AY July 1983.Pdf

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AY July 1983.Pdf ,&ffiHe w#ffiH(sroHmm V0LUME g NO. 7 (r'on .PRTvATE crnour,{troN omrr) JULY L983 IDIIORT- .-Trevor KLnghorn, 16, Stlrllng Crescent, Scotland Lane, Ho:sforbh, I€eats 18 CHAIft{AN r- Colln Hunten, Reslalence 3, High Roycls Hosplta1, llenston, Ilk1ey. fno/tnffS,0.nmNf$Enr- Stephen Rlgg, 35, Bromley llount, Sanctal, Uaksfleld. f nfaSUnm/nmISTRAR: - John llxnt).11,. Silverd.ale Grange, Gulseley, Ieed.s. SECREIARYT- ChdB lJam, ir s?ringfleLd Courb, Kelghley, BD80 6IP. TOHTHCOMII\G MEETINGS I,leetlrlgs to be held at the Yorkshire Aeroplane C1ub, leed.s/ha"dford. (feaAon) Alrport, by the courLesy of the Directors, eomnenclng at 15.00 hrs. AUGUST fth ! NO MEtrIING SEPTEMBEN .4th : Hcliclay Slide; OCIIOBER 2nd I fan l4acFarlane, the well known avlatl-on photographer and traveLlcr froir iiclrcastle, will be comlng to show a selection of h1s s].ides and. talk about trts t:.avels. ' NOVEMBER 5th r A.G.M', with a suppo:Ling prograrnme of slldes from Brazll by Chris Uarn. DECEIIBER 4th r Uncle Christopher' s Bu:rper I'rever to be For6otten Chrl-sttras . Qrtz EDITORIAL Au6ust ls our worst month for attende.rce at the neetlng due to the holldaye, eo it has been declded to give 1+. a rest, anil ccne b.ck refreshed for September. Unfortunately a planneal +"l-lp l.ou:1J. the LM TemlnaL has falLen thror:gh, eo ne rould like you to bring along you= holiitay snaps (the ones wlth alrcLaft on), a^nd. Let'e see rhat you found on your trl;rs rounil tl:e alrftelds. THTPS Saturday 3rd Sepbenber r Fll1-ht ShoN C::anfie1d,/luton .... C5.50 Depart LXA 07.30 hrs. Money nor clue. Cheques patrrable to . 'Air: Yor..:ishlre' . Satutday,l0th Septernberr Slir.gsby Aviatlon ltal., Kld{bynoorelde - r.elort 10100 h!s. ab Slfu$-sby reception. &m transport, Bo c&r drlyers plea,se ad.vise ar:y spare seats. IrrterestEd. nenbers are to con"act Steve Rigg as soon aa posslbLe as nunbera uay be rilday 14th ostober ffi::il:ff1'arc/roxer 1p.J0 hrs. at Manchester: csr tr8ve1. ' No char6e, book now, only a few places left - ovet 16,E. CREDITS T.l,I. Sykes D, E-]-a:a S .I'tr.. Rigg H. Fozzard. C. F. Brown l. K. GJ-asby l,ri,.K,: Jord.an ,8. C. Davldson A. Birch S. tr't'ai'l,e J. J. Ccope flG C. Harper Alr Britaln Li1 AS Alr'strlp N. Micklethwaite LEEDS qApFoFp r{0VEUENqL - JUrq.E 1gB3 1 PH-GYN Chieftain n/ s a\z? 1B3o(2) G-BHFY Baron 0858 t r29 G-BRIllf Chieftain 09 5? L 525 F-BVBO Cessna L?7 1010 Lt$$+ G-UESS Citation 1332 Lt+2t1, G-OI,EN Cessna 425 n/ s L33? 1.520(J) SE-EPH Azlee rd s 220L 1?1?(2) G-IMSI.'