Term 6 2017 18
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Also: St Chad’s School Newsletter DINNER COST IN- CREASE . A celebration of one of the very best years! Please note that dinner As is tradition now, I will share Y6s have been working on their huge We will mention the Festival of costs will go up some of the many events that have Young Apprentice project which Youth Sport inside – but spoiler – by 10p per day happened in St Chad’s over the last also culminated in the sale of pupil our pupils did very well indeed! to £2.20 per term and also as it is the end of the made cakes. They raised almost We welcomed new Reception Par- child per day. year I will remind you of some of £160 which will be shared between ents to the St Chad’s family during the bigger successes from across the Y5 and 6 charities of Southern our new to EYFS evening. It was a Summer Read- the year (see inside for the latter). Brooks and the Crisis Centre, along great turn out and the new families ing Challenge It has been the first time we have with funds raised at the collection were really happy to be part of St is about to had two classes in Y6 and the first for the productions. Chad’s. start! See in- KS2 produc- winning House for this year time we have held our The Y4s produced their fab Ramadan side for further tions in St Chad’s Church was Banksy (a much and as a reward for assembly to parents. It’s now the details. bigger venue). The pupils as always being the overall winners of the end of our second year of assem- were amazing, stepping up, overcom- year, the entire house was taken to blies shared with parents and from Fromeside Gym ing nerves, learning dances, lines and this Wednesday. the feedback it seems it is very songs to a standard that any West Here they spent the afternoon be- popular, so it is certainly something End actor would be proud of. Well ing shown some pretty incredible we will continue with – well done done everyone involved, I think it gym techniques by the trained in- everyone who has led an assembly to structors and had a go on equipment may have been the best yet! parents this year. EYFS annual yearly re- that we don’t have in school. As you held their During the start of this term we view can imagine, they had a great time! to parents, it has been amazing held another of our whole school Recep- to watch how much our youngest The trips this term were a reading buddies sessions, where tion Zoo Trip Y3/4 trip pupils have grown socially, academi- , and a to pupils are paired with another from We are Curi- cally and physically in such a short the newly re-branded a different age within school to ous space of time – we are all proud of . The pupils had lots of fun and spend some time enjoying reading Below, Leah you! for both trips we had members of with her win- with each other. It is such a lovely At the time of writing, we have not the location’s teams and also mem- thing to see every child in school ning design bers of the public congratulating for Feathers yet had our Leavers’ Assembly, but engaged in the magic of a book and knowing how fab this year’s Y6 are, the pupils on their manners, kind- really enjoying sharing with other McGraw. ness and helpful actions. Well done Look out for I am sure it will be an equally high children in school. standard to all of the other fab St Chad’s pupils! him in the It seems a while ago now, but it was things that they have done this Mrs Dobson and our pupil Eco-Team Mall Y6 camp at the start of this term! year. I wonder if there were organised our fantastic Eco Week, For the first time we went to Croft tears?! where the pupils all worked on dif- Farm which was a very good choice. Thank you to the pupils and families ferent ways we could become more We met two schools from Kent who supported the superb 25th an- eco-friendly. Themes included there who come simply for the wa- niversary Patchway Festival last healthy living, biodiversity, water, ter sport tuition as they say there Saturday. The pupils worked hard to waste, litter, local area and global is nothing better between here and create amazing citizenship. Pupils were even set Kent! The pupils were great and had artworks that challenges where they could earn a fab time; I am not sure they had extra house points. The whole they carried on much sleep however! parade to Scott school has got behind the initiative and our school is certainly a much It has truly been one of the most Park. greener place now. successful years ever in St Chad’s One focus in St and I want to say thank you to the Chad’s this year As a link to their charity work, Revd pupils and teachers for just an has been on a Howard shuttled Y3s in the Patch- amazing year, and thank you to eve- Memory Café year of Commu- way minibus to the to ryone who has helped: Governors, nity and Charity. spend time with people who fre- Friends, volunteers - and of course quent the café. The organisers of Y3 finished their parents and carers for all you do! year with a cake the café heaped praise on the pu- We wish you a fantastic summer sale to raise mon- pils; the café visitors as well as the everyone. We know our Y6s are ey for Precious pupils loved the experience, which going to go on to do great things, Time. Well done was followed by some really inter- and we look forward to welcoming Y3 for raising esting conversations back in school you all back for our new year on £87.10. about how we could help. September 3rd. Similarly, the St Chad’s School Newsletter Term 6 “This is one of the best Dates to be aware of, for full year please see the letter already sent and on productions I have our website under letters. There is a basic overview of the entire year on our website now— seen. I sing in a http://www.stchadsprimaryschool.co.uk/key-information/ choir and I don’t September think they could Monday 3rd September 9 a.m. School re-opens to pupils. do harmonies as Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th September One to one interviews for new to EYFS parents and well as St Chad’s pupils. children.” W/comm Monday 10th September External clubs and Music lessons commence this week. TBC for some clubs and this does not include Feedback from a teacher clubs. parent after our Monday 17th September EYFS full time. KS2 production. Wednesday at 19th September New to EYFS evening 6.00 p.m. for approximately an hour. Following on from meeting one in July. Friday 28th September Languages Day – the infamous breakfast! Parent October Thursday 4th October TBC Y4 Swimming – a letter will be sent nearer the time helpers Are will full details once the pool has confirmed time / you interested in date. helping out with reading Friday 5th October Prospective new EYFS tour one 9.30 or other activities in Friday 12th October INSET day (number 1 of 5) school closed to pupils. school? We are always Monday 15th October 10.00am Harvest Festival – held at St Chad’s happy for extra people Church. (Time TBC) to get involved, and Tuesday 23rd October Individual photos those who already are very much enjoying it! Wednesday 24th October Parents’ evenings 4.30 to 7.00 p.m. Some parents come on a Thursday 25th October Prospective new EYFS tour two 1.30 regular basis, some Thursday 25th October Parents’ evenings 3.45 to 6.00 p.m. every now and then. We have people who come to th Friday 26 October School closes – Term 1 ends. read, people who like to November work with groups in class, some who share Monday 5th November 9.00 a.m. School re-opens –Term 2 starts. specific knowledge Thursday 8th November Prospective new EYFS tour three 1.30 (such as experiences of certain events, or Wednesday 14th November Open morning one 9.00 to 10.00 cultural sharing) and Friday 23rd November TBC Non-uniform day, collection for the Christmas Fair. many more. Anything you can think of really! Monday 26th November London Trip Y5 and 6. We are happy to discuss Wednesday 28th November Prospective new EYFS tour four 9.30 with you times and December things you might be interested in doing. If Saturday 1st December TBC Christmas Fair time (TBC) this does interest you, Monday 17th December EYFS and Y1 Christmas rehearsal AM please see your child’s 1.30 p.m. EYFS and Y1 Christmas production class teacher, Mrs Tuesday 18th December Y2 Christmas rehearsal AM Rogers, Mrs Jenkins, 6.00 p.m. Y2 Christmas production Mrs Ives, or myself. Wednesday 19th December KS2 rehearsal AM Whole School Christmas Lunch TBC 6.00 p.m. Carol Service at the Church Friday 21st December Class parties (TBC – availability of St Nicholas) Non-uniform day. 3.30 p.m. School closes for the Christmas break. School disco TBC January Monday 7th January INSET Day (2 of 5) – school closed to pupils.