/f75 Netionel Institute on Drug Abuse ional ectory Drug Abuse Treatment Programs AND WELFARE UAL DEPARllNENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, puN@Heelh Servtce NieleL Drug Abuse, end MenieiHeeNh Mninieiralon National Institute on Drug Abuse National Directory of Drug Abuse Treatment Programs

U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Pubhc Health Serwce Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE 11400 Rockwlle Pike Rockwlle, Maryland 20852 DHEW Publication No (ADM) 76-321 Pnnted 1976 FOREWORD

The growth of drug abuse treatment programs throughout the country is the result of a successful, cooperative effort among Federal, State, and local agencies engaged in providmg treatment services. This rapid expansion of treatment capacity came with the national recognition that treatment services must be balanced with drug enforcement efforts to provide meaningful programs to control the drug abuse problem. The extent of this mcrease can be seen in the growth of Federal programs which increased from 36 programs in 1971 to 376 programs in 1975.These programs, combined with the resources from State, local, and private organizations, support over 3,800 treatment service points. This National Directory is an important resource for individuals who seek treatment and referral agencies and require information on the location and availability of different types of drug abuse programs and services. We hope it will also promote communication in the drug abuse field by facihtating the exchange of expenences, ideas, and methods among treatment personnel

Robert L. DuPont, M.D. Director National Institute on Drug Abuse PREFACE

The National Directory of Drug Abuse Treatment Programs is a compdation of approximately 3,800 Federal, State, local, and pnvately funded agencies responsible for the administration or provision of drug abuse treatment services throughout the United States and its terntones The descnptive information, primanly consistmg of the location and services of each program, was derived from the 1975 National Drug Abuse Treatment Utihzation Survey This survey was conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse to assess treatment capacity and chents in treatment as of June 30, 1975 The Directory was prepared to serve as a resource tool for program managers, treatment personnel, clients, and other persons interested in the location and activities of treatment service units and their admmistrative agencies Programs werc included if they were identified as a therapeutic community, halfway house, or free chnic, and if they were engaged in one or more of the following activities administrative services, treatment and rehabilitation programs, central mtake facilities, crisis intervention programs, and other support services such as counselmg Hotlmcs, cnsts centers, and programs engaged in other mformation, education, counsehng, or prevention activities were included only if they were also providing a treatment/rehabilitation service The pubhcation is orgamzcd alphabetically by State, and the entnes are alphabetized by city and then by program name withm the city Each entry consists of identifying information mcludmg program name, address, telephone number, director's name, and a descnptton of the program's activities Additionally, a malonty of thc treatment service cntrtcs include mformation on the services (modahttes) offered and thc environment in which they are provided The Directory will be updated following each Utilization Survey We hope you wdl find it a useful resource Please send your comments to us

The Staff of the National Cleannghouse 1'or Drug Abuse Information STATE DRUG ABUSE AUTHORITIES

George C Culver, Director Frank D Nelson, Director State Drug Program Bureau of Drug Abuse Prevention State Department of Mental Health 1323 Winewood Boulevard 145 Moulton Street Tallahassee, Flonda 32301 Montgomery, Alabama 36104 (904) 488-6108 (205) 265-2301 Jane Campion, Director Ms Mary Beth Hilburn Alcohol and Drug Section State Office of Drug Abuse Georgia Department of Human Resources Pouch H 01D 618 Ponce de Leon Avenue Juneau, Alaska 99811 Atlanta, Georgia 30308 (907) 586-3585 (404) 8944785

Mr James F Bailey Mr Timothy Wee, Acting Director Chief, Community Programs State Substance Abuse Agency Division of Behavioral Health 1250 Punch Bowl Street 2500 East Van Buren Street Honolulu, Hawau 96813 Phoemx, Arizona 85007 (602) 271-3438 Samuel B Adams, Actmg Chief Bureau of Substance Abuse Miles Waldron, Coordinator 327 L B J Building Dept of Social & Soc Rehabihtative Services Boise, Idaho 83720 4120 West Markham (208) 384-3340 Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 (501) 371-2604 Thomas Kirkpatnck, Executive Director Ilhnois Dangerous Drugs Commission Stewart Snyder 300 North State Street Executive Director Chicago, Illinois 60610 State Office of Narcotics and Drug Abuse (312) 822-9860 915 Capitol Mall Sacramento, Cahfornia 95814 William F Gnglak (916) 322-3086 Division of Addiction Services 5 Indiana Square Graydon Dorsch, Director lndianapohs, Indiana 46222 Alcohol &. Drug Abuse Division (317) 6334477 Department of Health 4210 East 11th Avenue Fred S Bnnkley, Jr, Director Denver, Colorado 80220 Iowa Drug Abuse Authonty (303) 388-6111 615 E 14th Street, Suite D State Capitol Complex Walter Stewart, Executive Director Des Momes, Iowa 50319 Drug Advisory Council (515) 281-3641 90 Washington Street Hartford, Connecticut 06115 Dr Francis Gerner, Director (203) 566-3403 Drug Abuse Umt Alcohol and Drug Abuse Section Wilham B Mernll, Coordinator Department of Social Rehabihtation Services Division of Drug Abuse Control 2014 N Topeka Boulevard 3000 Newport Gap Pike Topeka, Kansas 66608 Wilmmgton, Delaware 19808 (913) 296-3925 (302) 998-0527 Howard Rosenberg, Director Chester Wlute, Acting Chief Section on Drug Abuse Drug Planmng Branch Bureau of Health Services 614 'H' Street, N W 275 East Main Room 713 Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Washington, D C 20001 (502) 564-7450 (202) 6294034 STATE DRUG ABUSE AUTHORITIES

Calvit Bankston, Admin Officer Paul Cohen, Chief Bureau of Substance Abuse Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 200 Lafayette Street 1803 North Carson Street Weber Buildmg Carson City, Nevada 89701 Seventh Floor (702) 885-4790 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804 (504) 389-2534 George E Tice, Drub Abuse Coordinator 3 Capitol Street Mrs Marilyn Mclnnis, Director Room 405 Office of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Prevention (603) 271-2754 32 Winthrop Street Augusta, Mame 04330 Richard J Russo, Actmg Director (207) 289-2141 Division of Narcotic and Drug Abuse Control Department of Health Benlamin White, Actmg Director P 0 Box 1540 Drug Abuse Admmistration Trenton, New Jersey 08625 201 West Preston Street (609) 292-5760 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 (301) 383-3624 Steven Morgan, Coordinator State Drug Abuse Office Virgmia Burns, Act Asst Commissioner 505 Don Gaspar Division of Drug Rehabihtation Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Department of Mental Health (505) 827-3251 190 Portland Street Boston, Massachusetts 02114 Daniel Klepak, Acting Cominissioncr (617) 727-8614 New York Office of Drug Abuse Services Executive Park South J. Irvin Nichols, Director Albany, New York 12203 Office of Substance Abuse Service (518) 457-2965 3500 North Logan Street Lansing, Michigan 48914 F E Epps(Roy), Director (517) 373-8600 North Carolina Drug Commission 222 North Person Street Doyle Kirby, Actmg Director Suite 208 State Authority on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Raleigh, North Carohna 27611 Metro Square Building, Room 402 (919) 829-4555 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 296-4610 Richard D Elefson, Director Division of Alcoholism &. Drug Abuse David Neely Speights, Director 909 Basm Avenue Division of Drug Misuse Bisinarck, North Dakota 58505 1001 Lee State Office Buildmg (701) 224-2767 Jackson, Mississippi 39201 (601) 354-7640 Melvin Zwissler, Ph D, Chief Bureau of Drug Abuse Donald P Howard Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Division of Alcohohsm and Drug Abuse 2929 Kenny Road 2002 Missouri Boulevard Columbus, Ohio 43221 Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 (614) 466-7604 (314) 751-4942 Charles W Wnght, Coordmator George L Swartz, Drug Coordinator Drug Abuse Services Addictive Diseases Umt P 0 Box 53277 Montana State Department of Institutions 408-A North Walnut Street 1236 East 6th Avenue Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 Helena, Montana 59601 (405) 521-2811 (406) 449-4827 Clark Crum, State Drug Coordmator Jeffrey Kushner, Executive Duector Mental Health Division Nebraska Commission on Drugs 2570 Center Street, N E 'M' 1342 Street Salem, 97310 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 (503) 378-2163 (402) 471-2691 STATE DRUG ABUSE AUTHORITIES

