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THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 3 is published monthly except July and August by Three Steps to Unity- the Agudath of America, 84 William Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. Second class postage A PERSPECTrvE ON Kmaurz GoLIYos paid in New York, N.Y. Rabbi Ze'ev Le.ff Subscription $22.00 per year; two years, $36.00; three years, $48.00. Outside of the United States 8 (US funds drawn on a US bank only) $10.00 surcharge per year. Single copy $3.00; foreign Are We Losing the War For the Soviet ? $4.00. Send address changes to The Jewish Yonason Rosenblum Observer, 84 William Street, N.Y., N.Y. 10038. Tel: (212) 797-9000. 10 Printed in the U.S.A. Walking Unafraid in the Valley of Death, In Vronish RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, eorroR n-anslated by Chananya Greenwald

EDITORIAL BOARD DA. ERNST L. BODENHEIMER 18 Chairman Remembering Yerushalayim RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS Rabbi Yehuda Mendelson JOSEPH FRIEDENSON RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN 23 MANAGEMENT BOARD The Reversal of a Tragedy in Lipnik NAFTOLI HIRSCH ISAAC KIRZNER Rabbi Chaskel Besser RABBI SHLOMO LESIN NACHUM STEIN 28 RABBI YOSEF c_ GOLDING Averting Tragedy BusilleS5 Manager Rabbi Mordechai Kuber Published by Agudath Israel of America 31

RABBI MOSHE SHERER SECOND LoOKS PRESIDENT Who's Minding the Store? THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not Abbott Katz assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product, publication, or service advertised in its pages 34 ©Copyright 1992 Letters to the Editor

JUNE 1992 I I VOLUME XXV I NO. 5 I I 39 LJ United Torah Jewry in Israeli Elections RabbiZe'evLeff


A SAMPLE OF THE ULTIMATE tries can be seen as the dry run before INGATHERING G-d decrees the full Ingathering--as a test. to see how we will handle this e miracle of the fall of the Iron sample Kibbutz Goliyos. It would, Curtain and the mass emigra- therefore, be in place to investigate the Ti10n of Soviet Jewry to Eretz nature of the future event, the better Yisroel has evoked visions and refer­ to relate to the sample test that we are ences of Kibbutz Goliyos the ultimate now experiencing. Ingathertng of the Exiles of the Jew­ The tenth beracha of Shemoneh ish people. As the Rambam explains Esrei enunciates our prayer for the ul­ (Hilchos Melachim, II: 1-4), the two timate Kibbutz Goliyos. This beracha definitive achievements of Melech forms the bridge between the suppli­ HaMoshiach will be to gather in the cations for Individual needs-such as dispersed of Israel and to erect the wisdom, repentance, and redemption Beis Hamikdash. proving that he is in from life's crises of suffertng. ill health fact Moshiach. According to the Netziv and poverty-on the one hand. and (Ha'amek Dauw; Bamidbar20, 5) be­ the supplications for the national fore G-d ushers in a new era of Divine need&--such as the restoration of the providence, He precedes it with a Sanhedrin, the rebuilding ofYerusha­ taste of what is to come. to ready the layim, and the establishment of Jewish people for the new circum­ Moshiach's reign-on the other. stances-a dry run of sorts. To transform a collection of indi­ Indeed, Gedolei Yisroel of this cen­ viduals into the consummate tzibbur. tury have repeatedly described our all Jews will have to be united together turbulent era as Ikvesa d'Moshicha, in body and spirit in Eretz Yisroel. when-as the Ponevezher Rav, 7"llT, Hence it is the Kibbutz Goliyos which used to say-the footsteps of will function as both the culmination Moshiach can already be detected. and facilitator for our ultimate Geula Perhaps the influx of a significant The beracha is divided into three number of Jews from diverse coun- parts. signifying three stages neces­

Rabbi Leff, Rav of Moshav Mattityahu in Harei sary to achieve this transformation. Yehuda. and Kehillat Adat Yisrael in the Har Nof sec­ Let us see how each of these stages tion ofJerusalem, is a well-known Wliter and lecturer. sheds light on the full scope and sig­ His ~Sanctity and SecurityH appeared in JO, Feb. '88. nificance of Kibbutz Goliyos.

The Jewish Observer. Jwie 1992 3 is right in Hashem's eyes, and that the tablets': Don't read 'engraved,' but intention is merely suppressed by rather 'cheirus-freedom.' " Freedom other contrary destres. Thus the ap­ is on the tablets-freedom from the plication of pressure simply negates yeitzer hara and Shibud Malchiyos. the obstruction that had prevented (See Avos VJ, 2.) 'True freedom is only his genuine will from expressing it­ achieved by one who toils in Torah," "TE.KAH BESHOFAR GADOL self. What surfaces now is the the statement concludes. LECHEIRUSEINU individual's true will, and the get is Only when the word of Hashem to­ -SOUND THE GREAT SHOFAR valid. tally penetrates the stone of the ma­ FOR OUR FREEDOM" In this light, one who does not terialistic world, leaving no interven­ comply with G-d's will is a slave, his ing destres to obstruct it.. .engraved efore all Jews can be reunited true destre and ambition fettered by through and through ... only then is in Eretz Yisroe1, freedom of the chains of his yeitzer hara. one free. And then, not only does the B movement will be necessary, material world not present a hin­ The political restrictions and oppres­ The Tyranny ofAlien Nations drance to fulfilling G-d's word, but it sive containment of Jews the world actually provides the framework over will have to be abolished forever, etyrannyofnationsasanob­ within which G-d's word can best be as one result of the blast of the Great tacle to fulfilling G-d's will can fulfilled, as the stone of the tablets Shofar. Greater yet will be the call and Tibe experienced in two ways. In form the border for the letters of the arousal to spirttual freedom that is even its simplest form, it refers to physical Aseres HaDibros. "Barasi yeitzer more crucial, ifwe are to truly unlte. and political repression that forcibly hara, barasi Torah tavlin--1 have cre­ Ghazal (the Rabbis of the Talmud) ated the yeitzer hara, and I have cre­ tell us that every Jew can truly pro­ ated Torah study to be the claim, "Retzoneinu la'asos retzon~ The call of the Great medicant"- to neutralize it, to dtrect echa-Our real desire is to do Your Shofar has the power to it and channel it in service of G-d. will." Every Jew. as estranged as he may appear, has a pure, unblem­ arouse us to freedom, Unity: In Response ished spark of holiness within him to the Great Shofar that yearns to do the will of his Cre­ which emphasizes the ator. "Umah me'akev?" If so, ques­ spiritual aspects and goals efore the Great Shofar tions the Gemora, what prevents that arouses us to free ourselves of yearning from being realized? "Se'or of life, and is a prerequisite B the inner subjugation of the shebe'isa ve·shibud malchiyos-the for Kibbutz Goliyos. yeitzer and the external subjugation leaven, or chametz [a euphemism for to the cultures of the nations, unifi­ the yeitzer hara, the evil inclination] cation of the Jewish people is vtrtu­ and our subjugation to the nations of prevent us from fulfilling various ally impossible. There are two rea­ the world." mitzvos. Tilis is a part of our long his­ sons why this is so. The yeitzer hara is compared to tory under foreign dominion. Ftrst, Shlomo HaMelechinforms us leavening, for it does not alter our in­ But there is a more subtle, per­ in Mishlei, "Leta'ava yevakesh nate intention to fulfill G-d's will, but haps more dangerous, Shibud nymd-Destre seeks fragroentation." rather superimposes upon our emo­ Malchiyos- cultural subjugation to When one is obsessed with material tions other desires, which repress the mores and lifestyles of the nations destres, he seeks to be secluded from this spark. (See Drashos Mahara1, amongst whom we dwell. While the others, the better to indulge in his pas­ Shabbos Shuva; also Sfas Emes, Lech yeitzer hara from within distorts in­ sions without hindrance. Even when Lecha-5635.) Tilis phenomenon is so stinctive destres. which are basically one needs others to enable him to much a reality that it forms the basis necessary or beneficial, to the point of gratify his destres, he does not relate for a critical halacha in regard to a exaggeration or misdirection, Shibud to them, but rather manipulates them get a document of divorce. Should a Malchiyos is an externally inspired, and takes advantage of them, ready to man issue a get to his wife because . sometimes irrational, unnatural de­ discard them when his destres have he was forced to do so, the get is in­ sire to emulate the ways of alien cul­ been satisfied. Only the person who valid, and they remain married. In tures. Normally, one would not be utilizes the matertal world in service of ctrcumstances where continuing the aroused to desire these styles, fads G-d and pursues spiritual goals can marriage is halachically prohibited, and excesses, yet they become tanta­ divest himself of this selfish aloofuess, however, the court can pressure the lizing because one wants to ape the and unite with others in pursuit of husband until he agrees to give the dominant culture surrounding him. these sublime aims. get Tilis may appear to be a coerced Here, the Torah is the primary vehicle In addition, true unlty exists only get yet it is valid and effective. to achieve freedom from this tyranny. on a spiritual plane. Physically, we are The Rambam (Hilchas Gerushin Ghazal explain the verse describing all separate bodies; spiritually, we are 2:20) explains that at the very core of the words of the Ten Commandments each aspects of one single soul: the his being, this man destres to do what as " 'charus al haluchas-engraved on Torah describes the progeny ofYaakov

4 The Jewish Observer, JW1e 1992 as "shiv'imnefesh---70 soul"-seventy person more attuned to unity. facets of one (stngular) soul. • The shofar has another disttn­ A case tn potnt: the prohibition of guishing attrtbute: it represents the "losisgodedu" directs us not to muti­ crown of the natural process. Nature late our bodies in excessive mourning consists of mineral, vegetable and over the death of a loved one. Chazal animal components. The mineral use this verse as the basis for a world becomes tncorporated tnto the "VESA NES LEKABEITZ drosha. prohibiting the observance of vegetable world, to facilitate plant GALUroSE.llVl>-RAISE A BANNER a mitzva tn two divergent ways in the growth. When an animal devours a TO FACILITATE THE same kehilla. plant, it then encompasses all three INGATHERING OF OUR EXILES" At first glance. the simple meantng components. The horn hints to all of the verse and its drash seem with­ three components, for it is predomi­ nee the groundwork is set for out connection. Upon deeper exami­ nantly mtneral tn substance, while it the potential for unity, the nation. however. they are in fact grows on the animal in a plant-like 0 people must be fired with an manifestations of the same concept. manner, as a culmination of nature. ambition to achieve this potential. Only one who emphasizes the physi­ Yet this paradigm of physical exist­ Thus the banner as a symbol of a cen­ cal dimension of life is prone to exces­ ence is hollow, lacking any value un­ tral rallytng potnt. sively mourn a death. One who ap­ W man breathes (nosheim) with his When the Jewish People received preciates that man's spiritual side is neshama into it, and creates a me­ the Torah, they were desciibed "as his essence understands that the dium for communicating with G-d one person with one heart" (see Rashi soul survives the death of the body. It and unifying mankind-a reference on Shemos 19,2). More than a meli­ is enough to tear one's garment in to the centrality of the spilitual di­ tolious accomplishment, this unity mourning, leaving one's essence un­ mension of existence. was a binding prerequisite to the ac­ touched. • F1nally, the shofarrepresents the ceptance of the Torah. Emphasis on the physical aspect value of human life, for it remtnds us of existence is also an underlying that G-d chose the saclifice of a ram cause for the fragmentation of a in place of Yitzchak, whom G-d pre­ It was necessary for all kehllla, since unity can only result ferred to live tn sanctification of His Jews at Sinai to unite into from focustng on the spiritual bond Name, rather than die al kiddush that binds us together. Matelialism Hashem But the supremacy oflife tn one cohesive entity, with breeds selfishness, which begets di­ this world is conditional. Only when one heart. Then each visiveness. one lives tn keeptng with the Mishna, Hence, the call of the Great Shofar seeking "One moment of repentance sub-group would fulfill has the power to arouse us to free­ and good deeds," can one find "this the mitzvos designated dom, which emphasizes the spiritual world ... more valuable than all of the aspects and goals of life. and is a pre­ World to Come" (Avos lV,22). for them as a part of requisite for Kibbutz Goliyos. If, on the other hand, one views this world as an end unto itself, a the whole. The Stirring Powers place for matelial pleasures alone, ofthe Great Shofar then one's this-worldly existence is At Mount Sinai, the Jews accepted simply the sum total of seconds that 613 mitzvos, yet no individual can hat is the nature of this pass between birth and death­ possibly fulfill all of them. Certain Great Shofar? How does it merely a long death that commences mltzvos apply exclusively to Kohanim, W achieve this profound at birth. The World-to-Come is infi­ others to Levi'im, and others only to awakening? nitely more precious than a life built Yisroelim, Some mitzvos only apply to • Chazal say that the ram offered on such this-worldly foundations. men, others specifically to women. It by Avraham Avinu as a sacrifice in Only when this world is viewed as was thus necessary for all Jews to place of Y

