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-- ::E~§: Isg Field Developed Programs Do not reproduce without written permission FOP 5785-AAA.1 --------- --_ ....- Feb 83 :: -- ::E~§: ISG FIELD DEVELOPED PROGRAMS 3800 PLOTTING FACILITY HOST DEVELOPMENT AND TEST SYSTEM FOR 5785-AAA 8100 COBOL USING TIME SHARING OPTION This FDP, written in FORTRAN, allows the creation of precise drawings 5785-DCF and graphs on the 3800 Plotting Subsystem. It uses simple commands, HOST DEVELOPMENT AND TEST SYSTEM FOR similar to those used for drawings on plotting devices. 8100 COBOL USING CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM The objective of the FDP is to produce on an 3800 Printing Subsystem 5785-DCG more precise drawings and graphs than have been possible using These FOPs are designed for interactive Distributed Processing periods or asterisks on conventional printers. Programming Executive (DPPX)/COBOL program development and Highlights: testing on a host 5/370, 303X or 4300 Processor using a simulated test • Ease of use - the common interfaces to the plotting subroutines are environment. identical, from a parameter standpoint, to those of available plotter Host Development and Test/COBOL processes all DPPX/COBOL packages. source codes including COBOL Structured Programming statements. • Higher quality graphs - the graphics output are of a quality acceptable for final copy in graphs not requiring a high degree of Host Development and Test/COBOL simulates the COBOL-DPS resolution, such as business trend analysis. In addition, it can be Function Management interface as it would appear on an 8100/DPPX used to test programs which produce graphs requiring a high degree System. of resolution, such as engineering drawings. Notices GB21-2570 (DCF) and GB21-2572 (DCG), PDOMs SB21-2571 Notice G821-2154, PDOM S821-2155. (DCF) and SB21-2573 (DCG). INTERACTIVE PROJACS 8100/DPCX 3790 DATASET 5785-DAC UTILITY PROGRAM This FOP is a supplement to the Project and Analysis Control System 5785-DCL (PROJACS) program product (5746-XP1). It supports all four This FDP is an interactive data creation and manipulation utility PROJACS processors (main, network, preparation, resource allocation, providing the programmer with the capability to create, display, modify, and cost evaluation). extend, delete and print user records easily. In addition, the FDP supports the display, modification and printing of the common buffer. The FDP provides users with immediate access from their working place via a data display station to the data processing system. The user The FDP is self-explanatory and runs interactively in full-screen mode is able to continuously change, update, and revise the networks by under 8100/DPCX or 3790. All functions may be selected by program passing back and forth between input and output. function keys. Modifications of data (update and delete) are password protected. Data may be entered and displayed in EBCDIC and Notice G821-2447, PDOM S821-2448, Systems Guide L821-2449. hexadecimal representation. Both indexed and relative data sets are supported. Notice GB21-2589, PDOM SB21-2590. 3850 TRACE INTERPRETATION PACKAGE 5785-DBW This FDP is a set of programs for processing Mass Storage System COPICS CUSTOMER ORDER SERVICING Trace data to produce reports on Mass Storage System activity for Data Management status and performance analysis. 5785-DCN The raw Mass Storage System Trace data is the source of information Order Management for the evaluation of subsystem performance. A reformatted data set, 5785-DCP created from the raw Mass Storage System Trace data, can be used as input to high-level language programs. The package contains programs COPICS COS Data Management consists of all the online and batch written in Assembler language and PL/I to create various reports and programs which are needed to make product, customer, and text data statistical information about Mass Storage System activity. These available. reports assist the system programmer in determining the reasons for COPICS COS Order Management provides all the online and batch subsystem problems. The reformatted data set can serve users as a programs necessary to make the customer order data available and to base for writing additional Mass Storage System Trace report programs process customer orders. of their own. The separation of COS into two FDPs is advantageous because a Notice G821-2541, PDOM S821-2542, Systems Guide L821-2545. company must first provide the foundation for online customer order processing by creating the customer, product definition, and text data bases. This can be done with just the COPICS COS Data Management FOP. STAIRS/VS MULTIPLE INVERTED KEY ENVIRONMENT Notice GB21-2633-0, PDOMs SB21-2635-0 (DCN) and SB21-2634-0 5785-DCE (DCP). This FOP brings to the application areas of non-textual data, the facilities offered to the application areas of