TILLINGHAM VILLAGE COUNCIL Mrs Sheila Welham, Clerk to the Council 2 Vicarage Lane, Tillingham, , CM0 7TW Tel: 01621 779584 E-mail: [email protected] www.tillinghamvillagecouncil.org


Members are summoned to participate in a Tillingham Village Council Meeting to be held Virtually, online via Zoom on Tuesday 16 March 2021 at 7.00pm to transact the business as shown on the agenda. S Welham Clerk to the Council 10 March 2021

Cllr B Church (Chairperson) Cllr D Fitzsimons (Vice Chairman) Cllr K Baker Cllr S Connell Cllr M Gosling Cllr P Grimes Cllr E Welham

To join this meeting, please select the link below and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode when prompted: https://zoom.us/j/96550835309?pwd=L2hla1pSSzhwUnNySitaZ3YxNmRIZz09 Meeting ID: 965 5083 5309 Passcode: 494486

To join by telephone dial +44 203 481 5240 (UK) and use the meeting ID and passcode when prompted.

Public attendance Members of the public and press are welcome to join the meeting by using the above link.


21/091 WELCOME to the Tillingham Village Council Meeting of 16 March 2021. A reminder to everyone participating in the meeting that they may be filmed, recorded, photographed or otherwise reported about. Tillingham Village Council will not be recording this meeting.

21/092 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To resolve to accept members apologies for absence.

21/093 MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members are invited to declare Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Other Pecuniary Interests and Non- Pecuniary Interests relating to items on this agenda.

21/094 DISPENSATIONS To consider member’s applications for dispensations. Reminder – Cllr Church has an agreed dispensation to participate and vote concerning Marsh Road Allotments. Expires 20.7.21. Minute Ref 20/153.

21/095 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 1 March 2021.

21/096 PUBLIC FORUM There will be 15 minutes available for Public Question Time. Please Note: All persons wishing to speak must address the Chairperson. In accordance with Tillingham Village Council Standing Orders 3g a member of the public shall not speak for more than 2 minutes. The Public Forums are the only times the public will be allowed to speak during this meeting. 1

21/097 PLANNING Applications received from District Council. To respond as a consultee. None.

Decisions advised by MDC. None.

21/098 BRADWELL B Information can be found on https://bradwellb.co.uk/ Nuclear Regulation News – Assessing new nuclear power station designs – Generic Design Assessment consultation information. The consultation period is 11 January 2021 to 4 April 2021. Contact for Bradwell B is Stephen Bray, Community Relations and Media Manager Bradwell Power Generation Company Limited. Cllr Church has invited Stephen Bray to be a guest speaker at the Tillingham Annual Parish Meeting.

21/099 FINANCE To resolve to approve the following payments and transactions: £ £ £ Method Payee Purpose Gross PAYE Paid STO Salaries STOS Month of March 640.55 0 640.55

