Corky The The Report Page 3 Plans for 1982 Mailroom Arrangements have been completed with Circus Reports addressed to the following Hpxie Tucker for the 1982 season which people have recently been returned by the will have Allen C. Hill booking and mana- Post Office who says they can no longer be ging the Great American Circus for the com delivered as addressed. ing year. Jim Raab will be serving as the Mike Miller Richard ljungquist show's general agent. James H. Gables Philip Gale Mr. Hill reports that plans are moving John Rusche Joseph Curran right along for what should be a good 1982 season. Some limited engagements are now lions and tigers; Clown Chase on the track; available for the circus in east coast and The Venturas, ; Kolmedys. ; southern states and sponsors are expected Sampion, juggling; Antonios, juggling; Scotts to be signed for these dates soon. Unrideable Mule; Gary Thomas and Baby The circus will feature a full program with Marie, elephant; Sylvia Zerbini, camels and a 1 hour and 45 minute performance. This llamas; Patricia Zerbini, Baby Bunny, ele- will include a variety of performers and ani- phant; Toby Ballantine and Lee mal acts, as well as several elephants. Marx with the Long Shirt; The Horwath Chimps; Olmeda's Horse Display; Clowns Show Acts and a Bull Fight; Marie France, Yorkshire Terriers; Miss Jacqueline, aerialist; Flying The program for the Hubert Castle Circus Larrays, act; Clowns in The Pain- performance at Chattanooga, Tenn., for the ters'; Antonios, bicycles; Enriques, Bicycle Alhambra Temple Shrine Circus (Nov. 6-8) act; Scott's Royal Boxers; Billy Barton, in lists the following acts. ; Gary Thomas and Patricia Jungle Fantasv, webs; Tarzan Zerbini, Zerbini, elephants; Grand Finale. Page 4

