The Royal Engineers Journal

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The Royal Engineers Journal THE ROYAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL. Vol. XII. No. 4. 0 OCTOBER, 1910. CONTENTS. i/ w1e. 1. Girder Erection over Rohi Beas, Punjab, by No. 1 Company, 1st P.W.O. Sappers & Miners. By Lieut. 0. E. U. INGHAM, R.E. (With Photos) ... ... 235 2. Underground Water in Crystalline Rocks. By Capt. K. E. EDGEWORTH, R.E. ... 239 3. Gibraltar under Moor, Spaniard, and Briton (continued). By Col. E. R. KENYON, R.E. ... ... .. ... ... .. 243 4. Major-General Sir William Reid, I.E., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., F.R.S. (continued). By Col. ROBT. H. VETCH, C.B., late R.E. ... ... ... 255 5. Memoirs:-Major-General Edward Renouard James, Royal Engineers (continued). By Col. ROBT. H. VETCH, C.B., late R.E. ...... 271 Major Philip Cardew, Royal Engineers. By Major L. DARWIN and Col. G. A. CARK, late R.E. (With /'holo) ... .. ... 283 6. Transcripts:-The Askhabad Course of Instruction for Officers of Railway Troops. (From the Razvyedchik) ... ... ... 293 The Reconnaissance of a Fortified Position. (Translated from the Eenshenernee Zhaornal by Lieut.-Col. F. E. G. SKEY, R.E.) ... 295 7. Notices of Magazines ... ... ... ... ... .. 305 8. Correspondence:-A Spanish Windlass. By Capt. A. L. PARIS, R.E. ...... 3 9. Books Received ... ... ... ... .. ..... 314 INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE PR 'F.. ' -.-.-.--- ' GUARANTEED: \ Immunity from repairs. Tensile Strength, 8,781 Ibs.\ Smooth on both sides. Roofs Crushing Force, 8,281 Ibs. c/vered with "Eternit" Per Square Inch and LIUHT. Tile weigh about 22 Ibe. always inoreasing / ersquare ard with age. \ ON THE ADMIRALTY AND WAR OFFICE LISTS. \ For Diagonal or Honeycomb Style of Roofing. Colours: Grey, Blue and Red. Stock Size, 15" by 15"\ ETERNIT ROOF TILES (Hlatschek's Oiginal Patent). G. R. SPEAKER & CO., 29, MINCING LANE. LONDON, E.C. EN Less than one-half the cost of INEER Broseley Tiles. SURVEYORS Prompt delivery. -are earnetly warned *peedy fixing. \WEATHER Tiles with so-called Atsbeto" Slates varying in quality, thick- No breakages. \ /ne- s andcolour, advertid under fancy brande. Eternit " endurs not for an age. but for all time." G. E. CARRINGTON, For many years Master Tailor, Royal Engineers, TAILOR ®MILITARY OUTFITTER, 53, HIGH STREET, OLD BROMPTON, KENT, And at CARLTON HOUSE, REGENT STREET, near Waterloo Place, S.W. HOURS OF BUSINE88:- Old Brompton, 8.30 to 7.30; Saturday, 8.30 to 2. Carlton House, 11 to 6; Saturdays, 11 to 1. Telephone No.-East 53. Telegraphic Address :-- Constructive Ironworks, London." MATTW. T. SHAW & CO., Ltd., MILLWALL, LONDON, E. CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK, FRAMED BUILDINGS, BRIDGES, ROOFS, Etc. Large Stocks of Joists, Channels, Angles, Tees, Flats, Plates, Chequers, Rounds, Squares, Rivets, Bolts, Galvanized Sheets, etc., etc. VERY PROMPT DELIVERIES GUARANTEED. A D VER TISEMEATS. U Telegrams- "GUNDRADA, LONDON." Telephone-4716 Gerrard. 