Situation of Polling Stations
SITUATION OF POLLING STATIONS Election of the Mayor for West of England Combined Authority Hours of Poll:- 7:00 am to 10:00 pm Notice is hereby given that: The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows: Ranges of electoral register Station Situation of Polling Station numbers of persons entitled Number to vote thereat St Bartholomew's Church - Upper Hall, Sommerville 1-WEST ASHA-1 to ASHA-1610 Road, Bristol Sefton Park Infant & Junior School, St Bartholomew's 2-WEST ASHB-1 to ASHB-1195 Road, Bristol St Bartholomew's Church - Upper Hall, Sommerville 3-WEST ASHC-1 to ASHC-1256 Road, Bristol Salvation Army Citadel, 6 Ashley Road, Bristol 4-WEST ASHD-1 to ASHD-1182/1 Ivy Pentecostal Church, Assemblies of God, Ashley 5-WEST ASHE-1 to ASHE-1216 Hill, Montpelier Ivy Pentecostal Church, Assemblies of God, Ashley 6-WEST ASHF-2 to ASHF-1440 Hill, Montpelier St Werburgh's Community Centre, Horley Road, St 7-WEST ASHG-1 to ASHG-1562 Werburghs Salvation Army Citadel, 6 Ashley Road, Bristol 8-WEST ASHH-1 to ASHH-1467 Malcolm X Community Centre, 141 City Road, St 9-WEST ASHJ-1 to ASHJ-1663 Pauls St Paul`s Community Sports Academy, Newfoundland 10- ASHK-1 to ASHK-966 Road, Bristol WEST St Paul`s Community Sports Academy, Newfoundland 11- ASHL-1 to ASHL-1067 Road, Bristol WEST Avonmouth Community Centre, Avonmouth Road, 12-NW AVLA-3 to AVLA-1688 Bristol Nova Primary School, Barracks Lane, Shirehampton 13-NW AVLB-1 to AVLB-1839 Hope Cafe and Church, 117 - 119 Long Cross, 14-NW AVLC-1 to AVLC-1673
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