Tom Ogden SHOW DATES Dec 16 Pomtown, Pa. Big John's Tent Show Dick Oslund Dec 12-13 Sierra Vista, Dec 20 Ft. Wayne, Ind. Ariz. Mike Phillips & Tricia 14 Douglas Dec 7 Greenville, SC 17 Luke Air Force 12-13 Atlantic City,NJ 18 Guadeloupe 19 AsburyPark 19 Salt River Project 20 Trenton 20 Motorola Co. - End of Tour - ... OTHER DATES--- Funs-A-Poppin Circus Big John's XmasShow Dec 14 Oakland, Calif Dec 9 Anaheim, Cal. 10 San Bernardino No Elephant Circus 13 Phoenix, Ariz. Nov 28 White Plains,NY 16 Albuquerque,NM Dec 7 New York, 19 San Antonio, Tex 13 Stamford. Conn. 20 Houston 20 New York, NY 21 Austin Royal Lichtenstein Circus 22 Ft. Worth Dec 14 Los Angeles, Cal. - Endof Tour- 15 Woodland Hills 18 Los Angeles Big John's XmasShow - End of Tour Dec 12 Kansas City, Mo. 13-14 St. Louis ---MAGIC--- 15 Indianapolis,Ind Bill Birchfield 17 Des Moines, Iowa Dec 14 Tonopah, Nev. 18 Omaha, Nebr. 15 Bishop, Calif. 20-21 Denver, Colo 16 So. LakeTahoe 23 Salt Lake City, 17 Minden, Nev. Utah 19 Truckee - End of Tour- 20 Canon City Bruce'Charlie'Johnson - End of Tour - Dec 4 Lynwood, Calif Magic Clown-Jim Russell 6 Downey Dec 15-18 San Juan, P. R. 12 Lakewood Pf. Miller-Magic Time USA 13 South Gate Dec 14 Gettysburg, Pa. 15 Granville 16 DuBpis 17 Phillipsburg 18 Johnstown 19 Altoona - End of Tour - Page 6 December 14, 1981 and endless hours of hard work far into the Speaking of... wee hours of the morning are really paying by JIM PARKER off. In addition to wardrobe and trappings, Gee Things are really humming at Gee Gee En- Gee is also having Roy Wells build a new ele- gesser's winterquarters located just south of phant/pony semi at Jim Windland's Circus Gibsonton, Fla., a few blocks off U. S. 41. Winterquarters a few miles up the road. In a Gee Gee is working like crazy to get things ; hurry to meet the Thanksgiving Day depart- ready for her elephants to make the Mexi- ure from quarters to the border where they co City tour with Ed Migley's Circus Ody- will cross into Mexico at Brownsville, Texas, ssey, which opens Dec. 11th for a nine week Roy and his crew have been working almost run. around the clock. Without a doubt, her three bulls • Gee Gee, Roy recently took delivery on a new 35 ft. Roxy and Schell • will be the best dressed "Covered Wagon" 5th wheeler living quar- elephants in the business as Gee Gee, Holly ters for himself and Gee Gee is driving about Gold, At Jones and Elaine Sloanin have been tn a new 1982 white and blue Chevy station stitching and bitching for weeks now, mak- wagon. ing head pieces and leg bands. So far they In addition to Mexico City, Gee Gee's bulls have finished over ten complete sets of head will be making the Puerto Rico, Wilkes-Bar- pieces and leg bands, three to each set. Beau re and Boston dates for Ed Migley, as well as tiful, heavy jewelled and circusy can best returning to Pare Safari in Canada for the describe her ornate trappings for the pachy- 1982 season. The only time she has off is derms. from May 3rd to June 15th. Elaine matched each set with complete Gee Gee's mother, Mrs. Vates Engesser, has new wardrobe for her and trainer Roy Wells been performing secretarial duties while Gee Her new sewing room is filled with bolts of Gee has been out in the sewing room "direc- material, rhinestones and thread by the yard ting"! Gee Gee will fly to Mexico City for a brief visit from Dec. 9th to 14th. ANNOUNCING INGA! A recent arrival at the Engesser winter- quarters is Alan and Holly Gold, who just came in from a five week engagement with Ringmistress with Class! Circus Vargas, which they thoroughly en- joyed. Al and Holly recently acquired two more young tigers, giving them a total of five tigers and four lions for their act. Last NOW BOOKING year they made their debut into the circus world and in addition to Circus Vargas, they have appeared with the 1981 edition (416) 626-8076 of Bentley Bros. Circus, and also spot-da- ted. For 1982 they will be appearing with (416)622-0367 the Medina Temple Shrine Circus in Chi- cago. Al and Holly's love for their cats cer- tainly can be seen by the immaculate condi- tion of their equipment and stock. The an- imals are just beautiful and at peak condi- INGA LOWE tion. I certainly hope their 1982 calendar 627 The West Mall will be full as this new, young couple and Suite 1405 their cats are an asset to this business. Etobicoke, Last week (Nov. 19-20) the Clyde Beatty- M9C 4X5 Cole Bros. Circus played Sarasota and as was expected, a large number of kinkers Ontario turned out to visit and enjoy the big tenter. Canada The show played the Dog Track and open- (Continued on Page 19) Page8 December 14, 1981 Phone Toll Free: World Wide Attractions, Inc. 1-800-824-7888 "Emieriai*i*e*t *t its Best!" Ext. A - 263 From California: Box 74 1-800-852-7777 Barnesrilk. Pa. 18214 Ext. A - 263 ACTS ARE YOU LISTED WITH US - Send Photos, Price and Availably B-C Gives up tent The Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus whose billing proclaimed it as the "Largest Circus JEAN P. "Miss Jeannie" CARSON (89) died Under The Big Top" has announced it will Nov. 24th at a care home in Sarasota, Fla. no longer travel with its tent, but instead Born in Moncton, N.B., Canada, she came to will move indoors. The show is scheduled Chester, Pa., and then moved to Florida in to open its 1982 season in early March. 1926. She was a showgirl and wardrobe mis- Circus officials said the huge tent was just tress with Ringling-Barnum from 1916 to too cumbersome to carry around. The op- 1974, when she retired at the age of 82. In eration was described as having been too addition to her wardrobe duties she was.a expensive and too inefficient. dancer and elephant rider with the circus. Starting next year, show officials said, the circus will move indoors, with performances GEORGE R. "Russ" MANNING (52) illus- presented in arenas and coliseums. It will trator of the Tarzan' comic strip for many continue to be a three ring performance years, died Dec. 1st at the Veterans Hospi- with acrobats, clowns, animals and trapeze tal in Long Beach, Calif., after a long fight artists. with cancer. Manning drew the Tarzan comic books for many years before taking over the illustra- tion of the comic strip for the Edgar Rice Burroughs Corp. He drew the daily strip for three years, then worked only on the Sun- GENEIVE LERCHE (79) died Nov. 17th day edition for nine years. At one time he at a Bilbane, Ohio, hospital, following a included some circus personalities in the long illness. She was born in Corry. Pa., popular comic strip. and she and her late husband toured with Manning also drew the comic strip "Star many old time , and also appeared Wars" but dropped his syndicated work in in vaudeville 1979 after becoming ill. Page 10 December 14, 1981 ATTENTION AVAILABLE TftAMPOLINE ACT NEEDED All new acts available for the '82 season - Prefer Theme Park: Mr. Wainwright, or anyone knowing his 1-16 tiger cage act whereabouts, please call Tibor Alexan- 2 • Mixed 4 tigers and 4 Great Danes in der immediately. cage act 518-794-7878 or 518-794-7784 3 - Illusion act with lion, tiger, black and spotted leopards. Performed at Lion Country Safari last sum- PEOPLE mpr. Contact: JOHN WEINHART FRANK DEAN known for many years for 9478 Bellegrave Riverside, Ca. 92509 his roping and whip cracking and other Phone:(417)685-0368 Western type acts has added another facet to his many talents. He recently competed in the nation-wide Wrangler Country Star- TRAINER NEEDED search contest. He sang a rodeo song he had for one of America's top elephant acts - written tilled "Mr. Cowboy Meets Miss For- Permanent, life time job for right party. tune" to good applause, but was not one of Prefer man with lady assistant. the two winners that were chosen. State winners will be competing in Nashville. Write to: ELEPHANT c/o Circus Report 525 Oak St. El Cerrito. Ca. 94530 Holiday Tour Mike Martin's "Holiday Magic Show" op- ened it's holiday tour on Nov. 30th and closed Dec. 12th. Featured in the show were: Col. Jerry Lip- WANTED ko's Comedy Chimps; Doris Schappacher's Unrideable Mule; Bagley's Comedy Goats; John Kane as "Eggroll" the show clown; TRAINED ANIMAL ACTS Showgirls/Assistants Simone and Sabrina Perry and Mike Martin, show manager, an- nouncer, Magic and Illusions. TO BUY IMMEDIATELY

