Trackt; Petitions argue on both sides / page 3 O s ilrP a rk prepares for the ★ ★ ★ TAG SALES'.! ★ ' Memoflal: Reagan meets Stark families / page 7! hpliday / page IS -ivv 4 Days for the Price of 31 CV m a«F wAiiB «■% AM TiiranAv r e fo RE NOONf AND YOU’RE ALL SET TRACEY OR IRENE IN CLASSinED

eon Motors. Bodvoeod MfLLOW one Mfntte. condHlon. Norfhfioie Any tiMuM ooiwwod. Alto, fit. condition. Needs wfro Tfift f room COSO ftot'4 mumh ^Oon. I boeroom. i tiwMi,a. - - —- *om mo a bMM^o Mft aaobSoe . harness. Best offer. ErkfBy, May 22,1M7 $ 6 C § M » Of Sboeroomt. A« tiifso MU ttofbt one 2 w ■DDMI, MORnOv • Rwovr wnwi. firtf floor oeSHlon ir n boffn, einlno room. m m e m r m i m RtfvwfSjTH Vollanf 7(f, 3T ontMneoo nof only Comsiofoly corsofod whffowffh brown yffwi ift volvo Out mokof H finitbod botomonf/ m A m / m m m top. Excoiionf condi­ •omofSfne ovorvono ctntral ofr. sorcb/ so- tion. 33,000 o r lB I^ 2nd vote «ffii worn to oym. Lo- flo> sool ond oftior ROTOTILLINO miles. 3t3on«ino,aafo- cofoe In fiN oxfrot. om/fOO. Klor- moflc with oir, cloth Mliooieitfrlefor non Soolty. 040-1147. Home gardens, Peraro says Interior. 32400. Coll ho- Sooe. Hurryll l free estimates. twoon 1pm end 3pm unlikely, - *■ Blonoltore a RMOoffo. «40-)4t2. “ Wo oooren- Call Clyde and A iM iM b . ;' 100 Our Homo«''.o Sons. M7-8M7. M ALIBU stotion jilfaaOT souflf windoor. jmsp 1979. Runs pood, very little rust, eiocm, good town says ti53,«00. 7 room osiif L o v o ly second cor. 3KM0. Coll strike hurts lovof locotoe on o ^ o f woodod let, blob on bill culHto-ooc In doolroo' 649-7734 offer 5pm. rolllne to 100' toot tren- PONTIAC Grond Am By Gooreo Loyee 'V ■ M bio oroo. Livine room toso on send, 3.2 acres. Harold Roeorfor with whito brick rofood 000,000. Klornon 1973. Good condition, hoortb firosloeo. Sot- Soofty. 040-1147. many extros. SS9S. 32B- In kitcbon witbossioln- t » 0 cord. I feet leneibt, 2460. ______Manchester voters prohaMy wffl cot one cutfom co- ereen, OitIvereO, I cord mini­ 6UICK Century wogon the economy not he asked in a referendam to blnott. Lowor lovof mum. M A O fM /V IM CAMD 1979. 33,000 mtl'ot. Ask- increase the amoont of money fhe fam ily room< foropo. Roiilalo Ino 32493. 646-5300 after town can borrow to renovate fta O. W. SItb Sooffy. sewage treatment platA, town MRS m i or 171-1400.0 uuiMgmlxwaaB^.Ae aiiBiyei itooen neuviiv m o iiiXHEili5TEinW ff. S7S4S1S SGRANtON today. Cbormlno 3 bedroom UK HeostM said the expected cost ef •-; Cope buirlit In 13. Liyinp Construction projects the prqj«et is 827,637.000. Under a room, dlnlno room, klt- ffSMALfc preterred. AND SlUOT USSO 0AM... referenihim question approved by ebon ond 11 s 10 motter Modern room with kit­ soMi (t» rtNANOiNO ON ista bedroom. Nicely deco­ chen prlvlleoet. On voters In 1888, the town can borrow rated tbreusbout. Sld- busline. 047-9013 SAILBOAT. 13 foot, tlbor- r riFTM Ave. m M8,2BS come to a standstill up to 114.3 ffitllton. When the ins, full bosoment well ovonlnss/weekends. gloss, Rhodes day te HORIZON A * m *6,ttS amount of grant moiiM the town londtcoped let in sollef. Dacron tolls, It CARAVAN r am (f) *14,008 should get IS catcotated, Manchea- newer nelobborbood. stainless steel rioelno. tt LANOiN TURBO *11.408 ter should he able to cover the cost |{[MJT)NEIITS 649-0490.______St HORIZON 4 or *4,008 SMcellent starter borne Sy Linde Stowall without having to aeek approval to In excellent condition. ly ileoi diotspor cobin ss voYAOtR r x«4 *10,208 exactly how many construction borrow more money, ffeustls safd. cruiser I/O. Will take 54 PONTIAC 8000 «Tt. *8,008 Tht Astacletod PrMs workers were affected by the 0. W. ritb Soolty. 043- TIJSSSTopartmont^^ "We have enough to go ahead m i or 071-1400. smaller boot at o trade M DOOOe 4001 a *4,406 strike, hut predicted If the walkout with the project," he saiif dpplioncos. Centrally In. Moke me an otter! SO TOYOTA CSLICA *2,008 State Labor Cammisslomr P. continued for two weeks, between £ 6 V E N fA V . i re’e'm loeotod. 3470 plus se­ 646-8391. The state last year agreed to home, enlov Ilfs in curity. No pots. 646-3436 55 ACCORD LX I • *0.4QS Joseph Peraro warned that the 20,000 and M,000 could be out of provide grants and loans to cover Coventry owoy from SS NISSAN MAXIMA *11,OM wookdqys. S7 CARAVAN r AM m *18,S g four-day strike by some 1,800 heavy work. the expected 08.8 million project juua Ajkjo tfiillla the bio city . Lokeprivl- equipment operators has begun “The operating engineers have leeet for small onnuol 3 RdAM oportmont, SeLeOARON4dr *12,4W cost. When Mds were opened last ^ f jSdiy Steve, rotrlgorator, hot \ w s SS COROLLA 8R8 * | , m hurting Connecticut's general econ­ all their people out (of work) and month, however, the lowest prop­ ottecotlen fee. 077,300. wattr,hoot, corpetlno, SSLASBR *12.4g M r liM i Coll Joelo keone. 040- ATTENTION Dog omy because the entire construc­ It’a growing In leaps and hounds,” r " V osal was for IM.8 minion. When noor Porkodt. No pets. SSPIPTHAVe. (I) *13.5s tion industry has virtually halted. Peraro said. "All accompanying other costs like engineering and 3309 ,072-0170. Golden Older persons pre- Owners. Professional S3 OtNTUflV 4 D, *7,80$ Oaks S«olty. forrod. Available July dee trolnlno In your M OODOe 600 06995 eorast, potlo and 17% Width -110 84 Mexda 020 4 dr. *6108 lotlon dtsirss o manoeor for our Monchostor lo­ ivimcHfiTsrmBsr. 11% width • 1 lor I M cation. Wt art 0 quality ttrvict company with IINE much, much morel 88 Qrsnd Prix, Lo Ml. *7088 Cheney panel says sign, district don’t mix 88 Premier LocatlonI Buy all moons o buy. 474 MAIN Street. Ottlcs MUST be picked up e< the I on txciting opportunity for tht ptrion who con DRTUNITIE8 Create your own S140's. Coll 646-2403 for or commercial use. 1Herald Office MorMay thru] •8 Cullait 2 dr. *7888 ottums rtsponslblllty and tnloy divirst dutlss dream home with this •4 Merquli (B rogh.)[^^J d o i i g , INTERESTED In port 0 private showing of Centrally located, Thureday befete 11 am. only. By AIbx O irtlll the pole Is a pre-existing structure under zoning, locate In the district since the district was established. In 0 tost poetd otmosphsrs. Prior rstoll and tup- newly built 9 room this quality heme. porklna. Includes hoot. 83 Dalsun 2008X *4888 Commission Chairman William FitzGerald said orvlsorv/monaotmtnt txptrlsnco prtftrrtd. time work? Interested Colonial. Extra large 640-2426. Wookdovs. Atsocloto Editor regulations. In moklno money? No master bedroom/den Blanchard A Rossotto. 63 GMC Jim m y 40K *7888 An attempt will be made by the commission to commercial uses will be establfshed In the former Ws oftor a compstltlvs stortlno salary and osn- "W t Guoronatoo Our NEWLY HOnovottd. 86 Lino. Town Oer *11,800 Cheney Brothers Yarn Mill. In the core of the emerging trout bontfit pdekoot. Apply by colltno: Investment other than combination, iV t A Dairy Mart planned tor Hartford Road at Prospect dissuade Dairy Mart from using the sign pole when it i ^ m o r t your time. For more baths, flreploced first Houses". 646-3413.0 Close to 1-04, 1st and 64 Qren. M erquit L8 *0688 Street won't he marked by the usual free-standing converts a gas station >and repair garage to a historic district. He and other commission members Information coll Em- floor family room, 2nd floor suites availa­ 84 Mezde 026. 4 dr. *8188 agreed that If they permit Dairy Mart to use Its JIM OLBRYS — AAA 5 F ir r House. Monciios- ble. Rent Includes utili­ Dairy Mart sign If members of the Cheney Historic convenience store. tech Associates at 649- huge formal dlnlno tor. 130 Oreonwoed TAG Sals. Saturdoy, May ae Isuzu DLX P/U *8888 District Commission have their way. The commission members voted Thurday to seek a strandard logo, they will be hard-pressed to try to 6620. room plus spacious ties. Pftorman Bulld- 23. 9om-3pm. Eviry- 236-3261 Drive. Charming 4 bed­ Ing Compony. 649-9404. 84 NIeeen 200SX *7888 Commlsalon members made It clear at a meeting meeting May 28 with Dairy Mart executives for that prevent other commercial applicants from doing so. eot-ln kitchen with slid­ room Cope on lovely thlno goes. 66 Stsphen Thursday that they want a sign they feel will fit In purpose. If the meeting con be arranged, It will begin at ers to covered deck, lot. Maintenance tree Striet. Off Porker. ae Metde 628, Lux. *8888 better with the htstortc character of the district. the site. . , Several commission members said they have been In r separate laundry area, siding, tlrspldcs In liv­ Manchester. historic districts, like Colonial Williamsburg, where Real Estate generous sited two cor ing room. A oreot buy Morclianiilse MORIARTY Since Dairy Mart la the flrat commercial applicant to The commission acted after It received the legal DARI-FARMS ICE CREAM oorooe. Bio lot with at 8130,0001 Dfrodlons: come before the commission since the area was opinion from Cooney. stores similar to Dairy Mart have modified their logos spectacular views. East Middle Tpke loft BROTHERS designated a historic district, the commission is The commission has been enthusiastic about the to conform to historic requirements yet are still clearly recognizable. Has Immediate Openings! This Is a"must see" onto Greenwoood. l i m 301 Cantor St. concerned that If It permits the company to use Its conversion plans, except for the sign location and the HOMED house If you're lookina Conturv II Epstein standaH sign, tt may be forced to do the same for other Idea of using the standard plastic sign that serves as an FOR DALE WANTED old linens, MBnohBtttr, CT The commission must make a recommendation to Earn 88.00 Per Hour I for lots of room. Sentry Rofllty. 647-0I98.O lace, fabrics, clothes Btorea that come along. identifying label for Dairy Mart. Hsrild pholo by Tuelisr Real Estate. 643-4060.O PIRSt Class all the R ip Oeost Form An- pre-1930. 742-9137. 643-5135 ITie commission has the authority, in the opinion of Commission members said Thursday they still hope the Planning and Zoning Commission All reol estate advertised In way III Extraordinary trquOli bost selection The right of the commission to determine the This sign from t>ie Dairy Mart on Center the M anchester H erald Is SOUTH lilflndsor. For tbo K l iH 'ALL cords, buy- Town Attorney John Cooney, to regulate the kind of to arrive at a solution In time for the June 1 hearing materials of the sign seems clear, according to !!! College Students Welcome !!I dlscrlmlnotlno buyers I 9 room contemporary of race, linens, vintoae Ino, oil years, oil condi­ sign UB^ and the way the outside of tne building will be before the Planning and Zoning Commission on the Street Is similar to one chain ownera tublecf to the Fair Housine split. Locotsd next to clothing acctasorlet. Cooney's memorandum, but It does not appear to have Full and Part Time Freezer Selectors Act of IfM, which makes It See this 2 year old, 9 tions. Coll 647-7076. lighted. Dairy Mart application. want to place at a proposed new store lllteal to advertise any pref­ room U i R built the loth orotn at Blllno- Goose Lone, Coventry. After 6pm.______CH^R^^d^l^lC. But Cooney said in hla opinion that Dairy Mart has The chief concern of commission members Is that any right to prevent Dairy Mart from putting a sign at 2nd Shift erence, limitation ordlserlm- Contemporary that ton Ridge Country Wookonds 13-8. We the top of the existing pole. within the Cheney Historic District. Inotlon based on race, color, club. 3 btdroems, 3.8 buy. 742-9137 LbbklNb tor 3 or 4 ROUTE 83, VERNON the right to use the existing sign pole at the site because Dairy Mart would be the first commercial venture to otters over 3200 square bedroom home for 2 Apply in person: rellelon, sex or notional foot of Mvine area. baths, oourmot kit- orloln. or an Intention to chin, carpet, control responsible adults and SO Bulck LaSabte *4888 moke any such preference, Sunken llvine room, 2 children In Monchtt- loroe family room, sun air, control vac, 3 cor ss Chav. Oltallon 4 dr. *3888 Dari-Farms Ice Cream limitation or discrimlnotlon. ooroot and thoro'i lots __IniRNITURi ttr or South Windsor. S3 Chav. Oaprlca 4 dr. *6898 rO D A Y The Herald will not know- room. 4 bedrooms, 2 649222j,_,^____ Food, energy costs 40 Tolland Stage Road Inplv accept any advertise­ tlroplocos air condi­ morel Roduetd to sell 14 Bulck LcBabra 4 dr. •B4BS Memorial Day 1987 ment which Is In violotlen et at 8323,000. Jackson B W liB ffn R r ToPsoIsT tioning and much Por Information am 15 Ohev. Spectrum I dr. *8788 Tolland, CT 060B4 more. M99,000. U A R. Jackson Real Bstoto. IS Rent. Hero Silver •7618 PoBitlon ■ 'fiction* E rw M g N T 647-I400.D l^^lntmont coll 641 Automotive ' Monday, May SB, 1987 Is Memorial Day, a legal Monday. State Motor Vehicle Departmentofficea Realty .□ IS Ohev. Ocprtoc 4 dr. *8488 The Reagan administration boost inflation rate Mon.-Fri. 8:30am to 5pm / Sat. 9-1 Homes—from tt (U re­ blTACMIB Capo Cod. holiday. close at 12:30 p.m. today and reopen Tuesday aL pair). Dellnqutnl tax Shown with pride. All IS Buberu QLXT Cpa. *9488 maintained a "fiction” that It was 8; 30 p.m. Auto emissions testing etatlons close at DdLtbti. Colltornlo IS Oldc oulicce I dr. *9788 The advance In the gross national Special eventi: Manchester's Memorial Day properly. Reposses- split. Located on 3 -f luxury et condomi­ not soliciting money for Nicara­ By Tom Room parade starts at 9:30 a.m. Monday at Bennet 12:30 p.m. today and reopen Tuesday at 8 a.m. Blont. Coll t- N54a7- oerts, Including extra nium llvino, but you m m i RDALE MPordLTDddr. *11,488 gua's contra rebels when In tact The Aitocloted Press product, which followed a lacklus­ 6000. Ext. GH-9965 tor bulldine lot, this unique hove the privacy ot a SS OMO mekup *9898 officials had teamed up with a ter t.l percent rise In the final Junior High School: services will take place at Banks: Closed Saturday and Monday. REGISTERED NURSES current ropo Mat. home consists of • slnolo tomtly rosidtnet t m r w — IC K R iv ie ra 1903 IS Plym. Turiemo *8498 fund-raiser for a "one-two punch” WASHINGTON— Consumer pri­ quarter of 1988, left many econo­ the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and' at Munro Mall: Only perishable, ipeclal and express Ronooi white. 3 years mists unimpressed, however, be­ K A I8 B R P B R M A N E N T B has several opportonl- BiDftOSM Cape, air rooms, 3 bedrooms, I ond It Is In Immacutoto loaded, orav, 67,0OO IS Ohevatte I dr. *8888 on wealthy sympathiteri. a eenator ces, nudged upward by higher costs Park before the park returns to Center Park. In Items will be delivered Monday. Ofttcei will bh Uee available tor Reipttered Nureee within our Bast baths, family room and condition. 2 bodreomi. o ld ..810.60. 646-I4H. miles. Excelltnl condi­ eald at Congress’ Iran-contra hear­ for food, energy and imported cause the strength came.almost Andover, the parade will assemble Monday at closed. ' ' — conditlontd. attached 2 car oarooe. Much IW baths, dM. tire- tion. tOOOO or best otter. IS Oldc OuMcce 4 dr. *10,998 Hartford Health Canter. These Advice Nurae poet- iorogo, aluminum sld- MA8ie Biot ■OS Steve. IS Ohev. otvcilcr Wca. *8788 ings. Story on page 7. goode, rose 0.4 percent in April, the entirely from an unwanted buildup 8:30 a m. at Andover Elementary School and Bates: Holiday schedules In effect Monday. Uone allow direct communIcaUon with patfenti romodenno hot been place. Partially tin- 4W years old. IISO. 647-0639. in bustneis Inventories. * no> roc room. Park done. Very spacious I lihid bosor^t. Within government said today. proceed to Cider Mill Cemetery. In Bolton, the Uqaor ttorea: Open today and Saturday until 8 throuih their telephone inquirlei. We seek to nil va- Joreo. 3130,300. Broker. Whirlpool rotrlgoro- 1970 Chevelle Malibu. The Increase In the Labor Depart­ Analysts said the stagnant Infla­ enndea on the lollowtni ahitte; Not o “Drlve-Bv". walking alstoneo te tor, 17.1 cubic tool, Needs work. Best otter. 872-9111 parade will etjtirt Monday at to a m. at Bolton p.m. Closed Monday. Must a te . IISS.SOO* shopping, bus lino. Index ment's Consumer Price Index, tion rate reflects In large part SATURDAY/BUNDAY Mm-4:a9pm troet tree, 4W yeors Ask tor M Ik t Caron. steady declines In the value^f the Elementary Semool and end at the town Green. In Oarbage: The Mancheater landfill will be bl^B^ House. Sunday Strone Reel Bstae. 647- Minutes to Manchester eld. 8M. Ip ^ Quoth 30-5361 14 paBOB, 4 Beettona equivalent to an annual inflation closed Monday and -there will be no curbside BATURDAY/BUNDAY (AltemaUng Weekends) M ay 17th. l-4pm. Mon- 7683.0 Country Club and Mon- T J j j ^ rate of 8.8 percent, matched the 0.4 dollar, making Imports more Coventry, the parade will begin Monday at 10 MONDAY-PRIDAY 6pm-apm chosttr...l4 Bridle htevy duty washer. HSNTIAC m i LolWa‘ns. a.m. at Robertson School on Cross Street and end pickup. Next week's scheduled pickups will be A Double Heoder I luporl chostor Community 175. Ipttd Queen Hloh miles, strone A d v ic e . . IB Lottery— percent prtpe Increase! of Febru­ expensive.^ CandiatBS should poaaeaa current CT Ucente with a Poth Lone. Imptccobit Collogo. Easy access te . 81 O b itu e rle s . Indeed, prices for goods other at the town garage. delayed by one day. " ■poclout t bedroom, 4- 6 duplex In Manches­ dryer. 1173. Encyclopo- drive train. Needs POR SALE. 1974 Ply- B usineet. ary and March. < yearn pravious experience, prereirably In en out- 1314 and 104. Askint dia Brltanleo. 14 ve- tome body work. 3300. Cleeslfled - 81-24 Opinion. than energy and food — )J» MuBlcipol iovernm en^: Town offfoea and Kmergency. namberat tn Manchaatar, police IW both homo with ter, Newer vinyl tldlno. •134,900. Coll us tor on mouth Suburban sta­ In other economic news, the paUent aatUiiB. Wa offer eompetiUve ealarias. In- M any In te rio r tm> lutno with 3 veer books, MMM? C o rn ic e ------16 P e o p le ------k government reported today that the category that economists say ntoet Bchoole will be closed Monday and will reopen and tire, Oil. In Andover, police, AiS-Ttfl; tire, duding evening and weakend differenUal and a ulea- attached ooraat. Boiy appointment. Realty m . M l attor 6pm. tion wagon. Good con­ to cart tor lot. Many provomonts. Handy lo­ MUD W i Arondila 'i dition. 8600 or best Oot^necllcul _4-B Sports ------8-12 U.S. economy grew at a 4.4 percent accurately reflects the doUar's Tuesday. 80-7333. In Bolton, police, 80-OBM; tire, l7t-TS0. aaat profassional work environment, free parana cation, close to Main World Benelt- G8-74M. value — were up 0.8 percent, the and easy access from route it, M and a. tf Interested tint extros. Price ro- /Prochotto Associates. deer, olr, automatic. otter. Coll otter Spm. Entertilnwenl 14 Television ------17 annual rate from January through ^8laie^Bdto4er0go^^ In Coventry, police, Ttt-TMi; tire, 40-8383, ducod to 1134,900. Di­ Stroot. Excellent In­ 76k. Good condl- S0-83IO. Mareh, the fastest pace In almost pleaae call or forward resume to: come producer. Ideal 646-7709.D PlndhiB a cosh buyer tor tlon.lOOO. 649-407. P ocus_X _ 13 U S /World ------7 Pteaee tern lo page 8 rections t Bast Center Rio nomo you'd like to sell oaA i Akekup l9l4. Tool Cocilnews_S, 8 Weether------8 three'years. Street, lottonto Vernon Investment or owner WD??K5DTff7ol5rtm. KAISER FOUNDATION cccuplod preporty. Is oaiy. JiMt lot our rood* box. new carburetor, Itroot, right onto Ly- Use 0 lewdest od In ore know what vow Stondord slant 6. runt good. Needs seme doll Stroot. Century II 8161,300. Jockson S. lor solo wtth on od In Prlvo-lt-away. Coll 173- oaweehinit^ilt.yffiilfM^.*^wimWaa9-iaa9 Jackson Reol Bstoo. Closbittod tor quick re­ body work. 31100. 646- BOB Bbstoln Realty. 647- a o M Wod. 804711. 9134 otter S:30pm. 0330. i N9S.D 647-B400.D m its. 043-1711. S . \ M40a - ' yj ' < .♦ ■ r i ^ - r. - MamcJbDDSw/iEfww Rail-path fight turm to petitlom Toggm a Mm ih d a f Record crowd shows up at parks commission hiestlng hkhorpocl§wm dat0M wf acpHRcp^^^v^m s o Pp e h ^ ^ w^v ^ 0 0 0 0 0 ^ 0 0 8 0 0 %wwCwa9y 0 0 P 0 U 0 0 MMorto DMttoL isM (be path dEdg^MM Em ^A^^^^a yg dJgAW^^A ---- a a ^d^d^^gd^d ii^r OVy 16P» IW pWBFwHP SreSnBwrSliY* VOTfVf • 00MV irOTfT vOTW I VlfVOT araafhig a fagia EFaflNraF Emaaff Ba W0W0I00 P10RIMV nPu^E00Br*E ^ —- RUTA^^AA H I m dA. f 0 BVT d^^Afov naanaVIKTv OT P O000IIT 10 V00F0F VfUj^rl^m . OTW maw ^^W^OTwRP^v d^a w Wam^ddg Vni ViWdSdam P0W* Mato and north Mato streets The araaaa fhaf fha tranta hapa aaaama She nefed (bet ftoamieV petftkw »w^rtij^MgMWilSel(Mdraaa^E^Bl^^MVn »00 ^HRiP^O 000 Pl^Rs 0^TT 800 IV^RI 0 to oddtton. the sefety and &wt0 ikaaafih fha 800 0 0 0 0 me MA dees ndiMieleedendep MiKKFvVr ffVNI Q W VIVw fW ffl# VIMPV7 aaiif wvpiwiii^vaoRnionivr MfflffVLyd^^^^^A^Ad OT gd O ai^^^AAI IIIIUI ^taAAWIU AAa^^g^A CvORT ^ffta firm .... ^A haf MM afV iitthig A ^d0 iui0 iuf 0U n UI0I0 0010 fvgoivf A W D O Y ttI- kadorat rarddetda toted iedkaage the aame ot proparfj n 0W0^ W0IC0 w 0 0 1x 0 o t 000C0 0011U10. tImleagllWfleadkannMteVeieraaysiemenS s WU^nma^ EEWWvt 90Bw9HTnnVI9l Center Street. 'The land sooth nf Awdtey fartdnaen, wbn ffvee to eatend item the disWfd m rlh te v0nMT mfV0f ai w w 000Ei00vi^0' A^^A Wtd^^^^^^A ^Wiggg 00 03 center Sprtogi Fait, awtbenheek « Mfw meetfug DMe wawk. d^^ df^^^^kdd^ a^wd 100III0D00 ann vvvniii00c COI I I tk p fauMtoUMtow toSMtatgw tt4flcwA4itNipSbiuntgkortt4f0w ^tlieyalaefeeleeled WaflaaaeWnaeaaadgeaeaellMnieteihe WBW m pannw anHcv ww mv I 0T 0 Q00l 0M in V 0 IMIIIIIVIIV DZsT' nn Fine Street to tbe Cheney again. Peghaal tfkitfkt t Peerd <4 Pdiaattkm. Jay Uaddy aad Carl k wfh6^ atMpFFf fmf komp, wbn hoe eoM he wffl VWBfMMf/ Ww§9 nwTw^b&^mWnt rVaraMW wKmmj wm wmw Vktaear wara rdaeled te tha Aad&tar Peeraatlen Cemndaalea. k fli /SM i / t jf fa it aad prcMMy nnf eeft the fond te the Wide/gkelmiinga e/IPfO. tatebepe^iaet iM Ing fw0LI WnVIff VEniVnnBVIvlf* town. pmaeaikleUtneiaii^iaeaaeapatetiiig aeWMtatteeaa ipmifup rwiv vV ' 'The town haa expressed totereet to hnytog the entire (rock bed. aptdteaman Hon 2totffer eapeeted the Watergate ftowr- ligtith Dftirfet pfant M ood drfva IWWUlVrnv OtrSEI awmillCU V Waa a^ASa^^A ddAdA A^^^Add^AA^d t6 U i t(*. pettonn tn (be p e ^ wftb U A0lO0!p 800 ogEIOTiV iis0 f vO9l 0IQ0 r 00 ioge to bw. He tmee toM htteetigatara, my anaa/eta 6(. B fM fit'f Chttreb en Meffl street wfR IwM « bfeeSMoltoeDM EigHafwrwv iFom iiawfiivFffia imfvaf ter (be strip were a nertb-enoth aoatidtoi^a«img,\ih^ktheyateeot^tuAngheeaaaeiiha dfUaUaysetmtHSam, toSpm .ihaisiW iW iHItl^lflatflet fwiQamv oppimaw iv m waiKway, mod and a walkwoy-bfkeway. nra dapartment fa Dm apenaer. P10a aivrCn,dA aaaA. d^A100 CviininMAA^^^AdA^dj^A iOTL W0TC0^M^dA^ add>a*liaS toah VNA'f flMptoe and Home Care programa, wHI be held a il p.m. to lUfiNiui aao paffiiofif wiii noi oa refteroted orgnmente toot the track wvf^ iho Ap^nvcnimv vm pwi la haS aiiwadad garto ad Okfaftama. Dm CemmuttUy Baptist Chnreb of Manebeater, Nf K. Center Sf. centre! to (be peneTe dedefnn. attracts people wbn are nnfsy and 0# OM Wcit today aftor ywarfert d im of n milk aftoak dadaSa, A ffPWFFFFFf At Tn nuke reaerraiiona, cell 847-1411 by Monday. "The numbere game la not an deetneme. atoniM i>*la»bur Fashion Ja o n g Sforw**______y h«w eomloi will bs printtnl l*(A ON iind eddtaaa ehangaa to tbs Te piMe a eleasAad er dlaii^ trom Hmt to Hmo. Our tlm Is ManchaaMr Herald. P.O. Sox Btl. ■dvertlaeinent. er to rapert a news A ROLL Menehaater, Conn. 00040. Kern. Mery er plehite Mae. eaH to pot rtMtfor rtsoHon to ntw TODAY I" It you doni receive your Herald by 048- t r 11 . Othee heurt are 8:80 a.m. 297 EAST CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER. CT eomlet, or to old eomlot HhH 5 B p.m. weekdays er T;S0 a m to 6 pm. Menday threuoh PrWey. OPIN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 10 AM TIL 8 FM wo ort thinking bbout drop^ Bahirdeys. pleeae telspbene yeur The Mancheator HeraM la a THURSDAY NIGHT TIL 8 FM eerrter. It yeu're unable te reach member ettheAaaeelMadPreaa, the ping, lond your oommtnts yeur earrler. call aubeertber aarvlee Audit SureeuetCireulaHenatndIhe to: Fooluros Editor, Mon- rix at 847-8848 by 8 weekdays ter N e w tnolend Ntwapeper ehoBtor Hortid, F,0. toR wv M l, Mmohiitor, 06040. ( I L«ltfr from state anger* R o ffio w H o tp H al CammdcHemt ha Brkd lawyer* In collap*e case IIHIHWi fa c M V ifP0OOP^Vjr ffMffeUmf wVFOTiM P0OT 0w . urn. penalty D-AtwaM, aMHMfHNw #r Mn fbargg m * 8tat« Mya legal action not needed d, iMp/ewMff b k % gnhWc DHWt)^ CammMaa, aatd MM wHhMt M« hM appravad ddddM m w M /W ttt (4 ff^ tda-ttM n ^faraday, §iw r§ ''ranamm mtgki i t aHbdael nad aamtdan- d » j a n - AfMMir s n r n n ir m h v w w v iu wnv iv am UVfRRf OTPrOOTyPWtOBV/ m OTHninf RHOT' gA|iM(Bii ddara^^e diilioi a eeBd Gee dtOT ida taaraaaaa tn rataa aaaU aeaar aadW aaar daw MM that n^plfw nimTOTV OT nw wmbhie «ey WPTRPTi wpM^iiPV O K n P M ^ wonddWf ha gaadpaHki pdkiy." c o in iM u mIr i ^ w nd^MI v otpv^ w p i .lull,22t*i58u cvnvu w bi^ CNOT WllfflWffy ROT FR^VRfeOVj OflV nAnTPOItty - CaaaaeUaat, titat tathaaattaawHh a ‘'tamaa QPv v^Wfsilfl^^V^W* ▼p it PV n i i^ p Rfp^M i* TIPWiI* imv vmdadd evf^^M4 tw ^ ^^^^dvnvi AAOMAivot iui iiis kf* fnw" tajpfotaet aawearhayara, may aaaa gtna pat owaara dmtlar UVOTTRII/y IV u m TRm I lll^ O fn j rO T IHlISVCPy f n wKKTvj ^ frfO fl i^fmfmmjm OTIQ im fWIVr nlipni ib^Mtdd mdda^ddMIM i4 tit mtifk-tdatad Hdnrtaa and It ptataatioaa. vSOTV MFIIW Vv PVUvT V mWT Oy nvl on a worker who Med P j Itv IV IIIVIIISI RIRf L , ------mepev RifiviiR 4noepfiRia^^^4A^4 wurRon. MM fe Me aliwiHff (e eMefa leefd. ofmou pvfWPiR fi fii bufcM be went to Comeff Vnhat- The alittn Hnn«« at Itapfaaaatathiaa oa Tharadati apprcaad a lOTPrSIICf COfiTRanJ CmilW Ufff CM efty. 0M when Ho*! wae ouf Ottbfe Aaewer ragraseifaf fv«a aatd th d hill Mai wemfd guataataa p d owaara a fufl refund If tnelr dng nr MMidea frem eaeterer eewih yewebMddbekeefi . —-. -- X. 4 ^ a.— ^^4ja4^ddL. CM fall* III Of dkw wHMn M daya attar earning home from Hm pel ' atfgM fw ef mM fer Me Afeff atiiMmf-** efahn, Cbeverle eafd. uWn mtnidMA OTVffn^.A ..IIVtIIIV^ iw*«*Wm- nm ti hoatdd taentda m ta ear- WBifP PXpfRInliip If W OTnt fllV ^nfpv WlCIi WviMlie InS flil^wI^OT data Of humane snefety. leeerer tlMf M M f* werkere. d^M^M ddkd^MMjA^jA ft tadad, they Umd Mat Hiintlaa The owaof must prnve a pat dtad baaauaa at a fatal diaeaaa It M c^imniniuii vinnnnni aivmi a. eeeftfea te reeeimttead Mraf e i^ wOrS ylilBOTMu. ImddtiM tnd mnihdaya d fata- wa* suffering when purchased hr rMumlnf the body tor Areadl eeM Me feffer WM eeaf “(he woraPTs niiv RnpriiO/P/ vp o tio 1 1 1 wbleb “iftm l Mey (fuet nw devM Hew Matan Mereaaetl itatn ia.4 Ow beet tit MeiMKnM" by (be COTOT WlfPrO M VflUIP RTV RVIRIllIH beneffte. Many bate m tbemeafvee they ffM CandkMaa aaaaa pat m wcfkefe ta ti.Paam examlnatinn nr by providing a certificate frnm a veterlaarlan. eeimnfeetMre oerker etfneetiMr aDQ cornrpip* iffciOT vro onipitipa Under Cenneetloat^e tithintiH fi eomecne efee,’’ tatdan add. The Mil, apprnved nn a 138-7 vnte and aant (n the SenMe, "tbM befe Met aid Mey p r c ^ pat lilwcfkera, eMiMutfed wHtiMe aietelea (e Merm (be eerkera end eeede are ^Vefl adrlied'^ feeeek a workere comaeneatlon law, A mSWtt^ B it * R«p. R J , MflMiaf everaae far kMpl(al« «f 9 0 require* pet stnre* (n have eata and dnga examined hy a femflfee ef (befr HiMe. lawyer'e advice. workera aid deyendente are pre­ MatMMem (theyfctfiMf. (fMpy etreee per m werker*. veterinarian every IS day* until Mey are snld. A fetter t« ene ntfored worker, AreedI laid he eaeka te MMe ebe vented from aidni (he emnloyer for hate Mefy (own) n a d m m , they Vflft Nof§tf§iui, flbowH dated Aerff le, eafd, “dtiKe there wrote (be leftere aed bader'f decided an on-the-jcb fnfory or math, but AP14616 wm,aahiMf. Hoei^caie/betewhet ffgbf, (HkM podium OHHA repreaentetive* aald thd vUvOiii d0 Ml t tH ifu tt that yoer wbetber fe ae*d aeetber letter Ut (bey can ene matfhn&f elee In­ appaata in he weak.** givei Hie eeverflv at the infrec- Senele becks hike In minimum wege tla fH f (be eemmfeefen'e etaaea. volved In (he protect. TMng H §§$y? He (eetfbed Mat Hole often raped durlfig i MMfloft oHh« tlma, patidtiaa at mere Men |l i A ! S ^ wae werk-refated, yo« HARTFORD — Cnnnectlcut’s mlntmum wage would jump ffe Md another letter mf|bt the law providee for M.ftd In and kfbed at tha fame tfme ha had mllHwi aadd heve been prepe*^. A VmFQNl be able (« receive all Houao df P«pr«Mfyl«« beaeflta to wbfeb you are eatHfed oanee farther eenfnelon beoattee death benefite and a maalmonr of Gdorg# Smith ot OhMlMtown, Pt.i., who fOW«d from hi* prebfeme wbh gfrHrfendi. from 83.37 an hour to 13.75 an hour on Oct, 1 under a Mil approved eftbtfttt the need (e reeert («fe|af eome famfHee and vlethne have a week for varying lengtbe of hom«town to Norwilb/1* now rowing horn# itt«r on« of ’i t ’e bke puMM a container of reperdng," *eld Aaatatant gaeta- and Public Employee* Committee. Y Hoii, II, fe a former Iniurance a lo n il Olairfol *« a l hoild taty at Lahot John A. Pandatgtaaa, • He bad supported an earlier Mil boosting Me minimum wage to Y Danbury legislator says drug bill Is Inconsistent ealeeman from the Jewett CKy bylh« liltSfHwart dhaiahaadatOHMA. 84.50 this year. The Mil approed Thursday wa* a compromlae eedlon M Orfewofd, He le charged between organised labor and business Interest*. In connedlon wbh (be deatbe of MoKInngy, At Igft, , Horn Vtit, a he«pftef *pok«*fnen, •y •r*nt Lnymen Mb. the mandatory prleon term for April Hrunale and Leebe Sbebey, OhrlatlHH NlHdormorlor, a *eld fhutaday Met the Incident* tat Tn* AaMclnfed greet the Mb, wMch now goee to tho aale of drugi fo a minor would only both 14 and of Drlewold; Wendy which trhe he«pltel we* cited "In ne Accused organizer of echeme fined ‘^Dolng thl§ sayo aomathing to paopla — It Senate, aleo cabi for a titandaia^ a p ^ If (hetbe drug doaler wae II flarlheauH, 17, of Llibon; and O m o o rU from F f Irflold, way effect Me hcelM at eefety ef HANtgOftO — the only etate flflya you can aall (druga) In low-lnooma prleon (orm at fivo to 10 yoare for yeare or olderr andlthe buyer wae at HoMn Stravlneky, II, of CclumMa. innounooathaf aha will cmpluyec* er pelicnt*. 'nieee ere HAR’TFOHD — A 13,000 fine ha* been levied In Hartford repreeentatlve to vote agalnet a Mil eale of at loaet a half gram of crack,- leaet two yeare. re younger than the He le charged with Hi counte at decumentetlon l«*ue*, not heelM- Superior Court against one of the alleged organliers of an Illegal MifNieln* (Ottiber nenaltlee for houaing projaota, you can aall It at a potent, Mghly adtHdIve deriva­ deafer, the mandatory prleon term capbal felony murder In the taut •aak har party*! nomlna- cere providing at envlrenmentel Investment scheme, a spokesman for the state attorney general drM deefln* near ecboole eaye the tive of cocalno. JItlon to any daaiha and facet a uoeelMe death tlonfortha aeat. l««ue*." said. playgrounda that aranl attaohad to aohoola, A Carmine Olullano of West Hartford was one of (our men named teiMfetlott eende the wrong mee- eentence the defendant received for aantanaa If convicted on any of tbe Coimedlcttt law already cabe for drug dealing. ufjt to crlmlnale. you can aall It In larga anoloaad malla In tha mandatory prleon (orme for three counte. Hie defenee lawyere eay In a civil suit filed earlier this month by Attorney General Joseph ’’ft elngfilee out echoole lor an parking lot/* aald f^ap. Lynn taboraak< categoflee of drug doabng; fIvo to flap, ftohert fait, b-Weet Hart­ floea euffcra from extreme emo­ 1. Lleherman to halt the so-called "airplane" game. In which attentlonlhbat they don’t deeerve," 10 yeare for (he eale of an ounce of ford, objeded to provlelone that tional dieturhance. Police seize cocaine, arrest Slmebuiy pair participants profit only If Mey can lure other players Into the hep. Lynn Tahorcak, O-Oanhury, D-Danbury. cocaine, herdn and O htllbgrame of would exemnt dafandaMa who are Roee le preeently eerving a game. eald after Thnreday’e 144-1 vote In aleo drug addlcte from (he manda­ Ill-year mieon aantanaa tat the HAHTr.OHO ,) ',(> / U ivn f :ii nlilllv eeielon. continuity between legislative the five-month session proposal. book budgets to acquire the Library CIASSIFICD m Heg *12«>NOW»10»» A L ’8 8PIIUT SHOPPE Currently, the General Aeeembly sessions. But because the four-year Senate of America series” *99 sreiVCHH STHKKT (k>NANT HLAKA) NANCHKSTKN aura to bm (MM 647-1H40 843-2711 P E R M S - ®5®® Off Heg. »48«N0W •8SW i i Hallmark Temps COLD BEER HIGHLIGHTS - 1500 Off THINK... Del. x o -N O W 'S B " HU9CH BtllTB •B .99 All Shifts WE'VE TAKEN The Velvet Canadian Sale Good Through June 13 BUD surrs All Job Skills THE "W ORK" OUT OF • 10.99 Black PIZZA __ _ Work This Week COOR9 Burrs • 10.99 YUkotilack. EXPRESS Paid This Week WORKING OUT M MMahHABAMU UiitM MILLER HUfTB of Manchester • 10.99 VERNON LITE SUITS • 10.99 lA M C E R S * 8 7 2 -T E M P All PrieM tttv Cold Beer

