11July14w04 0.Pdf
PARLIAMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF THE WESTERN CAPE QUESTION PAPER WRITTEN REPLY FRIDAY, 11 JULY 2014 4. Ms C F Beerwinkel to ask Dr N Mbombo, Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport: (1) (a) Which schools in the following areas have Mass participation; Opportunity and access; Development and growth Centres MOD): (i) greater Kraaifontein, (ii) Durbanville, (iii) Fisantekraal/Klipheuwel, (iv) Parow, (v) Bellville, and (vi) Brackenfell, (b) how many (i) learners, (ii) teachers, (iii) trainers and (iv) coaches are there at each centre, (c) what are the hours of operation, (d) what programmes/activities are presented at each centre, (e) at which of the centres is the department planning to introduce the Gap Year Programme, (2) (a) (i) how many more centres are planned for these areas and (ii) by when is it planned and (b) what interim measure is in place for areas that do not have MOD centres? Answer: (1) (a) (i) Greater Kraaifontein There are two (2) MOD Centres in the greater Kraaifontein area, namely Cavalleria Primary School and Scottsdene High school. (ii) Durbanville There are currently no MOD centres in this area. (iii) Fisantekraal/Klipheuwel There are currently no MOD centres in this area. (iv) Parow There are currently no MOD centres in this area. (v) Bellville There are two (2) MOD centres in the Bellville area, namely Bellville South Primary School and Bellville South High School. (vi) Brackenfell There are currently no MOD centres in this area. Question: (1) (b) How many (i) learners, (ii) teachers, (iii) trainers and (iv) coaches are there at each centre? Answer: (1) (b) (i) Learners DAILY AVERAGE FOR 2014/15 April May Average Cavalleria Primary 14 111 62.30 Scottsdene High 37 45 40.80 Bellville South Primary 56 54 54.75 Bellville South High 12 9 10.25 (ii) Teachers The MOD programme does not employ teachers.
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