Net VAT Gross DD SSE Street lighting supply 59.88 2.99 62.87 DD A&J Lighting Street lighting maintenance 34.90 6.98 41.88 DD E-On Toilet Block electric 69.06 3.45 72.51 DCard Tesco Toilet block cleaning supplies 37.62 7.53 45.15 DCard Barriers Direct West Field Maintenance 702.17 140.43 842.60 DCard Amazon West Field Maintenance 165.96 165.96 DCard JRB Enterprises Dog Gloves 249.00 49.80 298.80 DCard Verisure Services UK West Field Maintenance 199.00 39.80 238.80 DCard Tracker West Field Maintenance 331.67 66.33 398.00 DCard Cummins & Jennings Ltd General Maintenance 21.00 4.20 25.20 DCard Cummins & Jennings Ltd General Maintenance 8.40 1.68 10.08 DCard Prime Tools General Maintenance 11.04 2.21 13.25 DCard Glasdon UK Ltd Replacement seat Wantz Corner 509.19 101.84 611.03 DCard Cummins & Jennings Ltd General Maintenance 15.00 3.00 18.00 DCard Insight Security West Field Maintenance 216.00 43.20 259.20 DCard English Chain West Field Maintenance 65.04 13.01 78.05 DCard Amazon West Field Maintenance 15.82 3.17 18.99 103033 Todd Price Ltd Insurance 218.00 218.00 103034 Function 28 Ltd Website host 10.00 2.00 12.00 103035 Function 28 Ltd Councillor email host 20.00 4.00 24.00 103036 Brush Away Pest Control Vermin control 150.00 150.00 103037 MDC Comm Engagement Officers February 59.85 11.97 71.82 103038 EALC Publications for members 38.95 1.80 40.75 103039 KJ Hansen Toilet block cleaner 60.00 60.00 103040 MSJ Garwood & Son General Maintenance 40.00 8.00 48.00 103041 EALC Cllr Grimes Cllr. Days 1 & 2 180.00 36.00 216.00 103042 EALC Cllr Church Youth Engagement Conference 50.00 10.00 60.00 103044 K Argent General Maintenance 30.00 30.00 103043 Blackwater Maintenance West Field Maintenance 1061.74 1061.74 103031 JF Agricultural Ltd West Field Maintenance 7996.00 1599.00 9595.00 Transfers Business Premium Asset Reserve to Community Account 9595.00 Business Premium Account to Business Premium Project Account 4500.00 Business Premium Project account to Community Account 1000.00 Receipts ECC Locality Fund grant award West Field Maintenance 1000.00 Allotment rents 2 plots 24.00 HMRC VAT claim (pending receipt) 2006.82 MDC Community Toilet Scheme grant (pending receipt) 400.00 Business Premium Account Bank Interest .33 Business Premium Asset Reserve Bank Interest .33 Business Premium Project Bank Interest .13 Balances £ Community Account 6175.32 Business Premium Account General 4581.57 Business Premium Account Asset Reserve 5259.22 Business Premium Account Project Account 9504.89 25521.00

National Savings Designated Hall Reserve £ 29325.98


To resolve that the above reserve balances be carried forward to the financial year 2021/22. The Business Premium Project Account funds are designated to the following projects: Fence, gates, tarmac gateway to replace bollards in West Field car park. £4500 Refurbishment of Children’s Play Area £4000 Redevelopment of skatepark/multi track £1000

Cllr Fitzsimons to confirm that he has undertaken internal control to verify bank reconciliations produced by the RFO in accordance with Financial Regulations

21/0100 ANNUAL REVIEW OF RISK ASSESSMENTS The following Risk Assessments had been presented to members for consideration: Financial, Insurance, Assets, Contracts/Agreements, Employees, Covid 19 related: Allotments, Public Toilet Block, Children’s Play Area and Outdoor Gym To resolve to accept the review of Risk Assessments as satisfactory.

21/0101 APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES To consider and resolve to appoint the following representatives: Personnel Committee (suggest three members). West Field User Group (WFUG) Hundred Group of Parish Councils (DHGPC) (All members are welcome to attend meetings) Bradwell B- Cllrs Grimes and Connell Local Community Liaison Committee (LCLC)(Magnox) Tillingham Village Hall Management Committee (TVHMC) Parish Transport Representative (PTR) ECC Salt Bag Partnership Scheme – Cllr Welham Highways – Cllr Church Public Rights of Way (PROW) – Cllr Grimes

21/0102 NOTICES, MEETINGS AND TRAINING COURSES Reminder - EALC Training courses booked for councillors Youth Engagement Conference 28.4.21. Cllr Church to attend. Fee £50. Councillor Training Days 1 & 2. 22.4.21 & 29.4.21. Cllr Grimes to attend. Fee £180. Introduction to Planning Briefing 12.6.21. Cllrs Grimes and Gosling to attend. Fee 2x£75 £150. Councillor Training Days 1 & 2. Cllrs Welham and Gosling had completed this training course. Understanding Annual Meetings. Cllr Church had completed this training course.

21/0103 THE CHILDRENS PLAY AREA The Clerk had completed weekly inspection checks in the play area. On 8.3.21 the springy scramble motorbike was found broken. The Clerk had wrapped the motorbike in orange mesh fencing to prevent further use. The Clerk was obtaining a quote for replacement parts. PROJECT - Refurbishment of the Children’s Play Area. Cllr Baker to report on progress.

21/0104 THE OUTDOOR GYM, MULTI TRACK and MUGA The Clerk had completed weekly inspection checks in these areas. The Outdoor Gym remains closed re Covid 19 Lockdown until 29 March 2021.

