. A mink had taken refuge in a single brigade, though by Ilav, agent for ii.mi over a Maine, and all druggists. the liberal bestowed proposes to visit our Sta'e of and liie 2;47s* The next meeting of the Cumberland mauagru inrongu ganing lire. | augl3eodfteow8ra# by patronage ponding Secretary pile wood, deceased down ot and viciui't. u stooped them wits (Jen. it is said. I'^NCOrRACiED4j upon us by the people Portland 1 will be Among Early, show cause if on the of tite to Association held r> our wi»n- clock in tlm forenoon, and any* they assembling legislature, lay to drive him out. The mink came out, ran County Temperance The 121st New' York and the 5lh Maine ILK run Al.\ uutt.— l»K. »> A DftWORTlI S | thereby lear ng permanent stayin thi«c»ty we a'uiu most call the I have, tin*same should not be allowed. matter before the com- at the Methodist church at toll Y UP is a certain remedy for this loathsome outauv doubt, respectfully why this whole appropriate the of the and the other Ferry village, took 180 in one the former JOHN A. WATERMAN, upon lop pile, party prisoners squad: disease There is no mistake about this The Dry attention of the lad es and gentlemen to our large sledge. A true Attest, mittee, it seems unnecessary to say more in took aim at but at the commencing at 10 o’clock and continuing regiment at different times the engage- I p ha* cured thousand* of ca*e* «»f Catarrh, aud the additions of new and desirable goods just received; copy, him, moineut of the during 21 w3W EH.KNE HUMPHREY, Register. ment 683 and the nth Maine 556 sales of the artic'e is constantly increasing. A word this connection. dist I through the afternoon and evening. It is captured -SUCH A*- large Melntire arose ou the opposite side to the wise is sufficient. For sale by the proprietor, prisoners. a Court of Probate held at Portland. witTiin and Miss Sarah L. agent to solicit of tile very desirable that the frieuds of H II lU'ltKINb fON, Providence, K I. A Iso by Dress Linens, At Vanhorn, pile just in time to receive the fatal Temperance, 8 Goods, on the first Tues- The 2d brigade also captured battle flags, II. il HAY. Druggist, Agent for Portland. tor the Couuty ol Cumberland, Historic Committees and men and women of this should attend Cotton, Woolen & Domestic Goods, in the of our Loid donations, appoint city, 1178 stand of arms and the Adjutant's desk oct31 ood k whm day of November, year eight- Flannels, een hundred and for the of Institute of Re and endeavor to create and alive an in- ol the 8th Louisiana with all the Cnssimeres, sixty-three, canvassers Journal keep Regiment »i. DAVIS. Administrator of I he estate iLniNo Consumption and Catarrh, and all disease* ol Broadcloths* Beavers, of is a Sijipm in Y auiiocth.—The‘‘Ab- terest iu the cause. books and papers relating to that regiment. of Rebecca S. Williams. Isle of Portland in said ward for Orphans Patriots, spending Temperance Clcigy- tlie Throat and mccessfullv treated bv Inha- &c. JASON of the a Lungs, Sealskins for Cloakings, deceased, has iug his petition lor bie C. a ol about 418 tous bur- Sergt. Roberts, 6th Maine, captured lation. Bv r. M couuty, presented week in the to further the of the Tilfomb”, brig inen, who, above all others are to be Morsk. L>.. certain real estate of said city objects expected battle — license to sell and convey den. built in flag. aulK’ifi eod Corner Swnith and Congress St*. -also Yarmouth under the superinten- interested in the deceased, as described In said petition; also his hist Association. always temperance question That regiment suffered very severely,losing of said estate fot dence ol Mr. Giles account ot administration probate: Luring, came in to our are invited to be in killed and wouuded 17 out of its 22 officers (besaid Petitioner no- especially present. H i It IM* Ordered, That gi«e wharves a IRRIED. 800 BALMORAL SKIRTS to be BF-A returned Maine soldier, expresses few days since to lake a of who went into action, ami two-thirds of Its tice to a!’, persous iulereated, by causing notice rreiglit weeks iu the Maine Mr. Calvin u. Mclntire, of enlisted men. three successively his in the for Lumber for Cuba. We had an £1?”' Biddeford, published gratitude Piscataquis Observer, opportunity of In this city. Nov. 8, bv Rev. Win. R Clark. Wm. JUST RECEIVED, state Press, print, d at Portland, that they may ap- writes us that he resides in that The in the | though city regiments actually engaged cap- R Howard and Mi** A. both of this at a Probate Court to be held at said Portland, the kindness and care bestowed upon him by loot ing around this and so far us we are Lucy Mitchell, jK-ar brig ture of the went into battle with Of the choicest selections,and at the Ibr w hich of at ten ot the as a music he was born in Kcnne- prisoners cit|. prices on the first Tuesday December next, a of several ol a teacher, I we an inducement to a family in Ohio, during sickness capable judging, better and more substan- only IKK) men, and the excess of the prisoners In Augusta. Nov fi. by Rev. C. Mlinger. Junius D. otter them, wiM give anybody clock in the forenoon, ami show cause, if any they it seems, was enrolled and Paine and Miss Ahhie C. to one. the .-am" should not be grant* and al- to the fam- built vessel is buukport, ami, above their own numbers is therefore Cushman, both of Pownal. buy have, why weeks. He was an entire stranger tially rarely found. She is very JOHN A. WAI drafted iu both He to the Our stock of Brown and Bleached HUMAN.Judge. owned places. reported large. A ily, and had no claims upon its hospitality by Capt. John Titcomh, who is to go truec*>pv, attest, Provost Marshal’s office, Iroin Biddelord, and The captured consists of seven pie- DIED. 21 w3w• EUl.ENE HUMPHREY. Register. only such as grew out of the fact, that he hud master, Capt. It. Merrill, Sir. Giles Luring battery COTTON GOODS! is now' as a deserter from Kenue- ces, some hearing t lie stamp, U. 8.. Watertown served his his term and others. published At a Court of Probate held at Portland, within and I'ailhliiily country during and are Parrots and In this city. Nov. 8. Edward II son of Robert Is one of most of in the State, and It is not that the officers in Arsenal, six-pound Napo- the complete any for tlm of (Cumberland, on the first Tues- bunkport. likely Ilslo 83 mat* rial, are Couuty of enlistment. A sick or disabled soldier leoi.s. are to be some of the Esq.. aged years. ! considering the high state of the raw our Lord They supposed In day of November, iu the year ot eight- attention of the afflicted is this knew of the double Bath. Not. 7. Maria, onlv daughter of CapMjeo I x .tv care to buy excry- gy*The called dty anything draft, from at Winchester. reasonable—takiug espocial i eeu hundred and sixty -three, to And friends wherever the guns captured Milroy and Lucy M. Prince, aged 17 7 months: Kth, t hi ought blessings years ! tig I! L. SMITH. Administrator ot the estate to the advertisement ol Dr. l’acker, which for there are often persons ot the same name The Adjutant of the fltii Maine and Capt. Charles, son of Micheel P. ami Lizzie Anderson, \nr>| of a free are CASH. 11 of '-amitel li late of Portland in government enjoyed. of had their horses aged 11 months. FOR !f ET Philbrjck. will be found in its column, ills in different towns. We have shown his note Tyler Gen. Wright’s staff said deceased, ha%iug presented hi* 2.1 ac- appropriate At sea. Oct 12. Henry A. Sitnpaon, of Portland— county, shot. of our labU* Linens, count ol administration of said estate tor probate; are to learn that F. treatment of disease somewhat to the and his name lias been can- (lost overboard from on the In the prices and selections BF-We pleased Capt. although pecu- Marshal, ship Hampden, passage Thai the said Administrator New York, Nov. 9.—Another account of from Leith to New York.) ! T.v.vel* Towotinv*. Whit» fire took E. day May, 1772, Joseph Warren, I). Co | High No. 81 Middle Street, In the store occupied by F. Rowell, and alter waiting a short time went to ascer- Brisley, K, do.; George Brown, do., do.; Sun set*..4 44 | Length of day*.10. 0 three years later the hero martyr of Bunker Charles Nelson, do., do. Cigar Manufactory, as we learn from the tain why there was no explosion. While Hill, officiating as midwife, and the Boston Wouuded—Lieut. Col. B. F. Harris, (5th FEUCHTWANGER & ZUNDER, Times. the examining condition of the fuse the Maine, Lieut. Col. H. 1'. Mul- Journal, Advertiser and others copied as a hip shattered; MARINE NEWS. Near the l*o*t Office, the explosion occurred, and he received the whole let, 5th Maine, shell wound in side; Adjutant EF-A mong recent appointments is that matter of course. A writer in the Boston PORTLAND. force of it in the Charles A. Clark, 6th Maine, Geo. novlO dtf of of directly face, causing instant leg; Capt. Lvsander Hill, Esq., Thomaston, Me., Advertiser the that Mr. W. Co. PORT OF PORTLAND. death. spoils story, by stating Burnham, G., (5th Maine,shell wound; to the of District \otir«*. position Attorney of ldsltoe. Quincy was born on the 4th of February and Capt. J. G. Roberts, Co. H. 5th Maine, arm; C'opiirtnerslii|> Monday,.November 9* o tirm ofCtiAS. Mr. Hill was in the 20th A child of C. J. Withered, Co. K, 6th Maine, abdo- A. B. MOULTON, formerly formerly Captain Frank Gclcbel of M isrli- was then three months and seventeen Capt. ARRIVED. and Mr. liLoRt.E MILLIKKN days First H. Co. 6th MBKo health to a few since as to cause its death. Eastport fS&HS IRMn, Ri>(totn. resign. Imrued days nobleman. Knowles, Co. K, 6th do., chest, probably mor- and St John NB. November 2d, 1*63. AS?«?,r’ .11 A T l’HllS A It O U T T O 11 N ■I' ff. Jiavi. at Wilmington, K. C, New York, Nov. 9. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. ENTERTAINM ENTS SALES. The Richmond of the «th Death of Capt. Rkubex Sawyer.