Director Richard Horman, Ph D. Ms Patty W Fowler, Abuse Control Executive Director Virgima Division of Drug Governor's Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse 901 Nmth Street Office Building Virginia 23219 of the Governor Richmond, Office 786-8517 Riverside Office Building —One (804) North Front Street 2101 Admmistrator Pennsylvama 17110 Howard Senter, Harrisburg, Office (717) 787-9857 Drug Abuse Prevention Capitol Center Building, Room 900 Administrator Olympia, Washington 98504 Dan Mellor, 753-3073 Rhode Island Drug Abuse Program (206) Budding 303 E Washington, Director General Hospital Raymond of Alcohohsm and Drug Abuse Rhode Island Medical Center Division 02920 State Capitol Cranston, Rhode Island 25305 (401) 464-2091 Charleston, West Virgmia (304) 348-3616 William J McCord, Duector Monson, Drug Abuse Program Coordinator South Carohna Commission on Alcohol and Larry Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Abuse Bureau of Drug Room 523 Box 4616 I West Wilson Street, Post Office 53702 South Carohna 29240 Madison, Wisconsin Columbia, 266-7010 (803) 758-2521 (608) Robert Adams, Planning Director Roger D Mernman, Director Office of Drug Abuse Services Division of Drugs and Substances Control of Health State Office Budding Department 82001 Capitol Buildmg Cheyenne, Wyoming State 777-7351 Pierre, South Dakota 57501 (307) (605) 224-3123 Wilham Sitnik Abuse Coordmator Elhott Ward, Director Drug Memorial Hospital Alcohol and Drug Abuse Section Box AX 4th Floor Post Office Guam 96910 226 Capitol Boulevard Buildmg Agana, Capitol Boulevard Ceceha Cooper, Ph D Nashvdle, Tennessee 37219 (615) 741-1921 Chief of Mental Health Department of Health Services the High Commissioner Jack Baylor, Director Office of Manana Islands 96950 Drug Abuse Prevention Division Saipan, Department of Commumty Affairs Rafael Santos del Valle Post Office Box 13166 Hon Secretary Capitol Station Addiction Control Services Texas 78711 Department of Austin, B-Y (512) 475-6351 Post Office Box Rio Piedras Station Puerto Rico 00928 Bob Chiistiansen, Duector Rio Piedras, 766-1107 and 763-7575 Division of Alcohohsm and Drugs (809) 554 South Thud Street, East A Moorehead Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Dr George (801) 533-6532 Executive Director Comnussion on Alcoholism and Narcotics Department of Health Mr James Leddy, Director Frankhn Building, 3rd Floor Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division Charlotte Amahe Agency of Human Services Islands 00801 Office Building St Thomas, Virgm State 774-6909 Montpeher, Vermont 05602 (809) (802) 828-2721 CONTENTS



DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS 155 Alabama I Nebraska 157 Alaska 4 Nevada 159 Anzona 5 New Hampshire 161 Arkansas 10 New Jersey 171 Cahfornia 14 New Mexico 176 Colorado 52 New York 220 Connecticut 56 North Carolma 223 Delaware 63 North Dakota 224 Distnct of Columbia 65 Ohio 234 Flonda 68 Oklahoma 239 Georgia 75 Oregon . 241 Hawau 81 Pennsylvama 262 Idaho 84 Puerto Rico 269 Ilhnois 85 Rhode Island Indiana 93 South Carohna 271 276 Iowa . 98 South Dakota 277 Kansas . 101 Tennessee 281 Kentucky . 103 Texas 287 Louisiana 110 Utah 291 Maine . . 113 Vermont . 293 Maryland 114 Virgm Islands 294 Massachusetts 120 Virgima 299 Mictugan . . 129 Washington 144 West Virginia . . 305 , Mmncsota 308 Mississippi . 147 Wisconsm Missoun . . 149 Wyoming 311 Montana . 153 ALABAMA

BIRMINGHAM (205) 780-2094 Actmty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Therapeutic Co Birmingham Urban League University of Alabama Brrmmgham Hospital 1635 20th Way North 1919 7th Avenue South Brrmmgham, AL 35230 Btrmmgham, AL 35233 (205) 254-8008 (205) 934-5164 Duector Wdham Monroe Ducctor Claudio Toro Treatment/Rehabihtation Actmty Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free, Detoxficatron, Maintenance Residential Environment Environment inpatient Hospital Mental Health Center Eastsule Unn ersity of Alabama in Birmmgham Birmingham, AL 35205 1700 7th Avenue South (205) 833-3460 Brrmmgham, AL 35294 Director Joseph Nash (205) 934-2118 Treatment/Rehabihtation Activl ty Director John Lord Semces Drug-free Actmty Admmistrativc Environment Outpatient

Freedom House ENSLEY 1207 15th Street South Birmingham, AL 35233 Birmingham Urban League (Outpatient) (205) 323-2568 2017 F Avenue, Bmlding F Director Lcland Gray Ensley, AL 35218 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (205) 787-9686 Services Drug-free Director Barbara Burton Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Program Narcotic Addiction Treatment Environment Outpatient 3015 7th Avenue South Bammgham, AL 35233 (205) 252-9325 GADSDEN Director Dr Walden Retan Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Ced Drug Alert Center Services Drug-free, Detoxification, 101 Hoke Street Mamtenance, Medical Gadsden, AL 35903 Environment Outpatient (205) 546-6324 Ducctor Ray Crowder Salvation Army Girls Lodge Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Rap House 1509 12th Avenue South Bummgham, AL 35205 Etowah-Cherokee-Dekalb Mental Center (205) 933-0717 901 Goodyear Avenue Director John H Lord Gadsden, AL 36540 Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation (205) 492-7800 Services Drug-free Duector James Cody Residential Environment Outpatient, Actmty Admimstrative

Smolian Cluuc (Univ Outpt) 1700 7th Avenue South HUNTSVILLE Brrmmgham, AL 35294 (205) 934-2118 Cup Ihrector Claudio Toro 902 Bob Wallace Avenue, Suite 6 Actmty Treatment/Rehablhtatron, Central Intake Huntsville, AL 35801 Semces Drug-free (205) 539-0453 Environment Outpatient Duector Wcs Jeter Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation Teen Challenge Services Drug-free 524 15th Street fnvrronment Outpatient Birmmgham, AL 35211 ALABAMA NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

Huntsvdle Madison Company Montgomery, AL 36107 Mental Health Board (205) 263-0571 Huntsville, AL 35801 (205) 5 39-3754 Director Ronald Frambach Actmty Adnunistrative Director Wdham Goodman Actmty Admmistrative Doorway Mount Meigs, AL 36057 (205) 272-9100 IRONDALE Services Duector Jim Poltevant Aletheia House, Inc Actnnty Treatment/Rehabihtation Route 18 Drug-free hondale, AL 35201 Environment Outpatient (205) 591-5475 Director Ron Yount, Jr. MOUNT VERNON Actnnty Treatment/Rehabihtation Sernces Drug-free Searcy Hospital Environment Residential Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center Mount Vernon, AL 36560 (205) 829-2841 MOBILE Director Kay McLeod Gateway Drug Treatment Center Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation 507 Stahon Road Mobile, AL 36617 (205) 476-1750 OPELIKA Director David Degruy East Ala Mental Health Center Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation 1930Pepperell Parkway Sennces Drug-free, Detoxitication, Mamtenance Opehka, AL 36801 Environment Outpatient (205) 749-1037

Mobile Mental Health Center Duector James Walters 555 Stanton Road Actmty Admimstrative Mobile, AL 36601 (205) 476-1750 Karma Drug Treatment Center 1930Pepperell Parkway Director Dr. Wilham Simpson Opehka, AL 36801 Activity Admuustrative (205) 749-0378 Duector Jim Gaylor MONTGOMERY Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation SeMccs Drug-free Dept. of Mental Health Environment Outpatient Ihv. of Drug Abuse 145 Moulton Avenue Montgomery, AL 20526 SELMA Director George Culver Cahaba House Activity Admmistrative 536 Washington Street Selma, AL 36701 Desmond Place (205) 875-7878 439 Clayton Street Montgomery, AL 36104 Duector Kay Whaley (205) 265-1848 Actmty Treatment/Rehabrhtation Sepnces Drug-free Director Doug Lmdley Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Sennces. Drug-free Cahaba Regional Mental Health Center Environment Residential, Daycare 108 Church Street Selma, AL 36701 Gred Hospital (205) 875-2053 2140 Upper Wetumpka Road Montgomery, AL 36107 Director Clyde Walker Actmty Admmtstratrve Director Clark Case Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation Sennces Drug-free SYLACAGA Environment Inpatient Hospital Clay-Randolph-Talladega Mental Health Center Montgomery Area Mental Health 15 North Hrghtower 1616 Mount Meigs Road Sylacaga, AL 35150 ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS

(205) 245-2202 Director. Marilyn Lauber Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Rap House


Bryce Hosp Alc and Drug Trtm Ctr Bryce Hospital Station 3 Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 (205) 752-7411 Director: Jim Harpole Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free Environment: Inpatient Hospital ALASKA


Future House State Drug Abuse Program 1011West 30th Avenue Pouch H Anchorage, AK 99503 Juneau, AK 99801 (907) 2724477 (907) 465-3366 Due ctor Jahns Gordon Duector Mary Beth Hdburn Acunty Treatment/Rehabihtation Acuvity Admuustrative Sernces Drug-free Ennronment Residential NOME Gaab Drug Abuse Sernces 835 D Street Nome Walk In Center Anchorage, AK 99501 Nome, AK 99762 (907) 279-1408 (907) 279-1408 Ihrector Jack Heesch Duector Lynne C. Tobm Activity. Adnumstrative Actinty Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Traimng, Education, Information, Hothne/Prevention Narcotic Drug Treatment Center Sernces. Drug-free 403 West 8th Street Environment Outpatient Anchorage, AK 95501 (907) 274-3911 Ihrector Mike Waltt, M.S.W. NORTH POLE Actinty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Sernces. Detoxdication, Maintenance Arctic Cache Ennronment: Outpatient Bm 933 North Pole, AK 99705 The Family Rap (907) 488-2222 2825 West 42nd Place Director: June Mulhns Anchorage, AK 99503 Acunty Treatment/Rehabihtation (907) 279.5502 Sernces Drug-free Ihrector Teresa J. Stahlman Ennionment. Residenual Acuvity ' Treatment/Rehabihtatton, prevention Services: Drug-free Ennronment Outpatient


