[TERMOS DE REFERÊNCIA] PIER do Monte do Cerro e Vale da Mua – Comunidade Tamera


TERMOS DE REFERÊNCIA Anexo III – Programas Anuais de Atividades

Events 2009


December 27, 2008 – January 6, 2009 New Year’s Vision Retreat at Tamera and by the Ocean

New Year’s time at Tamera is traditionally an intensive time of retreat to create a vision for the coming year.

For the first time we are offering a course for interested guests during this time.

You will get to know the basic thoughts of our peace work, and also have the time and space for your own retreat to prepare for the coming year. This is how we’ll celebrate New Year’s Eve and New Year's Day.

Then we will spend the fist days of the New Year at the Portuguese Atlantic Ocean coast. We will live at an apartment site near Vila Nova de Milfontes, very close to the seaside. We will use the wonderful coast, the untouched dunes landscape, and the width of the ocean for our own joy, opening and vision. We will walk along the rocky shore and have a fireside at the sandy beach. Perhaps a sunny day will even invite us for a swim!

At home we will meet for mealtimes and group meetings to continue our community time.

Directed by: a team of Co workers Accommodation: In the Tamera Guest House in comfortable two-three bed rooms, or in our wooden guest houses with four beds. In the apartment site, which we rented completely, there are rooms two or more beds with bathrooms and small kitchens.

Arriving day: December 27, 2008 Leaving day: January 6, 2009

Costs: Guest house (two-three bed room) € 650.- Four-bed room € 550.- Costs include Course, accommodation, vegetarian food and all transfers.

Registration: [email protected] Tel. +351 283 635306

January 28 - February 3 Waterlandscapes and new Aqua Cultures Ecology Seminar directed by the Permaculture Teacher Sepp Holzer from


March 27 - April 5 DO Irma – Work-Camp for the Embellishment of the Tamera Grounds We invite you to help us make Tamera beautiful!

We invite participants to take part in creating and designing a Power Place near the Aula, our central community meeting hall. This event will be a space for rest, for centering, relaxing, for fun, and for love and contemplation. We will take time for an introduction into the basic concept and projects of Tamera as well as for enjoying community life.

You are warmly invited to join this celebration of life and beauty!

With Irma Knittel, Manfred Mildner and Mona Kratz .

Costs : adults EUR350/youth EUR180, including event, vegan board and lodging in 4-bed visitor huts with own sleeping bag. For an additional charge lodgings are also available in the Guesthouse Registration : [email protected] or +351 - 283 635 306


April 9 – 13 Easter Conference The Plan of the Healing Biotopes 'Concrete Models as Global Peace Strategy we warmly invite you to participate in a 5 day conference devoted to the subject of implementing concrete peace models as a global strategic alternative to the globalization of violence. The conference will take place at Tamera peace research centre in , and will comprise of an in-depth introduction to 'The Plan of the Healing Biotopes' as developed by Dieter Duhm and Sabine Lichtenfels. The intention is to envision this plan as a mutual vision and explore who can cooperate in bringing this vision down to earth. For some time now, our vision has been to find around 30 people who want to be responsible for creatiing a Global Grace Village, each person taking responsibility for a certain aspect. For this we need a deepening in our contact and in the question of whether we share the same vision. We want to present our dream of the PRV in the Middle East, the education part of Tamera and how we can develop the vision of the next steps together. The conference will be strongly based upon the social and erotic insights of the research carried out by Tamera as a solid base for such future models.

Because we know that you are deeply working on the issue of world peace and knowing that the erotic issue can not be excluded from the peacework, we really wish that you will be part in our sharing so that we come to know each other better.

It is our dream that after this conference a smaller group will go together to a visionquest in the Sinai.

The conference will be hosted by Sabine Lichtenfels and Benjamin von Mendelssohn, and organised by Kate Bunney and Klaus Wuttig.

Please take this as a first invitation for you to mark the dates in your agenda as we know you are leading a very busy life in service of peace. We will send a more detailed description of the content and program very soon. For now, please find attached a text written by Dieter Duhm earlier this year and a chapter from Sabine Lichtenfels' book 'Grace' as a basic orientation. With warm regards Sabine Lichtenfels and Benjamin von Mendelssohn

April 15 – 25 Contact with Nature – Recharging and Inspiration in Community Time for reflection and finale of the Easterweek

A special opportunity to experience a week in nature under the guidance of Monte Cerro students in Tamera

The students' team of the "PRV", Peace Research Village Middle East, invites you to a time in nature. Life in community, time for conversations, being in touch with yourself and the elements, perceiving nature. The PRV group is preparing to build a Peace Research Village, which will start with a three-month life experiment in Israel-Palestine this autumn. Under the guidance of an experienced nature guide you will be experiencing nature in the beautiful Alentejo spring. For visitors of the Easter Week who were busy with the topic of global peace models, we offer the special possibility to continue and deepen the inspiring time with the Monte Cerro students.

Guiding team: Tamir Yaari, nature guide from Israel, Anja Funk and the team of the PRV group.

Costs: 280 Euro, including accommodation and vegan food. Please bring a warm sleeping bag, a light blanket, warm and light clothes and a flashlight.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org or fon: 00351 -283 635306


May 18. – 27 Art Course I – Art and the „Movement for a Free Earth“ with Mara Vollmer, Martin Winiecki and the team of the “Mountain of Art”

Art Courses I, II and III „If you take part in the world, you will also take part in your self in a different way“. “There is a world that we create and there is a world that has created us. Both have to come together. This is the object of the journey.”

The Art Courses are a ten-day intensive time for human beings to connect to the energies of creation through the media of painting. Since participants will live and work together it will also be a special community experience: 10 days of concentration on one subject, 10 days of leaving aside the conventional way of encountering each other, 10 days of focusing on the world, 10 days of not having “personal problems”. 10 days of mutually supporting and inspiring each other!

One might possibly discover that the reflections in the coffee are more interesting than the coffee itself or that the kiss on the neck of ones neighbour reveals whole new worlds. What do we really know about nature? Is there a “Master Builder” who has created all this? Who or what paints when I paint? What is design? To get in touch with the soul of our material world, to discover the basic joy of life in creative action! In this vain we invite participants to these Art Courses. We invite you to join our camp up at top of the “Mountain of Art”. The “Mountain of Art” is a lovely place in Tamera with a view on neighbouring hills and valleys, the typical Alentejo landscape. The space includes an atelier, a kitchen and the beginning of an art gallery. It is not necessary to have any artistic or painting experience – everyone carries a creative treasure inside of him or her. The team of the “Mountain of Art” are: Bijou Lindstedt, Yves Gugelmann and Wilfried Schwaab.

June 29 – July 8 Art Course II – The Inconnue and the Adventure of Community“ with Iris-Bijou Lindstedt, Wilfried Schwaab, Madjana Geusen

September 10. -19 Arc Course III - Art and Constuction with Yves Guggelmann, Martin Pietsch and the team of the „Mountain of Art“

Cost of each course: EUR 450 including community lodging with own sleeping bag, vegan board, and painting materials in the value of EUR50. Registration: [email protected] , Tel.: 00351- 283 635 306

The thoughts quoted above are from the book “Man`s Holy Grail is Woman”, paintings, drawings and texts by Dieter Duhm, ed. by Madjana Geusen, Verlag Meiga. Recommended to all those who wish to inform themselves about the newly emerging concept of art in Tamera.

May 4 – 13 Body and Soul of the Feminine – an Approach towards a “Marian” Impulse of Culture

Moulding with clay at Casa Sandra with a focus on such questions and subjects as: What does the feminine mean – today and at its roots? The Goddesses of Creation, the embodiment of all aspects of the state of being connected to the Universe. Maria and Lilith, who stand for the protection of life through times of its suppression and destruction, serve as an inspiration for the emergence of a new image of the feminine - with Agape and an unbroken desire for freedom; with renewed integration of the body (body of earth); with love and Eros. By so doing, according to Walter Schubart, “…..the joy of creation will unfold itself, welling up from the depth of feminine nature as the love-smitten affirmation of life”.

An inquisitive ten days for women working with clay. Maximum participants: 7 Costs: EUR 550, including material/firing, board and community lodging with own sleeping bag. For an additional charge lodgings are also available in the Guesthouse or in Visitor Huts. Registration: : [email protected] or +351 - 283 635 306

May 4 – August 15 Ecovillage Design Education

Content of the EDE Course:

The global economic crisis, the consequences of which cannot be completely forseen, shows once more that the contemporary capitalist era is going to end and must end for humankind to have a chance to survive. But what will come after it? Are there alternatives? Will we also be able to live safely and well without globalized capitalism, or even better? How can we develop and design a sustainable economy? What will new social and economic structures look like, that are not based on the exploitation of human beings, animals and nature?

For years, communities, Ecovillages and Peace Villages all over the world have been doing research and working on the development of alternatives. Now they offer their social, ecological and spiritual experience and teach a knowledge of survival.

We cordially invite you to the fifth EDE course that is going to take place in Tamera!The goal of this international course (the course language is English) is to learn the basic knowledge for the development of Ecovillages/Peace Villages. It is a course for people who intend to actively participate in the necessary change that is happening on planet earth.

The course will give an overview of the four elementary areas which form the pre-conditions for the development of sustainable models:

1. Worldview: Seeing the world as a whole, understanding why we have an influence on the whole. What does a socially committed spirituality which gives us the power we need to make our contribution look like ?

2. Social Issues: For decades, Tamera has been gathering particularly profound experience and knowledge in this area. What are meaningful structures for a new co-habitation? How can we develop a kind of understanding/communication which creates truth and trust – also in the core areas of community, in love and sexuality? The world needs models in which people really live together without continually reproducing war on a small scale so that a new culture of peace on earth can develop.

3. Economy: How do we deal with the issue of money in a healing way? How can we direct money into the development of sustainable systems instead of war and consumption? We will study the themes of Spiritual Economy, Barter Systems and Alternative Currencies.

4. Ecology: The material building blocks for the construction of new models: We will study in practice – based on existing examples for all areas, as well as in theory and get to know the areas of Ecology (Permaculture, particularly according to Sepp Holzer), new Technologies (Solar Technology – particularly according to Jürgen Kleinwächter) and sustainable building (particularly loam construction.)

The EDE education is a program of GAIA Education by GEN - Global Ecovillage Network (www.gaiaeducation.org; www.gen-europe.org), an official contribution to the “United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005 – 2014” and recognized by UITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research).

May 4 – August 15 Monte Cerro Peace Education – Basicsemester

May 7 – 9 The Animated World of Water A Three-Day Seminar with Richard Weixler, Water Gardener and Rain Forest Protector, Richard Weixler is a big lover of nature and has a lot of knowledge about it, and is the founder of the organization “SOS Rain Forest Action” which buys pieces of the rain forest in order to protect them from being cut. www.sos-regenwald.at

Besides he is one of the pioneer builders of swimming ponds and the author of the books Garten- und Schwimmteiche ( Garden Ponds and Ponds for Swimming) , and Schwimmteiche – Planung und Bau ( Ponds for Swimming – Planning and Construction, 2006 in which he describes the experience he gained during the last decades in a brief and precise way).

Themes of the Seminar: − Biological balance in ponds − The significance of plants and animals in ponds − Submersible plants/swimming leaf plants/waterside plants or shoreline plants − Micro organisms/biofilm − Excursions to natural waters − Water Quality: Measuring the pH-values/Redox-Potential/Conductivity − The message of water research according to Viktor Schauberger and others directed by Richard Weixler, accompanied by Pancho Mockenhaupt, from the ecology team of Tamera Price: 350 € including the seminar, accommodation and vegan board Please Register with: phone no. +351-283 635 306 Or mail: [email protected] Check-in: Wednesday, May 6 th , evening Check-out: Sunday, May 10 th

Seminar participants will get an insight into the basic ideas of Tamera's political, technological and social work. After the seminar you are welcome to stay for three more days and get to know some more of Tamera while working with us in the Permaculture or simply enjoying the Portuguese spring (food & accommodation 40 euro per day).


