Feeling, Attitude, , and Heart Words [email protected] abandoned alive attractive abashed alone authentic abominable aloof authoritative abraded amazed autonomous abrupt ambitious avoided absent-minded ambivalent awake absolute ambushed aware absorbed amenable awful abused amiable awkward abusive amicable bad accepted amused balanced accepting amusement bashful aching analytical beaten active anger beautiful acute angry befuddled adamant angst belittled adaptable anguish bellicose adequate animated belligerent admiration annoyance beloved admiring annoyed benevolent adoration antagonized bent adoring anxiety bereft adrift anxious besotted adventurous apathetic betrayed affected appalled bewildered affection appealing biased affectionate appreciated big heart afflicted appreciative bitten afraid apprehensive bitter after my own heart approachable bitterness ageless approving blah aggravated argumentative blame aggravation armed bland aggressive arousal bleeding heart aggrieved aroused blessed aghast ashamed bloated agitated asleep blocked agonized assertive bloodcurdling agony astonished blooming agreeable astounded blue airless at ease boastful airy at heart boiling alarm attached bold alarmed attacked bored alienated attracted bothered alienation attraction bottom of my heart


Feeling, Attitude, Emotion, and Heart Words [email protected] boyish comfortable curious brash comforted curt brave committed cynical brave heart communicative daring breathless companionless daunted bright compassion dazed brilliant compassionate dead-eyed broken competent debauched bubbly competitive decayed bugged complete decisive bullied compliant dedicated bummed composed deep burdened compulsive defeat burned out concern defeated bushed concerned defective bushwhacked condescending defensive caged confident deferential calm conflicted defiant can-do confused degraded cantankerous connected dejected carefree considerate dejection careful consistent delight caring constipated delighted cautious consuming delightful certain contempt demanding challenged contemptuous demeaned change of heart content denying charmed contentment dependent charming contrary depressed chatty contrition depression cheerful controlled deprived cheerfulness controlling deranged chilly converted desire chipper cool desolate choked cooperative despair chronic cornered desperate clean courageous despicable clear cowardly destructiveness clever creative detached close critical determined clumsy criticized detestable cockles of the heart cross devastated co-dependent cruelty devoted cold crushed dictatorial cold heart cuddly diffident cold-blooded culpability dignified


Feeling, Attitude, Emotion, and Heart Words [email protected] diminished doubting enjoyment diplomatic down in the dumps enmeshed disabled down in the mouth enraged disagreeable drained enraptured disappointed drawn toward enthusiasm disappointment dread enthusiastic discerning dreamy envious discomposure dreary envy disconcerted droll esteemed disconnected drowsy estranged discouraged drunk euphoria discredited dry evasive disgraced dull exasperation disgust dumb excited disgusted dutiful exhausted disgusting dynamic exhilaration dishearten eager exposed disheartened earnest extravagant dishonest easy extroverted dishonor eat my heart out exuberant disillusioned ebullient facetious disinterested eccentric faint heart disliked economical fair dismal ecstasy faithful dismay ecstatic faithless dismayed edgy false heart disorganized effective fanciful displeasure effervescent fancy disruptive egoless fantastic dissatisfied elated fascinated dissociated embarrassed fast distant embarrassment fateful distracted embryonic fatigued distraught emergent fault distress emotional fear distressed empathetic fearful distressing empathic fearless distrustful empowered feckless disturbed empty feeling dithering empty heart feral dizzy enchantment fertile do my heart good encouraged festive dominant energetic finicky dominated energized fixated domineering engrossed fixed doubtful enjoyable flagrant


Feeling, Attitude, Emotion, and Heart Words [email protected] flat giggly have my heart on flighty girlish heart and soul floating giving heart heart attack flourishing glad heart break fondness gladness heart burn foolish gleeful heart in my mouth forced glib heart of the matter forceful gloom heart on my sleeve forgivable gloomy heart song forgiven glowering heart stopping forgiving glum heart stricken fortunate gnawing heart throb foul goalless heart wounded free good heart wrenching frenetic grace-filled heartache fretful gracious heartbreaking friendless grateful heartbroken friendly grave heartfelt friendship great heartless fright greedy heartrending frightened green-eyed heartsick frigid grief heart-to-heart frisky grief-stricken heartwarming frowning grieved heavenly frustrated grim heavy frustration groovy hedonistic fulfilled gruesome helpful full heart gruff helpless full of life grumpiness hermit-like fulsome grumpy heroic fuming guarded hesitant funky guilt high funny guilty high and mighty furious gutless high heart fury gut-wrenching high strung fussy half-hearted hilarious gaga happiness hollow gallant happy honest game hard hope gasping hard heart hopeful gay hardy hopeless generous harmonious hopelessness generous heart hate horrified genial hateful horror gentle hatred hostile giddy have a heart hostility