Fairbanks Drug 'vestment Center 1949 Gdlam Fairbanks, AK 99701 (907) 456-5715 Director Frank Gold Activity: Treatment/Rehabthtation, Central Intake Services Mamtenance Ennionment. Outpatient bland Counseling Center 543 8th Avenue Fairbanks, AK 99701 (907)452-1841 Director: Paul J. Pestka Actrnty: Treatment/Rehabihtauon SeMces Drug-free Ennronment Outpatient ARIZONA

BISBEE GLOBE Abuse SEADAC-Bisbee Gda Council on Alcohol and Drug P.O. Drawer CV 115West Oak Btsbee, AZ 85603 Globe, AZ 85501 (602) 458-3737 (602) 4254893 Director Ray Gray Director Spec Arney Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Drug-free Services Drug-free Services Prison Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient,

CASA GRANDE KINGMAN Clinic Inc Central Anzona MH Chiuc Mohave Mental Health 102 North Florence Street 305 West Beale Street Casa Grande, AZ 85222 Krngman, AZ 86401 (602) 868-5751 (602) 7534268 Maurice Ruland Director Alien Lazere Director Dr. Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Admuustrative Activity Services Drug-free onment Outpatient Final A/DA Council Mt Drug Prev Center Envu 111West First Street Casa Grande, AZ 85222 (602) 836-0648 MESA Director Richard L. Barnes Prehab of Mesa Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation P.O. Drawer G Detoxification Services Drug-free, Mesa, AZ 85201 Environment Outpatient (602) 834-7777 Director Larry M. Simmons COTTONWOOD Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation ; Services Drug-free Outpatient, Residential Verdi Valley Comm Guid Clc Envuonment 19 East Beech Street Cottonwood, AZ 86326 (602) 634-2236 NOGA LES Director Lois Bell Santa Cruz County Health Dept Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon 200 La Castellana Drive Services Drug-free Nogales, AZ 85621 Environment Outpatient (602) 287-5679 Due ctor Tad Pfister FLAGSTAFF Activity Adnunrstratrve Guidance CTR-DA Cocoruno Comm Guid Clc Addict Srvs Santa Cruz Fam 206 West Hunt Street 638 Arroyo Boulevard Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Nogales, AZ 85621 (602) 779-0383 (602) 287-4713 lhrector. Chnton Reynolds Duector. James R. Welden Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Activity Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient

NACGC 611 North Leroux PHOENIX Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (602) 774-5097 Abibifo Korye Kuw lnc 2336 East Broadway Road Mdler Director. Maurice Phoenix, AZ 85040 Activity Adnumstrative ARIZONA NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

(602) 276-5571 St Joseph's Hosp and Med Ctr Ihrector Rev. F. Parker 350 West Thomas Road Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Phoenix, AZ 85013 Services Drug-free, Maintenance (602) 277-6611 Envuonment. Outpatient Duector Raymond S. Caviness Activity. CODAC Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free 760 East McDowell Road Envuonment Outpatient Phoenix, AZ 85006 (602) 252-8985 St Luke's Hospital Medical Center Ihrector Mary Beth Colhns 525 North 18th Street Acuvity Admnustrative Phoenix, AZ 85006 (602) 258-7373 D/A Prgms Ariz Dept of Health Services Duector Donald Damstra 2500 East Van Buren Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Phoenix, AZ 85008 Services (602) 2714525 Drug-free; Detoxification Envuonment Outpatient: Inpatient Hospital Duector Sarah Weissinger Activity Admuustrative Teen Challenge 2626 North Seventh Street Maricopa Co Gen Hosp-Psych Unit Phoenix, AZ 85006 2601 East Roosevelt (602) 2794891 Phoenix, AZ 85008 Duector John (602) 267-5011 Sanchez Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation lhrector Dr. Stuart Holhngsworth Services Drug-tree Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Residential Services Detoxification Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Terros Inc 502 West Roosevelt Street Maricopa Co Juvenile Probahon Substance Abuse Phoemx, AZ 85003 3105 East Durango Street (602) 257-8118 Phoerux, AZ 85034 Duector (602) 26%4011 Wdham K. Ponder Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Cnsis Intervention Ihrector Raymond Garcia Services Drug-free, Chemotherapy Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Valle Del Sol 1209 South Fust Avenue New Arizona Family Inc Phoenn, AZ 85003 1250 South Seventh Avenue (602) 258-7453 Phoemx, AZ 85003 Duector Tino (602) 258-8011 Deanda Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Brian Bigelow Services Drug-free, Mamtenance Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonment Outpatmnt Services Drug-free Envuonment. Outpatient, Residential PRESCOTT New Foundation 3025 West McDowell Road West Yavapai Guidance Ginic Phoenix, AZ 85009 500 South Marina Street (602) 269-2557 Prescott, AZ 86301 Duector ' Ken Cross (602) 445-7730 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Duector. Bob Bucluccluo Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient North Mountain Behavorial Institute 2836 East Van Buren Street Phoenix, AZ 85008 (602) 9444641 SAFFORD Duector Geraldme Gibbons SEADAC-Safford Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation P.O. Box 511 Services Drug-free Safford, AZ 85546 Envuonment. Residential (602) 458-3737 ARIZONA ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS

Ducctor Jim Rarnvdle SeMCCS Drug-free, Detoxification Inpatmnt Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Outpatient, Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Famdy Counseling Agency 151 South Tucson Boulevard Tucson, AZ 85716 SIERRA VISTA (602) 622-7763 Duector Leonard Banes Vista SEADAC-Sierra Activity Treatment/Rehabditatron 1201 Fry Boulevard Services Drug-free Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 Environment Outpatient (602) 458-3737 Ihrector D. Bruce Macmms Hope Center Central Acuvity Admuustrattve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron 260 South Scott Street Services Drug-free Tucson, AZ 85701 Environment' Outpatient (602) 884-8470 Dnector Arnold QurJada Activity Treatment/Rehabditation ST JOHNS Services Drug-free, Maintenance Environment Outpatient Apache County Guidance Chnic Fran Whiting Memorial Hospital Intervention and Education St Johns, AZ 85936 Tucson Awareness House (602) 3374301 Tucson, AZ 85705 ihiector Laver1 Wilhelm (602) 622-2851 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Howie Newman Services. Drug-free Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Prevention Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient

Palo Verde Hospital 801 South Prudence Road Tri-City M/H Ctr-Full Circle Tucson, AZ 85710 123 East University Drive (602) 298-3363 Tempe, AZ 85285 Kuhr (602) 834-1411 Duector Dr. Bernard Acuvity Treatment/Rehabditation, Hothne Ihrector Dee Garnson Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Environment Inpatient Hospital Services Drug-free, Detoxification Envuonment Outpatient Puna County General Hospital 2900 South 6th Avenue Tucson, AZ 85713 TUCSON (602) 624-2721 Tom Conner Amity House Ihrector 0 Treatment/Rehabditation 9650 East Old Spanish Trail Activity Detoxification Tucson, AZ 85710 Services Hospital (602) 886-5557 Envuonment Inpatient Ihrector Donna Beran Tucson Awareness House DF Ctnuc Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 130South Plumer Services Drug-free Tucson, AZ 85716 Environment Residenual (602) 622-2851 Patricia Conlee CODAC of Fima County Ihrector. Adnunistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron 151 South Tucson Boulevard Activity. Drug-free Tucson, AZ 85716 Services Outpatient (602) 3274505 Environment Director Kenneth Geis Tucson East CMHC Activity Admhustrative 4455 East Fifth Street Tucson, AZ 85712 Drug Dependence Treatment Ctr (602) 8854787 Tucson VA Hospital Johnson AZ 85723 Director. Dr. Judy Tucson, Treatment/Rehabditauon (602) 792-1450 Activity Services Drug-free Ihrector Thomas J Cox Environment: Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Admiiustrative ARIZONA NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