—A papers contain ^AUCTION the received an- following: E. M. FAT dispatch yesterday, TO TUE WIRE TEN, Auottoner-office 2T 8 A telegraphic Jeff. Davis arrived at Wilmington, N.C., on FAGTORyT” LEA I M echaiiios’ TI nil. Exchange of TttEiSEW STY ti maced the death Capt. Reuben Sawyer, the 5th and was welcomed by a at the speech Very talimblf is**u! E»i»ic oh His death In he dwelt the of Bath, at Detroit, Michigan. Portland Press. depot. reply upon importance ttOTTSCHAMll Oiiiiioiiii htrm hi Auction. Daily ol the harbor of Wilmington, the only one informs the citi- occurred morning. PENNELL & Sl'RAtiOSCTI respectfully Tuesday, November loth, at >2 noon, on tbe yesterday still WARREN, CO., zen* open for trade, and said he would do all MAX of Portland and vicinity, that Mr. L. M. ONpremises, will be sold to tbe was commander of Co. A, 3d highest bidder, the Capt. Sawyer (iOTTSCHAKK will in this his valuable e FRO.1l WASHINGTON. that could be doue for its defence. He exhort- 8ACCABAPPA, BELLE-MONTE SKIRTS. give, city, very late ,\u. 31 "aoH.rtli street. The JUE., <1 built Maine regiment, which left August* June 8. ed a'l to do their and a future welling ol weod.t o nnd a half stories. Mil. duty, predicted O N LY ( » It A N IT CONG ERT lshetl iu the most ol Having purchased the Wire Factory occu- thorough maimer— material thu 1861, for the seat of war. He remained with i’lile endence, liberty and prosperity. formerly best to be obl.iiued, aiol .Irrlml of Hebei Prisoners—The Destruction pied by On Kov. Hit labor day work Tho The the movement of a Fritl;!)' Evniiitg, 13, house contains ten hi* until detached for anti re Htoehade ti o otter rs At cut Whig says reported good sued room?, well arranged company recruiting Copter of THE LATEST FASKIOA ! the Hotions Stopped in Itehel Prisons—Arrival very large portion of Meade’s army down FAREKY BROTFI ERS% when lu* will introduce several of his latest compos!- for housekeeper, halls of ample size, with bath service in this State. After to this roorti lor hot orcold watet. cm attending of lithe! Officers or Capitol Prisons—front the turns he correct and tion» never bo'ore poifonrtf.il in tU> city. Arrange- !ittir»?» throughout Rappahannock out to Will manufacture end on hand lurnace that the front—from Itnensiile's Army, keep constantly every ments have been made with the celebrated 1'rima will beat every part at the business for some lime, Ins health failed ititil reliable. We have information that of -AT- dwelling’ direct description Donna. cistern in cellar, well of pare v*a*er that wdl stand W.VSIll.Wi'ON, Nov. 0. Hie so that lie felt himself nnabte to endure the Yankees appeared in force opposite Fred- any drought, copper pumps that will supply the on of the house It is reported to-day authority ei on Wednesday afternoon about four Steel and Iron Wire, Ml,l,li. AAMOM.VA C0RD1ER, throughout On the prrudaeaa good burn ai d incident to the soldier** life in the leksburg ALT^r^oiiiiLsoiisr’is Ehcda. live fatigues in our army, that our loss on .Satur- j Krom thoMr Every part Ol hAifdings will be found iu surgeons o'clock. A dispatch from the same source PUrH AS iud Opera, Paris,and the principal ope- was then a thorough order. In the rear of the is a tine Held. He appointed Captain of in- was alient 400. Two hundred and houses In tlih t nltfd States, to appear jointly with dwelling day six.y received last night, stales that they had disap- j gardau, where ihe can toise fruit and here this Bright and annealed market, spring, I Mr. GOTTRCUALK. occupant veg- valids and ordered to where he lias of these arrived moruiug, and were trout but in what direction machinery, etables for Use. I.ot Yiti x Detroit., peared Stafford, cotton llier, reed, heddlc, card, fl it HOOP SKIRT AND CORSET family 44. ill the aud'angulaf, ! M n. aOTTSCIlALK and MI,EE. CORDIER t he house may be examined from 3 to 1 P. M. been for the six months. The news of placed hospitals. was Hot known. broom, brush, paihbail and wire. Also any past telegaph v i'l be a-*.-*iST« U day previous to sale. For J lie premises of the old Capitol prison are and tin plated wire of all kinds. by the \ oung and talented Violinist, particulars call on the Ids death was a sadden blow Vo Ids friend* coppered j Auctioneer. densely crowded to-day, 1,730 rebel prisoners Wire strnigktem-d and cut to any lentith. I) E I> O T, uov4 td from amt Mrxico, t)ct. 1808. MblOK ( ARM) PATTI* here, as had not received intelli- taken on reached here to Saccarappu, JO, d4w* they any Saturday having up Wew Dwelling Clouse lor Sale at •’ (brother of Adelina and (.’ar’otta Patti), who will of Ids sickness, o'clock A. M. Ottioers say a few more ure San Francisco, Nov. 9. gence Tinier Mechanics* llall. make his first appearance on tins occasion. Auctiori. on the Steamers St. Louis and Moses have UNITED STATES hut way. Taylor shall sell at '1 he deceased was « native of Portland, arrived Mumc xi. DiBtcroK & s. BkuttFJiS. auction on Nov. 10, at 3 Hear to the from Panama dates from the r v rv c r tv g occupancy. Payments easy for life e uov3 2wd& w*20 purchaser. Senator. Our loss was tim seamen killed 8 •• cases, U. S. General Hospital, Annapolis. battle on the soutli bank of the river must be 25 cts. -BV Til K- ami ten wounded, including Ensigns Randall HoiiM’lioiUI i iiriiKiiif. 1‘. S.—Tlie U.S. Commtsstnn and decided either to day or to-morrow. If so, it 10 " Sanitary and Rathe and five were made 30 cts. ler, prisoners.— will no oouot lie an extensive R. E Ivl O V a77l77~ Immediately aftwr the above. »>ne nnarter past ten engagement. " ** A. ft. tile various Hospitals Of the large cities of the Tlie numbered one hundred men. 12 37 cts. I. A. o’clock, will coinuieuce the sale of all the Household expedition is The army is in lias Everything propitious. Furniture, consisting in part of Lard. Work, rein- North are tor suited The Navy Department received intelli- at calling hospital supplies good spirits the resumption of an active CLABPKD AND RlVKTKD. broke, Toilet and Extension Tables; chftirs, of the of the steamer Mail, sail- I)lt. !U:WIO\ This association will give a course of rockers, to the coming inclement season. These Hos- gence capture campaign, while the weather is all that could sufas, lounges, ottomans, book-case, buieau?, wash- British colors, from removed his residence to Ao. 1 ing under Bayport, Fla., its Middle sfauds, bedsteads,beds. niattrc.sses.stafr, straw, are sent forward be desired. It would hardly be proper to state 3-plr, pital Supplias daily, together bound to Havana. She had 17b hales of cot- HASStreet, corner of Franklin street. THREE und Brussells the destination of the lor it he ASSEMBLIES, carpets; rugs, mirrors, china, crock- army, may Otfic as heretofore, .Vo. 115 Exchange in We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of and stone ware: w ith soldiers’ when the coiiteuta on to her she Street, -COMMENCING- ery, glass stores, packages,” ton board. According register doubted if the divine it. Some Noble's block. stairs. Office hours jioitable fUrnler, rebelsjyet say up from 9 to 10 the ucwest and best styles of kitchen furniture, and in fact every article rsstiuily tire of was built at Glasgow, Scotland. A. h., from 2 to 3. and from 8 to 9 o'clock article? necessity, excepting perishable we are going over the old route via Culpepper IV M. found in the house-keeperdepartment. The Biitish schooner Martha Jane was al- l)r. N will contiinn, in connection w ith general Nov. 11, ’63, At li I’iauo and Stool. food and while others to a transfer of the Wednesday Evening, o'clock, spirituous liijUors. Ha- again, point practice, to give special attention to DISEASES OF so off Bayport, Fla., bound for Hoop Skirts anil Should tlte weather stormy on tke ad- captured situation to a point luucli nearer Richmond. FEMALES. «c81 Corsets, prove day vana. wirh 27,(XX) ol Sea Ishuid vertised, the sale will take place the first fair day nearly pounds Gen. Meade alone knows the place of the new LANCASTEIt HALL. Melancholy Accident.—Mr. cotton. On the. of the and following. yeao Esteban, persons captain campaign. Enough h know to warrant the AND WILL SELL THEM in HOME AGAIN! COMMITTEE Of A KUAN OEM ENTS. a clerk in the crew ware found over *1,200 gold, silver J. Risech, office of the Portland remark that the campaign is full Hons*' aud notes. just opening James Me Main, Patrick Tobin. Thomas Parker, at A union. treasury of brilliant must was killed afternoon. In contemplations that lead to John Keuev, William Dyer. shall at Compauv, yesterday The British schooner Herald, of and from AT r». C n si li man 20 T^er Cent. \\TE sell puli lie auction on Thursday, Nov. results. Cheaper KI.OOi: MAVAGKHS ▼ f at 3 o clock V. M with two was grand 12th, Henke Xo 10 M. Law- company others, he about re- Nassau, was captured off Frying Pan Shoals. just returned from New York with a fine as- than can be had James McMaiu, John Mclveney. P. K. Mulloirnjr, rence street. It is a wooden house with of salt they elsewhere. two-dory moving a from the Eastern lo She had on board o70 bags and 125 MASsortment of tin* LATEST STY LES ot P S. Doyle, J. Daley. basement, twenty finished room*. and fine closet*. body Evergreen Missouri ol soda. Election, House finished There is a t had Liken tlie head stones kegs throughout. victory Cemetery. They up Tickets for the course. $1.10; Single TiekrU, 75cts. wood-house. IS x 33 feet, a tine cistern in cellar, and Lieut. Col. Towers, Provost Marshal of Al- >t. Nov. 9. PATTERN a Louis. BONNETS, To b<* had of the committee of amt abundance filtered water. Lot 60x76 fret. and pul litem into wagon, and were leaving lias been relieved of his command Arrangements Situa- exandria, Official returns from -- SPRINGS at sixty-two counties and A N 1>- 30 Kill FINISH SKIRTS IT 51.33, ; the door, |^8^*|>oo?s open at 7 o'clock. Dancing tion pleasant, neighborhood good, prospect fine. the Eastern Kisec.lt the an order Iroin the War and 1 to at Sale Cemetery, steadying by Department, the soldiers, as far as heard from, give a con- commence H o'clock. Music by Chandler's positive, title clear, term* satisfactory. ( FRENCH 1IILLIN E K on Band. nov7 dtd For of stones, when out the gate, a of 'apt. Gwynn, medical inspector of General servative of 4,(N>8. V, Fastened the tapes with metallic clasps. particulars enquire passing by jolt majority HENRY BAILEY ft Co., Auctioneers. Slough’s staff, has been appointed to the office. Col. is elected State Senator to which she invites the attention of her friends and | tlie wagon he fell forward, followed by one of Pratt, radical, novC dtd* The 5’h Wisconsin volunteers of the Army from Linn County, in place of Major Mc- the public iu general. < > < Id .V N Ihe stones, which struck him on the temple, of cast 415 votes for the Union I) II A K / the Potomcc, Cullough, cousei vntive, deceased. BSS-M SIS done to order. llou*«> anti till 9 1*. M. Hosiery,Gloves, Clouds, l.ot at A union* causing his death in a few minutes. The de- ticket of their State, and one for the opposi- WOpen ocSl d3w Sontags, Hoods, ENGINE COMPANY NO. 4 shall sell on Friday, Nov. 18, at 3 o'clock ceased Itad been in Ihe of tion. 1*. a one wooden employ the Com- New York Market. CHOICE IWTTKK.NS OK WE ft... ttory House on Ham The first snow of the season fell to-day. It Mrs. 33. Hatcli Will commence their Second Annual inond street, nearly new, and finished throughout. pany for years, and sustained the A eight always was slight and of short duration. New’ York. Nov. 9. neat, convenient and desirable bouse Lot 3»> x 70 very rctpectmily Inform the ladies of Port- Bresilifast Sliawls ami COUItSK or DANCES jbaracter of an and Cotton—firm at 86 gj 87c for \KTOtLD C;i|ii-s, feet. Possession given dale upright honorable young A officer here in high position, middling upland**. er land and v cinity’, that she has taken the Store, immediately, positive, government Flour—fetaiv and \\ »•*»!