||||||||IIIHIIII O USOO544551A United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,144,551 Cepulis (45) Date of Patent: Sep
||||||||IIIHIIII o USOO544551A United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,144,551 Cepulis (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 1, 1992 (54) COMPUTER MEMORY MANAGEMENT METHOD UTILIZING SEGMENTATION OTHER PUBLICATIONS AND PROTECTION TECHNIQUES Oct. 20, 1988 Intel Corporation letter and attachments from Ms. S. Roach regarding emulating 286 Loadall 75)75 InventorI : Darrenen J. Cepulis, Houston,s Tex instruction. Attachments include suggested code for (73) Assignee: Compaq Computer Corporation, emulation. Houston, Tex. Microprocessor and peripheral handbook, vol. I, Intel (21) Appl. No.: 714,552 Corp. 1988, pp. 4-121-4-127. e J. Crawford, P. Gelsinger, Programming the 80386, (22 Filed: Jun. 13, 1991 Sybex, 1987, pp. 54-59, 431-477, 488-489, 644-646. Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner-Kevin A. Kriess Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Pravel, Gambrell, Hewitt, 63) Continuation of Ser. No. 354,144, May 19, 1989, aban- Kimball & Krieger doned. ABST 5) Int. C. .............................................. G06F 12/00 (57)7 RAct 52) U.S. C. ............................. 395/425; 364/DIG. 1; A method for managing memory in a computer system 364/232.9, 364/246.6, 364/246.7:364/247; utilizing Intel Corporation's method of segmentation, 364/247.3; 364/247.2; 364/243; 364/243.4; memory management and protection techniques. The 364/243.41; 364/255.7; 364/255.1; 364/254.8; method is directed toward loading all computer regis 364/264; 364/264. 1; 364/DIG. 1; 395/650; ters and segment descriptor tables from a table of pre 395/700 stored values in memory while operating in real mode.
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