
Self-criticism and self-compassion: Risk and resilience Web audio at CurrentPsychiatry.com Dr. Warren: Exploring the function of self-criticism in patient’s lives Self-criticism and self-compassion: Risk and resilience Being compassionate to oneself is associated with emotional resilience and psychological well-being

Ricks Warren, PhD, ABPP nce thought to only be associated with depression, self- Clinical Associate Professor Department of Psychiatry criticism is a transdiagnostic risk factor for diverse forms of University of Michigan Medical School psychopathology.1,2 However, research has shown that self- Ann Arbor, Michigan O compassion is a robust resilience factor when faced with feelings of Elke Smeets, PhD personal inadequacy.3,4 Lecturer Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Self-critical individuals experience feelings of unworthiness, infe- Maastricht University riority, failure, and . They engage in constant and harsh self- Maastricht, Netherlands scrutiny and evaluation, and fear being disapproved and criticized Kristin Neff, PhD and losing the approval and acceptance of others.5 Self-compassion Associate Professor involves treating oneself with care and concern when confronted with Department of Educational Psychology University of Texas at Austin personal inadequacies, mistakes, failures, and painful life situations.6,7 Austin, Texas Although self-criticism is the aspect of perfectionism most associated Disclosures with maladjustment,8 one can be harshly self-critical without being a The authors report no financial relationships with any company whose products are mentioned in this article perfectionist. Most studies of self-criticism have not measured ; or with manufacturers of competing products. however, this self-conscious emotion has been implicated in diverse forms of psychopathology.9 In contrast to guilt, which results from acknowledging bad behavior, shame results from seeing oneself as a bad or inadequate person. Although self-criticism is destructive across clinical disorders and interpersonal relationships, self-compassion is associated with healthy relationships, emotional well-being, and better treatment outcomes. Recent research shows how clinicians can teach their patients how to be less self-critical and more self-compassionate. Neff6,7 proposes that self-compassion involves treating yourself with care and concern when being confronted with personal inadequacies, mistakes, failures, and painful life situations. It consists of 3 interacting components, each of which has a positive and negative pole: • self-kindness vs self-judgment • a sense of common humanity vs isolation • mindfulness vs over-identification. continued

Current Psychiatry

BRIAN STAUFFER Vol. 15, No. 12 19 Self-kindness refers to being caring and depression 2 years later, and—in males— understanding with oneself rather than 10 years later in their medical careers harshly judgmental. Instead of attacking better than a history of depression.11 Self- and berating oneself for personal shortcom- critical perfectionism also is associated ings, the self is offered warmth and uncon- with suicidal ideation and lethality of ditional acceptance. suicide attempts.12 Self-criticism has been shown to Self-compassion Humanity involves recognizing that predict depressive relapse and residual humans are imperfect, that all people fail, self-devaluative symptoms in recovered make mistakes, and have serious life chal- depressed patients.13 In one study, currently lenges. By remembering that imperfection depressed and remitted depressed patients is part of life, we feel less isolated when we had higher self-criticism and lower self- are in pain. compassion compared with healthy controls. Both factors were more strongly associated Mindfulness in the context of self- with depression status than higher perfec- compassion involves being aware of one’s tionistic beliefs and cognitions, rumination, Clinical Point painful experiences in a balanced way that and maladaptive emotional regulation.14 Self-compassion neither ignores and avoids nor exaggerates painful thoughts and emotions. Self-criticism and response to treatment. is more than the Self-compassion is more than the In the National Institute of Mental Health absence of self- absence of self-judgment, although a defin- Treatment of Depression Collaborative judgment; rather, ing feature of self-compassion is the lack of Research Program,15 self-critical perfec- it provides several self-judgment, and self-judgment overlaps tionism predicted a poorer outcome across with self-criticism. Rather, self-compassion all 4 treatments (cognitive-behavioral ther- access points for provides several access points for reducing apy [CBT], interpersonal psychotherapy reducing self-criticism self-criticism. For example, being kind and [IPT], pharmacotherapy plus clinical man- understanding when confronting personal agement, and placebo plus clinical man- inadequacies (eg, “it’s okay not to be per- agement). Subsequent studies found that fect”) can counter harsh self-talk (eg, “I’m self-criticism predicted poorer response to not defective”). Mindfulness of emotional CBT16 and IPT.17 The authors suggest that pain (eg, “this is hard”) can facilitate a self-criticism could interfere with treat- kind and warm response (eg, “what can I ment because self-critical patients might do to take care of myself right now?”) and have difficulty developing a strong thera- therefore lessen self- (eg, “blaming peutic alliance.18,19 myself is just causing