1'heJewish Observer, June 1992 5 advantageous if all Jews had one the various nations, aspects that had mature, unlearned people build manner of Torah study and mitzva we mertted, we could have received themselves up by tearing others pelformance. rather than the multi· directly from Hashem in Eretz Yisroet down, whereas the wise will neutral­ tude of approaches represented by since our sins required atonement ize negative forces by concentrating Sephardim and Ashkenazim, Mis· through golus, these nitzotzos can on elevating themselves. nagdim and Chassidim, and all their only be acquired from the nations as Indeed, it is often deep-seated assorted subdivisions. The Chafetz we wander amongst them. doubts regarding one's own shitos Chaim responded that a similar ques· (ideology) and derech (approach) that tions could be asked ofthe Czar; as ID Constructive Rebuke: With Love provoke a person to lash out and ne­ why he needs so many different divi· gate the derachim and shitos of oth­ sinns in his armed forces: Wouldn't it o be sure, not every derech in ers. thus identifying himself by what be better to do away with the navy. Divine service is without need he is not, rather than by what he is. cavalry, infantry, etc.. , in favor ofone T for adjustment, correction or To prepare ourselves to truly ap­ uniformforce, whatever it may be? improvement. But if a derech follows preciate the beauty of unity and har­ The obvious response is that without an accepted Torah approach, a slight mony amongst Jews, we should en­ the diverse departments, no military deviation should not invalidate it to­ deavor to identify ourselves by more exercise could be successful. Only tally; rather, it should invite rebuke than externals, such as mode of with the combined efforts of the di· and instruction stemming from love. dress, which too often become the de­ verse divisions can victory be concern and respect. ciding factors in how we relate to our achieved. Kial Ylsroel is referred to as The second Beis Hamikdash was fellow Jews ... or why we discrtrninate Tzivos Hashem, the armies of G·d, destroyed. we are told, because of against them. If we would make the concluded the Chafetz Chaim, and baseless hatred. Regarding this, the effort to educate ourselves and our we, too, need various, divergent ap· Netziv, in Haamek Davar (in his pref- children, both at home and in our in­ proaches to Torah to fally represent stitutions of Torah study, to appreci­ our Commander properly. ate our own shitos and derech and So we beseech Hashem to hoist up It is often deep-seated hashkafos in a positive, meaningful a banner, to invite us to surge for­ doubts regarding one's own way. then we would eventually dis­ ward, with our various approaches to avow the negatives inherent in other Torah Yiddishkeit, so that the com­ ideology and approach to shitos by building ourselves up rather posite perfection of the Jewish People life that provoke a person to than by tearing them down. can be achieved. Indeed, as our vari­ It is noteworthy that unity is one ous "exiles" merge to achieve union, lash out and negate the of the key aspects of Purtm. Purtm is we realize yet another dimension in the Rabbinic Yorn Tov that comple­ the harmony of a multi-faceted Torah approach of others, thus ments Shavuos, celebrating our will­ Nation. identifying himself by what ing reacceptance of Torah. Just as the initial acceptance of Torah at Sinai, The Golus-Tinged Service, he is not, rather than by on the first Shavuos, required total in its Infinite Variety unity "K'ish echad b'lev echad-like what he is. one man with one heart," so too did abbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler the re-acceptance require this perfect points out that the emana­ ace to Sefer Bereishis), points out that unity. Indeed, in Shushan of old, the R tions from G-d to Kial Y-isroel although the people of that genera­ Jews transformed themselves from "a outside of Eretz Yisroel. even for the tion were rtghteous and learned, they people separate and scattered sake of studying Torah and mitzva were not yesharim-not "straight": amongst the nations" to a people dis­ performance, filter through the me· they judged anyone who differed in tinguished by" kiyemu vekiblu--they dium of specific Scirim (Archangels) the slightest from their approach to confirmed and accepted [the Law!" that represent each individual na­ Torah and from their hashkaja as an (Esther 9. 27). united in a renewed tion. Hence this Divine influence be­ apikores. Hence, they hated them acceptance of the Torah, dedicated to comes tinged with the unique char­ Leshem Shomayim (for the sake of lead a life of "shalom v'emes-truth acter of the host nation. Heaven). which eventually led to and peace" (ibid 9,30). Yet Purtm is As a result. the approach to Torah murder leshem Shomayim. At first. the only holiday that all Jews do not in Russia was different from the ap­ the "murder" took the form of public celebrate on the same day-some on proach in Llthuania. Germany, Mo­ shaming and character assassina­ the 14th of the month and some on rocco or Yemen. Each golus was tion, and ultimately in actual homi­ the 15th, depending on whether they marked by a slightly different flavor of cide. live in a walled or unwalled city. Per­ Yiddishkeit (See Michtav MiEliyahu, Similarly. the Kotzker Rebbeinter­ haps the implication is that true unity Vol. 4, p.129.) prets the statement of Chazal. "the is more than tolerating those exactly Indeed. it is Kial Yisroefs task in building of immature fools is tearing like you; rather, it calls for living in golus to glean nitzotzos (holy sparks down, and the tearing down of sages harmony with those who are some­ or aspects of kedushd) from each of is building," as referring to how im· what different.

6 The Jewish Observer, June 1992 quires that any force in creation be equally manifest for good as for bad. Thus a setting marked by wild disar­ ray often indicates the presence of a strong potential for perfect unity.) Erelz Yisroel is erelz hakodesh, a ''VEKAB'TZEINU land of spirituality, which makes it YACHADME'ARBAKANFOS conducive to the fulfillment of sanctity, HA'ARETZ-AND GATHER US the first prerequisite of unity. It is also TOGETHER FROM THE FOUR the place where the TWelve Tribes are CORNERS OF THE EARTH" meant to each flourish within its spe­ cific boundary. Hence each flavor and nee the banner of unity is coloration of authentic Torah raised, and Jews of all back­ YiddL5hkeit has its own plot and por­ 0 grounds and groups rally tion, to be able to develop to perfection, around it, we are ready for the third while harmoniously blending with the and final stage of Kibbutz Goliyos­ others. And they all unify around the actual ingathering of all of our ex­ Yerushalayim, the shared portion of iles and the attainment of perfect all, to which we will ascend in unison unity and harmony. In nusach three times a year to gather around Sepharad, the word "le'artzeinu,-to the llitimate Unifier, Ha'Adon Elokei our land" is added, a factor that is ap­ YisroeL the G-d oflsrael. not occur. It is perhaps for this rea­ parent from the context. Indeed, Eretz "Vekabtzelnu yachad-gather us son that when we bentsch Rosh Y1Sroelis the center of the earth, while together": "Hinei mah tov u'mah Chodesh [bless the coming of a new all other lands diverge from that cen­ na'im sheves achim gam yachad­ month). we recite: "He Who per­ ter and form the "corners." Only at How good and pleasant is it that formed miracles for our forefathers the center can there be unity. Hence brothers sit also together." There is a and redeemed them from slavery to we are mefuzar u'meforad bein potential for good and mutual benefit freedom. may He redeem us soon and ha'amim-scattered and separated­ whenever brothers gather, but not al­ gather in our dispersed from the four when amongst the nations, and only ways is this potential achieved. Close corners of the earth. All Jews are gay echad-one unified nation­ proximity can lead to quarrels and friends, and let us say 'Amen."' UnW ba'aretz-in Eretz Yisroel (from resentment. However, "it is also all Jews are prepared to be potential Mincha for Shabbos). pleasant" when the unity extends be­ friends, gathering us together in close Only in Eretz Yisroel can unity be yond the physical-gam yachad-to proximity will not be beneficial and perfectly achieved. [This may seem dif­ the realm of the spirit, as well. pleasant, but dangerous instead. ficult. given the intense diVisiveness Until the time will come when G-d Should each of us do his pari to nur­ that marks present-day Eretz Y1SroeL in His wisdom deems the physical in­ ture true unity and harmony, how­ even among those loyal to Torah. How­ gathering of all Jews to Erelz Yisroel ever, we will soon merit the full attain­ ever, the doctrine of free choice re- to be both good and pleasant, it will ment of the ultimate Ingathering. •

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The Jewish Observer, June 1992 7 Yonason Rosenblwn Are We Losing The War For The Soviet Jews?

I. DEFINING THE CHALLENGE: If this is the mitzva of the time, we than forty years of Communist rule CHOOSING CRITERIA must determine: What are we ex­ on one who learned tn yeshiva. what FOR SUCCESS pected to accomplish? How are we to of those with no such background? measure success? If we insist on see­ Yet the challenge is there; if a othing will so determine the ing the challenge posed by Soviet miracle is tndeed unfoldtng before our face of Jewry in Eretz Yisroel Jewry tn military metaphors and Viet­ eyes, there must be some way in N over the coming decades as nam-style "body counts," there is no which we are expected to respond. the response of world Jewry to the tn­ doubt that we are betng routed. It is Our first step in dealtng with Soviet flux of hundreds of thousands of by now apparent that only a small Jews, then, should be to attempt to Jews from the former Soviet Union. percentage of the newly arrived immi­ enter their mtnds and hearts, so to Every generation is confronted with grants will become religious any time speak, to understand thetr hopes and its unique tests. and there can be tn the near future. their concerns. We then should to set little doubt that our generation's is But this fact alone should occasion realistic goals for our efforts, and map Soviet Jewry. Even those not accus­ no surprise. Indeed, with the benefit out strategies for realizing these tomed to looking for portents can of hindsight, it is hard to see how the goals. hardly fail to see the renewed contact result could have been otherwise. The with millions ofJews, long feared lost. vast majority of the new immigrants OfImmigrants' Priorities as something akin to the return of come to Israel without any knowledge and the Hosts' Response one of the lost tribes. of the content and meaning of thetr As Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetzky. Judaism. More importantly, they e all new immigrants, the first ';"~, once told an emergency meeting have been raised tn a society which riority of Soviet Jews is to tn­ on behalf of Soviet Jewry: "Know that systematically tndoctrtnated its citi­ Llegrate as quickly as possible our hopes and dreams for the comtng zens in contempt for every religious tnto thetr host society. And that soci­ of Moshiach are betng put to the test. impulse. Though few perhaps were ety tn Israel today is overwhelmingly We cry out to Hashem-end the convinced Communists, they share hostile to religion. The Russian-lan­ Golus! Bring back Kial Yisroel from many of the underlytng assumptions guage press, besides a predilection the four corners of the earth! Hashem of "scientific materialism": a belief in for the lurid which compares favor­ asks us, 'Do you really destre it with human progress, a view of religion as ably with what Is sold on supermar­ ail your heart? Let me see how you an atavistic holdover from man's ket checkout stands tn America, has react to a miniature ingathering of primitive past, a faith tn science as a a strong ideological bias. One of its just one small tribe of Kial YisroeL'" cure-all for mankind's problems. recurrent themes is that money is not When Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetzkyvis­ available for absorption of immi­ Yonason Rosenblum, a regular contributor to ited his siblings in the Soviet Union grants because it has all been si­ these pages, is currently working on a full-length tn 1963, his brother, who had learned phoned off by the bloodsucktng reli­ biography of Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetzky, 7"Yr, and briefly tn Slobodka. did not recognize gious parties.That press is thus a po­ is completing an English-language adaptation of Avi Hayeshiva, a biography of Rabbi Chaim a Tana.ch or remember which way to tent tool of the secular parties. which Volozhin, both to be published by ArtScroll. hold it. If that was the effect of more have made no secret of thetr rejoictng

8 The Jewish Observer. June 1992 in the massive immigration as a counterbalance to the growing elec­ toral strength of religious parties. In addition to its ideological bias, the Russian press is filled with advertise­ ments inviting the new immigrants to sell either their bodies or their souls in the most degrading fashion: mis­ siornuy groups have no trouble plac­ ing their ads. Once in Israel, the immigrants have to devote most of their energy to securing affordable houslng and find­ ing jobs that approach the status of those they left behind. As in our en­ The real question to be addressed is not whether we slavement in Biblical Egypt, those whose very physical survival is con­ are winning a war, but whether we as Jews are stantly threatened have had little "spirit" left over for hearlng the word meeting our obligations to our fellow Jews. of G-d. And today, as in Egypt, that is particularly true for those who have had no previous familiarity with that real question to be addressed is not thousands who were just a few years Word. whether we are winning a war, but ago assumed to be permanently lost. It is thus fair to say that we never whether we as Jews are meeting our What gives work with Soviet Jewry had it within our power to win over obligations to our fellow Jews. Just as special urgency is that there is no the vast majoiity of Soviet Jewry, so the question we have to ask ourselves other area of Jewish life today where we cannot mean!ngfully be faulted for individually is not why we do not there is so much identifiable work to having "lost" them. Nevertheless. the learn like the Vtlna Gaon or attaln the be done-work which expeiience has continuing tendency to view the issue perfection of middos of the Chovos shown to be of value-work which is of Soviet Jewry ln terms of numbers Halevavos, but why we each of us is not being done because of a lack offi­ has had, and continues to have, a not the best "Zusia" we could be: so nancial and manpower resources. number of negative consequences. as a community the question is not The first of these is that it leads to a why there are not tens of thousands II. MEETING THE CHAILENGE­ misallocation ofresources. Organiza­ of Russian Jews becoming religious, WITH THE HELP OF RUSSIAN­ tions working with Soviet Jews have but whether we care enough to insure SPEAKING YUNGELEIT been encouraged, in the quest for that as many as possible do. numbers, to produce media events ln Scaling down the scope of our ormanyyearstocome, thereis which large numbers of Jews are in­ goals does not reduce their signifi­ likely to exist an identifiable troduced to the meaning of this or cance. Chazal stress that saving a F Russian-speaking community that holiday. Predictably, the effect of soul is an even greater mitzva than in Israel. We must bear in mind that these events usually lasts no longer saving a life. Thus we owe those who we are talking about a community of than it takes to consume the latkes or teach us Torah, which brings us hundreds of thousands already in Is­ hamentashen, which are their main OlamHabba, even more respect than rael and perhaps as many as two mil­ attraction. They may come home with our parents, who give us our physi­ lion more who will seek to leave the a residual sense of being Jewish, the cal existence. CIS over the next couple of decades. value of which is not to be dismissed. Yet, we often fail to act upon what (Activists in the C!S report that it is But at best, this is a "holding action," we know intellectually. Perhaps this extremely rare to meet a Jew there and not a sturdy foundation on which is because spiritual death is an ab­ who sees his long-term future there.) to build hopes for a solid future. straction, while physical death is tan­ Unquestionably, the most effective Secondly, the focus on masses gible. Moreover, the relationship be­ teachers for this huge community will leads to quietism: failure to attain tween every dollar spent and any con­ remaln those who share with them a unrealistic goals provides a handy crete, identifiable result is less clear. common language and who under­ excuse for the failure to attempt the It would be teriibly naive to believe stand the Russian mentality. Thus, many things which are possible. And that every Russian Jewish child who each Yimgerman who is given the op­ finally, when we think of our Russian enters a religious school will become portunity to learn for a sufficient brethren as numbers, we lose the religious. number of years to rea.ch an ad­ possibility of establishing mean!ngful But explanations are not justifica­ vanced level ofTorah scholarship rep­ human connections with them. tions. We cannot permit ourselves to resents an investment ln hundreds of We must thus scale down our miss an unprecedented opportunity Russian-speaking Jews for whom he goals, our plans, our programs. The to bring back into the Jewish fold will seive as a teacher and role model.