MAGICIANS ILLUSIONISTS Chimps, Elephants, Horses, Etc. CIRCUS ACTS PRODUCERS We have the world's largest and most Send Pictures, Routines and complete selection of illusion plans. Description to: Full lines of Thayer, Brill, Owen, Os- borne, Oupreme and others. We can quote prices for your specific build- ing plans or send for our huge listing. ATCA, Inc. -Only $3.00- Rte. 1 - Box 54 MICKY HADES INTERNATIONAL Wills Point, Texas- 75169 Box 476 Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 2J1 Page 12 December 14,1981 German Park by 'Circus Joe' VALENCIANO Phantasialand of Germany, a major attrac- tion, is simitar to our Disneyland parks. Lo- cated just south of Koln and north-west of Frankfurt, the park is smaller than Walt Dis- ney World, but very nice. They have rides of Special Consideration for Atl Show People all kinds and sections with themes, such as: Trailers delivered anywhere at nominal rates The Wild West, Hawaii, China Town and a CALL OR WRITE complete miniature city of Old Berlin com- plete with the Brandenburger Tor and the JOHNMAROONE well-known Winter Garten Theatre. 2550 Wildtn Ave. Buffalo. NY 14225 When you enter the park it is the main Phone:1-716-681 1700 street of Berlin with shops, restaurants and the theatre. You can walk or ride the horse drawn cable cars or the double decker buses. The Winter Garten has live and the interior is just like the real one. The park has two lakes, one of which con- PAULINE B. LORETTA (83) one of the tains a big three masted pirate ship. A steam Loretta Twins, died Oct. 19th in Los Ang- engine train and a Monorail travel through- eles, Calif, at the Martin Luther King Hos- out the area. pital. Other features include: A dolphin show. She had been married to George Novikoff Silver City, which is a complete old-style (aerialist) and to Charles Smith (vaudevil- western town, behind that is a huge roller lian), but left no heirs except her sister Ora N. Ernst of Schertz, Texas. coast with mountain-type scenery, and there The Loretta Twins toured with most of is also a Spanish village and much more, and the famous mud shows of the turn of the fancy restaurants in all places. century, including Cole Dog & Pony Show, If you take a European tour as the Valen- Gentry Bros., Yankee-Robinson, Dode Risk, ciano sisters did, don't miss this park. Mollie Bailey, as well as with Sells Floto, Wirth and Barnum & Bailey. They were world recognized Triple Horizontal Bar performers and were considered to be the best there was in this difficult and stren- uous class of . TIBOR ALEXANDER, Artist-Manager ^ 5-Continent Theatrical Booking Agency P.O. Box 87, West Lebanon. NY 12195 U.S.A. • Phone 518-794-7878 ONE . ACT • OR * A • COMPLETE • SHOW • FOR * ANY • OCCASION

