State Basketball Playoff Schedule Announced Regional Committees L/L^Rc^L Uentatlve Select Dates, Sites 1973-1974 Ar for the 1971-72 School Year Each A
VOL. LVII AUSTIN, TEXAS JANUARY, 1973 NO. 5 State Basketball Playoff Schedule Announced Regional Committees l/l^rc^L Uentatlve Select Dates, Sites 1973-1974 ar For the 1971-72 school year each A. & M. University, College Sta egion in Conference AAA Boys' tion, Marvin Tate, Tournament Di Aug. 5-9—ILPC Newspaper and Yearbook Workshop Basketball has a Regional Chair- rector. :>ian appointed to serve with the Region III, Districts 17-24, Uni Aug. 8—First day to issue football shoes and socks, Conference AAA, district winning schools in deter versity of Houston, Houston, Harry AA, A, B, Sixman and Eightman. (No conditioning drills or organ mining which method will be used Fouke, Tournament Director. ized instruction permitted.) in selecting a regional champion. Region IV, Districts 25-32, San Antonio, Tournament Director. Aug. 13—First day for fall football conditioning, Conferences AAA, The regional Committee may elect to play a tournament at a AA, A, B, Sixman and Eightman. (No contact equipment or contact site and time determined by the Re- AA Boys Regional Sites activities permitted.) ginal Committee, or they may Region I, Districts 1-8, Texas Aug. 15—First day for issuing shoes and socks, Conference AAAA. elect a regional play-off series. The Technological University, Lubbock, (No conditioning drills or organized instruction permitted.) regional play-off series may be Edsel Buchanan, Tournament Di paired and played under the fol rector. Aug. 17—First day for issuing contact equipment and conducting con- • lowing schedule: Region II, Districts 9-16, North tact activities, Conferences AAA, AA, A, B, Sixman and Eightman.
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