
E62 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 1, 2006 Fayard kept their legend alive by giving lec- Norman J. Pera was born in Gary, Indiana, money in the operations of the culinary depart- tures and demonstrations until 2004, when he where he graduated from Horace Mann High ments, throughout the Armed suffered a stroke. School in 1939. He served honorably from Forces. Not only is the Nicholas Brother’s dance 1942 to 1946 in the U.S. Navy, including ac- The Clark County School District will greatly skill to be admired and remembered but so is tive duty in the Pacific Theater during Word miss Mr. Doram, who during his years as a their spirit. With each advancement in their ca- War II. teacher was an outstanding educator who reer, they overcame racial discrimination, Upon completing military service, he at- deeply cared about the youth of Nevada. Yet proving that even ignorance cannot dampen tended the Rose Hulman Institute of Tech- his legacy of service to the community will be one’s skills and drive. The nology in Terre Haute, Indiana, and graduated seen for generations to come. stand as a testament and an example to all by in 1948 with a degree in Mechanical Engineer- Mr. Speaker, it is an honor that I am able finding joy in following one’s passion. I join the ing. He worked for Inland Steel of East Chi- to recognize Tyronne E. Doram today, on the NAACP in remembering . cago, Indiana, and retired in 1982 as the As- floor of the House in front of my colleagues. NAACP MOURNS THE LOSS OF LEGENDARY sistant Superintendent of the Mechanical De- I commend Mr. Doram for his fine example TAP DANCER FAYARD NICHOLAS partment. Mr. Pera moved to Saugatuck in and exemplary service to the State of Nevada. NICHOLAS BROTHERS DUO INSPIRED DANCERS 1989 and became an active volunteer for SUCH AS , AND many local organizations, giving generously of f his time and his many talents. The National Association for the Advance- He is survived by his wife Patricia, the great ment of Colored People (NAACP) mourns the UNIVERSITY OF THE DISTRICT OF loss of Fayard Nicholas, the elder half of the love of his life for 57 years, their 5 outstanding COLUMBIA GRADUATE PRO- tap-dancing duo the Nicholas Brothers, who sons, David, Timothy, Mark, Thomas, and GRAMS ACT died Tuesday in after suffering John; his daughters-in-law Ruth, Kathleen, from pneumonia. Leslie and Catherine; his nephew and niece Bruce S. Gordon, NAACP President and Anthony and Mary Ester Merza, and his 11 HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON CEO, said ‘‘Both of the Nicholas Brothers beautiful grandchildren. OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA will be greatly missed. They took their pas- Norman Pera was a principled and decent sion for the art of dance and turned raw tal- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ent into skill. Each performance by the man who loved his family, his faith, his com- Nicholas Brothers demonstrated the depth of munity and his country very deeply. Wednesday, February 1, 2006 their creativity and left audiences gasping at Mr. Speaker, I ask all my colleagues to join their show-stopping presentation.’’ me in honoring the life of my dear cousin Nor- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today I intro- Fayard and his brother Harold overcame man and extend to his beloved family our duce the University of the District of Columbia racial boundaries when their vaudeville tap deepest sympathy. America has lost a mag- Graduate Programs Act that amends Section show headlined New York’s in nificent citizen. 326 of the Higher Education Act to provide 1932. From there the brothers went on to daz- federal Historically Black College and Univer- zle audiences on Broadway and Hollywood. f In 1934, the Nicholas Brothers were hired to sity (HBCU) grant funding to the qualified be in their first major musical titled, Kid PAYING TRIBUTE TO TYRONNE E. graduate programs at the University of the Millions, and appeared on Broadway in The DORAM, SR. FOR TWENTY-TWO District of Columbia. Zeigfield Follies of 1936. Despite the lack of YEARS OF TEACHING FOR THE The University of the District of Columbia, or formal training, the Nicholas brothers also CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DIS- UDC, is the District’s only public university and pioneered in the art of ballet and in 1937, TRICT they performed in . institution of higher learning. An open admis- Throughout the 1940s, the Nicholas Broth- sion institution at the undergraduate level, the ers updated their style and performed in a HON. JON C. PORTER University has consistently and historically pro- series of musical films in Hollywood. Among OF NEVADA vided higher education opportunity to D.C. those films was Sun Valley Serenade (1941) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES residents at low and affordable cost. The Uni- with performances with , versity justifiably prides itself on its vital role in whom Harold later married and divorced. In Wednesday, February 1, 2006 educating the leaders of the next generation 1948, the pair performed a memorable routine Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to with in Be a Clown. by producing theoretically sound and prac- After a series of international tours, night- honor Mr. Tyronne E. Doram, Sr., who retired tically skilled graduates, ready to undertake club and television performances, the broth- on January 20, 2006, after twenty-two years of careers in service in both the public and pri- ers’ schedule remained tight. In 1970, Fayard teaching in the Clark County School District. vate sectors. captured the leading role in The Liberation Mr. Doram has been a role model, mentor, UDC also is one of the Nation’s oldest of L.B. Jones and in 1989 won a Tony Award and constant example of what is good in edu- HBCUs, but the university did not receive fed- for his choreography of the Broadway revue cation. In 1994, he was honored as Kiwanis eral funding as an HBCU until 1999, when , featuring child tap star Teacher of the Year, and when many people Savion Glover. Congress passed the District of Columbia Col- are winding down their careers, Mr. Doram In 1991, the Nicholas Brothers received the lege Access Act that my good friend, Govern- was instrumental in expanding the Culinary and were honored at ment Reform Committee Chair TOM DAVIS, Arts program at the Area Technical Trade the . Harold passed away in and I sponsored to establish the D.C. Tuition 2000 from heart failure, but Fayard contin- Center (ATTC), in North Las Vegas. His senior Assistance Grant program. ued to give lectures and demonstrations students have had the opportunity to complete until suffering a stroke in November 2004. internships in various hotel culinary depart- Funding from the Historically Black Grad- Fayard Nicholas was 91. ments both on and off the Las Vegas Strip. uate Institutions (HBGIs) program will allow Founded in 1909, the National Association Many of his graduates have secured positions UDC to increase its production of skilled grad- for the Advancement of Colored People is the uates in vital disciplines and jobs in which Afri- nation’s oldest and largest civil rights orga- in the industry immediately after graduation nization. It’s adult and youth members while other students have continued their edu- can Americans, Hispanics and others are throughout the United States and the world cation in postsecondary institutions. Mr. underrepresented and to strengthen its grad- are the premier advocates for civil rights in Doram and his students were recognized by uate programs in occupations where there are their communities and monitor equal oppor- President Clinton for their contributions to the shortages in our region. For example, the Uni- tunity in the public and private sectors. 1995 White House Christmas celebration. versity has graduate degree programs in can- f Graduates from the 2004 and 2005 ATTC cul- cer biology prevention and control, early child- hood education, mathematics, special edu- TRIBUTE TO NORMAN J. PERA inary arts program have received over $90,000 in scholarships, due mainly to Mr. cation, and speech and language pathology, Doram’s fine teaching. and other graduate programs in the College of HON. ANNA G. ESHOO Prior to becoming a teacher, Mr. Doram Arts and Sciences, the David A. Clarke School OF CALIFORNIA served our country for twenty years in the of Law, and the School of Business and Public IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES United States Air Force. He retired as a Mas- Administration. A graduate curriculum is being Wednesday, February 1, 2006 ter Sergeant, with his most notable tours of developed in the School of Engineering and Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor duty being Vietnam and Thailand. Mr. Doram Applied Sciences. Norman J. Pera of Saugatuck, Michigan, who was honored by President Ford for his ideals I urge all of my colleagues to support this died on January 1, 2006, at the age of 83. and recommendations that saved the country bill.