FRIDAY NTGHT I,TGHTS "Who's Your Daddy?" Written By
Executlve Producer: Peter Berg Scri-pt #: 104 Executive Producer: Jason Katirns Episode #: 104 Executive Producer: David Nevins Production #: 01004 Executive Producer: Bri-an GTazer Co-Executive Producer: John Cameron Co-Executive Producer: Sarah Aubrey co-Executive Producer: Jeffrey Reiirer FRIDAY NTGHT I,TGHTS "Who's Your Daddy?" Written by Kerrw }ihri n Directed by Allison Liddi-Brown PRODUCTTON DRAFT August L, 2006 FulI August 11, 2005 Blue Pages: Cast t34,4I,42 August 17, 2005 Pink Pages: Set,I,7At2.3,4,5,9, 9 ,20,28,28A,30 ,33 ,39 4rt45t45At47,49 August 22, 2005 Yellow Pages: Cast, Set,1 ,IA,i-4, 30 ,30A/ 32 t32At39 ,40 | 43 August 24, 2006 Green Pages: CastrSet, 14,!8,19 | 19A, 30, 30A, 43, 43A | 44 | 49 ,52,53,53A, 54 ,54A,55,55A O 2006 NBC STUDfOS, fNC. A1I rights reserved. Not to be duplicated wlthout permission. This material is the property of NBC Studios, Inc. and is intended solely for the use of its personnel. The sale, copying, reproduction or exploitation of thj-s material in any form 1s prohiblted. Distribution or diiclosure of this material to unauthori zed oEr=.,n* rs also prohibited. FRTDAY NIGHT LIGHTS "Who's Your Daddy?" GREEN B/24/06 CAST LIST COACH ERIC TAYI.OR TIM RIGGINS TYRA COLLETTE .]ASON STREET BRIAN *SMASH" WILLIAMS TAMI TAYLOR MATT SARACEN JU],IE TAYLOR ],ANDRY CI,ARKE LYLA GARRITY SPEAKING PARTS: (in order of appearance) SAMMY MEADE LOIS BOBBY "BULI," REYES CHEERLEADER RAY VOODOO TATOM MRS. SARACEN HERC PHIL HENRY SARACEN MAC MCGILL BIIDDY GARRITY INTERVIEI{ER COREY MRS, JOHNSON OFFTCER MARY ANNE GRANGER
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