The London Gazette, 28Th August 1979 10951
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 28TH AUGUST 1979 10951 Chester Road, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham aforesaid MAJOR, Edward John, formerly trading as a SECON- under the style of Le Poidevin Demolition Contractors HAND CAR DEALER as Houston Motors at 502 Shirley as DEMOLITION CONTRACTORS. Court—BIR- Road, Hall Green, Birmingham B28 8QN and continuing MINGHAM. No. of Matter—142A of 1974. Trustee's as a Second-Hand Car Dealer, formerly residing at 152 Name, Address and Description—Hirst, John Frederick, Masons Way, Oulton, Solihull, West Midlands. Court Commercial Union House, 22 Martineau Square, Bir- —BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter— 24A of 1977. mingham B2 4UP, Official Receiver. Date of Release— Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Hirst, John 21st August 1979. Frederick, Commercial Union House, 22 Martineau Square, Birmingham B2 4UP. Date of Release—21st COLES, Brian, of 24 Bessborough Road, Hay Mills, Bir- August 1979. mingham 25, West Midlands, MACHINE HAULAGE CONTRACTOR and SCRAP METAL DEALER, lately MI AH, Makbul, unemployed, residing and lately carrying carrying on business as a Cafe Proprietor at 174 Winson on business in partnership with others at 186 Brighton Green Road, Birmingham 18, West Midlands and lately Road, Moseley, Birmingham B12 8QN, in the metro- residing and carrying on business as a SCRAP METAL politan county of West Midlands under the style of DEALER at 281-283 Heath Street, Winson Green, Bir- "Nazma Tandoori," as a RESTAURATEUR, formerly mingham B18 4DD, West Midalnds. Court—BIRMING- residing at 45 Caddesby Road, Kings Heath, Birming- HAM. No. of Matter—7A of 1977. Trustee's Name, ham B14 7EX, aforesaid and previously residing and Address and Description—Hirst, John Frederick, Com- carrying on business at 374 Tottenham High Road, mercial Union House, 22 Martineau Square, Birmingham London N.I 5 under the style " Aleya Restaurant" as a B2 4UP, Official Receiver. Date of Release—21st August RESTAURATEUR. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of 1979. Matter—57 of 1977. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Hirst, John Frederick, Official Receiver's Office, Commercial Union House, 22 Martineau Square, CONNOLLY, Brendan, Excavator Driver, residing at 6 Birmingham B2 4UP. Date of Release—21st August Melbourne Place, St. John's Road, Sparkhill, Birming- 1979. ham 11 in the metropolitan county of West Midlands, formerly a COMPANY DIRECTOR. Court—BIRMING- PETERS, George Alan, unemployed, residing at and lately HAM. No. of Matter—151 of 1975. Trustee's Name, carrying on business as an ICE CREAM SALESMAN, Address and Description—Hirst, John Frederick, Com- from 56 Barnes Hill, Weoley Castle, Birmingham in the mercial Union House, 22 Martineau Square, Birming- metropolitan county of West Midlands. Court— ham B2 4UP, Official Receiver. Date of Release—21st BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—136 of 1976. Trustee's August 1979. Name, Address and Description—Hirst, John Frederick, Commercial Union House, 22 Martineau Square, Birm- COX, Roger Edward, residing at and carrying on business ingham B2 4UP. Date of Release—21st August 1979. under the stjje of "R. E. Cox, West Midlands Roofing Contractor" from, 25 Elkestone Close, Solihull in the SUTTON, James Patrick, unemployed, residing at "The metropolitan county of West Midlands as a ROOFING Old Gate", 313 Coventry Road, Small Heath, Birming- CONTRACTOR. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of ham BIO OSJ in the metropolitan county of West Mid- Matter—97A of 1976. Trustee's Name, Address and De- lands, previously residing at "The Malt Shovel", scription—Hirst, John Frederick, Commercial Union Coventry Road, Small Heath, Birmingham BIO aforesaid House, 22 Martineau Square, Birmingham B2 4UP, Official and lately carrying on business at "The Old Gate", 313 Receiver. Date of Release—21st August 1979. Coventry Road, Small Heath, Birmingham BIO OSJ afore- said as a LICENSEE. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—25 of 1978. Trustee's Name, Address and DEVLIN, Louis Douglas, unemployed, residing at 10 Henley Description—Hirst, John Frederick, The Official Street, Alcester in the county of Warwick and lately Receiver's Office, Commercial Union House, 22 Martineau residing at Orchard Bungalow, Callow Hill, Reddkch in Square, Birmingham B2 4UP, Official Receiver. Date of the county of Worcester and lately carrying on business Release—21st August 1979. under the style of " L. D. Devlin Metal Finishers " at 33-34 Trent Street, Digbeth, Birmingham in the metro- SAGAR, Harry, of 24 Charnwood Road, Bradford 2, West politan county of West Midlands as a METAL Yorkshire, DEMOLITION SUB-CONTRACTOR. Court FINISHER. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter— —BRADFORD. No. of Matter—59A of 1976. Trustee's 193 of 1975. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Name, Address and Description—Bidmead, Kenneth Hirst, John Frederick, Commercial Union House, 22 Harold, West Riding House, Cheapside, Bradford BD1 Martinieau Square, Birmingham B2 4UP, Official Receiver. Date of Release—21st August 1979. 4LJ, Official Receiver. Date of Release—21st August 1979. ESSEX, William Michael, Clothing Manufacturer, described STEVENSON, Albert Trevor, now residing at 47 New in the Receiving Order as William Essex), residing at Road Side, Rawdon, unemployed, previously residing at 101 A High Street, Chasetown, Walsall in the Metro- 9 Cranbrook Street, West Bowling, Bradford, and prior politan county of West Midlands and previously residing thereto at 91 Cecil Avenue, Great Horton, Bradford 7, at 18 Amesbury Road, Moseley, Birmingham in the all in the county of West Yorkshire. Court—BRAD- metropolitan county of West Midlands, and trading in FORD. No. of Matter—15 of 1978. Trustee's Name, co-partnership with another under the style of " Tricorne Address and Description—Bidmead, Kenneth Harold, Industrial Services (incorporating Tricorne Fashions)" Official Receiver's Office, West Riding House, Cheapside, from Tricorne House, High Street, Chasetown, Walsall Bradford. Date of Release—21st August 1979. aforesaid as CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS. Court —BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—157 of 1975. FARRIMOND, Henry, 2 Holbein Road, Tilgate, Crawley Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Hirst, John in the county of Sussex, RAILMAN, formerly carrying Frederick, Official Receiver's Office, Commercial Union on business as a LABOUR ONLY GROUNDWORK House, 22 Martineau Square, Birmingham B2 4UP. SUBCONTRACTOR. Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Date of Release—21st August 1979. Matter—52 tff 1975. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—O'Reilly, John Francis, Windsor House, GOODWIN, Robert Frank, residing at 38 Blackford Road, 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton BN2 2JZ, Official Receiver. Shirley, Solihull in the metropolitan' county of West Date of Release—21st August 1979. Midlands, lately residing at 12 Ardendale Court, Harwood Grove, Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull aforesaid and HUNTBACH, Roy Daniel, of Worth Forest Lodge, Bal- formerly carrying on business at 101 New Canal Street, combe Road, Worth near Crawley in the county of Birmingham in the metropolitan county of West Mid- West Sussex, formerly residing at 9 Farman Street, lands as a RETAILER of FOOTWEAR (described in Hove in the county of East Sussex, SALES REPRESEN- the Receiving Order as Bob Goodwin). Court— TATIVE, formerly carrying on business as a SELF- BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—131 of 1976. Trustee's EMPLOYED INSURANCE AGENT. Court—BRIGH- Name, Address and Description—Hirst, John Frederick, TON. No. of Matter—128 of 1977. Trustee's Name, Commercial Union House, 22 Martineau Square, Address and Description—O'Reilly, John Francis, Windsor -Birmingham B2 4UP. Date of Release—21st August House, 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton BN2 2JZ, Official 1979. Receiver. Date of Release—21st August 1979..