Economic Reforms in Khorezm Region at a New Stage of Development of Uzbekistan
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EPRA International Journal of Economic Growth and Environmental Issues- Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN: 2321-6247 Volume: 9 | Issue: 2 | February 2021 | Journal DOI : 10.36713/epra0713 | SJIF Impact Factor (2021): 8.047 ECONOMIC REFORMS IN KHOREZM REGION AT A NEW STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT OF UZBEKISTAN Sanjarbek Davletov Doctor of Historical Sciences, UrSU, Urgench, Uzbekistan Kamronbek Davlatov Student, University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan ANNOTATION This article analyzes the process of economic reforms in Khorezm region at the current stage of development of Uzbekistan. It reflects the changes in the regional economy on the basis of the tasks set during the visit of President Sh. Mirziyoyev to the region. KEYWORDS: Action strategy, reforms, economy, modernization, investment, projects. INTRODUCTION time. In two years, all sectors of the region During the years of independence, the received a total of 1.6 trillion soums from all consistent development of our country has laid the sources [2]. foundation for great changes in Khorezm region. During the visit of the President to Large-scale creative work, promising investment Khorezm region on January 27-28, 2017, specific projects have been implemented in cities and proposals were made on the construction of a districts. The ultimate goal of the "Action Strategy railway to Khiva and the organization of for the five priority areas of development of the transportation of foreign and domestic tourists by Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021" was to high-speed trains "Afrosiyob", as well as electric further increase the effectiveness of reforms in the trains. country, create conditions for comprehensive The city of Khiva plays a significant role in development of the state and society, modernize the this process in the development of tourism in the country and liberalize all spheres of life. region. In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4, 2017 No PP-2953 "On the program of integrated The study used historical-comparative, development of tourism potential of Khorezm systematization, principles of objectivity, statistical region and the city of Khiva for 2017-2021", a research methods. number of promising projects have been launched in this regard. Over the years, modern hotels have ANALYSIS AND RESULTS been built in Urgench and Khiva, and the number At a pre-election meeting in Shovot district of beds has been increased. The range of services on November 11, 2016, President of the Republic for domestic and foreign tourists is expanding and of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev outlined specific the quality is improving. Historical monuments in plans for modernization of the economy of Khiva are being gradually restored. Another Khorezm region, as well as further development of convenience for tourists and visitors was the laying agriculture, textiles, medicine, tourism, arts and of railway tracks from Urgench to Khiva and the other sectors. Practical work on the construction of a railway station in the ancient city. implementation of these issues was launched in the During the visit of the President to the region as soon as possible, and significant positive region on October 14-15, 2017, a number of tasks changes began to be achieved in a short period of were identified to develop the region's economy, -------- 2021 EPRA EGEI | | Journal DOI URL: ------------31 EPRA International Journal of Economic Growth and Environmental Issues- Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN: 2321-6247 Volume: 9 | Issue: 2 | February 2021 | Journal DOI : 10.36713/epra0713 | SJIF Impact Factor (2021): 8.047 restructure industry and agriculture, build social In Yangiarik district, where the share of facilities and improve infrastructure and living industrial enterprises is low, the value is 117.0 standards. Based on these tasks, a number of billion soums. Production of textile products at enterprises and small businesses have been Yanteks Invest worth 40.0 billion soums in established in the region, and large-scale creative Yangibazar district. The Kamoliddin A farm has work has been carried out. Promising projects have built a textile enterprise worth 37.0 billion soums in been launched in industry, transport, agriculture, Kushkupir district. UZS “Kushkupir Parranda” has tourism, education and other areas. launched production enterprises for the production During the next visit of the President to the of mixed fodder for poultry and processing of region on November 29-30, 2018, he got poultry meat. In the direction of modern acquainted with the ongoing reforms. In 2018, 312 greenhouses, which are becoming a driver industry investment projects were implemented in the region in the region, 212 hectares of modern greenhouses and new enterprises were launched. In particular, of hydroponic type were put into operation [5]. the conditions and