Rhythmic movement of Stndbag table Stretch table tones uppet arms, for MEMORIAL strengthens and firms stomach and backjstomach muscles and Improves buttock muscles posture. 9 FOR ADULTS ONLYI \ i r s 7 f n \ 7 / % u i iu H 'y DAY WEEKEND! 9 Summer Selections at MCC 6 4 3 - 8 2 3 0 Perfect for Picnic PartlesI NEW Junkett (Pleaturt Trlpal lUWrtMd Proieriptloni Coittcllon tgtnl•gonl tor N.E.UUIIumI,, 8NETOO8f and CNG ^ The Mansions of Newport lor your oonvonioneoi Gently raising and Towering legs, Wafst, Sit-Up table effortlessly tightens lower History & Art of Soho tummy, Hip table removes Inches, tummy muscles te S S lr " * - OPtN) PkY» A ween iam to *ou strengthens lower back. Serving Pizzas, Grinders, 8 Homes & Gardens of the Berkshlres 8 Degas at the Clark Institute need film? Salads & DinnersI NEW Writara WorkahPba, including How to Get Your Book Published suntan lotion? Our dough is made fresh Earning Money Freelancing Unique rotation of Lea table reduces While gently vibrating body surfaces, on the premises. 7 Producing a Small Newspaper Inner thighs and "saddle bags." Wbrator table litcreases'blood flow party goods? 7 At Skmder You, tr«*t rtHulte aic NO SWIATi Tk« kotemuiisdM...relak...Slender You doM all the work, Open Monday > Thursday. 11*11 NEW CtiaMvt Photography Sartaa uni(|u« motoriced tables do the bard work fbr you and You've Inothin* to lose but inches and poundsi Perfect leave your enttte body toned and Rtmed. Incteaie youi fbr aN ages andid NO MEMBERSHIP or annual ■■ fees!■ ‘ “Hrst Friday * Saturday. 11*12 NEW A Qourmamra Wortoihott on Haw York enetty—bniMove your drculatton...e*se backaches and it is EREE! Sunday. 12*11 ^ tQlnnlniSanirminn Prawtna futurwshage COUPON 'e will be open on ftimmicJ‘ R l m a B A a Grand Oponing ipoolal I FAST FREE DELIVERY j K ^ O # Off PwrVInIt ! Ooni mlaa out on th*** Kimmar Belcon Plaea O w fO Wtarkwut Priow | Memorial Day 129 Center Street OaiHlikilndEducaHon Green Rd., Manchester r%weSalom Only bilwtan 10 ant-l pm ■ 8 am to 8 pm 646-34M colonfal Square Monday thni PHday Only i Manchester • 649-0099 fMhMMM MMVMMM Hourx: Mon.-trf 7 am-9 pm Ml Hartford turnpike, toHand for all your picnic needs SnSwSi?^jmOmwetax OiMO Sat 9 am-1 pm. Sun 9 am 12 Noon B72-SMM IM a i a m aa^kM an ■ » ’ -*• T » w r

MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. May 22.1187 - 7 OPINION f^ g a n to itioef crew’s families aS./W brftf l88 arief ■¥ Bdid Wdlaow Caspar W. Weinberger and Navy question of credibility, •effective* “ We believe that Iran would be Cop's son goes frss In racial case nid-AseeeldNd Fress Secretary Jamm Webb were Join­ ness and forethought in the Middle reluctant to engage the U.S. mil­ A COUPLE O F TH O S e EuntePPENEUftlS YOU KNOyy ...THEONES WHO PO ing the Reagans at the servioe. East. I briieve that It Is appropriate itarily because of concern over our NEW YORK -AgrandjuryhMrefoMdtoindletapoUcmnM’g *rMAfT W R HIR E T O VO O O R P IR T y edltions. scene of an accident. attacked Sunday in the Persian by a 91-8 vote a measure calUng on —Iraqi defense officials Have told tion with Iraq. Gdtf. Alton Maddox and C. Vernon Mason, lawyers (or Grifflth’s the president to inform Congress of U.S. officials that the Iraqi plane “ ’There is no doubt in my mind It Tbe Board of Dfrectori'reaction to the jT I b f White House said that after companions, had charged that the motorist was part of the white Bank deposits the threat to U.S. ships in the gulf. fired two French-made Exocet was an accident,” the State Depart­ pleaa of dayocare parenta of the I^ r ly m e serrioe, to be held in a hangar, The measure by Majority Leader missiles at the frigate. Pentagon gang and that the district attorney’s office and the police were ment official said. “ The Iraqis did covering up for Blum, who is white. the prosidont and first lady Nancy Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., and officials said. , not intend that attack.” Leanilof Center in Robertaon School showa T E L L t h e m I S A IP T H C THEY SAlP TO TELL YOU THE ReSgan would meet with relatives The two attorneys said at the time that their clients would not an alarming lack of forealght. Minority Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan.‘, —Richard W. Murphy, an assist­ IS IN THE MAIL. STORY IS IN THE PAPER. not insured f of the sailors who lost their lives. asks for a report Including the rules ant secretary of state, defended the —A team of U.S. Navy investiga­ cooperate as witnesses, and Gov. Mario Cuomo subsequently Thedlrectora recently agreed to look Into Reagan overruled a Navy deci­ under which U.S. vessels can administration’s declsionto put the tors in the Persian Gulf headed by appointed the special prosecutor. buying a 9M.OOO portable claaaroom ao the sion to pay transportation costa to defend themselves and the role of American flag and American cap­ Rear Adm. Grant Sharp began TOO 7 the memorial service only for European allies in defending sea tains aboard Kuwaiti oil tankers. their probe of the attack Thursday, day-care center could remain at Robertaon widows. Instead, the government but thfy were silent about early To p chiefs endorse coup In FIJI LATE. against panic! lanes. * The cargo ships alSo will be offered will pay travel costs for all family the protection of U.S. naval power finding and what they were School, Byrd told the Senate, “ Our SUVA, Fiji — Fiji’s top chiefs today endorsed a military members. Secretary of Defense country is again faced witU, a in the gulf. looking (or. Two-thirda of the coat of the claaaroom coup that toppled the elected government but, in a compromise, probably will be picked up by the atate, but WASHINGTON — The picture most Amerlcang,. declared that the governor general would run the country until even ao, tiiat meana the town muat fork over have of a bank panic is the Hollywood version: ; elections later this year. frantic depositors clutching their passbooks, trying Contra donors thought Reagan knew (toup leader U . C!ol. Sitiveni Rabuka announced that the Great more than 125,000, to elbow their way through the crowded bank lobby Council of Chieu, concluding three days of meetings, decreed The directora accepted the Idea of a to the teller’s cage to withdraw their money. that a ten-man committee would assist Ctovemor General Hatu Sir Penaia Ganilau in ruling the country. portable claaaroom too easily. The reality of the next bank panic will be much, WASHINGTON (AP) - The No money solicitations were Contra eXttse testified ’Thursday nell told him Reagan would meet throughout Manchester, Highland Park our hard-earned money there and benches placed at various loca­ about to default on its foreign debts, perhaps, or — that they had given money because with him for a 18-minute, “ off-the- Fire kills six, hurts one record” session if he raised $300,0M To the Editor: teach our kids what Is right, and it tions, new paths or roads could be gossip that one of the top 10 U.S. banks is in serious" tl)py were convinced President School has empty classrooms, as well as some (or the cause. North was present CHICAGO — A smoky fire broke out in a basement apartment surely will not be able to stay In built for joggers or walkers. difficulty. But this will be enough to cause foreign" ” Reagan .wanted them to do so. In early today, killing six people, including four children, and beautiful playground equipment. Why not two Cases, Lt. Col. Oliver L. North when the assertion was made and I ’ve read with Interest the laser business, w ill it? It’s too bad to have such a money managers to leap to their computer ;r j critically injuring one other child, authorities said. look at the posslblity of opening the day-care btiefsd the donors before conserva­ did not take exception with it, wonderful nature area in the keyboards and whisk their billions out of Am ericiiq, The (ire, which broke out about 2 a.m., was confined to a "w a r” this town Is Involved in, and tive fund-raiser Carl R. “ Spits” O’ Boyle told the committees.' center there? Julie Debate center of town become neglected banks to safer havens. I think It Is time to speak what is on Channell asked them (or contribu­ Mrs. Garwood said she became bedroom in the apartipi^nt and brought quickly under control, 46 Ansaldl Road when it could be such a pleasure to Yes, transportation must be considered. my mind. tions. Channell has pleaded guilty angry later when she heard Chan­ said Fire Department spokesman Jerry Lawrence said. The Manchester Day-care children might have to be taken I am a mother of two children town residents. It’s probably one WHATEVER ’IH E immediate cause, the result »• to a tax fraud conspiracy charge nell was taking SS percent of apartment did not have a smoke detector, he said. of the reasons Manchester “ used” will be catastrophic: Within days— or even hours.. - donations to cover his organiza­ The victims were asleep when the blase started and died from Robertson to the day-care center, but and a resident of Manchester for stemming from the contra fund over 30 years. I hope to always to be called a City of Village — Americais august banking system could be ■ -. raising. tion’s overhead, and Coors and apparently of smoke inhalation, Lawrence said. that doesn’t mean that the idea of another site Charm. Let’s hope our town shattered like a child’s piggy bank dropped on the. O’ Boyle said they were surprised to “Detectors ... might have provided the early warning have the beet Interest of my Arts commission hear Secord was claiming owner­ must be summarily dismissed. officials will give some thought kitchen floor. And the U.S. economy would be “ Where I come from, we call that necessary (or the residents to escape, particularly considering children and my hometown at ship of the light aircraft they shattered along with it. ' ^ the old one-tWo punch,” said Sen. how minor the (ire was,” he said. The need for day-care centers will continue heart. Regarding the laser facil­ appreciates Scott and effort to clean up Center thought they had donated to the Springs Park and make it a place It’s not generally realised that the vast majority” Warren Rudman, R-N.H., a to increase. One portable classroom will not ity: Ithinkitisaharmlessactivlty member of the Senate Investigating rebels. Group threatens four hostages and look forward to experiencing To the Editor: where Individuals and families of deposits in the biggest U.S. banks are more than- ELLEN QARWOOD JOSEPH COORS Another witness annoyed by answer Manchester’s needs, as more and committee. “ ’To hm it’s a fiction for this gam e with m y children and can enjoy picnics and other $100,000, and thus not insured — or that most of this., . . . see North Secord’s activities was retired BEIRUT, Lebanon — A group that seized three Americans and more mothers Join the work force. anyone to assume that’s not a . . . gave contras millions s ) my husband. This may be a new The arts commission of the town outdoor activities. ininsured money comes from foreign sources. solicitation.” Army MaJ. Gen. John K. Singiaub, an Indian from a Lebanese college in January has denounced the How many more portable classrooms will avenue for our family to do of Coventry commends Scott Because they are uninsured, these foreign deposits The donors testified that they was the executive branch of the who said he was trying strenuously hostages as spies and threatened to “ bring the four to the town have to buy before people wake up to something together again. If this Rhodes, Capt. Nathan HaleSchool Edward D. Atkinson are the most volatile part of the delicately Thd three donors — Ellen Gar­ would not have made their contri­ government asking for help,” said to raise money (or the contras when reckoning.” wood, a wealthy widow from butions without assurances that the Secord apparently was sitting on $8 A statement from the group calling itself Islamic Jihad for the the fact that the answer must be more activity does not meet with our art teacher, for enhancing our IM Oxford St. interconnected U.S. banking system — and the fin ^ Mrs. Garwood, who gave more than schools with murals of his own and Manchester funds to be withdrawn when a bank shows signs of - Austin, Texas; Joseph Coors, a Reagan administration wanted $2 million through ChannelTs million In profits and donations Liberation of Palestine was delivered to the Beirut newspaper An comprehensive and more carefully approval, neither our children nor intended (or the rebels. his students’ creation. We are trouble. .‘".1 Colorado brewery owner; and them to give. Coors said he organisations. Nahar on Thursday. ourselves will frequent the estab^ William O’ Boyle, an oil and gas approached then-CIA^ixctor Wil­ “ I must say that was a source of considered? pleased to have Scott, a dedicated Banks are not required to make public the io . Mrs. Garwood said she attended It said: “ We declare the current investigation with the four Ilshment again. Investor from New York — gave a liam J. Casey, who told hUAy "Ollie a White House session in January great irritation to me,” said Sing­ American spies reveals serious information about involvement artist, living and working in our amount of uninsured foreign deposis they have, but., I highly doubt that the game total of $2.4 million for weapons and North’s the guy to see.” Garwood 1986 at which North and Assistant iaub. “ If I had had any knowledge of high-ranking political, educational and diplomatic figures in town.' Lack of coaching our associate Michael Blnstein has obtained a . room will have any more traffic aircraft for the contras during a and O’ Boyle were introduced to Secretary of State Elliott Abrams that money was in a bank and conspiring with the Israeli Mossad secret service and the U.S. confidential list from federal bank regulators. Here’ L«tt«rs to the editor than did the supermarket. I am Is real problem UinC when Congress had prohibited North by ^anqell. made presentations, and Reagan available, I would have been even intelligence.” sure all of us have had the Marilyn Richardson was the level of uninsured foreign d e b its held by U.S. military aid, “ directly or "Colonel North’s involvement thanked the contributors present more furious.... The contras could The Indian hostage was a resident of the United States. have used it.” The Manchester Herald welcomes original experience of shopping at the esc Wrights M ill Road To the Editor: the nation’s 10 biggest banks as of 1965; indirectly.” seemed to me a guarantee that this for their support of the contras. The two-page statement, handwritten in Arabic, said the letters to the editor. Manchester Parkade on any Coventry Citibank, $83.7billion; Bank of America, $31.9 kidnappers awaited “ the completion of this information and the Letters should be brief and to the point. They evening of the week and viewed In the past few weeks in both the billion; Chase Manhattan, $38 billion; Morgan 'JZ necessary measures to take the adequate action, to bring the four should be typed or neatly handwritten, and, for the hordes of teens carousing In Courant and the Herald articles Guaranty, $28.6 billion; ManufacturersHknover,” _ North promised donors visit with president to reckoning and announce the outcome of the investigation.” ease In editing, should be double-spaced. Letters the parking lot and asked them­ have been written showing how $21.7billion; Chemical Bank, $16.2billion; Bankers must be signed with name, address and daytime Town neglecting Trust, $17.8 billion; Security Pacific, $7 billion; selves, "why does this go on?” I bad our Bolton baseball team is. In WASHINGTON (AP) - Tales of Channell, who even promised meet­ Channell has pleaded guilty to Sen. Warren Rudman, R-N.H., telephone number (for verification). First National Chicago, $14.8 billion; and Feds smash smuggling ring think that situation might be each of these articles there is a posslMe Soviet nuclear attacks on ings with President Reagan if the conspiracy to defraud the govern­ said the "secret plan” on Nicara­ The Herald reserves the right to edit letters In the Center Springs Continental Illinois, $8.2 billion. alleviated if we gave the kids "p layer who was picked up by his the United Stotes and “ secret” donations were big enough, contrib­ ment by using his tax-exempt gua that North discussed with SAN DIEGO — Federal agents making arresto from California Interests of brevity, clarity and taste. $160,000 contributor William somewhere to go! There Is no To the Editor: mother and taken to work.” That administration plans for Nicaragua utors told the congressional Iran- organization for a non-tax-exempt to Florida smashed a smuggling ring that claimed to control 70 purpose; raising money for contra O’Boyle was “ just a fund-raising Address letters to; Open Forum, Manchester longer an active rec hall in was me. I told Coach Jenkins AS IF AMERICAN depositors’ unwitting ..... were part of Lt. Col. Oliver L. contra hearings Thursday. percent of the U.S. black market in illegal bodybuilding steroids, Channell generally moved in with weapons. He named North as a technique. These people are really Herald, P.O. Box 591, Manchester, CT 06040. Manchester, no skating rink, and Asa Manchester resident and as before we left for the games that I dependence on foreign investors weren’t bad " North’s “ briefings” (or potential authorities said. the money pitch after North’s fellow conspirator. marks,” he said of the wealthy more and groups of kids "hanging one who enjoyed romping in couldn’t play the second game. He enough, there is also a serious inequity involved. contributors to the contra cause, Among the 34 people charged in a 110-count federal indictment impassion^ description of coipmu- During Thursday’s testimony, donors. yelled and swore. What he says American depositors are effectively underwriting acqording to donors. unsealed Thur^ay were former Olympic athlete David Jenkins out” to be social with their peers. Center Springs Park as a youngs­ nlst threats in O ntral America and members of the House-Senate And Sen. Paul Trible, R-Va., said M i ^ the safety of the uninsured foreign funds that are^ While North was careful not to We have an adult book store in ter, I heartily concur in the about lack of commitment is the contras’ difficulties during the investigating committees labeled the “ grand plan in the mind of and a University of Miami football coach. most likely to trigger a devastating panic. U make a direct solicitation for funds, “ We have broken the distribution network,” Assistant U.S. Manchester but I don’t go there. remarks and proposals of the Rev. wrong. I was psyched for this he worked in tandem with conser­ congressional ban on U.S. govern­ North’s briefings for contributors a Oliver North ... proved to be an r ’That’s because the Federal Deposit Insurance ,, „ „ Attorney Phil Halpem said. That Is my choice. I hate to think David Samuelson in his recent season. Because I couldn’t play vative fund-raiser Carl R. “ Spits” ment aid to them. money-raising gimmick. effective fund-raising ploy.” someone can make that choice to. Open Forum letter. one game, is that lack of Corp., which by law insures deposits up to $100,000, * me. However, In a free society, Growing up on Orchard Street commitment? also stands behind uninsured deposits in the big people should have the right to adjacent to the park, I can recall Baseball is m y favorite sport. I banks as a practical matter. The reason for this de-^ open a business of their own (the many hours of pleasure in playing would neVer miss a gam e if I could facto Insurance of uninsured deposits is that it’s * ~ R ic h n o t necessary to instill confidence among the L American dream) Just as I have a games and just walking along the help it. When I was leaving after right not to frequent it if I sochose. paths enjoying the trees and the first game, the coach yelled megadepositors and avert a panic. It would cost thb ; SNAPPINESS IS It has been said that the family wildflowers. With other youngs­ and swore at me and then at my FDIC far more to make good on the insured e x citin g , m unit today is shirking Its responsi­ ters, we played sandlot baseball mother. I couldn’t go back to the deposits of a big bank than It costs to keep one ...AN EASY CHOICE bility to society by not teaching on the field just below the form er team after that and play for a afloat. r r their children right from wrong. I Lincoln Elementary School. On coach like that. I think there is This in turn means that big banks are safer to ~ p o ll sa ys will go with my children and make hot summer'days we Interrupted something wrong with a coach if have your money in than small banks (which the ]□!, this decision with and for them, our game to run down for a cool he comes to a double-header with FDIC can afford to let collapse, paying off the NEW YORK (A P) - A new SNAP SNAPPIER insured deposits). It*8 a snap with and not ask the rest of the town to drink from the springs. only nine players after starting survey of America’s rich reveals make it for us. Now. as I walk with my dog out with about 15. that moot of the moneyed aren’t SMAPpers SNAPPEtrS It seems to me this gam e is through the park. I feel badly that We don’t have a lack of “ riveiboat gamblers.” “ J.R. Ew­ ” ageless.” -It may be tor toddlers, it has been so neglected. On commitment in Bolton — we have Hard timaa all ovar ings” or yuppies. BESTSELLER 4 H.R HLVACS* So who are they? The answer is elementary age children, teens, several occasions I have seen our a lack of coaching. If it’s any consolation for the many unemployed' GNb YouMOREI deilressingly dull. Cl lN? oil workers in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana, parents, grandparents, singles, Laotian families enjoying walk­ “ All In all, the upper-affluent are *399* MOREFttunr couples, blacks, whites, and I ing and picnicking and their Mark Yavintky their Soviet counterparts are sharing the misery , MOREVVraalWly "You muat be the folks who are here to talk traditional, middle-aged Ameri- A REPEAT OF LAST MOREFMkMM guess my point Is that it will be children happily wading and 83 French Road caused in the oil industry by the worldwide glut an d. citts with a highly-developed work YEAR'S SELLOVTt MORESmtngiWMiA about a defense contract." what we make it. It does not have fishing in the brook. In addition to Bolton the subsequent rollback in prices and production. ethic and sense of family values,” e Lonvesl Price E w WWi So Msny Fm Iutm ! PRES* Our intelligence analyste estimate that the Soviet" •'« said the survey, conducted by Louis ■ SOi Fofwsrd SpMdt Vfa h.p. Briogt ATTACHMENT Union, which depends on oil exports for about 78 •" Harris and Associates and Issued SNAPPER SAVE percent of its hard currency, loses about $800 Thursday hy Cigna Corp. RIDER LAWNMOWERS UtaTO million for every $1 drop in the price of oil. The The typical rich person is 48 years amonmcaamASSSSSbr $69* Memorial Day Is not just for veterans result has been a substantial cutback in production;; old end married, with a $142,0M ■wniuii income and a home worth FIWS* and layoffs of oilfield and refinery workers. $299,886 or more, the survey said. • M odtl 280855 A$54” Memorial Day is traditionally a time to presidential elections could allow the voice of the .joirmiPD VALUE He or she — 88 percent are men — wlMrwcaltfw remember the Americans who have died in the powerless to be heard and to share in decisions that 8 h.p. Rider with 28" cut Mlnl-MiHoriiri has grown children and a spouse country’s wars. However, there are many affect their lives. -includes bagger And Now...The Same VWue In a Hardly a day goes by without some unknown o r " who works. ALSO AVAXABLE WITH KEY START casualties off the battlefield, too. Racist, fascist ideology is on the rise, especially Push Modal - 213510*299^ forgotten politician announcing his intent to run foy “ The knoet remarkable thing among unemployed youth in England, Belgium, about those distinguished by virtue $1299w CIvtIlan casualties still occur through bombing, president next year. (Former Gov. Who? Water Thomas L. Germany and Italy, as reported in May edition of of having more money than others beatings and acts of genocide. Genocide Is the Mother Janes magasine. Commissioner Whom?) What strikes us about this ' • Is Just now unremarkable they e M odel 3311X55 deliberate and systematic destruction of a cultural, Stringfellow outbreak of White House fever is the one thing that-'' are,” the survey said. SNAPPIEST political or racial group. This kind of vicious killing FEDERAL AOEN’TS recently arrested several all the modest candidates have in conunon; “ A lot The Harrii organisation con­ 11 h.p. Rider with 33" cut aiCLUOES: happens In the world dally and the victims are members of American Neo-Naii splinter groups in of peoplebave asked m e about running.” W e’d like.. I ducted the survey by making -includes bagger usually powerless to effe^ vely defend themselves. V7 nine states. Some of these people wanted to to know more about these anonymous questioners'' random telephone calls to wealthy , RIDERS neighborhoods around the country, Many African, Aslan, Arab, Jewish, Indian, Latin overthrow our government and assassinate key and their nnotives. A fter all, it makes a dirfeisnce I f • M599” ASBUSHELSaWLE American and European people have died through thequery, "W hy don’t you run for president?” interviewing 899 people with a REARBAOQER officials. minimum household income of Cfwtear I .the years. about his experiences as a survivor at first. He is a I listened to a speech by Canti Lisa, a black kx>mes from an influential party power broker or, ” " ’ Agf7S*ll6LUE $199,999 or a net worth of $800,000, A l s o . . . FROM I agree with Jewish survivors of the World War II courageous man. social worker for the Episcopal Diocese of say, from a harried spouae who just wants to get a d " "MONEAMmCAWS eXduiUng the value of their home. mr/murrmnSSi Holocaust that the world must never be allowed to Johannesburg, South Africa, at St. M ary’s Church underemployed politician out from under font O n e of the moat surprising things e 21" 8slf-Pro|>sllsd AwvommliMMo *999* ormimmmm forgot that atrocity. As Spanish writer CMorge FLAVIN INFORMED me that he met with in Manchester during March. Lisa told about the the poUators found was how easy it 4 h.p. Model #21402P MDce Satanya once said, “ Thoae who do not learn form Coretta Scott King, widow of slain civil rights recurring problems facing South African blacks w n to dial up and interview a rich , htatory are doomed to repeat It." leader Martin Luther King Jr., at Ebeneier Baptist and mentioned that he could be put in Jail as a person hy phone, said Harris M79»* All ethnic groups have a right to be treated fairly. Church in Atlanta, Ga. Flavin said he hopes that subversive in his country. However, a priest, 10 President Humphrey Taylor. No Down Psymont ^anrliTStpr lirral^ i ; The study concluded; “ Uppei^ Easy MonXily Paymanis The d ty of Hartford has held a few Jewish and black Americans can become close parishioners and I were the only ones who had affluent Americans are not. by and As Low SS *20 For Month commemoratlvos on this auhioct and channel M, allies again. founded tat 1M1 questions tor Lisa after the church service. large, what have conne to be the phbUc televtsion station, recently aired a Memorial Day should be a time to remember I agree with Episcopal Right Rev. Robert pem vM .sicm RT...... eurntm ' eepreaented In the media as a group .jtMMiarUtL,. n ln ^ r t documentary enttHod ” 8hoah'‘ — victims of segregation In India, Central America, Appleyard that people need to use citrisUan values CAPITOL EQUIPMENT CO. DOiMlLASA.aeVINS...... bM uSM M S er M undMUge. overpaid and arrogant (Jewish word forannihUatien). Rabbi Richard Japan, the Middle East, the Soviet Union and the at times in lieu of obtaining more material ADCL8 M. AIMIL8...... No m ISSar secent graduates of the nation’s top Flnvln of Temple Beth Sbelem synagogue in United States. I do not want to see a return to "legal possessions. The common good of humankind can ALeXANDSn OmCLU...... AMoeUMtSSer , businsss and law schools. 38 Main Street Mnnchesler toM me that that an test C a H ^ High apartheid” (a phrase coined by the Rev. Jesse make a difference toward equality. DCNISC A. wods m s ...... AOMrtWne Dtatclor '> "Unencumbered by the baggage W.H. PREUSS SONS, INC. student has written a repeit about the Manchester, CT Jackson) as It was in the deep South over so years MMtKF. AadAmS ...... O m Im m Ms m s w H what’s often called the 'me 228 BO STO N TPKE. (RT. 6 & 44) psgeholegicnl Impact on the Helecnust victims. I a ^ . Americans need to work together to alleviate Hramas L. Stringfellew, a lengUme Mnacbester •HB.DON OONCN...... Oempedns ISsMSsr. geaeratiea,’ they (the rich) seem to , rend In the r*^wtnl last month that it was difficult NOaOtT M. HUMAtaO...... Fiw m em Wlweesr BO LTO N, C O N N E O TIC U T • 643-9492 social problems of the poor who live in ghettos, resident, writes eccnsisnally nbsnt Issnes at JtANNt O. mOMBmt...... OreutaMonlSHtsser' a m b ^ the bast of traditional 643-7958 in r rwarilbid RahM banc Arigder to speak Indian r%serv«iuc.'';, rrlsons and shelters. The 1968 latereat ta nslaerity graaps. Amarica.” t - MAWCHBWER HERALD. FrklW. M w 11.1117 MAWCHEiTEW lfg|tAU>. rfldw . M «rg. liW ~ t 2nd vote unlikely