me more suffering”). Similarly, remembering that failure is part of the human experience (eg, “it’s normal to Anxiety disorders mess up sometimes”) can lessen egocentric Self-criticism is common across psychiatric feelings of isolation (eg, “it’s not just me”) disorders. In a study of 5,877 respondents and over-identification (eg, “it’s not the end in the National Comorbidity Survey (NCS), of the world”), resulting in lessened self- self-criticism was associated with social criticism (eg, “maybe it’s not just because phobia, findings that were significant after I’m a bad person”). controlling for current emotional distress, neuroticism, and lifetime history of mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders.20 Discuss this article at Depression Further, in a CBT treatment study, baseline www.facebook.com/ Several studies have found that self- self-criticism was associated with sever- CurrentPsychiatry criticism predicts depression. In 3 epide- ity of social phobia and changes in self- miological studies, “feeling worthless” criticism predicted treatment outcome.21 was among the top 2 symptoms predict- Self-criticism might be an important core ing a depression diagnosis and later psychological process in the development, depressive episodes.10 Self-criticism in maintenance, and course of social phobia. Current Psychiatry 20 December 2016 fourth-year medical students predicted Patients with social anxiety disorder have less self-compassion than healthy controls disorder mediated the relationship between and greater fear of negative evaluation. childhood and body dissatisfaction In the NCS, self-criticism was associ- and depression. Numerous studies have ated with posttraumatic stress disorder shown that shame is associated with more (PTSD) even after controlling for lifetime severe eating disorder pathology.33 history of affective and anxiety disorders.20 Self-compassion seems to buffer against Self-criticism predicted greater severity of body image concerns. It is associated with combat-related PTSD in hospitalized male less body dissatisfaction, body preoccupa- veterans,22 and those with PTSD had higher tion, and weight worries,36 greater body scores on self-criticism scales than those appreciation37 and less disordered eat- with major depressive disorder.23 In a study ing.37-39 Early decreases in shame during of Holocaust survivors, those with PTSD eating disorder treatment was associated scored higher on self-criticism than sur- with more rapid reduction in eating disor- vivors without PTSD.24 Self-criticism also der symptoms.40 distinguished between female victims of with and without PTSD.25 Self-compassion could be a protective fac- Interpersonal relationships Clinical Point 26 tor for posttraumatic stress. Combat vet- Several studies have shown that self- Self-criticism also erans with higher levels of self-compassion criticism has negative effects on interper- showed lower levels of psychopathology, sonal relationships throughout life.5,41,42 is associated with better functioning in daily life, and fewer • Self-criticism at age 12 predicted less body dissatisfaction, symptoms of posttraumatic stress.27 In fact, involvement in high school activities and, at independent of self-compassion has been found to be a age 31, personal and social maladjustment.43 self-esteem and stronger predictor of PTSD than level of • High school students with high self- depression combat exposure.28 criticism reported more interpersonal In an early study, self-criticism scores problems.44 were higher in patients with panic disorder • Self-criticism was associated with lone- than in healthy controls, but lower than in liness, depression, and lack of intimacy patients with depression.29 In a study of a with opposite sex friends or partners dur- mixed sample of anxiety disorder patients, ing the transition to college.45 symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder • In a study of college roommates,46 self- were associated with shame proneness.30 criticism was associated with increased Consistent with these results, Hoge et al31 likelihood of rejection. found that self-compassion was lower in • Whiffen and Aube47 found that self- generalized anxiety disorder patients com- criticism was associated with marital dis- pared with healthy controls with elevated satisfaction and depression. stress. Low self-compassion has been associ- • Self-critical mothers with postpartum ated with severity of obsessive-compulsive depression were less satisfied with social disorder.32 support and were more vulnerable to depression.48 Self-compassion appears to enhance Eating disorders interpersonal relationships. In a study of Self-criticism is correlated with eating heterosexual couples,49 self-compassionate disorder severity.33 In a study of patients individuals were described by their part- with binge eating disorder, Dunkley and ners as being more emotionally connected, Grilo34 found that self-criticism was associ- as well as accepting and supporting ated with the over-evaluation of shape and autonomy, while being less detached, con- weight independently of self-esteem and trolling, and verbally or physically aggres- depression. Self-criticism also is associated sive than those lacking self-compassion. with body dissatisfaction, independent of Because self-compassionate people give self-esteem and depression. Dunkley et themselves care and support, they seem to al35 found that self-criticism, but not global have more emotional resources available Current Psychiatry self-esteem, in