Michigan Week' Nounced by an Munici
-- -_' fr • ,. • All the News of All the Pointes * * * Every Thursday Morning rosse Complete New~ Coverage of All the Poi'ltes Home 01 the News VOLUME 23-NO. 20 Entered al Second Cl..,s Matter 7e Per Copy at th" Palt Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, MAY 17, 1962 ".00 Per Year 24 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS-SECTION I -----------------_._- ..----------------,------------------------------------------------------------------------- (.) Mason School Boasts Cleanest Playgrc)unq HEADLINE~ I All Pointes Join Flointe Parks of the \VEEK eret Set for As Compiled by the IIn Observance of ew Season Grosse Poiute Nell~'s l'f Many Improvem$nts An- ::~'Michigan Week' nounced by An Munici. palities as Opening :Visiting Officials will be Guests at Luncheon in Stouf- Day Draws Near , fer's on Monday; Three Special Days Designated J~I: During Celebration The stay.at-home Point- J~~'~i: ---------- en can look forward to a , "~~:JIl[ !!. , , summer of fun and re'axa- , ' "~f.III" :: The eIghth annual "MIchIgan Week" observance wIll tio!") in their . .- t' I 1 . '. ,." ; be celebrated throughout the state starting on May 20. ml;nicipallv 0 'n edspec Ikve S d "'iT '>0' d' t d "S' 't 1 F d t' \\' e par s, :: un ay, lVlay... IS eSIgna e as pIn ua oun a IOns: where recr'e' atl' 1f 'l't' 'D ," "M ' E T h D ." t k 1 MdT ' ana aCI 1 les .' aj, ayor s xc ange ay a es p ace on 1 on a~,' ha':e been improved May 21, and "Education Day" on Thursday, May 24" I.
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