A Pattern Language for Costumes in Films
Institute of Architecture of Application Systems A Pattern Language for Costumes in Films David Schumm1, Johanna Barzen2, Frank Leymann1, and Lutz Ellrich2 1 Institute of Architecture of Application Systems, University of Stuttgart, Germany {schumm, leymann}@iaas.uni-stuttgart.de 2 Institut für Theater-, Film- und Fernsehwissenschaft, Universität zu Köln, Germany {jbarzen, lutz.ellrich}@uni-koeln.de : @inproceedings,{INPROC42012419,, ,,,author,=,{David,Schumm,and,Johanna,Barzen,and,Frank,Leymann,and,Lutz, ,Ellrich},, ,,,title,=,{{A,Pattern,Language,for,Costumes,in,Films}},, ,, ,booktitle,=,{Proceedings,of,the,17th,European,Conference,on, ,Pattern,Languages,of,Programs,(EuroPLoP,2012)},, ,,,editor,=,{Christian,Kohls,and,Andreas,Fiesser},, ,,,address,=,{New,York,,NY,,USA},, ,,,publisher,=,{ACM},, ,,,year,=,{2012},, ,,,isbn,=,{97841445034294349}, }, © 2012 David Schumm, Johanna Barzen, Frank Leymann, and Lutz Ellrich. A Pattern Language for Costumes in Films David Schumm1, Johanna Barzen2, Frank Leymann1, and Lutz Ellrich2 1 Institute of Architecture of Application Systems, University of Stuttgart, Universitätsstr. 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany. {schumm, leymann}@iaas.uni-stuttgart.de 2 Institute of Media Culture and Theater, University of Cologne, Meister-Ekkehard-Str. 11, 50937 Köln, Germany. {jbarzen, lutz.ellrich}@uni-koeln.de Abstract. A closer look behind the scenes of film making and media science reveals that the costumes used in film productions are products of a complex construction process. The costume designer has to put a lot of creative and investigative effort into the creation of costumes to provide the right clothes for a particular role, which means the costume reflects the place and time of play as well as it shows understanding of the characteristics of the role, actor and screenplay overall.
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