THANK YOU Mr. and Mrs. A. W. STENCELL, Director MARTIN & DOWNS CIRCUS, CANADA For Booking Acts thru my agency - 1978, 1979, 1980 Also thanks to the following acts for helping your old friend and performer for 58 years and agent Mr. and Mrs. BILL MORRIS, Elephant Act for letting me book you with Martin & Downs Circus for 3 years, 1978, 1979, 1980 - A fine performer and trainer Also thanks for the 3 years commission paid to me all the time

THE LANG FAMIL Y, Act THE LANG FAMIL Y, Juggling Act THE LANG FAMIL Y, Comedy Tumbling Act DANNY CAREY, Hand Balancing Act DANNY CAREY, Foot Juggling Act DANN Y CA REY, Juggling Act

PLEASE NOTE - Need acts for foreign countries - 6 months season Flying Act - Big Wheel Act - Musical Clown Act Please send photos and availability for summer season of 1982 Need acts in USA all the time - Upcoming Acts - Novelty Acts Want: Flying Acts, Cage Acts, Aerial Acts, Ground Acts - USA 1982 - Nothing too small - Nothing too big - Comedy acts for circus - Animal Acts - Domestic and Wild Animal Acts Need Gauchos all the time for USA and Foreign Countries Please keep me posted of your availability - Send your route list OFFICE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT - 24 HOURS - 2 PHONES 518 - 794 - 7878 HOT LINE: 518 - 794 - 7784 The Circus Report Page 17 Art Exhibit AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT by JIM BROWN CIRCUSANIA A number of CFA members, with friends CIRCUS COLLECTIONS - $1.00 plus a and admirers, attended the opening of an S. A. S. E. for our latest listing of Circus Exhibit at Robinson's Red Door Gallery, Books, Letters, Telegrams, Letterheads, Morro Bay, Calif., which featured the work Routes, Prograns, Photographs, Special of Chang Reynolds. Those attending were Collector's items (many one of a kind). surprised and pleased with the work hang- Coupon worth SI.00 towards first pur- ing on the walls. Chang has completed a chase included with list. goodly collection of dry brush drawings, CIRCUS COLLECTOR'S KITS - A de- as well as water colors, acrylics and oils lightful assortment of circus mementos featuring the circus. of the good old days of trouping. Post His animals, mostly elephants it seemed, Pdi-l at $27.50 (the above kit includes 2 were largely done in the dry brush techni- circus lithos). que and were outstanding. His elephants were detailed to the nth degree. One almost CIRCUS COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS expected to have the pachyderms reach out - A nice assortment of 12 different, old- and beg for peanuts! Or at least, go into time circus comps or tickets. Suitable for their routine. framing. Post Paid at just $2.75. Other works included portraits of clowns New listing will be sent to recent custo- whom he has sketched over the years. These mers. were painted using both oils and acrylic me- HARRY CHIPMAN dia. The make-up and colors were well done. P.O.Box 1021 The portrait of Emmett Kelly literally took San Gabriel, Calif. - 91778-1021 your breath away. I thought, for a moment, Emmett was there staring back in a mirror. Some "backyard" drawings were extreme- BABY ly life-like, with wagons sparkling like the first day out of winter quarters. One beau- tiful water color featured the "wild west MALE CHIMP section" of a spec waiting in the backyard to go in. The horses were excellent, with every detail of equipment of the horses and riders exactly as they should be. 8 Months old No strnager to the circus, of course, Chang Reynolds has caught the essence of the cir- cus under canvas (as it should be) within the frames of his art work. His work well de- serves to be hung in the most prestiguous $12,000 of the art museums.

