Trackt; Petitions argue on both sides / page 3 O s ilrP a rk prepares for the ★ ★ ★ TAG SALES'.! ★ ' Memoflal: Reagan meets Stark families / page 7! hpliday / page IS -ivv 4 Days for the Price of 31 CV m a«F wAiiB «■% AM TiiranAv r e fo RE NOONf AND YOU’RE ALL SET TRACEY OR IRENE IN CLASSinED eon Motors. Bodvoeod MfLLOW one Mfntte. condHlon. Norfhfioie Any tiMuM ooiwwod. Alto, fit. condition. Needs wfro Tfift f room COSO ftot'4 mumh ^Oon. I boeroom. i a.tiwMi, - - —- *om moa bMM^o Mft aaobSoe . harness. Best offer. ErkfBy, May 22,1M7 $ 6 C § M » Of Sboeroomt. A« tiifso MU ttofbt one 2 w ■DDMI, MORnOv • Rwovr wnwi. firtf floor oeSHlon ir n boffn, einlno room. m m e m r m i m RtfvwfSjTH Vollanf 7(f, 3T ontMneoo nof only Comsiofoly corsofod whffowffh brown yffwi ift volvo Out mokof H finitbod botomonf/ m A m / m m m top. Excoiionf condi­ •omofSfne ovorvono ctntral ofr. sorcb/ so- tion. 33,000 o r lB I^ 2nd vote «ffii worn to oym. Lo- flo> sool ond oftior ROTOTILLINO miles. 3t3on«ino,aafo- cofoe In fiN oxfrot. om/fOO. Klor- moflc with oir, cloth Mliooieitfrlefor non Soolty. 040-1147. Home gardens, Peraro says Interior. 32400. Coll ho- Sooe. Hurryll l free estimates. twoon 1pm end 3pm unlikely, - *■ Blonoltore a RMOoffo. «40-)4t2. “ Wo oooren- Call Clyde and A iM iM b . ;' 100 Our Homo«''.o Sons. M7-8M7. M ALIBU stotion jilfaaOT souflf windoor. jmsp 1979. Runs pood, very little rust, eiocm, good town says ti53,«00. 7 room osiif L o v o ly second cor. 3KM0. Coll strike hurts lovof locotoe on o ^ o f woodod let, blob on bill culHto-ooc In doolroo' 649-7734 offer 5pm. rolllne to 100' toot tren- PONTIAC Grond Am By Gooreo Loyee 'V ■ M bio oroo. Livine room toso on send, 3.2 acres. Harold Roeorfor with whito brick rofood 000,000. Klornon 1973. Good condition, hoortb firosloeo. Sot- Soofty. 040-1147. many extros. SS9S. 32B- In kitcbon witbossioln- t » 0 cord. I feet leneibt, 2460. __________ Manchester voters prohaMy wffl cot one cutfom co- ereen, OitIvereO, I cord mini­ 6UICK Century wogon the economy not he asked in a referendam to blnott. Lowor lovof mum. M A O fM /V IM CAMD 1979. 33,000 mtl'ot. Ask- increase the amoont of money fhe fam ily room< foropo. Roiilalo Ino 32493. 646-5300 after town can borrow to renovate fta O. W. SItb Sooffy. sewage treatment platA, town MRS m i or 171-1400.0 uuiMgmlxwaaB^.Ae aiiBiyei itooen neuviiv m o iiiXHEili5TEinW ff. S7S4S1S SGRANtON today. Cbormlno 3 bedroom UK HeostM said the expected cost ef •-; Cope buirlit In 13. Liyinp Construction projects the prqj«et is 827,637.000. Under a room, dlnlno room, klt- ffSMALfc preterred. AND SlUOT USSO 0AM... referenihim question approved by ebon ond 11 s 10 motter Modern room with kit­ soMi (t» rtNANOiNO ON ista bedroom. Nicely deco­ chen prlvlleoet. On voters In 1888, the town can borrow rated tbreusbout. Sld- busline. 047-9013 SAILBOAT. 13 foot, tlbor- r riFTM Ave. m M8,2BS come to a standstill up to 114.3 ffitllton. When the ins, full bosoment well ovonlnss/weekends. gloss, Rhodes day te HORIZON A * m *6,ttS amount of grant moiiM the town londtcoped let in sollef. Dacron tolls, It CARAVAN r am (f) *14,008 should get IS catcotated, Manchea- newer nelobborbood. stainless steel rioelno. tt LANOiN TURBO *11.408 ter should he able to cover the cost |{[MJT)NEIITS 649-0490.____________ St HORIZON 4 or *4,008 SMcellent starter borne Sy Linde Stowall without having to aeek approval to In excellent condition. ly ileoi diotspor cobin ss voYAOtR r x«4 *10,208 exactly how many construction borrow more money, ffeustls safd. cruiser I/O. Will take 54 PONTIAC 8000 «Tt. *8,008 Tht Astacletod PrMs workers were affected by the 0. W. ritb Soolty. 043- TIJSSSTopartmont^^ "We have enough to go ahead m i or 071-1400. smaller boot at o trade M DOOOe 4001 a *4,406 strike, hut predicted If the walkout with the project," he saiif dpplioncos. Centrally In. Moke me an otter! SO TOYOTA CSLICA *2,008 State Labor Cammisslomr P. continued for two weeks, between £ 6 V E N fA V . i re’e'm loeotod. 3470 plus se­ 646-8391. The state last year agreed to home, enlov Ilfs in curity. No pots. 646-3436 55 ACCORD LX I • *0.4QS Joseph Peraro warned that the 20,000 and M,000 could be out of provide grants and loans to cover Coventry owoy from SS NISSAN MAXIMA *11,OM wookdqys. S7 CARAVAN r AM m *18,S g four-day strike by some 1,800 heavy work. the expected 08.8 million project juua Ajkjo tfiillla the bio city . Lokeprivl- equipment operators has begun “The operating engineers have leeet for small onnuol 3 RdAM oportmont, SeLeOARON4dr *12,4W cost. When Mds were opened last ^ f jSdiy Steve, rotrlgorator, hot \ w s SS COROLLA 8R8 * | , m hurting Connecticut's general econ­ all their people out (of work) and month, however, the lowest prop­ ottecotlen fee. 077,300. wattr,hoot, corpetlno, SSLASBR *12.4g M r liM i Coll Joelo keone. 