
February 1, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 699 were people in the past such as Jackie Robin- Florence Murphy, and her achievements, in Snopek began her work at St. Francis, enroll- son, Harriet Tubman, and Dr. Vivien Thomas front of my colleagues of the house. ment in the school has increased greatly and who laid the paths for all Americans. The hard f the majority of the students are testing above work, sacrifices and hardships of these role the 75th percentile in all academic areas on models permitted the accomplishments of a TRIBUTE TO MR. FRANK CUTRONA standardized tests. new generation: Tiger Woods, Senator Aside from initiated programs that benefit BARACK OBAMA, and Dr. Benjamin Carson. HON. STEVEN R. ROTHMAN students, Ms. Snopek is also credited with an Mr. Speaker, with all of the significant con- OF NEW JERSEY excellent ability to recognize the talents of her tributions African-Americans have accom- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES teachers. She helps develop staff members by providing them with varied opportunities for plished throughout history, it is important that Wednesday, February 1, 2006 we recognize those achievements. Let’s make professional growth, including pursuing ad- sure that all Americans celebrate and under- Mr. ROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- vanced degrees. Teachers and administration stand the principles, achievements and ideals ognize Mr. Frank Cutrona, a resident of the alike recognize Ms. Snopek as one who of African-Americans; after all, African Amer- Ninth District of New Jersey and the San Ciro merges her responsibilities as a spiritual and ican history is American history. Society’s Man of the Year for 2006. educational leader to the benefit of her stu- dents and staff. f The San Ciro Society, located in Garfield, NJ, is an organization comprised of New It is my honor to recognize Ms. Barbara PAYING TRIBUTE TO FLORENCE Jerseyans of Italian-American descent that Snopek who serves as an example of one of MURPHY, PILOT AND CO- makes contributions to many worthy charitable the best in PreK–8 school leadership and FOUNDER OF NORTH LAS VEGAS causes each year. Locally, it provides students helps to foster a greater understanding of the AIRPORT with scholarships to continue their education. principal’s key role in meeting the challenging On the international level, the society has responsibility of educating children. HON. JON C. PORTER sponsored foster children in Africa. f OF NEVADA Frank Cutrona was born in Marineo, Italy on THE LEGACY OF FAYARD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 18, 1956. At the age of 13, his family NICHOLAS moved to America to realize the American Wednesday, February 1, 2006 dream and settled in Garfield, NJ. Frank grew HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to up in Garfield and worked as a truck driver for OF NEW YORK honor the memory of Florence Murphy who Dorwin Manufacturing, located in Elmwood IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES died Monday January 22, at the age of 94. I Park, NJ, for 26 years. He now lives in Wednesday, February 1, 2006 recognize Florence for her accomplishments in Carlstadt with his beautiful wife, Rosa, where aviation and business, and for paving the way they run their own deli and where Frank works Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to for other women as one of Nevada’s first fe- part-time for the Carlstadt Board of Education. recognize legendary tap dancer Fayard Nich- male pilots and the first woman to be vice The couple has two wonderful children, Jo- olas who died on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 president of an airline company. seph and Christina. Frank has been a devoted at the age of 91 and to enter into the RECORD Florence Murphy attended the University of member of the San Ciro Society for 15 years a statement remembering Nicholas prepared Nevada, Reno, for 2 years before meeting her and has served as its secretary of finance for by the National Association for the Advance- husband, John Murphy. He worked for the 7 years. ment of Colored People. State Highway Department and she was a Today, I would like to recognize Frank Nicholas was the elder half of an amazing legal secretary when they first got the chance Cutrona’s dedication to the San Ciro Society legend—The . To- to fly in 1936. Two years later they each had and send the Garfield, NJ’s San Ciro Societa gether the show-stopping duo influenced gen- erations of dancers with their wildly creative their pilot’s licenses. Murphy earned her flight Religiosa my best wishes for their upcoming tap routines, which included slides across the instructor’s license in 1941, and 3 years later 97th annual Dinner Dance. Viva San Ciro. she became the first woman in Nevada to floor and signature no-hands leg splits. f Legends in their own time and ours, Fayard earn a commercial pilot’s license. and are best known for their She was not always welcomed in the male- HONORING BARBARA SNOPEK, unforgettable appearances in more than 30 dominated field of commercial aviation, espe- PRINCIPAL OF SAINT FRANCIS XAVIER Hollywood musicals in the 1930s and ’40s. cially when she took the controls of an airliner. They were talented singers and actors as well, At times, she had to board the plane before but Jim Crow segregationist customs kept the passengers so they could not see that a HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI them from having speaking parts. Their ar- woman was flying the plane. OF ILLINOIS tistry, choreographic genius, and unique In 1941, Florence Murphy, her husband and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES style—a smooth mix of tap, jazz, ballet and their friend Bob Barrett built Sky Haven Air- Wednesday, February 1, 2006 acrobatic moves—have astonished , port, which is now North Las Vegas Airport. theatre, film