opportunities created for small Resolution of the President of the Republic businesses have begun to lay the groundwork for of Uzbekistan dated August 17, 2020 No PP-4810 entrepreneurs to implement new projects. "On measures to develop entrepreneurship and In accordance with the Decree of the increase its investment attractiveness in Khorezm President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated region" [3] more efficient use of existing industrial February 6, 2018 "On measures for the and production potential of the region, organization implementation of state property objects to of new production facilities, opened up new business entities and the creation of small industrial opportunities for attracting investments and zones in the Khorezm region" [1], small industrial improving infrastructure, creating new jobs and zones have been established in Urgench city and increasing the income of the population in the Shovot, Khiva, Urgench, Khazarasp regions. region. According to the resolution, the total cost In 2020, another 143.6 hectares of land were of the project in Khorezm region in 2020-2022 is allocated for the expansion of the Khazarasp free 2.2 trillion soums. Address list of 84 investment economic zone, bringing the total land area of the projects worth 516.8 million soums and the total free economic zone to 550 hectares. To date, in the cost of 516.8 million soums in Khorezm region. areas of the free economic zone, the value is 30 The list of 26 promising investment projects’ cost $ million. A total of 14 projects worth 790 US 1 billion has been approved. dollars were implemented and 790 new jobs were On the basis of the tasks set by the created. Currently, in the territory of the free President during his next visit to Khorezm region economic zone worth is 277.4 million. Work is on December 12-13, 2020, the priorities of socio- underway to implement 5 projects worth $1 billion. economic development of the region were In particular, the total cost of the project, which is identified. In his Address to the Oliy Majlis and being implemented in cooperation with Malaysia, the people of Uzbekistan on December 29, 2020, is $ 250 million. A US $ 1 million caustic soda and the President spoke about the prospects for the liquid chlorine production project is underway. development of transport and communication According to the instructions given by the systems and the electrification of the Bukhara- President during his visit to Khorezm region on Miskin-Urgench railway. This project will create March 12-13, 2020, 2,555 investment projects will an opportunity to launch modern high-speed trains be implemented in 2020, amounting to 4 trillion to Khorezm region, which has a huge tourist soums. 675 billion UZS were invested. In potential. particular, the Khazarasp Tekstil enterprise has Active investment policy that contributes to launched a project to produce 9.0 thousand tons of sustainable economic development is one of the yarn a year with investments of 87.0 billion soums most important conditions for achieving. In order and created 150 new jobs. to attract foreign direct investment to the region 6.6 billion soums to be invested in and develop trade and economic relations, a Nurmuhammad Islam Obod enterprise in delegation of regional leaders and entrepreneurs Tuprakkala district 10 million soums a year due to visited Russia, China, Turkey, Malaysia, Belarus disbursement of funds launched a project to and other countries. As a result, important export produce a pair of disposable medical gloves and contracts and agreements on the implementation of created 50 new jobs; At the enterprise "Gardens major investment projects were signed. Khorezm" in Khanka district 165.0 billion soums As a result, the number of enterprises with were invested. Due to the disbursement of funds, a foreign capital in Khorezm region increased from greenhouse complex was launched on an area of 7 36 in 2016 to 186 in 2020. Within the framework hectares and 54 new jobs were created. of projects with foreign capital, $ 136.6 million of foreign direct investment was used. Despite the -------- 2021 EPRA EGEI | | Journal DOI URL: ------------32 EPRA International Journal of Economic Growth and Environmental Issues- Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN: 2321-6247 Volume: 9 | Issue: 2 | February 2021 | Journal DOI : 10.36713/epra0713 | SJIF Impact Factor (2021): 8.047 difficulties of the pandemic, the region's exports amounted to 173.7 million. USD, an increase of 202% compared to 2019, more than 61 new enterprises were involved in export activities. CONCLUSION Today, the people of Uzbekistan, under the leadership of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev, are building a new Uzbekistan based on the idea of "From national revival to national uplift." At the current stage of development of our country, significant changes have taken place in Khorezm region. Including: Foreign investment is being actively involved in the development of regional industry and agriculture. In a short period of time, a number of high-ranking guests visited the region.