040- ATTENTION Dog omy because the entire construc­ It’a growing In leaps and hounds,” r " V osal was for IM.8 minion. When noor Porkodt. No pets. SSPIPTHAVe. (I) *13.5s tion industry has virtually halted. Peraro said. "All accompanying other costs like engineering and 3309 ,072-0170. Golden Older persons pre- Owners. Professional S3 OtNTUflV 4 D, *7,80$ Oaks S«olty. forrod. Available July dee trolnlno In your M OODOe 600 0<m *12,708 Negotiators for the Hamden- operations such as laborers, car­ inspections are added, the price y Btdreom fewnhoute. 1st. 1433 plus security. homo. Obedience les­ IS OTS Tu«« Pnm. * 10,6 based tntemallonal Union of Oper­ penters, ironworkers and Teams­ would climb above the 08.8 million. Oollohtful rural soi Coll 6 4 3 ^ or 649-6203. sons and behavioral IS ALLIANCE t • *2,1 ating Engineers Local 478 and the ters are unable to work." This prompted the town to ask tlM problem solvlnp avail­ 14 RELIANT 4 4, s i R p w p V,. fine, m baths, op- k R66Mi opollbn- Connecticut Construction Indus­ Peraro aaid the atrlke Is begin­ state for more funding, which the pllancod kitebon, tlld- able. Trainer Joe OIS- SSLtCAR state Department of Environmen­ eos, 3rd fleer. Rororon- onto. 639-2M2. ______ r i PORD COURIER PAI tries Aseocfatlon were to meet this ning to have a ripple effect on the t f I * * '• ors to trood private eos, security , 3393. SO TOYOTA OSLIOA *3,: tal Protection agreed to do. The A iM Eihl-' - potlo. Asking 113,000. 1 edekiff Spaniel, i morning In Peraro's office. entire elate economy and the cost Is i ’ .- 649-2236. SS DOOOE 4001 • *4. "It's serious. It's grave and it's enormous. DEP propoaed that another • • B/W RooltV, 647-1419. mole, AKC roelstered, 13,261,800 be allocated to CHARMItio duatom MAN£MiiflA. T Ei3- 7 weeks old. Crtom and slowly reaching a crisis point," "It's not only the (construction) reom duplex, newly ton. 647-7376. 87 S -3 3 1 1 Peraro said Thursday. employees, hut the public at large Mancheater. Cope. Bock en the ronevotod, full base­ The atato Bond Commiaalon market. 7 Rooms, plus ment, appliances. 3630 AN'i i kfffons; a-Weeks The union went on strike Monday — people who sell goods and today approved the additional perch and dock. 3 bod- plus utilities. No pets. old. Sevan. 2 Collco, S TAKE A LOOK after rejecting three contract prop­ merchandise,” Peraro said. "They 0,01,800. reems, dining and llv- Black. 647-0406. osals made by the CCIA, which have to cut hack. For example, a EES ln#room, don , oot-ln 647-1191 o tttr 3pm. Of that amount, 81.8 minion HELP WANTED I DALE kicbon, oulot stroot. S f U 6 I6 Typo. Aorfry ?ur- negotiates on behalf of more than worker may have planned to buy a would he In low-interest loans and HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Asklnp 1133,000. B/W nlshod. Worklno sinele 1386 800 contractora. car, and now be Isn't.” 00,800 in granta. When added to Roolty 647-1419. mole protorrod. No 8! f a t r “ ‘ The major issue In the dispute Is Peraro, who has been labor the 112.0 million already provided FULL Time position MANCHESTER. 1133,900. pots. Loose. 643-2100. LINCOLN pay. The CCIA'a last contract offer New LIstInol Don't A UNIoUii Arronao- pB8R7^5in!^h#riMri commissioner for eight years, said In loans, the 314.8 mllllM limit available for person to to the englneera was a 16 percent this Is the first strike by Local 478 In would he exceeded. Dermatology train os o profsttlonol mist this one. Cborm- m tnll A portoct In-law Now available the re- TOWN CAR • -- window cleonsr. Good ino Older 6 room Colen- or toonoesrs oport- velutlonory new 31' Increase over three years, accord­ 28 years. However, Heustis said today It Is Secretary/Receptionist stortlno woaet ond be- lof/Copo with 2 par ment comes with this tomllv site twimmlne 3 to choose from ing to Bill Huebner, director of Peraro said the two groups met unlikely the town will need all that netits. 349-5335. dstoebod oardoa. Up­ booutlful 10 room homo pool with huoe sun White, Blue Black public affairs.
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