'The Jewish Obseroer. Jime 1992 9 This point is amply demonstrated by a key role in transforming Torah ing far too little to assist those who the dramatic achievements of indi­ Jewry inAmertca. Similarly, the hun­ commit themselves to a life oflearn­ viduals like Rabbi Aryeh Katzin, dreds of thousands of religious ing Torah to realize their ambitions. founder and dean of Sinai Academy, Sephardim in Israel today are largely This is extremely short-sighted on and Rabbi Moshe Boudilovsky, ofYe­ the result of the 50 to 100 who en­ our part-the sptrttual parallel to the shiva Shearith Israel, both in New tered major Israeli yeshivas in the low invesiment of American industry York, and-in Israel- Rabbi Aryeh 1950s and 60s. Yet despite these ex­ in research and development. Levitan, head ofP'duyim LeZion's ye­ amples of what can be achieved by a shiva preparation program and Rabbi small group of bnei Torah, there are Not Just in Israel Grisha Wasserman of Sh'vut Ami, 1 a today only one or two programs pre­ yeshiva-kollel of some seventy mem­ paring Russian speakers for entry t is not just in Israel that the effect bers for former-Soviet Jews. into mainline Israeli yeshivas. of each Russian-speaking Torah To date there are probably no more Producing a Russian-speaking I scholar can be magnified a hun­ than a few hundred Russian-speak· Ywigerman is a long-range program, dredfold. The opportunities in the CIS ing Ywigeleit, which may seem like a which includes providing him with today are, if anything, greater than in drop in the bucket. But by the same supertor tutors in his first years in Israel. Jn the CJS the people are not token, the initial group of 15 or so yeshiva and the financial wherewithal distracted by concerns of finding a job young men with whom Bais Medrash to continue learning after marnage. and housing, and adjusting to a for­ Govoha started in Lakewood, N .J., in These budding scholars come with eign culture and language. And it is 1944, must also have seemed oflittle absolutely no personal or familial re· Russian-speaking Ywigeleit- many import. Yet that small nucleus played sources of their own. Yet despite our of them former members ot the Torah I. For more on the work ofYeshiva Sh'vutArni, see rejoicing when we hear that a Soviet underground who were reached by hComing Home," by Saralie Faivelson, JO May '87. Jew has become religious, we are do- the shlichim of Agudath Israel's Vaad Walking Unafnlldin the Valley of Death, in Vronish Ten years ago, Rabbi Z.B. joined the underground ba'al teshuva movement in the Soviet Union. Today he teaches in a Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel. Periodically, he returns to Russia to teach in Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik's yeshiva in Moscow.

ny yeshiva that caters to newly-observant Jews will ronish, a fourteen-hour train ride from Moscow, was for· haVe S6me students with remarkable life histories-and merly a place of exile for !hose whose ideas were found A this Yeshiva is no exception. One of the more unusual Vinconsistent with the ruling ideology. Thus, it is no surprise backgrounds most certoinly be that of Dr. Baruch Kapilowitz. that thousands of JeWS reside there. Also no surprise-until recenrly, Dr. Kopilowitz worked for more than thirty years as a scientist no Judaism was known to be practiced in Vronish. The closes! con· in a secret institute for the study of physics. One of the projects nection of Vronish to Judaism was a Hebrew ieoche!"'-Who was !hat he was involved in during that period was !he technologi· married to a gentile. col development of the Scud missile. A few years ago, his inter· Advertisements in local newspapers announced the upcoming est in Judaism led him to the Yeshiva. Today, he serves as the cultural event. Nearly 40 attended the first seminar, the first time in Yeshiva's administrator. 30 years that so mony Jews had assembled in Vronish as Jews. The To reach a wider segment of !he Jewish community, the Ye· visitors from Moscow spoke of !he Yeshiva cautiously. They tried to shivo organizes seminars and trips to cities throughout Russia. ignite the spark of Jewishness present in every Jew. It occurred to Dr. Kopilowitz that the city of his youth, Vronish, Doring the program, one particular teenager oought their otten· would benefit from such a visit. Accordingly, Dr. Kopilowitz con· lion. In a city where Judaism hod been long furgotten, this teenager !acted the local Academy.for the Study of English in Vronish and was wearing a large yarmulke. Dr. KopiloWitz, 1lie erstwhile Vronish proposed a "cultural encounter"-o seminar forthe study of He· resident, was astonished at this sight. After the presentation, Robbi brew. A generous dose of the appropriate lubricant accampo· Z.B. and Dr. Kopilowitz approached the young man. They soon nied the request and set the rusty gears of Russian officialdom leamed his name-Pavel (Feivel) Koldiev-ond that he was a musi· in motion. don studying at the local Music Institute. He hod become interested in his Judaism two years earlier, ottheoge ofsixleen, and was n

10 The Jewish Observer. June 1992 LeHatzo!as Nidchei Yisroel -who are manpower resources invested by the most likely to return to the CIS for any For many years to come, Torah community lag far behind that pertods of time to take advantage of being invested by other Jewish these openings. there is likely to exist an groups, including the Amelican Re­ With the dissolution of the Soviet form and Conservative movements, Union, dormant nationalistic feelings identifiable Russian­ which have become an active pres­ have erupted all over the former em­ speaking community in ence in the CJS. Rabbi Mordechai pire. This is also true for Jews. There Neustadt, founder and chairman of is a tremendous thirst for knowledge Israel. Unquestionably, the the Vaad LeHatzolas Nidchei Yisroel, of what it means to be a Jew. Unfor­ projects an immediate need for 100 to tunately, the thirst for knowledge is most effective teachers for 150 permanent shlichimin the CIS. often accompanied by extreme gull­ Recently, abachurfromLakewood ibility-a fact currently being ex­ this huge community will arrived in Vilna and posted signs that ploited by a wide range of Jewish he would teach Torah in English or groups. Thus, Jews ready to hear that remain those who share Hebrew to anyone who was inter­ the essence of Judaism lies only esied. Within a short time, he had as­ within the Torah and the observance with them a common sembled a group of thirty regular stu­ of its mitzvos may instead hear that language and who dents. But then his funding ran out it consists of nothing more than wav­ and he had to return to the United ing an Israeli flag, at least, or the per­ understand the Russian States. This despite the fact that the formance of a few Iituals, like light­ lowly state of the ruble today makes ing a Chanuka menorah, at most. In mentality. everything in the CIS relatively cheap too many places, the monetary and for those with dollars. . ·. home; His subsequel'.lt dec:isi.on lo weor a ya"!1ofkdeen')'!!Or-old Feivel was 9really disturbed-DostoeYsky's • rnon, he continued, '1 also hOV!' tzitzis." information was far too sparse to act upon; But, shorlly afti.r" He opened hiSshirtand revealed his ''1zitzis.''. Astrip of white doth wa·rd···-'' a Ro.ssi·a.n Ira.n •.. slati_· on. o·. f. a boo_ k by Sholc:1m Al_ ei·Ji·,em. fe..I.I with strings knolfed to lhe comeJ:s-iust os he had seen in the picture. into his hands. Sholom Aleichem also referred to these boxes in lnlhEf Jewish. wasteland olYranish, Robbi Z.B. oniJ Dr. Kopilowllzwere one of his stories, but,.unllke Dostoevsky, he was a ~ritobfe fount witnessing a spontoneously generated spark o.f.. J.. udaisrn .. ofinformofion. The boxes are modeofleolh.,r, ond they are called tef;/Tin; Sholom Aleichem provided on.e urth~rq.Qesti·._!ion. Feivel.. 'on.·i explained___ ng e. licited that .in___ he Or_.inlOrm had been.. ·.a· otherpertinentdetail; lh., Biblical portions •in the home of a family friend when he inside the. lefilfin .ore. written on chancedF upon o book on.Jewish history. Nof. "par9afllfJlll." {Pargamentis ~ussian for withstonding the book's inaccurt:tcies, the story both parchment and baking poper.Feivel oftheJewisli.~e had a poWiirful impact on took it 10 ·refer to. the loller.) hiil\-4.omucbscithat.hecopied_fheennrebook U11oble10 restrain himselfonylonger, inorc!ertoperuse.itscontentsm0retho~hly. and possessed of the critical information, · ·His feelings of Jewishness Intensified .. He . • , Feivel was ready lo oc:t. He took on old realized that o Jew has tertain responsibili· ' .. _· leather bog thatbelonged 10 his.mother, fies but he did not knowwhattheyor&-and neither did anyone else sliced itinto pieces, fashioned two leolher bOxes ond sewed it inVranish...... ·...... all together. He bought o Russian translatiah of lh., Bible and Allwos not last, however; th~ word of G:d could be heard on the som~ baking paper, and copied several sections of the Bible-,. radio. Feivel discovered RabbiAryeh Kotzin's ledures on Voice of Lech I.echo, the story of Yitzchak's birth, Moshe and the burn· America and Ohr Somayach's Russian· language broadcasts on ing bush, Mishpatim, ond more-Oh10 the paper. He then rolled Voice of lsraef.Jhroui:th these~rograms, Feivel was introdvoodto a the poper into a cylindrical shape and placed it into the "tefillin" variety ()f mitzvas-Shahbosornon9 them. The programs also fos· . that he had made. tered an urge 10 a1mlyhis new-found knowledge. Hedecided 10keep Every morning he would place the "tefillin" on his arrn and Sbabbos; lie would notg<> to school even ifthrecitenedwith dismissol. heod and recite o chapter from Tehillim, Which chapter? · -.R.. . .ob_. bi z._B .. o.rranged for. r_.eivel.. to study···.. 0_1 th. e. v..eshi·va·.__ .. in Mo. s.· cow. When he arrived.at lh., Yeshiva, Feivel had one mare A PS(Jlm of David: The l•rd is my shepherd, Ishall not want..,. surprise in s10re. Openil)g his bog, this. bay who had never Although Iwalk in lh.,valleyofdeathJ will notfeor..;. seen a reol poirof tefillin, rernoyeda pair of his own creation. Why thatchopler? .. ·. _· . How did Feivel came to makehis own tefiflin? Ifs reolix qvite "Because Ifeel that even though Iwalked hi thevalleyafdeoth, simple. He first encountered a reference to lhem. in a book by !he G-d.did not desert me." · ·· M .;.::::,..' ------~~------~------' The Jewish Observer, June 1992 11 On th• second of Cheshvan 5753 {Octob•r 29), t•ns.of thousands of Jews who learn Daf YoMi wol'ld•wid• will begin Masechet Ktubot.

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13 been turned away. year is now underway in Israel. Irmni­ The Individual Perspective • In Ohr Yehuda, there are cur­ gran t parents have neither back­ rently 130 Russian youngsters regis­ ground nor basic information to ap­ o put the issue in the proper tered in the religious schools, which preciate religious education. And RE­ perspective, it is necessary to offer hot lunches and an extended TURN provides suitable personnel in T remember that the hundreds school day until 4:00 p.m., funded by areas with significant Russian-speak­ of children in just the few examples RETURN. ing populations to present the religious mentioned are not some collective • Mesillot brings families of Rus­ school alternative to these parents. mass, but hundreds of individual sian -speaking children currently In none of these cases are we neshamos. Without considering some learning in religious schools to spend speaking of large sums of money­ of their individual stones, it is impos­ Shabbos with religious families. RE­ though, of course, similar examples sible to grasp what is at stake. TURN has been picking up the trans­ could be multiplied many times­ •The following is an excerpt from portation costs of$600 per month. but the effects can be great. For sev­ a Jetter of a recently arrtved Russian • In Haifa, RETURN was able to enteen Russian girls learning in the girl to a ftiend: "We are now in the sponsor two Russian-speaking teach­ Bais Yaakov high school in Netanya, month of Elul, the month of repen­ ers for$l000amonth to run an after­ for instance, something as little as tance, and I am constantly asking noon program in the local Chinuch being provided with the proper Hashem for forgiveness because I am Atzmai school for 270 Russian young­ school uniform (which they could not properly fulfilling the mitzva of sters and to maintain contact with the not afford) made the difference be­ honoring my parents. In my heart I families of the boys involved. tween them feeling part of the school Jove them very much, but I don't • Registration for the next school and not. know how to deal with them when

The Mesivta of Yeshiva of Brooklyn in its 20 years of existence has been praised by Gedo!ei Yisroel for developing U'l'Il7n who know how to learn and who know the great importance of ll'Jfl'] UlN l'J. The Mesivta of Yeshiva of Brooklyn in its new bullding, with experienced and dedicated Rebbeyim and English teachers, delicious food and a beautiful gym will irDJ develop true il11n 'lJ~

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14 The Jewish Obseroer, JWle 1992 IV. THE "PENIMIOT' OPI'ION Many Soviet parents, unable to adequately house or feed their.chil­ n most cases, religious boarding dren, are willing to consider institu­ schools, in which children live 1n tions that offer a warm environment I a religious environment and are and have a long record ofeducational removed from the pernicious influ­ success. More than 800 youngsters ences of the street, offer the most from the CJS already live in religious ideal setting. Such institutions have boarding schools, and the boarding proven their value over the past forty schools are prepared to accept up to years in Israel, since they first came 2,000. The only catch is: the cost of into existence in response to the large housing, feeding, clothing, and pro­ North African immigration of the 50s. viding the necessary tutoring for new Today, Israel has the highest percent­ immigrant children is over $500 a age of children living in boarding month. exclusive of the costs of up­ schools of any country in the world. grading the physical plant of these

In most cases, religious boarding schools, in which children live in a religious environment Yarchei l

they reproach me for being a fanatic HARAV SkiMskoN PiNcus N"0 1'71!1 or say ridiculous things about Juda­ ism." REbbnziN TEhillA YAGER '•nn •A supervisor for Chlnuch Atzmai recently wrote to the principal of a school In Rechovot 1n which RETURN HARAV EZRiEl TAubrn is THE AUTHOR of THE books: I ShAll sponsored an afternoon program run by LeAchim for Russian-speak­ Nor WANT, To BECOME ONE, ChooSE LifE, DAys ing youngsters, complimenting him ARE CoMiNG ANd DARl and correctly all the questions asked. I would say that he knows Aramaic WHERE: LAkEwood, NEw JERSEY almost as well as Hebrew." •A seven-year-old girl overheard her mother tell a neighbor that she To REqisnR CAll: would take her daughter out of a reli­ gious school if the girl ever told her 718·4°JS·1041, 7184'J8·08Sl, 718-0'J'J.'JOOS what to do. She waits until her mother is out of the apartment so that 718·4'J8-7'J'J2, 1·914-'JS6-'JS1S she can ma'aser the fruits and veg­ etables as she learned in school.