June 12 – 19 Introduction Week in the Basic Thoughts of Tamera This week will be accompanied by the Ecology Team of the SolarVillage. The sound of this time will be sustained by the ripeness of wild and cultivated plants, the seeds of which we will be harvesting together in between.

To be able to overcome the global, ecological and societal crisis we need convincing models worldwide showing how to step into a culture of peace encompassing a new orientation in all areas of human life: a new ecology and technology are needed in the same way as an orientation for love and sexuality, for communication and community, for research and consciousness. This introductory week is meant for people who want to get to know and experience Tamera for the first time or anew. Participants will get an insight into the essential project areas and the questions of our basic research:

What is a Healing Biotope? What does the training at the developing Peace University “Monte Cerro” look like? How to develop future communities? Why are the human themes of trust, cooperation, solidarity, home, love, sexuality, partnership in the center of peace work taught and studies in Tamera? What is the Global Campus?

Studying in groups and individually, films, speeches/lectures, participating in the work in the ground of Tamera, excursions, experiencing the joy of community life. We particularly invite Portuguese speaking people very warmly for this week. Translation will be provided. directed by: Thomas Preißer and the Ecology Team Price: 380 Euro, port. price: 260 Euro, youth: 190,- Euro includes seminar, accommodation in dormitory/big tents, with your own sleeping bag and vegan food. You may book a Visitor Hut or a room in the Guest House at an additional cost. Registration: office(at)tamera.org

June 29 – July 8 Art Course II – The Inconnue and the Adventure of Community“ with Iris-Bijou Lindstedt, Wilfried Schwaab, Madjana Geusen


August 3 – 13 Summeruniversity “Developing Peace Education”

August 10 – 21 Workshop “Load-carrying Straw Bale Vaults” with the Clay Architect Dr. Gernot Minke and Co-workers from Tamera We will construct a building with a central load-carrying straw bale vaulted ceiling and eight load- carrying straw bale columns. For this we have developed a straw bale cutting device with which the bales can be cut circularly on either side, as well as an assembly technique which allows for the bales to be joined together without casings. The vaulted ceiling is plastered with clay and covered with a green roof. The building will be used as a seminar room and a café.

Location. Peace Research Centre Tamera, Monte do Cerro, P-7630 Colos, Portugal Dates. Workshop I August 10th to August 21st, 2009 Workshop II August 31st – September 11th, 2009

Activities: theoretical introduction, supervised practical work in four 6-person-groups Board: 3 main meals, 2 in-between snacks (beverages/fruits) Overnight: in community tents. Costs. Workshop I or II (14 days) EUR 360,- Workshop I and II (28 days) EUR 560,- Registration: [email protected] , Tel. +351 283 635 306 September

September 10. -19 Art Course III - Art and Constuction with Yves Guggelmann, Martin Pietsch and the team of the „Mountain of Art“

September 21 – 26 Eros and Nature with Sabine Lichtenfels

How do you feel your connection to the source? The messages you receive land deeply within you; you understand them clearly; and most importantly, they create joy – joy, security, and the experience of being in the present. This process asks for awareness in the here and now. It is only in the here and now that the divine source can be found. This koan implies that the Goddess or God cannot be found in the exterior. You will only find them in the exterior after you have fully decided to listen within. The thought that we may feel completely safe in this world creates a deep opening in the cellular system.

We will concentrate on the erotic character of all life. Through power walks, Chi-Forum, vision quest, and art and perception, we will connect to the essence of the Earth and her basic erotic frequency. “To see is to love” is the guiding principle that will direct us. What are the basic archetypal forms of Eros? How can we find our center by connecting with nature, which frees us of neediness and leads us back to our original core of being? To rediscover our erotic nature means to become powerful. The contact with nature will help us to affirm our self and thus empower us to fulfill our purpose in the world more deeply and comprehensively.

To prepare for this seminar we recommend reading “Tempel der Liebe” (Tempel of Love). We ask for a written application since we expect many enrollments.

Foculiser : Sabine Lichtenfels Price: 500,- Euro includes seminar, accommodation and vegan food. You may book beds in a four-person Wood Hut or a room in the Guest House at an additional cost. Registration: office(at)tamera.org


October 5 -18 Work-Camp at the Bodega - the location for Community training

"There can be no peace in the world as long as there is war in love.” (Dieter Duhm).

What are the outer and inner structures needed to create enduring peace between men and women? How does love gain continuity? What is needed for the anarchistic and free force of Eros to again find its place among human beings?

“Bodega” is the name of a farmhouse and wine press which has been converted to become a central place in the community taining to all subjects of Love and partnership.

We invite men and women who already know Tamera and are familiar with its basic thoughts to participate in a two-week work camp dedicated to the care, enhancement and design of this place and its surroundings. It is intended to expand the place and to become an oasis of beauty.

The working sessions are accompanied by “geistig” (spiritual/mental) sessions bearing on the subjects of love and community through studying, forum, and whatever else wants to happen on its own.

Presented by Brigitte Muskalla and Team Work leader Thomas Lüdert a.o. Costs: EUR 490.--, incl. overnights in community tents, (i.e. community houses in October) and vegan board. Registration: [email protected] or tel. +351 283 635 306

26.10 – 11.11. Olive Harvest and Global Grace Day

In many cultures the olive tree is one of the oldest trees and a symbol for peace. We invite you to participate in our traditional olive harvest. We will enjoy the last warm days in the olive groves drenched with autumnal light. There will be meditative harvesting work together with heart, spirit, music and art. We shall provide the participants with an overview of the basic concept of a Healing Biotope and the purpose of the “Global Campus”. Our practical work will be embedded in community life. with Pancho Mockenhaupt, Barbara Kovalts and the Solar Village Team Costs: EUR 600, including seminar, community lodgings with own sleeping bag and vegan board. For an additional charge lodgings are also available in the Guesthouse and in Visitor Huts.

Registration: [email protected] or +351 - 283 635 306


23.11.- 03.12. - Sacred Architecture of the Future

The interaction of form and measure, light and sound, art and community create the spiritual and material space for a sacred state of being - a state of connectedness with a higher universal order of creation - not some sanctity projected into Neverland, but a worldly sanctity which puts the life of all beings on this Earth into a higher context of purpose, and which honours and supports our sensual state of being.

We aim at liberating the human ability to act in order to end the pain in the world.

During a “Vision Quest,” Oskar Eckmann - teacher of the Tamera School Project, carpenter, and “intuitive master builder” - received the vision of a cathedral. It is now time to work on the inner human conditions for a healed, humane Earth and to translate that into an outer, material form of a sacred edifice. We invite master builders, artists, artisans and anyone who is drawn and interested by the subject - people who want to approach the subject of building in a “geistig” (mental/spiritual), creative and communitarian way.

(for more details, see the flyer, “Sacred Architecture of the Future” (available as of Easter 2009) Presented by Oskar Eckmann and Team Costs: EUR 450.--, incl. lodging in 4-bed Visitor’s Hut (with your own sleeping bag) and vegan board. Rooms at the Guesthouse are available for an additional charge.

Registration: [email protected] or Tel. +351 283 635 306


December 27 – January 5, 2010 New Year’s Vision Retreat at Tamera and by the Ocean Events 2010


February 26 – March 5 Introduction Week in the Basic Thoughts of Tamera Introduction Week in the Basic Thoughts of Tamera To be able to overcome the global, ecological and societal crisis we need convincing models worldwide showing how to step into a culture of peace encompassing a new orientation in all areas of human life: a new ecology and technology are needed in the same way as an orientation for love and sexuality, for communication and community, for research and consciousness.

This introductory week is meant for people who want to get to know and experience Tamera for the first time or anew. Participants will get an insight into the essential project areas and the questions of our basic research: What is a Healing Biotope? Why is it important to create concrete models ? What does the training at the developing Peace University “Monte Cerro” look like? What is the Global Campus? How to develop future communities? Why are the human themes of trust, cooperation, solidarity, home, love, sexuality, partnership in the center of peace work taught and studies in Tamera?

The following projects of Tamera will be presented: Permaculture and Ecology, Solar Village, Place of the Children, Grace and the Movement for a Free Earth, Global Campus, Aldeia da Luz

Studying in groups and individually, films, speeches/lectures, participating in the work in the ground of Tamera, excursions, experiencing the joy of community life.

Warmly welcome! The Guest-Team

Coursefee incl. accomodation & food: 420, - Euro portuguese price: 315,- Euro youth: 210,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory or big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306


March 13 – March 18 Learning the basics of Holzer’s Permaculture: One-year training cycle 2010/11 with Sepp Holzer The dates of the training cycle: March 13-18 part I June 7-12 part II September 2-7 part III November 24-29 part IV April 2-7, 2011 part V

"Holzer`s permaculture is large scale landscape healing to correct the mistakes of the past, to facilitate symbiosis of interaction, to let nature do its work, and to reestablish cycles." (Sepp Holzer)

The forthcoming one-year training in Holzer’s Permaculture includes both the widely-applicable basic knowledge and specific forms of its practical application adjusted to the climatic conditions of southern Europe. The course will teach and apply in practice the knowledge that results from Sepp Holzer’s experience. The training will also convey an impression of the philosophy and the basic ideas of the Peace Research Community of Tamera and give an insight into the work of the “Global Campus”.

Each situation includes the solutions to its problems For each landscape, in every climatic zone, says Sepp Holzer, whether in a fertile river valley or in a moderate climate, whether in the Tundra or in the desert, there is always the possibility to cooperate with nature, to guide her and to cultivate something that suits the land and its inhabitants. In this context Holzer’s Permaculture is not a method which offers the same procedure for every situation. On the contrary, its core lies in the observation of nature, in putting ourselves in the place of other living beings and through this understanding from within, realizing which are the healing measures that make sense in the given situation. Sepp Holzer: “The book of nature always tells the truth; we just have to learn to read it.”

Ecological Content of the Curriculum:

General Ecology Building ecosystems, micro-climate zones, cycles of matter, symbioses of interaction, reading the book of nature.

Aquaculture Water household (water gardens, ponds and pond culture), building water retention spaces.

Landscape Design “Huegelbeds” & raised beds, terraces, stone setting & positioning, dry and wet biotopes. The application of these elements based on purpose and need.

Agroforestry Integration of trees, bushes and shrubs into agricultural use. Forest as an ecosystem, forest development (to heal the cork oak monoculture).

Plant Cultures Healing/medicinal plants, fruit and berry bushes, grain, forage crops, seed production, plant protection (distracting plantations, sun and winter protection, particularly winter protection for plants that need warmth).

Animal Husbandry Building open stables and fences, keeping of animals on paddocks, feeding, animals' health; building habitat for wild animals.

Renaturation and Recultivation Water household, soil regeneration (mixed cultures, green manure, mulching), catastrophe protection.

Urban Design Vertical gardens for “earth citizens without land”, urban free space design, herb cultures, irrigation and water drainage gardens (as house gardens, therapeutic gardens). Using Machines in Permaculture

Objective The goal of the courses is to learn the basic working methods and areas of application of Holzer’s Permaculture in practice, to develop the knowledge about relationships in nature and to deeply study the worldwide need for ecological healing and the actual possibility of building subsistence economies.

Duration One training cycle will consist of five courses through the year. Each course will last six days (thirty seminar days). To deepen the knowledge and for direct practice we offer practical training periods, lasting one to three weeks after each seminar during which the knowledge learned can be translated into practice and applied in the current project. (Please contact us for the exact schedule).

Location The seminars will take place predominantly in Tamera, South Portugal. We will also visit nearby projects and accompany them; we will visit other farms that are working according to the principles of permaculture or have asked for consultation for a change from another form of farming to permaculture.

