Volume M25, Issue No. 16, May 3, 2021

Intercom is published regularly and serves to inform Vanier staff and teachers of notices and special events. It is posted on the Vanier College Website and distributed electronically. Submissions should be sent to [email protected]. Submissions should be in WORD, and sent as an attachment. No formatting or bullets. Photos are welcome. Deadline: 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the week of publication.

Reminder – Schedule Change – Day Division

Please note that Tuesday, May 11th, 2021, last day of classes, students and faculty will follow their Friday schedule.

Please remind students in your classes of this change.

Office of the Academic Dean

MNA Marwah Rizqy offers Student Bursaries for Perseverance and Engagement

Teachers and other Vanier personnel, please inform students that the MNA for St Laurent, Marwah Rizqy is offering $4000 in bursaries to

Vanier students for their perseverance and engagement during the pandemic.

Each bursary is worth $500. The bursaries are not based on marks, and students must apply for them by filling out a form online. The

application deadline is May 21, 2021 and winners will be announced in early June.

Students should go to this site to apply: Bourses de la depute St-Laurent Marwah Rizqy-$500 Bursary (office.com)

In addition, M. Rizqy is offering two bursaries for engagement in French studies. These winners will be determined by the French Department

and also announced in June.

Janelle Villanueva, Office of the Director General

Vanier’s Nicolas Sixta Receives a Fondation Desjardins Bursary for Perseverance

Vanier College is proud to announce that Nicolas Sixta is the winner of a $500 Sport-études perseverance bursary from the Fondation Desjardins.

Nicolas, who had trouble with online learning during the Winter 2020 semester, decided to concentrate on his studies in the summer. He followed online tutorials, studied, tested his knowledge and once he felt competent, he moved on to more difficult subject matter. Thanks to his work ethic, he found a winning formula for academic success.

This runner is a track and field sprint specialist. At the 2019 Canadian Championships, he measured himself against Olympians Aaron Brown and Brendon Rodney. Three years earlier at the Jeux du Québec, he had won 3 gold medals.

Nicolas now aims to get on the Canadian team and participate in international competitions.

After completing his DCS in Computer Science at Vanier, this remarkable student-athlete would like to eventually become a software developer. Congratulations to Nicolas Sixta!

Marguerite Corriveau, Communications and Corporate Affairs


Academic Council’s 2020-2021 Teaching Excellence Award Committee invites students, faculty and staff to submit nominations. This award provides an opportunity to recognize excellence in teaching at Vanier College and to show a faculty member appreciation for their work and dedication to the profession.

The Nomination Form is available on the College website at https://www.vaniercollege.qc.ca/bylaws-policies-procedures/teaching- excellence-award/

Please note that past winners are not eligible for the award. Please see the list of past winners.

Please submit the nomination form and supporting documents to the 2020-2021 Teaching Excellence Award Committee, c/o [email protected] by May 7, 2021.

All nominations and selection deliberations are kept strictly confidential.

Olga Mardas, on behalf of the 2020-2021 Academic Council Teaching Excellence Award Committee

Invitation au lancement du recueil électronique Écrits interculturels 2020-2021!

Vous êtes chaleureusement conviés au lancement d’Écrits interculturels, œuvre collective d’étudiants du Collège Vanier qui ont participé au concours d’écriture sur l’interculturel « Ouvrons nos fenêtres » !

Le lancement aura lieu le mercredi 5 mai de 12 h à 13 h.

Voici le lien pour participer à l'événement : https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3a0e61a8d82d384c9e9b571da6a04a2d0a%40thread.tacv2/1619460252459?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221128895a-e5ab-4c15- 9f22-395ad8975d78%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%225155b279-1d0f-43a0-8d09-68f7d048f17f%22%7d

Les noms des gagnants seront dévoilés et les prix remis aux finalistes. Venez faire un tour et entendre les auteurs lire leurs chefs-d’œuvre !