<•rn dull and 5 a U»c lower; title filear, terms easy. For particulars call on man. lie leaves a wife and one child to received a note from a Union prisoner pencil Superfine Slate 6‘5 ££6 70; Extra do 6 1«> 0,6 15; NO. 300 CONGRESS STREET, AT MECHANICS' HALLj HENRY BAILEY ft CO., Auctioneers. in Richmond that the rebel au- Hound uhio 7 15 a. 7 choice do 7 35 9 Scarfs. nov6 dtd* tuourn his early and sudden death. to-day, saying tloop 35; g 25; 7 3»; Common Where may be found -WITH- thorities have at length altogether stopped the Superfine to good _■ extra Western 7 lU ag 7 it; Southern AT UNUSUALLY LOW VRICES. very ration heretofore allowed to unchanged; New reference to our advertise- small,meat mixed to good 7 Id cy 7 75; Fancy and Extra 7 80 ^ Bonnets, Ribbons, Feathers, Firm.—By our soldiers in their The Ruches, A 11 ALL! starving prisons. 10 50; Canada less active and 5 a} 10c lower; common and almost iu the WANTS....LOST. columns, it will he seen that Messrs. W. & excuse is that have ceased to be extra 6 10 g 6 25; extra to choice 6 30 a. H 35. everything Millinery Hue, which ing alleged they >;ood Oa T hit heavy and 1 will be sold ae tow an the lowent. Also. Dress and ukngi ring Night. C. K. Milliken have received two able to furnish their own soldiers with meat. Wheat—dull, (a} 2c lower; Chicago additional Cloak done to order iu the best manner and spring 1 36 g. 1 38; Milwaukee Club 1 36 g I 38; am- Making To be followed ASSEMBLIES onThurs- Wanted. One hundred and officers are on reasonable terms. Machine Skirts and byTIlhEE partners, Messrs. A. 1». Moulton and twenty-live ber Mdwaukie 130 id 1 40; Winter lied Western 1 33 stitching aud pinking. Hoop Corsets Geoige WANTED—3 Dress Makers da> Night*. fT OR 80 first rate SHOOK MAKERS, to whom among the rebel prisoners just brought from .gj 1 62: Amber Michigan 1 62(a 1 56. good aud 1 Milliner. into their and have removed to A*_J and Milliken, Brin, the front. that but lew' of tlie Corn—mixed Western shipping 1 08 in store. uor3dlw* Made to order at the sh ortest notice. good wages steady employuu-i.t will W They represent A BALL ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT, given. Apply to the store on Commercial streel, re- retreated across the river, and their Beef—quiet; Country Mrs** 5 001® 7 00. spacious companies To close with a Grand A P. MORSE, Fork—sjuiet and ; me**s 1 i 75 (a 17 had time to es- unchanged 87| nov9 dim* No. 9 India Messrs. Charles , petition T. U. Hayes etals—that leave to announce a course of WAITED, 1000 -DKAI.XIIP IS- beg Increase, £171,1103,78 was Gen. Du the enemy was it i> a fought by rile, inexpedient to construct sewer in State Fresh Toilet Goods\ Seamen ft Landsmen. Of this increase £139,5(50,00 was in reinforced, but nevertheless they were totally street, west ol the Seamen,Ordinary passen- Congress street, present Butt«*r, Tees. Bnans, Potatoes, Ac. tw PART, A« FOLLOWS SIX routed. st*a>on. Of Committee on Street on ASSEMBLIES, Apply to Naval Rendezvous, foot of Exchange 6t gers, and in Lamps, -AT- £32,427,18 freight. of SOAPS.— Musk—Jockev Club— R ***e— Almond— J. P. Officer. On Saturd ly, under the combined forces of Samuel Kolfe et als—that the ue- HEATH, Recruiting petition No. 2 LIME Me. Palm—Hath—Give rlno— nc9 dtf Hurtle and the rout wa** STREET,Portland, atuplior—I’utnice— Laacastor Stabbing Averil, complete ce»ity ol the case does not require the loca- Silver—Barber*'—Honey—and (ienuiue Cache Hall, Affair.—Yesterday afternoon, **• D. K N If HIT, nOv2 dlf H. A. with a that the enemy abaudoind all their supplies, tion of a gas light a> prayed lor. Of Commit- FROST. Soap. Commencing a seaman named Thomas Downey, was stab- Wanted. guns, colors, etc., and fled in dismav. leaving tee on Si feet>, Arc., on of M. EXTRACTS for th* Handkerchief.- Niarh»- |>etiiioii Nancy O-FtAAKm BALL or suitable for lied in the back of bis bead with a dirk dead and wounded on tlie field. Our K1 vomiug Cereus, verv line—Jockev Club— Vi- Straw, packing. Enquire part their 11 all et als—dial it is not to raise ; PRINTERS Sr BINDER of expedient olet—Catcliouly—Mu*k— I'ono— I'ond Lillv— HAY F. FgGINTON. knife John another seaman. It men behaved splendidly and tlie victory is the grade of High ami streets. Of the On nov4 dlw Portland Glass Works. by Matthews, Spring the Genuine “4711”—ami a variety ot other Tliank*givin£ Night, one of the most splendid of the war. * •■•me on of Plum- W and every seems they hud a grudge against each other Committee, petition Charles arclioviso, Cologne*. November 2*i!h, continuing TUESDAY We hold with a Lewisburg. mer et als—recommending the alteration ol BRUSHES —Clothe*—Hair—Nail -Teeth—fed In- Evening thereafter, during Store Wanted and bad a sort of flglit in the morning. In 29 and 31 Gold Street NEW YORK th<* grade of Brackett street, between Dow fant—iu Rubber, Hull o and Wood—a if a. c* a*- A \rITH a good front, of medium depth, between the while was the and < sortrncut. GRAND FANCY DRESS BALL ! v V the Post office and the on afternoon, Downey passing From the Ann;/ »/' th* Fotomnr. arletoii streets. Manufactories—On ftroome. sheriff if Columbia Preble House, Mid' *ts X. and on die street, south fide to i Post Matthews rushed out, bit him a (frders passed.—Directing the Committee }’., Foundry at.. Ronton.Mass. IMiir Course the and prefered Willing pay office, Washington. N >v. ft. Boxes, Toilrt [’(nnlers. Hair Tickets* good for opening closing bonus, ftc. Enquire at this office. oci27 d3w* on L A to examine and fTUlE subscribers in uufactuie ami DoubU Ball. an* made to secure one blow and then stabbed him. Officer Smith Information received from the ol tlie imps, c., report upon single Ariaiigemeuts alrca«l> Army A aud of c assortment of t be ot a and Cylinder Type-Revolving romuiles, Dressiii^s:iiul Dies, the richest and mo«t miplete Fancy Foioiiiae to-night mentions that an Aid of Gee. expediency placing lamp post gas arrested Matthews and took him to the lock- Dr. sms ever be tore used at a Fancy Dress Bail. light on the S. \V. side of Plumb street, near PRINTING arrived trout the front lale on Sit* MACHINES, A GREAT VARIETY. MAXAUKUS. TO THE AFFLICTED ! up. Downey was also taken to tlie Police of- Kilpatrick the residence of Rev. I)r. Carrutlier*. Di- unlay ami reported that that officer encoun- Bed and Piaten Book & Job Printing Presses, J. II. Itarberick. W. II. I billipe, J. B. UacklyP, fice, where bis wounds were dressed. recting the Committee on Streets, Ac., tn t». W. M. Met art They tered ami fought with a body of cavalry near (Adams’ Patent,) RI BBER, HORN, BCFPI AND IVORY COHBS. Tiuc. by. DR. W.N. DETIf cause Bramhall street to he from I) II. \», are not considered dangerous. Stevensburg late in the afternoon of that day. graded, Hand and Card Presses, Presses witli ry-MR. CIlANDLK.lt, Prompter. Brackett street to Western Promenade. Di- Hydraulic The enemy’s pontoon bridges over the liver wrougliMion cylinder* Mantling Pressoa of various Music by Chandler’s Full Quadrille Band. IVEedical Electrician, the Street Commissioner to cause that kinds. Chases. brass JL.. II. We are gratified to notice among the behind their works fell into our hands, recting Furniture, Cases, Mauds, Rule, TITCOM33, 1 ickets to the course,.f4 00 directly of aud article No. 11 Clapp’s Block, alter defeat of the and portion Brackett street, lief ween Dow and Composing sticks, every connected win1 to lirst half.. 2.00 ol otlleers the name Gen. rebels, *• appointments recruiting Sedgewiek’s the r.rts ot l^etu-r-prtssj opperpiale uud to 1.00 Carieton streets, to he made and up Lithograph 373 Street. Thanksgiving Hall. CORKER OFCOKHRESS AKD ELM STREETS* was ill the of the 15th N. V. brought io bookbinding, aud Electro Congress •• ol Alexander Bell. Mr. Bell went out in the placed charge to i’riutiug, Mereotypiug to single Assembly. 75 ; the grade established in 1890. hand or nov3 »*odi*2w Engineers. typing, a wa\s on furnished ut short nutlet gyriothing chec ed free of expense, YVrOULD respectfully announce to the citizen# ot 1st Maine and Adiotiriifil. A new cuts Portland and regiment, subsequently proved The bridge consisted of only five b >at.«, and Cat-ilogae containing and tiescripiioi litfke's for sale by the Manager*; also at Paine’i vicinity, that he has teen in thi« ol many new Machines not betoie shown iu the. Music and at under Lancaster City four mouths. During that time we have treated himself a valuable man in lor other three, were the s tun* w hich were abandoned Store, ltobinsou’*, recruiting Tiik Anmvkksaisy or tub Y. M. C. As- book, with directious for pulling up, working. Ac P. & F. A. RAILROAD. Hall. uov7 eodtd a large number of patients with wonderful success, the lor want ol useful aud in regiments. He will have one of the offices by engineer brigade transport- sociation’.— The IO1I1 aud other information, is uow in press, an curing persons such a short space ot time that Anniversary of the the is ation, on the Chickahominy last year. when completed will be seut to a y of the craft who question often asked do they stay cured. To that^are in process of erection in front of the Portland Men's Association will furnish their address. U. HoE& CO Until further notice, the Cars will between this uuestion we will that all that do not The cannonading on Sunday evening was Young Christian ply say stay Post and II. uo\3dl5«v New York and boston. Mass. cured w;e will doctor the second time lor uotbing. Otfice, jCapt. George Chadweil, Gen. Buford’s light batteries ami was held last The hull was wel I with the probably by evening. Street and Grand Trunk MERCHANDISE. his. success we have met with, is a sure also of tlie Clark Depot that our 1st Maine, will Ire associated with some of the rebel cavalry with "tins in the vi Ailed, and the exercises interest- guarantee services are appreciated. There- I exceedingly ~ — — — fore, lest him. ol lue lew lli.1-, liorlii-ea.'t «>1 EVERY patients should delay corni g for fear w* cmtly (’ulpep- Several autheins were a Oatmeal. not in?. sang in mosl EXTRACTS from “a tong winded uarn” of Sew shall stay long enough to give the test, we will lw‘r* k Fifteen Minutes tin* h re that we shall in this manner and I J K4.L C. STROUT (HOWARD bTItOUT) to SMH during Dny, 4 BARRELS superior f e>li ground Canada say stay city at least until authentic li:ul. to ton oVIook ! charming speeches were made b\ next 23P* It would seem to one examining the Nothing up .