patients with binge eating to give to others. Vol. 15, No. 12 21 continued on page 24 continued from page 21 See this article at CurrentPsychiatry.com that perpetuate their negative self-image for a box examining the evidence on the role and increase vulnerability to depression.” of self-compassion in borderline personal- Not surprisingly, self-criticism is associated ity disorder and non-suicidal self-injury. with a fearful avoidant attachment style.58 Review of the developmental origins of self-criticism confirms these factors and Achieving goals presents findings that peer relationships Self-compassion Powers et al50 suggest that self- also are important factors in the develop- approach goals based on motivation to ment of self-criticism.59,60 avoid failure and disapproval, rather than Early positive relationships with care- on intrinsic interest and personal mean- givers are associated with self-compassion. ing. In studies of college students pursuing Recollections of maternal support are cor- academic, social, or weight loss goals, self- related with self-compassion and secure criticism was associated with less progress attachment styles in adolescents and to that goal. Self-criticism was associated adults.61 Pepping et al62 found that retro- with rumination and procrastination, which spective reports of parental rejection, over- Clinical Point the authors suggest might have focused the protection, and low parental warmth was Self-compassion self- on potential failure, negative eval- associated with low self-compassion. uation from others, and loss of self-esteem. is associated with Additional studies showed the deleterious intrinsic motivation, effects of self-criticism on college students’ Benefits of self-compassion goals based on progress on obtaining academic or music A growing body of research suggests that mastery rather than performance goals and on community resi- self-compassion is strongly linked to men- dents’ weight loss goals.51 tal health. Greater self-compassion con- performance, and Not surprisingly, self-compassion is sistently has been associated with lower less fear of failure associated with successful goal pursuit levels of depression and anxiety,3 with a and resilience when goals are not met52 large effect size.4 Of course, central to self- and less procrastination and academic compassion is the lack of self-criticism, worry.53 Self-compassion also is associated but self-compassion still protects against with intrinsic motivation, goals based on anxiety and depression when controlling mastery rather than performance, and less for self-criticism and negative affect.6,63 fear of academic failure.54 Self-compassion is a strong predictor of symptom severity and quality of life among individuals with anxious distress.64 How self-criticism and The benefits of self-compassion stem self-compassion develop partly from a greater ability to cope with Studies have explored the impact of early negative emotions.6,63,65 Self-compassionate relationships with parents and develop- people are less likely to ruminate on their ment of self-criticism. Parental overcontrol negative thoughts and emotions or sup- and restrictiveness and lack of warmth press them,6,66 which helps to explain why consistently have been identified as parent- self-compassion is a negative predictor of ing styles associated with development of depression.67 self-criticism in children.55 One study found Self-compassion also enhances posi- that self-criticism fully mediated the rela- tive mind states. A number of studies have tionship between childhood found links between self-compassion and from parents and depression and anxiety in positive psychological qualities, such as adulthood.56 Reports from parents on their happiness, optimism, wisdom, curios- current parenting styles are consistent with ity, and exploration, and personal initia- these studies.57 Amitay et al57 states that tive.63,65,68,69 By embracing one’s suffering “[s]elf-critics’ negative childhood experi- with compassion, negative states are ame- ences thus seem to contribute to a pattern of liorated when positive emotions of kind- entering, creating, or manipulating subse- ness, connectedness, and mindful presence Current Psychiatry 24 December 2016 quent interpersonal environments in ways are generated. Misconceptions about lege students led to significantly greater self-compassion increases in mindfulness, optimism, and A common misconception is that abandon- self-efficacy, as well as greater decreases in ing self-criticism in favor of self-compas- rumination compared with a time manage- sion will undermine motivation70; however, ment control group. research indicates the opposite. Although The Box6,70,82-86 (page 26) describes rating self-compassion is negatively associated scales that can measure self-compassion with maladaptive perfectionism, it is not and self-criticism. correlated with self-adopted performance standards.6 Self-compassionate people Mindful self-compassion (MSC), devel- have less fear of failure54 and, when they oped by Neff and Germer,87 is an 8-week do fail, they are more likely to try again.71 group intervention designed to teach peo- Breines and Chen72 found in a series of ple how to be more self-compassionate experimental studies that engendering through meditation and informal prac- feelings of self-compassion for personal tices in daily life. Results of a random- weaknesses, failures, and past transgres- ized controlled trial found that, compared sions resulted in more motivation to