11 r--------- 1 11 i ' I : : THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 3 is published monthly except July and August by Three Steps to Unity- the Agudath Israel of America, 84 William Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. Second class postage A PERSPECTrvE ON Kmaurz GoLIYos paid in New York, N.Y. Rabbi Ze'ev Le.ff Subscription $22.00 per year; two years, $36.00; three years, $48.00. Outside of the United States 8 (US funds drawn on a US bank only) $10.00 surcharge per year. Single copy $3.00; foreign Are We Losing the War For the Soviet Jews? $4.00. Send address changes to The Jewish Yonason Rosenblum Observer, 84 William Street, N.Y., N.Y. 10038. Tel: (212) 797-9000. 10 Printed in the U.S.A. Walking Unafraid in the Valley of Death, In Vronish RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, eorroR n-anslated by Chananya Greenwald EDITORIAL BOARD DA. ERNST L. BODENHEIMER 18 Chairman Remembering Yerushalayim RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS Rabbi Yehuda Mendelson JOSEPH FRIEDENSON RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN 23 MANAGEMENT BOARD The Reversal of a Tragedy in Lipnik NAFTOLI HIRSCH ISAAC KIRZNER Rabbi Chaskel Besser RABBI SHLOMO LESIN NACHUM STEIN 28 RABBI YOSEF c_ GOLDING Averting Tragedy BusilleS5 Manager Rabbi Mordechai Kuber Published by Agudath Israel of America 31 RABBI MOSHE SHERER SECOND LoOKS PRESIDENT Who's Minding the Store? THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not Abbott Katz assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product, publication, or service advertised in its pages 34 ©Copyright 1992 Letters to the Editor JUNE 1992 I I VOLUME XXV I NO. 5 I I 39 LJ United Torah Jewry in Israeli Elections RabbiZe'evLeff APERSPE GoLIYos A SAMPLE OF THE ULTIMATE tries can be seen as the dry run before INGATHERING G-d decrees the full Ingathering--as a test. to see how we will handle this e miracle of the fall of the Iron sample Kibbutz Goliyos. It would, Curtain and the mass emigra- therefore, be in place to investigate the Ti10n of Soviet Jewry to Eretz nature of the future event, the better Yisroel has evoked visions and refer­ to relate to the sample test that we are ences of Kibbutz Goliyos the ultimate now experiencing. Ingathertng of the Exiles of the Jew­ The tenth beracha of Shemoneh ish people. As the Rambam explains Esrei enunciates our prayer for the ul­ (Hilchos Melachim, II: 1-4), the two timate Kibbutz Goliyos. This beracha definitive achievements of Melech forms the bridge between the suppli­ HaMoshiach will be to gather in the cations for Individual needs-such as dispersed of Israel and to erect the wisdom, repentance, and redemption Beis Hamikdash. proving that he is in from life's crises of suffertng. ill health fact Moshiach. According to the Netziv and poverty-on the one hand. and (Ha'amek Dauw; Bamidbar20, 5) be­ the supplications for the national fore G-d ushers in a new era of Divine need&--such as the restoration of the providence, He precedes it with a Sanhedrin, the rebuilding ofYerusha­ taste of what is to come. to ready the layim, and the establishment of Jewish people for the new circum­ Moshiach's reign-on the other. stances-a dry run of sorts. To transform a collection of indi­ Indeed, Gedolei Yisroel of this cen­ viduals into the consummate tzibbur. tury have repeatedly described our all Jews will have to be united together turbulent era as Ikvesa d'Moshicha, in body and spirit in Eretz Yisroel. when-as the Ponevezher Rav, 7"llT, Hence it is the Kibbutz Goliyos which used to say-the footsteps of will function as both the culmination Moshiach can already be detected. and facilitator for our ultimate Geula Perhaps the influx of a significant The beracha is divided into three number of Jews from diverse coun- parts. signifying three stages neces­ Rabbi Leff, Rav of Moshav Mattityahu in Harei sary to achieve this transformation. Yehuda. and Kehillat Adat Yisrael in the Har Nof sec­ Let us see how each of these stages tion ofJerusalem, is a well-known Wliter and lecturer. sheds light on the full scope and sig­ His ~Sanctity and SecurityH appeared in JO, Feb. '88. nificance of Kibbutz Goliyos. The Jewish Observer. Jwie 1992 3 is right in Hashem's eyes, and that the tablets': Don't read 'engraved,' but intention is merely suppressed by rather 'cheirus-freedom.' " Freedom other contrary destres. Thus the ap­ is on the tablets-freedom from the plication of pressure simply negates yeitzer hara and Shibud Malchiyos. the obstruction that had prevented (See Avos VJ, 2.) 