* Stratton. New 1 ork, the same bearing dat lu Oatmeal, lor sa e by April. this foronooti, Immui roceivotl from tU it ltevs. Mr. Clark and of this 12th, 1KG2: the tir«t Cur leaving Clark Street at 7.17 A. M. and U.KoKt.K II Dr. D has been a practical Electrician for taken at Tra-k * quarter Carrulbers, city April STARR, twenty- pictures Davis’Gallery, that •Our Records show the whole an Grand Trunk at 7 40 A. M. The ln*t e*r at N v 30 one years, and is also a regular at which tiino ail was quiet. Rev. Dr. of and Rev. Mr County matter, Depot Exchange J^reet. graduated physician. the art j Patterson, Chicago, about them* there can be no question. 1 night, w ill leave Clark Sticet, a? 9 T2, aud Grand Portland. 1848. dlw Electricity is perfectly adapted to chronic diseases, photographic lias been brought almo-t The railroad ami on the propos* November7, telegraph opposite Stuart,of The of th. therefore, that you send your claim to some Atto Trunk Depot 9 55. iu the form of nervous or sick headache: neuralgiA to All the side of the were found Philadelphia. report in the perfection. different styles are tak- Rappahannock uninjur- nev here. As Counsel lor the Administratrix,I ha\ FARE—Five Cent*. head. neck,or extremities; consumption,when ed. Association was read by the President ant no desire to conceal auy matter couuected with tl Tluekrrcl. in the acute stages or where the lungs are not en with such as to the J. J. GERRISII, tally precision satisfy se- administration. It this it wuul Superintendent BAItKFI.a Medium No. 3 for involved; acute or chronic rheumatism, scrofula, Our cavalry are reported at Culpeuper. At listened to with deep interest, showed Ilia you adopt course, Oct. 26.1868. dtf Mackerel, hip verest critic. Their at the of j be convenient, perhaps, to notilj your attorney t J ?ale by l. EO. II STARR, diseases, whiteswelliugs. spinal disease* curvature specimens door, the latest accounts, a of our forces was at part much had been in varioui call me. and 1 will him in con No. 3» Street. ot the spine, contracted muscles, distorted limbs, some of our most good accomplished upon immediately put Exchange prominent citizens, will Brandy Station, while another was two miles munication with the I'robate Records, and with tl Portland, November 7, 1803. dlw palsy or paralysis, St. Vitas' Dance, dea'ues*.stam- ways through its agency. About ten and Notice. or of speak for themselves. the other side of Kelley's Ford. Some of out Administratrix." Speeinl mering hesitancy speech, dyspepsia, indiges- half was If it is to employ "some attornr < tion, constipation and liver complaint. piles— we cure troops were at other o'clock, announcement made Ilia requisite Vermont Rutter. points. HERE" "To call UPON" s trout, so that he (Strou to former announcement. every case that can be presented asthma, bronchi- was in Agreeably E. M. Patten will sell at auction, at 12 supper wailing below, to which amph can "immediate/// put him” (this “some ati okm received, a lot of choice Vermont Butter, and tis. strictures of the chest, aud ail form* of female HERE") "in communication with the /*rotmte He- JUSThir-aleb) WILLIAM L. WILSON, complaints. M. to-day, on the premises, the estate No. 31 Itrmg from Jtichmon-i }*apcr». justice was done, and all returned to theii DU. HUMPHREY T. ord.s. and with the Administratrix,” iu order to g< PACKER, octlti dtf 372 CongreM Street. Dan forth street. See advertisement. Foktuess Mo.nkoe, Nov. 7. homes feeling- that they imd actuated anc ‘The Dividend"!on #54.54)—•‘#10.80’* out of.Strou Cambridge, formerly of the Tremont TemnJe, By Blootrioity Steamer New York arrived Iroiu l’oin HOW MUCH OVIK 20 PER CENT OP THAT DIVIDEND OFBoston Mass., has a*rived In the city of Port, The the The “Shaw” which is to be sold to- City beneiilted. W. LoiiIm Flour. Rheumatic goutv. the lame and the lary house, S2.1G, WILL 1 HE LIKELY TO REALIZE ? and is now located on the cor- this afternoon with fifteen on boart land, penntnpntly leap with joy, and move with the and elastic- prisoners D. r. T. LdC 13 FLOUR, for sale by agility morrow, (see will be CHASE. ner Conurr** and C'heslniit •trrrtw. near of the heated brain is the irost- advertisement) open for en route to P F \ A Commercial ity cooled; Annapolis. McLellau .receive* Assignee of Smith k Stratton. the New Citv Hall. ^ It.SUM. street, bitteu youth; 15“ Mayor yesterday, head limbs restored, the uncouth deformities re- examination from 10 to 11 A. M. and 3 to 4 The Richmond contains the of Dr. P. for the l««t 20 rear* ivl3d»*tf Widg ry's wharf Whig following the from N. IK. "The Prorate Records" speak in bla» The experience ha* moved; faintness converted to vigor, weakness to following dispatch Washington: »n his P. M. Atlanta, .Yor. 4.—The Yankee* still main and white. (See r*/n»rt of (\nnmittee of Nine.) l'l given him some confidence ability. and gained strength; the blind made to see. the deaf to hear and to-day. I in the treatment tain iHwsession of Raccoon Valley, they lieinj Sergeant Henry Taplcy and Elliott Moore Administratrix has already spoken as follows: for him some reputation of the palsied form to move upright; the blemishes of This certify that New ell <\ Stkout are obliterated; the (U'cifirnts of mature life A reinforced. shell our forces in of the 5th Maine regiment, Sergeaut 1 Hods may (Uov youth too oiieu in irritation 600 and that too A Boxes Pilot Bread, and back; leccorrhma, (or whites); falling of the by Woman. Catherine B Rounds and ulceration of the u eru*. producing tailing and Fur sale D. T. CHASE, kees are raiding through the country commit Chaplain Army Square Hospital. by womb with internal cancers; tumors, and Portland, July 11. 1^*8. oc‘20 TuThfcStl of the Uterine organs, piostruuug and dtf polypus, prolapsus oeft all that long train os diseases will find in Electric- At a town held at ting great depredations. the len.u.e constitution loan SjF” meeting ('ajie Kliz- uudertuiniug alarming ity a sure means of cure. For menstruation The commandant at Rome, Ga., has receive! extent. | painful abetli it was voted to too protase mcindruation. aud all of those long Hue yesterday, pay $200. to a from Selma that a Card Pictures & I'he price of conatiltation will always be in propor- telegram stating heavy I’, A NIC STOCK of trouble# with young ladi«*. fs a certain each Aiiihrotypes tion to tin* labor ami examination*, aud the Electricity person who enlisted, under the recent force of Yankee mounted lnlanlry Inn) reachei For Stile, ability specific, and will, iu a short time, restore the sufferer AT LEWIS' NEW GALLERY, of the pal lent to pay. SAPONIFIER, en route to Selma. are to the of health. call of the to fill the for that Tusealoosa, They sail SHARKS t’a*co Hank Stock. Ill the selection ol retnedio*, L>r. Packer ha* ue vigeor President, quota "W j No. 12 Market over OR CONCKNTRATED t:fr~ *1 «* lutct an EUctro-Chemical tor to come from the same route whiet 40 Manufacturers A Traders. Sq., McCoy** Chen; bobby, or um-iu«n style of with Appa^ytfus town. Tupelo by special practice, extracting Mineral Poison from thesvstetii. *tich ns 40 Hank <»t t/umberlaml. Store, and opp. (J. S. Hotel. w hich he to cure all diseases. Nor will he Brasrg’s army came last summer. expects Mercury, Antimony. Arsenic. Ac. lluudrrds who 10 Canal tl»«t has to be l The Houston Ma reject anything 'xpciiei.ee proved are troubled with stiff weak backs, and vari- IlT* Henry Bailey & Co. will sell at auc- (Texas) Telegraph says 10 International. fitted up nice new Photograph Room useful, but willendea«oi to receive the truth wher- joints, has vj:. ous other difficulties. the direct cause of which, in grtider notified all the minute men am 20 ** Merchant*. with an and all the latest in ever on rhrt*ttun or on /»< (it hr it tion, at 3 o clock this oil HAVING elegant skylight, found, ground. nine cases out ol of afternoon, the premi- now ten. is the effect poisonous drugs, State troops to hasten forward without 5 Mechanics. provemrnts. Is prepared to make pictures t* Office open fiom 10 to 12] A. M., aud lioni 2] to 5 S< a new delay can be restored to u tural streugth aud rigor tbe ses, and commodious house on 5000 State of Maine Ronds. 30 DAYS, at prices that will be an inducement tor P. M. Also from 7 till U Family »ap-Ataker. by dwelling the enemy being on the advance fron evening. use of from rive to Baths. already Lawrence R. R Rond*. to sit for their A. C. LEWIS. HU Mi UREY I M 1). eight Oxford street. For Berwick with p 5oo0At.& St. photographs. PACKER. Office hours a. M. to 1 P. particulars, see advertise- Bay, the declared purpose o oc8dlwtneneodtf (Late Irahk a from $ o’clock At.; ljto nov6 lived WM. U. Lewis.) Portlaud, Nov. 9, IdoS. dBiu Eeomo.nv: i;ro\oxv i ment. invading Texas. By WOOD. 6; arid 7 to 9 P. R Consultation Free Jyl4 isedt* II mi joy :4ia In.80 2.16 11.00 2.85 rooms for ladies aud The girls of the High School will con- tliat "it is more blessed to than receive." I and a quiet house gentlemen, I .V S. a of the force are to ti » 11.30 3.00 12.00 3 20 give NOTICE. FErAALD, Proprietor & Driver. reports part ouly go uov9 dlw* i or the busiuc" man. and prices reasonable. vene at the school-house this morn 3.45 4.06 A PA UKS. (Tuesday) Brownsville on the Kio Grande, where thei JOHN Agent. The is 4.30 4.50 genuine Saponiiier only put up in 1-lb. iron llopps by personal attention to th« wants of the at Formerly Proprietor of the Marlboro’ Hotel. iug, the usual hour. Per order. arrival will he hailed with by the multitude caus, the to merit a joy 6.15 5 35 4'<>p:irlii<'i«liii> Kolirr. Boston, Nov. 8, ltititt. novT dV\ A.vkwdm by public share of patronage. uov4 *llw of and where a small force wil Nov. 10th. loyal Texans, 6.00 6.15 * YL VASIA SAL rnHE undersigned have this day formed a copai PEXXS T.\tAS CFACTUltlXC, suffice to a contrabani l 7.<*0 7.20 put stop to an immense «, 1. nership under the name and ol DAMF' CO., Patentees and sole Manufacturers. Dissolution ol' 8.00 8 20 style eoitoi'tiM'rsliiit. trade. As to tor the « CITY MILLS FLOUR. is a am the other part nothing nuthenti FREEMAN k CO., purpose of cam in g CAIRO rimi-: Hr® under the mtme CSP*Parsons’ Cough Candy genuine 8.50 9.15 Beware of Counterfeits ! Be surf you buy the iron heretofore existing of is we trust Mack-smithing and at No. 43 Com ALL lot just received. Also, a of I ti.J »o istliif divulged, but it is not improper, Ship-work, variety can. l)Kii( ION. day dissolved by reliable See notice column. Fare 5 cents, or Railroad Packupe Ticket* 25 ft DAN 1 other brands Flour, for sale remedy. special to the is th 5 j mercial Street. EL KKEEM AN, ASM by mutual consent, and ail bills of the late tirm win b« express hope that its destination One dollar. J. J. OKRKISII, VV L. 372 For sale in Portland d2m. | AB*L C. HILDRETH. WILSON, Congress fit. by m* tiled hv t,. J. DEut’H). of Mobile. I oct26edtf IV k F A R City Supt. R, Portland, Sept. 8d, 1868. novT d3t oct22dlw—eodtf nov6 d& wis3m \V. F. PIIII.LIPS. ‘KoyemherS. dlw* > ———B ————————— MISCELLANY. MILITARY. | MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL. STEAMBOATS. RAILROADS.