Feeling, Attitude, Emotion, and Heart Words [email protected] hot infatuated jubilant humane inferior jubilation humble inflamed judged humiliated infuriated judging humiliation ingenious judgmental humorous injured jumpiness hung up innocent jumpy hurt inquisitive keen hysteria insecure kind icky insecurity kindness idle insensitive laid back ill inspired languid ill-natured insulted lawful ill-tempered insulting lawless imitation intelligent lazy immature intense left out immobilized intent lewd immoral interested liberated immortal intimate licentious impassive intractable licked impatient intrepid lifeless imperious intrigued light impersonal introverted liking important intuitive limitless impoverished invalidated limp improvident inventive lion heart impudent involved listening impulsive irate listless in a bind iron heart lively in a rut ironic livid in a stew irritable loathing inactive irritated loneliness inadequate irritating lonely incapable isolated lonely heart incensed isolation longing incontinent itchy long-suffering indecisive jazzy lose my heart indelicate jealous loss independent jealousy lost indifferent jerky loud indignant jittery lousy indignity jolliness love individual jolly loved indomitable joy loveless inebriated joyful lovely infantile joyous love-struck


Feeling, Attitude, Emotion, and Heart Words [email protected] loving mystified panicky low naive paralyzed low-spirited narcissistic parasitic loyal narrow particular lucky nasty passionate lustful naughty passive mad nauseated pathetic magnanimous negative patient malevolent neglect patronized manic neglectful peaceful manipulative nervous pedantic manly nervousness peeved martyred neutral pensive matter-of-fact nice peppery maudlin nit picking perfectionistic mean nonchalant perky mean-spirited nostalgic perplexed meditative nosy persuasive menace numb perverse menacing nurturing pessimistic mend my heart obedient petrified merry objective petty mettlesome observant petulant miffed obsessed phlegmatic mindful obstinate pissed off miserable offended pitiful misery offensive pity misfortunate officious pitying misgiving on a limb played-out mistrustful on tenterhooks playful misunderstood on the spot pleased mixed-up open pleasure monotonous plucky moody optimistic pooped mooning ornery poor moping out of touch positive moral outgoing powerful morbid outspoken powerless morose over used prayerful mortal over-bearing precise mortified overjoyed preoccupied motionless overwhelmed pressured mournful pain moved pained private mutilated panic privileged mysterious panicked projecting


Feeling, Attitude, Emotion, and Heart Words [email protected] protective reluctant self-assured proud remorse self-doubting provocative repressed selfish provoked repugnant self-possessed prudent repulsive self-righteous punished resentful self-sufficient pure resentment sensitive pure heart reserved sentimental purple heart resigned serene purposeful resilient serious put on resolute set my heart against put out respected severe puzzled responsibility sexual quaking responsible sexy queer responsive shabby quick restless shaken quiet restrained shaken up quirky retarded shaky quivery retiring shame rabid revengeful shamed rage revulsion shameful raped ribald sharp rapture rich sheepish rapturous righteous shocked rash risk taker shut-out realistic romantic shy reassured rotten silly rebellious rough simpering receptive sabotaged skeptical reckless sad sleepy reclusive sadness sloppy red-blooded safe slow re-enforced sappy sluggish reflective sarcastic smarmy refreshed sassy smart regret satiated smiley rejected satisfaction smug rejecting satisfied sneering rejection savvy snobbish rejuvenated scared snoopy relapsed scorn social relaxed search my heart soft release secretive soft heart reliable secure solitary relief seductive somber relieved seething sore


Feeling, Attitude, Emotion, and Heart Words [email protected] sorrow surprised to my heart's content sorrowful suspicious tolerable sorry sweaty tolerant sotted sweet tongue-tied sour sweetheart tormented spaced out sybaritic torpid spastic sympathetic torrid speculative sympathy tortured spineless tactless touched spirited take heart touchy spiritless take to heart tough spiteful talkative tragic spleenful tame tranquil spontaneous tattered transcendent squeezed taut trapped stabbing tearful trepidation stable teed off tricky stagnated temperate trustful starry-eyed tenacious trusting sterile tender turned off still tenseness turned on stilted tentative two-faced stir-crazy terrible ugly stirred terrified unafraid stolid terror unassuming stout heart terrorizing unbelieving strangled testy uncaring stressed out thankful uncertain stretched theatrical unchanging strong thick-skinned unclean stubborn thin-skinned unclear stuck thorough uncomfortable stupefied thoughtful unconcerned stupid thoughtless unconquerable suave thrashed unconscious subjective threatened unctuous submissive thrifty undaunted suffering thrill understand sulky thrilled understanding sunny thriving undeserving sunshiny ticked off uneasiness superior tickled uneasy supernatural tickled pink unfeeling supportive tickled-to-death unflinching sure timid unforgiving surly tired unglued


Feeling, Attitude, Emotion, and Heart Words [email protected] unguarded warm heart zestful unhappiness warmth zingy unhappy wary zippy unimportant wasteful uninterested watchful unique weak unmanned weakening unmoved weary unnatural weepy unnerved weighty unpleasant weird unreasonable whacked unresponsive whimsical unsettled whiny unshrinking wholesome unsure whole-souled unsympathetic wicked unwholesome wild unwilling wilted upset wimpy uptight wincing urgent window to the heart used wired useless wise vacant wishy-washy vain withdrawn valiant withholding vengeful woeful vengefulness womanly venturesome wonderful vibrant worked up victimized worn vigorous worn out vile worried vindicated worrisome violent worry virginal worshipful virile worthless virtuous worthy visionary wounded vivacious wracked vulnerable wrathful wakeful wretched wanted wronged wanton wry warm zealous