Tucson-Puna Drug Abuse Chnic WILLCOX 242 South Plumer Avenue Tucson, AZ 85713 (602) 882-8688 SEA DAC-Will cox Wdlcox Commuruty Center Director Ethel Mitchell Wdlcox, AZ 85643 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (602) 458-3737 Semces Drug-free, Detoxification Director Tern Dunn Environment Outpatient, Daycare Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Tucson/Southern Counties MH Services Environment Outpatient 1935 South 6th Avenue Tucson, AZ 85713 (602) 884-8470 WINS LOW Ihrector Gdbert Sanchez Activity Adnuiustrative Navalo Co Guidance Chute 1015 East Second Street Youth Service Bureau Wmslow, AZ 86047 646 South Sixth Avenue (602) 289-3383 Tucson, AZ 85701 Duector Dr. 882-0670 Coy Campbell (602) Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Salomon R. Baldenegro Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Environment Outpauent Scmces Drug-free Environment Outpatient YUMA 3 HO Foundation of Arizona 1050 North Cherry Avenue Awareness House of Yuma Tucson, AZ 85719 712 South Second Avenue (602) 327-9953 Yuma, AZ 85364 (602) 783-5411 Ihrector Sat Nam Singh Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Ducctor Margaret McCue Semces Drug-free, Detoxification Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Prevention Environment Outpatient, Residential Services Drug-free, Detoxification Environment Outpatient, Residenual Casa De Vida 410 South 6th Avenue Catholic Social Services Tuscon, AZ 85701 2450 South Fourth Avenue (602) 623-6194 Yuma, AZ 85364 (602) 344-2840 Duector Frank Dicataldo Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron Director Rusty Allen Semces Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Residential Semces Drug-free Environment Outpatient Hope Center East 4425 East 5th Street Yuma Co Health Dept Tuscon, AZ 85712 201 Second Avenue (602) 8814230 Yuma, AZ 85364 (602) 7824534 Ihrector Ace Cooper Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation Director A. J. Ochsner Semces Mamtenance Acuvity Adnurustrative Environment Outpatient Yuma Co Council on A/D Abuse 2675 Fourth Ave WHITERIVER Yuma, AZ 85364 (602) 344-3565 Apache Tribal Guidance Chnic Director. Norman Bann P.O. Box 10&6 Activity Treatment/Rehabditaton Whiteriver, AZ 85941 Semces Drug-free (602) 3384811 Environment Outpatient Dnector Don Ostendorf Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Yuma County Guidance Chmc Semces Drug-free 1700 First Avenue Environment Outpatient Yuma, AZ 85364 (602) 783-0197 ARIZONA ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS

Director Richard O. Gundersen Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free Environment. Outpatient ARKANSAS

ARKADELPHIA CROSSETT Ouachlta Regional Counseling and MHC Delta Coun and Guid 412 Crittenden Center Street Cnssett Qinic Arkadelphia, AR 71923 Cmssett, AR 71635 (S01)793-7S83 (501) 3644471 Director: Dr. D. Martin Director: Tom Grunden Actlvlty: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation

DERMOTT BATESVILLE Delta Coun and Guld Center North Central Arkansas MHC Dermott Qlnlc Highway 25 North Dermott, AR 71638 Batesvtile, AR 72501 (501) 538.3892 (S01)268-2449 Director: Tom Grunden Director: Bill L. Huddleston Activity: Treatment/RehabiTitation Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Information; Crisis Intervention Services: Drug-free DUMAS Environment: Outpatient Delta Coun and Guid Center Dumas Qhdc Dumas, AR 71639 BENTONVILLE (SOI) 3814371 Director: Tom Grunden Ozark Guidance Center Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Bentonville Center Bentonville, AR 72712 (501)273-2113 EL DORADO Director: Robert Johnson Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation; Central Intake; South Arkansas Regional MHC Education; Information, Hotline 715 North College Avenue El Dorado, AR 71730 (501) 862-5491 Director: Jack Wright BERRYVILLE Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Educaton; Information Ozatk Guidance Center Services. Drug-free eenyvtlle Center Environment: Outpatient Benyvtlle, AR 72716 (501)423.2758 Director: Robert Johnson FORT SMITH Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake; Western Ark Couns and Education; Information; Guid Center Hotline 910South 12th Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 (501) 7854263 CONWAY Director: B.R. Kennemer Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake; Human Serv Ctr of West Central Ark Information SS7 Locust Street Services: Drug-free Conway, AR 72032 Environment: Outpatient (501)968-1298 Director: Dr. L. Cole HARRISON Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Informaton Ozark Regional MHC Services: Drug-free Harrison Qlnlc Environment: Outpatient Hanison, AR 72601

10 ROCK (501) 365-8216 LITTLE Ihrector Raymond E. Smith Ark Comp Drug Treatment Prog Actrnty Treatment/Rchabihtation 4120 West Markham Street Services Drug-free Little Rock, AR 72205 Ennronment Outpatient (501) 661 2109 Director Franlue Walhngford Administrative HELENA Actmty Ark D/A Prevention-SRS East Arkansas Regional MHC 4120 West Markham Street 305 Valley Drive 72205 72342 Little Rock, AR Helena, AR 661-2109 (501) 7354923 (501) Waldron Richard Maxwell Director Miles Duector: Adnumstrative, Trainmg, Education, Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Information Actinty Actrnty. Information Semces. Drug-free Environment OutpatMnt Arkansas Mental Health Services 4313 Matkham Street Rock, AR 72203 HOT SPRINGS Little (501)666-0181 Ouachita Regional Counseling and MHC Duector Bdl C. Rodgers Hot Springs Center Actinty Treatment/Rehabihtation Hot Springs, AR 71901 Services Drug-free, Detoxification (501)624-7111 Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Director Dr. Donald Martin Councd of Central Arkansas Actrnty. Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Central Intake Community Area Prevention Prgm Sernces. Drug-free Metropohtdn D/A AR 72201 Ennronment. Outpatient Little Rock, (501) 372-1221 Ihrector A. Joe Timmons HUNTSVILLE Actmty Ad muustrative

Ozark Guidance Center EDA of Pulaski County Huntsville Center 1014West 11th Street Huntsville, AR 72740 Little Rock, AR 72202 (501) 382-8785 (501) 372-3373 Ihrector Robert Johnson Director Preston D. Robmson Intake, Activity: Treatment/lkchabthtation, Central Activity Treatment/Rehabihtaton Education, Information, Hothne Sernces Drug-free Environment Residential

JACKSONVILLE Gyst House Urban League of Greater Little Rock Family Service Agency Little Rock, AR 72206 1500 West Main (501) 375-4214 Jacksonvdle, AR 72076 Gene Gibbins 982-7515 Ihrector (501) Actinty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information, ihrector Jack Seward Hothne/Referral Actmty Treatment/Rehabrhtation Sernces. Drug-free Services Drug-free Ennronment Outpatient, Residential Environment Outpatient St Francis House 2214 Battery Street JONESBORO Little Rock, AR 72202 (501) 374-7062 Jackson Mental Health Center Geoqe W Duector Beverly Fennell 1078 Arkansas Semces Center Room Actinty Treatment/Rehabihtanon Jonesboro, AR 72401 972-4065 (501) Teen Challenge of Arkansas Ihrector Ted Spurlock 1701 Center Street Central Intake, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtaton, Little Rock, AR 72206 Education, Information, Walk-In Cluucs (501) 376-7191 Sernces Drug-free Troy Colher Environment. Outpatient Director NATIONAL DIRECTORY Or DRVC

Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information, NEWPORT Hothne Services Drug-free North Central Arkansas MHC Envuonment Residential Newport Service Center Newport, AR 72112 Urban League of Greater Iittle Rock (501) 523-8114 600 West 9th Street Little Rock, AR 72201 Director Wilham Huddlcston (501) 374-6431 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation, Information, Cnsis Intervention Director Gene A. Ervrn Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Educaton, Outreach-Aftercare NORTH LIMNI'LE ROCK

Famdy Service Agency of Pulaski Co 2700 Willow Street North Little Rock, AR 72115 Ouachita Regional Counseling and MHC (501) 758-1516 Malvern Chmc Malvern, AR 72104 Ihrector Jack Seward (501) 332-5236 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Services Drug-free Ihrector Dr. Donald Martin Environment Outpatient Actmty Treatment/Rehabthtation, Central Intake Veterans Admuustration Hospital McGEHEE Drug Dependence Treatment Center North Izttle Rock, AR 72114 (501) 372-8361 Delta Coun and Guid Center McGehee Chnic Ihrector Sydney R. Ogden McGehee, AR 71654 Actmty Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Trammg, Education, (501) 367-6202 Information Services Drug-free. Detoxrficatton Director. Tom Grunden Envuonmcnt Outpatient, Inpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Hospital

OZARK MENA Western Arkansas C and G Ctr Western Arkansas C and G Ctr Ozark Chnic Mens Service Center Ozark, AR 72949 Mens, AR 71953 (501)667-2497 (501) 394-5277 Director B.R. Kennemer ihrector Peter Kennemer Actmty Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Information Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation, Information PINE BLUFF MONTICELLO SE Arkansas Mental Health Ctr Delta Counsehng and Guidance Inc Pme Bluff Center Monticello Center Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Monticello, AR 71655 (501) 534-1834 (501) 3674202 Ihrector Clarence Perkms Ihrector Thomas Grunden Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation Actmty Treatment/Rehabthtatron Services Drug-free Semces Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Environment. Outpatient RUSSELLVILLE MOUNTAIN HOME Human Service Center 319South Commerce Ozark Regional MHC Mountain Russellville, AR 72801 Home Clinic (501) 329-2989 Mountain Home, AR 72653 (501)4254439 Duector Dr. L. Cole Actmty Admiiustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Director Raymond E. Snuth Actmty Central Intake, Education, Information, Treatment/Rehabihtatron Hothne


