185 Stevens Way Jennifer Manko ff Seattle, WA, USA H +1 (412) 567 7720 B Richard E. Ladner Professor jmanko
[email protected] Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering Í make4all.org University of Washington jcmanko ff My research focuses on accessibility, health and inclusion. My work combines critical thinking and technological innovation. I strive to bring both structural and personal perspectives to my work. Integrating computational approaches with human-centered analytics, I develop tools that can influence energy saving behavior, provide support for individuals with chronic illnesses and design 3D-printed assistive technologies for people with disabilities. Education 2001 PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Computing , Atlanta, GA, Thesis Advisors Gregory Abowd and Scott Hudson. Thesis: “An architecture and interaction techniques for handling ambiguity in recognition based input” 1995 B.A., Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, High Honors. Thesis Advisor: Rhys Price-Jones. Thesis: ”IIC: Information in context” Experience University of Washington 2017–present Richard E. Ladner Professor, Allen School, University of Washington 2020–present Aÿliate Faculty Member, Disability Studies, University of Washington 2020-present Adjunct Faculty Member, iSchool, University of Washington 2019–present Adjunct Faculty Member, HCDE, University of Washington Carnegie Mellon 2016–2017 Professor, HCI Institute, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA. 2015–2017 Aÿliate Faculty Member, ECE , Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA. 2008-2016 Associate Professor, HCI Institute, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA. 2004–2008 Assistant Professor, HCI Institute, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA. Consulting and Sabbaticals 2014–2017 Consultant, Disney, Pittsburgh, PA. 2014–2017 Consultant, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center , Cincinnati, OH. 2014–2017 Visiting Professor, ETH, Zrich, CH.