Bioenergy Needs Assessment Stu d y in Bh u ta n – Sta tu s, Issues, Concerns and Opportunities Fe b ru a ry 04, 2011 Report submitted to Policy and Planning Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Royal Government of Bhutan, Th i m p h u , Bh u t a n . Prepared by Sonam Tobgay Founder/ Principal Consultant Thimphu Consultants International Ltd. Tel.975-02-324949/17119900 Email:
[email protected] ii ExecutiveSummary The report outlines a need assessment re se a rc h st u d y o n t h e st a t u s, issu e s, priorities, constraints and opportunities of bioenergy development prospects in Bhutan. The study is funded as part of th e regional research initiative under the Technical Cooperation Program Facility undertaken by United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization Regional Office for Asia and Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand. Similar research studies are ca rried out in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The research describes the potentials of bioenergy sources, policies, gaps, and utilization options by strengthening the technical understanding and interrelationship between bioenergy usage and food se c u rit y o b je c t iv e s in Bh u t a n . Su b se q uently, the study provides baseline informa tion on existing b ioenerg y sc ena rio in terms of p olic ies, institutions, availability of bioenergy resources and investment viability options for enterprise development in the country. Chapter 1 offers a quick overview on the definition and rationale of bioenergy research study in Bhutan and also presents a brief country profile highlighting its development philosophy of Gross National Happiness.