to that 9M.6 million bid will be about SPORTS ______H.66 millioB in engineering and Mw«r eoatUlUiit pm a re i SB appll- other coata, bringing the total to catloa to the itate for the money about, HeuaUa aaid. Bocoonry to cover the entire coat. Whan the gl4.S million Ja aub- One reason the town will not need tracted from that total, it leavea an the addMoBal money la that It IIS,IN,Ml. That figure can be Playoff-tested Celts" teach Pistons lesson plana to create a amaller contln- covered with the |1S,M1,SN Man- gency fund than firat anticipated. cheater la eligible to receive In “ It’a tighter than we like to have granta, Hauatla aaid. By Howard Ulman of those 06 points and Dantley had fourth quarter. Thomas and Dan­ aoen It ... but it’a very double,” Mancheoter ia under federal Tbo Aooeclottd Prtot 22. They would combine for Just tley, who finished with 24 points, Hauatla aaM. eidara to incraaae the holding three field goals the rqst of the way. also had trouble scoring in the In addition, he noted that the capacity of Ha treatment plant no BOSTON — The playoff-teated "W hen we got down (Iqr nine) we second half and neither hit a field amount approved by the atate in that the waate can be treated for a Boston Celtica knew niiat to do came back with a vengeance,” goal in the final 14 minutes. granta laat year waa baaed on the longer period. H ie effluent flowa when they got in trouble. The Boston forward Kevin McHaie said. "T he Celtics were ke^ng more old eatlmated project coat. Since into the Hm Brook and into the Detroit Pistons are learning the "They were running away with It. on me in the second half and I was tMa haa now grown, the amount of Hocfcamim River. hard way. They were playing great, dribbling looking to make the pass," said granta will likely alao be higher, The federal Environmental Pro- When Islah Thomas and Adrian between their legs, having a good Thomas, who rebound^ well from Heuatie explained. tectioo Agency haa ordered that the Dantley were piling up points, the time. We said, ‘hey, we can’t let this a O-for-24 shooting performance In Fred Brunoli k Sona Inc. of Hockanum be clean enough to allow Celtics changed their defense to happen.’ ’’ Tuesday night’s 104-91 loss. “ We Farmington aubmitted the loweat flaking and awlmming. The work focus on them. When the game was the Celtics took off on an 10-6 were trying to get something of four blda opened April 16. Added muat be done by Dec. SI, IIM. on tho line In the fourth quarter, the run that gave them a 74-71 lead with established inside." Celtica dominated. 4:26 left in the third quarter., But the Pistons didn’t get much When the Eastern Conference "W e had good control of the game scoring help from their Mg men. final moves to Pontiac, Mich., for early in the third period," said Center Bill Lalmbeer had Just two games Saturday and Sunday, the Thomas, who led all scorers with 36 points and forward Ricky Mahom Inflation rate rises outlook might not improve much points. "Then we took some bad added three. Neither scored in the M for the Pistons. . shots on the next four possessions first 44 minutes. Centiaued from page 1 "W e ’re going to have about a 8 "T h e Celtics are a proud team ," and the Celtics got back.” percent inflation rate in 1967. Let’a Detroit Coach Chuck Daly said The Celtics led 86-68, then got nine “ It doesn’t matter if you acore aame aa In March. face it, the beat newa on inflation ia after Boston’ s 110-101 victory of the next 10 points In a nearly two or 20 If your team w ins," said April'a price Increaaes were over.” ’Thursday night gave it a ^ 0 six-minute span t»build the margin Lalmbeer, whose team would have wide-ranging. Food coata were up The increase in the CPI was not advantage in the best-of-seven to95-80wlth.8; 18 remaining. But the won If he had scored 20. He was the 0.S percent, while energy pricea, nearly as sharp as April’s 0.7 series. " I ’m sure they feel they can Pistons weren’t finished. game’s leading rebounder with 17. atlU rebounding from laat year’a percent surge In wholesale prices, win In our building." With Vinnie Johnson getting six The Celtics got good production coUapae in world oil pricea, alao equivalent to an 8.0 percent annual Boston, the NBA’s defending of its next 18 points, Detroit cut the from their Mg men — Parish had 20 champion. Is seeking its 17th title. lead to 108-90 with 49 seconds left. A roae O.S percent. inflation rate. points and McHale 10 — and from Detroit Is In the thiM round of the For the firat four montha of 1987, "The markets clearly over­ Then Boston scored on a layup by their substitutes, who played well conaumer pricea have riaen at an reacted to the 0.7 percent gain,” playoffs for the first time in its Greg Kite and two free throws by early In the fourth quarter while annual rate of 6.0 percent — said Donald Ratajcask, a Georgia Hanid ptwlo by Tueker history. McHaie' as the Celtics clinched the giving the starters a rest. compared to the 1.1 percent In- State University economist who “ The Celtics did a good Job victory by scoring seven of the last creaae for all of 1986. Economlata spedaliMS in price activity. Musical scientists adJustiM to things we tried," Daly nine points. Even though a sprained right have aaid they expected Inflation to With today’s report, he said, “ the said. ’^We’re learning in this “ It’s fun to score," said the knee kept starting guarii Danny AF photo continue In the S percent to 6 markets may be relieved that which was held Tuesday and Wednesday night at the series." seldom-used Kite, who was playing AInge out of action for the second First-place winners, Including eighth-grader Wendy Boston's Dennis Johnson (right) keeps at Boston Garden. The Celtics won« percent range for moat of the year. inflation at the retail level,” while Metcalf, center, seventh-grader Tyler Miller, and school. The project they're looking at examines the effect "They made the shots when they because center Robert Parish had straight game, Boston won for the Aa import pricea riae, some higher generally than it’s been for had to arid kept their composure," fouled out. "That’s not necessarily 84th time In its last 35 games at the basketball away from Detroit's Islah 110-101, to lead the Eastern Conference Y ninth-grader True Nguyen stand by one of the winning of music on plants. domeatic manufacturera. In turn, the past four years, "has not Detroit guard Joe Dumars said.. what we (Boston’s substitutes) Boston Garden. It Is 15-0 there Thomas during Thursday night's action final series 2-0. have raiaed their pricea. intensified any furthei;.” exhibits at the llling Junior High school science fair. "W e should have taken our time have to do to help the team win. against Deti'oit since losing Dec. 19, "T h e declining dollar ia putting The Labor Department gave and come down and executed. Playing good defense, taking care 1082. upward preaaure on foreign produc- these other specifics on April price Instead, we got careless." of the bail, rebounding and getting For the seventh straight playoff their way to a seventh triumph and we held home court, now the in the critical moments Thursday era to raiae their pricea. To the activity: Dumars’ layup with 0:56 left in loose balls, that’s what the bench series — all four last year and three a spot In the championship round pressure comes to them to keep It night, Daly isn’t sure a return home extent that they do that, it doea give e GasoUne prices were 0.7 per­ Parks group recommends 4-acre park the third quarter gave the Pistons has to do." this year — the Celtics won the first for the fourth consecutive season. alive." will provide much relief. domeatic producera the opportun­ cent higher at the pump after their biggest lead. 08-86, after they Larry Bird led Boston with 31 two games. They also won the first "Two to zero Is a huge advan­ And, after watching Boston domi­ "I t ’s going to be tough in our led 59-54 at halftime. Thomas had 25 points, hut was scoreless In the six of those series and are well on tage," McHale said. "The fact that nate his team In the first game and building, too," he said. ity to raiae their pricea,” aaid increasing S.S percent in March. the firm could obtain and give to the It approved plans by Derekseth Mountain reserve. Donald Streixhelm, chief economiat Home heating oil prices rose 2.5 By Goorgo Loynn The commission, though, re­ ‘ I town for recreational use. Homes of Windsor to create a for Merrill Lynch of New York. percent after a 1.4 percent gain the Herald Reporter jected plans by builder Lawrence Brindamour said that there Is a 2.25-acre open field that could later While the falling dollar "ia not previous month. Fiano to provide a 4.6-acre tract of ’The developers of a shopping lack of recreational space In the be developed by the town into a going to cauae inflation to go e Grocery store prices were up facility for Little League baseball, open space for a subdivision off through the roof,” he added. 0.4 percent while restaurant meal mall in northwest Manchester North End. Vernon Street. ’The panel said the Cards’ Dayley impressive in return “ We’ll have lots of children up football or other sports. The field costs rose Just 0.2 percent. Vegeta­ should provide the town with at parcel does not lend itself to being least a four-acre recreation area there... and we want a recreational would be built on part of a 180-acre ble and fruit prices rose 1.4 developed into a sports facility "I can’t remember the last time I somewhere in the North End, the area,” she said. parcel on which the firm plans to By The Associated Press this season,” said Forsch, 4-1 but percent; meat prices gained 0.2 because It is long and narrow. hit one to center.” Dernier said. Advisory Park and Recreation Asking developers to provide build 98 homes. f with a 4.82 earned run average. "I percent. 'The commission instead en­ For the Record Commission decided Thursday. some recreational space has be­ Hie firm also agreed to build a The game was pretty much In NL Roundup really haven’t pitched well all year, "Maybe In Triple-A. But I knew It e New car prices were up 0.3 20-car gravel parking lot on town- dorsed a proposal by the town to use hand for the St. Louis Cardinals but In the games I’ve pitched, we’ve was gone the minute it hit the bat.” The panel agreed to write a letter come more common in DAanchester a more rectangular 4.5-acre parcel. percent. Used car prices gained 2.1 and other area towns as new owned land at the foot of Case when Ken Dayley came out of the scored a lot of runs. The homer was off Reds relief ace percent. to Town Manager Robert B. Weiss Mountain. The lot would be used by Recreation Director Scott Sprague John Franco, who gave up his first asking him to ask the Homart construction iessens the amount of bullpen for anything but a routine Dayley had the surgery per­ ‘T ve been winning and I'm e Housing costs rose O.S percent, hikers. Derekseth also plans to give said the tract could be used for happy for that, but overall I don't run in 14 appearances. Beverly Dodge of Mancheater, Development Corp. of Chicago to open areas avallabie. Commission outing. formed by Dr. Frank Jobe, who despite a decline of 0.3 percent for the town 25 acres to add to the Case basketball and tennis courts. like my ERA.” Injured in a head-on craah Saturday provide the space. Homart plans to Chairman Joel Janenda said he is The Cardinals led the Atlanta repaired damaged ligaments on the home maintenance and repair He must like his batting average PhllllM 6, Dodg«ra 3 on Weat Center Street, waa a build a 785,000-square-foot mall in encouraged by this trend. Braves 7-2 when Dayley replaced inside of the elbow and transferred expenses. — .429 on nine hits In 21 at-bats — Jeff Stone hit a two-run homer In paaaenger in a car driven by Kevin the Buckland section. Brindamour said that years ago, starter Bob Forsch in the eighth nerves. • Clothing prices were up 1.5 including four doubles, a home run the first inning, Juan Samuel and Piaani of Andover. Genevieve Under town zoning regulations, developers were more careful in MHS student charged inning Thursday night. The Braves "Usually it takes about l ‘A years percent in a sharp reflection of the and six RBI. Luis Aguayo later got solo home Smith of Coventry waa a paaaenger Homart Is required to preserve 6.5 providing open space. "Now we had runners on first and third. to come back from that type rising cost of imports. Eric Paul Burnham, 16, of 256 ity officer at the high school found Terry Pendleton extended his runs and the Phillies won for the in a car driven by Edward Standiah acres of iU 65-acre site for open have to stop it and get land, one way Dayley got out of that, aided by a surgery,” Dayley said. "But you • And natural gas and electricity Kennedy Road, a student at Man­ 26 marijuana cirgarettes In a hitting streak to 18 games with a fifth time In six games. of Mancheater. The paaaengera space. Earlier this week, the or another," she said. double play, and retired all three can’t ever be positive if you will 2 prices, taken together, declined 0.3 Janenda noted that some other chester High School, was charged pocket of a Jacket Burnham identi- batters he faced in the ninth inning. come back, and I have a family, so I two-run double in the third inning as Los Angeles got consecutive were incorrectly Hated In Tuea- Planning and Zoning Commission percent. towns require developers to either Thursday with possession of mari­ fled as his when he searched St It was an impressive return for the was looking at other options if it St. Louis won for the seventh time In home runs from Pedro Guerrero day’a Herald. rejected plans for the space the The April increase left the index juana with intent to sell and with Burnham’s locker. eight gomes. and Mickey Hatcher in the second. company has set aside because part provide space or pay the town left-hander who went on the dis­ didn’t work out. at 337.7, meaning that the same money so that it can develop possession of drug paraphernalia Police reported that a marijuana abled list July 13. 1986 and under­ "It’s just unbelievable that I’m Phillies Manager John Felske goods which cost $10 during a 1967 of the land was in a detention basin, after marijuana was found in his pipe with residue, a roach clip, and Cub* 8, R«d« 7 likes what he sees from Stone, with and could not be used by shoppers recreational areas. In Manchester, Phil Gamble Cliff Robinson went surgery on his pitching elbow out there.” Gerald Calve, aenior vice com­ base period cost $33.77 last month. though, developers are required to school locker, according to a cigarette papers were also found. last October. Strong relief pitching by Dayley Bobby Dernier’s two-out homer whom he feuded in spring training. That’s $1.24 cents more than the and residents. Manchester Police Department Police were called to the high "He’s much more under con­ mander of the Veterana of Foreign Commission member Dorothy preserve some open space but not 'T feel relief and gratitude. It’s and fine pitching and hitting by in the ninth won a longball festival Wara Poat2046, preaeilted an award aame goods cost in April 1986, when create a specific recreation area. report. school by Principal Jacob Ludes. hard to believe," said the former starter Bob Forsch paced the in which Cincinnati’s Eric Davis hit trol,” Felske said. "His confidence the Index stood at 325.3. Brindamour, who proposed that the School officials received an ano­ has grown. He now does a lot more to the winner of the VFW Voice of letter be sent to Weiss, said the However, the town can make Braves pitcher. "When you un­ first-place Cardinals, who re­ a three-run homer, his major 2 Democracy conteat. He waa incor­ The full index is not adjusted to Burnham was released to the nymous tip that that Burnham had Gamble and Robinson dergo major surgery and pitching mained .007 percentage points league-leading 16th, a 470-foot shot. things right than wrong. That’s recommendations to developers, eliminate predictable seasonal space would not have to be adjacent rectly identified in a photo In and on Thursday the panel — which custody of his grandfather and marijuana, police said. When he is your life, you look at other ahead of Chicago in the NL East. Dernier's homer, his third of the what we’re looking for.” price fluctuations; the other figures to the mall site. She suggested that was searched and none was found Mike Schmidt left the game after Thuraday’a Mancheater Herald. there may be land near Union Pond is only advisory — reviewed plans ordered to appear Thursday In opportunities. It’s Just amazing. I Forsch allowed 10 hits but only season, was the fourth by the Cubs in the report are. by two other developers to set aside Superior Court in Manchester. on his person, his locker was regain their eligibility guess that’s a credit to modern two runs and helped himself with and the seventh of the game. It five Innings with what the Phillies recreational space. According to the report, a secur­ searched. medicine. Thanks to Dr. Jobe and two hits and two RBI. carried over the 400-foot mark In said was a mild strain of the right center field. side. STORRS — After a good the kids are In good shape.” he thank the Lord.” “ It’s was a typical game for me 'U u. % ^ iU i Obituaries »CAKD CARD recruiting campaign In which said. the University of Connecticut Gamble will return to UConn signed six players, the Husky Sunday t(^ attend a 'summer are no calling hours. basketball program received session in order to build toward Carlton’s advice Ell P. Rutchik Katherine Brodin Memorial donations may be more good news Thursday with his degree. Robinson has been word that sophomores Cliff selected to a Big East Confer­ Eli P. Rutchik, 71, of 19 Florence The funeral for Katherine made to the Glastonbury Visiting Robinson and Phil Gamblehave ence all-star team that leaves St., died Thuraday at hia home. He Brodin, who died Wednesday, is Nurses Association, 647 New Lon­ WSM regained their eligibility. June 9 for a tour of Australia. helpful to Snyder waa the huaband of Lillian (Snyder) Saturday at 10 a.m. at the John F. don Turnpike, Glastonbury 06033. Robinson, a 6-10 forward who Robinson and Gamble were Rutchik. H em ey Funeral Home, 219 W. Conni was the Huskies’ leading scorer accounting for 44 percent of League. Joined with batting coach He waa bom in Norwich, and he Center St. Burial will be in St. By Chuck Melvin averaging 18.1 points per game, UConn’ s scoring when they Bobby Bonds to keep Snyder's had been a realdent of Mancheater Bridget Cemetery. Calling hours The Associated Press and Gamble, a 6-4 guard who were declared ineligible. UConn spirits up during the stump. for more than SS yeara. Before are Friday from 2to4 p.m. and 7 to9 Q m doesn’t believe retiring, he waa employed by THANKSGIVING was averaging 11.1 points per finished 9-19, winning only three CLEVELAND — Some of the best “ I knew I could come back,” p.m. games after the pair was lost. Snyder said. “ I know what kind of Multi-Orcuita Inc. in Mancheater. NOVENA TO ST. JUDE game, missed the last 12 games advice Cory Snyder got during the He alao worked at the former O holy 81. Jude, Apostle and mar­ of the ’86-87 season due to Robinson and Gamble were worst slump of his career came player I am.” Dorothy Funk tyr, great In virtue and rich In mlra- in holidays. academic ineligibility. lost to the team last Jan. 24. from an unexpected source — Underwood Corp. in Hartford. He Manager Pat Corrales had oles; near kinsman of Jesus Christ, While grades won't be availa­ They will rejoin a squad radi­ pitcher Steve Carlton. waa a veteran of World War II, Dorothy (Andrews) Funk, 82. of benched Snyder for Wednesday lahhlul Intercessor of all who In­ ble until next Thursday. Gam­ cally different from that one "He Just talks to me before aerving in the U.S. Army Air Corpa. Port Richey, Fla., died Wednesday voke your special partronage In T he banH will be closed night's game and had used him as a at a local convalescent home. She Q m ble and Robinson said they with the addition of freshman games.” Snyder said Thursday He waa a member of the Diaabled time of need. To you I have re­ tomorrow and Monday for recruits Lyman DePrIest. Mur­ late-inning replacement Tuesday. Veterana and a member of the was the wife of Bernard Funk and course from the depth of my heart received word Thursday that night after he hit thtee solo home ray Williams and Marc Suhr, Snyder showed signs of ending the Mancheater Senior Citiaena. the mother of Robert H. Funk of and humbly beg to whom Qod has they have met the requirements runs as the Cleveland Indians beat the holiday. But our Conni Junior transfer Willie McCloud slump with a two-run, ninth-inning Beaidea hia wife, he ia aurvi ved by Manchester. given such great power to come to to regain their eligibility. Gam­ the Minnesota Twins 6-3. "He tells my assistance. Heip me In my pre­ and sophomore Ivan Powell, a homer that won Tuesday's game. aon, Ira Rutchik of Mancheater; a Besides her husband and son, she automatic teller will still be ble said he was told he needed a me to get a mental picture of the sent and urgent petition. In return I transfer from the University of "I think that (the rest Wednes­ brother, Samuel Rutchik of Waa- is survived by a daughter, Clarissa 2.3 grade point average and game, to see yourself hitting the promise to make your name known on the job 24 hours a day at Maryland who can practice but day) helped me relax,” he said. aaick, N .Y.; and a alater, Clara Sinagulia of Fairfield; a sister, and cause you to be Invoked. finished with a 2.85 while ball well.” 0 Emily Chapman of Portland; six Say three “Our Fathers, Three Q m Q m convenient locations all Robinson, who needed at least a will sit out the games this year Snyder had only seven hits in his Blyleven. 3-4. also gave up solo Wiggetman of Waltham, Maaa. and then have two years of The funeral ia Tueaday at 1 p.m. grandchildren; and a great- Hall Marys and Qlorlas." Publica­ 2.0 GPA. will be on the Dean’s previous 70 at bats before he hit two homers to Tony Bernazard. his tion must be promised. 8t. Jude around Manchester. eligibility left. They’ll Join re­ at the Holmea Funeral Home, 400 granddaughter. List for this spring semester solo homers off Bert Blyleven and fifth, and Mel Hall, his sixth. In five pray for us and all who Invoke your with a 3.0-plus GPA. turnees Jeff King, Tote George. another one off Mark Portugal for innings of work. Blyleven has Main St. Burial will be in the A memorial service is Sunday at 2 aid. Amen. This novena has never Use your Conni-card. If p.m. in the South Congregational UConn' Coach Jim Calhoun, Steve Pikiell. James Spradling, his first three-homer effort In the allowed 16 homers, most in the veterana’ aection of the Eaat been known to fall. I have had my you don’t have one, stop by Robert Ursery and Greg Cemetery. Calling houra are from Caiurch, Main Street, South Glas­ request granted. obviously was elated. “ I'm Just major leagues and only the I4th in majors, after surrendering a major very happy with what the kids Economou. 11 a.m. until the service on tonbury. Burial will be at the K.M.O. and apply for one. So you Indians’ history . Joe Carterwas the league-record 50 last season. AP photo did. They achieved their objec­ It’IKbe a different looking Tueaday. convenience of the family. There Q m Q m last Indian to hit three homers in a "The ball was really carrying, 9 can enjoy your h olid a y-an d tives. Summer school starts Husky squad in ’87-88. game. He did it August 29. 