Services Drug-free WYNNE Environment Outpatient East Arkansas Reyonal MHC Wynne Service Center SEARCY Wynne, AR 72396 (501) 238-8551 North Central Arkansas MHC Director Richard Maxwell 207 Locust Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Searcy, AR 72143 (501) 793-7583 Director Bdl Huddleston Activity Treatment/Rehabditabon, Information, Cnsis Intervention


Ozark Guidance Center Spimgdale Center Springdale, AR 72764 (501) 751-7052 thrector Robert Johnson Acnvrty Treatment/Rehabditabon, Central Intake, Education, Information, Hothne Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Southeast Arkansas MHC West Wyhe Street Star City, AR 71667 (501) 534-1834 Dnector Clarence Perkins Activity Treatment/Rehabibtation


Southeast Arkansas Ment Hlth Ctr Stuttgart Center Stuttgart, AR 72160 (501)673-1633 Director Clarence Perkins Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation


Eastern Arkansas Reyonal MHC West Memphis Service Center West Memphis, AR 72301 (501) 3384741 Ihrector Richard Maxwell Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron


Arkansas Juvenile Services Boys Training School Wrrghtsvrlle, AR 72183 (501) 897-4550 Director James Carter Activity Treatment/Rehabibtation, Training


ALAMEDA Arcadia, CA 91006 (213)446-2572 Xanthos House 1826 Clement Avenue Director Buck Norhn Alameda, CA 94501 Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation (415) 522-8363 Director Sue Matheson AUBURN Actmty Adnunistrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Trauung, Education, Information, Friends Indeed Awareness House Prevention/Counsehng 194 Maple Street SeMces Drug-free Auburn, CA 95603 Envuonment Outpatient (916)885-0442 Duector Terry L. Catahne ANAHEIM Actmty Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Traimng, Education, Information, Crisis Anaheim Psychological Center Counsehng 1695 West Crescent Avenue Services Drug-free, Detoxification Anaheim, CA 92801 Envuonment Outpatient (714) 956-2000 Sierra View Ment Hlth Services Ihrector Dr Mdlard Sall 230 Palm Avenue Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation Auburn, CA Services 95603 Drug-free (916)8854581 Environment Outpatient Due ctor Barney Lambert Free Chnic of Orange County Actmty Adnumstratrve, Treatment/Rehabilitation, 500A North Anaheim Boulevard Trarrung; Education, Information Anaheun, CA 92805 Services Drug-free, Detoxification (714) 956-1900 Environment Outpatient, Daycare, Inpatient Hospital Duector Howard Wade Actmty Admuustratrve, Traming, Education, BADGER Information, Free Chmc Synanon Foundation Inc Melody Land Hothne Center Ihghway J-21 Creek P.O. Box 999 Dry Road Badger, CA 93603 Anaheim, CA 92805 (209) 337-2881 (714) 778-1000 Actmty Treatment/Rehabditation, Trainmg, Ihrector George Wakehng Education, Information Actmty Adrmmstrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Services Drug-free Central Intake, Trairung, Education, Environment Residential Information, Hothne Drug-free Outpatient, Residential, Daycare, Prison BAKERSFIELD

CSO Brotherhood ANTIOCH Center 721 Summer Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Antioch Reach Proiect (805) 327-9376 2006 A Street Antioch, CA 94509 Ihrector Joe Torres, Jr. (415) 754-3673 Acuvtty Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Ihrector Rod Libbey Envuonment Outpatient Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Community Drug Counseling Environment Center Outpatient 400 Lakeview Avenue BakersBeld, CA 93307 327-9531 ARCADIA (805) Director Darlene Owens HOY Inc (Help Our Youth) Actmty Treatment/Rehabditation, Trauung, 100 North First Avenue Education; Information


Services: Drug-free BASSETT Environment: Outpatient Bassett Casa De Ayuda Drug Dlv Kern Co Mental Health Svcs P.O. Box 2324 1960 Flower Street Bassett, CA 91746 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (213) 330 3154 (805) 861-2251 Duector. Philip A. Valdez II ' Director: Pluhp M. Foley Acuvity Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Training; Services: Drug-free Education; Information; Diversion Environment: Residential Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient BELL FLOWER Golden Emphe Methadone Treatment Prog 1211 S Street Helpline Youth Counseling Inc Bakersfield, CA 93301 17117Clark Avenue (805) 327-5331 Bell Flower, CA 90706 (213)9201706 Director: Jon Buis Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education Duector Patrick D. O'Conner Services: Detoxification; Maintenance Activity: Admuustratrve; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Environment: Outpatient Hotline Services: Drug-free Kernview MHC and Hospital Environment Outpatient 3600 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 327-7621 BELMONT Sigmund A. Kosewick, M.D. Director: Hillcrest Mental Health Unit Admnustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation; Activity. 21 Tower Road Information Belmont, CA 94002 Detoxification; Mamtenance Services (415) 573-2105 Environment Outpatient Director: David S. Schwgrtz Training, Winners Circle Hotline Activity Adnunistrative, Central Intake, 700 19th Street Education; Information, Evaluation/ Bakerslield, CA 93301 Referral (805) 3224055 ' Director Tom Carey BERKELEY Activity: Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatron; Trairllllg Bridge Over Troubled Waters Drug-free Services: 1820 Scenic Avenue Residenual Environment: Berkeley, CA 94709 (415) 548-7270 BALDWIN PARK Director. Wilham Segesta Activt ty ' Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education; Baldwin Park Self Help Center Information 4640 Main Avenue Services Drug-free Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Environment. Residential (213) 9624913 Group Inc Saif R. Ullah Director: Durant Avenue Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; 2520 Activity: Berkeley, CA 94704 Information; Referral (415) 653-1055 Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Director: Joe B.Locaria Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Training; Education; Information BARSTOW Services: Drug-free; Detoxification Environment: Residential Hl.Desert Mental Health 112 East Williams Road Herrick Berkeley MMTP Barstow', CA 92311 2001 Dwight Way (714) 256-0376 Berkeley, CA 94704 (415) 845-0130 Director: Richard McCombs Activity: Admhdstrative; Central Intake; Training; Director: Dr. Geraldine Fink Education; Information; Hotline Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation


SeNices Miuntcnance Camarillo, CA 93010 Environment Outpatient (805) 485-7951 Director Helen Joyce BISHOP Activt ty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education Environment Pnson Mental Health Office 182 J Grove Street Camardio Substance Abuse Bishop, CA 93514 Camardlo State Hospital (714) 873-4251 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 4824671 Ihrector Malcolm Needham Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Margaret Albert Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation, Trarmng, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxification BLYTHE Environment Inpatient Hospital

Drug Program of the Desert 263 North Broadway CANOGA PARK Blythe, CA 92225 (714) 922-8158 CSDA Reentry Program No. I 20301 Haynes Street Director Ruth Packer Canoga Park, CA 91303 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (213) 884-0063 Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Director Gary Krupp Acuvtty Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free BREA Environment Residential

Brea Hospital Neuro. psychiatric Center War Home Counsehng Center 875 North Brea Boulevard 7304 Jordan Avenue Brea, CA 92621 Canoga Park, CA 91303 (714) 5294963 (213) 8664666 Director Stewart B.Hoover, M.D. Duector Diane Masuta Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton Activity. Treatment/Rehabthtation SeNices Detoxification Services Drug-free Environment Inpatient Hospital Envuonment Outpatient


Bridge Away Across Zemth House 4210 West Magnoha Boulevard 250 Lambert Road Burbank, CA 91505 Carpinterra, CA 93103 (213) 843-7444 (805) 969-5006 Ihrector Laura Tutich Director Marquerite Flood Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton Activity Adnumstrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatton SeNicas Drug-free SeNices Drug-free Environment Outpatient Environment Residenual


Calexico Meth Mamt Clime Carson Drug Program 319 East 3rd Street 22106 South Main Street Calexico, CA 92231 Carson, CA 90745 (714) 357-2919 (213) 8301171 Duector Amaha Katsigeaius, M.D. Director Michael D. Rodriquez Acuvity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Traimng, Central Intake, Information Information, Placement-Homes Mmntenance Services. Drug-free Outpatient Environment Outpatient


Cal Youth Authority-Ventura School Butte CMH Drug Couns/Ref Ctr 3100 Wright Road 1380 Longfellow Street


Cluco, CA 95926 Our House (916)345-7218 666 Third Avenue Chula Vista, CA 92010 Director Ted Klcmm (714) 420-3620 Actmty Admuustrattve, Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Central Intake, Traming, Education, Director Nancy L. Newhouse lnformahon, Referral Coordmation Actmty Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Information, Drop-In Services Drug-free Legal Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient

CHINA LAKE Vista Hdl Hospital 3 North Second Avenue CAAC Navy Cnslg and Asst Ctr Chula Vista, CA 92010 109 D Mitcher Street (714) 426-3300 Chma Lake, CA 93555 Director Norval R. Richardson (714) 939-2054 Actmty Adnumstrative, Treatment/Rehabdttation, Director Esther O'Nedl Training, Education, Informaton Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Tratnmg, Education, Informahon, Drop-In Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient COMPTON

