International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) – Volume-2, Issue-8, August 2016 ISSN: 2395-3470 ANALYSIS OF WATER QUALITY USING PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS FROM VARIOUS DAMS OF AMARAVATI DISTRICT, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA 1* 2 1 1 Umesh ChaudhariP ,P Sunil KondulkarP ,P Atul WanjariP ,P Nitin WanjariP E-mail:
[email protected] U22T 1. Department of Chemistry, Mahatma Fule College, Warud, Amravati University, India 2. Department of Chemistry, Mahatma Fule College, Warud, Amravati University, India water in rural and urban areas [2]. The Abstract: quality of ground water depends on This Paper Present to study of the Physico- various chemical constituents and their chemical Parameters of dam water in concentration. It is very essential and Amravati district of Maharashtra state. important to test the water before it is used The range of Physico-Chemical for drinking, domestic, agricultural or Parameters Such as Water Turbidity (0.33 industrial purpose. Water must be tested - 0.79 NTU), TDS (352 – 523 mg/l), pH with different physic-chemical parameters. (6.7 – 7.4), DO (3.10 – 2.40 ppm), Total Selection of parameters for testing of water Hardness (123.7 – 400.4 ppm), Chlorides is solely depends upon for what purpose (4.32 – 11.45 ppm), Alkalinity (175 – 289 we going to use that water and what extent 2+ ppm), Ca P P (111.1 – 145.7 ppm), we need its quality and purity [3-5]. Water 2+ 3- Mg P (57.12P – 64.47 ppm), POR4RP P (0.03 – does content different types of floating, 2- 0.56 ppm) and SOR4RP (0.17P – 0.51 ppm) dissolved, suspended and microbiological were found to be in different dam water.