
Page Technology in 1 of 4

Objective: To help youth realize and understand that technology is a big part of communication today and they must use it properly to be the most effective.

Approximate Length: 20 minutes

Supplies: Flip chart or poster board Markers Copies of “Communication Device Worksheet” and “Test Your Technology in Communication ” (see attached)

Interest Approach: To begin the lesson, have the following abbreviations written on the board: IMO (in my opinion), JIC (just in case), LOL (laughing out loud or lots of love), TTFN (ta ta for now), BTW (by the way), OIC (oh I see), u (you), r (are)

Ask the youth: • Do you know what these letters mean? • Do you use them? When? With whom? • Have you thought about the impression you give off when using them? • Describe any difficulties you have found when using these abbreviations.

Technology in Communication Lesson: Explain to the youth that technology is continuously improving and changing. No matter what you to do in the , you will inevitably have to use technology for communication.

As communication technologies change, everyone must be aware of those changes and how to properly communicate with them. When communicating with , employers, and other professionals, you must be sure you are being proper and giving a good impression. Some things to consider when communicating with technology include the use of acronyms or abbreviations, sarcasm-which is easily misread, being fully explanatory, and being considerate. Remember that on the phone, in , and with other electronic forms of communication, it is impossible to read facial expressions and body as as tone of voice, or intonation.

Activity: Have the youth break into groups of 4-6 people. Using the “Communication Device Worksheet” (see attached), have each group come up with a list of communication devices (landline, cell phone, Fax , emails, , text messages, instant messages, pagers, etc.). For each device, have the group write examples of when they would use it and the proper etiquette to use with the device when communicating with friends, family, teachers, employers, and other professionals.

2007 INDIANA 4-H CONGRESS Page Technology in Communication 2 of 4

Discussion Questions: • What comes to mind when you hear technology in communication? • What types of communication technology do you use on a day-to-day basis? • At what age do you believe a child should get a cell phone? Use the internet? • How often do you use ? For what purposes?

Test Your Knowledge:

Provide the students with a copy of the “Test Your Technology in Communication Knowledge” questions. Give time for them to answer the questions and review their answers.

Answer key: 1. False. When emailing an employer you should always maintain professionalism, no matter how close you are. 2. B 3. Any two from the following list or other appropriate responses: Sarcasm, abbreviations, being considerate, being fully explanatory.

If you still have time…

Divide the youth into groups of 4-6 students and have them write a good and bad example of an email to a potential employer about applying for an afterschool job (mowing lawns, babysitting, working at a library). Share examples and discuss what makes an email appropriate.


• Putting it Together –Communication Activities for Youth Level 2, National 4-H Cooperative Curriculum , Inc.

2007 INDIANA 4-H CONGRESS Page Technology in Communication 3 of 4

Communication Device Worksheet

Instructions: Brainstorm a list of communication devices (landline, cell phone, Fax machine, emails, internet, text messages, instant messages, pagers, etc.). For each device, write an example of when you would use it and the proper etiquette to use with each device when communicating with friends, family, teachers, employers, and other professionals.

Communication When would you use it? Tips for proper etiquette Device

2007 INDIANA 4-H CONGRESS Page Technology in Communication 4 of 4

Test Your Technology in Communication Knowledge

1. It is okay to use abbreviations when emailing an employer if you are really close.


2. Which of the following is not a form of communication that uses technology?

A. Fax B. Speaking C. Text Messaging D. Email

3. Name two things you must watch out for when communicating with technology.