Regular Board Meeting Agenda

JANUARY 24, 2018 Dunstable School In camera session: After review of Board Calendar

Call to order: 9:30 a.m.

Opening Remarks

Introductions: Community Members/Trustees

Amendments to the Agenda

Adopting the Agenda

Adopting the Minutes


10:00 a.m. Dunstable School and School Council – A profile of the professional learning community and school

1:30 p.m. Brett Cooper, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources – Administrative Procedure 40-31 Employee Awards and Recognition (New Business Item 1b)

Dunstable School Report and School Council Report (90 minutes)

1) Focus of the School’s Professional Learning Community (PLC) 2) Showcase of the Learning Community in Action 3) School Council

New Business

1) Action Items a) Provincial Budget 2018 Consultation (30 minutes) b) Discussion re: Administrative Procedure 40-31 Employee Awards and Recognition (30 minutes) c) Land, Legal, Labour (In Camera) d) National Field Trip request from R. F. Staples Secondary School to Beauceville, – February 6-13, 2018

2) Information Items a) Her Honour, the Honourable Lois Mitchell, CM, AOE, LLD Lieutenant Governor of visit to Westlock Elementary School on January 29, 2018 re: Literacy and Grade 6 curriculum i) Function information sheet ii) Proposed timeline – itinerary/event program iii) Biography b) February 8-10, 2018 Public School Boards Council (PSBC) Meeting c) Pembina Hills Public Schools Organizational Chart d) Administrative Procedure 20-03 Communication Protocol e) Administrative Procedure 40-03 Recruitment, Selection, Employment, Placement and Reassignment of Staff i) Existing AP 40-03 Recruitment, Selection, Employment, Placement and Reassignment of Staff ii) Revised AP 40-03 Recruitment and Selection of Staff f) Administrative Procedure 60-05 School Year Calendar i) Form 6-5-B Alternate School Year Conditions g) Administrative Procedure 60-24 Selecting and Using Copyright-Protected Materials h) United Conservative Party Member Policy Declaration (Constitutional Document 2) – v1.0 Framework Version November 27, 2017

Committee Meetings attended from January 10, 2018 – January 23, 2018 (30 minutes) 1) Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA) Leadership Academy: New Trustee Orientation 2) Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA) Zone 2/3 3) Barrhead CARES (Community Awareness Resource Education Services) Coalition 4) Barrhead Composite High School Council 5) Barrhead Elementary School Council 6) Busby School Council 7) Covenant Canadian Reformed School re: transportation agreement 8) Dunstable School Council 9) Eleanor Hall School Council 10) Pembina North Community School Council 11) R. F. Staples Secondary School Council 12) Swan Hills School Council 13) Westlock CONEX (Westlock and District Community of Networking Excellence) 14) Westlock Elementary School Council 15) Yellowhead Regional Library Orientation

Financial Statements to December 31, 2017 (60 minutes)

1) Pembina Hills Public Schools 2) Alberta Distance Learning Centre

Question Period (at the call of the Chair)

Review of Board Calendar


*Appointment times on Agenda may vary