How to Finish a Uauoijtkii.—For the at- TO T Jr 1110 IRA srEUK’s vtiun i \vi\i; (■HAND Tit INK HAIL WAV tainment of tills eml l’uucli gives the lollow- WINN, Agent, HOWARD & s For tko Penobscot River. directions:— NOYES, CO, fit' CljuiHila. ing PURE, AND FOL K Y EARS OLD, The new aud fast steam* r HAR- her she Veteran Soldiers of Maine! ISTo. 11 Union 1.—Be always telling how pretty is. | St., VEST MOON. Wro K. No. ».l Exchange Sired. Of Capt. Roix, WINTER g.—Instill into her mind a proper love of It prepared to furnijli Choice Oporto Grape, leaves Grand Trunk Wharf, Port- ARRANGEMENT. dress. sss ss FOR PHYSICIAN*’ UBE. land, every Capt. FRANK L. JONE§, SSs SSS8 nanaac On and after Nor. 9, 1968. :).—Accustom her to too much so STEAM ENGINES and Tuesday, Thursday and Monday, pleasure BOILERS, SSS ss For Saturday 'rains will run daily, (-uiidays except- be of the 26th Maine been Females, WeaklyPersons and Invalids at that she cannot happy at home. Regiment, living of various sizes and patterns, sss ss I mornings, 8 o'clock, ed) until further notice, as follow.: authorized to recruit tor the 4.—Allow her to read but the latest LATEduly a Company sss Or on the arrival of the Bo*tou for nothing Veteran to be steamers, I'p TraiH*. novels. Regiment commanded by ami Hilt ic. sss Pipe Fiiturw, Gearing. Shafliue, Pulleys, sss ROCKLAND, BELFAST and BANG OR, all I.cave Portland for South Paris at 7.4fl a. m. For but j making j.— Teach her all the accomplishments, Col. Francis Fessenden, sss the landings except Searsport. Island Pond at 1.10 r. a. none of the utilities of life. Light llntas Work of all descriptions, and all sss Kktubmno—Will leave Bangor every Down Truitt*. in the darkest of call* his old in arms'', kinds of work required in building] ss sss 0.—Keep her ignorance earnestly upon “companions Leave Island Pond Tor aud others of the late Maine Regiments, to Fortification*. 88 SSS Portland, aids ttie existiug Monday, \\ rdnoduy and 1'iiday i-eave South Paris mysteries ofkousekecping. him iu meeting the enemy ol the old Flag. ssss sss for Portland at 5.46 a. m. her the that it is join again 1 rouStair* and other Architectural Work. 7.—Initiate Into principle SS BSS morning*, and making all the landings as above. to do for herself. A BOUNTY OF *G02 For lor to vulgar anything Houses, Stores, ami other buildings, fitted with freight or passage please apply at the Office on “r?.not responsible baggage the whan. rxeeeding a6d In value, and that K.—To strengthen the latter belief, let her Will be to those enlisting from Portland. To Gas and Steam in the best manner. l\o. 35 Guliange Street. per- paid 1. given, and tor at the rata have a maid. those elsewhere in the State a el jylaUtl' A. SOMKRBV, *-■s'luwJ““‘ice01 one paid lady’s enlisting Bounty inTrrTTTTiTTTi Agent. paa-e’jger for MOO additional valuu. in addition to the Bouuties the tow ns In connection with the above is an Iron i every it.—And lastly, having given her such an ed- $502 may Foundry, ii i rrrrn rrm i offer. with a large assortment of Patterns, to which the H her to a clerk in Yr rrrr it BAII.EV. ucation, marry the treasury For further see Posters. attention of Machinists, Butrin,«dU,''C,Ur- particulars Millwright**,and Ship-Build- JT TTTT IT International Co. Nov-4-1^'t upon 175 a year or to an that is go- ers is invited—and all kiuds ot Castiugs furnished Steamship novo cusigne FRANK L. TTTT to Canada or India. JONES, at short notice. ing Officer. tttt PORTLAND, SACO At Recruiting irdersfor Machine Patterns and PORTSMOUTH If by the above careful training your daugh- ar< .Jobbing, TTTT EASTPOUT, CALAIS A ST. JOHN. R AILROA D, ryOFFICE NO. 1 FOX BLOCK, 1st flight, up executed. oc2 ter is not be sure it is no Forgings, promptly T ITT finished, you may stair—sign of the Flag. aug2G • fault of and TiTT IP 1 V TER ARRU.YII yours must look upon herescape TTT'I EM R \rs. as nothing short of & miracle. lo.iHHI Hus\ie\s inr Two Trips a Week! Commencing Nov. 2d. IMS. WAR TTTTTiTT Trains will leave CLAIM AGENCY. -of- On and i-sAHUag! Passenger the St a- jp**** alter Thursday, April Wh, tlon, Canal street, few the Cod theStf-amer Xrw daily, iSuudavs Sy“A days ago, says Cape 9100 Bounty money, Back Pay, Mo. 35 Kidiange Street. JgZ&jlfefafr Knulasu, Capt. cented) as lollow s: a well dressed sauntered I-.. Field, uiwl Meamer New Bttuxe- Advertiser, stranger BENT BARLEY Portland Tor Boston, at 8.46 a. m. and 2 30 wieK, Capt. F.. It. will ^ of our wharves for the And Pension*. QLALITY ooooo | Winchester, leeve Kailruad I-eave down on one purpose ! Wharf, foot of state St., WANTED BY K. JONES. ooo ooo every Monday and Than, Leave Boston for Portland at the aud himself at 7.30 A. tt. and 2.3d of seeiug sights enjoying gen- undersigned is prepared to obtalnfromthe ooo ooo day, 6 o'clock P. M., for Kastport and St. John. ^ In order to gel a more extended 1111EUnited States Government, Money, MOSES MORRILL, Agfiil, OOO « M »0 erally. §100Bounty FARES. for Portland, at lo.OO a. m. and he mounted a filled with Back Pay, 1c., for heirs of Officer* or Soldiersdyiug OOO ooo k'J^Portxmoalli prospect, hogshead 204 FORK STRKF.T, and while at the beautiful n the U. S.service. ooo OOO ToSt.John.by steamer,*5.00 | To St. Andrew,, *4,50 tr*iu* wil1 ***:e *n<1 ,nyt blubber, gazing •• P»**engersat dtf M E. 04)0 OOO Ka-tuort, station? tray harbor he lost his balance and in lie s**p2’J POKTI.AND, 4.001 Calais, 4.75 prospects OOO 0041 Machias. Dlgby, ti.00 Freight trains leave Portland aud Invalid Pension*, this should | Boston daily. went, up to his neck, in sweet blubber. For- MOO 004» Every family.tt season, usethe and stage, S.HO | Munckton. 7.00 IRANI 1st If A'olifp. " ASK, Su[wriuteudeot (opiiiincrsliip MOO 04 >0 Windsor, 7.501 tunutely some persons were near at hand, w ho Established for Officers aud Soldiers,wounded or SAM Bid WINK, Shediac, 7.t,i me 30. oedl edtf MOO ooo Halifax, Portland^, Dim._ succeeded in liiinfrom his unfortu- disabled by sickness contracted while lu the service undersigned have this day formed a copart- celebrated in for its medicinal and beneflcia 8.501 Bedetiue, 8,25 extricating |< KXN >0 Europe Fredericton, 0.00 0.50 ol the United States, iu the line of duty. JL uership under the name and style of as a Stimulant,Tonic. Diuretic, aud Charlottetown, Vork Ac Ciimbe-iinnal nate condition—but his new suit was complete- imilK qualities gentle HouUont W oodstock.O.OO I’ictou, Kailroiisl. .Sudoritic, highly esteemed hv eminent | 11.25 ruined, aud he a most serrowful Mo. 35 Street. physicians, The above Steamers connect at ly presented Pensions NOYES, HOWARD & CO., Kteliange used in Kuropeau and American aud by St. John with Ku- WINTER He was taken into a and Hospitals, rupean aud North American Kaiiroad for all statioua ARRANGEMENTS. spectacle. building of the V V V V V V V V V V some of the liret families in Europe and America. forthetransaction to ishedioc, and from thence with wrung but the owners of the de- Procured for widow s or children of Officers and Sol- vvv vvv Steamer West- out; premises AS A TUNIC moreland for aud On tnd after Oct. 1*<2» diers w ho have died, while iu the service of the Unit- vvv Bedeejiie Charlottetown, 1\ K. | Monday. 28, manded a quarter for the oil he had soaked up Stove and Furnace vvv and Trail)* will leave as foil own : ed States. ltu«iiftc«s It I as no equal, causing an and up Pictou, N.S., and with the Steamer for was VVV VVV appetite building Kinperor in his clothes, which the most unkind cut the a Windsor and llalilax, Nova aud with steam- Prize Money, Pensons Bounty and Back Pay col- A T EXCHANGE STREET. vvv vvv system, being entirely pure wine of a most val- Scotia, Portland NO. 30 ers !i>r Fredericton Also for Saco River, at h no 2 oo 6.JS> of all. He forked over the money and left for lected for Seamen and their heir*. vvv vvv uable grape. at Kastport with stage for N\ W. NOYES. Machias. aud with steamer Morrill's do M.ll 2.15 it i.' satisfied that lie hail for each Pension obtained .Five lars. vvv AS A DIURETIC, yueeu for Calais aud St his boarding house, fully Fees, I L. vvv Cumberland do H » All Claims the will eceive HOWARD. Audrews, and at the latter place with N. B. fc C | Mills, 13 J 33 seen the and his against Government WWW It a action of the Glands, do elephant paid admission fee Portland. July 1, 1863. Jy3 dtf imparts healthy Kidneys, ltailroad for lioulton aud Woodstock stations. Saecarapj*, 9 23 2.30 6 64 prompt attention. V V V V V aud Organs, very beueticialin Gorham. do in full. Urinary Dropsy,Gout Through tickets will be sold on 835 2.65 «o5 Post Office address vvvv and Rheumatic Affections. board by the clerk, Buxton or at the ageut’s otlice. C entre, do *.62 3.ri6 ti 22 vvv Arrive at SETH E.BEEDI SPEER’S WINE Hemming, will leave St.John for Kastport, Port- do D.oo 3.15 JOHN CROCKETT & vv land and you consider lieer intoxica- CO., Boston, every Monday and Thursday morn- :#““no lager Augusta, Mr. Is not a mixture or manufactured article, but is pure Vel." “ash for ing, at 8 o'clock. Saco River for Portland, at d.Ii5 *9.30 3 gj ting?” replied \V-, ihit, State House.) -DEALER* II- Mo. 35 Street. from the juice of the Portugal Sanibuci grape, culti- I (OfficeNo.9 I Kicliaiige No camphene, turpentine, oil of vitriol, or other Buxton ‘entre. do <„4d Si.40 3 I 1 driuksh feefly or seexty glasses vated iii New Jersey, recommended by chemists and 38 gant zny. Hand explosive burning duid, or materials which ignite by Gorham, do 7 (« 10.no 3 55 no RBFttBBKCZS : ! K«w mid Second Fiinaitiirp, KEEKF.EEEKKKK as possessing medical properties superior in von day, and it hurtsh me; put i to’nt ! physicians lriction. taken by this line. Saccaranpa, do 7 12 10.15 4 07 EKEEEEE EEEE E to any other wines in use, and an excellent article for < know how it woult if a mau vash to make -AND- freight not received aller 4 p u Mon- umberland Mills, do 7.17 ]u22 4 11 pc Hon.Lot