with a wait-list control group, participants Clinical Point change, to try harder to learn, and to avoid using MSC reported significantly greater Greater self- repeating past mistakes. increases in self-compassion, compassion Another common misunderstanding is for others, mindfulness, and life satisfac- compassion that self-compassion is a weakness. In fact, tion, and greater decreases in depression, consistently has research suggests that self-compassion is a anxiety, stress, and emotional avoidance, been associated powerful way to cope with life challenges.73 with large effect sizes indicated. These with lower levels Although some fear that self-compassion results were maintained up to 1 year. of depression and leads to self-indulgence, there is evidence that self-compassion promotes health- Compassion-focused therapy (CFT) is anxiety related behaviors. Self-compassionate designed to enhance self-compassion in individuals are more likely to seek medi- clinical populations.88 The approach uses a cal treatment when needed,74 exercise for number of imagery and experiential exer- intrinsic reasons,75 and drink less alcohol.76 cises to enhance patients’ abilities to extend Inducing self-compassion has been found feelings of reassurance, safeness, and to help people stick to their diets77 and quit understanding toward themselves. CFT has smoking.78 shown promise in treating a diverse group of clinical disorders such as depression and shame,8,89 social anxiety and shame,90 eating Self-compassion interventions disorders,91 psychosis,92 and patients with Individuals can develop self-compassion. acquired brain injury.93 A group-based CFT Shapira and Mongrain79 found that adults intervention with a heterogeneous group who wrote a compassionate letter to them- of community mental health patients led to selves once a day for a week about the significant reductions in depression, anxi- distressing events they were experiencing ety, stress, and self-criticism.94 See Leaviss showed significant reductions in depression and Utley95 for a review of the benefits up to 3 months and significant increases of CFT. in happiness up to 6 months compared with a control group who wrote about early memories. Albertson et al80 found Fears of developing that, compared with a wait-list control self-compassion group, 3 weeks of self-compassion medi- It is important to note that some people can tation training improved body dissatisfac- access self-compassion more easily than tion, body shame, and body appreciation others. Highly self-critical patients could among women with body image concerns. feel anxious when learning to be compas- Similarly, Smeets et al81 found that 3 weeks sionate to themselves, a phenomenon Current Psychiatry of self-compassion training for female col- known as “fear of compassion”96 or “back- Vol. 15, No. 12 25 Box Measures of self-criticism and self-compassion

he Depressive Experiences Questionnaire82 Because research has found that each of the T and the Perfectionism subscale of the 6 components could be variably associated with Dysfunctional Attitude Scale83 are the most widely positive and negative mental health, clinicians used measures of self-criticism for research might want to determine patients’ scores purposes. More recently developed measures on the subscales and tailor their therapeutic are the Forms of Self-Criticizing/Attacking and interventions to address the particular Self-compassion Self-Reassuring Scale84 and the Functions of compassionate and uncompassionate attitudes Self-Criticizing Scale.85 Both measures are and behaviors that individuals struggle with. For available at http://compassionatemind.co.uk/ academically oriented clinicians, a discussion clinicians/scales. of various factor analytic approaches to the The most widely used measure of self- SCS may be of interest.86 Gilbert et al70 also has compassion is the Self-Compassion Scale developed a set of measures that assess fears (SCS),6 which is available at www.self- of compassion flowing in 3 directions, from self compassion.org, where it can be completed and to other, from other to self, and from self to self. scored automatically. The SCS provides a total Clinically, I (R.W.) use the SCS to assess self-compassion score, as well as scores on levels of self-compassion, along with measures 6 subscales that measure the compassionate of self-criticism and fears of compassion, to Clinical Point vs uncompassionate ways that individuals determine whether including self-compassion emotionally respond to pain and failure (with interventions might enhance traditional CBT. Highly self-critical kindness or judgment), cognitively understand The Web site www.self-compassion.org offers their predicament (as part of the human a number of guided meditations as well as patients could experience or as isolating), and pay attention to exercises to help patients develop the skill feel anxious when suffering (in a mindful or over-identified manner). of self-compassion. I have found that many Neff86 conceptualizes self-compassion as a of my patients who present with anxiety and learning to be dynamic system that arises out of a particular mood disorders also are self-critical and benefit balance between the 6 elements of self- from becoming more self-compassionate. I compassionate compassion, and suggests that either a total administer the measures throughout treatment to themselves SCS score or scores on the 6 subscales can be to assess effectiveness of interventions and examined separately. overall progress.