The Jewish Obseruer. June 1992 15 institutions. Virtually none of these prove in the long run the easier half costs are covered by the government, of what is required. Nothing less than Vacation! - and the Jewish Agency. which once a complete revamping of attitudes is supplied the religious boarding necessary-the recognition that the From Torah? schools with a third of their budgets. challenge posed by our miraculously cut off all funding to chareidiinstitu­ freed brothers is one which will re­ We will send you - free of tions in 1987. quire all of our energies over a pro­ longed peiiod of time. charge - the Luach for V. THE INVALUABLE Recently the supervisor of a pre­ Mishna and Halacha yomit. PERSONAL DIMENSION school run by P'duyim LeZion spent several weeks trying to alternately The Luach will help you irtually every one of the sug­ browbeat and cajole the local Bals learn Torah on a daily basis gestions so far has involved Yaakov to accept one of the children and bring into your life the V the infusion of greater or for the upcoming school year. The blessings of Torah. lesser sums of money. But that may school's parents committee rejected Write or call: THERE'S NOT 1 REASON TOCONSIDER Rabbi Elias Karp N.E.A.T.* FOR YOUR DAUGHTER 1880 47th Street THERE ARE AT LEAST 10 GOOD REASONS TO Brooklyn, NY 11204 ENROLL HER AT N.E.A.T.* 718-851-0770 1 An intensl•e Torah hiqh school Chinuch based upon sRill level shfurim which N In mem01y of Rabbi ET Mrs. prepares Tulmidos for oulstandinq seminaries.in Eretz Yisroel. the United Stales and Charles Batt, Hartford, Conn. Canada. 2 Highly qualified Mechanchim and Mechanchos .who not only teach Torah .. bu! :l who derelcp close Kesharim with Tulmidos !hat .facililate llfOW!h· in Jeamin<;!. ~ ~,~~,~ Hash~afah and Midas. 3 The presence of a poslllve camaraderie between Torah-commibed Talrnldos ) which leads to a fanlastic school Ruach and life,lonq friendships. 4 A complete balan.ced ~am which does not compromise achierement in secular "f' studies. bu! which also qu!des and dite<:ls toward 1'orah Im Derech Erek wilhln ~ AUntORS & ~RTISTS ~ the conlexl of 10rah family life. 5 A small teacher/pupil ratio which brings about an ideal learning environment 1'I 1hat emphasizes lndividualiZalion and excellence. authors and artists to submit 6 Superb. uni•ersily trained secular 1eachers who plm'ide !he besl Qeneral educalion 1 manuscripts and artwork for possible. helping lo afford the opporlunily of admission even to the mosl demandinq evaluation. We seek manu­ institutions of hiqher leaminq. scripts in all areas of Judaica 7 A Sltonq sense of community with a nucleus of 10rah families who support the l publishing with originality, school and serve as siqnificant role models for Torah livinq. !he concepl of.Tzibur. creativity and high literary and Gemilus Chasadim. standard. Our editors develop 8 A small-town !ocalion in Providence. Rhode lsland, only four hours from New f'\ and highlight the indMdual!ty Yori> and one hour from Boston, in a beauliful residential nei\lllborhood prcroidin~ of the author and our graphics a safe. healthy environment department gives each book 9 A comprehenswe. yel warm. homelibe, dorm facility with profussional " ' its own identity. supemsion throuWt dorm parents Jivinq on premises. which_ encoura~es fJ We welcome the opportu- I• responsibility and malurity. nlty to work with you. 10 Your dau~hter deserves only the bes! - an I.y l.ea\lue Torah environment, ' where leaminQ doesn"I slop al Jhe end of class and where personal allenfion. ~ coupled with a well-admillislered educalional pl'00'anl. will help nur1ure her development as a Bas Torah. For more information. or to aft'(Jnge for an intemew-and entrance exa.m, contad: Ne; »rk.. Lomiar ·.JmaalmL , , *NEW ENGLAND ACADEMY OF TORAH RABBI SHOLOM STRAJCHER. Dean 180 Park Avenue• Lakewood. NJ 08701 ' 4.50 Elmqrove Avenue In U It 01-809-3723 -.; In !mid 02 53S.935 Pt011idence. RI 02906 • (401) 331-5327 ~ .,,.~7,; ~

16 111.e Jewish Obseroer. June 1992 the child because her mother is not over the past forty years are surely yet religious, even though the girl strong enough to tnsure that the in· would have been at most one out of fluence is from us and not upon us. thirty children in the classroom. The When the subject of tnvittng Rus­ unwillingness to bend at all with re­ sian Jews comes up, one frequently spect to this rule (which may be a per­ hears remarks to the effect that you fectly valid one as a general matter) cannot even be sure that they are betrays a failure to recognize that we Jewish. Here, too, the concern is le­ are dealing with a historic opportu­ gitimate, but it can be resolved tn ad­ nity, one in which trreligion is not a vance by the group in charge of ar­ deliberate rejection ofTorah, as in the rangements. Or it can be broached case of the anti-chareidi sabra; nor is later. Also, it is often no simple mat­ the flow of hashpa'afrom the Russian ter to entertain for a Shabbos a fam­ child-it is from the majority of the ily with whom one may share no com· class and their dominant culture to mon language. We fail to realize, how­ family tn Brooklyn, which has matn­ the child. ever, just how curious Soviet Jews are tained contact with many Russian­ Most importantly, we must extend about the lifestyles of religious Jews speaking families over a period of ourselves personally on behalf of So­ and how eager they are to see how our years, has been privileged to help viet Jews-something which is fre­ homes function. Even where commu· more than a dozen families become quently harder to do than just writ· nication is difficult, there is benefit tn religious. ing a check. All those involved in the fact that our guests realize that We must not regard Soviet Jews as working with Soviet Jews agree that we do not have horns. counters is some contest between Perhaps the most common mis· ourselves and the secular majority, take is one of unrealistic expecta· but as fellow Jews to whom we are lions. We invite a Soviet family for obligated in all forms of chessed. That Shabbos twice and are amazed that means that we must be concerned they still are not religious. The im· with thetr material needs as well as plicit feeling that there should be with their spiritual ones. No human some quid pro quo-food for a soul­ relationship can develop with those is not only wrong; it is a sure recipe whom one views only as free-floating for failure. Yet those who open up souls waiting to be captured. And their homes over a long period of time where there is no relationship, there do see the fruits of their efforts. One can be no influence. • ARE YOU MOVING? IS YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PRINTED INCORRECTLY ON THE JO MAILING LABEL? We need your help to ensure proper delivery of the 10 to your home. Please attach current mailing label in the space below, or print clearly your address and computer processing numbers that are printed above your name on the address label. such personal contact often has a ADDRESS CHANGE FORM major impact. New immigrants living (Affix label here) near large religious populations are far more likely to become religious. Yet the percentage of those in the chareidicommunitywho have invited Soviet Jews tnto thetr homes or oth­ erwise extended themselves on their behalf remains too small. Raising that percentage will depend on over­ Address------­ coming a number of attitudinal bar­ riers and misconceptions. The first of City, State, Zip------­ these is the fear that any contact with a non-religious Jew is potentially con­ Date Effective------Ple.:ise allow 6-8 week<. ior aU ch,mges to be retlected on your mailing label. WE WILL NOT BE taminating. The vibrant, thriving RESPONSIBLE FOR BACK !SSUES MISSED unless you notify us 8 w('{>ks prior to your move. communities built in Eretz Yisroel

The Jewish Obseroer, June 1992 17 Yehuda Mendelson

guest from abroad once visited read, "It Is appropriate for every G-d­ Our sages succinctly expressed this Rabbi Yoseif Chaim Sonnen­ fearing person to grieve ... over the concept: feld ?":n, Rav ofYerushalayim, Beis Hamikdaslis destruction." Per­ at his home in the Battei Machseh haps we do not include ourselves Avraham called the place: section of the Old City. Rabbi among those whom the Shulchan "Hashem Yera'eh-G-d's pres­ ence will be manifest there"; Sonnenfeld's bare, unpretentious Aruch calls "G-d-fearing." Nonethe­ Ma1ki Zeddek called it: "Shaleim quarters shocked the visitor, who less, there exist related laws that af­ -Perfection." G-d agreed with questioned his host about his humble fect the lives of all Jews (see Drach both tzaddikim, and called His dwelling. In response, Reb Chaim Chaim 560) which ask us to slightly city "Yerushalayim" (Bereishis moved to the wtndow, drew back the restrict our pursuit of material plea­ Rabba56:16). cloth that served as a curtain, and re­ sure. They ask us to let the truth of Thus in Yerushalayim it was ap­ vealed the desolate site of the Beis exile and destruction creep into our parent that the Shechina dwells not Hamikdash- To this he simply added, daily lives. They ask us to permit the among the angels but in the midst of "It is sufficient for the servant to be as memory of Jerusalem to leave an this holy nation, living according to his Master." ever-so-subtle impression on our the blueprint of Torah. The Divine We need not-and cannot_,,om­ homes' decor, our wives' jewelry, the presence manifest in the Beis pare ourselves to Rabbi Yoseif Chaim nature of our celebrations, and our Hamikdash cast its glow over the Sonnenfeld and others like him. Once enjoyment of music. The Shulchan whole city-"Hashem yera'eh-" it was common for erliche Yidden to Aruch highlights the common theme On the individual level, the paral­ rise each night at midnight to mourn connecting these Jaws: lel of the Beis Hamikdash is the our exile and plead for the Shechinds talmid chacham: return. They comprehended the trag­ They all remind us of edy of our exile, and their tears Yerushalayim, as Dovid Ha­ For the talmid chacham who melech wrote, "If I forget you, poured forth freely and appropriately. is holy in his ways and actions is Yerushalaylm, let my right hand aldn to the Mikdash and altar, for Few of us have been privileged to forget her cunning. If I do not re­ the Shechina rests on him as it know such Jews (or even to have met member you. let me tongue did in the Mikdash .... Thus them). For many of us, even Tisha cleave to the roof of my mouth; Chazal say: Bringing a gift to a B'Av fails to arouse deep emotions or lfI do not set Yerushalaylm above talmid chachwn is like bringing spark any real yearning for redemp­ my highest joy" (Orach Chaim Bikurim to the Temple; and they tion. Still, let us contemplate what re­ 560:2). say: Pouring wine for the talmid chacham is like pouring wine on membering Yerushalayim can and the altar... {Mesillas Yesharim, should mean to our generation. WHERE RUCHNIUSAND ch. 26). GASHMIUS UNITE SOME HALACIDCASPECTS This holy life brings out the human bviously Yerushalayim must potential in all its splendor. with each emembering Yerushalayim represent a special concept. facet of personality receiving its true and her destruction is not lim­ 0 What is that concept? Briefly and full due. Individual desires are no R ted to Tisha B'Av. In the stated, Yerushalayim symbolizes the longer in conflict with each other, and Shulchan Aruch's first chapter, we sublime truth that the potential for the majesty of the integrated Man is holiness and purity are inseparably realized: Malki Zedek called it Rabbi Mendelson is the menahel of the C.M. woven into the fabric of ordinary, hu­ Shaleim--Perfection. Lehmann Beis HaMussar in Yerushalayim, man existence; that a worldly physi­ With Yerushalayim's destruction, founded and headed by Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe N~v'7v, a leading Mussar personality of our time. cal life, lived in consonance with the the living concept of the inextricabil­ The above article is based on a lecture delivered at Torah-and only such a life-reveals ity of the spiritual and the physical the Beis HaMussar, and was prepared for publica­ the Shechina; and that just such a life was also destroyed. Increasingly, we tion with the assistance of Lawrence Kelemen. lived in the illumination and con­ assume that ruchnius and gashmius Rabbi Mendelson's article, ~Meeting the Moral Shechina Challenge of Contemporary Life,~ was featured in scious presence of the is the are mutually exclusive, and that our JO, Sept.'90. most perfectly human life possible. real physical needs necessarily draw

18 The Jewish Observer, June 1992 us away from spirttual perfection. We are trapped in a vicious cycle: Even worse, we cannot distinguish The deeper we sink into the religion between genuine physical needs and of matertalism, the more we forget the selfish pursuit of pleasure. We as­ about Yerushalaylm; and as sume that the quality oflife is a func­ Yerushalayim's memory fades, our tion of how much we consume. worship of matertalism becomes ever Quantity has taken spiritual quality's more passionate. Our myopic immer­ place in our value-system: The more, sion in temporal matters deadens our the merrter. And every moment we spirttual sensitivities, and the myrtad spend living these illusions further details of life become ends in them­ dilutes our memory of the ideal sym­ In Yerushalayim one can selves. bolized by Yerushalayim. It is not just individuals who have The Shelah Hakodesh long ago still see people whose forgotten Yerushalayim. Without sac­ confessed: Iificing a detail of halachic obser­ lives are totally vance, our communities uncon­ My heart burns when I see the sciously Imitate the non-Jewish children of Yisroel building dedicated to the world. Do our status symbols differ homes like castles; making per­ from those of the general society? manent dwellings for themselves here in this transitory world, in a DivinEr-men and How much of our "Judaica" is just tamei land ....They intend to cre­ non-Jewish conspicuous consump­ ate an eternal inheritance for women who remain tion dressed up in frum trappings? their children, grandchildren, What stimulated our Rabbanim to cry and great-grandchildren; and It somehow unaffected by out for restraint in spending for wed­ appears, G-d forbid, that they dings, bar mitzvos and other have forgotten the Redemption. the indulgence and Therefore, my dear children, re­ stmchos? As a tzibbur we are forget­ member: Even if Hashem blesses ting Yerushalayim. you with weslth, build yourselves materialism that reign Now and then, G-d sends the homes that conform to your real tzibbur a reminder from above that needs-not mansions and pal­ worldwide today. this is not the Messianic Era-that we aces. are still in exile. A war; a depression; ,N,~' 1~)':> '~' j~PO Yad Eliezer has already made over J,,860' weddings for desperately poor couples - entirely because of you. There Is No Nation Like "Kial Yisroel"!! The Gitty Perkowski Simcha Fund of Yad Eliezer Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Weisel Mr. and Mrs. Zolly Tropper Kiryat Sanz, Jerusalem 1102 E. 26th St. Tei. 02-384-094 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11210 1718) 258-1580 Please send wedding sponsorship to: Yad Eliezer Rabbi and Mrs. Zevi Trenk 1102 E. 26th St. 1586 E. 9th St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11210 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11230 /718) 258-1580 Rabbi and Mrs. Yehudah Rupp There are $500 and $1000 sponsorships

The Jewish Observer. June 1992 19 rioting in the streets. Do we hear the Torah and yiras Shmnayim would stay there and see every­ message? Must we wait for such re­ The verse in Devarim proclaims, one occupied with holy work and minders? Let us consider how we can .. You shall eat in front of Hashem your the service of Hashem. Their visit would inspire these pilgrims. too, end the vicious cycle and stop our G-d, in the place that He will choose bolstering their fear of G-d and downward spiral. to place His Name there, a tenth of energizing their Torah study. your grain, wine and oil, like the first­ "FOR TORAH WILL EMANATE born of your cattle and your flocks, so The Torah enjoined Jewry to eat FROM ZION, .. " you will learn to fear Hashem your ma'aser sheini in Yerushalayim just G-d for all time" (14,23). The Sifri so that they would spend time here he ideal embodied by comments: and absorb an inspiring experience. Yerushalayim transcends They left Yerushalayim filled with fear pure theory. On a practical This tithe [ma'aser sheinij Is of G-d and a desire to know His To­ T great in that it leads to Torah level, Yerushalayim should serve as rah: and even when they reverted into study. Since this tithe could only the cornerstone of the Jewish educa­ be eaten in Yerushalayim, people their daily routines, they were differ­ tional edifice-as the source of our ent people, changed by their Yerushalmi experience. Similarly, the Gemora (Babba • Modem residence Basra 21 a) explains that long before • Special "early starter" Yehoshua ben Gamla ordered the ap­ 8th grade program faciltty with full pointment of teachers in all cities, supervision teachers were appointed in • Home transportation Yerushalayim alone. Any children in need of Torah education were for nllll IO Monsey, NV • Armn atmosphere brought to Yerushalayim, "For Torah (for 8th through 10th imbued with the ni"I will emanate from Zion." Tosafos ex­ plains, .. Experiencing Yerushalayim's grade only) r--1.~....:,:: ofourYeshiva holiness, and seeing the Kohanimin­ communtty volved in their Divine service, would • Dedicated, The Mesivta inspire the children to fear G-d and highly qualified • NYS approved, learn Torah." Today as well, Yerushalayim plays experienced for the iin::i lwo-lrack secular a central role in our children's educa­ staff of D"~in~ studies program tion. Whtie 25 years ago it was still who really unusual for Jewish youth to study • High school here, now vast numbers of yeshiva • Leaming pro­ wants boys and Bais Yaakov girls come for gram stresses diploma a year or two of post-high school learning. Yeshivas and seminaries l'llln and mlt'pl to grow in three years • exist in every section of the city and in rriin its suburbs, and new Torah institu­ •Special • Choice of NVS tions sprout here annually. emphasis on Regents or THE PROBLEM nlll" nii~ end D'~ nN'l' non-Regents diploma AND THE CHALLENGE