Rachel Jobin et Josée Tamiozzo, Département de Français


The Student Life Award distinguishes graduating students who, aside from academic achievement, deserve recognition for their commitment, integrity and perseverance in contributing to Vanier’s student life. Excellence in leadership, effort, and the ability to motivate and involve others are often the qualities exhibited by Student Life Award recipients.

Any student, faculty or staff member of Vanier College may nominate a candidate to the Student Life Award. Please print and complete the nomination form found on the web at https://www.vaniercollege.qc.ca/student-services/student-life/student-life-awards/ and email it together with your letter of recommendation to [email protected] , no later than May 11, 2021.

Donata Parisella, Student Services

Learning Specialists Association of Canada (LSAC) Virtual Conference 2021

LSAC is offering a virtual conference from May 17-19, hosted by . If you are interested in attending, please register before May 12. This year, the conference will focus on how post-secondary communities have responded to the pandemic by moving pedagogy, strategies and services online to reach all students. This year has also led to a call to action to address the prejudice and marginalization faced by individuals within all systems, including education. The conference will be a great way to interact with colleagues from across Canada and other parts of the world to discuss challenges, best practices, and approaches for the Fall 2021 semester and beyond. The theme of this year’s conference is Connect, Include, Engage, Empower: Reinventing Learning Communities.

For more information or to register, please consult the conference website: https://sites.events.concordia.ca/sites/ssc/en/learning-specialists-association-of-canada

Kelly Mullaly & Joshua Berman, Learning Commons

29th Annual Symposium on The Holocaust and Genocide: New Link to View Recordings of Sessions

I would like to thank everyone who attended and participated in this year’s virtual symposium, Voices of The Past, Today. I’d like to also thank all our amazing speakers as contributed to the strength and overall success of this symposium.

If you were unable to attend, you can view all the recordings at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm3yY45tybOy-kkAAZHwC_yzKf7qnzeEF Just to note, this is a different link from the one given out previously, which unfortunately did not work.

Attendees included students, teachers (both from Vanier and from other colleges and universities), members from community groups, professionals from The Holocaust Museum and The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies. There were hundreds of viewers throughout the week.

Marlene Grossman, Psychology Department

Vanier College “Let’s Turn the Corner Campaign” Final Update

Our goal was to help fifty students turn the corner and finish the semester with some additional financial help by raising $5,000.00.

We, the Vanier Community generously donated $5,675.00 to help our students surpassing our original goal of $5,000; and thus we are able to help over 50 students turn the corner at the end of the term with this money!

I would like to take the opportunity to thank each person who donated and in particular, the Let’s Feed Fifty Holiday Campaign owes a huge debt of gratitude to Ali Zoghi who did an amazing job of implementing and updating the Fundraising Thermometer (thanks to Monica Bhattacharya) from the information that Betty-Ann Woods provided. I also thank Janelle Villanueva of the Vanier College Foundation for all of her help and hard work.

A special thank you to the Vanier College Student’s Association (VCSA) for their very generous and much appreciated donation of $1,000.00 to the campaign.

We will be launching another campaign to help 50 students in the fall, please stay tuned for further information during the upcoming weeks.

Have a great semester and stay safe.


Jim Atkinson, Socio-Economic Officer

Vanier College Choir Livestream Concert: The Show Must Go On!

As we stand together united in our battle against the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, nearly everyone finds that it has been a difficult time to get through. But one of the bright spots in this otherwise dreary and draining school year has been the Vanier College Choir which, thanks to the good people at Église Saint-Laurent, has been able to function as a group rehearsing together throughout the entire year. This means that they are ready to perform in their usual year-end concert. And even though it will be a livestream event, director Philippe Bourque—along with the excellent accompaniment skills of Chad Linsley—will bring you all the passion and energy that the group typically delivers live.

So, if you are free to join us on Tuesday, May 4 at 11:30, please do tune in and give your spirit a lift it so deservedly needs.

The link for the event: https://livestream.com/accounts/23491761/springchoir.

