Justice for the Craigavon Two, John Mumia Abu Jamal Paul Wootton and Brendan McConville 27 November 2014 · speak. We know that the law has From Dennis Childs - Faculty Advi- less to do with any "harm" done to sor, Students Against Mass Incar- the widow of officer Daniel Faulk- Irish Republican Prisoners ceration (SAMI UCSD): ner, and everything to do with the Greetings Folks. socially healing power of Mumia's I know that we are all reeling from Black radical activism and theoriz- Support Group ing -- and the damage his words the modern Emmet Till scenario Newsletter No 3 March 2015 Suggested Donation 50p occurring in Missouri (and else- have done to the racial capitalist where with no media attention) mythologies that surround events PO Box 59188, London NW2 9LJ,
[email protected] right now, but I wanted to pass on such as Mike Brown's legal lynching, info regarding a campaign that the the indefinite solitary confinement program PRISON RADIO is run- of the Angola 3, Leonard Peltier's The IRPSG is a group of comrades who cam- ning to raise funds to battle a new political imprisonment, and the paign for political status for Irish political pris- law passed by the state of Pennsyl- countless other domestic and global oners. We include those in political organiza- vania to silence the work of Mumia examples of injustice against which tions and campaigns like the Mumia Abu- Abu-Jamal and other prisoners. Mumia has brandished his voice and Jamal campaign and other individual anti- Under the auspices of the Prison pen.