M. B. Hall, FEE EE i all weak and debilita ed persons, aud the and Positively Morrill, Hon.Joseph aged days aud For further information Morrill *, do 7 24 man 418 a hog of hisself.” U.S. of State EEE infirm, the Ihursdaya. ap- Senate, Seo'y FURNISHING GOODS. improving appetite,and benettttingladics *o C. C. Arrive at do 7.35 11.45 4.80 EEE and ply KATON, Agent, Hon.JamesG. Blaine, Hon Nathan Dane. ! children. Kaiiroad I he EKE E »epl Wharf, Portland, Me. 2.00 P. M. train out and the 9.3)1 A. M. ttain sepSOd&wlitf StateTrcasurer 128 & 130 Exchange Street. A LADIES' • KKEFFECT WINE, into Portland will be Freight Trains, with Passenger Cars F^ M, tn.ylldtf EEE E Because it will not intoxicate as other wines, as it attached. CARSLEY, Fares | EEE contains no mixture of spirits or otherliquors, and is Portland an I Boston Line. 5 ents less when ticket* are purchased at the office than EKE 1 admired for its rick, peculiar flavor, and nutritive when paid in the cars. MAKER COAL & WOOD, \Y. W. UAKli & (JO., EEE EE j properties, imparting a healthy tone to the digestive THE STEAMERS Uct. 22, ia». dif DAN CARPENTER, Sup’t. CABINET organs, :iud a blooming, soft and healthy skill and CHEAP FOR CASH, Having taken the Fruit Store formerly occupied by F. E K EEE EE E E E E Forest Lewiston and EEEEEEEEEEEE I complexion. City, Montreal MAINE CENTRAL AND DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY RAILROAD. UPHOLSTERERj Cl. S A \V Y I: R WE REFER TO wgnfM* Will, until further notice, run as follows: Mo. 35 Street. a nown No. 51 Union Street, SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH, K\eliaiige few well k gentlemen and physicians who BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. l\To. !i SI have tried tlie Wine: Leave Atlantic Wharf, Portland, HAZ ELTON LEHIGH, Exchange reel, SSS to do all kinds of CABINET JOB* SS’ (ieu. Wiutteld Dr. Wilson. 11th st.. N every Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday aud prepared COLERAINE LEHIGH, Scott,USA. Y, 1 On and after and manner. sss ssss Friday, at 7 o'clock P. M., and In ilia Wharf, Monday next, passenger JsBING in a prompt satisfactory Are to offer to the trade a aud well Gov. Morgan, N.Y State. Dr Ward, Newark, N. J. Boston, □QBflEaQ LOCUST MOUNTAIN, prepared largo sss ss S3HI train* will leave a* p t «H.r»ud Trunk j stock of Dr. Dr. Newark. every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday* aud JOHN’S, selected ss I J.K.Chilton,N.Y.City. Dougherty, at 7 o’clock P. M. Railroad in Portland, tor Lewiston and sss ! Dr. Parker, N. Y. City. N.J. Friday, Auburn Book and Show Cases made to order. $THE GENUINE LORRER Y sss Fare in C abin.»1.50 7.45 a. m. ; Nichoil.New- Dr. New York. Drs.DarcyA Marcy, on For Baugor and all intermediate station* at Furniture Made, and Varnished at and Domestic Fruit ! sss ark.N.J. I Deck. 1.25 l.lu r, Repaired Pure and Free Burning. Foreign Dr.Cummings,Portland taken as M. on arrival of traiu* from Ho-tnu. sss Dr. Boston. Freight usual. Wholesale and Retail ; Kayes, | Returning traiu* leave Lewiston and SHORT NOTICE. sss I The Company arc not for baggage to Auburn for H^None genuine without the of“AL- responsible Portlaud at 0.30 a h. Portland. May 29,1868. tf CUMBERLAND COAL ! Sprnor Guin. Lozenges sss signature any amount exceeding 36u In value, and that person- Orange* FRED SPEER. N is over the cork Leave tor ss sss Passaic, J.,” ol I al. unless notice is giveu and paid for at the rate of Bangor Portland at 7.30 A. * Both FOR SMITHS’ USE. I Lemon*. Canary Seed. <'(indie*, each bottle. 1 traiu* couued with SS sss one panseuger for every 3500 additional value. through train* to Boston aud Liuie*. Lemon Syrup. Honey, ssss sss Feb. 1868. dtf L. Lowell. Coals art of the best or MAKE oxe trial of this wise. 18, BILLING’S, Agent. GO OOS strictly quality,an ssss Freight train leave* Portland for all stations NEW to satisfaction. I'ruues. Cocoa \ni*. Fig*. ss dai’y TIIF.SEwarranted give ou line of tit:* road at 8 a. m. m me u; u^i.-ir ami »n ui viaer u«irn. Cltrou. >’ala, all Lind*. Dale*. Portland and New' 1 ork Steamers. Tickets sold at the \o. 3*1 Etclianse Sit reel. City and town Ageute supplied by the state Com* depot of the Grand Trunk Kail- 94 EXCHANGE STREET. Also, for sale, best quality of Nova Scotia and other | Olive*, Kai*in*. Tobnero. miftsioners. road in Portlaud tor all station- ou Ihi* road. A. SEMIWEEKLY LINE. EDWIN XOYh.S, Sardines. Cigar*. l'HOPHIETOIlS OF SPEER,Proprietor _ Unpt. Hard and Soft Wood. Vineyabp—Pa«"aic, New June 1,1863. tf Candies of all Jersey. The and fast Fancy descripliou. OFFICE—208 Broad wav, New York. splendid Steamships oct9 dtf LA “CHESAPEAKE,” Capt. Willictt, P. B. The are to call, as we are deter The Magoo Stoolt. JOHN FOY.Paria, ANDROSCOGGIN RAILROAD. FROST, public requested and “POTOMAC,” Captain Sher- mined to to those who cash. Agent for France aud (Germany. give good bargains pay wood, will,until further ruu U notice, Soldin Portland by li. IIA Y.Druggiet,Supply as follows: SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Commercial St., head of Maine Wh'J I MERCHANT TAILOR, Office, THE MAOEE STOVE iug Agent. aec22dly Leave Browus Wharf, WEDNES- Portland,every On and THE BEST! and at 4 P. M after Monday, April 6, IMS, Has received from BOSTON and NEW YORK a SAWYER A WHITNEY. DAY, SATURDAY, and leave Pier offer to tlu* public a* our leading Stove. 9 North New Si^^SHtmins will leave Portlaud for Lew bit on assortment of the BEST and most FASH- mcb20’6Sdly Kc-openrd. ; River, York, every WEDNESDAY complete UTV.We say uulu-sitatingjy. that for finish, dura- and SATURDAY, at 3 o’clock. P. M. vialirunsuicL, at 1.00and 8.15 P. M. ION ABLE Goods in the market for Gkmti.ux ea’a Photograph Galleries, No. 80 Middle street, i Eeave Portland for bility and economy, it ha- not an in New Eng- LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS These vessels are titted with tine accommodations Farmiugton.vla Brunswick, at for Fall and Winter which been refitted aud equal up wear Garments, among THEPortland, having thoroughly land ! At the of coal, it afford* this | 1.00 P. M. with all the latest are now prescut high price I for passenger*, making the most speedy, sate and are Without a supplied improvements, u« great satisfaction to a stove w hich for Leave Farmington for Bathand Portlaud,9.10a.M. Chimney! for the ot the produce (•real Telltale comfortable route for travellers between New York open accommodation public. cannot be beat! Tlic Remedy. Leave Lewiston for Bath aud Portland tt.00 aud Ultra Fine French Over-Coatings Chin- The is to his former economy ! and Maine. Passage *6,00, including Fare and State proprietor prepared supply We shall be p]<»a*ed. at all times. 1o «how this stove Rooms. 11.40 A. M. TRITTIN’S KEROSENE Bl'RNER ! customers and all who may give him a call, with pic- Plain to auy one w ho iimv call, th this to •TAOB COVYKCTION*. chillas, Heavy Diagonals, tures of executed iu the beet mau- explain principle upon Goods forwarded by line and from Montreal, BURNER is the best of its kind now in the every description, which it is and an able to undoubted leaves Strickland’s and Beavers. ner and at reasonable operated, give Quebec, Baugor, Bath, Augusta, hast port aud St. Stage Ferry Tuesdays, Thurs- Fancy market. It is remarkable for its of prices, a- to the truthfulness of our statement. THIS superiority to references LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS j John. days and Saturdays, for Livermore, Canton, Pern for its of moving about, aud for its cr Particular attention given copying. Also a stock of SCOTCH and ENGLISH j light; facility are to send their to the aud Dixdeld; returning opposite days. large renders it safe A. s. DAVIS, Proprietor. Shippers requested freight for Business and Drc-ss Suits, which are ; lion-couducling principles, which THE MAOEE PAKI.OK A UK BETTER THAN ALL steamers as as 3 P. on the that Stage leave* for New New Cloths, very 1 Portland, July 30, I860- dtf early M., day tbep Farmington Vineyard. and the CHEAPEST Hood* in the market. against the effects of heating leave Portland. Portland aud hingfiela, on and Satur- popular, Consist* of four -izoa. of a chaste and beau- Weduesdayu For the of a kitchen aud chamber lamp pattern on < lothes manufactured iu the best style, and a< purposes Pills, Powders aud Quack Preparations, For freight or passage apply to day*. returning Moudays and aud for it is invaluable. ffiSAA WILL BE FORFEITED BY 1)R. L tiful finish. The Parlor Stove is operated upon the Fridays. cheap as cau be purchased elsewhere. lanterns, EMERY A FOX. Brown s Wharf, Portland. Stage* leave Farmington daily, for strong, Avon For ami convenience it commends itself DIX if failing to cure iu less time than same principle as the Cook Stove. A* I do my own rutting, and attend personally to economy II. B. CROMWELL k CO., No. S6 West Street, aud Phillips. to all any other nhysician, more effectually and perma- PARLOR a the mannOictvrr, my customers may rely upon my house-keepers. THEMAUEE WITH OVEN, Is new New York. Passengers lor this route will take the cars attha dealers the can ! neutly, with less restraint from Occupation or fear ol best exertions to hivk satisfaction. Lamp throughout country supply and improved design. DROPS Dec. 6.18J2. dtf Portland, Saco A Port-mouth, or hai.nebec A Port- on to to all weather, witheal'c aud med- LYON’S PERIODICAL themselves application exposure pleasant land Depots, in Portlaud. S. W. BATON, Sup’t. CITAKLKS E JOSE, 158 Fore St.,Portland, icines, * -ARE- Farmington April 1. 1863. apd dtf oc23 A gout for State of Maiuo. SELF-ABUSE AND SOLITARY HABITS, MAGEE’S NEW PATENT Their effects aud consequences; SICK TO DO l,OOI> AX1) CANNOT 1)0 1IAKM. KENNEBEC AND PORTLAND R. K* J. A. DAVISA CO Elevated HOTELS. , SPEC IA L A l I.M ENTS AND SITUATION S, Double Oven Range! fi’i/hor without trifh //•»/ Air SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. lucidentto Manied aud Siugle Ladies ; /tads, Furnace*. INTERNATIONAL HOUSE, April 1863. Commission Merchants. SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS; These Ranges have now been thoroughly tested, Commencing O, and to anv in the market.— .Junction of Exchange, ('ongres* omi Lime For the purchase of Mercurial A thetions; Eruptions and all Diseases of pronouuced superftvr OHBB Passenger Train* will leave daily, are the oulv Ranges to which a ha- Sts.,opposite Sen' ('itit Halt, Portland. the Skin: Ulcers of the Nose/I hroat and Body; Pim- They Regulator (SuuJ*?