• located in the scenic • limited scholarships avail· e can still detect a faint Catskills ell year round able for eligible students echo of Yeshayahu's cry, W .. For Torah will emanate from Zion and the word of G-d from THE ENTIRE.LEARNING PROGRAM IS UNDER Yerushalayim" (2,3). In Yerushalayim THE PERSONAL l'hllln OF THE nl'V11l1 'lllN'1 one can still see people whose lives are totally dedicated to the Divine-­ ~ ;n"'ltmNn :ii '~ ::ii,i and N"n l?"mN1 N::iN ::iin men and women who remain some­ how unaffected by the indulgence For .in!Otmotlon and application please call or write to: and materialism that reign worldwide today. One who visits with his eyes YESHIVA GEDOLAH-ZICHRON MOSHE open can come to understand the ex­ MESIVT A HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION pression "the Holy City"; and one who Laurel Park Rd. I POB 580 I South Fallsburg, NY 12779 visits with his mind and soul open 914-434-5240 Fax: 914-434-1009 can experience spiritual rejuvena-

20 'The Jewish Obseroer, June 1992 tion-he can revive that penetrating inner vision that perceives life's fil ·· .. ·.· truths and purpose. For many of our youth, their year in Yerushalayim is a once-in-a-life­ (bfrror, time opportunity to view and expert­ . . HOTEL + .. MOTEL ence a culture founded on values other than the pursuit of wealth and pleasure. The expertence can be ini­ LAKEWOOD, NEWJERSEY tially uncomfortable, and in some Madisan Avsmie; Carnet al 7th Street cases overwhelming. But the sertous student will see here an opportunity to taste a different life: a simpler, (201) 363-511111J.. > more wholesome, more Jewish life; a life that has not yet been strtpped of 1·800.CAPITOL [221-4JllJ6) depth, subtlety, and beauty by the ',',_-, _, ,>--,-:,:,<_,<,_::;,,-,>,,<\-> ceaseless demands of modernity. Catering under superviSiOn or KCL vaad HaK~~hfli$ :~ll;~e~:J~:~b-:F :---" Previous generations dreamed of the privilege that is in our generation's grasp. For them, Yerushalayim was but a symbol and a hope-a city that tugged on the heart of world Jewry but which was beyond the reach of all but a blessed few. Those who came to Yerusha­ layim did so towards their lives' end, and abandoned everyihing and ev­ eryone to make the trek. Having sev­ ered all ties to their past, they came psychologically and splrttually pre­ pared to take in all the holiness that Sitttated on Olympia Lane, Monsey, NY Yerushalayim had to give. Now G-d's abundant kindness has placed Yerushalayim within easy reach. Only a ten- or fifteen-hour flight separates most Jews in the world from the Western Wall. Tragi­ cally, Yerushalayim's very accessibil­ ity has dulled our appreciation of the Holy City. Many of us have forgotten that Yerushalayim can change lives, that she can speak to our hearts and our children's hearts words that would otherwise go unheard. Worse yet, their distant familiartty with Yerushalayim encourages Build a Five, Six, or diaspora Jews to treat her like just Seven Bedroom Colonial another "foreign" city. For their com­ fort "while abroad," visitors often brtng along all the physical and social * Loaded with Extras * baggage they can carry. And much of From $289,000 this baggage exerts a more powerful influence on Yerushalayim than Yerushalayim exerts on the visitors. Even many of those settling here are Rachel Taub, Lie. R.E. Broker reluctant to abandon ingrained American habits and attitudes. In re­ (914) 356-7463 cent years, the city's delicate, holy 0 t(914) 425-6334 environment has been indelibly stained by such Western influences. "Pfcturefor tllt4stration pu.rjHJ$es onb'. Varlou.r models available.

The Jewish Obseroer. June 1992 21 CHOOSING WHAT TO LIVE WITH -AND WITHOUT One who visits with his eyes

alistically, the American· open can come to ifestyle tidal wave that has understand the expression ~wept the world cannot be stopped dead at Israel's shores. Still, "the Holy City"; and one our community should be especially who visits with his mind and sensitive to ihe destructive habits and perspectives exported from the soul open can experience United States; we should make every effort to keep them out of our holy spiritual rejuvenation-he city. When a Jew comes up to can revive that penetrating Yerushalayim, he should not ap· proach her demandtng that she also inner vision that perceives satisfy his addiction to luxury-to ihe life's truths and purpose. FINE MEN'S finest hotels, restaurants and recre­ CLOTHING ations. By G·d's grace, Yerushalayim is not London or Paris, and should ish way of life. Where each customer is treated not be viewed as such. We stand at a crossroads. Divine as our only customer! Visitors to Yerushalayim who Providence has favored us with ihe refuse to sacrifice the "finelies" of opportunity "to learn to fear Hashem" • All Wool Coats • Slacks Western life not only miss the finer· ihrough intimate contact with "the • Sports Jackets • Rainweor ies of this holy place, ihey also con· place ihat He will choose as dedicated tlibute to city's spilitual atrophy. to His name." We may open ourselves I 769 51 St., Brooklyn, NY Thank G-d, students flock to to Yerushalayim, and allow her to (718) 854· l I 96 Yerushalayim. They have much to help us break ihe stranglehold of ma· gain here, and, indeed, many do so. terialism; we may remember Doily l l:OO AM-··9:00 P.M. But we must make special efforts to Yerushalayim. Alternatively, we may Fri. & Motzoei Shobbos by opp!. prepare our youth for their visit to demonstrate our allegiance to a for­ Yerushalayim. We must explain to eign system ofvalues and lifestyle; we Silbiger Suits You Best ihem what Yerushalayim has always may make inadvertent war on the symbolized and what it means to us. Holy City; we may forget her. Will we Instead of aniving wiih presumptions drag the worst of the exile into like, "One just cannotlive without. ..," Yerushalayim, against her will? Or Af.91.XI-:Ji'EJlllfI'.J{ they should come here hoptng to dis­ will we approach her wiih respect, cover that these addictions are really awe and love-with open hearts­ not all that essential. They should hoptngjust to take in some ofher pu· VITAMINS come here hoping to find new per­ Iity, some of her holtness?The choice spectives and a more genuinely Jew· is ours. • ·"YOU'LL FEEL THE DIFFERENCE"­

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22 The Jewish Observer, June 1992 any cities are famous 1n the Leading Jewish personalities are Czech Foreign Office-to no avail. Torah world, but their among his descendants-for in­ The U.S. Embassy dispatched two M importance is not relevant stance, the Bobover Rebbe, the Gerer of its officials to Lipnik-a three­ to the city itself or its size. Rather, Rebbe, the Klausenberger Rebbe, hour car ride from Prague-to nego­ their celebrity reflects the fame of Rabbi Baruch Shimon Schneerson tiate with the Lipnik city adminis­ sages who lived in these particular (Rosh Yeshiva of Tshebin) and the tration. And then the truth came cities many years ago. Satmar Rav N"V"'1v. out: the Jewish community of Such a city is Lipnik, Czecho­ As most cities in Bohemia and Prague had officially transferred slovaka (Leipnik, by its Austrian Moravia, Lipnik had no Jews left af­ this site to the city of Lipnik, and at name), where Rabbi Baruch ter World War II, and the 425 year­ this point the city officials refused to Teumim-Frankel (known as the old cemetery, where 15 of its rabbis budge. (Mr. Charles Richter, of "Baruch Taam," after the title of the were interred, including the Baruch Brooklyn, N.Y., had an important best known of the ten seforim he Taam, had been leveled by the Nazis, role as advisor to Agudath Israel at wrote) served as rabbi for 26 years, and ultimately was converted into a this time.) from 1802 to 1828. playground for the students of a The Baruch Taam was one of the neighbortng school. About six years A CRACK IN THE STONE-WALL giants of a generation that included ago, several of the Baruch Taam's de­ the Noda BiYehuda, Rabbi Akiva scendants, who were appalled by the bout four years ago, Con­ Eiger, Rabbi Mordechai Benet, the situation, approached Rabbi Moshe gressman Solarz's Washing­ Ketzos Hachoshen, and the Chasam Sherer, president of Agudath Israel A ton office called Rabbi Sherer Sofer, among others. His sefer Baruch of America, to use various American to inform him that finally the Czech Taamreveals the clarity of his think­ government sources to prevail upon authorities were ready to discuss the ing as well as the broad range of the Czech authorities to return the matter. In view of my experience with knowledge that he had at his finger­ cemetery to Jewish hands for resto­ Jewish cemeteries in Poland, Rabbi tips-truly the prototype of the mas­ ration. American officials tried their Sherer asked me to meet with the ter of pilpuL The seferwas edited and best: Rabbi Sherer together with Czech representatives in Washington. prepared for publication by his son­ Congressman Stephan Solarz met At the meeting, they claimed that their tn-law, Rabbi Chaim Halberstam, the twice with the Czech Ambassador in negative attitude had been based on revered Sanzer Rav, who always Washington, yet their pleas-even the Lipnik city administration's deci­ spoke of the Baruch Taam with awe offers to cover the costs ofrelocating sion not to change the status of the and love. the park to another site-met with "playground" near the school. It seems no response. Secretary of State that now the government in Prague, Rabbi Besser, a member of the Presidium of George Schultz, through the inter­ prodded by the American authorities, Agudath Israel of America, has been active in Kial concerns for over a half century. He serves as chair­ vention of the Assistant Secretary of pressured them into at least starting man of the DafYomi Commission of Agudath Is­ State for Humanitarian Affairs, or­ some talks. I therefore offered them rael and is recogni7.ed for his efforts on behalf of the dered the U.S. Ambassador in the following proposal ofwhat we were remnants of Eastern Eureopean Jewry. Prague to take this issue up with the prepared to do:

The Jewish Observer. June 1992 23 A. totally cover the cost of erect­ The Czech representatives prom­ ing a new playground as a replace­ ised to refer this proposal to the au· ment; thorities and let me know the results. B. fully restore the returned cemetery in a manner that would Several weeks later. the Czech em· not disturb the pleasant appear­ bassy called to invite Agudath Israel ance of the neighboring vicinity of representatives to come to Czechoslo· the school; vakia. Consequently, I joined Mr. C. guarantee that there would be Shlomo Freshwater of London, a de· no additional burials in this cem­ scendant of the Baruch Taam. and etery in the future. initiator of the project, and flew to The Mayor qf Lipnek transferring control of Upnik Cemetery to Agudath Israel fl Must BoY For Every '. Lipnik where we viewed the site of the ~-.. ,..., •. ~·~~,,,.._.,,,..,,..u,,,., ""'"'"·-·"".""""" ...,,,,..,_,_ '"" ~·" Jewish lfoushold cemetery-cum-playground. There ... .,.. ,.._ .... ::::: ...... ~ .. -· _ • What is the proper way ·--~~·--··· ---~ ~ " was an adjoining cemetery that had "-~·,.-·....,,. ·-~-.,...... _,,,,_... to make an "Eruv"? not been destroyed; but, of course, ,,..~igj~~~~~ .... ,,,,~,~~.. !1tij1iiit'!'~; • I·' • How far are you a11owed after 45 years of neglect it was In :.:.:::::.. ::' . .:"~":.'.:; ti - to wa1k on shabbos? shabby condition. 1bis cemetery was ~;§EK;~ r;~f~~:~~~~ called "the new one" because it only '}{Jwfy 1CA11 book.store We walked around the place, at· or contact R.abbi S. Weiss at tracting attention of some passers-by, (718) 236-2622 as we had hoped; we were looking for older citizens of Lipnik who might ~-··, have been able to remember the ex· ·.. ~ •• •V '.• • • • • • .. • - :.... '· ';, act location of the tomb of the Baruch Taam An old woman approached us and told us that she remembered how the Jews were driven out of the ANEW TORAH TAPE SERIES city for the camps in Poland. She re­ by called that the Jews came to the cem· Rabbi David Weinberger etery to say farewell to their ancestors before they were taken away by the Assistant Rabbi Nazis, and that they wrote a letter Congregati(JnKneseth Israel asking "the Rabbi" for forgiveness, Far Rockaway, NY since they could not protect his Author & Lecturer gravesite any more. The woman "Women.& Halacha" claimed that this letter was found on the Rabbi's tomb and was likely pre· Series.I• Women & Prayer served in one of the Czech museums. 1.ModehAni We were faced with a sertous di· 2. :Sirchas Hatorah 5. Krias Sberna lemma-how could we reconstruct the 6. Shmone Esrei Rabbi's tomb? There were no records 3. Birchas Hashachar 7. ltallel 4. PesukeiDZimra of its location, and only scant recollec· lions-the only clue we had to go hy Please send the following: was the hazy descrtption of the site, 0 COft\'leteSet (7 tapes) ...... ,.530.00 0 lndividua!Tape(s) •..•....•.....• $7.50 Ind-hip<#(<): ___~ couriesy of an old man who spent his Pri

24 The Jewish Obseroer, June 1992 With all this behind us, the actual sulted in an agreement satisfactmy to When the Jews came to reconst.Iuction work was still quite an all sides. with approval granted for ordeal. We had to satisfy the laws of the building plans. We checked and the cemetery to say Czechoslovakia, and at the same time rechecked the exact location of the make certain that all halachic obliga­ grave and construction began. farewell to their tions would be honored. We engaged law firms from both Czechoslovakia DEDICATION IN LlPNlK ancestors before they and Switzerland, and embarked on negotiations. which consumed much pon completion of this project. were taken away by the time and effort. Without exaggera­ the city council ofLipnik. as a tion, several hundred faxes were ex- Ugesture ofgood wili, decided to Nazis, they wrote a letter changed betweenAgudath Israel's of­ transfer the title of the cemetery to fices in New York and the Freshwater Agudath Israel ofAmerica, requesting asking the Baruch Taam office In London. that the final restoration of this an­ for forgiveness, since The lengthy negotiations finally re- cient cemetery be properly marked in they could not protect his gravesite any more.

we were still in the dark as to the pre­ cise location of the Baruch Taarris burial spot. A subsequent visit by For the first time ever, you can now have Ambassador Ronald S. Lauder to • Books • Seforim • Yarmulkas • tl'S'S Prague proved encouraging. At this meeting, a Czech authmity informed • Talaisim •Tapes • Gifts, etc. us that his government was support- ive of our efforts, and that the resis­ Shipped To Your Bungalow Colony, tance was only at the local Lipnik level, Camp Overnight At No Extra Cost! and should not dissuade us. We as­ (min. order $50.00 via Mastercard/Visa) sumed that Prague sensed the immi­ nent downfall of Communism and wanted to court Western favor. So we Keep up with the latest books and tapes persisted in our efforts. Send A Gift To Your Kids In Camp.

