Queen Street, Chasetown, 1974


The swear-word Richard invented and used until he was seven


Little Wing JimiHendrix

We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. (1 Tim 6:7; Job 1:21)

An Angel at Cathedral Photographed by Richard


Welcome by the Revd Richard Westwood, Vicar of St Anne’s, Chasetown

We are here because, in one way or another, this death affects us all. We are here because, confronted with the death of someone we know, we are confronted with our own mortality, confronted with the cruel, harsh, reality that human life is brief and vulnerable, and unfair. We are here to lament, to face our grief, and to weep.

But we are also here to celebrate. We are here to recognise that, however brief, the days given to us are not a God-given right, but an unspeakable gift. We are here to marvel at the unfathomable complexity of life, the fruit of 13.7 billion years of evolutionary struggle, converging on the brilliance of this one man whom we have known and loved. We are here in gratitude, to encounter joy, and to laugh.

Today, laughter and tears belong together, the positive and the negative poles that electrify the monstrous improbability of the life that has been granted to each of us.

We are here to remember Richard, who has died. To consider our own death. To reflect upon the years that have passed, And to consider the sheer wealth of opportunity in the years that remain for you and for me. To be human is to be in relationship with others, to live in solidarity with others. And so it is together that we lament, and together that we celebrate.

Borth 1984

‘I hear your little brother is one of the biggest trouble-makers at Ridgeway [Middle School]. Tell him I’ve got my eye on him before he even walks through the door of my school.’ Mr Draper, Deputy Head, Chasetown High School 1985

‘Oh that’s just great, that is’ Richard 1985


Lord, as we are confronted today with our humanity and our vulnerability, we are forced to think about how we use and how we squander the time that is given to us.

We think of those we love, and lament that we are sometimes less than dependable, less than communicative, less than we could be. We think of those with whom our lives interweave, and recognise that we might have a greater and more positive effect upon their lives than we have bothered to foster. We think of ourselves in relation to others and to you, and confess that the triviality of the moment has distracted us from reflecting upon our origins, our ends, and all that lies between.

Forgive us for our triviality, our selfishness, our sin. And help us to wake up to who we are to others, and to you. May we know your grace in the depths of our being, and may that grace radiate from us to others.

Especially today we think about Richard. We recall times when we let him down. But we remember also how he sometimes let us down. We feel all too deeply, that when he let go of life, he let go of us. And we are here to let go of Richard, To entrust him to your care, And as we have considered what we would say to him, we pause now to hear what he might say to us in this moment.

Silence is kept

By your grace, make us a people who can hear.


Chasetown High School

‘He’s called “Dr” Perrot because he is one!’ Mr Whitely

‘What’s a Perrot?’ Richard

READING The Life That I Have

The life that I have, is all that I have And the life that I have, is yours. The love that I have, of the life that I have Is yours and yours and yours.

A sleep I shall have, a rest I shall have Yet death will be but a pause. For the peace of my years, in the long green grass Will be yours and yours and yours.

LEO MARKS MBE (1920-2001)

Lichfield Cathedral Photographed by Richard


I danced in the morning When the world was begun, And I danced in the moon And the stars and the sun, And I came down from heaven And I danced on the earth, At Bethlehem I had my birth. Dance, then, wherever you may be, I am the Lord of the Dance, said he, And I’ll lead you all, wherever you may be, And I’ll lead you all in the Dance, said he.

2. I danced for the scribe 4. I danced on a Friday And the pharisee, When the sky turned black – But they would not dance It’s hard to dance And they wouldn’t follow me. With the devil on your back. I danced for the fishermen, They buried my body For James and John – And they thought I’d gone, They came with me But I am the Dance, And the Dance went on. And I still go on. Dance then… Dance then …

3. I danced on the Sabbath 5. They cut me down And I cured the lame; And I leapt up high; The holy people I am the life Said it was a shame. That’ll never, never die; They whipped and they stripped I’ll live in you And they hung me on high, If you’ll live in me – And they left me there I am the Lord On a Cross to die. Of the Dance, said he. Dance then… Dance then…

SYDNEY BERTRAM CARTER (1915-2004) Copyright 1963 Stainer & Bell Ltd. ,


Close friends and family have been invited to offer stories, memories and tributes.

(There will also be opportunity to speak at the Football Club after the Crematorium Service, or to leave comments or letters in a book of remembrance)

PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING Loving God, We thank you because you made us in your own image and gave us gifts that reflect something of who you are.

We thank you now for Richard, and what he meant to each of us. We think especially of his loving, caring but humorous nature – and of his phenomenal gifts as an artist. And we thank you for what we meant to Richard, for all that he valued in us. As we honour his memory, allowing it to impact upon who we are today, and who we might become tomorrow, make us more aware that you are the one from whom comes every perfect gift, including the gift of resurrection, Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

TRIBUTE Mark Bagley

I knew Richard for more than 40 years. He was my best friend for over 25 of them.