textual data bases by STAIRS/VS. It is an addition to STAIRS/VS that implements STAIRS/VS functions in a non-textual or mixed textual/non-textual environment. It applies the power of the STAIRS/VS online inquiry facilities to data other than that stored in a STAIRS/VS data base, such as data in application areas that was previously batch-oriented or that required a considerable programming investment. The user can implement an online inquiry system with new or existing data in a variety of common formats (DL/I, VSAM, or sequential). Programs already written to access or maintain such data under either CICS/VS or IMS/VS for use under OS/VS need not be modified. Notice GB21-2657, PDOM SB21-2658, Systems Guide LB21-2678. Do not reproduce without written permission FOP 5785-EAH.1 -------- ----- Feb 83 ..:.---- =::: ~~5: ISG FIELD DEVELOPED PROGRAMS Major Revision NUMERICAL GEOMETRY SYSTEM COPICS PRODUCT COST CALCULATIONS II 5785-EAH ... Basic 5785-GBD 5785-EAJ ... Advanced The COPICS Product Cost Calculations application program is a tool for 5785-EAN ... APT-AC Bridge analyzing and simulating the impact of changing component material, This FOP is a graphics-based, partly interactive, three-dimensional labor, and burden costs. Using a 3270 display terminal, the user can system for computer-aided design and manufacture. The system change cost factors or simulate cost factor changes and immediately permits the design process to be carried out either by direct entry of review the impact on the end item's profitability. numerical data or from existing design systems. Two-dimensional data Notice GB21-2642, POOM SB21-2643. can be incorporated into three-dimensional components with minimal effort. The system provides the user with relatively simple facilities to create COPICS INVENTORY ACCOUNTING II and manipulate doubly-curved, three-dimensional surfaces defining 5785-GBE complex components. The COPICS Inventory Accounting application program addresses the Notice GB21-2608, POOM SB21-2609, User's Guide SB21-2610. administrative or record keeping aspects of inventory control. The application program supports online entry, editing and processing of a full compliment of COPICS inventory transactions with batch transac­ COPICS PRODUCT COST CALCULATIONS tion history and audit trails. 5785-GAD The program automatically communicates unplanned inventory The COPICS Product Cost Calculations application program is a tool for transactions to the Advanced Function MRP application program analyzing and simulating the impact of changing component material, (5785-GAF) to replan those items in the next selective replanning run. labor, and burden costs. Using a 3270 display terminal, the user can Notice GB21-2644, POOM SB21-2645. change cost factors or simulate cost factor changes and immediately review the impact on the end item's profitability. Notice GB21-2441, POOM SB21-2442. COPICS ADVANCED FUNCTION MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS PLANNING II 5785-GBF COPICS INVENTORY ACCOUNTING 5785-GAE The COPICS Advanced Function MRP application program is a tool for managing dependent demand inventories. The application program The COPICS Inventory Accounting application program addresses the enables the user to develop a time-phased material plan by date and to administrative or record keeping aspects of inventory control. The maintain that plan by processing only the changes to the plan (selective application program supports online entry, editing and processing of a replanning). full compliment of COPICS inventory transactions with batch transac­ tion history and audit trails. Notice GB21-2646, POOM SB21-2647. The program automatically communicates unplanned inventory transactions to the Advanced Function MRP application program THE 14-DIGIT COMPUTATIONAL FIELDS (5785-GAF) to replan those items in the next selective replanning run. FOR PROGRAM CUSTOMIZER/3600 Notice GB21-2443, POOM SB21-2444. 5785-KAA ... OS/VS 5785-KAB ... DOS/VS These FOPs extend the Program Customizer for the 3600 (PC/3600) COPICS ADVANCED FUNCTION MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS (5740-F11 for OS/VS and 5746-F11 for OOS/VS). With the FOP, PLANNING PC/36OO can handle computational numbers and identifying numbers 5785-GAF containing up to 14 digits. These numbers have a 9-digit limit in the The COPICS Advanced Function MRP application program is a tool for program product. The FOP permits the user to specify the maximum managing dependent demand inventories. The application program permissible size for these numbers within the range of 9 to 14 digits. enables the user to develop a time-phased material plan by date and to Multiplicands and dividends may extend up to the specified limit, but maintain that plan by processing only the changes to the plan (selective their multipliers and divisors are
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