Devonshire. 37 0
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0 ASHTON. DIRECTORY. J DEVONSHIRE. 37 0 . A.SHREIGNEY (or Ring's Ash) is a parish and vil- iords of the manor, John Cole, J. M. and R. G. Harria lage, 5 miles north-west from Eggesford station and and Michael Squire esqrs. are chief landowners. The 3i west-by-south from South Molton Road station, both soil is dun land; the subsoil is clay. The chi-ef cropj on the North Devon branch of the London and South are oats and wheat, and some pasturage. The ar9a is Western railway, and II south-east from Torrington, in 5,712 acres of land and II of water; rateable value, the South :\Iolton division of the county, North Tawton £2,400; the population in 19II was 55 B. hundred, South Molto_n petty sessional division, Torring- Cottwood is a. haml€t Ii miles w-est. ton union and county court district, rural deanery of Post & Telegrapli Office, .A.shreigney. Samuel Boundy, Chulmleigh, archdeaconry of Barnstaple and diocese of sub-postmaster. Letters through Chulmleigh, whioh Exeter. The church"6f St. James is an ancient building is the nearest money order office, 4 miles distant of stone in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, Wall Letter Box, at Brid~e Reeve_ t!Outh porch, south aisle and an embattled tower on Public Elementary School (mixed), erected ]n I86r &; !he north-west, with pi_nnacles, and containing a clock endowed with £45 by Mrs. Pyncombe, for 100 child- and 6 bells: the church was restored in 188g-go, and ren; James Shopland, master; Mis& Alice Owen, the bells rehung by 'Mr . .A.ggett, of Chagford, at a cost assistant mistress; the endowment is now used for of £987: there are 25° sittings. The register dates providing scholarships in secondary education trom the year 1654. The living .Is a rectory, net yearly nlue £3oo, including 65 acres of glebe, with residence, RIDDLECOMBE is a hamlet r! miles north-west from l'n the gift of R. J. G. Johnson esq. and held since the village. Messrs. J. M. and R. G. Harris are lords 19to by the Rev. John Lionel Shirley Dampier Bennett of the manor and the principal landowners. M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. At Riddle- Post Office, Riddlecombe.-Miss Susannah Boundy, sub- combe is a United Methodist chapel, and there is a postmistress. Letters through Chulmleigh. Dolton Congregational chapel at Bridge Reeve, 2 miles east. is the nearest money order office & Ashreigney the . The trustee!! of the late R. F. G. Johnson esq. who are n-earest telegraph office, 1~ miles distant • - .A.SHREIGNEY. Cook Robert; farmer, Coalhouse Watkins .A.lfd. farmr. Low. Northcott Marked thus* receive letters through Cudmor9 Christphr. jhatchr.Cotwood Watkins Thos. frmr.High~ Northcott ( Dunn Edwin, farmer, Church water *Webber John, farmer, Luxtons Burrington, Chulmleigh.) Ellis Fredk. blacksmith, Bridge reen Wedlake Thomas, farmer, Bourne - PRIVATE RESIDENTS. *Gay William & Noah, farmers, Westaway John, farmer & I~ndowner, Bennett Rev. John Lionel Shirlev Marsh mill Redland Dampier M . .A. (rector), Rectory - Harris William & Son, farmers & Woolacott Robert, New inn Cole John landowners, Hooke farm RIDDLECOMBE. _ Cole :Miss Hockridge Sidney, farmer, Lake · Headon Mrs · Hun5 Charles James, farmer, C<lld- COMMERCIAL. Watkin John, Bush villa harbour farm Alford Robert, shoe maker Lane George, saddler Boun~y Susannah (Miss), grocer, COlfMERCIAL. National Deposit Friendly Society Post office Alford John, farmer, Little Hayes (Jamrs Shopland, local sec) Boundy Wm.tailor & draper, Post oft .Baker Richard, fanner, .A.shmill Parkhouse J a ne (Mrs.), frmr .Good cot Carter William & Son, wheelwrights Bellew James, farmer, Woodrow Parkhouse William, farmer, Goodcot & machinists Boundy Jas.frmr.