305-822-8820 PEOPLE RON and JOY HOLIDAY were featured in the Nov. 13th issue of Viva Las Vegas, with (USDI LICENSE REQUIRED) a picture and story about their act which is currently appearing at the Flamingo Hilton in Las Vegas. Page 18 December 14, 1981

He was the opening act in the show, and, he was also the resident make-up artist for the occasion, making up 41 people in out- er space make-up in a 2% hour period of time. Phil, who is also known as "Philippe" is currently completing a course of study at the Kay Brown School of Beauty in Holly- wood. He expects to be licensed by March 1982, with the State of California, to prac- tice all aspects of hair and skin care as well as advanced make-up techniques. Phil continues to perform in the greater Los Angeles area as "Philippe."

PHIL SHEAR appeared at Lou Adler's (producer of the Rocky Horror Picture PEOPLE Show and owner of the Roxy Theatre) 10th annual 'Tiny Bopper Halloween MIKE CLARK, wild animal trainer, has Party Cartoons in Space Odyssey Ball at added a tiger to his lion act. The new ani- the Roxy." mal has been named "Pumpkin." The Circus Report Page 19

SPEAKING OF (Continued) of Clown Alley for making me feel so much at home. ing night was filled with circus greats in the Reviews of the actual program for the Beat audience and as a special treat, Mr. Circus • ty-Cole show have appeared throughout the Merle Evans, lead the band. season, so there is no need to repeat it as it The show made an impressive sight on the remained intact. grassy lot and considering it was almost the end of the season, the physical equipment was in very good condition. It would be im- '82 Plans possible to name all of those in the business Several new performers will be joining the who came out, but the management provid- Big John Strong Circus operation for the up ed a very friendly atmosphere for those who coming 1982 season. The tent show will op- visited, making them feel really welcome. en Feb. 26th in Yucaipa, Calif., and just As usual, Jimmy James was at his peak as prior to that will make a special Feb. 6-7 and kept the show moving at a date in Arizona. rapid pace. Jim Windland's side show has New acts signed for the 1982 season will the most professional looking group of include: Curtis Kid Canan with his wife people of any side show on the road. All Sherry, dog act, tightwire, juggling and re- have exceptional wardrobe as there is noth- volving ladder, plus Tina and Brian Griese ing more disgusting to me than to see side Some changes will also be made in the gen- show folks work in street clothes, so it was eral operating staff of the tented circus with a real treat to see such flash on the bally Robert 'Red' Johnson serving as general man platform as well as inside the menagerie/side ager; Phil Kavaugh, assistant manager; Bill show tent. Grieser, boss canvasman; Chris Kennington, A special thank you to Jimmy James, Tim office and Ralph Greco, marketing director Stinson, John Putjh, Jim Windland and all for press, radio and TV. Page 20 December 14,1981

