FOR IMAGES AND MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Nicole Tomasofsky, Public Relations Coordinator 413.243.9919 x132
[email protected] TIRELESS: A TAP DANCE EXPERIENCE, AT JACOB’S PILLOW JUNE 28-JULY 2 CURATED BY TAP SENSATION MICHELLE DORRANCE June 5, 2017 – (Becket, MA) Astonishing tap artists from across the U.S. and abroad come together in a Jacob’s Pillow-exclusive program curated and introduced by the “tireless ambassador of tap” Michelle Dorrance (The New York Times). TIRELESS: A Tap Dance Experience will come to the Ted Shawn Theatre, June 28-July 2, and features outstanding tap artists including Jumaane Taylor and M.A.D.D. Rhythms of Chicago, siblings Joseph and Josette Wiggan of Los Angeles, Joe Orrach of San Francisco, and Reona and Takashi Seo of Japan. A Tap Program in The School at Jacob’s Pillow, All Styles Dance Battle, and many free public events make this an expansive week celebrating the art of tap dance. “I’m very interested in exploring the practice of artist as curator,” comments Pamela Tatge, Jacob’s Pillow Director. “A year ago, Michelle Dorrance had just returned from Japan where she regularly interacts with their vibrant and innovative tap scene. She told me about Reona Seo and that led her to highlight for me the many explosive tap talents she sees in the U.S. and abroad. I had the idea that we should invite her to bring some of these artists together in an evening that she would curate exclusively for the Pillow. And so, TIRELESS was born. We also invited Michelle and Dormeshia Sumbry-Edwards to host a two week program at The School so that young talents will have the opportunity to learn from them, outstanding faculty, and all of the virtuosic artists performing at the Festival.