& landownr.West yd Partridge Jn.Reed, farmer,Eagledown Carter George, farmer, Knaplocks Boundy Samuel, grocer, Post office Pinn James, cowkeeper, Reynards pk Carter John, farmer, East Arson *Budd John, farmer, Foxmeadow Prideux John, farme:r, Beara Greenslade John, blacksmith Oallard J" a ne (Mrs.), blacksmith S_1lnders Robert, boot maker Harris J onathan, ·wheelwright Callard John, fa.rmer, Ham Shapland Waiter John, farmer,Hane- Harris Robt. G~ farmer & landowner, Carter J oseph, famter, Bridge ford Barton Ridrllecombe Hole & Skellies farms Cole John & So~, farmers & corn, Simmons Richd. & Son, wheelwrghts Harris William· John, carpenter wool, coal, coke, lime, oil cake, Squire Henry, farmer, West .Arson Middle ton Richard,. farmer, W estacott seed • & manure merchants ; stores Squire Michael, farmer, Firsdon Parkhouse Frederick, assistant over- · at South Molton Road Railway sta Stanbury John~ farmer, Furze Barton - seer & clerk to the Parish Council tion, Chulmleigh Thorne John, farmer, Cra bdown Parkhouse Ro bert & Son, builders Cole Elias, farmer, Densham Turner Robert, farmer, Heal!' Parkhouse Robert, farmer, Spars Cole Enock, farmer, Horridge Turner William, road contractor l Squire Rt. farmer & landownr. Bolts- • ASHTON is a parish: containing two villages, called 1carved oak and over it an elaborate sounding board or respectively Upper .A.shton and Lower Ashton, on the canopy, and affixed to it is an iron hour glass stand: river Teign, and vn the road from Chudleigh to Crediton, there are sittings for 170 persons. The register dates wit-h a s-tation on the Teign Valley branch nf the Great from the year 1547. The living is a rectory, net yearly Western railway, now extended to Exeter, 219 mile!! value £2oo, with residence and 58 acl'es of glebe, in thQ from London, 4 miles north-west from Cbudleigh, 8 gift of the trustees of the late Rev. J. C. Onion~ M . .A.. south-west from Exeter and 16 north-west from Torquay, and held since 1914 by the Rev. Henry Tanner King in the Tiverton division of the county, Exminster M. .A.. of Pembroke College, Oxford. The charities are hundred, Wonford petty sessional division, St. Thomas of £5 yearly value. The Barton, in t-his parish, WM • (Exeter) union, -Exeter county COJirt district, rural tha seat at the beginning of the qth centpry of ths deane17. of Kenn and archdeaconry and diocese of Exeter. Ohudleigh family, or- which was Sir James Chudleigh There is a picturesque old stone bridge over the Teign, k.t. Sir Richard Chudleigh kt. Sir John Chudleigh, built in 1604, and the view on each side is very charming. knighted by Ch!ll'les I. 22 September, 1625, and Sir The church of St. John the Baptist is an ancient building George Chudleigh, created a. baronet, 1 August, 1622! of granit-e and limestone, in the Perpendicular style, con- their house, which had been garrisoned for the lting, -sisting of chancel with chapel, nave, n<Jrth aisle, south was taken by the Parliamentary forces, December 29, porch and aft embattled western tower with pinnacles, 1645; the Chudleighs were lQrds of the manol'-, and ~onta.ining 6 bells, which were rehung in 1905: the were seated here from 1320 to 1750, but the baronetcr chapel is sepaJ"ated from the chancel by a screen with became extinct on the death of Sir John Chudleigh bart. -exquisite tracery, and in excellent preservation; the who was killeq at Ostend, August t, 1745; subsequently lower panels are painted with life-sized figures and are the manor passed by marriage to Sir Henry Oxenden, eonsidered to be unique: the windows in the north aisle 7th barl. General Sir Richard Harrison R.E., G.C.B., exhibit the arms of the Chudleigh family, quartered C.M.G. is lord of the manor ilnd owns the larger with those of the various county families ints which portion of the parish. The soil is clayey in one part they IJ!8.l'l'ied; there is one brass and three monuments and loamy in another; subsoil, clay and skillett. The -one of which, constructed of wood, with armorial chief crop!t are wheat, oats• barley and potatoel!. The bearings, commemorates Sir George Chudleigh bart area is 2,172 acree of land and ro of water; rateabl• fint a. Parliamentarian, then a Royalist commander valul', £,r,767; the population in 1:911 was 176 in the in the Civil War, ob. 1657, Mary (Strode) his wife, nint> civil and 165 in the ecclesiastical parish. - sons and nine daughters: the font has an octagonal By a Local Government Board Order, which came into h1lsin, the sides of which bear the arms of Chudleigh, operation March '25, 1884, a detached part of Trusham . Stourton and Tremaine: the oak wagon roof was restored parish. in Newton Abbot union, known as Middle in 1900, at a cost of £soo: in 1901 the church was Bramble .find Lower Bramble. and Highf>r, :Unve-r and restored at a cost of £350: the groined canopy and \fiddle Keddons from Exminster, was amalgam!lted carved ornaments were replaced on the screen in 1908 ~ith this parish . .at a cost of £,250: th~re is an Elizabethan pulpit of Sexton. William Short. • DEVO-w.T ~t .