and television audiences all over The airport opened on December 7, 1941. The Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the world. Their work influenced dancers from festivities came to an abrupt end when an un- honor Barbara Snopek, Principal of Saint to to , scheduled military plane landed and shut Francis Xavier in La Grange, Illinois and re- to . Russian bal- down the airport with the announcement that cipient of the 2005 National Distinguished let dancer once called the Pearl Harbor had just been bombed. Flor- Principal Award. Nicholas Brothers ‘‘the most amazing dancers ence’s husband and Barrett then went to Ari- The National Distinguished Principals Pro- I have ever seen in my life—ever.’’ zona as civilian flight instructors. Florence gram was established in 1984 as an annual Born in Mobile, the brothers learned to stayed behind to keep the Sky Haven running event to honor exemplary elementary school dance while watching their musician parents during World War II. principals who set the pace, character, and who played in their own band at the old After the war, Florence met Ed Converse, a quality of the education children receive during Standard Theater—their mother at the piano Navy veteran who had started Bonanza Air- their early school years. One principal is cho- and father on drums. Fayard was 18 and Har- lines. She joined the company and eventually sen from each of the 50 states and the District old was just 11 when they became the fea- became vice president, the first woman to hold of Columbia, and this year Ms. Barbara tured act at New York’s in 1932. such a position with an airline. She stayed Snopek has been selected as a National Dis- They then appeared on Broadway with ‘‘The with the company until 1958, when she started tinguished Principal. Ziegfield Follies of 1936’’ and later Hollywood a real estate company with another friend, Before arriving at St. Francis in 1989, appearing in such great hits as ‘‘The Pirate’’ Larry McNeil. She remained active as a li- Snopek served as principal at St. Genevieve (1948) with Gene Kelly and Stormy Weather censed pilot until the age of 82 and as a real in Chicago and St. Suzanna in Harvey, Illinois. (1943) with Fred Astaire. estate executive until 93. In her first year at St. Francis she worked In 1981, the Brothers were honored with a Mr. Speaker, it is with great pride that I closely with the staff to create and implement retrospective of their work in films at the Acad- have the opportunity to honor the memory of new curricula for the school. Since Ms. emy Awards. Fayard received a Tony Award

VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:27 Mar 08, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00242 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK1\BR01FE06.DAT BR01FE06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 700 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 1, 2006 for his choreography in the Tony Award win- TRIBUTE TO NORMAN J. PERA President Clinton for their contributions to the ning Broadway show ‘‘’’ in 1995 White House Christmas celebration. 1989. Two years later, the brothers received a HON. ANNA G. ESHOO Graduates from the 2004 and 2005 ATTC cul- Kennedy Center Honor. Their legacy has also OF CALIFORNIA inary arts program have received over been remembered with a star on the Holly- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES $90,000 in scholarships, due mainly to Mr. wood Walk of Fame and induction into the Doram’s fine teaching. Hall of Fame. Even after Har- Wednesday, February 1, 2006 Prior to becoming a teacher, Mr. Doram old passed away in 2000 due to heart failure, Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor served our country for twenty years in the Fayard kept their legend alive by giving lec- Norman J. Pera of Saugatuck, Michigan, who Air Force. He retired as a Mas- tures and demonstrations until 2004, when he died on January 1, 2006, at the age of 83. ter Sergeant, with his most notable tours of suffered a stroke. Norman J. Pera was born in Gary, Indiana, duty being Vietnam and Thailand. Mr. Doram Not only is the Nicholas Brother’s dance where he graduated from Horace Mann High was honored by President Ford for his ideals skill to be admired and remembered but so is School in 1939. He served honorably from and recommendations that saved the country their spirit. With each advancement in their ca- 1942 to 1946 in the U.S. Navy, including ac- money in the operations of the culinary depart- reer, they overcame racial discrimination, tive duty in the Pacific Theater during Word ments, throughout the United States Armed proving that even ignorance cannot dampen War II. Forces. one’s skills and drive. The Nicholas Brothers Upon completing military service, he at- The Clark County School District will greatly stand as a testament and an example to all by tended the Rose Hulman Institute of Tech- miss Mr. Doram, who during his years as a finding joy in following one’s passion. I join the nology in Terre Haute, Indiana, and graduated teacher was an outstanding educator who NAACP in remembering . in 1948 with a degree in Mechanical Engineer- deeply cared about the youth of Nevada. Yet NAACP MOURNS THE LOSS OF LEGENDARY ing. He worked for Inland Steel of East Chi- his legacy of service to the community will be TAP DANCER FAYARD NICHOLAS cago, Indiana, and retired in 1982 as the As- seen for generations to come. NICHOLAS BROTHERS DUO INSPIRED DANCERS sistant Superintendent of the Mechanical De- Mr. Speaker, it is an honor that I am able SUCH AS FRED ASTAIRE, GREGORY HINES AND partment. Mr. Pera moved to Saugatuck in to recognize Tyronne E. Doram today, on the SAVION GLOVER 1989 and became an active volunteer for floor of the House in front of my colleagues. The National Association for the Advance- ment of Colored People (NAACP) mourns the many local organizations, giving generously of I