Glen Ethier, Department of Music

Remember Still Time to Participate in the Online Auction to Support the Malawi Nursing Exchange

The Malawi Nursing Exchange, a much-anticipated annual exchange with Kamuzu College of Nursing in Malawi, has been grounded for the past two years. We have maintained our ties with our partner through a virtual exchange this year and our hopes are to resume international mobility activities in 2022.

Fundraising is an essential component for keeping this program accessible to all our students regardless of their financial situations. Please support our online auction so that we may continue to offer this enriching learning experience to our students as well as students from Malawi and to support our ongoing efforts to improve health conditions for the rural poor in Malawi.

This Silent Auction is now open and will close at 4pm on Monday May 10th.

The Auction includes items ranging from gift cards to small appliances. Check it out!

Get ready to make your bids: https://vaniermalawifundraiser.ca

Alena Perout, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences and International Education

Indigenizing the Curriculum – Indigenous Studies Events Calendar for May 2021

There are several events happening between now and the rest of the semester. Here is a listing with information for all the events.

Wednesdays from May 5 to May 19, 2:30PM to 4:00PM: Teaching from The Medicine Wheel with Diane Labelle.

Wellness in all things requires balance in the relationships we have with all of creation – balance from within as well as with the outside world. Within the context of education, teaching from a holistic perspective means engaging all 4 components of the self and being aware of how each plays a role in the overall learning experience.

This series looks at how to bring balance into our classrooms by integrating essential understanding of the integration of Mind, Spirit, Heart and Body. Each session will focus on one of these elements and discussion of how to nurture each of these areas in the planning of programs, courses and classes.

No registration required! Simply join us on Zoom on Wednesdays from 2:30 to 4:00 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6488707397 Meeting ID: 648 870 7397 Write to [email protected] for more information!

May 18, 1:30PM – 3:30PM: Introduction to Indigenous Education, Part 2, with Diane Labelle

This is part 2 of the introductory series that began on March 24th. The first session was recorded, so individuals who missed part 1 and would like to participate in part 2 can write to receive the recording. S In this workshop, Diane will introduce participants to the holistic nature of Indigenous views of teaching and learning. We will discuss how these principles are applicable in the classroom, including through assessment. P Please register here. I R May 20, 1:00PM to 2:30PM: Workshop on Indigenous Education in Mixed Classrooms, with Curran I Katsi’sorokwas Jacobs. H T E A


A conversation about engaging learners from all backgrounds in difficult learning. Curran will facilitate questions and provide insight on her experiences with Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners in her experience. By asking questions about the contexts, Curran will support teachers in this field to feel more confident to engage students with Indigenous knowledge.

Curran Katsi'sorokwas Jacobs is a Kanien’kehá:ka educator from the community of Kahnawake. She is currently working in the New Frontiers School Board. She splits her days part-time as Indigenous Resource teacher for the Nova Career Centre, with the other half of her time is spent as Indigenous Advisor for the school board. She works diligently to support the success of all Indigenous students as well as engaging learners from all backgrounds in her Indigenous history courses.

Please register here. A Zoom link will be sent to you a few days before the event.

External Learning Opportunities

18 et 18 mai: Rassemblement pédagogique sur l’autochtonisation de l’éducation postsecondaire

Événement organisé en collaboration entre le Cégep Ahuntsic et l’organisme Mikana. Détails et inscription ici.

May 18 to July 20: Kairos Teaching & Sharing Circles Summer Session

KAIROS Canada is the organization that created the Blanket Exercise. They are hosting a series of “interactive, Zoom-based sessions that build positive relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people through truth, sharing, and open dialogue. This summer, six public sessions will be offered, including:

• Tuesday, May 18 (7-9pm ET) -- Medicine Wheel Teachings (new topic!) • Tuesday, June 1 (7-9pm ET) -- The Impacts of Residential Schools • Tuesday, June 15 (7-9pm ET) -- Métis Teachings • Monday, June 21 (7-9pm ET) -- We are All Treaty People (National Indigenous Day) • Tuesday, June 29 (7-9pm ET) -- Social Injustice in the Court System • Tuesday, July 20 (7-9pm ET) -- The Importance of Growing Gardens” For more information and to register, please click here.