then the Asrah levitation to close the first The Blickstoni Show half of the show. Instead of intermission, however, comes byDANWALDRON "guest artist" Mike Marlin, the juggler. His The current tour of the Blackstone Magic easy banter, bright satin wardrobe, and ef- Show appears geared to such locations as fortless work with balls, cigar boxes, and, Powers Center here on the campus of the finally, chiffon squares brought a big hand. University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) where Blackstone resumed with spectacular Float it played two performances Nov. 25th. The ing Lightbulb which includes the breath- shows were at 5:30 and 8 p.m. taking swoop of the lighted globe right in- The Thanksgiving eve date saw a turnout to the audience; continued with "Fastest largely of kids with parents. The show it- Trick in the World" which combines card, self is light, minus the heavy illusions of the ropetie, and pickpocket work with a whole big theatrical version, but still a good two platform of audience "volunteers" onstage; hours long. Harry gets full milage from ev- and finished with the socko baffler, 'The ery effect, beginning with the Vanishing Old Man With The Whiskers" which leaves Birdcage, going on to another Blackstone onlookers agog at impossible transposition classic. Dancing Hankerchief ("A real live of the magician. spirit with muscles"), the Borrowed Watch Harry was onstage almost continuously, routine which finds timepiece on neck of assisted from time to time by one girl • his bunny in bottle, making natural segue into wife. Gay. Two men also worked in the Boy and Rabbit (in this case a spunky girl show. Sense of a bigger production, with and rabbit), then the only cabinet illusion more people, was heightened by extensive in the show, Zig Zag, done in leisurely style use of audience participation. Nearly every complete with that great rarity, acknow- trick used it - even Zig Zag. Only Asrah and ledgement to originator Robert Harbin; and 'The Old Man" did not Musical director traveling with troupe was Mark Wise who presided at electric keyboard and conducted the other 8 pit musicians in Circus Collectorables live (and lively) score. The show was done against black drapes; only special drop was Color Book from Gatini Circus dazzler curtain against which Asrah took $1.00 place. Blackstone's continuously amusing pat- Cut-out Book, Circus Tent, Etc. ter, complete audience control, pleasing $1.50 baritone voice and ability to make it all The above circus is now closed. Pac- sound fresh and spontaneous makes it pos- kage deal including book of Freaks, sible for him to do this kind of show and Post Paid $ 5.00 leave the crowd feeling satisfied. In other hands it might not work. With him you Circus Posters from old Spar Bros. feel you have been pleasantfy entertained Circus, 2 different.. $15.00 each for the better part of an evening. Both for $25.00 Wisely, this show has been steering clear Have over 1,000 different 3/2x5 of the big cities and big theatres where its Freak pictures, $1.00 each. more opulent incarnation would be expec- ted. Until that welcome event occurs • a Also have large collection of African questionable possibility in this day of out- Relics. landish operating costs • it is good to see once again some of the gems that have CAPE FEAR MUSEUM long ornamented the Blackstone repertoire. 5845 Carolina Beach Road Wilmington, NC • 28403 A CR subscription makes a great gift and will continue to give all year long. The Circus Report Page 21 Something Special PEOPLE by CURTIS G.KNISELY BRUCE "Charlie" JOHNSON has been do- On Friday, Nov. 6th, 75 members and ing some clowning on the Southern Cali- friends of CFA Tent No. 127 attended the fornia community parade circuit, for Pa- Shrine Circus as conceived and produced geantry Productions. He also recently ap- by the Royal Hanneford Circus in Balti- peared at Lakewood City Mall in conjunc- more, Md., Civic Center. Outstanding cir- tion with an appearance by clown artist cus acts were enjoyed by the Tent group RON LEE. Ron is working on a figurine along with a large and responsive audience. of Charlie which will be gold plated and After the show, the tent members and sold through jewelry shops and gift shops. friends were cordially received in the back yard by the Hanneford family and other HAROLD MISER, who is connected with circus folks. Adding sparkle to the occas- the Peru City Circus Festival, Peru, Ind., ion was the presence of two great ladies of recently visited with the ADEN LOWRY's the circus, Erna Rudynoff and (Catherine in Sedan, Kansas. Hanneford. DR. SUSAN FREIBANO, director of the On Saturday, Nov. 7th, the Erna and Rudy Hertzberg Circus Project, had 2,500 sou- Rudynoff Tent No. 127 CFA and Rudynoff venir wooden nickels made up for part of Family Ring No. 60 CMB held their fourth the advertising program for the collection annual banquet at the Mt. Herbon High of circus material housed in the San An- School in Ellicott City, Md. Sixty-three tonio Public Library. (Collectors could members and guests anjoyed a bontiful buf- write her at: Hertzberg Circus Collection, fet dinner in a dining room filled with cir- San Antonio Public Library, 203 South cus decorations and interesting displays. St. Mary's St., San Antonio, Tx. 78205. President E. Clark Beurien introduced the program which featured John McConnell, assistant to the producer of the Royal Han- neford Circus and author of the new bio- schedule to share an evening with their fans graphy of the Hanneford family, titled "A and friends, the Tent and Ring presented Ring, A Horse, and A Clown". McConnell gifts to the guest speakers. told of his experiences in joining the circus Among those attending the banquet were and of the research and work that were in- Erna Rudynoff, for whom the Tent and volved in writing his book about the Hanne- Ring derive their name, her son Rudy, and ford family. his wife Beverly and their son Scott. Also At the end of his talk, John McConnell present were two CFA past presidents, John provided a real "first" experience for all Phillips and James Hartman, as well as Dis- present by showing the World Premiere of trict Four Director Shirley Ryon and Dis- his motion picture "A Ring, A Horse, and trict Fifteen Director Frank L Ball, Jr. The A Clown." The picture depicts the Hanne- tents represented were Felix Adler Tent No. ford Family history and tradition with the 12, Robert Dover Tent No. 112, Em men circus and shows the training and work that Kelly Tent No. 41 and Frank McClosky Tent goes into producing a new show each season. No. 133. This excellent film was enthusiastically re- In appreciation of his service as the second ceived and enjoyed by everyone. president of Tent No. 127, an award was President Beurien then introduced another presented to Vice President Howard W. Ad- honored guest, Struppj Hanneford, who told ams, Jr. of how she started performing with the cir- Tent No. 127 and Ring No. 60 wish to cus. She graciously answered questions thank the many circuses and museums who which revealed the varied rolls that she has contributed door prizes. Robert Weigel pre- played during her exciting and very success- sided over the drawings for the numerous ful career. door prizes which completed a wonderful In appreciation of Struppi Hanneford and evening filled with circus atmosphere and John McConnell taking time from their busy joy. Page 22 December 14. 1981