1686 really going." said Minnesota Man- Cleveland's Cory Snyder (right) Is welcomed by One that includes Robinson have your bank right l[iere next Tuesday and we’re making against the Boston Red Sox. „ager Tom Kelly. "But Bert knows after belting a solo homer our plans based on the fact that. and Gamble. Carlton, who hit 13 career homers how to pitch. There's nothing I can teammate Tony Bernazard ^ Q m when you need it. while pitching in the National tell Bert Blyleven.” against the Twins Thursday night. The Indians won, 6-3. CONNI^Locations: Manchester-Spencer St. at Shop Rite Plaza; (siKis Q m Caldor’s Shopping Center; Manchester Memorial Hospital; AutoBank" Corner W. Middle Tpke. & Broad St. Foyt doesn’t follow his own advice and hits wall 8 Main Oflice-Purnell Place Entrance E.Hartford-Putnam Bridge Plaza; Burnside Office had to withdraw altogether because The Speedway said Thuraday driver in the lineup, has motored off Into the first-turn wall. He Infield. Foyt got out of the car by East Windsor - Sophia’s Plaza (Rtes. S & 140) By Stave Herman he had no backup car. himself, lim p^ a few steps and fell that he was continuing to Improve The Associated Press more than 10,000 miles around the suffered a leg cramp but was IZZO POOL CO Andover-Andover Shopping Plaza checked at the Speedway's infield Simon, who then was the 34th to the ground. After a few minutes, and was being fitted for a neck Speedway's 2>A-mile oval, and he Ashford-Junction Routes 74 & 44 fastest qualifier, got Into the race as he got up and walked to an brace. Drivers Johnny Parsons and Established 1932 (Mil Q m has won the race a record four hospital and was cleared to drive. Mansfleld-6 Storrs Rd. (Rte. 19S) INDIANAPOLIS - A.J, Foyt, the the first alternate. Jim Crawford, alao injured in times. He will be making a record Foyt's top lap ln> Thursday's ambulance. South Windsor - 973 Sullivan Ave. most experienced driver in the ‘ ‘ We’ ll definitely use the earlier crashes, were expected to All Above Ground Pools 30th consecutive start on Sunday practice was 205.714 mph. Tlie He said he was limplQg-be^ause Tolland - Route 195 history of the Indianapolis 500, backup." Patrick said. "We’ve had of a leg cramp. Otherwise, he was be released and would attend the (Mi^ should have taken his own advice. and, although his car sustained fastest speed was 211 515 by pole- plenty of time to test It. We tested It unhurt, and was pronounced fit to race, the Speedway Bald. Danny with this od. Good thru S/2S/87. "I had a meeting with all my moderate damage in the crash, he winner Mario Andretti. Assuming Foyt's car can be last week, and It's ready to go.” race. Ongala also suffered a concussion 7 rookies and told them, ‘Don't be out said it is repairable. Fittipaldi qualified for a fourth- In a separate crash and was ruled Foyt had Just cautiohedhis rookie repaired by Sunday, he will keep his "A .J .'s OK,” car sponsor Jtm there racing cars in traffic.' And row start, but the backup car would medically unfit to drive. Q m teammates, Stan Fox and Davy starting spot on the inside of the Gilmore said. "H e went through the then I turn around and do It have to start the race in the 33rd Three-time winner Al Unser took Jones. not to take any unnecessary second row. But another crash on hospital OK. He's limping a little Telephone 6461700. myaelf,” Foyt said. over Ongals' car and qualified for a chances during Thursday's prac­ Thursday, by former Formula One position. bit, but he's fine. I think what'll Member FDIC. Equal Opportunity Lender. Heading his first four-car race "I Just lost the back end, and the- seventh-row start. Unaer’s team­ t e l tice when he got caught In the champion Emerson Fittipaldi, have to be done Is the men will have team since 1970, Foyt crashed right rear hit (the wall),"'.said mate. two-time winner Rick Mears, turbulent air behind drivers Derek forced him to the back of the field to put in many good, hard hours to during the final two-hour testing Fittipaldi, who spun once in turn had the second-fastest practice Daly of Ireland and Dick Simon, the and set off a shuffling of the rest of put the car back in shape.” period Thursday, sending his crew three, went 400 feet Into the wall and speed, 207. IM, on Tliursday. l i t oldest driver in the starting field at the lineup. Thursday's crashes increased to back to Gasoline Alley for round- continued along the wall another Other speeds during the Anal Q m & m age 53. Fittipaldi's car was damaged too 23 the number since practice for the the-clock repairs to the damaged 420 feet. "1 don’t know why It practice included tw.088 mph by "The car was running good. Just a severely to-be repaired, and car race began May 2. car. happened. I wasn't going fast. I was Michael Andretti, Mario’a 15-year- little loose.” Foyt said. "I was owner Pat Patrick said a backup Four drivers were hospitalized, The track is closed today and trying some new tires. Including Firestone twice. His old son; 20S.M0 by three-Umc 1 . 1 0 - e ^ going to pull it in and I thought I'd would be substituted for the race. as Q iM , ©c®s ( ^ Q m Q m G Saturday. The next time the S3 cars "I was by myself and there was winner Johnny Rutherford. tOS.MT see what the car does in the dirty It’s the second straight year that a latest crash, last Friday, totaled his ' m s : are fired up on the track will be Just no traffic,” he said. * race car and sent him back to the by defending champion Bobby air. and it Just took off.” crash during the final practice before the 11 a.m. EIST start of the , Foyt’s cor hit the wall, crossed Rahal; and Mt.TM by formar in 12-5 Ilie rear end of Foyt's Lola period forced a lineup change. Last hospital with neck fractures and a Qu^ Qis^ Qm Qm race on Sunday. the track and come to rest In the concussion. . winner Danny foillivan. QsU Q m Foyt. at age 52 the second-oldest wiggled to the right and the car took year, Dennis Firestone crashed and M A m m n n n tM W . rrtdm>. n •mirnrnt uhwmimmmjutaia,Mm n iT ¥ u w n » m a ji* m a iu a u J U ^ M 3 m t w nM T W iw ri um .iCTfa m m McEnroe In the middle of controversy once again Manchester squads continue winning ways DVESSCLDOHr, We«t 0«r- McEnroe led M , 4-1 and waa one play Indoora If there waa no chance HaMaco Grand Prtx aupervlaor McEnroe rofiMed te apeak te the group matchea Hi the |TM,4M — Mi- — - — — fliMijr (AF) » Mm McEnroe, Int from a aenrlce break when to play ootdoora," aald tournament Ihomaa Karlberg wamedOMidtly- media afierwarda. event. WHH vopiiviiivrc JHn Kltsoek Jaffe, and Bill Kennard and Craig agefn at the center of a controv- Kavjr ralna halted play on the director Herat Kloaterhemper. era to play or "face the conae<|oen- Gilbert then completed the V.S. Henri Leconte and Thierry Tu- makHig fm first VIYsrsHjr start a Track Phillips. ^arnr, and Brad Gilbert gave the outdoor court Ion mid-aftemoon. “ But he changed Ma mhid and waa cee," Kloaterhemper aald. victory almoat If houra after the laane toat their ahMiea matchea to oaa, Manefiagtar High HoSo Rovadbp ^UmbNl Statea an anbeatahle t-S Offldata aald McEnroe, Efflillo among the pfayera arguing," “ We had to promfae the apecta- match wHh ArvonHsa orlMsotly f^ H i, wHh the doubles of their nippad Olastonfeury Higti, M , in CMt girls tplH began. The right-hander from * 6-t! lead over Argentina Hi the WorM Sanchei of Spain and Vllaa were lO^V bI pp^W^^n r0gliRQ< ivlw is heat-of-thrae match, serlea held IfitarcdiifaraMa diaiMnd action HAMDEN - The East Catholic Team Cop tennfi tournament on Involved In three houra of heated An announcement by tournament waa neceeaary to prevent aerfoua Fledmont, Cam,, broke Vllaa' over until Friday, c Thursday at Manchester Ccimnun- H i^ Mils' track defeatod llniroday. i diacuaalona over a dedelon by offidale M mlnutea after play waa damage to the atadHim," aald aerve In the aecond game of the Sergio Gaaal coated Tuiaane M , taatn Uy College's McCormick Field. West Haven, 68-68, and bowed to McEnroe defeated Martin iaite tournament organizere to awttch ftOppVQ Mill vfUwQ nUWmWu Wt Kloaterhemper. Anal aet to aet up the victory. 4-4 ju*t before raHi washed out play ^ 1 ^ , S hrlpip r t seee. Tetafs m The YietdiT was the seventh Hi a Hamden, 7^66, Thursday after­ S-4, S-1 before Gilbert downed their matchea to a nearby covered 4,000 to the nearby Indoor atadhim. McEnroe needed Juat two mln­ on the outdoor courts of the row for Manchester, its nth Hi the noon. Senior Kathle DeMarco led Gnlllermo Vllaa S-S, 4-S, The court leae than two milea from the But many left when play utea, II aeconda to complete Ma DefendHig champion France waa Bochuaclob. Leconte waa upset by s-4. had last If games, and moves the the Eaglesby winning both (he 1666 remaining dooblea match wilt be Rochueclub alte. reaumed almoat three houra later. victory over iaite, wHmlng five ousted from the tournament after Emilio Sanchec 4-4, 4-4 on the ifanandPe^)^KH sock and Qolf Indians to 13-B for the season. They and 8866 meter events. Tina little held “ At flrat, McEnroe aald he would The playera Anally relented after atralght pointa. loaing the aecond of their three Indoor court. ^ Tridsf. are back in CCC East Division play ... 'klftpck) LP- WerfMnffen copped the 666 meters. Sue Murphy East triumphs today at South Windsor High at S: fO Pats win again won the long jump, Jackie Johnston HEBRON > The East Cathoiic p.m. took the high jump, Brenda Mozd- H i^ golf team defeated Ellington KHsock, a young left-hander srho COVENTRY - Forced to do K all zierz securM the (Hscus, and the4 X over iigain because a protest was High Sehooi, 414-0226. H iP —Lorkln by Notts. team. Metzmaker is a left wing and backup goalie. Aldo's P lito 11, Mudville Nine 11, IMO says the Fiyers also are suffering nipeg (four) end Detroit (five) and 2-2, K eith R ealty 1-2, Strono Real Estate Cirdli»li ,B rivN t from fatigue and It may be the had an extra day to rest before the 1-1, N assitt Sports 1-3, M a n ch M te r Pire 10:S7 — O rom nn, Stoum , C onntrs, Baoeban 7 final started last Sunday night In and P olice 0-4. Rtlay 4-Mlle applications avallabit reason they find themselves down 'IW- Llponskl, King, Paul Sullivan, 8-6 to the Edmonton Oilers in the Edmonton. G o tf STLOUIS ATLANTA Applications tor the MCC New England Relays 4-Mile Road Uttle Mias L. G lgllo Wrhbt ObrhM best-of-seven series. The Flyers, meanwhile, played Waat SIda 11:11 — J. D am oto, W ood, B. Brldge- Coleman If 4 10 0 H g llct 3 00 0 Race on Sunday, June 81, are available at the Manchester Herald six first-round games against the mqn, Corroco Amirtein Lugui itindlngi O S m lthis 4 1 1 1 A T h o m s u 4 0 10 "It's not Just the Injury factor," Edwards 347 routed Pood for 11:16— N. Nordttn, Dullto, Schotta, office at the switchboard during business hours weekdays Rangers, seven In the second round Thought, 12-3, at Poganl Pleld. Tim Pndltn3b 5 1 2 2 DJomes It 4 0 3 0 Clarke said as the Flyers looked W ood JCIork 1b 4 0 2 1 D M r ^ rt between 8:80 a.m. and 8 p.m. against the New York Islanders and Weeks, Olen Bolduc, Joe Ratolc, Steve Llttla Rllaa Ronball CouMry Club 11:2S — B o tto lln o , Johnson, Thom as, Rest DhfWen ahead to Gome 3 tonight at the MIchoud, and Dan Donovan each had W L Pet. G l McGee ef Entry deadline Is June 10 with walk-ins accepted on June 17 and a very physical six-game series O g ttw itc t H e r r ft 4 0 1 0 Nettles 3b Un4 110 Spectrum. "We've got to start tw o hits to lead the w inners. A rin e Pink, Little Miss Softball League action Following arc the starting times tor 11:31— Boblgon, Pllklngton, MePar- New York 15 IS .625 — 18 from 0-8 p.m. at the lower buildings at Manchester Community against Montreal in the semifinals. Tim Wing, and Doug Rasklf had two Thursday saw Fuss and O'Neill defeat Member-Member Golf Tournament to Mllwoukee 21 15 .563 2 O auendrf 4 1 1 0 V irgil c looking at burnout." tland, Harpole Lakec 4 2 2.0 g ^ ( i a > bingles apiece tor the losers. Nosslff, 6-2i Westown Pharmocy be held Saturday at Manchester Coun­ 11:32 — H. O ardella, Ldnsburg, Toronto 22 16 2 College. Entries the day of i lie rce will be accepted between 8 and Ironically, the Flyers find them­ Coupled with 10 pre-season Standings: B.A. Club 3-0, P urdy trounce Charter Oak Vets, 114i Hour try Club. Baltim ore 20 20 5 Forschp 3 1 2 2 Z lm lth p 0; 30 a.m. Entry tee is 85 per, |7 after June 10. games end 80 during the regular Perkins, HlllnskI D oyleyp 0 00 0 ONealp . 00 selves in tbe same situation the Corporation 11, Blue Dx 3-1, Edwards Gloss Cleaners demolish Carpet Fac­ S:SS — J. Moffat, J. Walt, Ansaldl, 11:46 — Romoyko, Harvey, E. Ander­ ^ o l t 16 20 .474 6 M7 2-1, T h rifty Package Store 2-2, Pood tory, 27-2;, and Village Cuts outslug B reien ski Bosto 17 22 .436 7W O Rnckph Prises will be award the first 10 finishers including the first Calgary Flames faced last year season, the Flyers are looking ot son, A. Pyka O lynnep iSi tor Thought 1-3, North United Methodist MSM C, 21-20. S;03 — J. Gannon, B. Maher, Carln- Cleveland 13 _27 . m 11 oSSS three males and three females. Prises will also be awarded to the when they lost to Montreal in a their 112th game tonight. 1- 3, Cox Cable 0-4. For Fuss and O'Neill, Michelle Brown oer, Sletfert W e ttM jts I^ Bendetph While the Philadelphia players homered and singled while Sandra 6:10 — Rosenthal, Novak, Copeland, RIInnMhiug Pet. GB TeMs 66 7 11 7 T e tik M i first three places in all divisions. There are seven age divisions five-game finale. Hoyword and Kerl Gallo each had two G lgllo Kansas City 22 ‘"is -SB (14 and under, 18-18, 10-20, 30-30, 40-40, 80-64, and 08 and over). Last season, the Flames were In a won't admit It. opposing players Woman'a Rac hits. For Nosslff, Corrlg Freeman and 6:17 — Jardes, Radabaugh, T. Leone, W O M EN'S l e a g u e — Tee to green California 21 12 .S» 2W StLeuls g a record 22 playoff gomes and were a think they see tell-tale signs AP photo Bobble Porlato blaved well. For Wes­ S. Leone — M a ry Burns 37, Jackie Onderdonk 36, SeottTe 21 12 developing. DeCormler Nissan trounced Gorman town, Jennifer Stanley, Shera Brown, 6:24 — Poganl, K. Gordon, S. McFar­ Mary Wllhide 46. Low Gross — Mary Oakland r tired team when they met the Insurance, 12-2, a t C harter Dak P ark. Sara Rowe, and Julie Burnett hod three land, F. Trocy A g rllh o 55, Happy Cass 62, M a ry Ann Minnesota 20 20 .SDO 3W S)tM 'tG u'Sr'A«iiiJa1. Surgery for Ojeda set Saturday Canadiens for the NHL champion­ "It looked like they were running Flyers' goalie Ron Hextall keeps an eye on the puck Karen Diiedlnskl craked two doubles Texas LO B — S tL o u ls 10, A tla n ta 7. IB — and a home runjehlle Debbie Tedtord hits apiece. For Charter Ook Vets, 6:31 — R. Gordon, D. Franklin, B. Rflev 66. Low P u tts - A n n Anderson IS, 16 21 .432 6 ship. When the Flyers ploy on out of gas in the third period (of during Qame 2 of the Stanley Cup final against Missy Jolly, Jessica GIroulard. ond Flynn, G. Stddon Agnes Tublak 15, M o ry BIsI 20, M a ry Chicago 14^ 22 .362 7W Pendleton, Fprsch, OJqmes. SB—DJomes NEW YORK — Pitcher Bob Ojeda will undergo surgery Gome 1.0 4-2 Edmonton victory)." homerd and hadllKpslneies and Noreen Karen Jurctak played well. For Village 6:31 — C. Maddox, T. Atamlan, B. Edwards 12, Carolyn Dupuv 12. y's. (2). 1—ZSmIth, Forsch. 8F—McGee. will mark their Edmonton. The Oilers lead the series, 2-0, going Into Long added threemlts for DeCormler. Cleveland 6, Minnesota 3 Saturday morning to repair a nerve problem In his left elbow, the 23rd game in the playoffs — Edmonton defenseman Paul Coffey Por Oorman, Anne Prlgnono had two Cuts, Dawn Fellows had two grondslam Sander, P. Rosetlo home runs while Stacy Kellogg hod tour 6:45 — S. S a rto rl, L. G rot, W. Holm es, Only gome scheduled IP H R ER BB SO New York Meta announced Thursday. breaking Calgary's record. By said. tonight’s third game In Philadelphia. tilts hits and Cathy Ridel addd two singles. D. P urcell Tillwood Lidlii Standings: Century 21/Llndsev Real Forsch WA-1 7 10 2 2 1 4 The injury has sidelined Ojeda, an 18-game winner last year, comparison, the Oilers have played Edmonton center Craig MacTav- For MSMC, Betsy Ryan and Nancy 6:S2 — A. Gamer, Taylor, Solo, T. Low Gross — Kathy Reynolds 62, Chicago (Dotson 1-4) at Boston (Cle­ Estate 4-0, Hungry Tiger Restaurontll, Lo w ery mens 13), 7:35 p.m. D a v ie / 2 0 0 0 0 0 for the remainder of the season. ish said he could "definitely see games against a physical team like Keenan said. "We set a franchise Decormler Nissan 3>1, Allied Printing Wengertsmen had three hits each while N icole D o m orllan 62. Low Net - - O loro l five fewer games in the playoffs. Amy Oliver end Jessica Yost played 6:52 — W. Dittmon, Bolsoneou, R. W lllom s 67, Sally W hitham 70, Meg D etroit (M orris 4-2) at Minnesota (Viola Altantp Dr. James Parkes, the Mets' team physician, and Dr. Piske Last season, the Canadiens had fatigue becoming a big factor In the Calgary last year.” McTavIsh said. record by using 40 during the 2- 1, M a in Pub 1-2, D.W . Fish 1-2,well. The For Hour Glass, Jennifer Pave- McMahon, K. Wlgrtn 14), 6:05 p.m, ZSmIlh L.41 5 6 6 5 3 3 Hom estead 1-3, O orm an Insurance 0-4. M cC arrIck 71, R ita Beebe 72, B arb ara ONeal 1 3 0 0 1 0 WarrenI the team's associate physician will perform the finished off the New York Rangers series. After all, the Flyers are "When you play tough bump-and- season.” lack slammed two homeruns. Including 7:06 — M. Clough, W. Ferguson, Larson 76, B everly M e lv in 76. Cfeveland (NIekro 13) at Milwaukee o grand slam. Kris Blake also homerd Bonadits, C. McCarthy (Wegmon 14), 6:3S p.m. Olwine 2 1112 2 operation at Roosevelt Hospital. The Mets said they will remove early In the Wales Conference final coming off a tough, grinding grind hockey for a full series, it The Oilers may not be as tired as Low Gross — Shoron Caruso S6. LOw Forsch pitched to 2 batters In the 6th. AEaat while Moggie Long triple and played 7:13 — M. Warren, H. Dvorak, Net — M aureen M o ite r 40, A lice Young Kansas City (Lelbrandt 12) at Texas "an Irritated nerve from an irritated area in the leR elbow." and nod virtually a full week off to series." takes a toll on you.” the Flyers, but certainly have not w ell. Rooche, Maick (Loynd 1-0), 6;3S p.m. W P—ZSmIth. been exempt from the fatigue Manchester Medical Supply defeated 7:20 — Morlorty, Cyr, Mlstretta, 45, Rolonde d o r k 46. New York (Rhoden 41) at California Parkes said the operation is "a commonplace procedure and is rest up for the championship round "I remember how drained and "So farr we’ve had 36 playoff Gentle Touch Car Wash, 14-S, at F lttg e ra ld (W itt M ) , 10:35 p.m. not career-threatening, t anticipate him being able to pitch (or while the Flames battled through a sore we were after going seven performers," Flyers Coach Mike factor. Robertson Pork. Rick Burnett led the 7:27 — Dexler, Buccerl, W. Irish, Ballfmort (McGregor IS) at Oakland Phllllii6.DodgiriS winners with three hits while Andy H oenthal Atlinti CliMle leorit (Haas 14)), 10:35 p.m. the Mets in 1988.” lonoto, Denis Wlrtello, Brian Sullivan, Gymnaatica 7:34 — E. Kelly. J. Devoney. D. Toronto (Johnson U ) at Seattle (Bank- LOS ANGELS PHILA Russ Bilodeau, Roger Talbot, Jim McKee, W. Oleksinski head 12), 10:3S p jn . Sabrtt’ Cyr shot In robbtry try Jackson, ond Bob Fish added two 7:41 — D. Smith, Lottnilo, Living­ Sox lb M Thmnpet pet 5 1 2 0 blnoles each. For Gentle Touch, Brian ston, Medielo Chicago of Boftgn, 1:0S p.m. DuneonM If 5 1 1 2 BUFFALO, N.Y. — Buffalo Sabres left wing Paul Cyr Sonics’ Ellis wants to be more involved Moran and Mike PrestI had two hits 7:46 — McNamara. Koyt, Kennedy, Clotslc p t o i^ on the 7Al>7-vard. par-72 Baittrnere a t Oakland, 4:0S p.m. Lo nd rxe t each. WInIngar'a H orvath Attonto CountDCountry Club course; Detroit of Minnesota, S:0S p.m. M odlck3b apparently was shot in a robbery attempt In the Dominican 7:55 — Clccogllone, McCarthy, Ho­ ClevelaM at MlhNwikee, 6:35 p G u e rre rlf Republic but was In good condition, the NHL team said today. SEATTLE (AP) - "More min­ "I don't think there's any pres­ and Houston Rockets before them, "After the game I felt rested. I felt 9 The USFO state championship was ran, Thibodeau insgs a ty at Texas, S;3S p.m M H M r r f have figured that curtailing Ellis' like I could go out and play another Nartharn held lost month In Danbury. Nine 1:02 R. Marsholl, DtlMostro, 'Team spokesman John Qurtler said the team's first utes" Is wlat the Seattle SuperSon- sure on me to have good games, but schools, Includlno WInInoers' Gymnas­ Bobby______W ^kins l n Sdosctac Ics’ Dale Ellis says he needs If his time cuts down on his chances. game. I wish the referees would let L .M . G ill dum ped T rosh-A w oy, 11-0, Ottovlono, McCollum Lonnv Wodklns Stubbs lb Intormatlor., based on conflicting reports from a woman I am disappointed in my perfor­ tics ot Manchester took port with 1:02 — Macolontt Parity, Glovlno, Russ Cochran RW ftm sct PorrtKc llh 4 00 0 Jteam is going to come from two mance during this series.” he said. So It's not surprising that Ellis me ploy,” at Robertson Prrk. John Ossowskt led Wlnlnger's Class III boys' team placing Jackson Leonard Thompson traveling with Cyr, was that he was In Mexico at the time of the L.M. Gill with three hits and Tom third In the all-around. Greg Takoudes 6:16 — J. Shea, P. Tttts, Dobkln, games behind on Saturday to defeat "I have to play better for us to have has met with foul problems early in Maneggla added two hits. Tom Zowntr plactdplaced stcondsecond inIn tntthe oii-orounaall-around rertor mthe t Dove B orr shooting. ^ « 1. 1. the Los Angeles Lakers In the NBA the first half, cutting down on his ondBiirChudsIk hod three hits In defeat. O 'R ourke Mike NIcelette Cyr, 83, was In a cab In Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, a chance." ID S dgt group. In th t 10-12 ago rgoup, 6:23 — P. Foster, Evtihoch, Dent, Chip Beck Western Conference final But his opponents don’t want to playing time M Ikt Moron was third with an ovtroll Wranesday night when a robbery attempt occurred and he was Zwick Jqck Renn. The Sonics host Los Angeles In give him that chance. It seems the "I could get more shots It I could Diiaty s c o rt o t 02.4S. K irk R ingbloom was 6:30 — Hogan, Schilling, DINIcolo. Tom Sleckmonn shot, Qurtler said. The bullet entered Cyr’s abdomen and exited DAILY stcond with a scort of 72.4S w hilt Jtff C h ^ m o nI B obLohn the third game of the best-of-seven Lakers, like the Dallas Mavericks play a tow more minutes." he said. W o rd ------Monutacturingj. routed M on- Rckhoust plactd first with o tool of L. Annum, Vtscev, Downing, m v e P ah his body, Qurtler added. series on Saturday, and in Game 4 tweter Athleticitle Club.Club 1S-2,2, (a t Keeney 72.7S. Takouots, Eckhoust, and RIngb- Clough Corey Povln "He had surgery, which was deemed a success, and he is in 8 m d. Steye-teve NIelo homeredhomi ■ fo r W ord lorn oil oualltltd tor tht rtglonol m ttt W.WW6:44 — Moron,rutwf U21* fMWTtIWII#KItrnon, IKWItWfQuick, ^WKerr fl on Monday. RENTALS lie Bob Prost smacked_____ fourh hits lts v ^ lle which was htid May IS In Mossachu- 6:51 — H. Murphy, B. Sullivan, Bert good condition," in a hospital, Qurtler said. Ellis is caught in something of a from ilign Lohrer John Caldwell, Rick StNs. Joy Gannon, Stan Sttvtns. and rown, LoChopelle Catch-28. In the playoff games Mika, andond MlMike Angelgw added three MIchatl Porlno wtrt other S;Sl — Enpberg, McAuley, Turner, Manchester. Eric Porno participants. M cC orth y' Curry to tako on McCallum where he has had more than 88 l » l ? ; n d threeRBIs; 2:05 — M. Shea, D. Shea, Pyko, shots and totaled more than 28 PiM DuiHM't C olem an NEW YORK — WBA junior middleweight champion Mike points, the Sonics are 6-6. They are 9S 2:12 — B. Jones, Anderson, Everett, McCallum will defend his title July 13 In Las Vegas, Nev., against F irliv Patti Dunne's Cfoss III optional team 1-6 In the other six games. Peormon, R. DINIcolo, |GI- former undisputed welterweight champion Donald Curry. For Ellis, the conclusion Is TONIGHT K A S S I t S , ! , novon, O. Martin, C. The announcement was made Thursday by Top Rank tnc. obvious: more minutes mean more 7 nl, Hgssett __ which is co-promoting the tight with Main Events Inc. The shots. Calaadar — M. Lembo, Davidson. Ober, 18-round bout will be held at Caesars Palace. "I vrould like more shots. If my RED SOX vs CHICAeO 7:30PM 19 — A. welmon, Curtiss, Medsr, McCallum, 31-6 with 88 knockouts, has won all five of his title teammates are missing. I'd rather Ako araFiMat O^stjmochlo^^^^ ^ Dovis. Ovens, defenses by knockouts. Curry. 87-1 with 86 knockouts, has won be taking those shots.'^he said. "I AffordRbiG two tights as a junior middleiveight since losing his welterweight urould rbther It be on me than on WGGk Glut M onthly 21nd|er, S;M ■ n s * — Wilks, Tomklel, BoruMo, titles to Lloyd Honeyghan Sept. 87. them." RGntGl RitGG .c h ,3 % In the first game of the series, ivontrv, 3:1S O. MOV. Barton, Herman, Miami atrangth coach charged Ellis shot just 13 times to accumu­ ich^tjjr, S;M *~V6r6S — B ehllnp, A 'D o p p o lin o , O o in , late II points, and the Sonics went 646-0128 down 62-67. He had only 16 shots and tsz: Scholaatic D. Marshall, Eoplesen, Crotp, MIAMI — A University of Miami football strength coach was ot Hartford arrested on charges of trafficking inbodybulding steroids as U.S. 81 pointa In the se co n d game, when *^,;22 — Mlone, K. Comeou, Welsh. Customs agents launched a nationwide crackdown on the the Sonics w e re defeated 118-164. •a.' Ellis had previously been a )— Breen. M. Anderson, W. Hen, practice. . . ^ . Pat Jacobs, assistant football coach In charge of strength and centerpiece In the Sonics' suprising Lyni;h Leasing success In the playoffs, but he’s 436 W.CK24Tlft STRICT ____ — B. Hunter. J. Hunter, B. conditioning, was arrested after Customs agents seised steroids, I p.m .» -i^ le v Cup Rnol; Oilers at tried to avoid discussing the issue ot hypodermic needles and cash from his apartment, authorities MANCHUTIR , A n d re o ll, D ietarte. iRlhdwfuh at anetangn, 7 « p.m Seattle's over-reliance on him. Jphnsen n. Lem M Heuitan, 1:35 p.m. pm * — Yankees at Anpets, said. 1P;n — Herder, Grier, Roberts. M ontreal M Ben Olepo, W:6B p.m Chonnel^V WPOP Until now. p itch ed a I Steponskl MANCHEiTEBl

