Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1998 Daily Egyptian 1998 7-24-1998 The Daily Egyptian, July 24, 1998 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 83, Issue 167 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1998 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1998 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Rock: New Guinea: t Weekender Local artist showcases paintings of unique DAILY flil1PTIAI~ culture. ~~ Illpage 7 Southern _Illinois University at Carbondale \_'ol. 83, No. 167, 12 pages single cop, free .Professor '50s, Harry_ Klein; sfrai~~ lo h~-r the song request of ~bar patron Tuesday night at PK's;· -:·S-pinning ·stacks of ~ax~ t~e professor lays down hot groovesa Ston In DIUCA DUlll1Jlll'I and.gets the crow~_-jivin_' at PHs Pllotos •n DOUG lAASON every weeko ' . ith closed eyes, limber legs, beer Just like an instructor ic:iding his students to in one hand and heads nodding, knowledge, Klein guides his listeners to musical the dancing customers at PK's arc wisdom of past eras; It is this reason that the name not the only ones jigging the old "Professor '50s". was derived. school jive on Tuesday nights. "It's about Professor '50s diggin' a little bit deep- The dance floor is filled with er, playing lesser known songs" he said. "I like to booze-happy customers dancing to Eric Clapton's, . expose my listeners to music deeper into the collcc- "l..iyla" and shouting requests like; "soul power" · tion;'' • · · · · • ·.