SEC U R'i TY S/2698 1.1 Jul;Rr 1952
UNITED NATiONS GENERAL SEC U R'I TY S/2698 1.1 Jul;rr 1952 . '.. COUNCIL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH , ,. NOTE DAmn 10 JUty 1952 FROM 'THE ACTING EEPEE&E1'TATm OF T1!&: tmITED STATES ADDIiESSED TO 'T1!&:' SECRETARY-OONERAL TRANSMITTING SEVEN COM.MUN.rQtTES ISSUED BY TEE EEADQUARrrEBS OF .THE UNITED. NATIONS COMMAl'ID IN KOREA . The Acting Representative of the United States of A~erica to the United . - . --.. Nations presents his ccmplizoonts to the Acting Secretary-General of the United' Nations and has the honor to tra.nsmit hereWith, ·for the informaUon of' the Security Council, the following communiques issued by the Headquarters of the Un!ted Nations Comnand, which were deiayed in transmission and have not' previously been submitted: .'. Far East Air Forces sumary of opemtions Monday, June ],,6, 1952 United Nations Comnand communique 1,284, for thE? twe.nty-four hours to 6:00 A.M •., 'Wednesday, iT'utle 18, 1952 (Korean ti~e) . FarEa~t Air Forces sUILmary of o~rations Wednesday, June 18, 1952 United Nations Comrrand comnunique 1,286, for the twenty-four hours to 6:00 A.M., Friday, June 20, 1952 (Korean tiIJB ) Far Ktst Air Forces ~uIJ:lrary of operations Monday, June 23, 1952 United Nations 'Comrrand communlq~e 1,290, for the twenty-four hours to 6:00 A.M., Tuesday, June 24, 1952 (Korean tiroo) United Nations Co~nd COmmunique 1,291, for the twenty-four hours to 6:00 A.M., Wednesday, June 25, 1952 (Korean time) 52-7905 /FAR EAST AIR FORCES SUMMARY 8/2698 s/2698 I Page 2 FAR EAST AIR FORCES SUMlJUffiY OF O:FERATIONS MOIID.\Y, JUroTI 16, 1952 With low·hanging clouds obscuring most targets in deep North Korea yesterda.y (Monday-), warplanes of the Far East Air Forces concen"tratad on httMng'.'the·enemy at the battleline as Far Eas-t Air Forces Monday mounted 880, effective sorties.
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