{ Boelng 7)7 2 G-TEAM Cessna 4144 n/s oBlB 15oo(3) G-BEliW Cessna L5a 0g 54 N394?L Bea61e 205 n/ s 1011 133?Q9) N58595 Cessna 3w tzOA t *2 G-BGH{ Cessna 1J2 n/s L343 1329(t:) G-BDLO AA-5A L737 0Y-BBP Azlee 181 5 G-BAZI Boeing 7)7 3 31216 c-12A I2i0 7 st* G-PIED Aztec L85Z 19t3 G-'BGYK Boeing ?3? G-i$zu T. Comanche ?? ,4 C-nfyQ Navajo a?w o?28 G-MHS Aztec 1105 I?)2 G-GRAY Cessna L?2 7L12 tt45 G-ASRH Cessna t'P,z tL fi 1qo4 G--GRAY Cessna 1f2 LZGL L22L G-AruV Cessna 1f2 1235 L 552 G-BIYO Navajo 1333 1343 G-BKHtr' Boeing 737 L43Z L 5Lt3 G-BIUI Cessna 1 J2 15La L 554 PH-TVP Boeing 737 151? 1531 G-A0YN Viscount 1607 L?a? G-AYF'T T. Comanche t81ll 183e G-BGVB Robin DR,315 2AO5 2048 G-DWHH Boeing 737 2lL8 2230 G-BJCU Boelns 737 5 G-BKRO Boelrrg 737 L6o6 L?ot G-BKHF Boeing 737 L6og 17t6 G-TONI Cessna 42lC 1803 LBu? G-AVOE BAC1-11 LBL7 tg}g G-AYIT T. Comanehe L937 2o4t HB-tD[F Cessna 474A n/ s aooL L 540(?) G-BBST Aztec 2037 2200 G-B}I!{E Boelrg 737 6 G-BIED Ktng A1r o80g 1628 G-LEON Chieftain 0933 1311 G-BCHK Cessna 172 1,L2L t 506 G-BHIV Ecureuil LlW 1243 G:'BAO$ Qessna t72 1252 t4L2 EI-BHD Ra11ye n/s t3a1. r 534(?) G-BJBI Cessna lltllA w/t 1409 1126(8) 9H-ABC Boelng 737 1633 t7z9 G-AWBV Cessna 182 tToz L7 5t G-WTVA Cessna ll04 20L3 2025 G-BFVA Boeing ?3? G-tsECG Boeing 737 G:-BGYX Boeing Z3Z G-BF'VA Boelng 737 7 G-AYFT T.Comanche 0905 ag 52 G.LONG Lor€ Ranger a%5 Ltng I G-OLLY Chieftain 1.04? L 552 G-BGTT Cesina JIO n/ s 113e 1628(8) G-BFDN Chieftaln ILtil+ LZ3Z G-BFRA Rockwell lllt L?39 t736 G-BKDD Jetranger 1254 1&01 G-BKRB Cessna 1 72 LS}A L54t G-AYFT T. Comanche 17?, 1735 D-]ADH Command.er 690n nfs 2o3B 171s(9) G-JENN AA-58 rr/s 2738 o?4@) G.BAZI Boeing 73? G-BFVA Boeing ?3? G.B}IKS King Alr ?t B G-BKSO Cessna 42LC 0Bo4 L7o4 G-BCRP Aztec 0BUl t 5Lz 'G-BHFY ' Baron 0902 L 535 OY-NYT Cessna l+213 0936 L025 G-BHYT Band.eirante 0941, 0g 50 G-TlKE Cessna 310 Lt45 t632 G-GRAY Cessna 172 t222 t3Lo G-OWJ}{ Jetranger 1300 L32L G-DDDV Boelng 737 L324 1t+30 G-BHYT Bandelrante L7t1 L725 G-AZLY Cessna tJO t9z6 1956 ,9, G-MKAY Cessna 1.?2 ogas 1,22) N5372c Cessna 414A 093ll F-BPFZ Aztec 182 '"G.-BAXN 1011 to45 G.BAUJ Cessna Lo32 tB13 ' Seneea 11011 Lg3g F-BPFZ Azt ec lLLg L82l . G-YIWO Cessna 172 1257 l33a G-AZZV Cessna 1 72 LTot Lz+e G-BJCII Boelng 73? ; 10 G-BBD0 Aztec 0956 L743 G-BHAF Tomahawk LL3O tttag . G-OWJM Jetrartger 11 58 121,9 G-BHIN Cessna WL LLrL4 2L2o . G-YBtrS Kine Alr 200 1.604 1,645 D-ICE" Cessna 33? n/s 1509 1135(15) G-BF1IC Ecureull t7L6 t?32 G-BIPU AA-58 LB}? Lgo6 G-BHIO Cessna ly'+1 n/ s t93t 0?25G1) G.BGYK Boelng 737 11 G-BDEJ Rockwell 1L2 10{o 1200 G-BJET Cessna lt2J 1336 1401 G-BIIG Cessna 180 1350 1624 G-BKHE Boeing 737 L43g 15t* ruoos/,pruoqono ltguu,rehqs ( contd. ) 11 G-BHDR Cessna 1J2 1500 L543 PH-TYP Boeing 737 1510 L6tg G-AZFI, A:row L 556 L6Ln G-A0YI Vlscount t634 L7ti3 G-BRIT Cessna 4?IC L903 tg22 G-LE0N Chieftain Lg f,. 