Apprenticeship in Nature The issues we will deal with in class are going to be applied in practice as much as possible! What we want is to teach a substantial practical knowledge that you can later apply and really use.

Certificate After successfully finishing the one-year-training in Holzer’s Permaculture, participants receive a course certificate to confirm their training in the basics of Holzer’s Permaculture in Southern Europe.

Speakers and Teachers Sepp Holzer During a large part of the training Sepp Holzer will teach and accompany you. For his qualifications and his C.V. please refer to his homepage: www.krameterhof.at and the numerous publications of and about Sepp Holzer.

Ecology Team of Tamera The subjects of general ecology, and the philosophy and world view of the peace community Tamera will be taught by the ecology team of Tamera. Members of the team: Bernd Müller, Silke Paulick, Silke Klüver, Thomas Preisser, Lilian von Wussow, Pancho Mockenhaupt and others, as well as guest speakers.

Language The course is offered in German language with translation into English and with translation into Russian, Portuguese or Spanish according to demand and availability.

Coursefee of the training cicle : 3360.-. Euro ( EUR 2800.- plus 20% IVA) Accomodation & food : 250.- Euro per seminar

Accomodation in dormitory or big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Costs of the apprenticeship : Accomodation & food per day: 30.- Euro

Arrival and departure : On the day before / after the seminar.

Registration : office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306 , ecology-team solarvillage(AT)tamera.org

More about Sepp Holzer: http://www.krameterhof.at/ More about Lakescape of Tamera: http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=508

March 29 – April 4 Contact with horses

Contact with Horses Who is the horse? How can I aproach it? How can I gain its trust so that it likes to follow me? How can we enjoy our being together? What can I learn from it? Dreamforum, walks with the horses, riding meditation and many exercises are elements of these course. Even afraid peple are warmly welcome. Max. 8 participants,

Costs: 530,- Euro Coursefee: 350,- Euro Accomodation & food: 180,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory/big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Foculiser, registration and information: Almut Schmitz, [email protected]

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.

March 31 – April 7 Easter Week in Tamera – Models for Global Peace

„The new political morning is born of the power of the joy of life and of insight.“ (Sabine Lichtenfels, Sources of Love and Peace)

The world is in transition. The political, ecological and humane crises are getting worse. The time has come for an historic shift. The development of visions and the manifestation of global models for healing both, Earth and Humanity, become more and more important.

We invite for an Eastermeeting about visionbuilding. You will get an introduction into the current projects and plans of the peacework from Tamera. Alternating between speeches, presentations, and walks in the Alentejo spring, the Easter meeting will be a communitarian week together with co-workers of Tamera.

Directed by a team of co-workers from Tamera. A Warm Welcome ! Coursefee incl. accomodation & food: 450, - Euro portuguese participants: 340,- Euro youth: 225,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

March 29 – April 3 Contact with horses

Contact with Horses Who is the horse? How can I aproach it? How can I gain its trust so that it likes to follow me? How can we enjoy our being together? What can I learn from it? Dreamforum, walks with the horses, riding meditation and many exercises are elements of these course. Even afraid peple are warmly welcome. Max. 8 participants,

Costs: 530,- Euro Coursefee: 350,- Euro Accomodation & food: 180,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory/big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Foculiser, registration and information: Almut Schmitz, [email protected]

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.


April 19 – April 24 Contact with horses

Contact with Horses Who is the horse? How can I aproach it? How can I gain its trust so that it likes to follow me? How can we enjoy our being together? What can I learn from it? Dreamforum, walks with the horses, riding meditation and many exercises are elements of these course. Even afraid peple are warmly welcome. Max. 8 participants, Coursefee: 350,- Euro Accomodation & food: 180,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory/big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Foculiser, registration and information: Almut Schmitz, [email protected] Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.


May 3 – May 31 EDE – Ecovillage Design Education

Ecovillage Design Education The curriculum of the four-weeks EDE course will consist of the basic knowledge for the development of Peace Villages.

Content of the EDE Course: The global economic crisis, the consequences of which cannot be completely forseen, shows once more that the contemporary capitalist era is going to end and must end for humankind to have a chance to survive. But what will come after it? Are there alternatives? Will we also be able to live safely and well without globalized capitalism, or even better? How can we develop and design a sustainable economy? What will new social and economic structures look like, that are not based on the exploitation of human beings, animals and nature?

For years, communities, Ecovillages and Peace Villages all over the world have been doing research and working on the development of alternatives. Now they offer their social, ecological and spiritual experience and teach a knowledge of survival.

We cordially invite you to the fifth EDE course that is going to take place in Tamera!The goal of this international course (the course language is English) is to learn the basic knowledge for the development of Ecovillages/Peace Villages. It is a course for people who intend to actively participate in the necessary change that is happening on planet earth.

The course will give an overview of the four elementary areas which form the pre-conditions for the development of sustainable models:

1. Worldview: Seeing the world as a whole, understanding why we have an influence on the whole. What does a socially committed spirituality which gives us the power we need to make our contribution look like ?

2. Social Issues: For decades, Tamera has been gathering particularly profound experience and knowledge in this area. What are meaningful structures for a new co-habitation? How can we develop a kind of understanding/communication which creates truth and trust – also in the core areas of community, in love and sexuality? The world needs models in which people really live together without continually reproducing war on a small scale so that a new culture of peace on earth can develop.

3. Economy: How do we deal with the issue of money in a healing way? How can we direct money into the development of sustainable systems instead of war and consumption? We will study the themes of Spiritual Economy, Barter Systems and Alternative Currencies.

4. Ecology: The material building blocks for the construction of new models: We will study in practice – based on existing examples for all areas, as well as in theory and get to know the areas of Ecology (Permaculture, particularly according to Sepp Holzer), new Technologies (Solar Technology – particularly according to Jürgen Kleinwächter) and sustainable building (particularly loam construction.)

The EDE education is a program of GAIA Education by GEN - Global Ecovillage Network (www.gaiaeducation.org; www.gen-europe.org), an official contribution to the “United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005 – 2014” and recognized by UITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research).

Directors: Juliane Eckmann, Jana Mohaupt, Saskia Breithardt, Rico Lütscher Coursefee incl. accomodation & food: 1200,- Euro portuguese participants: 800,- Euro youth: 600,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory and vegan board.

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

Notice ! From June on this EDE training might continue as a three-months basic-semester of the „Monte Cerro Peace Education“, which will include the Tamera Summer University from July 26 to August 8. The Tamera Community is at the moment in a winter planning time and has not finished the picture and structure about this education time.

Please ask for detailed information about this basic-semester from February on at our office.

May 3 – September 30 Being in Service in the Permaculture and Gardenlandscape

Being in Service in the Permaculture - helping to create gardenlandscapes for self-sufficient supply of food. For interested people in the Research of „Permaculture and Ecology in Healingbiotopes we offer this possibillity for practical work in combination with studying the basic thoughts of Tamera.

Timeframe: we wish longterm participants from May until end of September Participation: minimum 4 weeks

Beginning of February you find further informations.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org oder +351 - 283 - 635 306 May 8 – May 15 Introduction Course for Participants from Portugal

Introduction Course for Participants from Portugal special focus: permaculture concepts, eatable landscape, self-sufficiency, regional networking.

Beginning of February you find further informations.

Coursefee incl. accomodation & food: 285, - Euro youth: 145,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory / big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

May 21 – May 28 Introduction Week in the Basic Thoughts of Tamera

Introduction Week in the Basic Thoughts of Tamera To be able to overcome the global, ecological and societal crisis we need convincing models worldwide showing how to step into a culture of peace encompassing a new orientation in all areas of human life: a new ecology and technology are needed in the same way as an orientation for love and sexuality, for communication and community, for research and consciousness.

This introductory week is meant for people who want to get to know and experience Tamera for the first time or anew. Participants will get an insight into the essential project areas and the questions of our basic research: What is a Healing Biotope? Why is it important to create concrete models ? What does the training at the developing Peace University “Monte Cerro” look like? What is the Global Campus? How to develop future communities? Why are the human themes of trust, cooperation, solidarity, home, love, sexuality, partnership in the center of peace work taught and studies in Tamera? The following projects of Tamera will be presented: Permaculture and Ecology, Solar Village, Place of the Children, Grace and the Movement for a Free Earth, Global Campus, Aldeia da Luz

Studying in groups and individually, films, speeches/lectures, participating in the work in the ground of Tamera, excursions, experiencing the joy of community life.

Warmly welcome! The Guest-Team

Coursefee incl. accomodation & food: 420, - Euro portuguese participants: 315,- Euro youth: 210,- Euro Accomodation in dormitory or big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost. Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar. Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

May 24 – May 29 Contact with horses

Contact with Horses Who is the horse? How can I aproach it? How can I gain its trust so that it likes to follow me? How can we enjoy our being together? What can I learn from it? Dreamforum, walks with the horses, riding meditation and many exercises are elements of these course. Even afraid peple are warmly welcome. Max. 8 participants,

Costs: 530,- Euro Coursefee: 350,- Euro Accomodation & food: 180,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory/big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost. Foculiser, registration and information: Almut Schmitz, [email protected]

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.


June 1 – August 5 Basicsemester „Monte Cerro Peace Education“

Basicsemester „Monte Cerro Peace Education“ The EDE training might continue as a three-months basic-semester of the „Monte Cerro Peace Education“, a studytime for deeping the education for peace and the idea of global peacework. The basic-semester will include the Tamera Summer University from July 26 to August 8.

At the moment the Tamera Community is in planning time and has not finished the picture and structure for this education time.

We will publish further informations about the education. Please ask at the office.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

June 3 – June 5 Seminar in Holzer's Permaculture with Sepp Holzer (open seminar)

Seminar in Holzer's Permaculture with Sepp Holzer (open seminar) "Holzer`s permaculture is large scale landscape healing to correct the mistakes of the past, to facilitate symbiosis of interaction, to let nature do its work, and to reestablish cycles." Holzer’s Permaculture is not a method which offers the same procedure for every situation. On the contrary, its core lies in the observation of nature, in putting ourselves in the place of other living beings and through this understanding from within, realizing which are the healing measures that make sense in the given situation. Sepp Holzer: “The book of nature always tells the truth; we just have to learn to read it.”

In our Permaculture Seminars with Sepp Holzer you can learn the theory and practice of Holzer's Permaculture in conjunction with the actual development of the water landscape in Tamera. The essential areas of Holzer's Permaculture are the development of water landscapes for the ecological renaturation of the land, and the evolution of many mutually-supportive communities of plant and biotopes, which also create a self-sufficient supply of food for the people living there.

Foculiser: S epp Holzer and the Ecology-Team from Tamera languages: german, english, portuguese

Coursefee: 336,- Euro Accomodation & food: 144,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory or big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

June 7 – June 12 Learning the basics of Holzer’s Permaculture: One-year training cycle 2010/11 with Sepp Holzer

June 1 – September 30 Being in Service in the Permaculture and Gardenlandscape

Being in Service in the Permaculture - helping to create gardenlandscapes for self-sufficient supply of food. For interested people in the Research of „Permaculture and Ecology in Healingbiotopes we offer this possibillity for practical work in combination with studying the basic thoughts of Tamera.

Timeframe: we wish longterm participants from May until end of September Participation: minimum 4 weeks

Beginning of February you find further informations.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org oder +351 - 283 - 635 306

July July 1 – September 30 Being in Service in the Permaculture and Gardenlandscape

Being in Service in the Permaculture - helping to create gardenlandscapes for self-sufficient supply of food. For interested people in the Research of „Permaculture and Ecology in Healingbiotopes we offer this possibillity for practical work in combination with studying the basic thoughts of Tamera.