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Tele'phone: Gerrard 60. Telegirams: " Siem,bralos, Londn,.' I JIUorks: ST.4FFORD. BRANCHES: Birmingham. Glasgow. Sheffield. Calcutta. Singapore. Bristol. Manchester. Johannesburg. Bombay. Penang. Cardiff. Newcastle. Cape Town. Madras. Rangoon. Sydney. Melbourne. Toronto. -- I · 4 -- ,'-rF--- - - -- ----- ·-- 'I a I - , L -L · · · I I_I AD VERTISEMfENTS THE HELLIWELL PATENT "PERFECTION" GLAZING. ADVANTAGES. EXTENSIVELY No Putty. USED BY No Paint. H.M. Government, for Barracks, Dock Guaranteed Water- Sheds,Post Offices, tight and Dust Stores. etc. Proof. All the leading Easily Repaired. RailwayCompanies. Planks laid in tONDI Municipal Author- Safety across Caps. ities, for Markets, Baths, Libraries, Steel Bars galvan- Art Galleries, Schnnole tc ized; and also "ORDINARY" BAR. entirely covered "Ordinary" Section. with Lead to prevent BARS of different strengths, to carry up to 12ft. Also for every kind Corrosion. without Purlin. CAPS in either Copper, Zinc, or Lead. of Glass Roofing. Head Office and Works: HELLIWELL & CO., Ltd., London Office BRIGHO YORKS. 11, Victoria Street. Westminster, S.W. BRIGHOUSE, YORKS. _ II _ The Perfected Self-Filling Fountain Pen. Every one is interested in the Nesw Inen:ion applied to the *" TORPEO" Self-Filling Pen. It has the following advantages:-Fills itself in a moment; Cleans itself instantly; No rubber to perish or other parts to get out of order; Does not leak or blot and always ready to write; Twin feed and all latest improvements The Makers claim the "TORPEDO" Self.Filling Pen the Best Pen made, being convinced everyone should use it. A REMARKABLE OFFER IS MADE TO THE PUBLIC FOR THREE MONTHS, The 10/6 "TORPEDO" Self-Filling Pen, with 14-carat Gold Nib,for 3/6. The 15/- "TORPEDO" Self-Filling Pen, fitted with Massive Diamond- Pointed 14-carat Gold Nib, 5/6. A THREE YEARS' (iUARANTEE WITH EVERY PEN FOR RELIABILITY. and, if you are not satisfied, money will be returned or Pen exchanged till suited. Points can be had Fine, Medium, Broad, or J, soft or hard. Readers ot R.E. Jsu,nal can have full confidence in the "TORPEDO" Pen. No other pen so simple, reliable, or such pleasure to use. ORDER AT ONCE. Makers: BLOOM & CO., Ltd., 37, CHEAPSIDE, ILONDON, E.C. *** adies or Genilemen can be appoinled Agents. A D I 'ERTISEIENTS. EXPANDED METAL SYSTEM OF REINFORCED CONCRETE AND FIRE-RESISTING CONSTRUCTION BRITISH MUSEUM EXTENSIONS, LONDON. Expanded Metal used throughout for Floorine, Ste,lwork, Encasing, and Suspended Ceilings Architect: Mr. JOHN JAMES BURNET. A.R.S.A.. F.R.I.B.A., Glasgow. Contractor: Mr. W. E. BLAKE, London and Plymouth. Speciallties :- CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT; 3-in. mesh weights Expanded Steel for Foundations, Walls, Floors, Roofs, Bridges, Reservoirs, Sewers, Conduits, Hoppers, Silos, etc. LATHING FOR PLASTER; Expanded Metal Lathing for Ceilings, Partitions Exterior Walls, Steel Work Encasing, etc. MADE-UP GOODS; Openwork Partitions, Fencing, Clothes and Tool Lockers, Machinery and Tree Guards, etc. Full particulars on application to:- THE EXPANDED METAL CO., LTD., YORK MANSION, YORK ST., WESTMINSTER, S.W. Telegrams:-" DISTEND, LONDON." Telephones:-819 Gcrrard; 1514 Victoria. CONTENTS. PAGE. I. GIRDER ERECTION OVER ROIIt BEAS, PUNJAB, BY NO. I COMPANY, IST P.