.*) I - 1. F O C U S / Mets say Gooden Bums scorches W e e k e n d - 1 right on schedule course in Atlanta have to be aggressive. The days of tMs visit, HorwHt saM, was Ms BvfdSfMsrar §ttiW 0lk0r The AfsaefafMl PrsM msMng pars (and winning) are Wickham Park prepares for holiday fSJAiMdOtMl breaking batto. In hto first start at probaMy over." ^ Tidewater on May it. be worked ATLANTA — George Bums, a Breaking par wasn't a Mg deal In NOKfOUC, Va - TIm N«w York three shotout Innings of one-hit ball, the Ideal condKlons - overcast but was very wild with Ms curvd lt-ye«r veteran of the POA Tour, ■y Nifiey P«ppM Mfta Mjr Dwf iM CtaddM to rf ght Ml •ays the competition Is much gadegree weatitor wHh no wind. m ImM« fM* Bto fwtoin to the mator and off-speed pHcbes. tougher today than H used to be. Elgh^-elgM players broke ftof and Herald Reporter toagaaa. Yat the ramitt atitl don't "He was ravinaabouthlscorve," 18 others In the field of 188 Hiot even HorwHt said. "Hs aald It was the 'Tlie Mds today are better, totowH. stronger and are taking care of par. The field faced a second-round You tMnk you’re overwhelmed wHh gardening Ooodm wai again Incontlatont best hook he has had stneo early In cut today to the low 79 scorers and the 1998 season." themselves better," Boms said tasks? Tbanday nfgM in hto tMfd atart 'Thursday after shooting an 8- ties. alnea ntMarMna cocalna raliabfll- In Oooden’s previous start last under-par 84 for the first-round lead Bums had a steady, bogey-free Jeff Maron plants 10,099 tulip bulbs every year. tation^oiteMniflx Inninfa for aaaa Saturday for Class A Lynchburg, he In the 9989,899 Atlanta Golf aassic. round, scoring three of Ms elgM Now that the blossoms on those have begun to fade, AAA fktowatar In an ••• viotory pitched four scoreless Inninga of Bums posted Ms score early In Mrdles In the 18-28-foot range and he and his staff of three are putting more than 99 ovar Malna. two-Mt ball, but only half of his 8t the day, and withstood a torrid pItcMng In from 30 yards away for gigantic trays of annaafs into the ground. Ho did, for Uia flrat tlma, throw frftebes were strikes. This time, he MnUe-blrdfe-eagle finish iv one of another. Chrysanthemums by the score will follow the Ml eunre ball for atrlliaa, aoma- got the ball over the plate more those youngsters, 23-year-o1d Davis Love finished his 88 by sinking a annuals. And each day, the staff Is busy grooming thing ha wantad to work on. often and Maine hit Mm. 80-foot eagle putt on the 499-yard "We were trying to be patient, Love III, who shot a 88. bushes, pruning trees, edging and mulcMng beds. But hla faatball lacked alp and the "They play for keeps," Boms 18th, his second eagle of the day. He ’Ihat’s what it takes to keep the 218 acres of Ouldea appeared to time It, tagging laying off that high-rising fastball," •aid of the younger players. alao eagled the 880-yard, par-8 No. 8 Mm for nine Mta. Several of the said Kevin Ward, who hit a hard Wickham Park on West Middle Turnpike looking "They’re mentally tough." when lie sank a 28-foot putt,and their best. 'The private balle were Mt hard, Including two of double. "1 think Dwight Is Just Boms had no reason toanticipate missed a 8-8-footer that would have throe doublea Oooden yielded. getting his arm In shape. But he’s Ms score on the hilly, 7,087-yard, given Mm another eagle on the park, left In a trust by "He aeemed to have pretty much human." par 71 Atlanta Country Club course. 848-yard 11th. Clarence H. Wickham fun velocity," aald luilne^a Alan The Mets are hoping Oooden will No one should have been sur­ "The eagles definitely made the when he died in 1948, Is a Laboeuf, who alngled twice and be ready to return to the majors prised at Love’s effort. He was day," Love said. "The finish turned popular oasis on the walked agalnat Oooden. during the first week of June. They playing on the course he grew up on a mediocre round Into a great Manchester-East Hart­ Oooden won hla flrat declalon of would like Mm to make his first when his father was the club pro at round." ford border. Btaff the aeaaon aa he allowed three runa, start on June 8 at home against the Atlanta layout. Love bad started slowly, making Pittsburgh. members have spent this only one of which waa earned. Hla "This Is a total surprise to me," par on the first five holes and then a week preparing for the fleldera helped him out. though, "He’s getting Itchy to get back, •aid Bums, who had missed the cut bogey on ihe par-8 sixth when he throwing out four ninnera at the but he knows it’s a progression," Memorial Day weekend, In four of his six previous came up short of the green. frequently the most busy plate. Horwitc said. tournaments. "1 remember playing here when I Oooden atruck out aeven, many Stottlemyre aald he thought ‘Tve never played well here," was 13 or 14 and hoping to break three-day period the park with hla Improved curve. He Gooden had "good command of his added Bums, who got his fourth 80," Love said. "I’ve got a lot of experiences. walked two, the leadoff battera In curve later In the game." OBorga Burns gives a small wave to the fans as ha pulls career victory at the Andy Williams good memories here." "Last weekend was the flrat two Inninga. The Mets keep Insisting that Widely acclaimed for his driving beautiful, and we counted Oooden, 22, Is not being rushed back his ball from the hole on the 18th graan during first-round Open earlier this season. "This Is a "He didn't have hla rhythm play In the Atlanta Qolf Classic. Burns took the lead with real plus for me." length. Love said. "I would rather about 2,000 cars coming early," admitted Meta pitching to the Mg leagues, and say this "I just came here with more of an be recognized for my play than my through our gates in the coach Mel Stottlemyre. "You don’t period is similar to a spring an 8-undar-par 84. aggressive attitude," he said. "You distance." aee him walk leadoff men like training time for him. That makes two days," said Maron, that." It hard to Judge exactly what who has been park Oooden threw lOS pitchea, 68 for Oooden should be doing by now. director for nine years. atrlkea. The Meta had aald the 1MB But the Mets have already lost "That comes close to our National League Cy Young winner Bob Ojeda for the season with elbow Rizzo leads rain-delayed LP G A championship all-time weekend record. problems, Sid Fernandez Is having would throw between 80 and 90 of the LPOA Championship to hone as a late afternoon thunderstorm ‘Let’s make the LPOA the goal and If the Memorial Day pitchea. knee trouble and Ron Darling Is By Rusty Millar The Associated Press her game, shot a 88 to take a ended piay with 89 of the 144 players use the other tournaments as holiday Is as nice, we’re "He felt like he could have struggling. As It stands, Oooden still on the course. practice rounds.’ ’’ going to see record usage pitched another Inning," Meta wlllTlxely make two more starts In 1-stroke lead before a downpour the minors, with the next one on MASON, Ohio — Golfers, unlike suspended play at the Jack Nlck- ‘Tve been psyching myself up for The ploy worked as Rizzo, a of our facilities." Ipokeaman Jay.HorwIte aald after iaus Oolf Center. the last six weeks for this tourna­ 28-year-old Florida native with two Ullking with Oooden. Tuesday night against Pawtucket. baseball players, don’t take part In Oooden did not get any serious spring training. But don’t tell that Playing In one of the first groups ment,” said Rizzo, who led Jane victories In her five years on the Park blanda woodlanda, fitide Oooden left the game with a B-8 off the tee In the morning, Rizzo Crafter by a shot. "1 had been tour, registered 10 one-putt greens Wickhams had written about 'the peaceful lead, and when he left, many In the exercise during his 28-day stay at to Patti Rizzo. Wickham Park, which opened to the public in the Smithers Alcoholism and Treat­ Rizzo, using the tournaments played under sunny skies and hitting the ball better than I’d been and birdled seven holes over the enjoyment of nature,"’ said Moran, who has been aellout crowd of 8,128 at. Met humid temperatures, then watched scoring. So I set a goal tor myself: 8,202-yard. par-72 Grizzly Course. 1981. Is a blend of woodlands and open fields. 'There Memorial Park alao departed. ment Center which ended April 29. leading up to Thursday’s first round with the park for 10 years. "That plan sounded are a small zoo and two playgrounds, five tennis more like an amusement park” Oooden took a flight to Norfolk on courts, two softball diamonds, a volleyball court Thuraday afternoon and planned to leave early today. and a fitness trail. One of the park’s several ponds Wlokhama favored quiaf atyla What pleaaed Oooden moat about has been ornamented with a Japanese-style bridge and archway, a full-sized tea house and plantings In An amusement park was certainly not what an Oriental mode. There are picnic facilities, Clarence and Edith Wickham would have wanted 8hue takes pavilions for company outings or family reunions, — at least in the minds of the trustees. They and a cedar log cabin where refreshments are sold. traveled a great deal and. when at home, seem to But In spite of these attractions, much of the have favored a rather quiet style. The Oriental challenging park’s acreage has been left to look “carefully gardens, set up by the Wickhams In the 1920s, were natural," as Moran describes It. "We’re really designed to accommodate a few friends at a time. Clippers Job wary of overdevelopment," he said. Many of the artifacts, vases and statuary seen at Tho original plan proposed for Wickham Park the park today were acquired by the Wickhams was not quite so sylvan. After the death of Edith during their frequent visits to the Far East. LOS ANOELE8 (AP) - Oene Because the estate had been open to a relatively Shue haa walked In on thia kind of McOraft Wickham In 1980, Olmstead Associates of diaaater before — and walked away Brookline, Mass.. was retained to transform the •mall number of people at a time, the roads were a winner. Wickhams’ estate, known as The Pines, Into a more like carriage paths, said Maron, and the Shue, the fourth-winntngeat public park. One set of plans included a swimming ponds and plantings were fairly fragile. coach In NBA htatory, atgned a pool, numerous softball diamonds, a miniature golf "When Mrs. Wickham died, the first task was to three-year contract Thursday to course, figure skating, hockey, and a "dragon strengthen, widen, shore up all kinds of things," become the head coach of the Los train" to pull children around the Japanese said Moran. "You had to make sure that something Angeles Clippers, who finished last gardens. that was once pleasant tor a half-dozen visitors season with a 12-70 record. would withstand the ravages of a few thousand” "This Is a very challenging Job." But the trustees decided that this would not conform to the Wickhams’ intentions. "The Not that vandalism Is a major problem, he said. Shue said. "I definitely see this as But several thousand visitors each weekend means the same kind of Job I had when I took over the Philadelphia Teers." a great deal of wear and tear. Shue left a head-coaching posi­ "You’re constantly after things, making sun Edith and Clarence Wickham tion with the Baltimore Bullets they look perfect," he said. "We set a high following the 1972-73 season to standard for ourselves." the price was raised to 91 per car. The cruising cars become head coach of the 78ers, For Instance, each and every picnic table, disappeared, he said, and yet there were no who had a 9-78 record, the worst In barbecue grill and piece of playground equipment complaints from those coming In for picnics, NBA history. In the season prior to is brought Into the maintenance building to be hla arrival. kite-flying or trail use. completely repainted. Even at $1 per car, the gate receipts and rental of Under Shue’s leadership, the But sometimes the extra work results from 78ers reached the NBA Champion­ group picnic sites only cover a fifth of the cost of ship Series In the spring of 1977, A Mother Nature instead of mothers and toddlers. keeping Wickham Park operating. The trust fund where they were beaten by the For example. Hurricane Gloria felled 80 trees left by the Wickham family covers the other costs, Portland Trail Blaaers. wblch were two feet or more In diameter. "That’s a and allows the park staff to offer free events, such This Is his second stint with the 13" RCA f 9" RCA FAMOUS MAKE AT AL SIEFFERTS fair amount of wood to haul away,” Moran said as the visits with Santa Claus. Clippers. He coached them from COLOR rv COLOR TV VIDRO CA88MTTR YOU QET MORE,.. “We see between 5,000 and 6.000 people in lOor II 1978-80, when they played In San RKCORDRR KIda uaad to coma cmlatn* days,” said Moran. They each get to see Santa Diego. Under Shue, the club had its ■ FREE DELIVERY only winning record. 43-39, in ■ FREE REMOVAL Fortunately, major storms are few and far Claus and his family In the park’s log cabin, where 1978-79. The Clippers were 3B-47 the between. For about a decade the park’s biggest they are served apples, cookies and bot cocoa. a ■ FREE NORMAL HOOK-UP problem come from kids who were out “cruising ’ ’ Even the normal park entrance fee Is waived for following year. pBICElYAS* PNICII Shue left the Clippers after the ■ FREE SERVICE 'There were three entrances to the pork — two on those days. 1978- 79 season because of a contract Middle Turnpike and one on Tolland Turnpike — Other special events during the year include an dispute with former owner trv ■ MOLID $ T A n ■ aOUD BTATt ...PLUS MUCH MORE!! Easter egg hunt, a few weekends of sledding in the ■ WIRELESS and there was no admission charge. Levin. “Kids would drive through. Just cruisin', and look winter and several cross country running races, Shue, who spent this season as a REMOTE i ** ***»*! W * ■ ERE FORMAT PURCHA55 THI8 DELUXE for their friends," said Moron. "You’d see the including the Wickham Invitational, which drew television commentator tor the *169 *219 same cars three, four times a day. The pork was 1.600 runners last fall. 78ers, moat recently was the head 10 CU.FT. REFRIGERATOR But the basic focus of the park Is very low-key. coach of the Washington Bullets, more a thoroughfare than a destination” where he took over before the CHARBROIL FISHER WRSTIMQHOU8E FOR ONLY... The decision was made to close two entrance “We’re not a program park; you can get that from 1979- 80 season and coached until 0A8 QRILL OTRRRO 5000 R n r s gates and add a 80-cent charge per car. "But that your own town’s rec department," said Moran. being replaced late In lMB-86. BY9TRM Am COMDinONKA was only a token cost, and it didn’t really slow the "What we provide in this park is a beautiful, safe In 20 years as an NBA coach, traffic down much," said Moran. Five years ago. and unique place to come and spend the day." Shue'a teams are 7B7-788. He has .e A a a a rr a m n 0 9 T F F U been named the Coach of the Year ■ QLA88 MM8LV89 twice. mrARtM m nXTURMD 9T99L “We are very excited about ■ t BMAKtRB ■ paRPBcrpoR 8KVKR9mL9 DOOR having Oene Shue as our head ORAO OR OAO ■ EXTRA WIDE coach," Elgin Baylor, the Cllppera' DOOR 9HELVE9 Vice Pretimn* of Basketball Oper- gHona, aald In a statement released by the club. “With hla ability and $169 experience, we are confident he can turn this team around. “He has proven hla ability to ha ve FAMOUS FAMOUS MAKE GENERAI, an Immediate Impact with each CMKST team he has coached." MAKE ELECTRIC Shue was one of several candi­ ftffFHfOMIArOfl ^ F R B K X K R S . AUrOMATtC .AND YOU CAN 8UY TNI8 dates Interviewed or spoken to Finsr WA8HER FAMOU8 MAKE f 9 " COLOR TV about the Job since Chaney was ■ PB R n erp o R riMB ONLY... dtomtoeed. Among them were Hu- co rrA o a BYBN. Mb Brown, John llacLeod, Cotton CAMPRR ATTNIB H O m O R Utaalmmons, Dick Motto and Don ofncM PRICBt • HEAVY OUTY NetooA. n LAROE CAFACITY The lajury-plaiued Clippers fired Dea Chaney on April n , a Ibw days ^ EVERATTHI9 after finishing the I9l9-Yr season *199 1*299 IMBELIEVAELE RRIGEI witii the second-worst record In $99 NBA Mstory—and felled to quality far the NBA playoffs for the lltn e a s y to OET TOj TERMS: straighttycnr. CASH O lppm wer* 99-191 In MASTER CARD I Msmi under Cheney, who omecium^i-ejyo liVISA Herald photoa by Reginald Pinto NBiactd Jim Lynem ee the teem’s t-39< Ij J I ® ™ P H NE- ______- _r U » U» ■ MCMONTHLY PMT. toad eoaeh lete In I9H 99. itJSSSSVSfSSf' 0 6 4 7 9 9 9 ~ ! saM hla flrtt Job to fielding IONm Y N«nr •iivteiiHL. 8/2S SUPER DISCOUNT CENTER **ltotonl totry teput iBe hoM Mem oe Me floor ttMit wo 445 HARTFORD ROAD-KEENEY STREET tosolhly eaa,“ 8 ^ eeid. “Bight MANCHESTER, CONN. SKuSn MM eaelyalM the M J oatR OABW MOR e TM uaa'm a n ita , wto, BAT. H i e. oai. t i t e. auH. HooR-8 M kk toat YB heVo e better Men of ' way wa*re getat efier the This revival of Sliakeepeaie ^u ld make tlie Bard Mandf ^ aMktoto ^BjMQP^^v VNrWVWi/ ^Vw^VOTiHe B^ dfdBB M^CStoliPiSkeCHii^ ^M^tota^ dSaSS ______r^avaaa^ wanaiaa emyea oa wna r - - oMpreaw. BgrBw!r|HSliiMMMt^'^MSW '^#« AfV pMf to i# IWIMWJK-> nw »««• d VdCdMB • m ”*ayr. JSKW fgBr Sw%f — tor* MNto m q g y g^, •¥!SS9.m J3S99L to toMTtf/fMto ffewM^pv mv a^^^e^ a v ^vaa^^^ a aav Avaa^n asaaan^ ^aiwev waa ^MMtoMto* nniaP* I jaHr apt^nr aaca^^Vf- -* ^a i ^pp ^ev HttMm ^veav to mmS m laaaMiap aaa iRi^v^^a a^par ax^paaiMtoLto^^toP mn cm . ( M ^ r M f iMiraiiwivv to mm dM m rnm i^im jfl L W SgMtal* v l« M a(« nPP Maap. iBP ^aapwap^P vara ^Idlk^ tf dldiy^ d iif iWfBt, (U&d- riniam iraaf caniuvara maw nr tAA I 1^1 ii^n u ltm^AAjMa ^^ dM Ag^dAJt mt^ eiltoiM flM eito/ iUMMMMdP flMlllBdf BdlB WMBdlMd ____ Mto aeaiM arear waica la wmrw c o t j AedA ^ fto #h« M tfm «ft* «M «M eeaw npa le piippp-■ comyieia wna ^ ^ - . . . ^ A k A ^ ^gyi^yl^to , S 4 » c^N^^^aniPy • ^a» wi^v ^wa^va w^w^ ' a^^wiNM Ham^^vf ra^v itotolteitoiMtf CTjr one w a ir aaw a a iw rw ir a e w ^ v a Ka^^a^^r Vt dd M IM k id #0A». to m ahWfBd ““ flki)^ Wdeil afMBd IBd e^in i^PiRi^ea p^wiv a^^r* ia Jd did ddP^ ddd¥r BliddddiddBd^^dd Jefd/theWdhChklnm eaaaiVT m p *“ are rvMRmRaa a >» to toi l tomtowOtoW fUtoaMt. totok « M d^ M totorr Ptofto* ( o tm f id Chow's ChkAtmy >1^ r Ji^^PHap av i^p ^aa i^pwary ▼erx M l le w parppRaia or Bddd I* MW tdPt ddf m w * M IAetimAAOtAHeWdlOfiltiiOA i^^^^ava^^nn^P j^ai^^vaj^aa a» a^HUdiw ^PBd laBPddd AdJkM did fMV«r« ‘«nto CMMdy «f Crr*M/' Bmm mHfw^ cnraciea toiifM f tottto/’ m aTtoyr- ^‘W« ^vapa^Bi^ ’ wap ^wnem^^a tor If rmtotoi pan aijlM waaaa a eaMtor aa avarwaaamaiia Awappr niax Sr^fiiW S5 3 0 ia w e aPPvai^apPW^ ja^aaa^w a» »^w toiUbP Mto# AMtoto Bid MHlMdd MVtoJtotoSwlF^ did SftrfHto^ B'dvB, Itoe// CMdtow aae m uncadap uPManaa Ilian n a a ev a n la n n . JtAAAAt^A Ad ddAAAAjd^i^^AAjdi miA maaiA mIktA VMm i miimwW f»Mt«r to Lto- aea apanea ax uraa ^*7 ^ ^dddB ^Vdd jtSSS voiawp ev ciiuipiTmwwW mmw ai^V khohoulhlooimehodid amma MtoCMtofttTMlikatoCAddfitfM. ______l» MW MM (M fiitoito _____ to KKfc ito ftSi d^d d^towap^ d^iMto uaa evaA vapir to^to^totolavwv A^d^AdMenenp^ 44^^Ai **”a* dtoto tf - - I J rr Xm dA mJd^^A P m FirtoB RtowBoi * 9 * * to M ( ftmt amut HulutfaattM CMtor tftMtof. ffe* KmtMMMV tok^toc^^an ew a ra * #dp PHO^n flp aaii fijiip. waa cwaieiv la caaaca la iPr Qnievaw rtfhill. ««ri« torfM to MM*( ttMto Mv^* «^VnBaaipI ^E|^5l,^H^ aa59 vap ^ a^^c #Ace itoP ^ov afrved WBfVP we irre were iiviiiia ver dA vBBiia^rAJl^A^AiA JOY CBtolMHf to i jm m or m m IMAMi to AM tovlMtf ftow Vwfe PToaBu pecweea laaep ininna wp wenmjdd apAtA lUb^WiMfuuaiiiia M m wHfe flw fUtfMMMV*. ^ f r otAiAA ittrA m trttim* ^LOnCll IWVTf.III, ed^oULOLAiiddLLmdAA^AdomddiA II« VX lVlrlRni7*9SBlini«X W e e k e n d w B WOK Dine In or Teke-aat 227 West Middle Turnpike Brnuto* In Brlatol Marehln* along Manchester She WM MBHl*r to Bm IMto, wHfi Mti life«'Tm Manchasfar's toamoriaf ftoy ptoddatriRhai M i - m o b ' ] i Sorry'* aM “lUKMd AnmndthoChritimAfroo." musical aatraragaMi thto yato/ wRh itMM i tm ttofWMkMd.BrMidnLMfHII flityidASiatWio tha Stawart HlgMandar fiS d, tha Mdsetoastor llalIrMrffl (A Horihoy Loto CMnjppmmM, M ftooto High School Band, tha eipMR INitrtof fifa A tToM Tudhdhy MIgM « H§ll§n MIgM, B4MM f taImi PkiltoB^^Drmoi. anowpakto^Mto ere■«»-^-*» adiuniaj^r aM^Pto^Buflodj dMto^a CoriM, tha Bannat itMdor IB eidM to Band and tha lifnndny at i and #B,ni.< and ttokata ara troo with IfHng iunlor High School Band. park adinlMlon. Ynu'lf pay |f.Mf«n«fal; to-Mfor Town Mractor Gaoffray Naah, who aarrad ntoa Prtddy, M dturddf 0 Sunday agaaltnt; ISfnraantoreltlMM; andfrMtn yaars to tha G.S. Nary, wifl ha tha parade maitokal, S p a e l a l a cMIdran f and youtigA. SatuM adnriaaiM, to eifoet Tha parade will b ^ n at d: la a.ffi, af tha Army A aftar S p.m., If Id for all adnltf«Id for ohlldfM. • Bfolted Swordfish...... Nary (^tth on Main Street. • Sootood FrwSsvote e m pamm ,,,444t4*»444i4di44» It win continue north to stop at the Vtotoam » GHMm Cordon Slsu...... O n y o u r t o e p MamorinI for a short sorrlco, Marohari wlB traoal oast on Bast ContorStraot, stopilAiforaiaryfoato « Shrinip BloMffl om O A...... 0 Vssf S Bsppsrs...... % 8 A Spring Gala will ba praaantad hy tha WIndfor Monro Bark at the World War 11add Roraaa Wir Ballat Cmpany tonight and Saturday it I p.m. and mamorials. Tha prooairiOtt wIB th(M tora arouad A M o n o d Y m a m • M ff > i m a Sunday at 1 p.m. Worka on tha program toaluda Act and march west oa Hast Caatar ftraat, soath oa BM'o-oyo view All tha Baata You Can Eat t mm - sssmm II of “Swan Laka,” and aararal original work!. Tha Linden Street and stop at Canter Bark for ipoakors. show will ha at tha L.P. Wilson Community Cantor. If you're raaBy a parade fan, you might also tako An Ifnaginsry bird oapfursd this so«n« of Plookvifis In In tha burgaoning oHIaa, ataborata tranaporfaflon Unas U fTRADA R M tavraii^^^^ 471 HsrHord Nosd •IS'tfM dW Matlanuek Ara., Windsor, tickats ara $7 to Hartford's Memorial Hay Barada, which starts 1077, airitody a Htrlvlng indusfrial oanfar. thalHNograpfi and wldaapraad Induifrlalteatlon that oharaofartoad tha ganeral, Id sanf or citlsans and chlldran II and atdp.m. at the Capitol. ItprocaadiaastonCkpItol Is ona of B5 In a naw anhtbif af tha Connaoflouf Hisfortoal lata IBfh oenfury. undar. Aranua to Mato Street. The rarlawlng stand will ha In Bushnall Bark, where tha carousaiwlll ha open Soolaty, 1 eitoabalh Sf., Hartford. AH show Vankaa prida W Hh a sw ift khsk until d p.m. T he H omestead 4 /(»« dttilHg txpptItM* Mh « eouHify 4hUou4 fiMt. Harry Arandt of Manchastar will ba among tha e b estimatad Id# martial artists participating to tha For the birdp Advice W «ekend 9p«diili 19d7 Bando Nationals this waakand to Rocky Hill. Arandt Is a mamhar of Connacticut Rando of Like to gat up early ? A bird walk will ha held at I Baked Stuffed Bay Scallops Glastonbury, which Is sponsoring tha national tha Oak Orora Nature Canter at tha corner of Autumn Street and Oak Orora Road at t a.m. w/crabmeat stuffing martial arta toumamant. Teachers leave a lot to be desired OMC Last yaar's toumamant was hold In Atlanta, Ga., Saturday. Sponsored hy tha Luts Children's L Museum, tha walk Is free for mamhars and costs |1 and attracted participants from across tha nation. Th§ eoohdown ter's urge. No rage, Thara will ba compatltlons and damonstratlons of fornon-mambars. DEAR and “Appalled In Sacramento" •9.95 ARBY: “ Ap­ were both off the mark. You should for f was uulet gentle child at Sett Scollopt Aha Available. animal form fighting, usa of long and short sticks, The film, “The Muaaum - Gateway to stage Barcaptlon," will ba shown at the museum, at noon, A costumsd Intsrprstsr ihsars a shssp fisscs washing, spinning snd wssving palled In Sacra­ have been outraged hy her first contact sparring and more. The erants ara at mento" wrote; comment - “Was this original?" when fragll dreams were crushed Rocky Hill High School, dOChapin Ara,, Rocky Hill, S and 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. The Luts st Old SturbrIdgs Vlllsgs Muisum In all wash, and try a raw almpls aotivltlsa In “My son Is In the As a bashful, timid child. 1 to dust, my pride SO Higgins Highwny (Rte. 31) Museum Is at 147 S. Mala St. D e a r A b b v In stirring plots defiled by wor­ on Saturday from ida.m.todp.m. Admission Is Id SlUfbrIdgs, Mass., during ths mussum's ths Visitor Osntar. Admtoilon Is IB.M eighth grade, expressed my dreams In stories. Mansfield ■ 456-2240 7})# HomcifEAd adults, Id children. *^wool days.'* Visitors may sss shsaring, adults, M chlldran. and 1 was horri­ Abigail Van Buran When 1 was In the fifth grade, my shiped sage. fied by the fol­ teacher, whom t Idotlxed. wrote lowing com- across a short story t had written, With wistful dreams of future Poppln* fresh m e n t h is "Where did you copy this?" 1 was goal denied, ^ IMtcIi (Bit. ^n n Biklava and baatan brats Drilling of troops English Instruc­ devastated that she would think t 1 turned the pain to fester deep You’ll have to more fast to hear tha annual pops tor wrote on hts might have cheated. It was 4«years Inside B m I lid ln 1984.M concert by the Manchester Symphony Orchestra A daylong Revolutionary War encampment will assignment; ‘Is bemre 1 ever tried to write again. and 40 years were lost, Vattd CanasetlaiH Msgssliia and Chorale. Saturday's parlormanea Is already Youll find sweets like baklava, craft Items and creatively, jewelry made from brass and mosaic, films from be set up at fort Griswold Historic Bark, Groton, this original? What does this got to class rules from one of hts teachers, Abhy, teachers who scorn and sold out, but a taw seats remain tor tonight's on Sunday from 10 a.m. to aunaet. The Second do with Insects taking over?' ft contained at least a half-doxen deride children's creative efforts until five years ago: dam opened Pfeientt A ISeui OimnlfleA Menu concert at the Lowe Program Canter of Greece, music for dancing and much more at the misspelled words. 1 wonted to are bullies. Now, 4S years later, 1 wide. a a • a a Dionysos ‘17 Greek festival, at St. George Greek Connecticut Regiment will offer drllla and “I wrote a note on the back and Uallen Cuitlne Seafood fou l Steehi HlOi Manchastar Community Collage. Orchestral demonstrations, and all actIvlUes are free, for corrected her blatant grammatical circle those words and send It back, wrote a sonnet about this expe­ selections will Include “fimnaror Walts" hy Orthodox Church, dill W. Main St., New Britain. error, hot my son refused to give It but my son asked me not to. rience to alleviate thla pain, tf you At last, the doors to writing A Dining Room With A yiew Admission Is free at the fair, which runs until more information, call 440-17M. t received a better education In a think It merits publication, you welcomed me — Strauss, and the chorale will do a medley from to her." a dream restored through gift of “The Student Prince," among other selections. midnight tonight, from ll a.m. to i a.m. Saturday Abby, you excused the teacher s country school In North Dakota have my permission to use It. Enjoy the freeh budding colon and 11 a.m. to midnight Sunday. use of Incorrect grammar, saying. with teachers fresh out of high DNWRfTTEN WORDS IN poetry. of Spring with an eoifulilte Seats ara Id, and the ahow atarts at d p.m. CoffMhoutt bluta "1 think you overreaefed. The school than my kids have received LIMBO MARIANNE MePARLAND teacher obviously made a careless In big cities with college-educated My writing suffered deep with­ McNEIL meat on the mountain. 'The traditional tunes and contemporary aouga of mistake.” teachers. Most teachers today drawal pains A circus stroll T aka It along Sally Rogers and Howie Ruraen will he heard 1 do not agree that the mother leave a lot to he desired. In one-room schoolhousc on Mid­ for Abby's booklet, "What Every Saturday evening at the conceH which cloaea the "overreacted.” ! have had seven APPALLED IN TACOMA western plains. Teen-Ager Ought to Know," send a The elephants, llamas, horses, camels and other You can pack money In your hags, but “You spring season of the Sounding Board Coffeehouse, children go through the public when 5th grade teacher scrawled check or money order for $2.50 and 90 yUlo Louisa Road, Bolton, CT 9494191 animals from tha RInglIng Brothers and Bamum A Can't Take it With You,” according to the title of tfighly oruamented banjo playing, aweet eoleea school system - my youngest Is DEAR APPALLED; Read on for _jieross my page, a long, stamped 139 cents), self- now In the ninth grade. I’ve had a view from Amarillo, Texas; "Where did you copy this?" The addressed envelope to: Dear Abby, Bailey Circus will stroll through Hartford streets the show presented this weekend at Coventry High and good humor will be enjoyed by all. firit Teen Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount MCI If MMIUI BHUM - on Monday evening on their way from the Windsor School. Performances will be tonight and Saturday church of Christ Congregational, Id 8. Main St., simitar complaints for years. My shocking stains son recently brought home a list of DEAR ARRY: 1 believe that you of caustic phrase stunned wri­ Morris. 111. 61054. CMKiT I1IM RWM MTIMlin Street rail yard to the Hartford Civic Center. The at 7: SO p.m., and tickets are Od dO general. IldO West Hartfnrd. Admission Is to. fo r reiervaUoos Chucks Staak Housa has 41-car circus train la scheduled to pull In at B p.m., studenta and senior cItUeni. call sod-dtod. lolnad hands wlfn and the animals will walk up Trumbull Street Martqrltqyil^ ai^^nars you starting at 6. The event precedes the alk-day run of ousa TB test result needs doc’s attention to the circus at the Civic Center, from tuosday Along with our Maxleon through Sunday. Cinema as chlorpheniramine and diphenhy­ manut look for; DEAR DR. Once a person changes from Prims Nib luoar llrloln negative to positive, he or she will dramine, are available In over-the- € Suosreui Ttrvokl llrloln 0 0 T T! My 11;M,l:4S,S!0d,t!U,«!tt,1ttto. continue to react that way Indefi­ counter preparations. STEAK top sirloin NSW York cut B allooning oft mother works at nitely. Therefore, your mother In addition, an allergist might be Prnh Plih SHSII Niifit.T; a hospital and needs no more skin tests, since she able to counteract the histamine- tf you've never stood In a field tilled with hot-air must have a Tfi D r . O o t t Is a positive reactor already. What effects by compounding desensltl- Included with dinnor; salad and bikod potato or balloons preparing to take oft, tt’l time to treat test every year. she does need Is close monitoring to tatlon Injections, which, when •took trios. yourself to thia spectacular sight. Eor the past two Peter Qott, M.D. make sure that her simple ex posure administered at Intervals, may Seventy-five hot-air balloons will be launched years hers have does not turn Into a more compli­ reduce the violence of your son's 4 2 9 - 1 9 0 0 from a field bealde Bristol Eastern High School, come back posl- cated and serious Infection. allergic reactions. (Ri SI. MsMlMi) Route IM In Bristol, on SaturdM at I a.m. and d tlve, but no p.m., and on BUnday at • a.m. The public Is further action DEAR DR. OOTT; My son. 5, Is has been taken. allergic to Insect biles and will DEAR DR. OOTT: There appar­ welcome at the free event, which Ik spoMiored by 1 don't see any ently are two kinds of breast lumps; A bit pottm i the Bristol Jaycees. tt will be canceled It the hospitals require annual TB tests swell with welts the site of golf sense In taking the test It they aren t balls. I've tried everything from those that can be aspirated and ^Hartford Hipad Cafe weather Is bad. BlMdso. concerned about a positive reading. tor their employees. The purpose of those that can’t. I’ve hod two PrMh lobttsrt corns out of ths hugs poti this screening program IsU to4m sltoltoM#detect skin cream to one garlic tablet Can you please explain what the dally, with no results. Can you offer aspirations In six months. I am 51. •t ths tnnusi Lobitsr Bsstlvsl, bilng hsid teat is ana whether we should be positive reactors who may require almost through with menstruatton, this wsshsnd st Mystic Bssporti r t trfrom o m 11 l l still of th e night concerned? treatment any suggestions? and would like to know more about H'eekend Special s.m. to 3 p.m. daily. Por $11 yclou^ll gst A tt your mother was skin-test thla type of lump freddle Parii and the five Bitlna, remembento DEAR READER: Tl» TB teet Is negative and turned positive two DEAR READER: Insect bites oompists lobstsr dinnsr, snd thirs wlltoTlItw ynriiicyears qago.^vs, diishe^ should have »• annual UBUally release histamine from the Fettuctnt Carabnnarra beat for “to the Still of the Night," will perform thla a skin test to determine whether a cells of the skin. Histamine Is a $ 5 9 5 pisnty of trsdltlonsl sss muste snd folk evening at I at Uoyd'a Reotouraal, to Waihlniton persnn has been exposed to tuber­ chest X-rays to make sure that she DEAR READER; In general, tTorlhrm tlitian Cuiaiiir tunss. Mondsy will bring “DSborstion culosis. Exposure we* not neces­ did not contract a pulmonary naturally occurring chemical, and breast tumps are either cystic St., Hartford. The concert, at 111 pat' Unkel, id a Infection She should he concerned when It seeps Into tissues. II causes M a riltii 9c Noiil 4iil Spumatui — n.S9/gta*> Dsyss It would hsvs bssn osiSbrstsd In benefit for Oak Hill School, whldh la oparatad by sarily mean that there Is an a reaction; swelling. Itching and — (containing fluid) or solid. If there Cailo Praterred Ckartloittiay — *f.00/||faM inifectinn that must be treated that no one followed up on her Is fluid In a breast cyst, It can be 1B70. Ths mustum Is on Aouts B7 in the Connoctlcut toaUtuto for tha Blind, fo r UokaU, TB-teal conversion from negative sometimes — pain. CrtMttOTMMti C T Ckarditittiay — *t.?5/ ria *l n ! - m ^ — BSVtHv MIDI However, a prudent doctor would Vour son appears to have a laris aspirated (withdrawn through a Mystic. Osll B7B-0711 tor Informstlon. call Uoyd'a, B40-4tdl, or Oak Hill Bohool. 141-1174. HtU. - want to make sure by obtaining a to positive. She should ask her nerale) and the cyst will collapse Check out daily luncheon and dinner sftoctoit. cheat K-ray to check lor pulmonary personal doctor to Investigate release of histamine. Therefore, he Unfortunately, the liquid may further — not only tor her health, could he help^ by taking antihis­ 378 H artford Road • 647-0489 (OwCHOKi) TB tamine medicines — tougs that reaccumulate. leading to repeated EMERGENCY MOTICI . t^p le who work In hospitals are hut also Into the hospital policy that aspirations. at greater risk tor TB exposure allows dlls sort of Inadequate care neutralise or block the effects of PITS - Polies -> Msdicsl NUTMEG VINEYARD VM M ■ pHMV MTW| Vm VEVIDWIVIE IVElnlE of Its employees. histamine. These medtetnes. such A solid breast mass Is a more than other people. Therefore, most dangerous problem, because some FBATURINO D I A L E l l **A S m a ll F a r m W in e r y * ' solid masses are malignant. Since In I they contain little, If any, fluid oa. u m iti. iwHPDMi aspiration Is not successful and Peking Duck Dinner invites you I d ^ swkANn a tunamv lor tu t root a AHRLk Thoughts biopsy has to be performed to estahiish a diagnosis a MOULT a oMn.bftkwa ro o t MuasNtn inctudea choice of soup and ATTENTION Cysts are common In women, a variety of appeUteni TOUR & TASTk » btosttton. AMtHwtti a rooM emeuLAttoN Fraquently, t hear people say, now. In the present. queatlon. Paul, however, asserts a aUMOUi, HAMMfett to n s HKL WUN. ktO. tend to he even more prevalent In "IheIhe young people arethe future of In hts first letter to Timothy, Baul tnat Timothy .despite hts youth. is a women who nursed, and often amitAitiortHnnMN the church.'^church." This------is a trueohsferva--.ri said. "Don't let anyone look down leader now. at our bssuti/ul apot on • troNTtMkDremn on you because you are young, but We would do well to remember Ductuate In stse. depending on the Luncheon Specials Mon.-Sat. don. But* what about the vtlal tote lime of the menstrual cwle. JOY fittufcsr m i Howd a ro o t a MMLk wuumtn m the ministry of the church which set an example tor the believers In Paul's words to Dmothy Young Mammograms, with or without a ro o t OBOWTHB WMM. WMWk. tuMOM, itB.) Mum p ^ le are called to assume speech, In life. In love. In faith and people aremorelhanjttstthefuture Dine in or VakoAUt of/ HT, • iu Auiloosr* CT Bonogra^y, are a useful way to O P T H R a LAtktt aUmitCAL ttCHNIQUt ti&y? TM Scriptures tell w that purity ” fl Tim. 4; It) Timothy was of die church: they are disciples dinerwntiate between cysts and Open Saturdays db Sundwyt IM wwonoav > ivsaau wpoas xviouau» wosmibi s coimsumwoo em t dod itoca Indsed work throuBt probably t o his mid 95s or ypunser, now) solid lumps. If cysts continue to fill “ 227 West Middle Turnpike BMIXI people tor the edlRcadon of and In that day. such an Innuential The Rev. Michael C. iharwMw up and he paintot. despite aspira­ Manchester T4i-940i — Sunday Salsa IVrmittsd Is people. Youth who are position was not held by a man w tion, they can be surgically b d NtotoM l^lSS mimtors of the Body of Christ are young. Bor this reason, perhaps his AsaeelMe towtar 41^ XvauAnnalkATwfioPlIlm ^W»r kAtoSMlMtoAtotoWmfWTWXWT cenelmlM diaciples of Jesua Chrial leadership had been called into Ceeter Ceesreeeilaeal Chweh removed. i Kjif Ip f KWMUMMTiBllMCi Ui-lt^..