This public Google Calendar is maintained year-round. While it normally includes only in-person events happening in the Tioh’tia:ke (Montreal) area, it currently includes information on online workshops and other events that may be of interest. Google users can subscribe to the calendar by clicking on the PLUS sign on the bottom right of the calendar.

Indigenous-Themed Resources

The Intercollegiate Decolonization Network (IDN) has a network of boards with curated resources on a wide variety of topics for anyone interested in learning about Indigenous education and subject-specific issues.

Home board Indigenous 101 Decolonizing Education Indigenous Media Topic Areas (Worldviews, Cultures and Histories, History of Colonization, Current Issues, Environmental Issues, Resistance and Decolonization)

Jacky Vallée, Indigenizing the Curriculum

The Writing Centre Assistance

The Writing Centre will be operating until Friday, May 21st!

Students can book appointments here: https://www.vaniercollege.qc.ca/learning-commons/writing-centre/ We are also offering two offer two drop-in hours, every Tuesday (2:30pm – 3:30pm) and Wednesday (12pm – 1pm), on Teams.

Kim Muncey, TASC and the Writing Centre

Referral Form: Early Alert Support

The Early Alert Support referral form is available online for teachers to refer at-risk students to a Student Success Advisor. Teachers are encouraged to fill out the referral form as soon as it becomes noticeable that a student is likely to fail and requires support beyond help understanding course content.

I will contact referred students and invite them to meet with me via Teams, telephone or in person if the student’s schedule requires them to be on campus. Depending on a student’s situation, I will either work with them directly, or refer them to the relevant resource(s), and follow up to help ensure the student receives the necessary support.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you want further information: [email protected]

Referral form: Early Alert Support: http://bit.ly/early-alert-referral

Cari Clough, Student Success Advisor, Tutoring and Academic Success Centre, E-308

PSI’s Weekly Update

Table of Contents New ...... Engagement, Assessment and Support in Digital Teaching ...... Pedagogical Support for Teachers ...... Digital Teaching and Learning Tools ...... Articles about Teaching ...... Upcoming Webinars and Virtual Conferences ...... Performa ......

New Best Practices and Favorite Mistakes Festival

Are you a Vanier teacher who is willing to share what you've learned over the last year? We've reinvented our classes, run roughshod over the way things have always been done, and tried all kinds of new approaches to teaching. Some of this has worked wonderfully, and we’ve had some notable missteps too.

The Best Practices and Favorite Mistakes Festival is a chance for teachers to share some of what they’ve learned, what they plan on keeping when the college returns to in-person learning, and stories of things that seemed like a good idea at the time. If you’ve got experiences to share, please contact [email protected].

The festival will be held on Tuesday, May 25th from 12:30-2:00 pm – Save the date!

Engagement, Assessment, and Support in Digital Teaching

The following Profweb articles may be of special interest to teachers looking for ways to engage students in online learning. To access an article, click on its title.

At-home Biology Labs in Times of Pandemic By Neerusha Gokool Baurhoo, Biology teacher and Pedagogical Counsellor at Vanier

Congratulations to Vanier’s own Neerusha Gokool Baurhoo for her recent publication in Profweb! This real-life story presents her ingenious at-home laboratories designed to engage students at a distance. Find out how Neerusha created lab kits for her students to be able to conduct virtual labs in small groups they normally would have done on campus, at home, thereby maintaining the hands-on and engaging nature of lab experiments.

Hypothesis — A Digital Tool to Foster Student Ownership of Reading Assignments by Alexandre Enkerli (Collecto pedagogical counsellor) and Susan Mac Neill (Profweb Editor)

Social annotation has become the strategy to use for productive academic reading. Digital tools, such as Hypothesis, encourage students to take ownership of their reading assignments by making those assignments active, visible and social. It is a free open-source platform that not only provides students with a different way to demonstrate they’ve done the reading but more importantly allows students to work together to share information and build on the work of others.