Timeframe: we wish longterm participants from May until end of September Participation: minimum 4 weeks

Beginning of February you find further informations.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org oder +351 - 283 - 635 306

July 26 – August 5 Summeruniversity „ Tamera – Testfield for a New Culture“

Languages: german / english / portuguese / spanish

Coursefee incl. accomodation & food: 640, - Euro portuguese participants: 480,- Euro youth (until age of 25): 250,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory or big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost. Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306


August 1 – September 30 Being in Service in the Permaculture and Gardenlandscape

Being in Service in the Permaculture - helping to create gardenlandscapes for self-sufficient supply of food. For interested people in the Research of „Permaculture and Ecology in Healingbiotopes we offer this possibillity for practical work in combination with studying the basic thoughts of Tamera.

Timeframe: we wish longterm participants from May until end of September Participation: minimum 4 weeks

Beginning of February you find further informations.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org oder +351 - 283 - 635 306 September

September 1 – September 30 Being in Service in the Permaculture and Gardenlandscape Being in Service in the Permaculture - helping to create gardenlandscapes for self-sufficient supply of food. For interested people in the Research of „Permaculture and Ecology in Healingbiotopes we offer this possibillity for practical work in combination with studying the basic thoughts of Tamera.

Timeframe: we wish longterm participants from May until end of September Participation: minimum 4 weeks

Beginning of February you find further informations.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org oder +351 - 283 - 635 306

September 2 – September 9 Learning the basics of Holzer’s Permaculture: One-year training cycle 2010/11 with Sepp Holzer

September 6 – September 11 Contact with horses

Contact with Horses Who is the horse? How can I aproach it? How can I gain its trust so that it likes to follow me? How can we enjoy our being together? What can I learn from it? Dreamforum, walks with the horses, riding meditation and many exercises are elements of these course. Even afraid peple are warmly welcome. Max. 8 participants,

Costs: 530,- Euro Coursefee: 350,- Euro Accomodation & food: 180,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory/big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost. Foculiser, registration and information: Almut Schmitz, [email protected]

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.

September10 – September 17 Introduction Week in the Basic Thoughts of Tamera

Introduction Week in the Basic Thoughts of Tamera To be able to overcome the global, ecological and societal crisis we need convincing models worldwide showing how to step into a culture of peace encompassing a new orientation in all areas of human life: a new ecology and technology are needed in the same way as an orientation for love and sexuality, for communication and community, for research and consciousness.

This introductory week is meant for people who want to get to know and experience Tamera for the first time or anew. Participants will get an insight into the essential project areas and the questions of our basic research: What is a Healing Biotope? Why is it important to create concrete models ? What does the training at the developing Peace University “Monte Cerro” look like? What is the Global Campus? How to develop future communities? Why are the human themes of trust, cooperation, solidarity, home, love, sexuality, partnership in the center of peace work taught and studies in Tamera? The following projects of Tamera will be presented: Permaculture and Ecology, Solar Village, Place of the Children, Grace and the Movement for a Free Earth, Global Campus, Aldeia da Luz

Studying in groups and individually, films, speeches/lectures, participating in the work in the ground of Tamera, excursions, experiencing the joy of community life.

Warmly welcome! The Guest-Team

Coursefee incl. accomodation & food: 420, - Euro portuguese participants: 315,- Euro youth: 210,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory or big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost. Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar. Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

September 27 – October 2 Contact with horses

Contact with Horses Who is the horse? How can I aproach it? How can I gain its trust so that it likes to follow me? How can we enjoy our being together? What can I learn from it? Dreamforum, walks with the horses, riding meditation and many exercises are elements of these course. Even afraid peple are warmly welcome. Max. 8 participants,

Costs: 530,- Euro Coursefee: 350,- Euro Accomodation & food: 180,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory/big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Foculiser, registration and information: Almut Schmitz, [email protected] October

October 8 – October 15 Introduction Week in the Basic Thoughts of Tamera

Introduction Week in the Basic Thoughts of Tamera To be able to overcome the global, ecological and societal crisis we need convincing models worldwide showing how to step into a culture of peace encompassing a new orientation in all areas of human life: a new ecology and technology are needed in the same way as an orientation for love and sexuality, for communication and community, for research and consciousness.

This introductory week is meant for people who want to get to know and experience Tamera for the first time or anew. Participants will get an insight into the essential project areas and the questions of our basic research: What is a Healing Biotope? Why is it important to create concrete models ? What does the training at the developing Peace University “Monte Cerro” look like? What is the Global Campus? How to develop future communities? Why are the human themes of trust, cooperation, solidarity, home, love, sexuality, partnership in the center of peace work taught and studies in Tamera? The following projects of Tamera will be presented: Permaculture and Ecology, Solar Village, Place of the Children, Grace and the Movement for a Free Earth, Global Campus, Aldeia da Luz

Studying in groups and individually, films, speeches/lectures, participating in the work in the ground of Tamera, excursions, experiencing the joy of community life.

Warmly welcome! The Guest-Team Coursefee incl. accomodation & food: 420, - Euro portuguese participants: 315,- Euro youth: 210,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory or big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

October 18 – October 23 Contact with horses

Contact with Horses Who is the horse? How can I aproach it? How can I gain its trust so that it likes to follow me? How can we enjoy our being together? What can I learn from it? Dreamforum, walks with the horses, riding meditation and many exercises are elements of these course. Even afraid peple are warmly welcome. Max. 8 participants,

Coursefee: 350,- Euro Accomodation & food: 180,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory/big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Foculiser, registration and information: Almut Schmitz, [email protected] Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.

October 25 – November 10 Olive Harvest and Global Grace Day

Olive Harvest and Global Grace Day In many cultures the olive tree is one of the oldest trees and a symbol for peace. We invite you to participate in our traditional olive harvest. We will enjoy the last warm days in the olive groves drenched with autumnal light. There will be meditative harvesting work together with heart, spirit, music and art.

During the afternoon hours we provide the participants with an overview of the basic concept of a Healing Biotope and the international education work of the “Global Campus”.

On November 9, the Global Grace Day, we will undertake a peace action which will connect us with groups and initiatives worldwide - in the name of Grace.

First Part: Oct 25 – Oct 31 For the first week we especially invite people who haven't gotten to know Tamera so far. Children are warmly welcome.

Second Part: Nov. 01 - Nov. 10 The second ten days are meant for all those who already know Tamera or who will have participated in the first week in a way that the intellectual and human themes that we will have been dealing with during the first week can be deepened.

Directed by: Pancho Mockenhaupt, Lilian v. Wussow and the Solar Village Team

Coursefee incl. accomodation & food: 500, - Euro portuguese participants: 315,- Euro youth: 250,- Euro part 1: 200,- Euro , youth 100,- Euro part 2: 300,- Euro , youth 150,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar.

Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306 November

November 12 – November 19 Introduction Week in the Basic Thoughts of Tamera

Introduction Week in the Basic Thoughts of Tamera To be able to overcome the global, ecological and societal crisis we need convincing models worldwide showing how to step into a culture of peace encompassing a new orientation in all areas of human life: a new ecology and technology are needed in the same way as an orientation for love and sexuality, for communication and community, for research and consciousness.

This introductory week is meant for people who want to get to know and experience Tamera for the first time or anew. Participants will get an insight into the essential project areas and the questions of our basic research: What is a Healing Biotope? Why is it important to create concrete models ? What does the training at the developing Peace University “Monte Cerro” look like? What is the Global Campus? How to develop future communities? Why are the human themes of trust, cooperation, solidarity, home, love, sexuality, partnership in the center of peace work taught and studies in Tamera? The following projects of Tamera will be presented: Permaculture and Ecology, Solar Village, Place of the Children, Grace and the Movement for a Free Earth, Global Campus, Aldeia da Luz

Studying in groups and individually, films, speeches/lectures, participating in the work in the ground of Tamera, excursions, experiencing the joy of community life.

Warmly welcome! The Guest-Team

Coursefee incl. accomodation & food: 420, - Euro portuguese participants: 315,- Euro youth: 210,- Euro

Accomodation in dormitory or big tents and vegan board. You may book a room in the Guest House at an additional cost.

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar. Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

November 24 – November 29 Learning the basics of Holzer’s Permaculture: One-year training cycle 2010/11 with Sepp Holzer Events 2011

As Tamera focuses on the ongoing development of the peace model, the events and courses offered will focus the same theme. A warm welcome to researchers, thinkers, visionaries, doers and utopists who want to cooperate and research new solutions – for a future without war.


Mar. 1 – Oct. 22: Participation in Building Tamera – A Model for the Future

Everyone is entitled to have water, food and energy! The development of Tamera as a model for the future of the world needs research in three essential areas: food, water management and energy technology.

We offer specialists and trainees the opportunity to participate in our work in ecology, permaculture, solar technology, and in the community kitchen and gardens. This will be accompanied by an introduction to the basic concept of building models. The work in permaculture and ecology is also a practical participation in the school for permaculture. Minimum participation: four weeks Price incl. food and accommodation: 15,- Euros per person per day, Portuguese participants 10,- Euros Accommodation: dormitories or large shared tents Food: vegan full board Starting dates: 1 st or 15 th each month Registration: [email protected] or +351-283 635306

Mar. 11 – Mar. 18 Introduction week: “Basic Ideas about the Building of Peace Models”

To be able to overcome the global, ecological and societal crisis we need convincing models worldwide showing how to step into a culture of peace encompassing a new orientation in all areas of human life: a new ecology and technology are needed in the same way as an orientation for love and sexuality, for communication and community, for research and consciousness.

This introductory week is meant for people who want to get to know and experience Tamera for the first time or anew. Participants will get an insight into the essential project areas and the questions of our basic research: -Why is it important to create concrete models ? -Which are the main parts of a model ? -What is the global impact of a model ? -What is a Healing Biotope ? What is the meaning of healing for the individual and the world ? -What is the Global Campus? -How to develop future communities? -Why are the human themes of trust, cooperation, solidarity, home, love, sexuality, partnership in the center of peace work taught and studies in Tamera?

The following projects of Tamera will be presented: Permaculture and Ecology, Solar Village, Pilgrimages in the name of Grace, Global Campus, Aldeia da Luz

Studying in groups and individually, films, speeches/lectures, participating in the work in the ground of Tamera, excursions, experiencing the joy of community life.

Warmly welcome! The Guest-Team

Language: German and English Directed by: a team of coworkers from Tamera Course incl. food and accomodation: 420.- Euros, Portuguese participants: 315,- Euros, Youth price: 210,- Euros Accomodation: dormitories or large shared tents An apartment in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost. Food: vegan full board Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar. Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

Mar 12 Open Day with the ecology team “Portugal – Desert or Paradise”


Apr.1 – Oct.22 Participation in Building Tamera – A Model for the Future

Apr.12 – Apr.15 Horse course for beginners

Apr. 20 – Apr. 27 Easter Week in Tamera: the Concept of Peace Models “The new political tomorrow is characterised by the fact that it is born from the power of joy of living and realisation.” (Sabine Lichtenfels, Sources of Love and Peace)

The world is in transformation. The political, ecological and human crisis is escalating. The need for a vision of global models for the healing of the Earth and humans and the need for their implementation are becoming ever more urgent. We invite you to our Easter meeting: an introduction to the basic thoughts of healing work and a current insight into the most recent developments in Tamera. This community time will also include listening to lectures and taking Easter walks in the Alentejo spring. You are warmly welcome!

Language: German and English Directed by: a team of co-workers of Tamera Price incl. food and accommodation: 450 Euros. Price for Portuguese participants 340 Euros. Youth price 225 Euros. Accommodation: dormitories or large shared tents An apartment in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost. Food: vegan full board Registration: [email protected] or +351-283 635306 Arrival and departure: the day before/after the course.


May 2 – June12 Basic Education “Creating Models for a Peaceful Culture” Six weeks studying the basic concepts of building peace villages, based on the example of Tamera. Theory and practice.