is O O fIM fik «tWMWIW WMW a« BW- tm i m t . IMfl. NMMfO. iteW^ mMOfJt^MPi (OM Q PNw MHar CdfuB Ctifif prt/pmmf ftv nmv C M 0 T ,»5f txiwas, fieofy oyf t VMsttM ladWwi vow diMS^ fthh t»na» me MmM tiS (Wym)w.)i Mvd dW MW Ml SSt0y0^ 00 MMFV 000 mm sstotM00 iMaiy ftRMiav Aar IM00 diilPWI Dmui RbeWfUt 6MMM RB-nw rfm H w W rumf Wf Wm VtW tmf 010100. fil0FI0 r rO^n Sr.w. ff0it0a i m 4*000. IS64. ftMtad MM l0 6 '(Ww)i|Ry moaa^^^^ 400M0I00 M0ft0 i i O O F M CD CD ( » « » Wtwo IMMgiNOVW: '■MeNewr fCOAratwad 11^49PM (MWq >bwrrwm» ic c i CD TAeaWa Cowwawy Bred Oeviie w • TV heel ssfw'e eenRdif* Re CD§iSli4f ftuti ttMand dMapiyMM S000I00. ftia Si0r00ft myii0ti,Jliiihm4 Widfmik, ICmm y.^ '. 5ithomHotartOoa- eeW 1938 ill) h i IB/WJ MVWW* MVOfWOTD F BW wOTffWWiWM ® CemhMf r W W wU p w^^m ^WI^DwO»*r« W ^V * «d Anna td Otaan OaUas ICCf ^mWadbwaaiWaalt ® AMred Htleheeefi Preeaite m: n v C f D o tipm wVp M r0 M V i Df• no nvoum oin ) tagu lot now tnoaftontas, Anna Stwilay ® Hfdsiafp: iatCBawteyef Mtoffw ® Chrtetlan CRBdrmt'e PtMd tfmgm PoSMVty taravsi* AvotWm to Moen at a ptttata atihocH m Ktogapott tWma bat 9 : 0 0 P M ( D MOVW: 'fefMr Anea' A [C N N ] Nissi rilglit fM MOm flUB’o ^ BM MM»» tttuggla towtotha towif* apgtoml toad* devouttf leAgtout woman it eurpriaed (o (BSPN] tporteCenter tm to ^ornowMi. Co>-*f«* CoM««n Oo- fawrrr that tha house aha won m a poker (U S A ] Night FSght wTiurtf at MatOa Cuttitmi and Jonathan te it actutUr a brpfhaf. Ekyabelh Tay- Crotrdna at GObatt eMha. tbOnon.l Tatt 1 George fferMon, Tom SkerrMf. tM7. 12:0SAM Q) Hoop an Cndthi' or of 4 r NBA Pleyeffe Ouaeie metude Dorothy La- CD®MOVf(: 'MBeNtMWlM'ICClA mour, mutical group Compony B I'Fascm- ICBPN] MovtalMfi therepfat'a Me it ertderrgered when the eted/ 'Jam on Ma'j, emger Freddie Cermon Herald photo by Tucker |MiO] IWOVfC: 'TrIbMa' A btoadwav kMer she ayrtneaaed leevmg the scene of a j'THIehesiee Lattie,' 'Where the Action p tttt ogam mutt detd wnh ttn rosSfy M robhery end murder la reledaed from eua- It'l, comic Cory Odea end street performer hr* latmrntS Onatt and a (MWtfuf tmtmon tody due to mauffreierrt evidence. Lmde Johnny Fox. Mty be pre-empted for cover­ Purl. Yephef Kotto, Terry Lester 19B7. tMfMMNTMf lyLM PM BtrM ny With hit atliangad ton. Jaeti lamtnon, age m the MBA Ptayoffs (80 mm.) The play*$ the thing - nobbie Sonson. Lao RorrMh. 1080. nafori ® Miami Vtee ICC) Crockett and TtXrba " PG try to save the buddmg refetronahtp be­ 1 2 : 1 5 A M (HBO] Uptown Comedy "J9«y Aatt» am ^ mouth, tween e proatriufe and an undercover cop ■earaae ICC) Comody eten o im i i p o M whales, long thought to bV one of the most CD Carol Burnett end Friends Occasionally, though, the same video might appear 1 - fulhIoBB and ferocious mammals (60 min ) [C N N ] Sports Latanight country music business, especially in helping the 4 10 9 4 today it both red suits divide normally, retain a high trump entry early In 3® Clessllled Eighteen Oflets Inlorma- on MTV and on Country Music Television. 4AQ2 dummy when It may be necessary. R i , , HW. 1 C D MOVIE: The Greet Muppet Caper' llon on the latest employment opportuni [ESPN] SporteCenter The country video channel has played "Mandolin careers of new performers. "They put a face and a but It requires a little care to make 10 The muppeta act as a trio of reporters ties In the Connecllcul area (U SA ) Night Flight Rain" by Bruce Hornsby and the Range, and "Keep jiersonality with the record. They are a career builder, Vutlwrable; Both tricks If either suit falls to split. In to­ TViAVW 9-11- ■' trying to solve a major Jawel theft Charles day's hand, both hearts and diamonds A new book by James Jacoby and his Qrodin, Diana Rigg. Jack Warden 1981 9® Tales From tha Darkilde A young ° 2 : 3 6 A M [M A X ] m o v ie ; Night shift' Your Hands to Y o u rse lf by the Georgia Satellites. a star maker. It's a whole new forum for a new act.” Deafer: South woman turns Into a grant black widow spi­ misbehaved, but our pessimistic ex­ father, the late Oswald Jacoby, Is now ■ CD 3® Webster |CC| Plans lot Webaler 'a A mild-mannered supervisor runs a call girl Hitchcock is considering airing some earlier videos One young singer helped by videos Is Dwight available at bookstores, ft Is "Jacoby ',1 birthday Include an evening ol opara or der ring Irom the city morgue Henry Winkler, Yoakam, whose videos for his first two songs, "Honky Wm I Nerta Bail Saath pert took the proper precautions. Shelley Long, Michael Keaton 1962 done by rock superstar Bruce Springsteen. on Card Games, "published by Pharos THI BORN LOBBR "’by Art Bansem ■ ringside wrestling seals |R) 9® Talas ol the Unexpected A logician Tonk Man” and "Guitars, Cadillacs, Etc. Etc.,” were 1 4 discoveis hla wile is having an alfalr Rated R . "Some of his ballads are our country's music," a s MOVIE: ‘An Eye for an Eye' An ex- 1 4 1 4 Piss 1 4 West played three high spades, de­ Books. %,PgAE,ftaa^5H8'9HA)/IM6im )BLe WITH Hitchcock said. "W e are a country music channel with well received. Pass - cop has a one man vendetta against drug ® M*A*8*H 2 ; B 0 A M (HBO ) m o v i e : s i . Eimo t PlM 4 » Pass clarer ruffing the third one. South now Fire' (CC) Several college graduates dis­ broad parameters. George Jones and Bruce Spring­ "He has a powerful visual im age,” Hitchcock said. PlM AAAAAA,,. New WEAPIMfo A lP rackeleors In the labyrinth ol San Francis- 9D PELICULA: 'El Enamorado' Martin “ He motivated people to buy records by seeing him." played the 10 of diamonds to dummv's go’ s underworld Chuck Norris, Chrlalo- Corona regresa a anfrenlar mil peligros cover the pitfalls of life while trying to find steen could co-exIst on our channel.” ace and played a heart back to his Pfeiffer College of Mlsenhelmer, phet Lae, Richard Roundtree 1981 cuando un lorajldo rapla a su hijo Pedro their place in the world Rob Lowe. Judd Hitchcock, who 20 years ago. had a syndicated Country Music Television Is owned by Jim Guercio of Opening lead; K Nelaon, Ally Sheedy 1985 Rated R. Iln 4 N.C., has 868 students and a faculty of a® MOVIE: Cheeoh and Chong's ths Infante, Santa Montiel country music TV show, has a playlist of 150 to 200 Caribou Communications Co. In Denver. Twenty years hand. Next came the nine of diamonds Stereo) to another high honor in dummy. East 80: Corsican Brothara' Twin btolhera set out (I7)BCTV videos on Country Music Television. Ten to 14 of those ago, he was in rock'n’roll with the groups the to avenge the murder ol their parents in 3 ; 0 0 A M CD MOVIE: 'Sterhops' Three Buckinghams and Chicago. this parody based on the short story by [C N N ] Moneyline ' young girls take over an old drive-in res- are played four to six times every 24 hours. Another 14 Alexandre Dumas Cheech Marin, Thomas [DIB] Adventures ol Ottia end Harriet tsuranl and attempt to keep an oil com­ Chong, Rae Dawn Chong 1984 [T M C ] MOVIE: Deadly Force' A former pany from closing It down. Dorothy Buhr- (1® Olansy'a Golden Annivaraary of cop Is celled upon to track down a psycho­ man. Sterling Frailer, Jilllan Keener, 1978 Polly’s Pointers Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ICC) pathic mess murdaier Wings Hauser, CD Beet ol Saturday Night Uve Joyce Ingalls, Paul Shensr 1983 Rated R EMERGENCY Anlmaied/liva action Linda Ronstadt, (D) MOVIE: The Houee of Fear' Based Sherman Hamsley and Jana Curtin help (UBAl Night Flight on "The Five Pips" by Arthur Conan Fir* — Police — Medical Snow While end company celebrate their 9 ulce from a Jar of sweet pickles. - water dry on the dishes, 1 Just throw 1 1 :3 0 P M CD Entertainment Tonight Doyle The British superaleuth invsstigatss 60th BnnlvBta..ry in this musical aelule to 1“ them into my washing machine with a (In Stereo) the murders of members of e gentlemen's Let eggs pickle LIILA • the Disney classic Host Dick Van Dyke club Bssll Rsthbone.-Nigel Bruce 1946 DIAL 911 load of laundry. They come out spar­ (60 min I (In Sleieo) CD ® Nlghtllne (CC) [CN N ] Newt OvemIgKt In Manchester DEAR POLLY - To avoid sore kling. - M. d® Washington Week In Ravlaw (CC) CD Cannon In beet Juice WINTHROR "by DIek Cavalll [DI8J MOVIE: 'Slnbed and the Eye of ea n from earrings, keep a small tube ® MOVIE; 'A Thouiand downs' Two (9) CNN Newt social workeis try to have the 11 -yoar-old the Tiger' By Pally Plaber of antibiotic salve on hand. Dip the With warm weather on the way, ® Not Avellebla In Storee earring post In the salve before put­ nephew ol a TV write- taken away after [ESPN] Btanlev Cup Flnelt you'll be looking tor cool, luscious „ the writer quits hla job Jason Robards Jr, ® ® TenlBht''8how (In Stereo) DKAB POLLY — Your recent oick- ting It in your ear. desserts. What better treat than Barbara Haros. Marlin Balaam 1966 ® Racing from Pldnsfleld I make lota of stuffed toys, but the ted-agg recipe prompts me to tell you homemade ice cream! Polly's news­ ® Novela; El Precio da la Feme Conclu ® Hogen't Heroei necks are hard to make stiff. I cut an B L I S S ESTABLISHED 1 0 8 2 8 Whet my mower used to do and what I letter "Homemade Ice Cream" In­ Sion 97) New* empty toilet-paper roll open and roll •till do. Every time we emptied a lar cludes recipes for vanilla, chocolate, #7) Weahlngton Week In Review (C N N ) Bporte Tonight It tighter, then Insert It in the neck. of home-canned beet pickles, peeled lemon and more, as welt as recipes MOVIE: Visiting Mourn' A paycho- [DIB! MOVIE: On the Right Track' A SWARMING hard-cooked eggs went Into the Juice. Fill with flb erflll.- R.K. using a conventional Ice cream ma­ palhic murderer stalks a feminlat joumeliat len-yaer-old orphan displays smanng abili­ In a hospital Lee Grant, Wllllem Shalner, Metiigerated for a few days, the eggs chine or for freeting it in your regular ties to pick winners at the racs track Gary DEAR POLLY - If you don't have Linda Purl 1982 . tarn a delightful pink color and taste freeter compartment, tend |l tor TERMITES a hamburger-patty maker, try this. •aper when cut in halt tor a salad each copy to TOLLY'S POINTERS, In Spray a canning-Jar ring and lid with Ac1qui(My:M0kl additional damape. Biss plate. Alter a little experimenting, care of this newspaper, P.O. Box non-stick spray and pack the mMt tenniiB axperts- - pkis our technical stall m can determine how long you want BS88S, Cleveland, OH 44101-5883. Be - provide CMC a century of trainad 10 leave the eggs in the solution. I^w, into It. Use the loose lid to push out the sure to Include the title. 7 glnce I onW cook for two, we don t finished hamburger. - JoSlE aqMrianoe. The/I check your entire house Discover America'^ M M aaartIan of bMt pickles that of­ Polly will send you a Polly Dollar and help you iinid addMonN probtMns. ten. However, the Juice from a can of DEAR POLLY - In both mv b a r ­ (tl) If she uses your favorite Poinler, Mata with vinegar, sugar and splw rooms 1 have a plastic soap dish wRh Peeve or Problem in her column. Only Flve“ln"Onetss RBnNANCINQ added to taste ^ ^ s Just fine. II sloUtA trays and bottoms that collect WHte POLL V'S POtNt&iS in care of FHA • \A • CONVENTIONAL • MOmiyiGE m S P H T ^ thiwe'a not enough liquid, t add the the drippings. When soap scum and this newspaper. A Ytar Round 1M0 Comlort SyilMn ASK FOR A CQMPIETE NOME tUINEY - NQ0 I, 0 • PHONE: 649-9240 YkHias AOooh VTDihumkMIiB PEoru ymo know OSTERLUND REFRIGERATION BUSS knowknowthtfB'i•------cwttinrntgic IIIIWII b b b 37 Franch Rd., BoHon • MS-MSS . TautmeoHneL Bbout am iflBd AdvirtUint 643-2711 TH E O L O E IT AND LANQE9T 91 CONN. MAWCHEMliB HBRALP. mtor. Uff Ht, Iff? T.JL Jft.- MAHCHEtTEB HERALD, frkto. Mw «. IW7 OPPORTUNITIES REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK featuring: Strano Real Estate