Centralizing Communications on Teams to Provide Better Guidance to Students by Barbara Augustin and Dominique Dufault (Cégep de Saint-Laurent teachers)

In the Bioecology Technology program at Cégep de Saint-Laurent, 3rd-year students must set up a research project that is spread over 2 courses, Initiation à la recherche 1 and Initiation à la recherche 2. In order to provide better guidance to her students, Barbara Augustin saw the potential of Teams for group work. She and her colleague Dominique Dufault decided to maximize the use of this digital tool to centralize communications and promote collaboration between students and teachers. Pedagogical Support for Teachers

Let’s Talk LIAs LIA

Do you have questions about Learning Integration Assessments (LIAs)? Then, bring your lunch and let’s chat. Join us on Thursday, May 6th, from 12:00-1:00pm. No sign-up needed; just drop by the General Channel in the Coffee & Questions Team.

Workshop Session with Usha James

To support Vanier teachers in preparing Learning Integration Assessments (LIAs) for the fall semester, PSI is exploring the possibility of offering a workshop session with Usha James, our inspiring keynote speaker from January’s Ped Day. This session will be offered at the end of May or the beginning of June depending on interest from teachers. If you are interested in taking part in this workshop with Usha James, please reserve a space by Friday, May 7, 2021 by contacting the PSI Office at [email protected].

Teacher Community of Support

PSI would like to remind you that the Teacher Community of Support (TCS) is currently working with PSI team members to offer support to faculty with online teaching and implementation of pedagogical strategies, aimed at increasing student engagement in the virtual classroom. To reach any of the teachers in the Community of Support, please send an email to [email protected]

Digital Teaching and Learning Tools

Tips and Tricks for Teams (New Features) Microsoft has created a video with of the top 25 tips and tricks for Microsoft Teams. There are some interesting new features available, including some new, easier ways to share a PPT, the focus feature that allows users to hide participants videos during a presentation, immersive reader features in Teams messages, and much more. You can view the video here.

Articles about teaching

This week’s articles An Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Enhance Assignment Completion: Focusing on Locus of Control 21 Ways to Structure an Online Discussion, Part Five 4 Ways to Encourage Students to Ask Questions ‘Growth Mindset’ Linked to Higher Test Scores, Student Well-Being in Global Study Flipped Learning Can Be a Key to Transforming Teaching and Learning Post-Pandemic Improved Student Engagement in Higher Education’s Next Normal Last week’s articles 21 Ways to Structure an Online Discussion, Part Four 21st Century Digital Skills Competencies, Innovations and Curriculum in Canada Adapting Group Activities for COVID to Ignite Student Engagement Hypothesis — A Digital Tool to Foster Student Ownership of Reading Assignments Enduring Practices from Remote Teaching

Upcoming Webinars and Virtual Conferences I Annotate 2021 (All-virtual Conference) The free conference takes place Monday, June 21 through Friday June 25th from 12pm-4pm. After a 2020 hiatus due to COVID, this will be the eighth annual gathering of educators, scholars, researchers, publishers, journalists, fact-checkers, and technologists engaged with open annotation practices and tools.

The shift to remote education during the pandemic dramatically accelerated social annotation among teachers and students around the world. The program will include a special focus on how annotation has become a powerful practice to help students succeed by making reading active, visible, and social in both face-to-face and online learning. In keeping with this year's theme — reading together — our touchstone across all sessions will be how more and more people are coming together through social annotation to share ideas, ask questions, and make connections.


ConnectEd 2021

Microsoft is offering this free virtual conference May 5th and 6th 2021. Users can sign up for individual workshops. ConnectEd 2021 will explore how advances in technology can help educators and parents improve student outcomes; how digital tools can empower students to take more control over their own education; and how we can harness technology to create engagement and connection. If you are interested, you can access the conference program by clicking here.

