Some Micro-Chemical Tests for Alkaloids
SOME MICRO-CHEMICAL TESTS FOE ALKALOIDS CHAELES H. STEPHENSON SCIENTIFIC ASSISTANT BFEEAU OF CHBMISTEY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGEXOUtTURH, WASHINGTON, D. O. INCLUDING CHEMICAL TESTS OF THE ALKALOIDS USED C. E. PARKER ASSISTANT CHEMIST BUBEAU OF CHEMI3TBY, T7NITBD STATES DBPABTMSNT OF AQRICULTXJEB, WASHINGTON, D. O. With Tv/enty-seven Plates (162 Photomicrographs) and a Folding Table of Reactions. LONDON CHARLES GRIFFIN & COMPANY, LIMITED 12 EXETER STREET, STRAND, W.C.2 1921 CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 MLCROCHEMICAL TESTS FOR ALKALOIDS DESCRIBED BY OTHERS 3 CONCENTRATIONS OF ALKALOIDAL SOLUTIONS 7 REAGENTS USED 8 METHOD USED IN MAKING TESTS 11 SCHEME FOR IDENTIFICATION OF ALKALOIDS 13 TABLE SHOWING BEST TESTS FOR EACH ALKALOID 15 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TESTS 16 CHEMICAL EXAMINATIONS 84 INDEX TO PLATES 107 PLATES Ill TABLE OF REACTIONS FOLLOWS PLATES SOME MICROCHEMICAL TESTS FOR ALKALOIDS INTRODUCTION THIS work on microchemical tests for alkaloids was begun in December, 1907, in order to obtain microchemical tests for the detection of cocaine. From this beginning work was done on other alkaloids until a total of sixty-four had been tested. Thirteen of these alkaloids were of doubt- ful purity, and therefore the results obtained on these are not recorded here. Two preliminary papers have been presented on this work before the Association of Official Agricultural Chem- ists, the first in 1908, published in Bulletin No. 122, Bureau of Chemistry, p. 97,1909, and the second in 1910, published in Bulletin No. 137, Bureau of Chemistry, p. 189,1911. In this work no claim at all is made for originality in applying the microchemical tests for alkaloids, as the methods have been in use for many years.
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