Desert Counsehng Clinic Special Service Center P.O. Box 5246 1002 North Wdmmgton Avenue China Lake, CA 93555 Compton, CA 90222 (714)446-6514 (213) 537-5891 Director Gene P. Saint-Amand Duector Charles Morales Actmty Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Education, Actmty Treatment/Rchabdttatron, Central Intake, Information, Commumty Coordination Education, Information Drug-free Drug-free Outpatient Outpatient

CHINO CONCORD Chino Councd Soc Svc Concord Discovery Center 5220 D Street 1650 Mount Ihablo Street Chino, CA 91710 628-5111 Concord, CA 94520 (714) (415) 6824300 Patricia W Schaarsnuth Director Sloan Treatment/Rehabihtation, Informahon Director Carol Actmty Admrmstratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Drug-free, Mamtenance Actmty Services Central Intake, Trarnmg, Education, Environment. Outpahent, Pnson Informaton, I anuly Communication Services Drug-free Jericho House Environment Outpatient 5151 F Street 91710 Chino, CA Foundation Inc 628-9266 Teen Hope (714) 2820 Broadmoor Avenue Director Sonny Navarro Concord, CA 94520 Actmty Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Hothne (415) 689-5363 Services. Drug-free Director Stephen Sardella Environment Residenhal Actmty Treatment/Rehabditation Services. Drug-free Envnonment Residential CHULLA VISTA

Treat Prog MAAC Outpatient Drug CORONA 815 3rd Avenue CA 92010 &ula Vista, Center 422-9251 Cahfornia Rehab (714) P.O. Box 841 Director Etta Howard Corona, CA 91720 Actmty Treatment/Rehabditahon, Education, (714) 737-2683 Information, Supporhve Service Due ctor Roland Wood Drug-free Semces Actmty. Treatment/Rehabditation Environment. Outpatient, Residential


COSTA MESA Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trainmg, Education, Information Gay Community Center Services Drug-free 215 East 23rd Street Environment Residential Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 642-4253 Ihrector. John Rule DANVILLE Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Information, Counsehng Danvdlc Ihscovery Center Services Drug-free 350 Rose Envuonment Outpatient Danville, CA 94526 (415) 837-0505 Director COVINA Peter Strauss Actmty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information, Referral Services Drug-free Casa Del Notre/Casa De Ayuda Envuonment Outpatient 18252 Arrow Ihghway Covina, CA 91722 (213) 966-3997 DAVIS Ihrector Victor Gonzales Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation Davis Free Guuc Services Drug-free P.O. Box 276 Environment Outpatient, Residential Davis, CA 95616 (916) 758-2060 CRESCENT CITY Director Susan Schultz Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Mental Health Department Central Intake, Information, Psychological Route 2 Box E Test Crescent City, CA 95531 Drug-free (707) 464-9521 Out patient Director Dr. J. C. Kraus Actmty Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free DOWNEY Environment Outpatient Drug Treatment Center Building 305 Rancho Los Amigos Hospital CYPRES Downey, CA 90242 (213) 922-7425 Striught Talk Clinic Duector Leon Marder 5732 Camp Street Actnnty Admiiustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtauon; Cypres, CA 90630 Traiiung, Education, Information, 24-hr (714) 828-2000 Medical Back-Up Director Chuck Starr Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication Envuonment ' Inpatient Acuvrty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trainmg, Hospital Information, Referrals Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient EL CAJON

Crisis House DANA POINT 127 West Main Street El Calon, CA 92020 Capistrano by the Sea Hospital (714) 444-1194 33915 Del Obispo Road Dana Point, CA 92629 Duector. Herb Cheuvront (714) 496-5702 Actnnty Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Hothne —General Counsehng Khrector Douglas K Hammond Semces Drug-free Acuvity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Envuon ment, Outpatient Semces Detoxification Envuonment Inpatient Hospital E San Diego Co Mental Health Center 141 East Park Avenue Strught Ahead El Calon, CA 92020 34185 Coast Ihghway (714) 4400521 Dana Pomt, CA 92629 (714)496-0321 Duector Eric Ehason Actmty. Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, Duector John Bowler Information


EL CENTRO Activity Treatment/Rchabihtauon Services Drug-free, Detoxificabon, Maintenance Cathohc Community Service Environment Outpatient, Pnson 497 South Fourth Street El Centro, CA 92243 Ecce House Counsehng Service (714) 353-1020 2124 E Street Eureka, CA 95501 Director Larry Ratner (707) 443-4193 Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Director Judith G Bradford Environment Outpatient Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient EL MONTE Humboldt Famdy Svc Center El Monte Methadone Mamtenance Program 510 3rd Street 11013Valley Mall Eureka, CA 95501 El Monte, CA 91731 (707) 443-7358 (213)444-2558 Director L Mahoney Education, Director Ada I Olabarbeta Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Acbvity Treatment/Rehabilitation Informabon Services Maintenance Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient

Homboldt County Commumty Mental Health EL TORO 2200 Harnson Avenue Eureka, CA 95501 El Toro 3D Marine Atrwtng Counselmg Center (707) 443-4511 Marine Corps Air Stabon Duector D M Bramwcll, M D El Toro, CA 92709 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (714) 863-7011 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Hospital Director M T Nicander Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation FONTANA EMERYVILLE Fontana Youth Center Mar tmez VA Hospital 15069 Memll Outpabent Treatment Ctr Fontana, CA 92335 Emeryvdle, CA 94608 (714) 823-4357 (415) 228-6800 Duector Ebc Sprado Director Nanci Moore Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, ma tron, Referral/Ho thnc Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Central Intake, Educa ti on, In for Traming, Referrals Drug free Services Drug-free, Maintenance Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient FORT ORD ENCINO Alcohol and Drug Abuse Div Griffin Clinic 12th Street and 3rd Avenue 5363 Balboa Boulevard Fort Ord, CA 93941 Encino, CA 91316 ' (408) 242-4556 (213) 788-5123 Duector Ma)or J N I"itts Education, Director Juhus Griffin, M D Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Traimng, Information Activity I Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free, Detoxification Prison Environment Outpatient Environment Outatient, Residential,


Community Drug Abuse Center Teen Help, Inc 221 J Street 18490 Euchd Avenue Eureka, CA 95501 Fountiun Valley, CA 92708 (707) 445-1002 (714) 557-1000 Director Gary R Blatnick Director Bob Murray


Activity Treatment/Rehabditatron, Trammg Fresno, CA 93720 Education, Hothne (209) 488-2986 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Duector Larry Cormier and gaul Martinez Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation FREEDOM Services Detoxification Environment Outpatient Freedom House 231 Green Valley Road Narch Abuse Trt Prog MM Unit Freedom, CA 95019 2851 South Orange (408) 278-1791 Fresno, CA 93720 (209) 488-2986 Duector James Moms Actwity. Admuustratwe, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Duector Joan Mortsen Trauung; Education; Information Actwity Treatment/Rehabihtation Semces Drug-free Semces Mamtenance Environment. Residential Environment Outpatient

FREMONT Olive Street Bndge 638 West Dine Commuiuty Drug Councd Daybreak House Fresno, CA 92728 P.O. Box 1727 (209)485-3890 Fremont, CA 94538 (415) 792-4964 Director Dale Wolff Actwity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Director. Robert Councd Information, Consultation Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation; Trammg Services Drug-free Education, Information, Cnsis Intervenuon Environment Outpatient, Daycare Services Drug-free FULLERTON Environment Outpatient Drug Abuse Services Cura Inc N County Drug Abuse Team 37437 Glenmoor Dnve 136 West Wtutmg Avenue Fremont, CA 94536 Fullerton, CA 92632 (415) 792-3377 (714) 9924970

Duector Henry Colhns Duector Hubert L. Hickman Actmty Admuustratrve Actwity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education; Information Semces Drug-free Cura Outpatient and Daycare Environment Outpatient 37437 Glenmoor Drive GARDENA Fremont, CA 94536 (415) 736-7574 Asian Amer Drug Abuse Pgm 133 West 155th Street Duector Esther Wdson Gardens, CA 90248 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation; Center Intake; (213) 770-3390 Trammg, Information, Referral Semces Drug-free Duector Ronald Wakabayaslu Environment Outpatient, Daycare Actwity Administrative FRESNO Asian Amer Drug Abuse Pgm Inc Alter Ct 133West 155th Street Fresno Comm Hosp Olive St Bridge Gardens, CA 90248 638 West Olwe (213) 770-3390 Fresno, CA 93728 (209)485-3890 Director Josh D. Miyabe Actwtty Treatment/Rehabditation; Trauung; Education, Activity Admmistratwe; Treatment/Rehabditation Information Semces Drug-free Narc Abuse Treatment Prog MM Unit Environment Outpatient 539 North Van Ness Fresno, CA 93720 Community Treatment Unit (209) 488-3055 133 West 155th Street Gardens, CA 90248 Duector George Wilson (213) 7703390 Actwity Treatment/Rehabditatron Services Mamtenance Duector Ldhan Tamoria Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Trauung; Education; Information Narc Abuse Trt Detox Prog Unit Services Drug-free 2851 South Orange Ave Envuonment Outpatient