\.O. SAPPERS & MINESS. By Lieut. 0. Et. U. Ingham, R. E. (itihA Photos) ... 235 2. UNDERGROUND W\ATER IN CRYSTALLINE ROCKS. By Capt. K. E. Edgeworth, R.E. ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... .. 239 3. GIBRALTAR UNDER MOOR, SPANIARD, AND 13RITON (continued). By Col. E. R. Kenyon, R.E. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 243 4. MAJOR-GENERAL SIR WI.LLIAM REID, R.E., (;.C.M.(;., K.C.I., F.R.S. (continued). By Col. Robt. H. Vetch, C.B., late R.E.... ... ... ... ... ... 255 5. MEMOIRS:- Majo-G(eneral Edward Renouard James, Royal Engineers (continued). By Col. Robt. H. Vetch, c.B., late R.E. ... ... ... ... ... 271 Major Philip Cardew, Royal Engineers. By Major L. Darwin and Col. G. A. Carr, late R.E. (ith hoto) .. ... ... ... ... 2S3 6. TRANSCRIPTS :- The Askhabad Course of Instruction for Officers of Railway Troops. (From the 'azvyedchi) ... .. ... ...... 293 The Reconnaissance of a Fotified Position. (Translated from the Eelz/hentrnee Zhoornal by Lt.-Col. F. E. G. Skey, R.E.) .... 295 7. NOTICES OF MA(GAZINES:- Boletin M2liilar. By ' M.' ... ... ... ... 305 ,Vature. By Major-Gen. W. E. Warrand, ID.L., late R.E. 3o5 Revue Militaire des Armees Etrangres. By Lieut. A. H. Scott, R.E. 307 Rivista di Airtiglieria e Genio. By Col. Sir Edwd. T. Thackeray, v.c., K.C.B., late R.E.... ... ... ... ... ... 311 S. CORRESPONDENCE:- A Spanish Windlass. By Capt. A. L. Paris, R.E. ... 313 9. BOOKS RECEIVED ... ...... ... ... 314 Aluthors alone are responsible for the statements made and tlieopinions expressed in their papers. GIRDER ERECTION OVER ROHI BEAS 191o.J GIRDER ERECTION OVER ROHII BEAS, PUNVAB, BY NO. i COMIPANY, IsT P. I.O. SAPPERS & 1/XVERS. ByJ LIEUT. 0. E. U. INGHAMI. THE following is a brief account of some girder work carried out in December, I909--March, I9Io, by No. i Company, Ist P.W.O. Sappers and Miners, on the North Western Railway. The bridge in question has been built to carry the new double line over the Rohi Beas nullah, situated I mile west of the River Beas and some 60 miles east of Lahore, in the Beas (D.L.) Sub-Division of the Lahore District-Executive Engineer, Mr. E. Lister, P.W.D., and Sub- Divisional Officer, Lieut. E. P. Anderson, R.E. It is sited ioo' above the old single line bridge, which is too weak for the new engines. It consists of 2 roads of 3 spans each-total 6 spans-each IOS' 2" centre to centre of bearings. The piers and abutments, constructed on wells, had been built by Lieut. Anderson during the previous spring. The work for the company, which was undertaken on the contract system (i.e. full civil rates are paid by the employer and from the proceeds the O.C. has to pay Engineer and working pay, all expenses connected with journey to and fro, extra cost of food, etc.), consisted of " erection of girders complete including all riveting, erection and dismantling of falsework, painting and scraping of surfaces in contact, and selecting and bringing to site the girder pieces from their positions in Beas Yard." As a matter of fact only a portion of the riveting was carried out.
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