“The development of humankind seems to be entering into a dead-end street that cannot be overcome by traditional means. The work of the UN, of NGO-groups and innumerable peace projects is both important and indispensable. However, it cannot distract us from the fact that there is almost no positively-oriented perspective of global proportions in existence any longer. Under the given circumstances, a convincing perspective for violence-free cohabitation of our planet’s inhabitants is no longer visible. In order to create more favourable preconditions centres would have to emerge in which the violence-free cohabitation of the human being with all co-creatures can be reflected and developed in an exemplary manner. The aim of the Healing Biotopes Project is to really construct such centres.” Dieter Duhm, 2004

The world cried out for help again last year: forest fires in Russia, floods in Australia, attacks in Egypt, and situations close to civil-war on the Ivory Coast, to name only a few events. Those who were with us on pilgrimage in Colombia saw the naked truth: we are part of the war because we do not have the time to understand what is happening. Our culture is constructed in such a way that nobody has the time to understand what is happening. Our compassionate response to this is to even more decisively develop Tamera as a model for a peaceful culture.

A fundamental change of system is necessary – changing our energy, water and food systems, our structures of thinking, living and loving. In today's society, all of these areas are connected with structures of exploitation, suppression and limitation of life energies. 60 years ago the researcher Victor Schauberger said that every person should have access to water, food and movement in a humane culture. In the present system this is a seemingly impossible idea. The vision can only become true if we can really change our life system and our understanding of the way Creation functions.

Course participants will gain a current insight into the construction of Tamera, in theory and practice. Building a model which introduces and tests system-change, and living it in practice requires people who dedicate their energy and skills to the task. We therefore particularly invite specialists who want to put their professional knowledge into the service of such a project and who want to use this course to gain an insight into Tamera's work. Specialists are particularly needed in the areas of technology, water, permaculture according to Sepp Holzer's principles, architecture, IT, finances and administration. Young people who are looking for a perspective and a possibility to support a humane world are of course also warmly welcome.

Preparation for the course. We ask all potential students to send a written application, maximum one page long, presenting their motivation to participate in the course, and to read the books “The Sacred Matrix” by Dieter Duhm and “Grace – Pilgrimage For a Future Without War” by Sabine Lichtenfels. This background is important so that we can start from a certain level of deeper understanding and communication.

Curriculum: Creating Models for Peace The “SolarVillage”: Importance of Water Management. Sepp Holzer's Water Landscape Vision Creating Permaculture (Sepp Holzer), What is Spiritual Ecology? New Solar Technologies for Autonomy (the “Solar Power Village” of Jürgen Kleinwächter) What Binds a Community Together? Three Basic Principles of Community Love and Sexuality as a Political Issue Children in Community ( The Vision of Tamera's “Place of the Children” ) Organisation and Decisions in a Community. The importance of trust in decision-structures. Global Campus, networking. Case study: San José de Apartado Peace Village, Colombia Grace Pilgrimages. Israel/Palestine documentary: “We Refuse to be Enemies” Spiritual Life Practice Importance of Vision-Work for Peaceworkers Holographic Worldview The “Theory of Planetary Healing” by Dieter Duhm New Understanding of Healing What is Spiritual Economy? Economy in Nature.

We ask all participants to be open to changes in the curriculum, as Tamera is a research project which does not take place at desks, but instead takes real experiences in life as its orientation. The curriculum may therefore adapt to current movements in Tamera and in the course itself.

Language: English Directed by: Juliane Eckmann, Anna Bandini, Rico Lütscher and Team Price incl. acommodation and food: 1800,- Euros; Portuguese Price1200,- Euros; Youth Price1200,- Euros Accommodation: dormitories or large shared tents Food: vegan full board Registration: [email protected] or +351-283 635306 Arrival and departure: the day before/after the course.

May1 – Oct. 22 Participation in Building Tamera – A Model for the Future

May 3 – May 6 Horse course “Riding without bit and saddle”

May 14 Open Day with the ecology team “Portugal – Desert or Paradise”

May 24 – May 27 Horse course – “Woman and horse”


June 1 – Oct. 22 Participation in Building Tamera – A Model for the Future June 3 – June 5 Seminar in Holzer's Permaculture with Sepp Holzer

Holzer`s permaculture is large scale landscape healing to correct the mistakes of the past, to facilitate symbiosis of interaction, to let nature do its work, and to reestablish cycles. Holzer’s Permaculture is not a method which offers the same procedure for every situation. On the contrary, its core lies in the observation of nature, in putting ourselves in the place of other living beings and through this understanding from within, realizing which are the healing measures that make sense in the given situation. Sepp Holzer: “The book of nature always tells the truth; we just have to learn to read it.”

In our Permaculture Seminars with Sepp Holzer you can learn the theory and practice of Holzer's Permaculture in conjunction with the actual development of the water landscape in Tamera. The essential areas of Holzer's Permaculture are the development of water landscapes for the ecological renaturation of the land, and the evolution of many mutually-supportive communities of plants and biotopes, which also create a self-sufficient supply of food for the people living there.

Languages: please ask at the office Directed by: Sepp Holzer and the Ecology-Team from Tamera Price incl. accomodation and food: please ask at the office Accomodation: dormitories or large shared tents An apartment in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost Food: vegan full board Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar. Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

June 4 Open Day with Sepp Holzer “ Portugal- Desert or Paradise“

June16 – June 23 “Children and community” Introduction to the basic thoughts of Tamera with the focus on “Parents and Children in Community, Raising Children”

At the “Place of Children” in Tamera we research and work on a common vision for a communual life of adults and children, a communual life that generates a humane climate of truth and trust a communual life out of which a school is born that really hears the authentic questions of the children and thus becomes a geistig (mental-spiritual) home for them.

It is our political vision to create a children's community at the “Place of Children”where more and more kids, even from crisis areas can come and join. One part of our school is the “Escola da Esperanca” , School of hope, where theatre is a means of education.

We invite children and adults to the following topics : Visionary work on the topics Community, Raising Children, Children's Community. Possibility of networking with other projects and groups

Languages : English and German Directed by: Hanka Holzmüller and the team of the “Place of Children” Price incl. accomodation and food: 520,- Euros, Portuguese price: 390,- Euros, Youth price 260,- Euros, Costs for families on request. Accomodation: dormitories or large shared tents An apartment in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost Food: vegan full board Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar. Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

Juin 21. - Juin 26. Fondements du modèle „Biotope de guérison“ Séminaire spécial en français à Tamera Invitation Cette année, pour la première fois, nous allons tenir un séminaire pour les francophones intéressés par les fondements du modèle „Biotope de guérison“ de Tamera , en construction et développement depuis une bonne quinzaine d’années. Les thèmes abordés au cours du séminaire: - Le plan des biotopes de guérison - L’idée du „modèle“, pourquoi la situation mondiale demande des modèles concrets - Le cromlech de Tamera et la vision de l’utopie préhistorique - Communauté et spiritualité - Amour et sexualité libre dans le cadre du modèle - Le paysage aquatique et la permaculture dans le modèle - Le champ d’expérimentation/ la technologie solaire - Le travail politique et le réseau global

Coordination: Patrick Rudolph et une équipe de Tamera Coût: 300,- € séminaire de 6 jours, hébergement et restauration inclus Alimentation: 3 repas végétaliens par jour Logement: dans une tente communautaire ou un dortoir communautaire Arrivée et départ: le jour d'avant et le jour d'après le séminaire Inscription: [email protected]

Bienvenue à Tamera !


July 1 – Oct. 22 Participation in Building Tamera – A Model for the Future

July 7 – July 11 GEN- Conference 2011 - “Ecovillages and Sustainable Living“ This year Tamera will host the open conference and members' meeting Facilitated by: GEN-Global Ecovillage Network, www.gen-europe.org more: gen-europe.org/activities/gen-conference/index.htm

July 25 – Aug. 3 Summer University and Gloabal Campus Focusing on: - the global significance of future models - global networking and the creation of the Global Campus - curriculum for cooperation partners of the Global Campus

Price incl. food and accommodation: 640,- Euros. Price for Portuguese participants 420,- Euros. Youth price 250,- Euros Accomodation: dormitories or large shared tents An apartment in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost Food: vegan full board Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

July 25 - Sep.3 Global Campus Tamera Education for Cooperation Partners of the Global Campus

August: Aug.1 – Oct.22 Participation in Building Tamera – A Model for the Future

Aug. 8 – Oct. 22 Harvest Season in Tamera – Storing Nature's Abundance In order to find global solutions for the worldwide hunger problem we need new concepts for food supply. The development of self-sufficiency and autonomous regional networking are important aspects of Tamera's model.

The food processing kitchen of the SolarVillage invites you to help conserve fruits from Mother Earth for self-sufficiency. We will harvest berries, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. In our solar drier we will dry tomatoes, courgettes and beans and we will make chutneys. The harvest will be accompanied by communitarian life and an introduction to the basic thoughts of Tamera and the SolarVillage including the solar technology test-field.

Directed by: Beate Möller and team Price incl. food and accommodation: 15,- Euros per day. Price for Portuguese participants 10,- Euros Accommodation: dormitories or large shared tents Food: vegan full board Registration: [email protected] or +351-283 635306

Aug.12 – Aug.17 Holzer's Permaculture in the Portuguese Alentejo Seminar with Sepp Holzer

Aug. 13 Open Day with Sepp Holzer “ Portugal – Desert or Paradise“


Sep. 1 – Oct. 22 Participation in Building Tamera – A Model for the Future

Sep. 8 – Oct. 22 Harvest Season in Tamera – Storing Nature's Abundance Sep. 6 – Sep. 9 Horse course for beginners

Sep.27 – Sep. 30 Horse course “Riding without bit and saddle”

Sep.9 – Sep. 16 Introduction week: “Basic Ideas about the Building of Peace Models”

Sep.10 Open Day with the ecology team “ Portugal – Desert or Paradise“


Oct.1 – Oct.22 Participation in Building Tamera – A Model for the Future

Oct.1 – Oct.22 Harvest Season in Tamera – Storing Nature's Abundance

Oct.7 – Oct.14 Introduction week: “Basic Ideas about the Building of Peace Models”

Oct.11- Oct.14 Horse course “Riding without bit and saddle”

Oct. 24 – Nov. 10 Olives – Time of Harvest and Global Grace Day

In many cultures the olive tree is a symbol of peace. We invite you to join our traditional olive harvest. We enjoy the last warm autumn days in the open sunny olive grove, harvesting olives with heart, spirit, and music. An immersion into the experience of community. The afternoons are spent getting to know the basic ideas of the project of Healing Biotopes and the Global Campus. We will celebrate a peace-event together on November 9 th , connecting in the name of Grace with initiatives and groups all over the world.

Languages: German, English and Portuguese Directed by: Pancho Mockenhaupt and team Price incl. food and accommodation: 450 Euros; Portuguese participants 340,- Euros; Youth price: 225,- Euros Accommodation: dormitories An apartment in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost Food: vegan full board Registration: [email protected] or +351-283-635306 November:

Nov. 5 Open Day with Sepp Holzer “ Portugal – Desert or Paradise“

Nov.18 - Nov.25 Introduction week: “Basic Ideas about the Building of Peace Models”

Events 2012 The year 2012 for us has the intention: “To bring forward Tamera as a University”, as a World School for the Future to gain the knowledge, the world needs ! In this moment billions of human beings and animals live in real apoyalypse and others are threatened by this situation. The existing society systems are close to a breakdown. Coexistent/ parallel with this situation of breakdown, new powers for a livingworth future are arising, powers for a world of trust, a world without fear and violence. The year 2012 might become the initial point for a new development of peace, in case we find the right level to cooperate with each other, in case we decide for inner shifts inside oneselfs, shifts amongst us and within our daily work.

The main intention for this year therefore is, to bring forward Tamera as a university, to raise the standards for education and aquiring knowledge for us, for guests from the world and students from all over the world. Tamera as a World School for a Future without War !