NICELY LOCATED Fenced yard and finished basement with bar are only two features in this 6 room Cape with 2 bedrooms and a den, or 3 bedrooms. IVk baths, good storage. SOUTH WINDSOR - For th# dlaorlmlnatlng buyoral Sot ttila 2 yoar old 9 room USR built Confemporary that otfera ov«r> •127,900. 3200 aquara feat of living araa. Sunkan living room, largo family room, aun room, 4 bodrooma, 2 firoplacaa, air conditioning and much mora ^60,000.

‘Putting You 1st Is 2nd Nature To Us I” U&R REALTY CO. STRANO REALESTATE ^ 6 4 3 -2 m A 156 E. CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CT @ Robert D. Murdock, Realtor CALL TODAY - 647 **SOLD** (1 ^

v: A MjnehMtwr *150,800 D.W.HSH NEW LISTINQ • DatIrabI* Y SoutMMd Qraan looatlon. End^nH VOFFIIFIWwWWrfWIwIFflOrii IdlMlipWIIJ In pdallna condition and botuUfully doooratod. FIroplaoo In IM no room, FOR SALE ^ 3 bodrooma, 2 lull boHw and fun • aUQTN SRO SO LD ^ . 1.MC t1N,M baoomont. Unit baoka to wooda and .VERNON I.5AC.QEN.IND. tVAC. oondo faaa Induda lannia court* • VERNON It AC. MD. (Will +) *W*C. and pod. • STAFFORD »,000 8.F. IND. MOO. 1S8.0SO • VERNON 1S.0M S.F. MO. BLOG. m m • VERNON 2,000 S.F. OFF. BlOQ. 210,001 ______Ofean S Oifaw *1S«,E99 •14E.900 • VERNON OFFICEAOAFTS. 100,000 3 bodroom Capo located In quM nalohboitMod. In a graa^ ____ lartlord. 3 .OTHER AFARTMENTBLDQS(UWTS) 2-U5 Braptaoad IMno room, dlnbio room, open aMrway, badrooma^ firaptaoad IMno room. i eBfdleiioed ManehMter *808,000 rear poreh. A good valuo that womioMonlhamarkat kNohon, family rootn, 2 hM boUta, 1 .Vinyl ■iSna”*” FOR LEASE (R.Ra(aH, OOnice) Truly udquo homo In much aouehl • E.HTFD(BURNME) I8.FJO l.l«3,F. aflor Lokowood Olrdo looatlon. • MANCH.(0RBBq 1,4NB.FJR S.WB.F. TMa homo ovoriookt tho rooovdr • MANCH.(E.CENTEIb SN3.FJ0 1I.0M.F. and lo a ahoit walk to o d t oourao. 0W-1,IMt.FA> r.lM,F. Homo faaiuraa work aavor kitohon. • T0UAN0(RTT4) banquol. d n formal dldng room, • VERNON (RTSS) M 8.FA 1S.liaF. a w r i S H • VERNON (RTN) 1.4NS.FJR 12.IM.F. oooy don, ounkon IMng room with THE REALTY COMTANY franoh dooia to aun room. Pour • VERNON (RT 01) m S -FA M ) 1S.IM.F. bodrooma, 3H balha, many axtraa, • VERNON (RTN) aO-TOSUITRO TH aaoh room profooolonally • aiMTN. (CHURCM) S,nSB.FA SJMtP. doooratod. Mu m bo aoon to bo • aVKHN. (W. FIAZA) (I) 1,000 EF,AH> IBNAF. appraolaltd. • amTN. (RT n) 1,111-1411 S.FJR IL Iia F . I Better • OTHER NMS.000S.FJR ITSAF. F/t££ HOME EVALUATION — WANTED NANCHESTER AREA I OuplaK each unR with kvlng room, khehan and two • TO BUY - 1,000-0,000 S.F. COMMERCIAL BLOG. ma, gtaaa anoloaad lioni porahaa, woodad oomar M • TO L E A S E -1,000 S.F.i FOR HEALTH SPA. I quM neighborhood. AttraoUvo rania on month to 243 Main Street 2 0 l i i Manchester, C T 06040 REAL ESTATE SERVICES 643-1891 24sV il^t!lE R 3Ssr, CT 08040 DaHydOM M (203) 643-4616 63 East Center St., Manchester, 643-4060 V 871-1400 VsrRSW Cr., Ysmsw. CT 00000 aw. toMoo CALL LEN MATYIA _ 2 MELLOW AND MINTED thia 9 room CAPE has 4 or 5 badrooma, A H UQ E Nrat floor addition 1S'x22* anhanoaa not only Ita valut but makaa It aomathing avaryona wW want to own. Locatad In tha B u c k l^ Sebool diatrtol on Clyda Road. HURRYII |14(ra. 64«-2492 R c f ll L s ta te BRAND NEW LISTING!!! Lookout Mt. — Anuldi built,overtited8 room 647-8400 2.5 bath*. Executive raised ranch • 16 x 21 fireplaced family room, lovely dining room 168 Main Street, Manchester with built-in server. Large utility abed with electricity and water. Very private deep CLASSIC SPLIT LEVEL wooded lot. Excellent condition! *275,000.00. that haa aotna of lhalargaatroomathat wahavaaaan In a long tima. 3 badrooma, 2H balha, famHy room with Birch panalllng-and llraplaea. Qorgaoua pink marbla flra^aca In living room, 12x12 aoraanad In porch, 2 car garaga and ovar an aera In BottonN *279,000. 646-2482

‘WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES" BRAND NEW LISTING!!! BRAND NEW LISTING!!! Planned commercial tone! Main Street, Blanchard & Rossetto South Windaor • Chapel Hill. 1 bedroom Ellington. Approx. 2 acre* in hot growing area ■ lownhouae condo, 1.5 bath*, carport, full Ideal for banka, restaurant, offices, retail, etc. baaemeni, balcony and ahy light*, aunny and Call for more details. *310,000.00. REAL E9TAT1 646-2482 ehaarful! Low Condo Fee. *121,WO.______V. Your child isn’t just taking the drugs. It learning about affects all the kids. ^Century 21 Epstein Realty REALTY WORLD Drugs keep everyone f f i f f f f / I I I ir lill 646 ’ 709 ''y V4pgl l' p ''p- S' pp' History and English iuVl^V \ I / ' FrerheUp AitociitPi Mp'^r^'pftp ’’ ‘^^>'4,'' 9 im learning. 148 Nerth MeM t t . Manehaater in school. He’s a l^ WE GET RESULTS learning about Our schods need amphetamines, barbi- our helpk W - 3 8 3 5 liSli DIVISION OF TMOI9AS a. RRMOhr lUTWHWHr tuates and marguana. As a parent, you can do yoiur ■PaiaiN MALTY r®SibJ part. Talk with your child. Find outou WHERE THE INDIVIDUAL DSTS ATTeNTION Drugs are rampant in ■aah eWia* maipin«siiay ewwd and apirM il. our schools today. badd the problemproblerh isi at his school. 8 Kids are taking them Then talk to other parents. before school. They’re taking And decide what you as a group can do Manchester... them between classes. to get drugs out of the classroom. •148,900 School has even bewme one on a n EXCELLENT INVESTMENT NaaHy littad 9 room DupMx alM of the more convenient places by aWa on prtvala trtad ya ^ to buy drugs. liu i iiiCii/JivPii CIO W d i CIO ouuuivA ci\ivAv;c:» Malnlananea haa aiding. Oula* llie sad part is that all this ScImoI is your child^ best chance to get ahead Mwad-and atraai. 7 m life. Don’t let drugs take that chance away. CALIFORNIA SPLIT - BOLTON doesn’t just affect those kids who are Alt acrea indudini extra BuiMiiig UA, thia

Wi^aiSdlua! DUPLEX - SIDE BY SIDE Msncheoter... •I9S.900 Each unit ha* 3 bedroeea* and 1 hath. Silualad on a nice aiae lal. 2 car •119.990 detached garage. Separate furnace. Storm windowa and acraiwi. MRIIRSMPIORA SUPER STARTER HOME. Cozy ‘Putting You 1st Is 2nd Natere To Us!" Electrical wiring updated with breakara. Oaw aaA preaaatly amaar Capa In qutal, convaManl aiaa. 3 occupied. No lease*. Good inveatawnt or owaar cccapiad appaitaally. badrooma, larga Nvtng room wtih STRANO REAL ESTATE Call u* for additional information. fkaptaca, Naat at a pin. MuM ba IME, CENTER ST , MANCHESTER, CT _ H CALL TODAY - 647-“SOLD” ( 203) 646-7709 MAWCMlilTEH MEKALD. FndMT. M » M. 1117 MAWCHEiTElt WEBAtD. i m - t L A bou t Town BUSINESS Larry Churchill, vice proaldant of public affaira at WomMit dub duett offlotrt Pratt 4 Whitaoy Aricraft, accepted an award to the pro^ng aub-contract work to the' H m Wooim's Club of MoBcbMtor noontly eloctod company for leal tbo followliif efficon: Morgarot Corlooa, prooklOBt; omploymontIt crow.c______Barbara Dik received the Volun- F at Cealbo, t n t vie# praaideiit; Juno LoMafUo, tear of tho Year award - r —T! Waiting before investing is OK aaceod vict praaMant; Pat Martaiia, tfuaaurar; Batty I^Makora Included Mayor Barbara Weinberg; Town IN PraakaBbarg, raoerdbig aaeratanr; Uraula Mataoa, Manager Robert Woiaa; Commiaaionor Brian Lonaink, NawYarkCNy r r r aorraapeadlBg aaeratary; Pat Roy and lUMrad Oonnocitcut State Doaprtment of Mental Retardation; QUEBTION- very aggressive funds, those whose it's run by a brokerage firm, that Oardnar, pMUdty; Joyea Lindam aad MadaUua R^lMial Director Thomaa Sullivan, Region 9 I’m a member of share values take drastic changes. mutual fundisaseparateentltyand Diatarla, hoapHaltty; SvalyB Oryk>Prollch and Lynn De^rtment of Mental Retardation; and George the military, Although such funds often do does not have to release money for Lyon, pregraoi; Ibafaaa Moriarty aad Maraha Ducharme of Northaprlng Conaultante. within four and exceptionally well during times the redeemed fund shares until the Ouathor, BMUfiberahlp: Joaa Ruddall aad‘Mary The following were elected to aerve on the MARC an half years of In v e s to r s ’ stock market is rising, they can seven days are up. Comollo, waltara; DoloraaBardat, yaarbook; VIrglala board of dlroetora: William PoliUa, preaident; Jamea retiremnt. For plunge dumg down markets. Rloa, flaaaoa; Lyaa Prior, coouaualeatlaea; Aaaa Hallbran, vice prealdimt; Allan 0 ‘Nell, treaaurer; the past fbur ye­ G u id e After you’ve done some more QUESTION: I had my individual WIIIIamtoB, BoonlaatlBg. Prancea Overturf, financial aecretary; Jeannette ars, I’ve bMn studying and picked a mutual fund, retirement account transferred Leaure, recording aecretary; Kathy Thibodeau, putting $400 a William A. Doyle start off with and investment of from a brokerage firm mutual fund correaponding aecretary; Jane Brown, director, month into a $1,000 or 12,000 — the minimum to a different mutual fund'organlia- HtaKh ttrvIcM offtrtd t>year; Marie Bonaon, director, 1-year; Roae Viola credit union and most funds accept. tion. I received a statement from Commualty Hoalth Sarvicaa lac. will hoM ottloa Jackaon, director, 1-year; Marianne Riley, director, BLLaids have not done Then, add steady investment of the brokerage firm showing that houra at Uw followtag tocatloaa for Mood prooaure 1-year; Carol Tedeaco, director, 1-year. anything else 8100 or $200 a month. That way, my shares in that fund were ehackt, Uao taata, throat cuHuraa, aad hoalth with that money, for fear of losing ent types of mutual funds — you’ll be ’’dollar averaging” — redeemed January 1. I also re­ it. everything from money market buying more shares when prices ceived a statement from the other guldaace: NATURAL May M, Juno I —ItN a.m. to Ma.m., agoaey offlca, LTM to proMnt Tuahoutu’ I have read a lot of newspaper mutual funds, which have virtually are high and fewer shares when fund organisation showing that my AVnABI money reached there February 8. Route 0, Columbia. The Little Hieatre of Mancheater will preaent <0^ articles, books and magaiines and no risk but provide low yields, to prices are low. You’ll avoid the May 17—S to 9 p.m., Covontiy Towa Offlca Bulldlag. "Teahouae of the Auguat Moon” on May 90 and 90 and 80 80 have talked to brokers, investment aggressive common stock funds, ulcers that go with trying to pick the Between those two dates, the per advisers and financial planners which can be very risky but hold out la addltloB, blood praaauroa will bo takoa oe tho June 8 and 8 at 8 p.m. at Baat Catholic High School. Oily I oast el a aaw oanw Kbioaets) “right” or "best” time to Invest. share price of the second fund went foHowiag dateo: Ticketa are 88 and 88 and may be purchaaed at the door. about mutual funds, but I’m still not possibilities of high financial If you have been reading this from $18.82 to 818.80. I have been sure about taking that step. As a rewards. May 98—1 to 1 p.m., Vlllago Pharmacy la Coventry. The production la directed by Jared R. Towler, a Source; Tha Hartz Corp. Ni kPHIC column as part of your investment trying to get satisfaction ever since. Juno 9—1 to 9 p.m. and Juno 11,1 to tp.m ., Covoat^ teacher at Olaatonbury High School. matter of fact. I’ve been trying to Ih between, there are various education, you should know its wise Should it have taken so long for my Pharmacy. In 1986, for the seventh consecutive year, It cost more to purchase, license, make up my mind for the last 10 kinds of funds with differing to buy a true no-load mutual fund. In money to be transferred? A woH-chlld cUnIc will bo hold on Juno 4 from I; 48 to own and drive a new compact car In Los Angeles than In any other U.S. city. months. Do you have any risk-reward ratios. The higher the order to avoid unnecessary costs. 11 a.m. at Andovor Congrogatitmal Church for all Vottrans’ monumtnt dtdicattd Hwald photo by Tuokor suggestions. risk, the greater the potential for profit. QUE8TION: I redeemed shares ANSWER: No. The money from proochool roaldonte of Andovor, Columbia and SOUTH WINDSOR — Dedication of the new Vietnam the shares you redeemed should Oovontry to rocolvo Immnunlutlona and routino Veterana Memorial Monument will take place in Strike up the band AN8WER: There’s nothing You have to make up your own of a brokerage firm mutual fund at wrong with the way you are mind as to how much risk you are a brokerage subsidiary of that firm have been available by January 18, A phyalcals. By appointmont only. Veterana Memorial Park on Sunday at noon. The seven days after the redemption. ceremony will be led by Mayor John J. Mitchell and Ralph Maccarone, Helen Ramey, Do­ Band Shell on the campus of Manches­ Business In Brief approaching mutual fund Invest­ willing to take. As a relatively and was Informed the money could ments. That’s not procrastination. young person, you should be able to not be released before the end of the Assuming the IRA transfer papers MaJ. Lawrence Welker of the U.S. Marine Corpa. rothy Roberta and Richard Lauzier ter Community College. The concert were in order, that money could MARC mtrlw 35th annKrtraary The monument will honor and Hat the namea of three You’re showing good common accept a moderate degree of risk. seven-day waiting period. Since unravel thq band shell sign that will be schedule will be available to the public KopeckI appointed loan officer sense by studying up on the suUect A good common stock fund seems this was. In effect, an "in-house” have been sent to the other mutual Tbo Manchostor Aisodation for Rotardod CItliona South Wlndior men who were killed In action In before putting your money oinhe fund organisation Immediately. Inc. colobratod Ite 98th annlvoraary with a dinner Vietnam. The ceremony will be followed by a ^displayed for the concerts which begin by the end of May. James T. Kopeck! of Manchester has been appointed loan suitable for you. Before you invest sale, I say I should have had the Memorial Day Parade at 9:90 p.m. line. in any fund, study its prospectus money right away. Am I right? Take your complaint to the dance at Vlto’a Birch Mountain Inn In Bolton on May 9. In June at the Manchester Bicentennial services officer for Olde Windsor Bancorp Inc., Windsor. Olde By this time you should be well and Its record of past performance. Securities and Exchange Windsor Bancorp is the holding company for Windsor Bank and aware that there are many differ­ I’d advise you to stay away from ANSWER; Nope. Even though Commission. Trust Co. and New England Bank A Trust Co. Y Before his appointment, Kopecki was loans services manager for OWB. He Joined the company In 1888, beginning at Windsor Bank and later moving to OWB when the Xerox Corp. to stay in South Africa holding company was formed. Kopecki is a 1981 graduate of the By John A. Bolt of apartheid. company to "possible boycotts of Africa is counterproductive for the University of Connecticut, Storrs, Tha Associated Press Xerox, based in Stamford, an­ Its products andor services, having black majority. where he received a bachelor’s nounced in March the sale of Its its assets In South Africa Jeopard­ "The very companies being MFMOBTAT, hAY degree in business administration. ATLANTA — Xerox Corp. share­ South African affiliate to a South ised and diminished confidence In forced out are the very ones that He is currentiy compieting a two- holders have turned aside claims African company. Under the agree­ Its management.” would help the black infrastruc­ year course at the New England from some institutional Investors ment, which has yet to be signed. Wilson said the agreement is a ture,” he said. School of Banking at Wliiiams that it’s good business to get out of Xerox products will be distributed "significant first step,” but "Xerox More than 80 U.S. companies Iba War far Indapondoaca ^ tbo Civil War n.*WarM War I ~ WarM War M ... Saraa ... Vlatnam ... m many livaii bava baan latt In tho itrvka af aur cauntry. Coilege, Wiilimstown, Mass. South Africa, reaffirming a limited by Fintech, which Xerox described pr<^ucts will continue to provide have announced during the past two Ai wa haaar tboia daad taday, away af at awy faol dhcaaragad at Mm warM'* failuro ta acMavo a lotting pooco. lot ta caata ttriving far that paaw divestiture announced by the busi­ as an integrated company with (equipment to) police and military years that they were leaving South Africa. Some of the larger ones wauM ba tha graatatt dhbaaar wa caaM bring ta tka nioaiary af aar daad. Lat at rathar *'tako bicrootod dovatian ta that coat# for whidi thay govo tha ness products company in March. black managers. and other authorities who enforce Cutter announces The financial risks of doing But Wilson and representatives apartheid.” include Coca-Cola Co., General latt fall nwatara of dovatian... *bat gavamniaat af tho paapla. by tha poapio, far tho paapla, thoH not parith from tha oarth.” business with South Africa “will of other institutional investors aaid Xerox will "do indirectly that Motors Corp., International Busi­ plans for tower increasingly outweigh the benef­ even that connection with South which it has declared it would not do ness Machines and Eastman Kodak this Poga Paid For And Sponsorad By The Following Civic Minded Businessas its,” said Albert J. Wilson, asso­ Africa raised business and ethical Indirectly,” he said. Co. HARTFORD — Plans were an­ ciate general counsel of the questions. Xerox Chairman David Kearns Wilson said TIAACREF holds nounced this week for a 1.68-miliion- Teachers Insurance and Annuity “The situation In South Africa said apartheid ”is awful. We want more than 800,000 share^ of Xerox. MANCHESTER DRUC BRUNSWICK CAPITOL EQUIPMENT MANCHESTER SAFE & BOUND BROTHERS, square-foot residential, commercial Association College Retirement continues to deteriorate with vio­ to see It end.” But he said the Other institutional investors in •VrmertpHon SpaofafMfa” 38 Main Street IHC. and retail mixed-use building in Equities Fund. lence, arrests and deaths multiply­ company had responsibilities to favor of further divestment were PARKADE LANES LOCK CO. downtown Hartford by Cutter Lewis Shareholders voted overwhelm­ ing dally, adversely affecting eco­ customers and employees in South New York State Common Retire­ 717 Main Street Manchester • 643-9956 51 Blssell Street ment Fund, Georgetown Univer­ c346'A AlMdfe Tumpikp Mfesf 109 Center Street Street Associates Limited Partner­ James Kopeck! ing at Thursday’s annual meeting nomic stability there,” said a Africa that prevent It from com­ Manchester • 649-4541 Manchester • 643-6922 Manchester • 640-2947 ship and Cutter Realty Group Inc. in Atlanta to turn down a proposal statement from the pension fund. pletely banning its products from sity, the Sinsinawa Dominicans, the Manchester a 643-1507 The site of the proposed 81-story Cutter Financial Center is by TIAACREF and others that the The worsening condition, com­ the country. American Baptist Home Mission CHERRONE’S bounded by Trumbull, Lewis and Pearl streets In the heart of the company completely sever ties bined with increasing world rejec­ In a news conference following Society and the Woman’s American LYDALL, INC. financial district of the city. with South Africa because of that tion of South Africa, could threaten the meeting, Kearns said forcing Baptist Home Mission Society, 2 PACKAGE STORE country’s racial separation policy Xerox, Wilson said, exposing the U.S. companies to leave South which together own 011,700 shares. AL SIEFFERT’S One Colonial Road Initial plans tor the building include residences at 111 Lewis St. LENOX PHARMACY 624 East Middle Turnpike and commercial office space at 111 Pearl St. Residential units 296 Ewt C«ntw StraM Manchester • 646-1233 JACK J. LAPPEN Manchester • 643-7027 APPLIANCES, will be located on the upper 17 floors, totaling 260,000 square feet. Manchester a 649-0S95 REALTY The b lu in g will also include 880,000 square feet of commercial TV-AUDIO office kpace on 28 floors and 22,000 square feet of retail shops at Texas banks failing Market remains quiet 357 East Center Street 445 Hartford Road AL’S SPIRIT SHOPPE street level. Parking will be provided on site for 1,200 cars. Manchester a 643-4263 CT. VALLEY COIN Manchester • 847-0997 OLYMPIA 225 Spencer Street at increasing rate on eve of report 2 COMPANY Manchester • 647-1840 CNQ declares quarterly dividend 805 Main Street DELICATESSEN HARTFORD — The board of directors of Connecticut Natural DALLAS (AP) — Banks are year, and the number could soar as By The Associated Press Treasury’s 30-year issue gained 607 Main Street DILLON FORD Mancheater • 643-6295 JACKSON & JACKSON Gas Corp. has declared a quarterly dividend of 32.5 cents per failin^faster in Texas than in any high as 200 by Dec. 31, said Federal a little more than 50 cents for Manchester • 643-0609 share on the common stock of the company, payable June 26, to other slate, with a record-tying 26 Deposit Insurance Corp. spokes­ The financial markets stea­ every $1,000 in face amount. Its SALES & SERVICE GRAMES PRINTING man Bill Olcheski. REAL ESTATE "Sam* day aandca when you need nine stockholders of record June 12. going uiner this year so tar, and the died temporarily in anticipation yield dipped to 9.04 percent from 310 Main Street Don Jackaon Roae Wofa Jackaon n u m b ^is expected to climb even Last year, nearly 140 failed of a volley of economic reports 9.05 percent. CHORCHES MOTORS, hurry." across the nation, the most since Manchester • 043-2145 198 Main Stroat He Lone Star State recovers from the government today. 700 Hartford Road from turmoil in the oil industry. the FDIC’s founding in 1933. Analysts said the markets The dollar edged higher INC. Manchester • 847-8400 Manchester * 643-6669 Dollar low In thin trading "It's getting to be a matter of how In Texas, Nun said, "up through were mostly quiet Thursday, as against most major foreign PAP AUTO PARTS 80 Oakland Street 1086, 90 percent of failures were 307 East Center Street long they can hold on," said State traders awaited major news on currencies in uneventful trad­ Mancheater a 643-2791 LONDON — The U.S. dollar was mostly lower in thin Banking Commission spokesman primarily the result of poor man­ consumer prices, corporate ing, and gold prices declined. Manchester a 049-3526 SAVINGS BANK OF European trading early today. Gold bullion rose. Richard Nun. agement, but at least halt of the profits and the growth of the JOHN H. LAPPEN, INC. J&J JEWELERS Dealers said the dollar was holding steady at slightly lower The state’s 25th and 26th bank failures now are no longer caused economy as measured by the Traders said the dollar drew MANCHESTER 164 East Center Street levels against most other major world currencies. failures were recorded Thursday Just by poor management.” gross national product. some support in early U.S. "Snryrtng CommunItiM East of tha Rtvar MANCHESTER OIL 785 Main Street "It’s the hanging-on of poor trading Thursday from revived Manchester * 649-5261 They said market participants were reluctant to taketip strong with the collapse of a bank in Austin Sine* 1906" • Afambar F.D.I.C. Manchester • 643-8464 positions before the scheduled release of several key U.S. and another in Houston. Texas last economic conditions,” he said. On Wall Street, stock prices rumors that the Federal Re­ LIPMAN #1 HEAT "Even the strong bank — if he’s got reversed a week-long slide serve was prepared to raise the 923 Main Street economic indicators. year had 26 bank failures, more Thursday. The Dow Jones aver­ "Ouellty Fuel Protiucta" Among reports due later today were revised figures on U.S. than any state in any year. two or three tackles hanging on him discount rate, the interest it VOLKSWAGEN Manchester • 646-1700 — sooner or later he’s going to come age of 30 industrials, which had charges on loans to banks. Route 63 61 Loomis Street THE W. J. IRISH gross national product and corporate profits tor the first quarter, Officials refused to predict how lost nearly 110 points in the BROWN’S PACKAGE and retail prices and durable goods orders for April. many more of the 2,000-plus banks down.” Speculation has been growing Vernon • 640-2663 Manchester • 647-9137 During the state's boom years in previous four sessions, rose 9.90 that the Fed may raise the rate INSURANCE AGENCY STORE The data could provide a clearer picture on the state of the U.S. in Texas will fail by the end of the to finish at 2,225.77. "Service You Can Truat" year. the late 1970s and early 1980s, many to help relieve inflationary 278 West Middle Turnpike economy and the likely course of the Federal Reserve Board’s lenders got accustom^ to wides­ pressures. 150b North Main Street monetary policy. So, far 81 banking institutions In the bond market, the JAMES R. Manchester • 643-7339 have tailed across the country this pread land speculation. RICHLAND PARK Manchester • 646-1232 SCRANTON MOTORS, McCAVANAGH REALTY MARKET "Real&enUal 8 Commercial Selea" "The Chofoast Maata In Town" INC. 237 East Center Street CENTURY 21- 317 HIghlanad Street CadOfae, OMtmoMfa Porklte, QMC Manchester • 649-3600 ORUNDO ANNULLI A Manchester • 646-4277 EPSTEIN REALTY Route 63 SONS, INC. 543 North Main Street CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Vernon • 672-0145 147 Hale Road, P. O. Box 669 Manchester • 647-8895 KRAUSE FLORIST A Manchester • 644-2427 ROBERT I. SMITH, IHC. GREENHOUSES MORIARTY BROTHERS HELP WANTED fnswranamtths Sfnea tSfdr "Lergeat Retell Qrowera In Mancheater" N o t i c s s inrwMnBi llELPWMTED HELPWANTIO HELP WANTED NELP WANTED [h elp WANTED 65 East Center Street 315 Center Street CARTER CHEVROLET 621 Hartford Road NISSAN BY SALES Secretary needed FU L L Time. Active full OPPORTUNnT’lo!^ Manchester • 643-5135 As e condition procodont to HANDYMAN GROUNDS M AKE Money at home RECEPTIONIST. If you 11M kMn StrMt Mancheater • 649-5241 Manchester a 643-9559 WORKER. Ellington ossembllng electron­ enjoy working with the Immediately to ossist service cafe and res­ bunding cleaning man­ ttM plocomont of any odvor- taurant frill train In all agers. District, Protect Manchester • 646-0464 DECORMIER ttslne In the Monenostor He­ oroa. must bo oMo to ics, crofts, others. public, appreciate pro­ with developing o U. S. SANDBLASTER and "Selea, Service A Parts” rald, Advortlsor hereby perform pointing, More Informotlon- fessional, new sur­ soles organization phases of operation. Painters needed! Min­ and Supervisors. Pro- 9 Guaranteed Income, 285 Broad Street eproos to protect. Indemnity some carpentry and (504) 641-0091 extension roundings ond ore ex­ within on established imum of 3 years expe­ fesslonols only. Lead­ CUNUFFE AUTO BODY NORTHWAY REXALL ond hold hormicts the Man­ tome minor plumbing 1390. Open 7 days. Call cited bv the prospect of International distribu­ benefits, ossured fu­ rience. Salary com­ ing National Company. MANCHESTER STATE Manchester • 643-4165 chester Herald. Its etticers work. Knowledge of Nowll w orking In o fost tion componv In Ver­ ture. Apply In person; m ensurate with P. O. Box 813, East "Ouellty Senrice At Ifa Beat" and employees opolnst any plont materials help­ paced, rapidly expand­ non neor exit 86. Strong The Sisson Tavern, 86 experience. M/F. 643- Windsor, Ct. 08088. SIRNPSIHTERIOR PHARMACY and all llobllltv, less or (bNifkuiTION. Cor- typing, orgonizotlonol Sisson Ave, Hartford. Route 83 expense. Including attor­ ful. Pull flme seasonal penters needed. Finish ing environment, give "Vioor Nomatewn Bank- "Preecrlptlon Speclellata" wark good for semi- men coll to arrange for skills reaulred, word CLEANINO SERVICE Talcottvllle • 643-0016 neys' tees, arising trem and rough. Immediate processing, shorthond A TTE N D A N T for busy 1041 Main Street • 646-4004 THE MANCHESTER 230 North Main Street claims et untolr trade practi­ retired person. Good employment, good on Interview In our JANITORIAL M olnte- full service gas station. *PMf Spring Cfaanfng and wotftig Reora.” ces, Intringement ot trode- pay. Coll Finn Co. 278- newly opened offices In and customer service nonce. Locker room. P ER M A N EN T Part time 165 Spencer Street • 649-7570 Manchester • 646-4510 pay. Corpenters Un­ bockground helpful. Montkiv -Fridoy, 3pm- Manchester a 643-1461 HERALD mortti. trade names or pat­ 2980 for Interylew. limited. 647-9203. Leave the Home Morgoge Full time, 6 days per 8pm, 7 hours on Satur­ position. Mornings, af­ Manchester ents. vielatlen ot rights ot Corporation In Glos- Coll Judy Clementino week, 9am-Stom. Paid ternoons, evenings. 8 16 Bralnard Place privoev and Intringement et message. at Intertrode Scien­ day. Apply In person tonburv, CT. The re­ medical, life and re­ Apply In person Pero CARDINAL BUICK, INC. copyright and proprietary TELEPHONE Operotor- Barry's Texaco, 318 "A touch above Fret eleaa." Manchester • 643-2711 sponsibilities of this tific, 871-0401 or send tirement benefits. Call A d o r n s Street, Fruit Stand, 276 Oak- rights, unfair competttlen rTypIst. Seeking full A U TO M O TIV E lot p ^ - resume ta 176 Bolton CLYDE CHEVROLET end libel and slander, which time telephone opera­ full time position In­ Arbor Acres Farm. Le- Manchester. lond Street, 61 Adams Street may result from the publlca- son. Vorlous duties In­ clude; receptionist du­ Rd., Vernon, Ct. 08086. Roy Soucler. 63S4M1. Monchester. TEDCUMMINOS tor. Must possess effec­ BANK Teller. Full time Manchester a ^49-4571 BUICK, INC. tton ot any odveritsment In tive telephone skills, volving new ond used ties, onswerine the tel­ EDE. COX CABLE the Manchester Herald by cars. Drivers license ephone ond light RECEPTIONIST. Pleo- position available at INSURANCE AOENCY MANCHESTER Route 63 typing 3S-SD wpm, optl- sont personollty for '■L Finding a cosh buyer ter tlraalar HetllorO CaMa TV" advertiser. Including adver­ reaulred. Contact Wes clericol duties. We MEDICAL Secretary our Ellington office. nw Items you'd like ta sell Vernon • 872-9111 tisements In any tree dlstri- tude for figures, ond at Cardinal Buick, 649- Eost Hartford doctor's Previous teller or cash­ PLYM O UTH ^ 601 Parker Street basic office skills to otter competitive so- needed for OB-GYN fe easy. Just let our rood- Manchester • 646-0467 bullen publications pub­ 4571.______lorles ond excellent office. Pleose send re- ier experience helpful. A. RAYMOND ZERIO A lished bv the Manchester perform a variety of sumeta: boxZc/oThe office, experience ers know sRiot you hove Route 63 Manchester • 646-6400 componv paid benefits. helpful. Shorihond re­ Excellent starting sa­ for sole with on od in Herald. Penny Slettert. clerical duties. Free PART Time Re^tlonTit Monchester Herald. 16 lary plus benefits. 7 TblOOltvHlee 643-2706 Publisher. parking. Benefits. For further Informa­ Brolnord Ploce. aulred. 30 hour work j|l«m |fle|l^^ SONS, INC. for very busy Man­ tion pleose^^contoct; Hours 8:30om -S:00pm, Apply In person Mon­ Monchester. week. Solory negotlo- 409 New State Roed chester doctors office. Phyllis Portler In the ble. Call 649-1120 or Mondav-Thursdav, m a resent nsHonsI day through Prtdov. MoturK reliable person 8:30am-7:00pm Friday. CLASSIC RNE Manchester • 643-5168 MANCHESTER HONDA CANDIDS BY CAROL 8:30 to 4:30. Prague Human Resource De­ FULL Time position 649-7329, Monday airsey It wei shown thst EmplDymgnt with pleosont personal­ partment, Suffleld avolloble tor person ta through Friday. Rotating Saturday •3* of the psfsonnsi "It Honda Makaa ft - Wa Sell A Service It" 903 Main Street Shoe Company. 200 Pit­ ity. Light typing, ap­ schedule. Apply at JEWELRY kin St.. E . Hortford. Bank, 157 Mountain train os o prafesslonol end employmsnt sxsc- 24 Adams Street Manchester • 649-6619 proximately 20-25 Rd.,Sufneld,CT. 08078. window cl boner. Good South Windsor Bonk 8, udvst around the ooun- 141 Center Street A Eduegtion hours per week, after­ REPS Needed for busl- Trust. 186 Wlndsorvllle DONALD S. GENOVESI Manchester • 646-3515 203480-1881. EDE starting wages ond be­ tiy me nsetipspsi ad­ Menoheeter • 649-4537 MANCHESTER LAR6ieA9IA3/Lawn noons ond 1 evening. nefits. 64F5335. ness accounts. Full- Rd., 5 Corners Plaza, vertising when they are For Interview coll 646- Time, Ellington, Ct. saaking pto«sssioaal or INSURANCE AGENCY, core. Experience re- 860,000-880,000-Part PACKING COMPANY, oulred tor landscaping 5153.______A R 0 6 f Operotor. TELEMARKETERS sK^ptpsrsonnsl. procedures ond lawn M A IN TEN A N CE Person. M o n d o y -F rld o y , 5- Wonted. E. Hartford. Tim e, 818,000-818,000- DRIVERS/Warehouse When hiring new am- INC. NELT WANTED Port or full Nme. Gen­ 10pm some Soturdoys. With no experience. 85 NO selling, repeat busi­ for South Windsor who- INC. "Serving the Ueneheeler Area for Ovar SO maintenonce opera­ ness. Set your own letoler. Mustbedepen- ptoyass, tha nswipsasi EI^TERN VIDEO BROWN’S FLOWERS LYNCH MOTORS tion. Must be dependo- eral molntenonce du­ Excellent opportunity per hour 1 yeor, 86 per Is stlH 10(011 asHta -PMI U w Of Smoked Alaats- Yeere" tor student or Mom hour 2 years, 87 per hours. Training pro­ doble ond will Ing ta •Phnigy Owasd O Opsietsd* 163 Main Street 500 Waet Center Street MATURE person tor ble. Yeor round work. ties. Excellent benef­ numbst one ohoieo tor 346 Wetherall Street Kelly's Landscaping its. Apply to monoger: with smoll children. hour 3 years, 88 per vided. Call 1-61^938- work. Good staring 6 3 4 -6 West Middle Turnpike 945 Main Street counter work and dry 0019, M -F, Oom to Spm rate and excellent be­ Mamohoeter e 646-8000 Manchester • 643-8455 Mancheater • 640-4321 cleaning establish­ Co. 5284114 between Bottlston's, 441W. Mld- Contact Mrs. Gorrity hour 4 veors. Coll now Manchester • 643-2131 d l e Turnpike, 643-1787. Savings Bonk ond ask for Carlos. (Central Stondard nefits with rogulor K K w s f r -" -. ment. Porkode Clean­ 9am-4pm. Monday overtime. Coll S»4688 ers. 849-SS89 through Friday. Monchester. of Manchester. EDE. 28^7^06 Tim e). b MANCHESTER HEHALD. rridw. Mw » . m i

