Corky The Clown The Circus Report Page 3 Plans for 1982 Mailroom Arrangements have been completed with Circus Reports addressed to the following Hpxie Tucker for the 1982 season which people have recently been returned by the will have Allen C. Hill booking and mana- Post Office who says they can no longer be ging the Great American Circus for the com delivered as addressed. ing year. Jim Raab will be serving as the Mike Miller Richard ljungquist show's general agent. James H. Gables Philip Gale Mr. Hill reports that plans are moving John Rusche Joseph Curran right along for what should be a good 1982 season. Some limited engagements are now lions and tigers; Clown Chase on the track; available for the circus in east coast and The Venturas, cradle; Kolmedys. juggling; southern states and sponsors are expected Sampion, juggling; Antonios, juggling; Scotts to be signed for these dates soon. Unrideable Mule; Gary Thomas and Baby The circus will feature a full program with Marie, elephant; Sylvia Zerbini, camels and a 1 hour and 45 minute performance. This llamas; Patricia Zerbini, Baby Bunny, ele- will include a variety of performers and ani- phant; Clowns Toby Ballantine and Lee mal acts, as well as several elephants. Marx with the Long Shirt; The Horwath Chimps; Olmeda's Horse Display; Clowns Show Acts and a Bull Fight; Marie France, Yorkshire Terriers; Miss Jacqueline, aerialist; Flying The program for the Hubert Castle Circus Larrays, trapeze act; Clowns in The Pain- performance at Chattanooga, Tenn., for the ters'; Antonios, bicycles; Enriques, Bicycle Alhambra Temple Shrine Circus (Nov. 6-8) act; Scott's Royal Boxers; Billy Barton, in lists the following acts. Cloud Swing; Gary Thomas and Patricia Jungle Fantasv, webs; Tarzan Zerbini, Zerbini, elephants; Grand Finale. Page 4 Tom Ogden SHOW DATES Dec 16 Pomtown, Pa. Big John's Tent Show Dick Oslund Dec 12-13 Sierra Vista, Dec 20 Ft. Wayne, Ind. Ariz. Mike Phillips & Tricia 14 Douglas Dec 7 Greenville, SC 17 Luke Air Force 12-13 Atlantic City,NJ 18 Guadeloupe 19 AsburyPark 19 Salt River Project 20 Trenton 20 Motorola Co. - End of Tour - ... OTHER DATES--- Funs-A-Poppin Circus Big John's XmasShow Dec 14 Oakland, Calif Dec 9 Anaheim, Cal. 10 San Bernardino No Elephant Circus 13 Phoenix, Ariz. Nov 28 White Plains,NY 16 Albuquerque,NM Dec 7 New York, 19 San Antonio, Tex 13 Stamford. Conn. 20 Houston 20 New York, NY 21 Austin Royal Lichtenstein Circus 22 Ft. Worth Dec 14 Los Angeles, Cal. - Endof Tour- 15 Woodland Hills 18 Los Angeles Big John's XmasShow - End of Tour Dec 12 Kansas City, Mo. 13-14 St. Louis ---MAGIC--- 15 Indianapolis,Ind Bill Birchfield 17 Des Moines, Iowa Dec 14 Tonopah, Nev. 18 Omaha, Nebr. 15 Bishop, Calif. 20-21 Denver, Colo 16 So. LakeTahoe 23 Salt Lake City, 17 Minden, Nev. Utah 19 Truckee - End of Tour- 20 Canon City Bruce'Charlie'Johnson - End of Tour - Dec 4 Lynwood, Calif Magic Clown-Jim Russell 6 Downey Dec 15-18 San Juan, P. R. 12 Lakewood Pf. Miller-Magic Time USA 13 South Gate Dec 14 Gettysburg, Pa. 15 Granville 16 DuBpis 17 Phillipsburg 18 Johnstown 19 Altoona - End of Tour - Page 6 December 14, 1981 and endless hours of hard work far into the Speaking of... wee hours of the morning are really paying by JIM PARKER off. In addition to wardrobe and trappings, Gee Things are really humming at Gee Gee En- Gee is also having Roy Wells build a new ele- gesser's winterquarters located just south of phant/pony semi at Jim Windland's Circus Gibsonton, Fla., a few blocks off U. S. 41. Winterquarters a few miles up the road. In a Gee Gee is working like crazy to get things ; hurry to meet the Thanksgiving Day depart- ready for her elephants to make the Mexi- ure from quarters to the border where they co City tour with Ed Migley's Circus Ody- will cross into Mexico at Brownsville, Texas, ssey, which opens Dec. 11th for a nine week Roy and his crew have been working almost run. around the clock. Without a doubt, her three bulls • Gee Gee, Roy recently took delivery on a new 35 ft. Roxy and Schell • will be the best dressed "Covered Wagon" 5th wheeler living quar- elephants in the business as Gee Gee, Holly ters for himself and Gee Gee is driving about Gold, At Jones and Elaine Sloanin have been tn a new 1982 white and blue Chevy station stitching and bitching for weeks now, mak- wagon. ing head pieces and leg bands. So far they In addition to Mexico City, Gee Gee's bulls have finished over ten complete sets of head will be making the Puerto Rico, Wilkes-Bar- pieces and leg bands, three