I have many great memories with Rich starting from the time we worked together at Ginos Pizza and On The Slate. We were regularly cautioned for our rally driving of two huge yellow telephones through the streets of , trying to see who could deliver the most Pizza's (most of which went on hoax calls to our friends, Stocky)! Or, to the first lads’ holiday we had abroad, when I had to hold Rich's hand because he had never flown before and how he came screaming through a group of friends as we all stood deciding how far it was from the cliff edge to the sea. It was Rich who was the first one to jump off "THE ROCK".

Although we sometimes had long periods apart, he was always there when I needed him to be. He helped me through many difficult times in my life especially early on when I first came back from Holland when he got me a job, without his support and friendship then I doubt I would be here now.

Rich spent many months living with myself, Catherine and Molly and we remember he always bought humour, extra love and a clean kitchen to the house. He was always welcome in our home.

We had a friendship and a love that seamed unconditional and I will always be a better man for it. I will miss him and he will forever leave a hole in my life.

Pez My friend, My brother

SONG OF REFLECTION My light shines on (Primal Scream)

‘There was never a day with Richard that he didn’t make me laugh.’ (Theresa)

‘On Storey’s way in Cambridge, Richard always used to drive us through very narrow, high-sided road barriers, at full speed, and never ever hit them once. He also used to say ‘Magpie Salute’ every single time we saw a magpie so we would all salute it together.’ (Alice May)

‘After school there’d always be the excitement because there would be a ten- minute drive home in the company of Richard which undoubtedly created some of the funniest memories of my childhood.’ (Lewis Edward)

‘When driving us home from school, Richard used to beep and wave at complete strangers. They would smile, and we (the children) would laugh. He made everyone happy. ‘ (Stefan Thomas)

‘Went golfing today with Richard Perry. When he told me to “catch this” (I didn’t realise he was joking). Then he “spooned” the ball and caught me on the ankle instead!! Got a sprained ankle now!’ (Willem James, in 2011)

‘Wishing you eternal peace, rest easy. With love from your Australian family.’ (Karen, Jane and Sally)

Chasetown High School

Doodles from an exercise book


Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? This means we have already been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. (Romans 6:3-5)

SERMON Rev Dr Simon Perry


Ending with, Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, The power and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.

‘No one takes a better picture of me, than me’ Richard

READING The Unwittingly Successful Artist

You have succeeded, in the end, As brother, uncle, son and friend, You have no children of your own, But as a father you are known: You’ve felt what parents must abide, The privilege of pain and pride. You will receive your children’s due: The credit they will bring to you. You watched and loved them as they grew, To love you better than you knew.

Long before you went to school, You learned to play the cheeky fool, You gave us laughter, just for free, It sprang from you so effortlessly, When in trouble, or faced with harm, You used your humour to disarm. And passing through the depths of hell, You still could find a joke to tell. Helplessly we laugh with you, And love you better than you knew.

Your eyes saw a beauty, others could not, Held softly in your camera shot. Moments, now forever gone, Through your art are living on. On film, you caught the vibrancy, Of those who shared your lunacy: Amidst the laughter of your friends, You remained behind the lens. And though you often hid from view, They love you better than you knew.

Your pen and brush make your voice heard, Your canvas sings without a word. And yet your greatest work of art, Is etched upon the beating heart: Images of selfless care, Colours that are found nowhere, That will not fade with passing years, Nor run beneath our ceaseless tears, Since they are treasured by all those who, Love you better than you knew. SIMON PERRY


Abide with me; fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide. When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me.

2. Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day; Earth's joys grow dim; its glories pass away; Change and decay in all around I see; O Thou who changest not, abide with me.

3. Thou on my head in early youth didst smile, And though defiant, and rebel for a-while, Thou hast not left me, oft as I left Thee. On to the close, O Lord, abide with me.

4. I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness. Where is death's sting? Where, grave, thy victory? I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.

5. Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes; Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies. Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee; In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.

H.F. LYTE (1793-1847)


Now, Lord, you release your servant in peace, in accordance with your word. Because my own eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in plain sight of all people. (Luke 2:32)

Into the West (Annie Lennox)

Richard’s family warmly invite everyone to the wake following the Service, taking place at Chasetown Football Club (further along Church Street), to be joined by the family at around 2.30pm.

We would be grateful if any donations are offered to the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust.

We would also like to express our gratitude to everyone at J Howell & Daughters Funeral Directors, for their professionalism and warmth throughout this process.

And, of course, we are thoroughly appreciative of the hospitality, support, and sheer grace shown by the members of St Anne’s Church.