icir t r CAULVU «by Urry WrlfM |i| CLASSIFIED ADS tridMHvRMt IMICM ■ustnost ^roMftv. 7t « PormluddiMioMed M f O « ; I foOddvi: WOdfiMdor H fM ^d d v. pott6, aetds orgenne- HesorfFrooertv .. . M MMKOWMVriMAfM T m . 00 Offieo/iMMii r 7 fd If dipt; 7* eonii pdf iiM d«r daif. 01 MOffOOOOt...... V MrMntrwMmotfoiM*.... 00 eooroofioiidi Lw>^..v...... tidfi tooaaist vtM erdsi- 09 It eoon ond iWdrMd eooldiwonf.. a to H davt;« oonft POT Hnd dW ddf. ^ MToofoo fo i u v ...... a PoMthw/Pworln*...... a or moro dtvt: a oonft pdf im p ppr ddf. dditt wftn proioefs, oor- AnnovnetmtAf*. 03 WOOfltW/ddM*'...... 07 Miiotoi ifomo,...,...,...... Avcfidm...... 04 M Cannot ond Pwiw eetlpmonf. rdapdftdoneo with sow* FirMncloi...... 05 Pott ond Ovddfloo...... atoff, end intortee* tippfne and iwpeh «oom»f»r*ot>f ...... a S55KIJ?piwiwri»::::;;:;::; S MiKai«MMiMOftondouo !t!dfori«ii":::;:;:::::g for loM . b«»w.nw«; por c K m i f w o » with ditgnts. AAust be o v w ^ d # / ■mptoynMttt A Iducotlon Tap M M I...... u * R Stffhe. txedPffv- II f .* * ^ ."*g?*/*^ **"*...... 2 SJhMtotwSmfod...... U woofodfoiov/Trodowontod fo euv/Trodo ...... m doodHfidlonooiioitWdoy b d W d W iM lO ^ . aoif moffvdfod, dotwr R e ^ . 643-3693.0 H«IO WOAtOtf...... • ' Fiomoi ior non?...... Fof OVVOrfiSOntontl fO BO OUOlfPioo''nunwy# orfgntod end wen or- ^atidif fowett tt x « SHuotlon Wonf«d...... \l Itoro/^co Oooco...... M i j a rrh iM iS ia > fhodooOMno H 2:J0o.m. on Arldoy. gohKod. Typirtg aetu- idLfbN. tai&afpia ttfdptaeda fam ttv ■utfiitn OpportunitiM ... • 13 Woooft Aroosrty...... 10 IW*I C in illU lf f A mOarcsaOIw a •put. Located OP 3 e room, favdfy m jn t Instruction...... • • . fnOuttrfot ProBOfty...... 5 Moildov/Soosonol...... T1 Mwwwlflwiivw -— ...... — i— «. . di-tn^Tfiti nro rocY end apood of RHJnSri imotovmont Otrvictt . . . 60w»m 0 muaf. Coroor ocrea, mciuding extro room wtth aottf-fn f bedrpom VRoMnmotM*w^ ...... S Aiwovo* ontf coiiocfiww...... n ...... tokon Bv tofOoBono oideonvonwneo. Tn* buiidine lot, this upmu* sdfYer. ^wmlflldMioirt ” ...... iS m'mSlUL M w MdHcfidoWrMofOldMrodwntww WrOfifyOfw ihvoatmont opporfutti- dDDdfDfWf" RMl ■•tatf wonfodfopont...... ^ ■ i-IJ ...... 2 MOdrroef HWdrftonoiidflioiloiifyOOrmdottooJ tio* ovoiiobfo. SoforY home copsisfa or I ...... 2 ...... « ondf"* iS/hour snd up OPENINGS In our Service, and Parts and Used Car Depart­ work days, 10-3, Board of Education, male preferred. No 1^ by Menri Arnold and Bob Lee PART TIME W* otter 0 competitive storting solary and gtn- pets. Leose. 643-3990. Uglott Parlisia Apply In person Telemarketing ments. Join Our Winning teamit erous btnsflt package. Apply by colling: Monday through Fri­ Qlastonbury, OT. Unscramble these four Jumbles, CARLA’S PASTA day. Hourly pay open. Phone; 633-5231 one tetter to each square, to form aRCULATION AREA ADVISOR PkarniMy Part Time Denny’s J I M OLBRYS — AAA Apply In parson, ask ext. 441 four ordinary words. Housewives, mothers with young children, 404 W. MMdIo 647-8647 We need people who R eeteurent like to talk on the n il EXCELLENT BENEFITS HU 2 3 6 -3 2 6 1 for OIndy. AA/tOE/M-F BnHfLFUMHTEH TOFLY students. Earn extra money with your own Tpko. 35 Talcotvilip Road 275A Progress Drive phone; speak with a part-time job. Bring your children with you MaRolMttor Parkadtl Vernon, C T 06066 Manchester, CT pleasant voice; who For details apply to; and save on babysitting costs. 21 hours per can work from 4-9 p.m. week, salary plus gas allowance. Supervise Apply In person 2 to 5 pm Monday through StrvIcB Dtpsrtmsnt I— ATTENTIONi Retirees / Houaewlves CUITOMM CUSTODIAN our carrier boys and girls. If you like kids, Thursday. lE R V IC I want a little Independence and your own 7:4S to 5:00 Monday through Friday. BAIDE DARI-FARMS ICE CREAM PRODUCTION a WE OFFER: Needed for second income, call 647-W46 or 647-9947. KITCHEN WORKERS Hourly wage; com­ JUST A FEW HOURS REPREIINTATIVI Woik avallaMa lor 1M, tnd missions; incentives; Parts Dspartmant shift position In Has Immediate Openings! •Mn and part Sn*. Madloal to assist ollent* after banafki avf llaMa. iaid vacations; cour 7:45 to 5:00 Monday through Friday and Saturday B-1 moving. Helpful II you Bolton School fesy membership; OF YOUR TIME... hive Interest In home •yttem, Bolton, CT. GANOLS Earn S8.00 Per Hour DRIVER sales training. lurnishingt, antique WHAT THE MOPEL PART TIME For lootl dallvoriM, elati IMI- Por tnformetlon AI oanw not nacMNry. Job In- It interested call Judy Can give you unlimited decoratings. Insurance- THOUGHT HER !I! College Students Welcome III dudot ocoailonal Irootor M7-0300 adjusting experience application call; CAREER WAG. CIRCULATIDN CREW SUPERVISDRS work. earning polenliallt ■Iso a suitable back­ Excellent opportunity for retirees, students, Full and Part Time Freezer Selectors AAA Auto Club ground. 6 4 3 -1 5 6 9 LESTUS Now arrange the circled letlers to 2nd Shift SUPERVISOR 391 Broad St. *' '* form the surprise answer, as sug­ moms. Approximatley 20 hours per week, For and Uiin. SuponlMrY ox- Manchester, Ct EOE gested by the above cartoon. porloneo roquliod In lood East Hartford otflos, flex work with young adults ages 10 thru 15. lolatod Indutiry. Bqual OoporIxxHy Sm*1oir»r Set your own hours Monday thru Thursday 4:30pm-6:30pm, Apply in person; 24 Adams Street or tull-llm* schedule, Manchester, CT 06040 and earn extra Insurence/penslon pro­ CmiiSiniMBliin t e w Y TtttttLijm " Saturday 10am-2pm. Reliable transporta­ grams svsllable. tion a must. If you have the ability to moti­ Dari-Fitrms Ice Cream income while working (Answers tomorrow) QRkPHIC ARTS vate young adults and have some sales MANAGER 646-3520 Contact Jumbles; FINNY PANIC GOSPEL CABANA 40 Tolland Stage Road from home. Work at ohseriul, plMiant psr- Yesterday's experience, your earnings potential is. SUPERVISOR Answer A person vvtw seldom p a « treqi^tty finds that Tolland, CT 06084 $20,800 to BtErt Mr. Evins, Trasiurir ■cn; who love* working this Is whal his tile style does— PAYS unlimited. Based on straight commissions. expsrlsnos In printed your own pace on a with th* public to become Call Susan, Circulation Department, 647- Hirtford Diipitoh our lirtt ImprMrion. Mon.-Fri. 8:30am to 5pm / Sat. 9-1 circuit graphic arts re­ Q R A M P Y ’t schedule that’s Msving • I t s r iii 9946. quired. Supervisory • Or**t our ouMomar* 6 JumhI.. f . IM« e.o Sol OrU"**.. f}-. Corntr Storo tailor-made for you. fluaat* exporlono* holptul. B280551 ■ R*ee«« I ir*tt»l*r phi^l Compotitivo wsgoB, has Immodlst* open­ or sand letter r ings lor managor* and • H*lp wHh oualemtr oxcollont bonotits Box 9371 •ervie* 9 NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED... managor trainees. Du- Call Jeanne or Susan at 64*7-994*6 today ■ Enjoy our euttemart 9 peoksgo, all applicants DARI-FARMS ICE CREAM East Harttord, CT 09109 CELEBRITY CIPHER M M KN EITER AREA mCKELHAS tlss will Include book- Oandldste* ihould pos-1 CelBbrlly CR)lw 'vyptogrtmB Br« cnMrtntf Bom NMOMMom by fmwuB will b* oonsidsrod. and begin the perfect job • io i teu telephone and cus­ people, pest nhd present. Eech letter Wt Bw cipher etende lor Success In Store For You... kssplng, sehsduHng tnether. rodBy’s due.-1 e4ueB C. Apply St and dally oporatlon ol tomer reittlons axperl- Spruce St...... all BECAUBE ire ALL-niQHT AT niCKELII Has Immediate Openings for •noa and hsve s pisssmg ...... all North Amiricin store. Front sharing voice and enthuslsstle | -DLHBH JN RU VNH Ham lin S t...... plan, Insurane* and personality. Oall Kim at BIstell S t...... all COME CHECK US OUT Printid Clreulto ADVERTISE YOUR JR KUVB OMXOJRE other benellt* avail­ the following positions: IN MANCHESTER Old Monson Rosd able...... all Stafford. CT 06075 "AiUtSir 8 8 AJRM TJXHN DU RIckel. named -Hetsllor of th* Year” by on* of th* Clll Ml. liMM SUMMER VACATION SERVICES betwssn I and 4 lor Qarth R oad...... 125-138 looding hortt* center mageilnes otter* you much ■OiW OooortwMlf amFloifW iiii^jgjgolntmant^^ ...... 25-107 1-800-8t4-074S • Class II Truck Drivers AJNL OLHR KUV IMR Ludlow R oad...... more than just a job. Whether your just starting or an ostabllshsd profosslonal, Rlcksl has a great • Accounts Receivable Clerks CHFVHDMN Ferguoon Road ...... 121-360 deal to otfor you — such ts; * OFFICE P/T SALIt - A/r VRNVMHNNAVX RHMB • Phone Order Clerks , IRENE OR TRACEY CARKT North Elm St...... 5-01 * SUPERVISORS PRODUCTION WORKER ...... IB-230 * FRONT END / CUSTOMER EARN FROM 95.00 TO LUTN.‘ — TSSBO Woodbrtdge St...... SERVICE SUPERVISORS • Freezer Selectors 2nd shirt OR JUST STOP BV 110.00 PER HOUR SA­ 7 * CASHIERS M uit havB some manufacturing LARY FLUB OOMMIB- At ...... all THE MANCHESTER HERgLD, 19 BRUNARD PUCE 7 D • M J R . * SALES PLUS COMM. axparlence ,& good math skilla. 8ION. DAY AND EVEN­ ...... all * STOCK (DAYS) ING FOilTIONB AVAIL­ PREVIOUS SOLUTEdN; “Anyona can do any amount ol Jo rd t St...... Knowledge of machinery a plus...... 258-351 * LUMBER YARD Apply in person: ABLE. NO EXPERIENCE work, provldad It ian’t tha work ha la tuppoaad to ba P w ko r 8 t...... COLLEGE, HIGH SCHOOL, JR. HIGH STUDENTS NEOEBBARV. • OOBlQ Bl IltB ITtOlfiBVfl. tVODBm BBnCVilBy« * SECURITY Excellent pay (•O-MO) and company Ricicer* borwtn packog* I* eooond-to-rton*. paid medical & dental inauranca at wall APPLY IN PERSON; E o it M iddle T p k e ...... 284-373 Dari-Farms Ice Cream Co. School will bD out toonl Advertise your Summer ABK POR MR. DINARO ■ ,. I— II.. — . 11,1. por a lene-HioNite tbe* ...... all t00% Company p M bonotN*. Indudo* mpdical, aa other benefits. Apply in person M-F dontal and opMeal eovpragp, preoerlptlon plan, OR MR. DtONON Kse» veur TV elctwra choose hordwood lots Parker Gt...... 104-242 40 Tolland Stage Rd. Tolland, CT. 06084. Services with us. Let the Herald help to make your FLOOR COVERING sderBwWhtreetisntcIsott- Rwt eroducs o shorter HIP Insurpnc* and much more. For Immoditt* Bam-3:30pm, General Office entrance DEPARTMENT Nw otthe sorsan. Us* o ttam* oitd bunt loss re- consMoreHon, apply In pereon el: on Mill St. Applications now being accepted 8:30-5:00 p.m. services known throughout the Manchester area. iRNdeeaewINt water ere Qreen R o a d ...... 204-330 POeiTtONS AVAILAM.E AT: MaRcheater JoB C eRler Bit at dRURORM m wsSy. aroRM e t ^ RMSt Rnwer^ Henry it...... 201-315 Monday through Friday. Saturday 9-1:30. 4 lines, $15 (prepaid), 7 days. 1 eeeuretedrvWMreuettlv. tent osRSldere6len< select Prtneeion 8t...... i e r - i t o BOB Mein BtieeL Mencheetsr. CT ROGER’S/CORPORATION If. you twve an eRtre w**d trom fruit trees. It Ta n n e r St...... 124-168 Medical, Pension Plan & Profit Sharing fZivWvVOii nw wnw VwV IvWW wrwpvocz ...... ;...... all Extra $$$ for your Summer Funll wi^ebss. wbv ee* ex* tar able, find buyers the Welleeley St...... Rickel Homs Center BOB dMRBe far cash wWh e pplck eed easy way ... tOBt TeWend TUmpIke, Mandweter, C T 08040 (This gppMaa to Mudants ONLY. You may cancal your ad at any MmM ^orty no tip ceetddiRaessitlsdf wWt a lewwM od ht CALL NOW 643-2711 / 647-9946 B a t Oaa»n imky Bmalayar MMni. Ci«sBled.eo^i. » — TAG SALE!!! ★ ★ 4 Days for the Price of 3! PUCC YOUR M> ON TUESDAY. BEFORE NOON. AND YOUKE AlAUSET FOR THE WEEK. JUST ASK FOR TRACEY OR IRENE IN CLASSinED.

B b BT* BIftBWE BBBW f MDOM O i MAOfC CSfff CM ATTfOTfOM 0 «f MOYIMOfMfO*. •VICK AM^re tm ctm0H0 mtum. •ONTIAC Ofcml Am MAI^V SMOmi W empmm, s in . f M M IW M M / M / JSS 0 ^ MWMW/ m amw •MO/ my leWr M rM f/ mtMtmn M fM COTMI/ m m ty m I t m . liM . MS- iNfM ryV/ cMwi/ c m O ft Ifti cMMe M«f/ vm. «m « m c a t. fitn . coK 0 »i#f P t n f s i 0f t y«ir« »00fHtttt 00f0 0tm M MA-Car9 /M0 MiMOf MfO 04M//. eeouearuOLxrope. bex/ new cerburefer/ PlberploM cob/ W fen etom&tt, lawn treeler/ 1909 CO U O A N S WORM iSM PN4MS0N8M OW il i i f ' Reaeyaiee. nnj V^W^OTVw. fm/ eeoMfOwMM ter. *T99 runtaaad. Neede eeme ■niwy vwrw OTm Mvn mi^vn« Perd pickup, 9N0. Oee Cpflpm Br Whltd-Ndd-Blud VOANOTAr/U *11, oerefdLTDaer. *11,499 body w ork. 91100. 444- le !>«/ IV ofHf ee Heeler. 979. 949- eiLaiAbONfar, *11, 0939. )er « m M ayelfa- W^WfT^V W MWOm rVrllV< your Ctiolcd 1900099 D19r/u *10, etaiuoPMkup alfMfydMaffii- eOOOOMOAbaVAN *14,1 eeohew«#2df. *4799 MOOOOfnu aaoMiowkMf4 er. *10,999 I7 f> t« f/ I *6995 99079 Twee Pram, 97 Macde 939 Lun. *11/700 VNPTNAVI.W 872-9111 I I M f 99M H ,aelenl4dr, *11.400 eeHomiONvar.w *9,999 E] 8m OOMerkufkIWri *12/"'12M 0 eeOAbAyANfMaW •14,999 w Bit H I S ^ 94Mefde939 4df. *9199 eeLANOMTunoo •11/199 ______eldoil' llnene/ 99 Orend Prln, Le Ml. eiNOmSONver. •4/919 COVeNTRV Lea*. Ter leco/ febrice/ clefbet 990ulleM9df. *7999 eevovAoebrnH •10/399 nfiKea/1/ n#Gf#aKeaffd eel ..... ‘p r N N W d d O ...... pre-Here-1990.742^37. eiPONTIAOeOM an *9,999 IIA ^ILLE Sll^8# AN if( Wf e eerd. f feel letiefiM/ 93 Oelaun 9009K » f e IaIII!ALL cerdi/ Suy- 99 OMO Jimmy 40K *7999 e i 00009 400 a*. •4,499 — *iap**—^ ereefl/ eeHyered/1 eerd ml nl- Ina/ellyeere/Ollcei.ndi- jA^Svmiw L e v e ly niyffl, M AITia/VIM CAKO 99 Line. Town Oer *11,900 aeNI99AN MAXIMA WM ffene. Cell M ‘im . 94 aran. Mereule L i *9999 VOAftAVANfma MURiry freneh Ire e m Afferjr9 pm . eOLeOAbONv*. *13,49 $ 1 7 4 7 7 NelancK 1 bleeli from im m r v n i 99 laufu DLk P/U H ^ e r. WOO w e e kly. 047- M t fM M T iM LflflKVHr V " 3 "er'"4 eioobOLuane •9,299 Onlyl 9-2. Two lOapeed eeriPTNAyi.m •13,999 I T M I lf bihei. Micelleneeut bedreem borne for 2 MORIARTY Ifeme. 93 John Ofreef. reepenilble edulfe and ee ooooa aoee«m. •13,799 NOW Mencbeefer. 2 cnlidren In Mencbee­ eOAUIANOBf*. •3,999 fer or 9eufb WIndeer, BROTHERS 04beUANT4*. iuorcliiiiiHoo H P f l S ” V A A ie le . Jeturdev/ Anev 949-3073, M l Centtr SI. eoLeOAn $ u m \ 00(9-0. IncludH Brefei- •1 MLIANT m ilenel boir\ ManefMittr, CT T O iv r { r " Q '"4g r TSSTn blkei/ furnlfure. end 643-8138 RTS. as. VIRNOM cru lle r I/O. W ill leke miecelleneeui. 33 SALE 87S-3311 2 - f i n ______IxiLM oll-H J imeller beef eiolrede Summer 9 f . . H m l T In. Make me en effert Menchmfer. HiyTBee^TSfmTn- MMI91. iele. Idturiiay/ lUey iMHieei bMf Mieeflen ’i Ivery- MlM0,______Unttit/svlnfaae fblnp eoee. 44 Sfopben veiffilflabine accMaceeiferrei. Ofree' 1, O ff P ' orker. OeeeeL.* >/ Ceileven f^ . H l ^ MenchMfer. Weekei 10-0. PAP______buy. 1‘ TOIT____ TaSnleTni A'PjilffW iffrT ae" iate. male/ AKC realifered. lyeryfhinayeryff muif ae. 2 7 week! eld. Creem end Oreof.iOreaf erleei. Coll M9- fan. A47-7VI. 0709 offer OiOO. PUfNHTUM for tele e r a n d Per Infermeflenfiefle end H i K ILE ilnfmenf cell 049-

1 116 Iremee end heed- rfi ^ rd eeti double end tw in . Oee

INVITATtWITeSie MANOHRBTRR •1M .M 0 r9te|ya|| OroM IHMa Oehmlal-atyla Capo on buoMna. Throe aoed aliod bedrooma, formal dining room wllh 7 huwhaa. Thla homee heahep upeaiadupdated mnnawirine to 100 Amp. Vinyl aldine, new reef end deck, eatre InauleUbn eddedin toil and a tuH walkout beaetnenl.Penl welt to aee thla property • H woni lael lonpl SALE ENDS MAY 30th ^m^^w2s&^^9ssss5j^ss^s^sj£^ssssssssssssssssssSiS^sss^ss^Si5MSiSBS5S^S5Si^d5^B^5SSi^ MANOHROTRR *M I,000 A M . to OMim Prime maldenttel lend, ntoelly open and level. 0.00 3 9%^^*'**^*^*^ eeree, peeeWlltv of up te Va buWdlne lete. City weter P b b U br 0iNfafB» end aewer eveHeWe. Vlouae on property Ineluded In aele. Oleae le Couth VWndaor Hne. lurvey eveNeWe. l i ' 4 a « l ! l ISBLIBeSBQl^ 600 W. Center S t, INanchester 64S4321 : . U m .