Orpheus, the Blood of a Poet, Nothing but Hours, Ws
ED _078 483- . TITLE Film Program' NOtes from the Current Holdings of the Anthology Film Archives; Outlines of 41 Films. .INSTITUTION AnthorOgy Film Archives, New York, N.Y. PUB DATE (731 151p. AVAILABLE FROM Library, Anthology Film Archives, 425 LafayetteSt., New York, N.Y..10003 (Single Copy of individual program notes free upon request) EDRS PRICE MF-80.65 HC Not Available froni EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Aesthetic Educdtion; Audio Virtual Communication; *Film Libraries; FilmProduction;- FilmProduction Specialists; *Films; *Film Study; Foreign Language Films; Mass Media; Media Research; *Prograii Descriptions; 'Program Guides; Programs; Repetitive Film Showings; Single- Concept Films; Sound Films; Visual 'Literacy IDENTIFIERS Anthology Film ArchiveS; *Film Program Notes ABSTRACT This collection of film program notes includes mixed commentary onsome ofthe films held in theAnthology FilmArchives (a film andbooklibrary in New. York City)..,Some of the filmsare described by synopsisofthe episodes and othersbxtranslation into English of the foreign language subtitles. However eacji film noted is identifiedby full cast,crew, and directorcredjits.The films notedare: OLD AND NEW, IVAN THE TERRIBLE, ALEXANDER NEVSKY, OCTOBER, STRIKE, ARSENAL, AEROGRAD, ZVENIGORA, IVAN, LA BELLE ET LABETE, ORPHEUS, THE BLOOD OF A POET, NOTHING BUT HOURS, WS OLVIDADOS, WAGE DeOR,UNE FEMME DOUCE, AU HASARD BALTHAZAR, PICKPOCKET, MOUCHE1TE,UN CONDANNE A MORT Si/EST ECHAPPE..., KINOGLAZ, ENTHUZIASM,_ THREESONGS OF LENIN, ODINNADZATIJ (THE ELEVENTH YEAR); ZERO FOR CONDUCT, LIATALANTE, THE FLOWERS OF ST..FRANCIS, THE PASSION OF JOANOF ARC, GERTRUD, VAMPYR, ORDET, MICHAEL,PRASTANKAN, DAY OF WRATH, UNE SIMPLE HISTOIRE, LE PRINTEMPS, ETOILE DE MER, LA REGLE DU JEU, -CHICHIARIKI (THERE WAS A FATHER), UMARETA WA MITA KEREDO WAS BORN, BUT and EARTH._ (CH) FILMED FROM-BEST AVAILABLE COPY- - U.S.
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