to each set. Beau re and Boston dates for Ed Migley, as well as tiful, heavy jewelled and circusy can best returning to Pare Safari in Canada for the describe her ornate trappings for the pachy- 1982 season. The only time she has off is derms. from May 3rd to June 15th. Elaine matched each set with complete Gee Gee's mother, Mrs. Vates Engesser, has new wardrobe for her and trainer Roy Wells been performing secretarial duties while Gee Her new sewing room is filled with bolts of Gee has been out in the sewing room "direc- material, rhinestones and thread by the yard ting"! Gee Gee will fly to Mexico City for a brief visit from Dec. 9th to 14th. ANNOUNCING INGA! A recent arrival at the Engesser winter- quarters is Alan and Holly Gold, who just came in from a five week engagement with Ringmistress with Class! Circus Vargas, which they thoroughly en- joyed. Al and Holly recently acquired two more young tigers, giving them a total of five tigers and four lions for their act. Last NOW BOOKING year they made their debut into the circus world and in addition to Circus Vargas, they have appeared with the 1981 edition (416) 626-8076 of Bentley Bros. Circus, and also spot-da- ted. For 1982 they will be appearing with (416)622-0367 the Medina Temple Shrine Circus in Chi- cago. Al and Holly's love for their cats cer- tainly can be seen by the immaculate condi- tion of their equipment and stock. The an- imals are just beautiful and at peak condi- INGA LOWE tion. I certainly hope their 1982 calendar 627 The West Mall will be full as this new, young couple and Suite 1405 their cats are an asset to this business. Etobicoke, Last week (Nov. 19-20) the Clyde Beatty- M9C 4X5 Cole Bros. Circus played Sarasota and as was expected, a large number of kinkers Ontario turned out to visit and enjoy the big tenter. Canada The show played the Dog Track and open- (Continued on Page 19) Page8 December 14, 1981 Phone Toll Free: World Wide Attractions, Inc. 1-800-824-7888 "Emieriai*i*e*t *t its Best!" Ext. A - 263 From California: Box 74 1-800-852-7777 Barnesrilk. Pa. 18214 Ext. A - 263 ACTS ARE YOU LISTED WITH US - Send Photos, Price and Availably B-C Gives up tent The Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus whose billing proclaimed it as the "Largest Circus JEAN P. "Miss Jeannie" CARSON (89) died Under The Big Top" has announced it will Nov. 24th at a care home in Sarasota, Fla. no longer travel with its tent, but instead Born in Moncton, N.B., Canada, she came to will move indoors. The show is scheduled Chester, Pa., and then moved to Florida in to open its 1982 season in early March. 1926. She was a showgirl and wardrobe mis- Circus officials said the huge tent was just tress with Ringling-Barnum from 1916 to too cumbersome to carry around. The op- 1974, when she retired at the age of 82. In eration was described as having been too addition to her wardrobe duties she was.a expensive and too inefficient. dancer and elephant rider with the circus. Starting next year, show officials said, the circus will move indoors, with performances GEORGE R. "Russ" MANNING (52) illus- presented in arenas and coliseums. It will trator of the Tarzan' comic strip for many continue to be a three ring performance years, died Dec. 1st at the Veterans Hospi- with acrobats, clowns, animals and trapeze tal in Long Beach, Calif., after a long fight artists. with cancer. Manning drew the Tarzan comic books for many years before taking over the illustra- tion of the comic strip for the Edgar Rice Burroughs Corp. He drew the daily strip for three years, then worked only on the Sun- GENEIVE LERCHE (79) died Nov. 17th day edition for nine years. At one time he at a Bilbane, Ohio, hospital, following a included some circus personalities in the long illness. She was born in Corry. Pa., popular comic strip. and she and her late husband toured with Manning also drew the comic strip "Star many old time circuses, and also appeared Wars" but dropped his syndicated work in in vaudeville 1979 after becoming ill. Page 10 December 14, 1981 ATTENTION AVAILABLE TftAMPOLINE ACT NEEDED All new acts available for the '82 season - Prefer Theme Park: Mr. Wainwright, or anyone knowing his 1-16 tiger cage act whereabouts, please call Tibor Alexan- 2 • Mixed 4 tigers and 4 Great Danes in der immediately. cage act 518-794-7878 or 518-794-7784 3 - Illusion act with lion, tiger, black and spotted leopards. Performed at Lion Country Safari last sum- PEOPLE mpr.
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