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nyetanothervisittoPrague. 1-800-359-5578 we intended to search on our 0 own through government files for clues as to the location of the Remember! Baruch Taarris tomb. When I was in­ FREE Shipping formed that no documents or data Toll Free Number existed in this respect, I insisted upon & Lowest Prices looking up the file myself. A metal box Anywhere was brought to me and right there was a photograph taken before the Special Discounts war, with the tomb of the Baruch For Bungalows Taam clearly visible. Tbis photograph Shuls & Camps made it possible for a scientist to es­ tablish the exactlocation of the tomb, with up to five inches discrepancy. To reassure ourselves, our group {actu­ ally. Mr. Freshwater, as in all such initiatives and efforts) also brought a known expert, Rabbi Sirkus of Monsey. N.Y .. who has an impressive record with regard to tracing cem­ eteries in the Ukraine.

The Jewish Obseroer, June 1992 25 Reciting Tehillim at the restored monurnent at the Students qfthe Yeshiva of Vienna at the Baruch Taam's grave. gravesite of the Baruch Taam. Next to the tombstone is Rabbi Avraham Yona Schwartz of Vienna. an official ceremony. 1bis rededicat­ The Czech president was represented thousand years of thiiving Jewish ion took place on Apiil 29; it was a by Chancellor Karel Schwartzenberg, life-their graves unmarked, unre­ most impressive event and proved to and the Ameiican Embassy was rep­ membered. unhonored ... brtnging a be a Kiddush Hashem. Dignitaiies resented by a high official. final indignity to lives, lived fully as came from London, including descen­ The efforts to honor the piinciples Jews, now all but forgotten. The work dants of the Baruch Tamn, headed by of kavod hameisim paid off in this to restore lost or forsaken cemeteries Rabbi Elchonon Halpeiin, president case, but served as a dramatic con­ is tedious. The effort can be enor­ of the Agudas HaKehillos of London; trast to countless other final resting mous. Results can be frustratingly buses of visitors motored in from places for millions of Jews-great slow. Each case has its own rules, its Vienna and Prague; while Rabbi rabbis, humble Tehillim-sayers, own set of obstacles. But we owe Sherer and I flew in from the States. alike-

So begins Rivka Walburg's painful journey through the labyrinth of 'tests,' 'evaluations,' and 'labels' -to determine the true condition of her child's learning problems. More than anything, a mother wants to give her son the by opportunity to live a full Jewish life, and Mrs. Walburg was RIVKA WALBURG determined to do the same-even if it meant establishing her own school-which is what she did! A Child Uke That traces the challenges and triumphs of raising a child with a learning disability. Here is a book full of honesty and warmth about family relationships, with practical guidelines for identifying a child's developmental . problems and for finding a proper educational environment. H.c. s13.95 r ~ ·,.,. ·~i .\·~:~;,~I,)•<":':"~;.,~~.~,, -·.,1,, ;<.:,~ --~~f;.o.>/~.~1;:;.;; .. ,,./-,;~{q.",.,V~~·;. ;> ·..,.·~::;,{; ;,;..;· :'· ~ ~<- Avail~!~· at all. je\o\'ish .books~ores or direct from: 200 Aiiport Executive Park, Spring Valley, N.Y. 10977 Visa &. ~terCard acce?~ l'.lr;; filDH[IM PUBLISHERS Tel. (914) 356-2282/Toll free, 800-237-7149 Senodffoour your199'2freecatalcoogpy.

26 The Jewish Obseroer, June 1992 mean-spirited group of residents in Airmont, New York are trying to exclude Orthodox Jews from their neighborhood. They have carved out a separate vil­ A lage from the Town of Ramapo (Monsey), with the intent of enacting zoning laws inhibiting shuls from being built in their area. This act of discrimination smacks of anti-Semitism in a subtle but most vicious form. At one public hearing on the matter, a local resident turned to an Orthodox Jew and reportedly said, "Hitler just didn't finish the job; do you want to go outside and get your head kicked?" This has not been the first time such discrimination has been attempted. In a tide of similar incidents across the country, Orthodox Jews, shuls, and yeshivos have been held out of new neighborhoods through similar manipulations. But now, finally, someone has unde1taken to draw the line. A small, but brave, group of Jews are not backing down - they are challenging the Village of Airmont for their right to live and worship freely. Although discrimination of the kind they face is against the law, it must be proven in court. If this group of Jews wins, it will be a victory for us all. But if they lose, it will be a sign to localities across the USA that they can effectively exclude Orthodox Jews from their towns and villages. We Cannot Afford to Lose!!

Please join this battle against discrimination. The Village of Airmont has unlimited funds - the Orthodox group's funds, however, are depleted, and over $150,000 is needed to proceed!

Now is your chance to stop anti-Orthodox discrimination that is taking place right here in our very own backyard.

Please send your tax-deductible contribution today to: Kha! Park Legal Fund 1 7 Algonquin Circle Monsey, NY 10952

This important issue qfOrthodox Jewish rights has thejull support and endorsement ofthe leadership ofAgudath Israel ofAmerica. Please send your generous contribution promptlJ! to help uphold the right offews all across the United States to live and worship freely. MordechaiKuber

WHEN TRAGEDY A REALITY STRIKES HOME ne year and many trag­ For a person also does not edies later, it is clear krww his time. like.fish caught in O that my father-in-law's a flimsy net and like birds hopeful prayer has not been re­ caught in a trap, like them people alized. Car accidents, a boating are ensnared at a time of tmg­ accident, illnesses and violence edy, when it befalls them sud­ have claimed the lives of our denly {Koheles 9: 12). youngest and finest. Although we nErevPesach. oneyearago, hope for no more untimely deaths, a tragedy occurred. The basic Hashem has demonstrated with 0 details of the story are well horrifying regularity that even bnei known. My brother-in-law. Yonah, Torah are not invulnerable. and his wife, Yehudis, were killed in Have we somehow gone wrong? a head-on collision as they drove from Are we not sufficiently moved to ac­ Lakewood to Baltimore to spend Yorn tion by the rivers of tears and the Tov with our family. The sudden and manly experience. It cannot be dis­ hours of hespeidim? Have we become unexpected death of the young missed with the shake of a head and so desensitized that we cannot be couple brought sorrow and grtef to a sigh of resignation. It is an ugly jolted by the tragedy of others? Must their friends and relatives, and beast that raises many questions, de­ we expertence it first hand? marred the holiday spirit in three mands convincing answers. and In fact, we are moved, and we do communities. whose unsettling effects refuse to try. In the wake of the deaths ofYonah For many, this tragic episode was subside until a program is developed and Yehudis, new tutoring and adult just another link in a long chain of that will spare others a similar fate. education projects were born. Gener­ such dispirtting incidents. It is unclear During the week following Pesach, a ally, rededication to shmiras hala­ when these events began and when multitude of Rnbbanim and Roshei Ye­ shon and chessed are often out­ they will end, but one can usually find shiva passed through both shiva growths of illness or untimely death. solace in the knowledge that tragedy houses. A recurring question. posed by We follow the advice of our Rabbanim almost always strikes elsewhere. mywifetome. and by my father-in-law and Roshei Yeshiva that one should Those comforting and reassuring to distinguished leaders of Kla1 YisroeL notlet a tragedy pass without endeav­ thoughts were denied our family that was: WhY did Hashem bring such trog­ oring to rectify at least one faulty Pesach. Tragedy, up close, has a edy uponus?Whatdoes Heexpectfrom character trait or weakness in obser­ much harsher compleldon than the us and the rest ofthe nation? vance. arm's-length variety which we com- My father-in-law spoke for all of us, Unfortunately, and quite evi­ when he concluded the Baltimore dently, we fall short. We find it diffi­ Rabbi Kuber is Rav of Kahal Adath Jeshurun of hesped with an tmpassioned plea: "Let cult to commit ourselves to significant Paramus, N.J., and serves as an author for the our children be the true kapara. the and meaningful changes, and we find Art:Scroll/Mesorah Talmud Sertes. last one ever needed by Kial YisroeL" it even more difficult to abide by the

28 The Jewish Observer. Jime 1992 commitments we have made. With less prayed for his welfare: "And justify praying for his health, and one time, we lapse back into our old ways. Kel Shakaishould send you mercy need not commence potentially dan­ We are not insensitive; we are human. before the man" (Bereisltis43,14; gerous activity to pray that he be pro­ Tanchwna, Mllceitzno. 10). tected from injury. Tefilla is approprtate for anything A SUGGESTED SOLUTION OPPORTUNITIES FOR that is important to a person, how­ PRE-EMPTIVE TEFlLLA ragedy and misfortune brtng a ever mundane (see Chayei Adam person closer to Hashem. here are numerous opportuni­ 24:19; Yaa'aros D'vash. derush no. When confronted with an un­ 1). Benei Yisas'charwrttes that a per­ T ties for pre-emptive tefilla The solvable problem and when all av­ Midrash (Tanchwna, ibid.) sug­ son should pray on Tu B'Shvat for a enues of hlshtadlus (personal effort) T beautiful esrog. Ifa woman invests an gests that a young person should pray have failed, one turns to the Ribbono that in his old age his eyesight should hour of her precious morning in the Shel Olam ln sincere prayer to allevi­ not fail, his teeth should not fall out, preparation of a special concoction, is ate his troubles. Only with a feeling and his mobility should not be im­ it not befitting to add a small prayer of total despair does one come to the paired. The Gemom in Berachos (60a) that all the ingredients be added in realization that "we may rely only the correct proportion and that her upon our Father in heaven (see Sotah culinary masterpiece not burn? 49)." Have When an exhausted father and hus­ Chazal teach us that tefilla is not band decides to devote a Sunday af­ an incidental by-product of difficul­ we somehow gone ternoon to his family. would it not be ties, a beneficial side-effect of trag­ worthwhile to pray that they appreci- edy. On the contrary, the purpose wrong? Are we not suff- ate his efforts (and that he enjoy of misfortune is to encourage and himsell)? The list of opportunities inspire prayer. When our forefa­ iciently moved to action by for meaningful tefilla is endless. thers left Egypt, G-d arranged The Mlshna in Babba Kamma for them to become hopelessly the rivers of tears and the (2a) refers mystertously to one of ensnared between Pharaoh's hours of hespeidim? Have we the four chief categories of pursuing army and the sea. damagers as "mav'eh." Rav ex­ The sole purpose of this pert! become so desensitized that plains in the Gemom (ibid, 3b) was to inspire the Jews to cry that "mav'eh'' refers to a person, out to Hashem, as it states in we cannot be jolted by the based on the word "vayu," which Shir Hashirim (2,14): "Show Me means to pray. Thus, according to your appearance; let Me hear your tragedy of others? Must Rav, a person has been categorized voice." Hashem asked His nation: To by the Mlshna as "one who prayers". Whom do you turn when you are we experience it first Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe, N"V>'n>, de­ troubled? (See Rashi and Midrash duces from this that prayer is the ac­ Shir Hashirim, ad Joe.) hand? tivity that defines a human being It follows that if the express pur­ more than any other (AleiShur, pg. 2). pose of tragedy is to inspire tefilla, It follows that with regulality of tefilla then if a community steeps itself in states that before one sets out on a one approaches this model of "one prayer without such stimuli, the need journey, he should pray for his safe who prays." for misfortune is mitigated, if not arrtval; before one takes inventory of ur Rabbaniln have taught us elimlnated entirely. 'Ibis conclusion his silo. he should pray for blessing; what we should strtve for, and is borne out by the Midrash: before he enters a bathhouse, he Owe should attempt in earnest Rabbi Elazar said: One should should pray that he not be scalded; to heed their advice. We must not ig­ not belittle the necessity for and before he lets blood, he should nore. however, that which is already prayer at a prosperous time, as pray that he have a complete recovery. within our grasp. Besides the obvious Hashem said: "Just like I am re­ quired to bring down rain and This list of special prayers is adopted need for additional kavana in dew. and to sprout vegetation for as halacha(OrachChaim230). ShemonehEsre~ a dedicated program the sustenance of the creatures, One need not limit himself to of mini-tefiUos, which does not re­ so too are you required to pray to obligatory prayers. Even if one is not quire a tremendous investment of Me and bless Me for My deeds. You traveling out of town, it might be ad­ time or energy, will slowly brtng us should not say: 'Since I am pros­ visable to offer a short prayer upon closer to Hashem and help us attain perous, why should I pray?'-and then pray when tragedy strikes. entertng a car that one exit from it the lofty goals that have been set for Rather. you should pray before without harm. One need not be a us. Perhaps if we all undertake this the difficulties occur." farmer to pray for the success of his together, Hashem will no longer find Rabbi Yochanan said: You business ventures. Chayei Adam it necessary to provide other stimuli should know this is true, for (45:4) cites the Zoharthat it is prohib­ to hear our voice. Let us hope-and Blnyamln wss still together with ited for one to eat before he prays for pray-that Hashem hearkens to our Yaakov, and the latter neverthe~ his sustenance. One need not be ill to prayers. •

The Jewish Observer, Jime 1992 29 For thousands of new Israelis, new-found freedom brings new-found choices. Help them decide.

The miracle of the Russian exodus is staggering. Shabbos and Sunday, or between the call of the Already 250,000 Jews have immigrated to Israel. Shofar and the notes of a trumpet, Eretz Yisroel In the near future it will be over a million. But can be just another place to live. the miracle is not complete. Russian Jews have Who is going to teach Torah to the newest suffered terribly under decades of religious op­ Israelis' That is the mission ofRETURN. Under pression. Years of abuse have left them spiritually the guidance of Gedolei Torah here and in Israel, wanting. And along with freedom comes RETURN is reaching out to show immigrant chil­ choices. Choices never before experienced. dren the light of Torah. RETURN is setting up Choices to go where classrooms and after- they please, to live as school programs they want, even to to undo sevemy­ think as they five years of anti­ choose. And Jewish teaching. one of these And RETURN is choices is to ·bringing the be a Torah Jew. newest Israelis We've waited 75 years to see back to the relig­ this miracle. But But let's not kid ion of their fathers and ourselves. Even in Israel the allures of a secular grandfathers. culture call and pull. Many of our Israeli cousins Your help is urgently needed. Because if we don't know the light of Torah. And for someone don't succeed now, millions of souls will be lost who doesn't know the difference between to the wrong choices.