commend Mr. Doram for his fine example loss of Fayard Nicholas, the elder half of the his time and his many talents. and exemplary service to the State of Nevada. tap-dancing duo the Nicholas Brothers, who He is survived by his wife Patricia, the great died Tuesday in after suffering love of his life for 57 years, their 5 outstanding f from pneumonia. sons, David, Timothy, Mark, Thomas, and UNIVERSITY OF THE DISTRICT OF Bruce S. Gordon, NAACP President and John; his daughters-in-law Ruth, Kathleen, COLUMBIA GRADUATE PRO- CEO, said ‘‘Both of the Nicholas Brothers Leslie and Catherine; his nephew and niece GRAMS ACT will be greatly missed. They took their pas- Anthony and Mary Ester Merza, and his 11 sion for the art of dance and turned raw tal- ent into skill. Each performance by the beautiful grandchildren. Nicholas Brothers demonstrated the depth of Norman Pera was a principled and decent HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON their creativity and left audiences gasping at man who loved his family, his faith, his com- OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA their show-stopping presentation.’’ munity and his country very deeply. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fayard and his brother Harold overcame Mr. Speaker, I ask all my colleagues to join Wednesday, February 1, 2006 racial boundaries when their vaudeville tap me in honoring the life of my dear cousin Nor- show headlined New York’s Cotton Club in man and extend to his beloved family our Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today I intro- 1932. From there the brothers went on to daz- deepest sympathy. America has lost a mag- duce the University of the District of Columbia zle audiences on Broadway and Hollywood. Graduate Programs Act that amends Section In 1934, the Nicholas Brothers were hired to nificent citizen. be in their first major musical titled, Kid f 326 of the Higher Education Act to provide Millions, and appeared on Broadway in The federal Historically Black College and Univer- Zeigfield Follies of 1936. Despite the lack of PAYING TRIBUTE TO TYRONNE E. sity (HBCU) grant funding to the qualified formal training, the Nicholas brothers also DORAM, SR. FOR TWENTY-TWO graduate programs at the University of the pioneered in the art of ballet and in 1937, YEARS OF TEACHING FOR THE District of Columbia. they performed in . CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DIS- The University of the District of Columbia, or Throughout the 1940s, the Nicholas Broth- TRICT UDC, is the District’s only public university and ers updated their style and performed in a series of musical films in Hollywood. Among institution of higher learning. An open admis- those films was (1941) HON. JON C. PORTER sion institution at the undergraduate level, the with performances with , OF NEVADA University has consistently and historically pro- whom Harold later married and divorced. In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vided higher education opportunity to D.C. 1948, the pair performed a memorable routine residents at low and affordable cost. The Uni- with Gene Kelly in Be a Clown. Wednesday, February 1, 2006 versity justifiably prides itself on its vital role in After a series of international tours, night- Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to educating the leaders of the next generation club and television performances, the broth- ers’ schedule remained tight. In 1970, Fayard honor Mr. Tyronne E. Doram, Sr., who retired by producing theoretically sound and prac- captured the leading role in The Liberation on January 20, 2006, after twenty-two years of tically skilled graduates, ready to undertake of L.B. Jones and in 1989 won a Tony Award teaching in the Clark County School District. careers in service in both the public and pri- for his choreography of the Broadway revue Mr. Doram has been a role model, mentor, vate sectors. Black and Blue, featuring child tap star and constant example of what is good in edu- UDC also is one of the Nation’s oldest Savion Glover. cation. In 1994, he was honored as Kiwanis HBCUs, but the university did not receive fed- In 1991, the Nicholas Brothers received the Teacher of the Year, and when many people eral funding as an HBCU until 1999, when and were honored at the . Harold passed away in are winding down their careers, Mr. Doram Congress passed the District of Columbia Col- 2000 from heart failure, but Fayard contin- was instrumental in expanding the Culinary lege Access Act that my good friend, Govern- ued to give lectures and demonstrations Arts program at the Area Technical Trade ment Reform Committee Chair TOM DAVIS, until suffering a stroke in November 2004. Center (ATTC), in North Las Vegas. His senior and I sponsored to establish the D.C. Tuition Fayard Nicholas was 91. students have had the opportunity to complete Assistance Grant program. Founded in 1909, the National Association internships in various hotel culinary depart- Funding from the Historically Black Grad- for the Advancement of Colored People is the ments both on and off the Las Vegas Strip. uate Institutions (HBGIs) program will allow nation’s oldest and largest civil rights orga- nization. It’s adult and youth members Many of his graduates have secured positions UDC to increase its production of skilled grad- throughout the United States and the world in the industry immediately after graduation uates in vital disciplines and jobs in which Afri- are the premier advocates for civil rights in while other students have continued their edu- can Americans, Hispanics and others are their communities and monitor equal oppor- cation in postsecondary institutions. Mr. underrepresented and to strengthen its grad- tunity in the public and private sectors. Doram and his students were recognized by uate programs in occupations where there are

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