1. Tamera – as a global basis for study “A school for the future” “The Thinking of the Future must make War impossible” (Albert Einstein)

To be a student in Tamera means: studying the preconditions for system change, studying the basics of a new world view. The aim is, to formulate conditions for a new civilisation on planet earth and for building global models. Answers are needed in the main areas of water, food, energy and living together as human beings.

The education is structured on different levels:

1. Basic semester as the starting point for deepening the knowledge in creating models for the future 2. Second semester is an education in combination with practical work in different project parts of Tamera 3.. Special education in professions, which are needed to build models in crisis areas of the world

The basic education starts 1st of Mai 2012. We recommend the participation in the Watersymposium April 27 – 29

2. As Guest in the “International Cultural and Guest- Center” We welcome all, who are interested in getting to know and in experiencing Tamera. Mainly it is a Center for getting in contact with the basic ideas of creating Healing Biotopes as models for the world.

We recommend to participate in an Introduction Week

We warmly welcome all researchers, thinkers, visionaries, manifestors and Utopists who want to research and support new solutions for a future without war. March March 1 – June 30 „A votre Service“ - Participation in Building Tamera as a Model for the Future

“A votre Service“ - Participation in Building Tamera as a Model for the Future from March 1 – June 30

Tamera’s aim is to develop an example of a model for a nonviolent co-existence of people and between people and nature. The development of Tamera as such model for the future needs research in the four basic areas of life: energy, water, nutrition and love! “A votre Service” means to be in Service for the world and giving support for building the model. Depending where support is needed we offer the possibility for guests to work and support our core areas: ecology or permaculture, as well as kitchen and garden and the workshop. This will be accompanied by an introduction to the basic concept of building models. From May on we ask all interested people who like to deepen their education to decide for the basic education and study programme of the basic thoughts and concept of Tamera. Further information you will find at our website under education. Participation: four weeks Starting date : 1st each month Price incl. food and accommodation: 15,- Euros per day Price for Portuguese participants: 10,- Euros per day Youthprice: 10,- Euros per day Accommodation: dormitories or large shared tents Food : vegan full board

Registration: [email protected] or +351-283 635 306

March 1 -24 Workcamp with the Animalproject

March 15 – 21 Introduction week: “Basic Ideas about the Building of Peace Models” March 15 – 21, April 6 – 12, May 24 – 30, June 6 – 15, July 12 – 18, Sep. 13 – 19, October 12 - 19, November 15 - 21 As a hint: June 6 – 15 Special Seminar: Children and Community October 12 – 19 Seminar by Sabine Lichtenfels, Introduction into the Stone Circle of Tamera and the prehistoric Utopia

To be able to overcome the global, ecological and societal crisis we need convincing models worldwide showing how to step into a culture of peace encompassing a new orientation in all areas of human life: a new ecology and technology are needed in the same way as an orientation for love and sexuality, for communication and community, for research and consciousness. This introductory week is meant for people who want to get to know and experience Tamera for the first time or anew. Participants will get an insight into the essential project areas and the questions of our basic research: - What means “System change” - Why is it important to create concrete models ? - Which are the main parts of a model ? - What is the global impact of a model ? - What is a Healing Biotope ? What is the meaning of healing for the individual and the world ? - What is the Global Campus? - How to develop future communities? - Why are the human themes of trust, cooperation, solidarity, home, love, sexuality, partnership in the center of peace work taught and studies in Tamera?

The following projects of Tamera will be presented: Permaculture and Ecology, Testfield Solar Village, Grace and the Movement for a Free Earth, Global Campus, Aldeia da Luz Studying in groups and individually, films, speeches/lectures, participating in the work in the ground of Tamera, excursions, experiencing the joy of community life. Warmly welcome! The Guest-Team

Language: German and English Directed by: a team of Tamera coworkers Course incl. food and accomodation: 450,- Euros Price for Portuguese participants: 330,- Euros Youth price: 225,- Euros Accomodation: dormitories or large shared tents An apartment in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost. Food: vegan full board Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar. Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

March 17 Portugal: Desert or Paradise? Open Day with a guided tour

The Permaculture Water landscape of Tamera as a model for the recultivation of threatened regions in South Europe open Day with a guided tour March 17, May 19, June 23, July 14

Since August 2007 in the Peace Research Center Tamera (Reliquias) a permaculture water landscape is being built, as a model for the recultivation of landscapes which are under the threat of desertifation. In this summer dry region with overused pastures and dying cork oaks there are now several natural looking water storage bassins. On their banks vegetables and fruit grow at any season. The water landscape attracts already now many different local plants and animals, and wild life is coming back. Many experts from Portugal and other countries see: Like this a nature paradise is developing where soon enough vegetables will grow to feed its inhabitants. Some find: 1000 of water landscapes like this throughout the whole Alentejo could save this region from the desertification. Tamera is an international peace research center with 160 coworkers and students – here, the knowledge for creating peace research villages worldwide is being developed and tought. Start: 10.00 h Finish: 16.30 h

The participation is gratis – donations are welcome. Address: Monte do Cerro, 7630 Reliquias. Driving in from Colos or Reliquias. GPS: 37°42´54“ North, 8°30´57“ West Please register at: seminarios(at)tamera.org or call (00351) 283 635 306 For journalists: please publish this event in your medium. With wishes for interviews or filming please contact Leila Dregger: leila.dregger(at)tamera.org

March 29 - 31 Special Event in Israel “Peace between the Genders”

“Peace between the Genders” special event in Israel from March 29 – 31 There can be no peace on Earth as long as there is war in our love relationships.

Seminar with Sabine Lichtenfels, Co-funder of Tamera and Benjamin von Mendelssohn, Director of the Peace Research Village Middle East


April 1 – June 30 „A votre Service“ - Participation in Building Tamera as a Model for the Future

April 4 – 8 Horse Course – Horse and Woman

April 6 – 12 Easter Week in Tamera: the Concept of Peace Models “The new political tomorrow is characterised by the fact that it is born from the power of joy of living and realisation.” (Sabine Lichtenfels, Sources of Love and Peace) The world is in transformation. The political, ecological and human crisis is escalating. The need for a vision of global models for the healing of the Earth and humans and the need for their implementation are becoming ever more urgent. We invite you to our Easter meeting: an introduction to the basic thoughts of healing work and a current insight into the most recent developments in Tamera. This community time will also include listening to lectures and taking Easter walks in the Alentejo spring. You are warmly welcome! Language: German and English Directed by a team of Tamera co-workers. Course fee incl. accomodation & food: 450,- Euros Price for Portuguese participants: 330,- Euros Youthprice: 225,- Euros Accommodation: dormitories or large shared tents An apartment in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost. Food: vegan full board Arrival and departure: the day before/after the course Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351-283 635306

April 24 - 27 Horse Course for Beginners

April 25 Start of the Projectgroup “Portugal as a Model” Start of the Projectgroup “Portugal as a Model” and Start of the intensive educationtime for the idea of the“Aldeia Portuguesa” April 25 until May 11 “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” R. Buckminster Fuller

“A new model is being developed for the basics of human life, without damage to nature and our co-creatures. Energy, water and food are freely available for all of humankind, if we manage the natural resources of our earth wisely. Nobody on earth has to suffer from deprivation, starvation or cold once the tyranny is ended.” Tamera-Manifesto by Dieter Duhm Just this kind of system change might be shown in Portugal in these days. It might be shown how the change from a system of deep crisis towards a culture of cooperation between human beings and nature might be established. More and more persons in Portugal love and support the vision “ 1000 lakes for the Alentejo” and the vision “ Portugal as a model for the world ”. To give this vision a chance to be realized, we created the following idea: in Tamera we start a projectgroup of portuguese members, who work in different project areas of Tamera and commit themselves for the realization “Portugal as a Model”. At the same time this group gets education in global peace work and community building, to come together in the “Aldeia Portuguesa” .

Participation only on personal invitation.

April 25 Water is Life – Portugal: Desert or Paradise? A day with Sepp Holzer and the Ecology Team of Tamera – Seminar “New ecological perspectives for change”.

Theme: The permaculture Water Retention Landscape of Tamera as a model for the healing of threatened landscapes in Southern Europe.

Since August 2007, a permaculture Water Retention Landscape is being created at the Tamera Peace Research Center, as a model for the healing of landscapes threatened by the desertification process. In a land that becomes dry and arid in summer time, with a soil depleted by overgrazing and a landscape filled with dead cork oaks, we find water retention landscapes, built with natural materials, in which fruits and vegetables meander on the shores throughout the whole year. In this way, with a soil that becomes filled with water, we can now start the reforestation process, with fruit and dry fruit trees. The water landscape of Tamera begins to attract local species of animals and plants, as well as many national and international experts. They all agree: here is being created a natural paradise that will soon be able to feed all its inhabitants.

1000 water landscapes across all the Alentejo could save it from the desertification process

The Ecology Team of Tamera wants to show the work of Sepp Holzer, so that engeneers, agronomists and all interested, have the chance to see, learn and understand that the Earth can be healed. Since a few years, several times per year, we have been organizing Open Days, open to everyone, in which people have the chance to ask their questions. This day is used by all interested, specialists or families coming from all areas of Portugal, that come here to receive an introduction to Tamera and its projects.

Program: 10:00 H – Guided tour around the Water Retention Landscape 13:00 H – Lunch and opening of the Bookshop 14:30 H – Presentation of the technology project in Tamera - “The Solar Village” 15:30 H – Practical education in Holzer's Permaculture 18:30 H – Closing of the seminar.

Meeting Point: Tamera Reception Costs: 25 Euros Registrations: [email protected] Address: Monte do Cerro, 7630 Relíquias GPS: 37º42´54” North, 8º30´57” West Welcome!

April 27 – 29 Second International Water Symposium “Water Retention Landscapes as an Answer to Desertification and Globalization”


May 1 – August 31 Basic Education at the “School for the Future” Why and how can we heal the Earth ?

“The Thinking of the future must make War impossible” ( Albert Einstein) “Wars and natural catastrophes are made by humans. Humans can therefore also change the situation.” (Sepp Holzer, permaculturist)

The course covers the basic concepts for the development of peace villages, using Tamera as an example. “Inner enlightenment is not the end of the path towards ending war. The world doesn't only need good people, but mainly realistic new ways of living in a future without war. It needs models for a new civilisation so that we can start to settle our planet in a new way that is coherent with the laws of life.” (Dieter Duhm, project founder)

Tamera's work is the development of models. The world needs fundamental system change – in our energy, water and nutrition systems, the structures in which we think and the structures in which we live and love. Participants on this course will gain a current theoretical and practical insight into the development of a global model settlement.

Beginning: May 1st Length of time: four weeks Start of the monthly education: 1st of each month End of term: October 30 Registration: office(at)tamera.org , Tel: 00351 283635306

May 1 – June 30 „A votre Service“ - Participation in Building Tamera as a Model for the Future

May 19 Portugal: Desert or Paradise? Open Day with a guided tour

May 24 - 30 Introduction week: “Basic Ideas about the Building of Peace Models”


June 1 – August 31 Basic Education at the “School for the Future” Why and how can we heal the Earth ?

June 1 – 30 „A votre Service“ - Participation in Building Tamera as a Model for the Future

June 6 – 15 Special Seminar “Children and community” Introduction to the basic thoughts of Tamera with the focus on “Parents and Children in Community, Raising Children” At the “Place of Children” in Tamera we research and work on a common vision for a communual life of adults and children, a communual life that generates a humane climate of truth and trust a communual life out of which a school is born that really hears the authentic questions of the children and thus becomes a geistig (mental-spiritual) home for them. It is our political vision to create a children's community at the “Place of Children”where more and more kids, even from crisis areas can come and join. One part of our school is the “Escola da Esperanca” , School of hope, where theatre is a means of education.

