New-Church Messenger
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings of good. Iminh 52:7 NEW-CHURCH MESSENGER DECEMBER 5. 1959 MOVING INTO ACTION, See page 376 ADVENT NUMBER THE EDITORIALS NEW-CHURCH MESSENGER Official organ of The General Convention of the New Jerusalem in the United States of America. Convention founded in 1817. He Came to His Own (Swedenborgian) • Member of tho Associated Church Press. THE ENTIRE Christian message is one of joy, and in particular, is • this true of the message of Advent. Some people believe that Published bi-weekly, 300 Pike St., Cincinnati, Ohio, by The New-Church Press, 108 Clark St., Brooklyn, New York. solemnity, austerity and a long face are the characteristics of a Christian. Entered as second-class matter at the Poat But God's Word puts no embargo on joy. "A merry heart," said Solomon, Office, Cincinnati, Ohio, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Acceptance for mailing at "doth gjod like medicine." Christianity is not drab piety or wearisome special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorised on conformity. July 30, 1918. To be sure there are those who carry merry-making to excess in the Subscription $3.00 a year; foreign postage, 25 cents extra. Gift subscription, if from a season of Advent, but these are not the truly happy people who have subscriber, tl.50. Bingle copies, 15 eenta. Address subscriptions to the publisher in grasped the meaning of Advent. Their merriness is an escape from Brooklyn.
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