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:52 Feb 02, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01FE8.101 E01FEPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMREMARKS February 1, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E63 A TRIBUTE TO GLORIA CONWAY tivates young people to recognize and develop HIGHLIGHTS OF CIVIL LIBERTY their talents and abilities. SAFEGUARDS CONTAINED IN PA- HON. MICHAEL E. CAPUANO It is my great privilege to recognize Jessica TRIOT ACT CONFERENCE RE- OF MASSACHUSETTS Turner today, before the entire U.S. House of PORT Representatives, for her achievements as an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES educator. Her unique dedication to the devel- Wednesday, February 1, 2006 HON. F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JR. opment and well-being of young people and OF WISCONSIN Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the communities they will someday serve IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES make her an outstanding citizen worthy of our congratulate and pay tribute to an outstanding Wednesday, February 1, 2006 woman, Gloria Conway, the long-time editor of collective honor and respect. the Charlestown Patriot. She recently sold this f Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Mr. Speaker, I would like to include the following House Judi- neighborhood weekly, a publication that she BLACK HISTORY MONTH owned with her husband, Jim, for nearly 40 ciary Committee press releases that highlight years. important civil liberty safeguards that are con- Gloria’s passion for her neighborhood was HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA tained in the PATRIOT Act conference report. evident in the pages of her paper and in the OF CALIFORNIA PATRIOT Act Conference Report Civil Liberty various charity events she champions with her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Safeguard #1—Requiring High-Level Approval Wednesday, February 1, 2006 and Additional Reporting to Congress for Sec- husband. As editor of The Charlestown Pa- tion 215 Requests for Sensitive Information Such triot, she would honor a mother’s wish to rec- Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, this February we as Library or Medical Records: ognize a son’s first little league homerun with commemorate Black History Month. Since Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act authorizes the same importance as any news emanating 1976, the month of February has been the the Director of the Federal Bureau of Inves- from Washington, DC. Her paper creatively designated time for honoring the countless Af- tigation or a designee of the Director to balanced a nostalgic tie to Charlestown’s his- rican-American contributions to American his- apply to the Foreign Intelligence Surveil- toric past while also covering today’s relevant lance Act (FISA) Court for an order requir- tory and culture. We should all take this op- ing the production of any tangible things (in- topics, and it was always done with a local portunity to learn about and understand the cluding books, records, papers, documents, flair. Black experience in this country. It has com- and other items) for a foreign terrorism or The Patriot will remain in Charlestown with pletely revolutionized our shared concepts of spy investigation. This authority provides Gloria Conway as Publisher Emeritus. It has a freedom, hope, and justice. counterterrorism and law enforcement offi- different look and new owners, but the dec- In celebrating the progress our country has cials a helpful tool to uncover what activi- ades of positive influence that Gloria Conway made because of these contributions, let us ties suspected terrorists or spies are engaged provided will endure at the Patriot and within also be honest and frank in determining what in. The Department of Justice testified in the Charlestown community for years to come. remains undone. We must work to ensure that April 2005 to the House Judiciary Committee all of America’s communities have access to that a Section 215 order had not been used to I wish Gloria, Jim and the entire Conway fam- request sensitive information such as li- ily all the best in whatever the future holds. I the American dream. We cannot ignore the re- brary, bookstore, medical, or gun records want to thank them for their friendship and ality that many Americans, particularly within and no evidence has been presented to dem- commitment as they recorded Charlestown’s the African-American community, still face se- onstrate otherwise. Nonetheless, some have most recent history in their pages. rious obstacles in accessing the opportunities raised concerns that this authority could be f everyone deserves in education, health care, abused by mid-level officials to seek sen- home ownership, and economic development. sitive categories of records about law-abid- HONORING JESSICA TURNER The devastation of Hurricanes Katrina and ing Americans. To address these concerns, the conference Rita only serve to highlight the remaining chal- report provides that when the documents HON. RON LEWIS lenges of seeking equality and equal treatment sought relate to certain sensitive categories OF KENTUCKY under the law. of records (such as library, bookstore, tax re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We must commit ourselves to challenging turn, firearms sales, educational, and med- the social, political, and economic status quo ical records), only the FBI Director, Deputy Wednesday, February 1, 2006 so that each of us may realize the dream of Director, or Official-in-Charge of Intel- Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I rise equal opportunity envisioned by the late Dr. ligence may approve the application before today to recognize Jessica Turner, an exem- King, and now the late Coretta Scott King. it can be submitted to the FISA court. With- plary citizen from my district who was recently This year, Black History Month will be dedi- out the personal approval of one of these 3 named recipient of the Elizabethtown Inde- officials, the 215 order for these sensitive cat- cated to the memory of Ms. King. egories of records may not be issued. Addi- pendent Schools’ 2005–06 Excellence in the Our Nation mourns the recent loss of tionally, the conference report establishes Classroom and Educational Leadership Coretta Scott King, a true American icon who enhanced reporting requirements to Con- (ExCEL) Award. championed civil and human rights for all gress regarding the use of Section 215, in- A teacher for more than six years, Ms. Turn- Americans. Widow of the Reverend Martin Lu- cluding a breakdown of its use to obtain li- er promotes a unique style in her classroom ther King, Jr., Ms. King first stepped into the brary, medical, educational, and other sen- that incorporates hard work, cooperation and international spotlight as the wife and faithful sitive types of records in order to further respect among her kindergarten and first supporter of the famed minister, ultimately protect this authority from possibly being grade students at the Helmwood Heights Ele- emerging as an influential civil rights advocate abused. These civil liberty safeguards con- tained in the conference report do not exist mentary School in Elizabethtown, KY. Year in her own right. She was 78 at her passing. under current law. after year, she continues to capture the atten- I hope you will join me in remembering this PATRIOT Act Conference Report Civil Liberty tion of her students, encouraging them to feel great person and the precious values that her Safeguard #2—Statement of Facts Showing Rel- comfortable with themselves and with each life embodied. She was not only a symbol of evance to a Terrorism or Foreign Spy Investiga- other as she blends activities with lessons to positive change but also a tireless agent of tion Required for Section 215 Requests: keep them engaged and learning. progress. May her work continue to influence Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act authorizes In addition to her work in the classroom, future generations in the ongoing fight for jus- the Director of the Federal Bureau of Inves- tigation or a designee of the Director to Jessica Turner oversees the professional de- tice in this Nation and throughout the world. apply to the Foreign Intelligence Surveil- velopment of kindergarten, first-grade, and During the month of February, I encourage lance Act (FISA) Court for an order requir- second-grade teachers and is a valuable re- all Americans to honor African-Americans by ing the production of any tangible things (in- source to new faculty. Ms. Turner is also ac- attending local Black History Month events, or cluding books, records, papers, documents, tively involved in numerous teacher training hosting a roundtable discussion about Black and other items) for a foreign terrorism or programs including the Kentucky Reading History Month at the local library with African- spy investigation. This authority provides Project and the Louisville Writing Project. American activists from your community. The counter-terrorism and law enforcement offi- I applaud Jessica Turner’s accomplishments best way to honor the African American expe- cials a helpful and less invasive tool to both uncover what activities suspected terrorists in public education, an occupation of great re- rience is to educate oneself and one’s com- or spies are engaged in and clear innocent sponsibility and even greater reward. On be- munity. Use this month to expose yourselves people suspected of terrorism or spying. half of so many in the Elizabethtown area, I to the ways in which the African American ex- Without Section 215 authority, counter-ter- would like to express my profound apprecia- perience has already been made a part of rorism and law enforcement officials seeking tion for her service and inspiration as she mo- your life. to discover whether a person is involved in

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