We invite children and adults to the following topics : Visionary work on the topics Community, Raising Children, Children's Community. Possibility of networking with other projects and groups

Languages: English and German Directed by: Hanka Holzmüller and the team of the “Place of Children” Price incl. accomodation and food: 520,- Euros, Portuguese price: 390,- Euros, Youth price 260,- Euros, Costs for families on request. Accomodation: dormitories or large shared tents. An apartment in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost Food: vegan full board Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar. Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

June 23 Portugal: Desert or Paradise? Open Day with a guided tour

June 23 – June 30 Introduction Week with the Focus on Energy and Technology "You can never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something build a new model that makes the existing obsolete.” (R. Buckminster Fuller)

To be able to overcome the global, ecological and societal crisis we need convincing models for a peace culture – in all areas of human life: water, nutrition and energy as the external aspects of every human culture, and love, sexuality, partnership, community and embedding of life in the bigger connection as the core of human life. This introduction week is meant for people who want to get to know Tamera for the first time or to discover Tamera again and gives an insight into the main project issues and research questions of Tamera as a whole. However, it is mainly intended for people who are interested in the area of research, technology and energy supply of a prospective peace culture – the main focus of this week. The basis for the research and for our life with sustainable technology is the Solar Testfield 1 in Tamera

SolarVillage – Testfield 1 The core of the new system which has been built in the testfield 1 of Tamera, is the solar technology developed by Jürgen Kleinwächter and his team. The basic unit – the so called “Solar Power Village” - is born from Jürgen Kleinwächter's compassion with the life-situation of the poorest people, who for example need to burn the last wood for cooking. It shows possible solutions which address all areas of life and can be adapted to various climatic zones. We will get to know the different units of the Solar Power Village.

An additional and very widely applicable module is the biogas system. Further modules of the testfield are: Scheffler reflector, cooking boxes, solar tunnel-dryer and others.

The first day of the introduction week is an open day with a guided tour through the water landscape of Tamera (further information see http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=681&L=0 ).

Language : English Directed by : Barbara Kovats and the technology team Price incl. accommodation and food: 450 Euros Price for portuguese participants: 330 Euros Youth price: 225 Euros Accommodation : dormitories or large shared tents (An apartment in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost.) Food: vegan full board Arrival and departure : On the day before / after the seminar Further information: solarvillage(at)tamera.org Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306


July 1 –August 31 Basic Education at the “School for the Future” Why and how can we heal the Earth ?

July 12 - 18 Introduction week: “Basic Ideas about the Building of Peace Models”

July 24 – 28 Youth and Horses


August 1 – 10 Summer University Tamera “Towards A New Culture”- From Refusal to Re-Creation

“The draft of a desirable future, one that a growing number of people will find plausible and realistic, is the number one priority on today's agenda.” (Dieter Duhm)

In the year 2012 we are facing the breakdown of the systems, which have essentially determined our lives so far. The existing economic and social structures have had their day. We will no longer invest our energy in preserving these systems, for we can no longer see any perspective within them. From New York to Athens, from Santiago de Chile to Lisbon, we have been out on the streets for months, gripped by the call of a new future. We will no longer let ourselves be appeased. We realize the dimension of the catastrophe and we know now we have to respond with solutions of the same scale.

The world of the human being has to be recreated from scratch. It is about a future without war and violence, a world in which no being will have to suffer anymore. A world which cooperates once again with nature and all co-creatures, and thereby makes future wars impossible. A world which is without losers. For if life wins, there will be no losers.

These are no longer unrealistic dreams. Today, we as human beings have the social, ecological and technological knowledge required to bring such a humane society into fruition. We know our innermost basic needs of trust, love and community. We know which power of solidarity unfolds amongst humans if we find fulfillment here again The coexistence amongst humans can again turn into an everlasting source of vitality and of fulfillment. Then we will no longer need to consume or chase after vicarious satisfaction. We know the immeasurable wealth of our planet. It provides enough water, energy and food for all of its inhabitants, including humans, for free! We will no longer accept that this is an unrealistic utopian ideal. It is natural. Through the creation of new living systems based on cooperation between humans and with nature, we open the gate towards a humane, post-capitalistic world.

We call upon all who are no longer willing to wait, upon all who do not want to give up: Let us come together globally to start working on a new future! Let us establish autonomous centers in which new thoughts can be concretely put into practice, where they can be taught and learned - these will be the global signposts and models for a new age. Let us establish centers of education and universities in which the knowledge of a new epoch can be taught. Let us learn the professions necessary to serve global peace.

Currently, there is no more profound request than the creation of a worldwide movement in all its solidarity and power that uncovers new, realistic possibilities for the human future! For more than 30 years, an outline of a societal idea for non-violent coexistence has been developing in the Peace Research Center of Tamera in Portugal.

We want to use the Summer University in Tamera as a base station, experimental field and training opportunity; for here we find a realistic basis for the upcoming work. In the name of life. Coordinator: Johannes Ewig Languages: German / English / Portuguese / Spanish Course fee incl. accomodation & food: based on donation Accomodation in dormitory or big tents and vegan board. Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar. Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 - 283 635 306

August 1 – August 31 Basic Education at the “School for the Future” Why and how can we heal the Earth ?

August 13 – September 1 Professional training in creating retention landscapes “Water, energy and food are freely available for the whole of humankind if we learn again to cooperate with nature.” (Bernd Walter Müller)

Incorrect water management is a key factor in the worldwide ecological destruction and so-called natural catastrophes of our times, such as floods, large-scale fires and desertification. In cooperation with Sepp Holzer, we in Tamera have come to know and applied an alternative way of water management, with which landscapes and their water balance can be healed: decentralised water retention landscapes. The result is impressive. A new perspective for self-sufficient food supply becomes visible along with an answer to globalisation and global desertification. We want to share this knowledge. We have already held two Water Symposiums for this purpose. Now we want to make it possible for people from various cultures and climatic zones to receive a practical education

Special offer for this year: We offer an ecological professional training in the frame of the emerging “University of Tamera” from the 13 th of August 2012 until the 1 st of September 2012. We will teach the construction of a new water retention space, the conversion of an existing pond and the design of the surrounding landscape in the sense of landscape healing through practically accompanying a building site and theoretical teaching units.

Language : English German/Portuguese translation possible, please ask Directed by : Bernd Walter Müller, Thomas Lüdert and team Course: 800,- Euros (incl. food and accommodation) Accommodation: dormitories or large shared tents An apartment in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost Food: vegan full board Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar Registration: office(at)tamera.org or +351 – 283 – 635 306

Prerequisite to participate: participation in a basic education in Tamera. For people who have not previously participated in any basic education in Tamera, the mandatory participation in the Summer University in Tamera from the 1 st until the 10 th of August 2012. We ask for a brief description of your motivation and your interest in this training.

August 13 – September 8 Harvest Season in Tamera – Storing Nature's Abundance

Harvest Season in Tamera – Storing Nature's Abundance In order to find global solutions for the worldwide hunger problem we need new concepts for food supply. The development of self-sufficiency and autonomous regional networking are important aspects of Tamera's model.

The food processing kitchen of the SolarVillage invites you to help conserve fruits from Mother Earth for self-sufficiency. We will harvest berries, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. In our solar drier we will dry tomatoes and other vegetables. The harvest will be accompanied by communitarian life and an introduction to the basic thoughts of Tamera and the SolarVillage including the solar technology test-field. Directed by: Beate Möller and team Price incl. food and accommodation: 15,- Euros per day Price for Portuguese participants 10,- Euros per day Youthprice: 10,- Euros per day Accommodation: dormitories or large shared tents Food: vegan full board Registration: [email protected] or +351-283 635306


September 13 - 19 Introduction week: “Basic Ideas about the Building of Peace Models” October

October 12 - 19 Introduction into the”prehistoric Utopia and the stone Circle of Tamera” Seminar with Sabine Lichtenfels "Insight into Prehistoric Utopia and the Stone Circle of Tamera"

"The peace information on this Earth is able to spread when you follow it fully. It is available to be retrieved at any moment. The more people recognize this inner correlation, the more complex and unerring this truth can manifest itself and become effective. If it is realized fully within a community, it will take effect as a field and attract all further information that is necessary.” (from “Temple of Love, chapter: The Essence, by Sabine Lichtenfels)

We invite you to dive into the subject of Prehistoric Utopia and the Stone Circle of Tamera. We shall pursue the question of how prehistoric knowledge can help us to see the image of a healed Earth more clearly, as well as strengthen and clarify our perceptions of ourselves as men and women.

The seminar begins with a three-day introduction into the basic thoughts and projects of Tamera.

We welcome you warmly!

Directed by: Sabine Lichtenfels, co-founder of the Project of the Healing Biotopes; author; freelance theologian; peace activist and one of the 1000 Women nominated for the Peace Nobel Prize in 2005.

Sabine Lichtenfels is the author of: - Traumsteine (in German only) - GRACE- Pilgrimage for a Future without War - Weiche Macht (in German only) - Temple of Love - Sources of Love and Peace

Seminar language: German/English Seminar fee incl. board & lodging: 520,- Euros Portuguese participants: 390,- Euros Youth: 260,- Euros Lodging: accommodation in group rooms or group tents. For an additional charge, it is possible to reserve space in one of our visitor huts with four beds, or in a single or double room at the Tamera Guesthouse. Board: full vegan board Arrival/Departure: the day before/day after the seminar Registration: [email protected] or Tel. +351 - 283 - 635 306

October 25 – November 10 Olive Harvest and Global Grace Day

In many cultures the olive tree is a symbol of peace. We invite you to join our traditional olive harvest. We enjoy the last warm autumn days in the open sunny olive grove, harvesting olives with heart, spirit, and music. An immersion into the experience of community. The afternoons are spent getting to know the basic ideas of the project of Healing Biotopes and the Global Campus. We will celebrate a peace-event together on November 9th, connecting in the name of Grace with initiatives and groups all over the world. Languages: German, English Directed by: Friedemann Gasse and team Price incl. food and accommodation: 450 Euros Portuguese participants 340,- Euros Youth price: 225,- Euros Accommodation: dormitories An apartment in the Guest House can be booked at an additional cost Food: vegan full board Registration: [email protected] or +351-283-635306

The water retention landscape of Tamera

“Water Retention Landscapes as an Answer to Desertification and Globalization”

Second International Water Symposium in Tamera, Portugal April 27th (9 am) – 29th (3 pm), 2012

Most of the so-called "natural disasters" that we experience all over the world today are human-made disasters caused by an incorrect handling of the elements and beings of nature. If humankind wants to survive on this planet, we must learn to think differently and to cooperate with the forces of nature. This is where water could be our best teacher.

We have convened this symposium to introduce a concept – through the example of the water retention landscape of Tamera – of how desertification can be reversed and the water cycle cured in all climate zones of the Earth within a short period of time. Water experts, politicians, scientists, media representatives and specialists from around the world are invited to this conference to share their knowledge, exchange ideas and present their work publicly.

Water is not a chemical formula, but a central organ of the biosphere, in which almost all the secrets of the universe are included. The proper handling of water shows us how we can change destroyed landscapes back into blossoming gardens again. It shows us how we can live on a planet that is able to provide all living things – for free! – with enough water, food and energy. And it shows us how to connect the cosmic and earthly realities in a way that a global culture of peace emerges from it.

Building water retention landscapes is in most places of the Earth the first step for the healing of nature and the development of modern subsistence economies. They form the basis for a comprehensive future perspective, for the liberation from dependency and exploitation and a future without war, which the Tamera founder Dieter Duhm described in the "Plan of the Healing Biotopes". This plan explains why only a few such centre s worldwide could suffice to "tip" the information system of violence. All speakers and participants at the conference are invited to learn about this plan and participate in its implementation.

The water retention landscapes are an integral part of special training centre s as part of the Global Campus, which besides the global ecological issues also addresses the technological, intellectual, spiritual and social problems and develops an appropriate solution as a model. Preparations for the establishment of such centre s are actually happening in various countries right now.