21/0105 THE WEST FIELD Storage Shed. Tillingham Cricket Club had cleaned their section of the shed. Refurbishment and maintenance had been carried out and the ECC Locality Fund grant award of £1000 claimed. West Field Maintenance: The field has been rolled and cut. West Field Hedge: The hedge is very sparse with gaps to the east of the Pavilion. To resolve to purchase and install chestnut fencing, and to consider hawthorn hedge planting later in the year. Best Kept Playing Field Competition 2021 – 50th Anniversary. To resolve to renew membership fee £30 and to enter the competition fee £10. PROJECT – Skatepark. Cllr Fitzsimons to report.


21/0106 VILLAGE COUNCIL PROPERTY Councillors/Clerk are to confirm that regular inspections have been carried out and to report if any maintenance work is required. Marsh Road Allotments. All current plots are rented. The West Field Car Park. Fence and gate to replace bollards, plus tarmac gateway to field. The contractor Paul Denham phoned the Clerk on 5.3.21 and advised he is due to take delivery of the materials on 19 April 2021 and he will then install. The funds for this project £4500 have been transferred and earmarked in the business premium project account. The Square. Birch Garden Green. The Defibrillator. Monthly check/inspection carried out voluntarily by Robert Harvey who then advises the Clerk who then reports the check via Community Heartbeat webnos. The Village Council Noticeboard. Satisfactory The Public Noticeboard (car park) Satisfactory. Old staples and pins require removal periodically. The Village Pumps. Blackwater Maintenance will assess the condition of the pumps and advise if repairs are required. Bench at Wantz Corner (adjacent to Southfields). The replacement bench has been ordered. Blackwater Maintenance will install.

21/0107 THE WAR MEMORIAL The Clerk had instructed Rodwell Memorials to proceed to clean the war memorial. The permit form and fee £27 and 50% deposit £225 were due to be paid.

21/0108 ORMISTON RIVERS ACADEMY (ORA) CONSULTATION ON PROPSED EXPANSION There are discussions between ECC and Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT) regarding the feasibility of expanding ORA to help address the proposed shortage of secondary school student places within the local community. To satisfy the projected requirements for secondary school places as defined within the local authorities 10-year plan ‘meeting the demands for school places’ OAT seeks our views on a proposed expansion of ORA by an additional one form of entry per year (30 places). The proposed expansion will be brought forward to September 2022. https://forms.gle/V8LeAHHPvZXTT5xu6, To resolve to respond to the survey.

21/0109 HIGHWAYS Reporting matters to Essex County Council (ECC) Highways. Members of the public and Tillingham Village Council members are encouraged to report highway defects online at www.essex.gov.uk. For up-to-date local road closures see www.one.network.

21/0110 PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW) Members of the public and Tillingham Village Council members are encouraged to report public rights of way (public footpath) defects online at www.essex.gov.uk.

21/0111 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting date is scheduled for Tuesday 20 April 2021 at 7.00pm. However, this may change dependent on planning applications received or other urgent business that may arise.

21/0112 THE TILLINGHAM ANNUAL PARISH MEETING This meeting must be held between the 1 March and the 1 June. It is not a Council Meeting although the Village Council Chairperson must Chair the meeting. In view of the uncertainty concerning the continuation of virtual meetings after the 7 May and notification from the Tillingham Hall Management Committee that the hall is unlikely to be fully operational until 21 June 2021, the Clerk advises that this meeting should be arranged as a virtual meeting towards the end of April. To resolve to set a date for the Tillingham Annual Parish Meeting and invite guest speakers.

21/0113 ANY OTHER BUSINESS No decisions may be made under this item


21/0114 PUBLIC FORUM There will be 15 minutes available for Public Question Time. Please Note: All persons wishing to speak must address the Chairman. In accordance with Tillingham Village Council Standing Orders 3g a member of the public shall not speak for more than 2 minutes. The Public Forums are the only times the public will be allowed to speak during this meeting.

21/0115 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND THE PUBLIC To resolve that under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2), the public and press be excluded from the meeting for agenda item 21/0116 as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

21/0116 STAFF VACANCIES To resolve to appoint a new Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. To resolve to allocate a budget for homeworking office equipment. The retiring Clerk will complete the end of year audit at the beginning of April and overlap with the new Clerk for the month of April. She is also prepared to be a point of reference for the new Clerk for a few months to ensure a smooth transition. To resolve to pay the retiring Clerks salary for the month of April 2021.

21/0117 CLOSURE