Rabbinic Sponsors: Bobover Rebbe, Skulener Rebbe, Novominsker Rebbe, Rav Avrohom P:un, Rav Elya Svei, Rav Aaron Scbechter. Chairmen: Sheloon Beren, Abraham Biderman, Max Knopf, Al Rieder r------1 1 I would like to help. Please accept my tax-deductible contribution for 1 I D SJCX)O- to sponsor an outreach program for one month Name I : D 1750- to sponsor classroom space for one child Address : I D SJ60 - to sponsor an afieHchool progr.un forone child City State~- Zip I I D 1250 D 1100 D !50 Other!__ Phone I I I L ~e_:s:_~~e _:~~ £."!"~':..:~ ~:'.::'._~._:~:_3~0~ l_9_B.:_<>:_ct_:a_; !:.::'_!'.:;1'.;_ ~_!~~ .J R E T u R N The United Fund for the Education of Russian Immigrant Children in Israel AU7,4 KFNTNr: THF TFWT<\H snr TT t was ten minutes past six that me, do you know who gives the is much about kashrus, circa,5742 night. and my ride to my evening hashgacha here?" that is problematic e.g., questions I job was scheduled for 6:30, and "l think it's__ ," conjectured the about the quality of supervision, the bound to be prompt: my stomach, lad. "Besides, you can see who comes double hashgacha phenomenon on unattended for hours and railing for here," he added. waving his hand at packaged foods, the mezonos bread­ its dinner, would suffer no further de­ a clutch of yeshiva colleagues in mid­ cottage industry: but I would like here lay. 1 spotted a pizza place a block shard. "Anyway," he added, "I only eat to hold just one problem up to my from my pick-up point and hunied the pizza here: they use yoshon." low-wattage light-the business of in ... ,mindful of the void on the wall Was that the horn honking? With supervision in stores and restau­ where a certificate of Kashrus should the hands of the clock all but tapping rants. And it is a business. have hung. me on the back, I had to approach the 111.is matter reveals an ironic state Once entered, I quickly scanned pizza man himself, his rolling blade of affatrs in the kaha1: because of the the clientele, to learn if this was an furrowing his saucy terrain. "Excuse (apparent) collective rigor we enforce eatery in which I could be seen;judg­ me. Do you know who gives the in the kashrus domain, we have ing by appearances, the group hashgacha here?" staked out for ourselves a new level seemed "religiously correct." Still, "We're changing... we're changtng. of communal trust to which we hap­ there was this matter of supervision, We may get a hashgacha from pily boost certain food establish­ and so I looked to a gentleman stand­ Rabbi ," he said, closing ments, even as they go unsupervised. ing nearby. "Excuse me, do you know the menu on my hopes. Dtnner that After all, we reason, if such-and-such who gives the hashgacha here?" night was cold cuts - an ice cream a place sits in our neighborhood, and "It's a very good hashgacha," he pop. The internal mutiny would not profits here, it must be worthy. And returned, in tones of unmitigated be quelled until a midnight snack re­ of course, once a store wins this sort certainty. "I would definitely recom­ stored order. of imprimatur, then "everybody eats mend it." have never thought myself a there," and no additional questions Impressed by his endorsement but machmir in matters of kashrus; need be asked. And so here is the still needing to know its recipient, I I still, for a number of reasons. in­ trony. We seem to say: Some places approached a young yeshiva bachur cluding lessons brought home from are so jiwn, so irreproachable, that standing watch by the corner, waiting my Gemora shiur with Rabbi Eliezer they don't need hashgacha. It is as if for his oily shard of pizza. "Excuse Ginsberg, who often expounds on the kahal has deputized itself as de Mr. Katz lives in Brooklyn, N.Y. Tills is his first ap­ kashrus, I have experienced a kind of facto mashgiach; and while I am very pearance in these pages. enlightenment on the subject. There far from a kashrus expert. I don't be-

The Jewish Observer, June 1992 31 lieve the system was meant to work this way. Note that a good many persons who would never be seen haunting restaurants overseen by certain "questionable" hashgachas, are posi­ tively fearless about traipsing into LS ,,,,_.,,,.HS TYPE OF CAR 1/if·2tl7192 others which have no hashgacha at 2418..31110/92 '"' all. In short, we have a two-tier sys­ SPECIAL OFFER tem in public kashrus: One either A FIAT UNO STING 196 ..... needs, or does not need, hashgacha. B CITROENAX 245 ·in tST2500NLY depending on ... what? C OAIHATSU 1.3 294 Reserve for Summer '92 On the other hand, there Is no 1 al C SUBARU 1.6 315 at Low Season ptlces mystery about why it is that some 329 ~ owners do without supe!Vision. After i before all, If one is gifted with the public trust Hlltlt Season Increases (and treasury) without a mashgiach, ~ We guaratJ""' tull n;fulid In 1iifsfi of "'"1Cellatl.•~~dicat~d.!9.~av(\a •.. Ha~ff:a~~ifb.,persona'1 of a purveyor of food? How does one ,< •. s•.•\.·.··•·•·•····••·•·•m~RP9silii.lity,t?rougho.4t.service come by this appellation? Can one · ••>,. •:• ~!71ighlyrE!COfr111)E!tlded by('.jedol~i Hador purchase it, like a license?-or is the ,.· •.·•·•·•· \.···. --,171ereand in ~r~tz Yisrae!-c··· ·· ... ·.. supply kept artificially scarce, like •156~"~7tfi Str~~.Brc)Oldyn,~ew York 11219 taxi medallions? And what do we call ••····•········· Day& Nighf'Ph~ne (1~8) 851'"8925 the hapless place that is ru21 > , f:j&ne$ty,L;J'nrfigrity,- Reliability "heimish"? In the realm of hashgacha. Rabbi ::Ci~E.S*i:f.SH.'Er~ME·:s· >>~~·,hn9.CfeliXid in·~:f1r~·t1rc~·d by o~e'.acdJe in the. indusrry more than ha fr a:CentvrY. .'faharas·Haniftar Sho-uld Never Be Commerdatited Shimon Eider has noted that "heimisli' often identifies a supe!Vis-

32 The Jewish Observer. June 1992 ing Rav whose title relates to a town quence we all play out when we 5. ls it too much to ask of gro­ in Europe. Here, "heimish" may discover, once inside a store, that cery stores that purvey un­ sometimes be the equivalent of an­ its supervision is wanting. wrapped baker- imported goods other old-country term: "caveat 3. In neighborhoods with large that they somewhere note the ori­ emptor." But in these cases, at least, numbers of food establishments, gin of these items? Just a little a hashgacha is operative. It seems, it would be nice if local groups sign will do; I know of a grocer in however, that once a proprietor quali­ could catalogue such places, cit­ Boro Park who does just this. fies as "heimish," he is exempt from ing respective hashgacha, and of 6. And is it really proper, when hashgacha altogether. What, for ex­ course pointing up those which one is able to choose among a ample, does one do when one learns, have none. The census would surfeit of bakeries, some with as I did, from the manager of a cater­ take in more than restaurants; and some without hashgacha, to ing hall at which "everybody eats," catering halls, butchers, take-out shop at one of the latter? that it has no mashgiach. but uses places, and bakeries would also I don't know if these little encour­ only "heimishe zachen"?-Answers be inventoried. agements will make a difference; but do not abound. 4. Consumers should be vigi­ in any event, the question-the prob­ Note that by no means am I pro­ lant to watch for hashgachas with lem--{)f kashrus will continue to vex nouncing "uncertified" eateries treif. fixed terms, which, of course, ex­ us, notwithstanding our lauded Indeed, there may be halachic pire. I have more than once eyed "move to the right." The teeming grounds for patronizing them, pro­ a lapsed certificate, after which I kashrus industry is an emblem ofOr­ vided one knows the owners to be would phone the relevant kashrus thodox aflluence, but it tells us noth­ trustworthy (although Rabbantm tell agency and simply ask about cur­ ing about our will to monitor the 111- me that the global dispensation of rent status. I have always found dustrywith the same forbearance we chezkas kashrus-presumption of that a lapsed hashgacha certifi­ practice in our own kitchens. Until acceptability-no longer reaches to cate is simply a problem in admin­ that will impels the community, the the for-profit world). But in any case, istration, with a new te'uda en answer to the question, 'Who's mind­ this is a hetter, not a policy. There is route. Still, it does not hurt to be ing the store?" will all too often be: little reason for us to indemnify stores attentive. Noone. • against the need for hashgacha, and if we are authentically serious about

kashrus, it is perhaps time to put our I mouth where our money is. I ,..,~.., '10~ I 'Ol1'!1 Nrt !1 n keeplngwith that dare, allow me M~IVfA D'PROVIDENCE to file a few terribly humble, If you are looking for a small, warm, quality yeshiva for your high school age I balibatishe recommendations on son, the hashgachaissue: a safe, suburban setting where caring, capable rabbaim will help him learn not l.First, and most evidently, only how to learn but how to live the life of a ben 'lbrah, ask. You may think it a touch im­ politic to poll your redoubtable a yeshiva high school that shares a donnitory, Beis Medrash and night-sedarim butcher/baker I tehina-sauce with the bochurim of a celebrated, independent ~hiva Gedolah, maker about their kashrus qual­ a top-notch general studies program implemented by a creative, able and ity control. But it is your right, dedicated high school teaching staff ... and perhaps even your obliga­ tion, to press the point, and no ... you may well be looking for Mesivta D'Providence. seller is entitled to be piqued at We are now accepting applications for Elul Z' man from serious tahuidim with the question. appropriate academic records. Donnitory space is limited, so 2. But beyond this, no patron ,,,,,,1',, '"''" should ever have to ask about Please feel free to phone the menahel, Rabbi Avi Shafran, at the Mesivta office hashgacha. A store's hash­ ( 401) 331-5327 any weekday afternoon. gacha-if it possesses one­ MFSIVIA D'PROVIDENCE should not be sequestered like the Boys' High School qfikomen, or pieced into the wall of the collage of babysitting and apart­ I ment ads. There is no room for NEW ENGLAND ACADEMY OF TORAH anivus here; a certificate should 450 Elmgrove Avenue glower benignly at all comers, in Providence, Rhode Island 02906 some unavoidable place, prefer­ Rabbi Sholom Strajcher, DFAN ably a front window. Window Rabbi Avi Shafran, MENAHEL placement would head off the em­ barrassing entry-departure se-

The Jewish Observer. June 1992 33 Letters ••••••••••• to the ••••••••••• Editor

BEYOND THE TheRav'sTask a medical advisory panel that would HALACmc LIVING WJLL be available to rabbanim to aid them The Rav must be able to obtain an in the formulation of an objective view objective portrayal of the medical of the medical situation. It should To the Editor: situation to give his psak. This can be also be understood that the fact that The Jewish Obseroer and Rabbi difficult, as the doctors treating the a doctor is a Shomer Shabbos does Chaim David Zwiebel have performed patient have biases that affect the not guarantee that he has Torah a great service to the community by way they transmit the "facts" to the hashkafos and is not influenced by clarifying the issues involving the use Rav. These doctors are influenced by his hospital's policies. of health care proxies (JO, June '90, hospital policies and their bio-ethics June and Oct. '91). However, the ar­ committees. Despite Dr. Jakobovits' HChaim •s•• Case ticles do not address the practical as­ feeling (JO, Oct. '91) that these com­ pects of implementing the proxy in a mittees are a positive development, A actual incident illustrates the hospital setting. ethics not Torah-based should not points made above. Parents of a child, Having been involved in the deci­ have an influence on a Jew's life-or­ "Chaim," with a life-threatening ill­ sion-making process for a relative, I death decision. These committees ness but in good physical condition experienced the pressures that can formulate hospital policies that are (running around), were told by his be exerted by the hospital staff on the often based on financial consider­ physician, Dr. B., that nothing fur­ patient and his family to reach the ations such as the cost of medication, ther could be done to treat Chaim and light decision (i.e. theirs). These deci­ expensive equipment and space in an that he would die in a few days. sions must be made quickly and un­ ICU (i.e., it does not "pay" to use an Chaim's parents requested that treat­ der pressure. Therefore, it is incum­ expensive life-saving antibiotic on a ment X, which had been recom­ bent upon the individual and the Rav patient with a "poor" prognosis). mended by an expert physician, be to do homework before a medical cli­ Thus, a doctor may definitively administered in a last ditch effort to sis alises, so that the proxy, which state that nothing can be done to save save his life. Dr. B. told the parents creates a legal place for a dans Torah. a patient's life when in reality there that it was "unethical" to treat Chaim can be effective. may be a treatment available, albeit further as the treatment was life a costly one, that might benefit the threatening and would not work. The Individual's Assignment patient. The term "quality oflife" is of­ Later, he reconsidered and said that ten used to influence the family and he would administer treatment X if The individual must ascertain patient. A doctor's view of"quality of the parents signed a Do Not Resusci­ that the Rav of his choice is willing to life" may be in conflict with the tate (DNR) order. (Pressuling a proxy answer pikunchnefeshquestions. He Torah's view of the plimacy of chayei or patient to sign a DNR order is ille­ must know how to access the Rav at sha'a.:. that each moment of life is re­ gal, but is frequently done.) At this all times (i.e. home number, Yeshiva garded as precious. point a Shomer Shabbos doctor, Dr. number, bungalow colony, etc.). The medical "facts" given to the A., who was in charge of the floor, be­ I would like to suggest that the patient, family, and Rav reflect these came involved even though he was Agudah establish a 24-hour hotline biases. It is therefore necessary to ob­ not a specialist in this particular area that will give a caller access to a Rav tain an objective opinion from a doc­ and had never examined the patient. capable of answeling these she'eilos tor at a different hospital. (Many Dr. A., on his own volition, chose to on an emergency basis, in case a gedolim have required patients to call a well-known Rav who answers person's specified Rav is not acces­ seek a second opinion before making she'eilos on life-and-death issues, to sible. This is an extension of the op­ a medical decision regarding treat­ ask a she'eila about the treatment. portunity given in the Halachic Living ment; how much more so in a ques­ Dr. A. reported that the Rav said that Will to specify an organization that tion of pikunch nefesh.) it was forbidden to treat the patient. will recommend a Rav. It would be worthwhile to establish Dr. B. triumphantly walked the

