Round One *HQHUDO.QRZOHGJH Q 2 points per question Points scored 1 Who in May 1999 became the first Asian Keith Vaz minister in the Government? 2 Of what whole number is 5.47723 the 30 square root?" 3 In which year was the Battle of Midway? 1942 4 Brisbane is the capital of which Queensland. Australian state? 5 What is the approximate population of 11 million Buenos Aires in millions - 7m, 11m, or 15m? 6 In which country is the most southerly Ushuaia, Argentina Irish Bar in the world? 7 Which 2 American states were the last to Alaska and Hawaii become states in 1959? 8 “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Robert Louis Stevenson Hyde” was by which 19th Century author? 9 What is the name given to the small Gavel hammer used by an Auctioneer 10 What do the initials of the organisation Advisory, Conciliation and ACAS stand for? Arbitration Service Total Points Scored in Round (double points if Joker played) Round Two 79DQG)LOPV Q 2 points per question Points scored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otal Points Scored in Round (double points if Joker played) Round Three 3LFWXUH5RXQG %ODUQH\6WRQH *HRUJH%DLOH\DQG&ODUHQFH &ODUN*DEOH 'DZQ5XQ WKH$QJHO 'XNHRI:HOOLQJWRQ .HQQHWK&RSH 0DKDWPD*DQGKLDW 0LFNWKH0LOOHU 7KHRGRUH5RRVHYHOW 9HQDEOHVDQG%HFNKDP 0DULO\Q0RQURH )LGHO&DVWUR 'DQL%HKU -RKQ0F&DLQ 0U%HQQ 6DUDK3DOLQ 5LFN0RUDQLV -HQQ\0F$OSLQH 'DQLHO&UDLJ 5HHVH:LWKHUVSRRQ Round Four 6SRUWV 5HFUHDWLRQ Q 2 points per question Points scored 1 Name three of the horses to win the Grand 5XEVWLF0DXULFH%DUQHV-RKQ /HDGEHWWHU-RKQ'RXJODV National in the 1970's /XFLXV%RE'DYLHV*RUGRQ5LFKDUGV )LRQD:KLWDNHU (2 pts for three, 1 pt for two) 5HG5XP7RPP\6WDFN'RQDOG0F&DLQ 1RHO/H0DUH 5DJ7UDGH-RKQ%XUNH)UHG5LPHOO 3LHUUH5D\PRQG / (VFDUJRW7RPP\&DUEHUU\'DQ0RRUH ,5(5D\PRQG*XHVW 5HG5XP%ULDQ)OHWFKHU'RQDOG0F&DLQ 1RHO/H0DUH 5HG5XP%ULDQ)OHWFKHU'RQDOG0F&DLQ 1RHO/H0DUH-W) :HOO7R'R*UDKDP7KRUQHU7LP )RUVWHU7LP)RUVWHU 6SHFLI\-RKQ&RRN-RKQ6XWFOLIIH)UHG 3RQWLQ *D\7ULS3DW7DDIIH)UHG5LPHOO$- &KDPEHUV 2 How many first class runs did Graham 44,841 first-class runs Gooch score in his cricket career? 40356 – 49325 (2 pts) (one mark within 20% of the correct answer, two 35872 – 53809 (1pt) marks within 10%) 3 Name one of the two national teams that Joe Nepal or India Kinnear has previously coached 4 What is the top score in darts from 3 darts (180) and what is the highest 3 dart finish? (1 pt (170) each) 5 How many more gold medals did Great (3) Britain win than Australia in the 2008 Olympics? 6 Which striker scored seven goals in seven John Aldridge games in his first full season for Liverpool? 7 In which country was orienteering invented Sweden 8 Name any Number One single from Roxy Jealous Guy Music 9 Which local legendary musical act won the Rick Astley “the best act ever” award at the MTV Europe music awards recently held in Liverpool 10 Who performed the theme tune for the new Alicia Keys and Jack White James Bond Film Quantum of Solace? Total Points Scored in Round (double points if Joker played) Round Five $OO7KLQJV/LYHUSRRO Q 2 points per question Points scored 1 What is the link between the Liver Birds and (OL]DEHWK(VWHQVHQZKRSOD\V TV Soap Emmerdale (PPHUGDOH V'LDQH%ODFNVWRFN VWDUUHGLQ7KH/LYHU%LUGVDV&DURO %RVZHOOIURP 2 Of the 125 replica Super Lambananas only 2 Euston station and Moel were situated outside Merseyside where were Famau national park in North they? Wales 3 Which Liverpool Comedian Played Yorrick in Ken Dodd Kenneth Brannagh’s 1996 version of Hamlet? 4 As part of the biennal art show what was They are revolving special about the trees on the corner of Parliament St and Great George St? 5 St John’s Beacon in Liverpool City Centre 452 feet high was built in 1972 - how tall is it (as a guide, the Wellington column outside St Georges Hall is 132ft tall)? 6 This Liverpudlian, born in 1809 served as William Ewart Gladstone prime minister four times – who was he? (1809-1898) 7 Name five of Liverpool’s public parks (1 pt for /LYHUSRRO&LW\&RXQFLORZQVDQG four) PDQDJHVDQXPEHURISDUNVLQWKH FLW\VXFKDV &DOGHUVWRQHV3DUN6WDQOH\3DUN 1HZVKDP3DUN:DYHUWUHH%RWDQLF 3DUN1HZVKDP3DUNDQG6HIWRQ3DUN 6W-RKQ V*DUGHQVDQG6W1LFKRODV &KXUFK*DUGHQV 8 When was St Georges Hall first opened – 1854 1854 1863 or 1872 ? 9 Which Liverpool Musician wrote the music Ian Broudie for 3 lions, produced records for Echo and the bunnymen and was the principal member of the Lightning seeds ? 10 How long is the River Mersey? The River Mersey is a river in North West England. It is 70 miles (113 km) long, stretching from Stockport, Greater Manchester, and ending at Liverpool Bay, Merseyside. Total Points Scored in Round (double points if Joker played).
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