'True freedom is only his genuine will from expressing it­ achieved by one who toils in Torah," "TE.KAH BESHOFAR GADOL self. What surfaces now is the the statement concludes. LECHEIRUSEINU individual's true will, and the get is Only when the word of Hashem to­ -SOUND THE GREAT SHOFAR valid. tally penetrates the stone of the ma­ FOR OUR FREEDOM" In this light, one who does not terialistic world, leaving no interven­ comply with G-d's will is a slave, his ing destres to obstruct it.. .engraved efore all Jews can be reunited true destre and ambition fettered by through and through ... only then is in Eretz Yisroe1, freedom of the chains of his yeitzer hara. one free. And then, not only does the B movement will be necessary, material world not present a hin­ The political restrictions and oppres­ The Tyranny ofAlien Nations drance to fulfilling G-d's word, but it sive containment of Jews the world actually provides the framework over will have to be abolished forever, etyrannyofnationsasanob­ within which G-d's word can best be as one result of the blast of the Great tacle to fulfilling G-d's will can fulfilled, as the stone of the tablets Shofar. Greater yet will be the call and Tibe experienced in two ways. In form the border for the letters of the arousal to spirttual freedom that is even its simplest form, it refers to physical Aseres HaDibros. "Barasi yeitzer more crucial, ifwe are to truly unlte. and political repression that forcibly hara, barasi Torah tavlin--1 have cre­ Ghazal (the Rabbis of the Talmud) ated the yeitzer hara, and I have cre­ tell us that every Jew can truly pro­ ated Torah study to be the claim, "Retzoneinu la'asos retzon~ The call of the Great medicant"- to neutralize it, to dtrect echa-Our real desire is to do Your Shofar has the power to it and channel it in service of G-d. will." Every Jew. as estranged as he may appear, has a pure, unblem­ arouse us to freedom, Unity: In Response ished spark of holiness within him to the Great Shofar that yearns to do the will of his Cre­ which emphasizes the ator. "Umah me'akev?" If so, ques­ spiritual aspects and goals efore the Great Shofar tions the Gemora, what prevents that arouses us to free ourselves of yearning from being realized? "Se'or of life, and is a prerequisite B the inner subjugation of the shebe'isa ve·shibud malchiyos-the for Kibbutz Goliyos. yeitzer and the external subjugation leaven, or chametz [a euphemism for to the cultures of the nations, unifi­ the yeitzer hara, the evil inclination] cation of the Jewish people is vtrtu­ and our subjugation to the nations of prevent us from fulfilling various ally impossible. There are two rea­ the world." mitzvos. Tilis is a part of our long his­ sons why this is so. The yeitzer hara is compared to tory under foreign dominion. Ftrst, Shlomo HaMelechinforms us leavening, for it does not alter our in­ But there is a more subtle, per­ in Mishlei, "Leta'ava yevakesh nate intention to fulfill G-d's will, but haps more dangerous, Shibud nymd-Destre seeks fragroentation." rather superimposes upon our emo­ Malchiyos- cultural subjugation to When one is obsessed with material tions other desires, which repress the mores and lifestyles of the nations destres, he seeks to be secluded from this spark. (See Drashos Mahara1, amongst whom we dwell. While the others, the better to indulge in his pas­ Shabbos Shuva; also Sfas Emes, Lech yeitzer hara from within distorts in­ sions without hindrance. Even when Lecha-5635.) Tilis phenomenon is so stinctive destres. which are basically one needs others to enable him to much a reality that it forms the basis necessary or beneficial, to the point of gratify his destres, he does not relate for a critical halacha in regard to a exaggeration or misdirection, Shibud to them, but rather manipulates them get a document of divorce. Should a Malchiyos is an externally inspired, and takes advantage of them, ready to man issue a get to his wife because . sometimes irrational, unnatural de­ discard them when his destres have he was forced to do so, the get is in­ sire to emulate the ways of alien cul­ been satisfied. Only the person who valid, and they remain married. In tures. Normally, one would not be utilizes the matertal world in service of ctrcumstances where continuing the aroused to desire these styles, fads G-d and pursues spiritual goals can marriage is halachically prohibited, and excesses, yet they become tanta­ divest himself of this selfish aloofuess, however, the court can pressure the lizing because one wants to ape the and unite with others in pursuit of husband until he agrees to give the dominant culture surrounding him. these sublime aims. get Tilis may appear to be a coerced Here, the Torah is the primary vehicle In addition, true unlty exists only get yet it is valid and effective.
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