In the name of a future worth living! Welcome.

Monika Berghoff and Martin Winiecki

The Symposium is organized by the GRACE-Foundation , Zurich, , www.the-grace-foundation.org Organizer: Grace-Foundation, Switzerland Venue: Tamera - Peace Research Centre, Monte do Cerro, 7630-392 Reliquias , Portugal

Opening: 27.4. 2012 at 9.00 am Finish: 29.4. 2012 at 3.00 pm

Symposium fee: 160,- Euro Youth and Portuguese: 100,- Euro

Accomodation & Food: 30,- Euro per day Youth and Portuguese: 20,- Euro per day

Accomodation: Dormitories or large shared tents. An apartment in the Guest House or a 4 -bed-Room can be booked at an additional cost. Food: vegan full board

Arrival and departure: On the day before / after the seminar Travel information: on the homepage under Information for Guests Registration: office(at)tamera.org or fon +351 - 283 - 635 306

Further Information: Institute for Global Peace Work (IGP), Tamera, Monte do Cerro, 7630-392 Reliquias, Portugal , Fon + 351 283 635484, Email: igp(at)tamera.org, www.tamera.org Events http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=events&L=0

Tamera Event Calendar 2013



May 1 – October 23 “ A votre Service” Being in service to Create models for the future - a practical training by participation

May 1 - October 23: Practical Training Ecology

May 4 Tamera - a Model for the Future. Open Day with a guided tour

May 5 - 15 Global Love School “There will be no peace on earth as long as there is war in love. “(Seminar on personal invitation)

May 7 - 10 Contact with Horses. Beginners Course

May 20 – 29 Seminar “The Science of Transformation” (on personal invitation)

May 25 - June 2 Introduction week: “Basic Ideas for the development of future models for the healing of the earth" facilitated by the SolarVillage Team of Tamera - with Jürgen Kleinwächter and others


June 1: Tamera - a Model for the Future. Open Day with a guided tour

June 1 – October 23: Practical Training Ecology

June 1 – October 23 “A votre Service” Being in service to Create models for the future

June 6 – 9 Third International Water Symposium: “Water Retention Landscapes – a pathway towards sustainable and decentralized water management”

June 14 - 23 Love School Seminar: How to Create Trust in a Community? Seminar with Sabine Lichtenfels


July 1 – October 23: Practical Training Ecology

July 1 – October 23: “A votre Service”. Being in service to Create models for the future

July 6: Tamera - a Model for the Future. Open Day with a guided tour

July 9 – 12 Youth and Horses

July 11 – 17 Introduction week: “Basic Ideas for the development of future models for the healing of the earth"


August 1 – September 14 Basic Education at the"Tamera-University": “From the Matrix of violence to the Matrix of life”

August 1 – 10 Summer University Tamera “Terra Nova - Global Revolution and the Vision of a New Earth” 1 von 2 26-06-2013 12:14 Events http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=events&L=0

August 1 – 10 Summer University Tamera “Terra Nova - Global Revolution and the Vision of a New Earth”

August 1 – October 23: Practical Training Ecology

August 1 – October 23: “A votre Service” Being in service to Create models for the future

August 1 – 24: Professional training in creating retention landscapes

August 12 – September 14: Seed harvesting and processing the abundance of nature

August 24: Tamera - a Model for the Future. Open Day with a guided tour


August 1– September 14: Basic Education at the"Tamera-University": “From the Matrix of violence to the Matrix of life”

September 16 - 28: Professional training in creating water retention landscapes

September 1 – October 23: Practical Training Ecology

September 1 – October 23: “A votre Service” Being in service to Create models for the future

September 10 - 13: Contact with Horses. Beginners´ Course

September 19 - 25 Introduction week: “Basic Ideas for the development of future models for the healing of the earth"

September 21: Tamera - a Model for the Future. Open Day with a guided tour

September 24 - 27: Contact with horses. Beginners Course


October 1- 23: Practical Training Ecology

October 1- 23: “A votre Service” Being in service to Create models for the future

October 4 - 6: First international Education Symposium: "A New World Needs New Education"- ThinkTank to innovative school concepts

October 11 – 19 Love School Seminar: Love, Eros, Partnership" – Seminar with Sabine Lichtenfels

October 12: Tamera - a Model for the Future. Open Day with a guided tour

October 24 – November 10: Olive Harvest and Global Grace Day


October 24 – November 10 Olive Harvest and Global Grace Day

November 4 – 22 Helping in the Reforestation

- End of the Season -

2 von 2 26-06-2013 12:14 Water Retention Landscape Tamera Replenishing water cycles, healing landscapes, learning from water: Retention landscapes as a pathway towards regional sovereignity and healing. Third International Water Symposium, June 6th (18h)- 9th (16h) 2013 in Tamera “Water, energy and nutrition can be provided for free to all human beings if we follow the logic of nature and no longer the laws of capital” (Dieter Duhm) Water is life. Water is information. If the large water cycle of a landscape is intact, then the land, nature, the economy and the people are flourishing. Desertification, floods, the rising sea level, forest fires and droughts are not fate but the result of a disturbed hydrologic balance. Nowadays water is dammed, deviated, privatized and turned into a commodity. One billion people on the planet are without access to clean drinking water, while others are following their profit motive. It is in our hands to change this. The large water cycles can be restored, even in extremely damaged landscapes. All around the world, people are working on solutions for the global water crisis. They are protecting rivers, lakes and wells. While applying different methods, they are following the same principle: collecingt and decelerating rain water where it falls on the earth. In this way, the earth’s body can absorb the rain water, the groundwater level rises and the land can become fertile again. The example of Tamera shows how a decentralized and natural water retention landscape can heal a disturbed landscape and create the prerequisites for modern subsistence. For the third time, Tamera has invited experts, activists and policy makers from many countries to exchange their knowledge and to build a powerful alliance for the protection of water. We want to focus on the plan to build a regional model in the Alentejo which is able to put a stop to the ongoing desertification in Southern Portugal and create sustainable food sovereignty. In this way, we have been able to develop a social and economical model for the world in Portugal. We heartily invite everyone who wants to learn more about what water is and what we can all do to restore the water cycles. Some of the topics: - The Tamera Water Retention Landscape and other methods for water retention - Holistic planned grazing - Climate change adaptation and water management - Water as a human right - resistance against dam building and water privatization - Solutions for groundwater salinization - Water and Women

With contributions by: Prof. Filipe Duarte Santos, Climate Change Adaptation, Lisbon, Dr. Luisa Schmidt, Sociologist and Journalist, Portugal, Dr. Millán Millán, head of CEAM (Center for Environmental Studies in the Mediterranean Foundation), Spain, John D. Liu, environmental film maker, USA/China, Bernd Müller, head of the ecology department, Tamera, Sally Silverstone, co-captain biosphere 2, USA, Sabine Lichtenfels, co-founder Tamera, Nadi Farraj, YMCA, Palestine, Paulo Mellett, Lush, UK, Horst Wagner, inventor, ; Joss Brooks, Auroville, , Nicolas Sharpe, Holistic Planned Grazing, Spain, André Vizinho, transition towns, Portugal, Elizabeth Peredo, Fundación Solón, Bolivia, Rami Charuvi, landscape planner Negev, Israel, Christoph Ulbig, Agroforestry, Tamera, and more. In the name of a future worth living! Welcome. Further information: Cornelia Scheidl, Monte do Cerro, P-7630-303 Colos, Portugal Tel: +351-283 635 314, Fax: -635 374, eMail: [email protected] www.tamera.org Symposium fee 185 Euro + accommodation (vegan full board) 35.- Euro/day (reduced prizes for Portuguese and youth) transfer to: Associacao G.R.A.C.E., Caixa Credito Agricola S. Teotonio, IBAN:PT50004563324023830233193, BIC: CCCMPTPL


What goal would awaken humanity’s enthusiasm? What vision would inspire humanity to fight for its survival and the survival of the whole planet? For what goal would humanity leave behind all quarrels to manifest it with united powers?

e invite for a ten-day period of study together with people from all over the planet to find answers that fill us with the Wcertainty that a global revolution will succeed. We work for Terra Nova - for a world without war and violence. We want to come together to activate the great potential of humanity. The world needs our help. What is happening at this moment in many parts of the world, is so immensely horrific that no human could bear to look. Yet, there is a way out. The global battle between the forces of life and those of organized destruction is not yet decided. “The forces of life will prevail, if the peace workers of all countries will see a Concrete Utopia, and when the world’s outrage is connected with the great conception of the new earth. If life wins, there will be no losers.” (Dieter Duhm, founder of Tamera) The vision of Terra Nova must be concretely manifested in a few places in the world in order to have a global effect. This idea led to the creation of the Tamera peace research center in 1995. The core of the project consists of the construction of retention landscapes for the healing of water and nature, and the composition of new social systems for the healing of love. Water is the essence of nature, just as love is the essence of the human being. The new civilization is based on a new way of dealing with these two essential elements of life. Through a decentralized and natural water management we lay the founda- tion for the system change from capitalist globalization to a global society where water, food and energy are freely available to all people. And with the ending of the war between the genders an era of partnership may begin, in which man and woman together step into the stewardship for all life on Earth. A humane culture emerges from a new relation of solidarity between the genders. This vision must be supported by a strong global network. That is why we have initiated the Terra Nova School in May 2013. In many countries the first study groups and centers for the new earth have already begun. Together, we want to give the global revolution in which we find ourselves, a humane direction. Einstein said: “The thinking of the future must make war impossible.” We must develop new ways of thinking and tap new intellectual and spiritual resources to bring about the major changes that lie ahead. With the Summer University, we want to enter the adventure of common thinking and to deepen our common work.

We look forward to the coming cooperation! In the name of love. In service of warmth for everything that has skin and fur. Johannes Ewig, Laura Czajkowski, Martin Winiecki Institute for Global Peace Work, Tamera

BASIC EDUCATION OF THE TAMERA UNIVERSITY, 1ST OF AUGUST - 14TH OF SEPTEMBER 2013: Beyond the ten-day Summer University, we invite all Peace Workers and participants of the Terra Nova School for a com- prehensive study of the core themes for building global Healing Biotopes. In addition to the Summer University this course includes three ten-day intensive blocks on the following topics: Science of Transformation and Theory of Global Healing (with Dr. Dieter Duhm), Love School (with Sabine Lichtenfels) and Global Ecology (with Bernd W. Müller and his team). Seminar costs (including accommodation and meals): € 1250.

PREPARATORY READING: “Terra Nova - Project for a Free Earth”, Dieter Duhm “Healing of Love”, Dieter Duhm

The Summer University is a Gift Economy event. Part of Terra Nova, a new earth, is a new understanding of economics. The Summer University 2013 is an experiment in Gift Economy. As a time of training and a network meeting for the conception of Terra Nova, we want to make the Summer University accessible to all who want to offer their efforts in service of this goal. There is no set price, but we ask all for a responsible participation and contribution. At the end of the Summer University the costs created shall be covered, and also other projects in the spirit of Terra Nova can be made possible by the funding of the Summer University. Money is a part of our interaction with the world, similar to our thinking, our compassionate actions and our gratitude. Money has no value in itself. We want to learn to understand it as a communication medium, expression of appreciation and a tool of manifestation, in order to work with it properly. We ask all to consider a financial contribution, not as payment for services, supplies or training, but as a gesture of gratitude and appreciation for what you recieve. This is not a defined sum, but there is for each the “right” amount. For one this will be 100€, 4,000€ for the other. When each of us gives our real contribution, this can lead to a common field of trust, which carries the whole. Terra Nova, a new earth without violence and fear, is a dream of mankind. Let us see this dream together, and use money as one of the forces to achieve it! We look forward to the time together!

Tamera Peace Research Center • Portugal • [email protected] • 00351 283 635 306 • www.tamera.org