Birnum Bros. Circus was owned by Bill Do You Remember? Griffith. The show wintered in San Anton- io, Texas, in the 1960's. by TED La Velda Barr Bros. Circu: in 1946 was owned by When La Monte Bros. Circus wintered in 'Doc' L B. Ford and 'Big Bill' Myers. They Salem, III., in the early 1920's - Singer Br. had a short season. Circus, owned by Tom Mclaughlin and Pat Fuller Bros. Circus, wintered in Hastings, Kelly showed through the mid-west about Nebr., and was owned and operated by that same time. Charles and Luther Fuller. Burling Bros. Circus, owned and managed Webster Bros. Circus was owned and man- by E. C. Burlingame, wintered and opened aged by Bob and Man Jo Couls. in New Martinsville, W. Va. in 1949. Riggs & Riggs Circus, was owned and op- erated by Dudley and Lillian Riggs, playing through the mid-west in the 1930's. Norris Bros. Circus, owned by Bud E. An- derson, showed through Kansas and Colo- rado in 1938. Lion Bros. Circus, owned by Harry Bray in PEOPLE the 1920's. showed in Colorado, Wyoming, JERRY LIPKO and his Comedy Chimps will Nebraska. Kansas and South Dakota. be in Puerto Rico for Dec. 14 thru Jan. 6th. McCalls Dog & Pony Show was operating in the 1930's. owned by Ernie Me Call who STU MILLER recently took delivery on a third lion for his big Magic Time USA show. also trained the animals. The Circus Report Page 23 Super Sunday by HARRY ALBACKER The Showmen's Super-Sunday is now His- tory and it turned out to be the biggest event ever staged for show folks and fund raisers, in Western Penna. The event was sponsored by the Independent Showmen OO AD of Western Pennsylvania. The Committees looking for Carnivals and Circuses began arriving at ten in the A Masterpiece of mental magic. morning although Super-Sunday wasn't You show four plastic plaques scheduled to start until 1 p.m. The early 4"xlO" with 16 different sym- birds received a free Continental breakfast bols. Four spectators are asked compliments of the exhibitors. to just think of one of the sym- In all 28 exhibitors were on hand for the bols. You name the symbol they one-day event and their motto was: "If you are thinking of, 100% accurate. can't do it in one day; you can't do it in three either!" The buyers bought the idea No one ahead, no slips of paper, and enjoyed shopping for Shows on Sun- no swami gimmacks, no nothing, day. Everyone was in a happy mood and professional strong mental effect, plenty of contracts were signed. $10.00 plus $1.00 postage Super-Sunday will be repeated in 1982, in November, plus the organization will have KEVIN MENARD a "Book-By-Mail" directory going out to 267 Norwood Avenue Warwick, R.I.-02888

buyers on Jan, 1,1982. The organization also voted to have, or sponsor, a Haunted House in Oct. 1982, with the proceeds going to the Showmen's charities. The very, very successful Showmen's Su- per-Sunday was sponsored by the Indepen- dent Showmen's Club of Western Pennsyl- vania. (210 new members were signed up at this meeting of outdoor show people). Billy Gunga held the record for "bookings" and left with a briefcase full of contracts for his Circus Kamala. Other attractions did great such as Paul Hoskinson's "Animals of Distinction." WELL ESTABLISHED ACTS COMPUTO*

EDDIE MEKKA, star of the TV Show "La- S1W6U DATIS OR TOURS CONTACT: veme & Shirley" was featured in the show "Circus of the Stars" where he became a , catapulted 100 feet in- to a safety net.