TEESSIDE HIGH FORMER STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION President The Head Teacher – Mrs Kirsty Mackenzie Vice Presidents Mrs J Hennessy Mrs H French Mr M Wilkinson Chairman Mrs Helen Vaughan Minutes Secretary Miss Charlotte Puryer 15 Astbury, Marton in Cleveland, TS8 9XT Treasurer & Secretary Mrs Caroline Chapman 24 Mill Farm Road, Hamsterley Mill, Co Durham NE39 1NW Magazine Editors Mrs Caroline Chapman; Mrs Helen Vaughan; Mrs Alex Carey (nee Hamblett) Committee Members Mrs Sylvia Dalton, Mrs Kathryn Gillie, Miss Jean Goldsborough, Mrs Alex Carey, Miss Lottie Puryer, Mrs Joyce Willis, Mrs Joanna Lake, Mrs Caroline Olivia Paul, Georgina Lewis and Sue Wilkinson We are still collecting your email addresses – if you have not sent us yours or have changed your email address, please email it to
[email protected] Our subscription year runs from April i.e. Subscriptions (£20 for 5 years, £5 for 1 year) should be sent to Mrs C. Chapman, Friar’s Oak, 24 Mill Farm Road, Hamsterley Mill, Co Durham NE39 1NW 1 Magazine Editorial This year’s Magazine has been a collaborative effort between Caroline Chapman, Helen Vaughan and Alex Carey (Hamblett) who volunteered to take on this task as well as chasing up contributors! We are always grateful for contributions from members – an article about an interesting hobby, holiday or job as well as news about families, especially their marriages and births. Please send any articles for the next Magazine to Caroline Chapman. Caroline Chapman (Alder)
[email protected] Subscriptions This year we marked on the letter for the AGM/luncheon notices, where subscriptions were outstanding.