2L4L G-BJCU Boeing ?37 t2 G-BJZK Cessna 303 ttt7 tL35 G-ASWL Cessna 172 ils 121.) naL(:o; G-DDDV tsoelrrg ?37 t3,t+6 LW? G-BHIIIF Boelng 73? tt+35 Lg.s G-BKlm Boeing 737 1458 1552 G-BFNC Ecureuil 1556 L521" G-BJYD Cessna tJ2 L702 1819 G-AVOE BAC 1-T1 L7fr 1838 G-BHED Cessna 1J2 181r1 LB53 G-BIPU AA-58 tg20 2006 G-B-IZK Cessna 303 tg27 L932 G-KATH Cessna ?lO td s 19tn G-3GR0 Cessna 172 2000 2aL4 G-B}ILO Cessna ly'[ il s 2L45 ogoo(13) t3 G-BAVY Aztec 0831 0g2o EI-BLW Aztec 1048 t3L3 G-BKFH Cessna 303 NIT 1300 L 5030,t+) G.AVM Cherokee L355 Ltt33 G-HYDE Jetrarger L5o? t63o G-BGI.IK Cessna 1J2 tt/ s 162? L335Q.b) G-BAVY Aztee t?43 1801 G-BAZI Boelng 737 G-BAZI Boelng 73? 14 G-BHGO Cherokee Slx oB55 og11 G.BKIP King Alr 0g3L L027 G-BKS0 Cessna tl21.C 10to L235 G-BEUL Baron LL33 L552 G-AWS Cherokee t50L L556 G-OSI,A Boelng 737 1559 1651 G-DODD Cessna 172 t6a3 L? 59 G-BKIP Kine Alr L62t L655 G-BKFH Cessna 303 lzro l8oo G-BADE Azlec ITZZ L8L2 G-BB61I Azlec LZztt, 1805 G-BAVY Aztec tg25 1938 G-BHG0 Cherokee Six ry's Lgt+s 18t13(15) G-OGET T. Comanche 2054 2727 G-BIHO Cessna 172 d s 21,0? rgl4i.(15) G-B'CT Boelns 737 15 G;Bm0( Aztec 0851 L73L G-BGI{K Cessna 1J2 n/s o9o? 1308(15) G-RIAY Band.eirante a%9 a94g xs789 And.over Lo26 L63L G-BN(N Seneca 1.L32 1610 G-OJVI{ Cessna 1J0 L202 1232 G-BJBI Cessna Il.Ll+A 1207 13* G-BJXL Boelng ?37 L327 ltng G-BDL0 AA-jA LStLg t 5L 5 G-BJBI cessni 4144 ry's LLfi? 093?G6) G-BJZK Cessna 303 rd s 15r3 G-BJYD Cessna 1J2 I5L 5 L 550 G-BHIN Cessna ll41 752t+ 1,619 G-BCRP Azlec ds t6t6 ogtll(15) G-RI.,AY Band.elrante 17oa nL? G-BKE,P Cessna 172 1718 1755 G-ASMY Apache L73B L827 G-PRES Cessna ll41 N/T tgol. og2&(18) G-BGPH AA-58 il s L95t 092?(L6) G-BIff'H Cessna 303 N/T 2007 t6 G-BAZA HS.t25 0?L+9 0813 G-WEI,D Hrghes 369 091.6 09tn G-BSDL Tobago 0936 1636 G-MPH AA-58 o9t+? 1110 G-BAI,IJ Cessna 182 1010 L7 59 G-BANS Seneca t055 L7 53 G-WICK Partenavla P. 688 t0tl6 1.5LO G-OBCA Cessna 421,C 1058 1655 G-BGi,ilM Archer 1101 1, 502 G-BHLN Cessna ll41 n/ s r1o5 L?26(2L) G-BFI,(I Cessna 172 1109 L1,t+7 G.BAI"IL Jetranger Lzt) L243 G-AZLY Cessna 150 1302 1339 G-OJWI Cessna 1J0 Ll+L6 1,t+58 EI-BLI Cessna 210 tLwT t?zt G-OTOI.I Cessna L75 Lt+r4 L7t3 C'-BHD Cessna 1J2 L 5t+2 L62t+ G-SMJJ Cessna 4.1llA Lffi L6o5 G-BIXU AA-58 1501 L?3? G-BDUJ Navajo I63tt t65L G-BEIK Bonanza 1,7AL t9t+6 G-BGi{K Cessna 152 ils t?02 1336(18) G-BAZA HS.125 L72B L743 G-BCRP Aztec t?JL t7t+6 G-BGYI( Boelng 737 17 G-SATO Aztec 0838 LflA G-BTWP Iiooney 14,20 o8l+5 160I, G-AWJ Aztec La37 LLLT G-A]AI Arow 1056 1734 F-GAI'{P Cheyenne 1103 LL3g G-trlICK Partenavia P.688 1,L1,9 t63z G-AA(D Cessna 172 LL35 LztE F-BIUK Fbiendship tt43 t6Lg G-BJDI Cessna 182 L3L3 1625 G-BDIfY Cherokee I45t+ L 527 XV27L Boaver LsW 1557 G.BBNK AzLec td s t?tL o8l*o(r8) EI-BI'K Cessna 310 t824 Lg24 G-BJI.IW Cessna 172 Lg55 2a28 G-BAZH beLnv ?3? G-BOSL Boelng 737 18 G-BKIIE Boelng ?37 L4M L545 PH-TYP Boeing 73? L 50L L62t+ G-AOYI Vlscount L6A3 L6tlg G-BHVI'I Cessna t52 L59+ t?28 l,guDs/gRAnF'ono l,io1,El,lui\Es _( Conta.
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