draft.”97 Backdraft occurs when a fire- of the healing process. Individuals also fighter opens a door with a hot fire behind are taught to focus on the breath, feeling it. Oxygen rushes in, causing a burst of the sensations in the soles of their feet, or flame. Similarly, when the door of the other mindfulness practices to ground and heart is opened with compassion, intense stabilize attention when overwhelming pain could be released. Unconditional feelings arise. love reveals the conditions under which we were unloved in the past. Some indi- viduals, especially those with a history of Clinical interventions childhood abuse or neglect, are fearful of Self-compassion interventions that I (R.W.) compassion because it activates grief asso- find most helpful, in the order I administer ciated with feelings of wanting, but not them, are: receiving, affection and care from signifi- • exploring perceived advantages and cant others in childhood. disadvantages of self-criticism Clinicians should be aware that anxiety • presenting self-compassion as a way could arise and should help patients learn to get the perceived advantages of self- how to go slowly and stabilize themselves criticism without the disadvantages if overwhelming emotions occur as a • discussing what it means to be com- part of self-compassion practice. Both passionate for someone else who is suffer- CFT and MSC have processes to deal with ing, and then asking what it would be like fear of compassion in their protocols,98,99 if they treated themselves with the same with the focus on explaining to individu- compassion als that although such fears may occur, • exploring patients’ misconceptions Current Psychiatry 26 December 2016 they are a normal and necessary part and fears of self-compassion • directing patients to the self- compassion Web site to get an understand- Related Resources ing of what self-compassion is and how it • Self-compassion by Dr. Kristen Neff. www.self-compassion. org. differs from self-esteem • The Compassionate Mind Foundation: Scales. http:// • taking an example of a recent situa- compassionatemind.co.uk/clinicians/scales. tion in which the patient was self-critical and exploring how a self-compassionate response would differ. Mindfindings from the Stirling County Study. 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Current Psychiatry 32 December 2016 Box Evidence on self-compassion in borderline personality disorder and non-suicidal self-injury

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) Southwick et ala reports that self-criticism is Self-criticism has been shown to discriminate higher among patients with BPD than major between healthy controls and people who depression,b and self-criticism has been self-injure. Self-criticism also is higher among associated with other personality disorders people who choose direct forms of self- as well.c,d Shame, the emotional component injury, compared with more indirect forms of of self-criticism,e might be the central self-harm.i Studies have shown that the main emotion in BPD.f-h Shame in BPD has been function of NSSI is to regulate distressing associated with chronic suicidality, poor emotions, but the second most common self-esteem, and quality of life, and can elicit function is self-punishment.j Self-criticism in anger and rage, which could conceal shame adolescents mediated the relationship between in the therapeutic relationship and jeopardize childhood maltreatment and NSSI.k Van Vliet therapeutic success.f Rüsch et alf found and Kalninsl presented a cogent rationale and shame to be higher in female BPD patients predicted benefits of compassion-focused compared with those with social anxiety and therapy for NSSI, and Sutherland et alm found healthy female controls. evidence suggesting that individuals recovering from NSSI engage in self-compassion.

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