* excepted) a* follow*: ever IhmAi fur the Draft This new and located Hotel is ou the Face; ofthe Joints; Nervous- applied controlling and reg- centrally for Bath. Portland and at GRAIN & PROVISIONS j pies Swellings Periodical First Class in all it* and one Augusta Bostou. 5.30 an41 FLOUR, * the heat to the Oven-. By an new Drops! apiioiutmcut*, ness; Constitutional aud other Weakness* iu ulating entirely Lyon's 11.16 connecting at with youth, the ino*t home-like house* in New A.M., Brunswick traiu* oit at all arrangement we have slide*, to he n-ed for plate or _of Lug- MARKETS. I and the more advanced ages, of land. moderate. the Androscoggin Railroad for Lewiston, k armiu(gs FOR EASTERN warmer*. This Range is heavier than auy THE j Charge* OK pie other, GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. 3m ton, Ac. BOTH SEXES, SINGLE MARRIED. of smooth and beautiful orna- no»2 O. C. ROLLINS, Proprietor. Wii. ; casting*, de-ign.being Portland for Bath and Augusta at 1.00 P. M., cco- 220 West Water St., Milwaukee, mented with finish : and the bright directions,which meting at Brunswick with the Androscoggin K H. DR. L. DIX S are are cast on the face of the 84 South Water St., 111. I simple, Range, always train* for all stations ou that road: and at Augusta Chicago, P R1V ATE MEDIC A L OFFICE, before the of the cook, when using it. We eyes say. TIIE AMERICA* HOUSE, with the Somerset A KmntU c Railroad for Wa er- a Busines* that it will do more with tin- Day and Evening, for Thorough sipt22 21 Endicott unhesitatingly, work, Periodical ville, Kendall’s Mills aud S t v. ; and at K an- open j _dCm street, BoMou,Mass., of than Drops! began same amount Lyon's ISEducation. Located I860. fuel, auy other. dall’a Mill* tor Haugor, It (s so at that Datients never seo or hear each AUK ALL Hano ver Stree- Botton, ranged BETTER THAN Portlaud for Bath aud Augusta at 8.15 P. M. & other. Recollect, tne oxLr entrance to bis Office is __ Kuukoii Block. Middle St., X#. 1CI. SWEAT CLEAVES, Tickets sold in Bostou for all the statious on tha No. 21, no connection with his re*ddence,con- -Ig- in of the United States at Law. j having Pill#* Powders & Quack Preparation*. Kenutbec A Portland, Androscoggin, aud Son. greet Scholarships good any part i Attorney* aud Counsellor* no family interruption, ao that on uo ac- The has had 20 is alway 4 sequently MAGEE'S NEW PATENT The and llc*l Arranged Hotel | A Kennebec Road* Principal years experience: couut ca'u any person hesitate appl\ing at his office. Large*! uu the spot, and atteuds to his business; and prom- PORTLAND. PTAUK roXNkCTION*. I N N E W ENGLAND. ises, as during the past 12 years, no pains shall be DR DIX Stages leave Bath daily for Rockland at 9.0(1s A M. ami Portable and 3.00 P. M. spared in the future. Five hundred references ot OFFICE --117 Middle Street. hold'y asserts (and it cannot be contradicted,exsept Brick Furnaces the first clasp business men, with others of this will or do anything, even Periodical Leave Augu-ta for Rockland at 9.00 A.M. Augus- many by Quacks,who say perjure -ADAPTED TO- Lyon’s Drops! LEWIS RICE, Proprietor. D „. SWEAT. KAT1IAS CLEAVea ta tor Bel fa* at 4.00 P. M. city, will testify to the practical utility, capacious* j L. themselves, to impose upon patients) that he t, ness and of and maunsr will -ARE- oclGly B H. CUSHMAN, completeness my system* Uaviiijr a responsible Ageut in Wa^iinflton, 8 THE UKLY REGULAR GRADUATE PH Y81C1A K A D- Building* of nil Cln-»ca n»*«l Sizes S of teaching, and citizens of other cities have testified Prize and all Manager aud Superintendent. procure Pensions, Bounty, Mouey, VKRTI81KO IK B08T0K. 1868. to the same. Diplomas will be awarded for thor- claims the Government, Sure to do Good aud canuot do Harm. Augusta, April 6. ap4fl against YEARS ough course.-. Able Assistants secured. Bartlett'.* 2 dtf SIXTEEN “ELH1 HOUSE/ my The suoce-s of this justly celebrated Furnace, i- Plan, the founder of Commercial Colleges, strictly in treatment *»f Special diseases, a fact «o j engaged without a No furnaces, in se short I Copyright secured, j adhered to as regards not timed well known to mauv probably parallel* informs the copying. Cerjaiu Citizeus,Publishers, Merchants, a or adverti*- Til Ennderslgucd respect fully devoted to Commercial Law elucidations. time, and without newsp»i>er putting will be Hotel ic., that he is much recommend- 1 that lie has leased the above House, r PALNiER’s Proprietors, have ever been ?*o extensively introduced. and public 4 oiue all who have failed to be taught a busine-o aud to iug, on Fede.-a! snd invites ed, particularly -ofavuiuMv known. The Regulator, invented and Street, Portland, The Great Indian hand-writiug and I will guarantee to you success the tra\ community to call and see it Remedy STRANGERS AND TRAVELLERS. patented by Mr. Magee, was the first ever applied to tiling FOK FEMALES. AppUcatloussolicited for Accountants. Separate in- i LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS! he know* how to keep a hotel.” Clean, bARTIFICIAL LEG, To avoid aud of Foreign and Na- a Stove or Furnace, lor *o controling the draft a- to struction given. Students can enter any tiira. Sep- escape Imposition airy room*, good bed*, a well-provided table, atten- DR MATT!SON'8 INDIAN EXMENAGMUF. tive mart nunitrons iu Boston than desired ot lo ai. and hold it for anv arate room* for Ladies. Tuition reasonable. Intri Quacks, other give any degiee The (.real Telltale ! tive servant* and moderate charge* are the induce- \ by Hoveimnciiu reasonablc length ol time, requiring replenishing but Itemed) This celebrated Female M ate accounts adjusted, l adies and Gentlemen that Patroifcued ! large cities, ments he holds out to those whose busiuess or jdiciud, seldom, and may be uu entire season. These pleas- de-ire to take lessons, or a full, or a course DR. L. DIX kept the "Forest poMseeniug virtues uuknowu ot any- separate Furnaces used with or without the Extra ure call them to City.” in either Book-Keeping, Navigation, Com mere i a world-renowned invention which received I proudly refers to Professor* ami respectable Phyai- may thing elm> of the kiud, and proving rpiIIS which aie designed more JONATHAN BLISS. Law, Higher Mathematics, Civil En- 1 the “Great Prize Medal" at the World's Fair, ii J cians—many of whom consult him in critical cases, Radiating Pipes, particu- Proprietor. effectual alter all other* ha re failed, Phonography, for a beat.— LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS! dtt Native Business as the reliable Artificial now because of bis acknowledged skill and reputation, at- larly place* requiring quick, powerful Portland, Aug. 19,1%2. Is designed for both murr gd and iin* gineering, Surveying, Writing regarded out# l^eg j the Card of six thousand taiued so and ob- Alter a trial ot four years, inventor having add- ladies, aud is the very beat Commercial Arithmetic. Correspondence, made. It is worn by upwards per- through long expericuce, practice AUK BETTER THAN AI.L tbiug ed such as have suggested thcmselve-. l'or the Marking, (and teaching from printed copies ami sons, embracing all classes, ages and It servation. improvements fieuowu purpose, a* it will protcssioiu. j now offers to and all interested, Text Books will be avoided.) please call, or addrest i« too well known to extended description, ad builders,hou-ekoepers pilr.s,puir/>/;/.*s 4 quackprf.parar/o.vv. bring on the monthly »ickness in caaea require AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE! their Furnaces a- in ten sizes: the No. ID Patents. from The Principal. R. N. BROWN. all information concerning it is embraced iu the de- improved, American and Foreign of obstructions. any cause, and : to the largest size Furnace made in the country. after all. other rein# die. Portland, 4Jet. 22, 18418. oc29 eod&covv ly scriptive pamphlet, which is sent free to all who ap« be not robbed and add your sufferings in being de- being ol the kiud ceived the boasts’, false The Furnaces imparl a very mild and sununer-like have bee». tried in rain. ; piy- by lying misrepresentations, K. II.-EDDY, rp-ASOLDIEHS of all the Xiw England States promises aud pretensions of heat. OVER 3000 BOTTLES have now | Also lor sale. Office and Parlor Stove* of LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS! been sold without a ; without charge Very large numbers ol Cooking. single failure, HATCH & supplied FOREIGN AND NATIVE I all kinds for wood or coal. Cook Stove# lor coal or SOLICITOF. OF PATENTS, when taken as aud CLIFFORD, soldiers are at the Boston House, IV QUACKS directed, without being supplied Boston and Maine, ( Ne- ARESL’RE to do good and cannot the least to health in Green street. to PALMER k CO., who know little of the nature aud character of Spec- ; wood; Clipper, onnecticut, Late Agent of V. .S Patent Ofice, Washington injury any case. Apply vada. (ireen Mountain None Such. Our iu octlb wfrstf Boston, Mass. ial diseases, and ll*i» us to their cure. Some exhibit State, State, i\e IB^Itiaput up bottle* ot threw PRODUCE COMMISSION wood: DO HARM- (under ^tcto/1827.) forged diplomas of institution* or Colleges, which I Triumph. For Cottage Home. Harp, Ariel, different strengths, with lull direc- M F. It C H A NTS, never existed iu any part of the world: others ex- j Republic and New England State*. Also, Franklin, 7# State Street,,>pposite Kilby Street, tion for using, aud seut by express, /) st hibit diploma* of the dead, how obtained, unknown; Box aud Cylinder. closely sealed, to all parts of the country. A Nil I' E.A I. BUI* IN ull hall 1 not only assuming and advertising iu names of those li O ST O N PRICES— l strength. 810; strength, to; inserted iu the diplomas, but to further their imposi- j narter strength, *3 per bottle. oft wen This medicine is Batter, Cheete, Eggs, Beam, Apples, 4c tion assume names of other most celebrated physi- AGENTS FOR STEVENS’ I FTKK an extensive practice of upwards XJT'REMEMBER— designed ex- cian! long since dead. Neither be deceived by Periodical A* ty years,continues to •♦•cure Patents iu the Unit- pressly for obstinate cases, which all other remedies No. 3 I.lme Street, I,yon’s Drops 1 ed States; also in iircat Britain. France, aud other of the kind kacefailed to cure; also that it is war- QUACK NOSTRUM MAKERS, Celebrated Portable Ovens J ! toreigu countries. Caveats, Specifications, Bonds, ranted as represented iu esery respect, or the pries or tor Patents, be PORTLAND. ME I through false certificates ami references, ami recoin- j THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. Assignments.and all Paper* Drawings will refunded. 7.'?.'“iT5Sh..