34 The Jewish Obseroer, June 1992 halls telling his staff that the patient could hope for a remission. We admit­ talk to him as were other members of Chaim would not be treated and that ted my father to one of the most pres­ his family. His granddaughter was even the Rabbi had agreed. f[angen­ tigious Manhattan hospitals and able to tell him that he was to become tially, it should be noted that the staff waited for the first dose of chemo­ a great-grandfather, and we were able was veiy concerned that DNR orders therapy to take effect. Outing that to say Viduy (confessional) with him. had not been signed.) week, my father, though weak and He died quietly, "'1>th his entire family This appears to be a straight-for­ sometimes in the need of an oxygen standing around his bedside. ward case with a psak from a leading mask, was able to call his office, cheer Outing our two-day vigil outside Rav. So all that remained to do was us up and communicate in his very the intensive care unit, we found out to make arrangements for butial. wise and intelligent way. The family that the DNR order was mistakenly Right? - Wrong!!! never left his bedside and we rotated and illegally signed by a resident and A phonecall to the Rav, whom the our stay with him. apologies were made. parents knew and respected, revealed One morning I happened to be But no one can apologize to me for that Dr. A. had misrepresented the alone with my father for a few hours the trauma of standing outside a hos­ medical situation to the Rav, distort­ when the nurses came and put my pital room and realizing that in one ing some facts and leaving out others. father in a chair. The doctors came in split second the balance of my When the parents asked the Rav how to examine my father and called me father's life lay in my hands. I have he could have given a psak based on out to tell me that the situation was waited with nervous anticipation misinformation, he answered that he not good at all. When I returned to the seven times to hear the first sounds had to pasken on the information he room my father asked me, "Nu, vus of life emanating from my children, was presented. The Rav did not feel it hut dere di doktor gesugt?" (What did and have also felt the deep disap­ necessaiy to ascertain the facts from the doctor tell you?) These were the pointment of having the beginnings of an independent source. last words I was to hear my father life die within me. But I have always Subsequent phonecalls to doctors say. Within moments a series of accepted and understood that life from other hospitals confirmed the events were to take place that I would starts and ends with the will of parents' suspicions that the treatment never forget. My father, sitting in his Hashem-until that day when I, a was not life-threatening and could be chair, began to gasp and lose con­ distraught human being, felt that I safely administered. Based on the ad­ sciousness. I screamed for the nurses was unexpectedly forced to make a vice of one of the gedolei hador, Chaim and was sent out of the room. A code life-and-death decision on my own. was transferred to another hospital was called and what seemed to me to I have since heard of many fami­ where the doctors safely administered be hundreds of medical personnel lies who have had to undergo similar the "unethical" treatment which sta­ came rushing into the room. agonizing situations and I can antici­ bilized the situation. As I stood outside the hospital pate that their numbers will increase. This stoiy illustrates how impor­ room, my heart pounding and tears For medical technology has given us tant it is that a health proxy and a rushing down my face, I heard some­ not only wonderful advances and Rav have the resources available to one say, "Stop, he's a DNR (do not re­ remedies; it has also left us with the ascertain the medical facts before ar­ suscitate)! Stop the code! He's a DNRI" tertible burden of having to make de­ tiving at a decision. Nothing less than I rushed into the room and cisions about prolonging life. With the the life of the patient is at stake. screamed at the top of my lungs­ advent of the "DNR" order, families MRS. J. SHAULSON "He is not a DNR! He is not!" The code are daily facing the most wrenching Lawrence, L.I. (N. Y.} was resumed and my father was decisions of their lives. Ethical reali­ brought back to consciousness and ties are being faced by our society ev­ A CASE OF UNAUTHORIZED DNR soon became aware of what had hap­ eiy day. The complexity of each situ­ pened. He was put on a respirator ation requires much contemplation and lived for another two days. and a psak from a reputable Rav. In To the Editor: I do not know if those two days my case, there really was no time to I read with great interest "Between were necessarily days of "quality life" think. I can only imagine how much Life and Death: Closing the Gap?" for my father. I do know that my more heartbreaking It is for a family (Aptil '92) and your vatious articles mother was able to see my father and when there is. about living wills. All these articles seem veiy theoretical and distant, until a loved one is deathly ill. Then Considering a move what may seem like a theoretical question may turn into an toMONSEY? anguishing dilemma. Last year my father ;n.> was diag­ For careful attention to your nosed as having cancer. Although his individual needs, call us today! prognosis was not good, we were told by his doctors that his cancer was re­ (914) 354·8445 sponsive to chemotherapy and we

The Jewish Obseroer, JWJe 1992 35 May the Ribborw Shel Olamgive us the fall of 1991. The controversy was laration of brain death is not univer­ not only strength, but the wisdom to rekindled after the recent "decapi­ sal. Nonetheless, all established pro­ make all the right decisions-that no tated pregnant sheep" experiment in tocols require that the patient be un­ human being should ever have to Israel performed on 17 Shevat, 5752. responsive to the environment (i.e. in make. Under meticulous surgical control, a coma) and that potentially reversible (MRS.) M.B. HALBERSTAM near-term sheep was decapitated, its causes of coma (e.g. drug overdose) Brooklyn, NY major blood vessels ligated, and its be excluded. They also requtre the Many such painful crises can be trachea (wind pipe) connected to a absence of elicitable brainstem re­ avoided by preparing a Halachic Liv­ resptrator. Twenty-five minutes later, flexes. This includes pupillary con­ ing Will even before an illness sets in, an apparently-healthy lamb was de­ striction to bright light, gag reflex, and making attending physicians livered by Caesarean section. The and other well-described reflexes me­ aware of its existence. Forms are controversy revolves around interpre­ diated by the brainstem. Since dete­ available upon request.from the Office tation of this experiment in light of the rioration typically descends from the of Government Affairs ofAgudath Is­ Gemara in Arachin 7a, which states top of the brain to the bottom of the rael ofAmerica. - The Editor that when a pregnant woman dies, brainstem, the function of the me­ her fetus dies first. dulla (the lowest portion of the brain­ RABBI SHLOMO ZALMAN Following the experiment, a great stem) must be carefully assessed. AUERBACH'S P'SAKON "BRAIN deal of confusion arose regarding the This requtres apnea testing, discon­ DEATH" RECONFIRMED halachic opinion of Hagaon Harav necting the patient from the respira­ Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, N"1''71!1. tor and observing for spontaneous To The Editor. His views have been quoted, respirations triggered by the rising The question of whether brain requoted, and often misquoted. Per­ carbon dioxide levels in the blood. death can be equated with halachic haps to help dispel this confusion, If the patient fails all these bedside death was debated at great length on Harav Auerbach recently joined with tests of brain and brainstem function, the pages of The Jewish Observer in Hagaon Harav Yosef Sholom some institutions may perform vari­ Elyashiv, N"1"7'i!I in issuing a short ous confirmatory tests. One such CREATIVITY AT A CREATIVE PRICE statement that establishes a clear confrrmatory test is the radio-nuclide p'sak halachain this critical area. scan favored by Rabbi Moshe D. 1111111111 As a neurologist involved in ongo­ Tendler in his October '91 letter to the COMMUNICATIONS VIDEO l'ROOUCTrQNS • SCRIPT WAiTING ing research on brain death, and as an J.O., which involves the injection of a V!DEO EDITING • SLIDE f>flOOIJCTlONS Specializing In videos for tundra/sing Orthodox Jew who has had the privi­ radioactive substance to determine 914-425-1610 lege of discussing the halachic issues cessation of blood flow to the surrounding brain death with a num­ brainstem. In practice, however, no ber of prominent rabbanim, I would institution will routinely perform a like to briefly review the topic and try radio- nuclide scan to confrrm a diag­ to clarify certain pertinent medical nosis of brain death. facts that are relevant to the halachic One must note that the brain of a issues, as well as to reiterate what ap­ "brain dead" patient may not be en­ pears to be the bottom line halachic tirely decayed, as was once thought. viewpoint ofHarav Auerbach. The necrosis that occurs in persis­ tentlyventilated patients ("resptrator The definition of "brain death" brain") may or may not be present in any given brain dead individual. In "Brain death" describes individuals addition, this fact carmot be ascer­ who have been tested by competent tained at the patient's bedside. physicians and found to have sus­ Indeed, brain death does not even tained trreversible cessation of brain necessarily imply the cessation of all and brainstem function. in American functions of the brain. Preserved law, the declaration of brain death is function of the hypothalamus (a part equated with death of the individual, of the upper brainstem) may be and the time of the declaration-not of present, as manifested by normal cardiac cessation-will be listed on the body temperature and maintenance death certificate. Essentially, diagnos­ of fluid balance. This has been con­ ing a person as brain dead legally (and firmed by laboratory testing. (See for some, morally) pennits us to regard Lancet 1980.) him as a corpse-and thereby remove In short, the term "brain dead" is his usable organs, with his prior au­ primarily of prognostic value. It does thorization or upon the consent of next rwt adequately describe the physical ofkin, for transplantation purposes. condition of the brain or brainstem, The testing necessary for the dee- nor does it exclude the possibility of

36 The Jewish Observer, June 1992 functional brain tissue or prolonged ·9 I J. 0., stated clearly that one is not My sole purpose in emphasizing cardiac survival. permitted to remove any organs from this aspect of Rav Auerbach's posi­ My own research has centered a brain dead patient. These two tion is to help dispel some of the un­ around performance of apnea test - gedolei haposkim explicitly reiterated fortunate confusion that has been ing. Approximately one-third of pa­ their view in another joint teshuva created by certain individuals and the tients develop a significant-and po­ dated 4 Iyar, 5752 (to the best of my popular press who incorrectly tentially dangerous-drop in blood knowledge, their most recent written claimed or intimated that Rav pressure during this test. (1hese data statement on the issue): Auerbach withdrew his original were presented at the American p'sak. It is beyond the purview of this Academy of Neurology Annual Meet­ )')YJ ,n·nn nyi Dny1 n1?l? D\ljpln) letter to provide a comprehensive re­ ing in May 1992.) I attribute the pau­ 1'))):l 1'.Jl 1:nun n71n 1-n~? l?n n?n\ljn view of Rav Auerbach's recent writ­ city of prior studies investigating the \!n\lj D'';i1n ,.,,~., D'"1l'N 1NW n';nivn ings, which also include discussions safety of apnea testing to medicine's :i?1 oYJHn N1nw int ?J nJn ,i1JJU on::i of such important issues as the cir­ in1n ?:i\!J n-,pn:i 1)'!>N1 O}ll!:l 011nn preoccupation with prognosis: If N'1pJn 'J?J 1p!>nn D'N n1nn yn .,,,, cumstances under which it may be nearly all these deeply comatose pa­ 01w pN\!J Dn.v1 nt 7:i o)J "n1nn nn'n" permissible to disconnect a patient's tients eventually die, why dwell on a iltl 'il'l 1'1:J)N 1n 1nN '1N N'!tlil? ll1'i1 respirator, the halachic consider­ technicality? Observant Judaism. .D'r.l1 l1J'!:lYJ YJ'On ations involved in receiving a heart which places infinite value on each transplant, and the precise moment second of life, clearly can't subscribe at which a patient may be declared to this philosophical approach. Translation: "We have been dead. These complex life-and-death requested to declare our view, issues, like the basic questions Halachic dilemmas da'as Torah, with respect to the transplantation of a heart for the benefit ofa sick person whose life How each poseik will interpret is in danger and similarly with re­ for YOUR these medical findings is beyond the spect to the transplantation of scope of this letter and my expertise. other organs for the benefit of FUNDRAISING or However. in addition to the basic sick people whose lives are in PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN question of whether ongoing cardiac danger: As long as he (the pa­ CONSIDER a activity itself precludes a determina­ tient] is being respirated and the CUSTOM DESIGNED heart of the (prospective] donor is tion of death based on a diagnosis of beating, even in a situation where LUACH or DIARY brain death. several other critical his entire brain including his (7 1 8) 85 1 - 1 3 14 halachic issues are clearly presented. brain stem is not functioning at Among them: all, which is known as 'brain (!) Can we consider brain death as death,' nonetheless it is our view halachic death based on equating that it is absolutely not permis­ sible to remove any ofhis organs, physiological decapitation with physi­ and to do so raises a concern of cal decapitation? Does this require the taking of life," that the brain be in a state of decay ("respirator brain")? Since our bedside Rav Auerbach also wrote various tests are not sufficiently sensitive to teshuvos between the dates of the two disprove the existence of one residual summary piskei halacha he issued s } s'l f-lAs5Att ST. functional neuron, are our tests ad­ jointly with Harav Elyashiv. Most of N~Y()RK,NY JOO~S equate? Furthermore. can preserved these have been gathered in the . ' '212}9Qll'42$2 hypothalamic function be ignored by recently published 4th volume of Dr. (!!)2?~67:947~ halacha (as it is by civil law)? Avraham S. Abraham's treatise on (2) If the patient accepted for brain medical halacha, Nishmas Avraham. death evaluation is considered a Among other things, these teshuvos gosses, are any manipulations (e.g. indicate Rav Auerbach's view that the Rabbi Aryeh Schechter brainstem testing, apnea testing, ra­ brain dead patient must be treated as dio-nuclide scanning) permissible? a sofeik gasses, a person who may (3) Even if the patient does not ful­ still be alive though in the throes of SOFER S"TAM fill criteria for gosses, can the poten­ death. Accordingly, not only would tially hazardous apnea test be per­ Rav Auerbach prohibit the removal of 155841stSt. formed? organs from a brain dead patient, he Brooklyn, NY 11218 would prohibit moving such a patient e make "housecalls." The position ofHaraJJ Auerbach for any non-therapeutic purpose­ (718) 972-4003 including the performance of any A joint p'sak by Harav Auerbach confirmatory tests that involve exter­ IE :i-•-,i:-t- and Harav Elyashiv on 18 Menachem nal or internal movement ("hazozd') / • - -,b::>ti>- Av, 5751, first printed in the October of the patient.

The Jewish Obseroer. June 1992 37 surrounding brain death itself. do not (possibly even this letter) are often ob­ lend themselves to glib summary solete by the time they appear in While The Jewish Observer statements--certainly not from a lay­ print. Since this is a dynamic field stated that its columns were man in halacha such as myself. about which we are slowly beginning closed to further discussion on Let me generalize at this point. In­ to acquire the medical expertise nec­ the issue qf"brain death"-with dividuals should be dissuaded from essary to tackle life-and-death the publication qfthe p'sakfrom arriving at their own conclusions she'eilos, I look forward to further dis­ Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach based on the reading of any myrtad cussion of the issue in appropriate and Rabbi Sholom Yosef oflay books and publications on this settings. Elyashlv ~. in the Oct. '91 ever-changing field. My physician OR. JOSEPH s. JERET CUNJCAL AssISfANT INSTRUCTOR issue of JO-It was decided to colleagues must be particularly wary publish the above letter to dispel of self-interpretation of halacha. 0EPAR1MENT OF NEUROLOGY SUNY HEAL1H ScIENCE CENTER misinterpretations qfthat p'sak She'eilos are within the jurisdiction of Brooklyn. N. Y. that have since ensued. poskim, just as medicine remains ex­ N.W. clusively within the realm of physi­ cians. lf, G-d forbid, one is faced with such a gravely ill patient, competent halachic advice should be sought for each case. Subscribe now to Textbooks and medical journals The Jewish Obsener and$AVE Become a monthly subscriber to The Jewish Observer and save up to 4 7% off the single· 4916 l:\th Ave., B'klyn, NY 11219 (718) 854-2911 copy price (a savings of over $40.). The longer you sub· scribe for, the more you save. ,.., MALOHN ------·SUBSCRIPTION SAVINGS CERTIFICATE MIFAL l=.aJ DIE~-- Suite 1200 • 84 William Street VISITING NEW YORK?? ~ New York, N.Y. 10038 Beautiful rooms, with kitchen USA 'OUTSIDE facilities, in heart of Boro Park D YES! Please enter my subscription for: ONLY USA

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ese llnes are being written at under the banner of United Torah Rabbi Pinchus Menachem Alter; the height of the election cam Jewry is welcome. especially in view Rabbi Yehuda Adas, Rosh Yeshivas T:paign in Israel. By the time the of the aggressive anti-chareidi cam­ Kol Yaakov; the Belzer Rebbe, Rabbi reader scans them, the election will paign In secular circles. Dov Ber Rokeach; as well as other be over, and the struggle to put to­ leading figures, appear on this page, gether a ruling coalition will be un­ A copy of the call for a united vote, along with a letter to the same effect derway. signed by the Ponevezher Rosh signed by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Tiris year, the re-unification of the Hayeshiva, Rabbi Elazar M. Shach; Auerbach and Rabbi Yosef Sholom efforts of the various groups within the Vlzhnitzer Rebbe, Rabbi Moshe Elyashlv, as well as a similar letter in the Torah community in Eretz Yisroel Hager; the Gerer Rosh Hayeshiva, the name of the Gerer Rebbe. •

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