AQPC Annual Conference

Le grand rendez-vous du réseau collégial revient pour sa 40e édition, les 10 et 11 juin 2021, dans une formule 100% virtuelle. Les apprentissages et les échanges n’en seront pas moins riches et féconds puisque votre Association est plus que jamais déterminée à faire rayonner la pédagogie collégiale et tous ceux et celles qui la font vivre et la portent au quotidien.

Le thème à l’honneur cette année : le développement durable. Que nous pensions aux préoccupations liées à l’avenir de la planète ou à celui de notre société, le développement durable nous amène à adopter une nouvelle posture d’éducation. L’écologisation des institutions d’enseignement et des programmes d’études s’inscrit ainsi dans un mouvement international pour faire de l’école un levier de sensibilisation et de transformation dans une perspective de durabilité. Comment notre enseignement et notre pédagogie favorisent-ils une prise de conscience des enjeux du développement durable chez la future génération? Comment favoriser l’inclusion, l’égalité et l’engagement? Comment la technologie et les découvertes scientifiques influenceront-elles nos façons de travailler et d’apprendre tout en concevant les choses autrement? Voilà le genre de questions et de réflexions qui animeront l’édition 2021 du colloque et qui permettront de se projeter dans un avenir respectueux et soucieux des générations futures.

Cette année, afin d’échanger et de tisser des liens autrement, la plateforme d’événements virtuels InEvent a été retenue pour le colloque en raison de sa facilité d’utilisation et de l’interactivité qu’elle permet.


SALTISE 2021 Awards Call for Nominations – Deadline: May 3, 2021

Do you know someone who is deserving of one of these Awards? If yes, please consider taking the time to nominate them, they deserve the recognition and we need something to celebrate, especially at this point in history.

Best Practices & Pedagogical Innovators Awards - Innovator Awards Form College Instructors, University Instructors & Educational Developers

Support of Pedagogical Innovation Award - Student Awards Form Student (graduate or undergrad)

Nominations Deadline: May 3rd, 2021 For more information and eligibility criteria, please visit our info page.

Saltise Conference


Moving Forward Together: Opportunities and Challenges for Pedagogical Innovation

Aller de l’avant ensemble : opportunités et défis pour l’innovation pédagogique

Add these dates to your calendar so you don't miss out!

Visit the SALTISE website for conference updates and for information contact: [email protected]

Conference Info

Antoinette Cocciolo, on behalf of the Pedagogical Support and Innovation Team

'Nourishing pedagogy through collaboration and innovation'



The Fall 2021 course schedule for Performa’s for-credit Master Teacher Program (MTP) are now available. All courses are scheduled to run in an online learning format. Courses are listed below:

FALL 2021 1. PED-601 College Teaching and Course Design 2. PED-603 How Students Learn 3. PED-618 Inclusion Issues: Challenges and Solutions 4. PED-622 Leading Change Through Program Evaluation and Revision 5. PED-623 Blended Learning by Design 6. *NEW!* PED-629 Assessment for Online Learning 7. COL-885 Constructing Knowledge in Your Discipline 8. MEC-950 Understanding the Research Cycle *Prerequisite: Minimum 13 credits in the GCCT

Please see the PSI website and/or the MTP Fall 2021 schedule below for specific dates and times.

PERFORMA PROGRAMMING IN FRENCH If you are interested in pursuing for-credit pedagogical development studies in French, there is a vast offering of courses available through Performa’s francophone programs. The fall schedule will be made available soon!

Registration deadline for Fall 2021 courses credited Performa courses: May 28, 2021

NEW NON-CREDIT TRAININGS FROM PERFORMA (IN FRENCH ONLY) For information about new non-credit, self-directed trainings offered by Performa, visit this link. Trainings available:  Trio de choc: Collaboration, créativité et résolution de problèmes  Jeu et apprentissage au collégiale

For more information about any Performa program, or to register for a credited course, please contact your local Performa representative, Julia Hall, at [email protected].