} on liberal terms, and with di Re- UK WARE OF IMITATIONS! None genu- mend at ion & of their medicines by the dead, who can* executed spatch. I We have in store ami for sale Sheaf Lead. Lead made into American or works, to ine aud warranted, unless i>r. N. B. Highest caah prices paid for Country Pn not expose or contradict them; or who, besides, to searches Foreign purchased directly if I Pipe, I in, Iron, Copper and Zinc. < owing & Co * the or of Patents or Inven- M. at bis Remedial Institute for duce of all kinds. octl d3m further their copy from Medical hooks determine validity utility Special Diseases, imposition, ! PN MI’S, all si/e* and kinds. or adv ice rendered in all mat- 28 Uuion street, Providence, R. I. much that is written of the aud effects of Lyoii^ Periodical llropit tions—and legal other No. qualities < of t he claims ol embraces all diseases of a different herbs aud plants, and ascribe all the Same ters touching the same. ’opie* any gyThis Specialty pri- ! bv One Dollar. vate nature, noth of 31KN and WOMEN, a reg- rilE PORTLAND COLLEGE, to their Rills, Extracts, Ac., most of ! ARE RE TTER 77/ I V A I. I. PILLS, POWDERS Patent furnished remitting Assigu- by JOHN F. SHERRY Specifics. which, educated of if not all, contain because of the aucieut of Iron ! incuts recorded at Washington. ularly physician twenty years' practice, -LOCATEDIK- Mercury, Workers AM) MKMCIXKS. is not the in New Eng- them his whole attention. belief of it* but now known Heavy QI.'ACK I The Agency only largest giving Hair Cutter and iWal. -r “curing everything,*’ s tor letter or otherwise are strict- Wig is and We have machinery for work of this kind, en- I laud, but it inventors have advantage t^gr’Cousiiltation* by Clapp’s li’oelv.Consrre^a St. ! to “kill more thau cured,” those not killed, I through ot us to turu it out iu the best tnauui r. Patents, of the patentability ly confidential,soul medicines will be sent by No. 13 Market Square,Portland, (up stairs.) constitutionally injured for life. aiding i»o.*?ihle securiug ascertaining express, just been added to Bryant, Strattok A inventions, by, If not immeasurably su- secure from obsecration, to all parts of the United 1 unsurpassed df^Separate room for Ladies'and children’s II -i HASCo.'a Chain of Commercial Colleges, establish IGNORANCE OF QUACK DOCTORS AND NOS- Smoke Stacks, Ventilators, &c., I,ton's Periodical Drops to, any which can lie offered them elsewhere, States. Also accommodations for ladies from abroad Cutting. ed in New York, Brooklyn, I'hiladelphia, Albany TRUM MAKERS. ferlorhe Testimonials below given prove that none is wishing for a secure aud ouiet ut tkxat, with good A stock of Wigs, liali-Wigs, Bands, Bra Buffalo, Cleavelaud, St. Lou Made to Order. cannot I MURK SUCCESSFUL AT THE PATENT OFFICE care, uutil restored to healtn. good Troy, Detroit,Chicago, Through the of the Quack Doctor.know- Arp Suw to oil's Drops ive to you would avoid beina humbugged, take no man's the Agency for the sale l*owd» department fer for months or years, until relieved or il patents. choose. issued in Portland will entitl cured, besides hi “xtensive library of and word, no mat'er what Ms pretensions are, but iu this city and State, the undersigued would git e Scholarships I These, legal the student to bis course in o possible, by competent physicians. N0YK8, HOWARD & CO., FEMALE REMEDY works.and full accounts grant- MAKE will cast you and notice that he i*s now prepared to supply the trail' complete any College THE.GREAT nu-chauicu! ot'patents INQUIRYit nothing, the chain, and'vice versa,without additional ALL ARE e in the United States and render him able, mav save you mauy regrets; for, as advertising as may he desired, and at the lowest market prices charge BUT QUACKS NOT IGNORANT. Europe, phy The College is open Day and Evening. No. :i-1 Extimnue Street. ForII;iii8 UK. HUGHES’ amounts'for successful practitioners with | uselessly spend large experiments with cial intercourse.’' CHARLES MASON, CfT“Orders by mall promptly attended to. Write i relic Medical ; quackery. Tailor cfc Draper, Commissioner of Patents. direct to DK. MAlTItioN, Ed Infirmary DR. L DIX youraddre.*4>/ai«/jr,aud SEWING MACHINES I S as above. dectidawlyBu no hesitation in inventors that Established He those diseases i -j charges are very moderate. Communications NO. 98 EXCHANGE I von’s Periodical “I have assuring for treatment tf STREET, Drops, more aud i I and all 011 him with the they canuot employ a person competent both seres, requiring Erperteuve, iskill, Honor t,Boston < ash, and ean ait “lit II. k aud that i< Such Dr. If.'a Eclectic Renovating Medicinesare 1 at at his 6 Ten Mass. consequently give elegant Phillip*, H. Hay Co., Portland, granted, peudiuy. iu the morning until 10 night, office, out*' at the loice.st cti.*h ! able of great talent ami ability on hi* part led iu efficacy aud superior virtue in regulating aifc and a cure 1 Bostou, Jan. 1,1668. prices. proof struct. Charges moderate, guarantee ly aujt‘22 eodly I leads me to recommend all iuventors to apply to him Ffinale Irregularities. Their action is specific and NOTICE. j pU. * He invites his old friends and customers, and the j | Fu alt ease*. bcfsn»t? rooms W that 1,0 0,lp I to procure their pateuts. as they may be -ure ot hav- Certain of producing relief in a short time. < ■ nubile generally, to call on him. tirateful tor tin have admitted ANDREW J. UASE an a seen but the Dr. hinwelf. liis remedies curedisem most faithful attentiou bestowed ou their LADIES will fiud it invaluable iu all casaaof ob- ,e WO TOT UDIW. Th» nWiiM DB. I liberal he ha* received since lie establish' DR. t’. IIIOTT. iugthe when all other remedies fail: cures without djetjui ’* patronage JOHN have been tried lu In our firm, in the j A- DlX invites all ladies who need a ! cases, aud at very reasonable charges.” structions after all other remedies WEpartner in the of will particularly ed himself here, he solicits a continuance, anti wit in or restriction habits the patient; cures Medical or J vain. It is containltg nothing Surgical adviser, to call at his Rooms,No no efforts to satisfaction. JOHN TAGGART. purely vegetable, Biuines« I out the disgusting and sickening eflbcts of most othi * spare give general the least to the health, and may betaken Chandlery and Grocery 21 Endicott street, Boston, Mass., which wil oc9 tl ! month*, the subscriber, in course ol injurious bmp remedies; cures new cases in a few hours; cures wit] l“ they Physician Surgeon, Dnringelght at all limes. I find arranged for their special accommodation. made on with perfect safety under the firm name of the dreadful effects of hi COl of Howard. Boston, his large practice, tnjee rejected applica- with full directions l out consequent mercury, : Du. DIX devoted over tbit KTSTKFET,corner ot which Sent to of the country having twenty years to from r tions. SIXTEEN APPEALS. EVERY ONE any part j is sure to annihilate the rank and |«oisonous tail 1 ; OU is consulted daily from 10 uutil -. anil DU. MUOI1K8. particular brunch of the treatment of all disease* pt- was decided iu his the Commissioner ol by addressing TEA TON A HALE. the blood is sure to absorb, unless the r to 8 iu the on all disease* of the I’rinary furor, by of Middle. Portland. that prop* culiar to females, it is now conceded all (both in evening, H U EMMT No. oTemidc Street, corner are veaet by NEW FUNERAL CAR, and Humor* Prteuts- rEATON A HALE. j remedy is i*££d. The ingredients entirely this and in that he excels all j (icnital Organs, Scroftilou* Atfectious, country Europe) thei l emalt Oct. oe22 dS" 1 ble, snd of all kinds, Sort*, fleers cud Eruptions, JnnSeodly m»yoonsn!t ob« oflheir Portland, 20, l«3. noiujuriiiuseMetii.cBh^rc^nstitutionall known iu the safe, and effectua rif UE subscriber moat respectfully begs leave to in N. B —LAD1KSdwiriac stlend- — can be caused usiug them. practitioners speedy &c. Aa of over twenty in wn.-ant ! locally, by i treaimeiti ol len.aU Otqn|dalniv X form the oltizeus oi Portland and thm Coinpluiuts. experience own sex. A Inly ol experience YOUNG MEN. who arc troubled ’* ijil vicinity extensive enable* L)r. M. to cure all with eemin His are with the i he has been au undertaker, with all tin yearn* practice a nee. bad habit* medicines prepared express pur appointed Onk TinAer. weakness, generally caused In yont: as and ! the mo t difficult oust-. Medicines entirely yregota Itlni-yluutl A. by | posed removing all diseases, such debility, weak legal rights privileges to bury or remove tin J. E. !tl. ICA\S», the effects of which arc pain aud dizziness in ti e ble. Advice Free. CARGO now landinj |>cr lirig Trenton. con»i»t | ness, unnatural suppressions, enlargements of tin dead that the superintendent has, ami is now read) head, forgett\i!ue*s, sometimes a ringing in tlie ear Airs. M., who is versed iu the nrtlictir< of -looks, windle#, piecw, .loin, womb, also, all discharges which flow from a morbid to attend to that duty in the most careful manner. thoroughly A in* plank Y WANTED. wv*k- etc., terminating in consumption orii l* h maladies ol the sex. can be consulted ladies. risers, Ac., for s*l« BARLE & at Lav f j qyns, | state of the blood. The Doctor is now fully I have a new FI'S Eli A L ( {K. such as i* used al by transoms, Counsellors Attorneys u arc speedily and permanent y prepared Patients furnished with boat'd aud experienced MoGILVKRV, RYAN A DAVIS, b*nUy heg\*;^d, | to treat iu hi* peculiar style, both medically and sur I most entirely iu Bpston, New York, and other Jargv for Uarley i nurses. octl dtf 161 Commercial street. The highest price paid by glcally. all diseases of the female sex, and they an citie*. y.'Uuii < propose to use at the funerals I attorn 1«3 MIDDLE STREET, All coi»k*i.i-t:? land will 1 at Boston, April 23,1S63. eodly correspond*:nee strictly ! rgtpectfVMy ipvit?d tp csll »A I as undertaker, the same price that other under j returned If desired. Address j takers charge for the city h.-aise, and uothiug extn Yellow Corn. JOHN BRADLEY, PORTLAND. DK. J. li No. 41 l.iiUROtt Street. Ho*to«i. HUGHES, I from the old price. The poor alwuv* liberally con DOLLARS w ill bo given tor the detectioi Portland. 6 of IT York Sir«el. M. No. Temple Street,(coruer Middle), dlllettorsr^iuirimr advice must contain QDV dol side ted by JAS. M CLKKIMt, tUVEand conviction ol an) person or nersousstealiuf ¥*"OW f°r JOHJtSl.NO. 10W1BI. H11D portlaud ! VARSUM. Ur to eusure ad unsvfof. Sexton ot Kev. Dr. ShtiivJ"* Church. I papers from tl.* door* of our subscriber* ,1p,CKy PR,11K wlttn #e;;t*sd*wtf t( Sept. 1, issg. fep32 dim Sir bend -tamp for Circular, Jull-d* wtU «odly I UrKiSlliAM E No. UiCti. hfltiti. j)22dtn ; Jewitw rf tnlSHMiSiip Hit PKEbb'. j lyli Co»Bi»rei«l9tr«*, Af»«l ttnlgerjr*- |