International Chrysalis Inc Alcohol and Drug Info and Svc Center 8065 Monterey Road 121 East 9th Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Hanford, CA 93230 (408) 842-3188 (209) 582-9307 Director Thomas E Brugge Director Charles Davis M D. Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Traimng, Activity Information, Cnsis Referral Education, information Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential HARBOR CITY

South County Mental Health Center Handy Regional Comm Health Center 287 Leavesley Road 1120West Lomita Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 Harbor City, CA 90710 (408) 842-0251 (213) 325-3360 Ihrector Maye Yuko Director Nawab Shah ll Activity Treatment/Rehabihtaton Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Mamte nance Services Counsehng Environment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient

The Owl 7539 Etgleberry Street HAWTHORNE Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 842-3119 Hawthorne Community Hospital Psych Unit Director Michael Oshan 11711South Grevillea Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Education, Hawthorne, CA 90250 Information (213) 973-1711 Services Drug-free Director Gerald Rozansky Residential Environment Outpatient, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton Services Detoxification Envuonment Residential GLENDALE

Cluuc Glendale Guidance HAYWARD 417 Arden Avenue CA 91203 Glendale, Eden 244-7257 Prolect (213) 22738 Mission Boulevard Director Wayne P Jones Hayward, CA 94544 Activity Treatment/Rehabditanon (415) 538-3818 Services Drug-free Director Mike Redly Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information; Crisis intervention Services Drug-free GOLETA Environment Outpatient, Residential Socuri Advocates for Youth-Say 5973 Encina Road Goleta, CA 93017 HOLLISTER (805) 967-2343 Community Help Program De Francesco Director. Richard J 481 4th Street Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Holhster, CA 95023 Services Drug-free 637-5396 Envuonment Outpatient (408) Director David Edwards Activity Treatment/Rehabditation HACIENDA HEIGHTS Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Hacienda Heights Psychological Center 2219 South Hacienda Boulevard Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 HOLLYWOOD (213) 3306823 Director Dr C Cramer Do It Now Foundation ' Carlos Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 6136 Services Drug-free Hollywood, CA 90028 environment Outpatient (213)463-6851


Director: Brant Cortright Director. Richard T. Saran, M.D. Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Activity. Administrative; Treatment/Rehabiutation; . Informauon Training; Information Services: Drug-free Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Environment. Residential

Gay Community D/A Cnslg and Rehab Ctr 1322 North Van Ness INDIO Hollywood, CA 90038 482-3062 (213) Desert Methadone Treatment Program Director: Ken Bartley 45-524 Towne Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton; Central Intake, Indio, CA 92201 Information;, Referral/Crash Pad (714) 347-0754 Services: Drug-free Director Gordon Terry Environment: Outpatient Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation Services. Maintenance Van Ness House Environment. Outpatient 1213 North Highland HoBywood, CA 90038 Drug Program of the Desert (213)464-7485 45-524 Towne Street Director: Ken Bartley Indio, CA 92201 Activity: Treatment/RehabiTitation (714) 347-0754 Services: Drug-free Director. Wilham Demmers Envnonment: Residential Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Information; Referral/Followup Services: Drug-free HUNTINGTON BEACH Environment' Outpatient

', Drug Abuse Svc N Coast Drug Abuse Team 17055 Newland Street IONE Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 896-7611 Preston Family Program Director Gayle M. Cleigh Rural Route Box 5 Activity: Admuustrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation, lone, CA 95640 Training, Education, Information, (209) 274-2421 Hothne/Referral Duector. Larry Frazee Services' Drug-free Activity: Administrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatron Environment: Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential, Prison Huntington Beach Free Chnic 506 Orange Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92648 ISLA VISTA (714) 536-8894 Director: Barry Crawford Open Door Clinic Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtauon 970 Embarcader Del Mar Isla ; Services. Drug-free Vista, CA 93017 Environment: Outpatient (805) 968-1511 Director. Judie Jenkins Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; HUNTINGTON PARK Information Services: Drug-free; Detoxification Neighborhood Adult Part I Proj Drug Sym Environment: Outpatient 2600 Randolph Street Huntington Park, CA 90255 (213) 589-9155 KINGS BEACH Director: Cecil Miller Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Referral/Hotline Focus North Tahoe Inc Services: Drug-free P.O. Box 967 Environment: Outpatient Kings Beach, CA 95719 (916) $46.2113 Director: James Courtemanche IMOLA Activity: Treatment/Rehabtutation Services: Drug-free Our Family Drug Abuse Program Environment: Outpatient D Ward Napa State Hospital Imola, CA 94558 Sierra View Mental Health Service (702) 252-1366 P.O. Box 548


Kings Beach, CA 95719 Loch, CA 95240 (916)546-2524 (209) 396-2723 Director Robert Zadra, M.D Director Dennis Ortega Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Adnunrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Traimng, Education, information Services Drug-free LA HABRA Environment Outpatient, Residential

Gary Center 341 Hiilcrest LOMA LINDA La Habra, CA 90631 (714) 8706755 Lorna Lmda University Hospital Anderson Street and Barton Road Mike Clements Ihrector Linda, CA 92354 Education Lorna Actmty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, (714) 796-7311 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Director Richard Griffin, M.D Actmty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Detoxification LA PUENTE Environment Inpatient Hospital

Bassett Out Reach 13535 Mocamn Street LOMPOC La Puente, CA 91746 (213) 3309140 Dawn House 51%x North I Street Moran Ihrector Enirque CA 93436 information, Lompoc, Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation, (805) 736-1093 Drop In Drug-free Duector Gerald Lodes Outpatient, Residential Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information, Crisis Intervention Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Daycare

La Verne San Ihmas Open Door Lompoc Prog Ihr Fed Correctional Inst 2337 E Street Lompoc, CA 93436 La Verne, CA 91750 (805) 736-7574 (714)593-8611 Due ctor Kenneth Le Bow Director Ralph Harvey Actmty Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Education, Trarmng, Information Information Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Pnson Environment Outpatient The Drop-In Center 112 East Walnut Avenue LANCASTER Lompoc, CA 93436 (803) 7364536 Antelope Valley Hospital Medical Ctr Director Lewis Copeland 1600 West Avenue J Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation Lancaster, CA 93534 Services Drug-free (213)9844577 Environment Outpatient Ihrector John Beck Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Detoxification LONG BEACH Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Doxa Unlimited 758 Long Beach Boulevard LODI Long Beach, CA 90813 (213)437-9066 Lodi Memorial Hospital Director Bill Clawson 975 South Fairmont Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation Lodi, CA 95240 Services Detoxification (209) 369-4701 Environment Residential Duector Dr Harland Langdon Actmty Emergency Treatment Drug Dependence Treatment Cntr VA Hospital Outpatient Teen Challenge Long Beach, CA 90801 307 West Lockford (213)498-1313


Director Joel Punter Long Beach, CA 90801 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (213)498-1313

Famdy Service Drug Program Director Dr Joel Painter 1041 Pme Avenue Activity Trcatmcnt/Rehabdita tion Long Beach, CA 90813 Services Drug-free, Detoxification (21 3) 436-9893 Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Ducctor Betty l.',dmundson Tradback Inc Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/kehabthtatton, 2900 East Spring Street information Long Beach, CA 90804 Services Drug-free (213) 426-61 31 Environment Outpahent Activity Admmistrativc Long Beach Drug Abuse Center 125 East 8th Street Long Beach, CA 90813 LOS ANGELES (213)437-2751 Adolescent Crisis Unit Director Michael J Catanzaro USC Medical Center Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information Los Angeles, CA 90033 Services Drug-free, Detoxification (213) 226-5673 Environment Outpaucnt Director Mrchcla F Guund Non-Felon Long Beach Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 222 East 3rd Street Services Detoxdication Long Beach, CA 90802 Environincnt Inpatient Hospital (213)432-5707 Asian Amer Drug Abuse Duector Robert L Fngdal 2716 Bnghton Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Los Angeles, CA 90018 Central Intake, Information (213) 731-7693 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Director Tominy Chung Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabdttatton, Central Psychiatric Clmic for Chddren Central intake, Trunmg, Education, 2801 Atlanhc Avenue Information Long Beach, CA 90801 Services Drug-free, Detoxdicatton (213) 595-3151 Envuonmcnt Residential, Inpatient Hospital Director George Logan Avalon-Carver Narc Prev Prog —Activity— Treatment/Rehabilitation 3517 South Avalon Boulevard Services Drug-free Los Angeles, CA 90011 Environment Outpatient (213) 233-4268 Tradback Detox Clime Duector Wesley C. Phdhps 4151 Fountam Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Long Beach, CA 90804 Services Drug-free (213)426-6131 Environment Outpatient

Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Bridge Back Inc 6723 South Avalon Boulevard Tradback Inc Aftercare Los Angeles, CA 90003 2900 East Spring Street (213) 971-2080 Long Beach, CA 90804 (213) 434-1089 Director Leroy Solomon Achvity Administrative Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Services Drug-free Bridge-back Aftercare Center Envuonment Outpatient 4614 South Western Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90062 Tradback Lodge (213) 299-8400 4151 Fountain Street Long Beach, CA 90804 Director Pecola Montgomery (213) 426-6131 Activity Treatment/Rehabditahon, Central Intake, Trammg, Information Duector Ehzabeth Kraft Services Drug-free Achvity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Envuonment Outpahent Services Drug-free Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Bndgeback Residential 1730 West Vernon Avenue VA Hosp Drug Dependence Treatment Los Angeles, CA 90062 5901 East 7th Street (213) 299-8400


Ducctor Virgic Price Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Environment Outpatient, Residential Services Drug-frcc Environment Rcsidcntial Ihgnity Center 4731 West Venice Boulevard CA Dept Correc Meth Mant Program Los Angeles, CA 90019 Central Testmg Chmc (213) 933-7141 Los Angeles, CA 90007 620-5835 Duector Sam M Heihg (213) Activity Treatment/Rehabditauon, Trammg, Duector William H llooper Education, Information, Referral Walk-In Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Counsclmg Services Drug-free Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient Fast LA Commumty Youth Ccntcr Castle Drug Abuse Program 701 South Hocfner 2212 West Washington Boulevard East Los Angeles, CA 90022 Los Angeles, CA 90019 (213) 269-5587 731-7391 (213) Duector l3ob Ahrado Duector Gerald McFadden Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Information, Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditauon Help Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential Environment Outpatient

House of Uhuru Substance Abuse Program Central City CMHC Drug Trt Program 8005 South Figueroa Street 4272 South Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90003 Los CA 90037 Angeles, 778-5290 (213) 232-2441 (213) Ducctor Marcus Anderson Director Gerald C Hdlsman Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Admimstrative Services Drug-free, Detoxification Environment Outpatient, Residential, Hospital Central City Kick-Intake Inpatient 4272 South Broadway lamas Kmg Drew Drug Treatment Program CA 90037 Los Angeles, 4-202 232-4111 I and R Budding, Room (213) 1621 East 120th Street Director Gerald C Hdlsman Los Angeles, CA 90059 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake (213) 637-8971 Services Drug-free Duector W Renee Walker Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtation, Central Intake Services Drug-free, Detoxification Central Kick-Phase I City Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital 4251 South Avalon Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90037 Kedren-Kazi 232-8147 House (213) 9700 South Central Avenue Due ctor Gerald C Hdlsman Los Angeles, CA 90002 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (213) 567-7721 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Due ctor Al Ryan Environment Outpatient, Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Central City Kick-Phase I I Envuonment Residenhal 2225 South Harvard Los Angeles, CA 90037 LA County Health Svcs (213) 737-2333 Central Methadone Office 1100North Mission Road Director Gerald C Hdlsman Treatment/Rehabihtation Los Angeles, CA 90033 Activity 226-4881 Services Drug-free (213) Environment Residential Duector Rene Topahan Activity Admmistrative, Trainmg, Education, Chabad House Drug Abuse Services Prolect Information, Research 741 Gayley Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 Los Angeles Free Chmc (213)479-0879 115 North Fanfax Los CA Rabbi Shlomo Cunin Angeles, 90036 Director (213) 938-6765 Activity Admiiustrativc, Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Trauung, Information, Duector Stan Cholewmski Outreach Referral Activity Administrative


Los Angeles Teen Challenge Southeast Methadone Mamtenance Cluuc 2249 South Hobart Southeast Health Center Los Angeles, CA 90018 Los Angeles, CA 90011 (213) 732-8141 (213) 2334145 Duector Jene Wilson Duector Phdhp Carr Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Trammg, Education, Information, Hothne Services Maintenance Services Drug-free; Detoxification Envuonment Outpatient Envuonment Residential Suicide Prev Ctr Methadone Mtn Pro NADARP 2521 West Pico Boulevard 1041 South Menlo Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90006 Los Angeles, CA 90006 (213) 385-8061 (213) 386-5111 Duector Joseph Shannon Director Michael Peck Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Mamtenance Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient, Residential UCLA Drug Trt Program+enlist Admin NARCONON US Mgmt Organ 10962 Le Conte Avenue 1229 South Westmoreland Los Angeles, CA 90024 Los Angeles, CA 90006 (213)653-3282 (213)487-1088 Director Gerald De Angehs Ihrector Ben Gibson Acuvity Admuustrative Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Services Drug-free; Detoxification UCLA MMTC Clmic No. I Environment Outpatient, Residential 2321 Pontius Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90064 Narcotics Prevention ProJect (213)477-2951 507 Echandia Street Director John Shulman Los Angeles, CA 90033 (213) 223-4017 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Mamtenance Director Juan D. Acevedo Environment. Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification UCLA MMTC Clhuc No. 2 Environment Outpatient, Residenual 1141 South Beverly Drive Los Angeles, CA 90035 .Outpatient Detox OPD-UCLA —- -(213) 553-5766 2321 Pontms Avenue Duector Bert Sackman Los Angeles, CA 90064 (213)477-2951 Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Mamtenance Director John Shulman Envuonment. Outpatient Acuvity. Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trammg Services. Detoxification UCLA NPI Inpatient Detox Environment Outpatient 760 Westwood Plaza Los Angeles, CA 90024 Pacoima Methadone Maintenance Chmc (213) 825-0233 Valley Drug Qmic Duector. Stevan Kaplan Los Angeles, CA 91331 (213) 899-5256 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Services Detoxification Director Richard E Holland Environment. Inpatient Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Trauung, Information UCLA Youth Program Services Maintenance 711 North Sweetzer Envu onment Outpatient Los Angeles, CA 90069 . (213) 825-7017 Project Ayudate 6140 Whittier Boulevard Duector. Louis Mangual Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Los Angeles, CA 90022 (213) 726-9951 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient; Residential, Daycare Duector Fernando Escarcega Activity. Admhustratn e, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Venice Methadone Mamtenance Clinic Education, Information; Job Development Los Angeles Health Department Services Drug-free Los Angeles, CA 90291 Environment. Outpatient (213) 3924114


Director: Louis Guilford Madera, CA 93637 Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; (209) 673-5987 Information Training; Education; Director: Douglas L. Lanier Maintenance Services: Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Environment: Outpatient Training; Education; Information; Referral Services: Drug-free Clinic Veterans Administration Outpatient Environment: Outpatient 422 West 4th Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213)688-2551 MAR VISTA Director: M. Z. Cooper, M.D. Activity: Admimstrative; Treatment/RehabiTitation; Way Home Counseling Center Information 3744 Bamngton Services: Maintenance Mar Vista, CA 90066 Environment Outpatient (213) 397-0887 Director. Dtane Masuta Victary Home far Men Activity: Treatment/RehabiTitation 1226 West 4th Street Services: Drug-free Los Angeles, CA 90017 Environment: Outpatient (213)482-9363 Director. Alphonso Duenez Activity: Treatment/Rehabjlitatron MARIPOSA Servtces: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Mental Health Services I'or Mariposa Co Health and Welfare Building Watts Health Foundation Mariposa, CA 95338 2051 East 103rd Street (209) 966-2000 Los Angeles, CA 90002 Director: John Gergen, M.D. (213) 564-4331 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Director: Clifton A. Cole Information; Referral Activity: Administrative; Comprehensive Medical Services: Drug-free Center Environment: Outpatient

West Hollywood Methadone Clinic 621 North San Vincente Boulevard MARSHALL Los Angeles, CA 90069 (213) 278-6530 Synanon Foundation Inc Director: Thomas L. Alexander 6055 Marshall Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake; Marshall, CA 94940 Training (415) 663-8111 Services: Maintenance Director: Ron Cook Environment: Outpatient Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Training; Education; Information Northeast Methadone Maintenance CUnic Services: Drug-free 2032 Marengo Street Environment Residential Los Angeles, CA 90033 (213) 226-5421 Director: Gil Medlna MARTINEZ Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; 24-Hr Emergency Number ' ' Contra Costa Co Drug Abuse Bd Services: Maintenance 6$1 Pine Street Environment: Outpatient Martinez, CA 94553 228-5800 LOS BANOS (415) Director: 'Ihe House Jane McCoy 665 Pacheco Boulevard Activity: Administrative Los Banos, CA 93635 (209) 826-0500 Contra Costa Methadone Treatment Center 2500 Alhambra Dhector: Richard McCutchan Martinez, CA 94553 228-5800 Activity: Adnunistratrve; Treatment/Rehabilitation; (41$) Training, Education; Information Director: Steven F. Eagle Services: Drug-free Activity Administrative; Education; Information Environment: Outpatient Discovery House MADE RA 904 Mellus Street Mandala House Martmez, CA 94553

113South Q Street , (415) 228-5800 27 CALIFORNIA NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

Ihrector Dennis D. Albrandt MILPITAS Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services. Drug-free Dismas Environment: Residential 200 Serra Way Suite 40 Milpitas, CA 95035 Drug Dependence Treatment Center (408) 263-2235 Martinez VA Hospital Martinez, CA 94553 Duector Dons M. Thatcher (415) 2284800 Activity: Admmtstratrve; Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free Duector. Dr. N. Moore Envuonment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtanon Services Drug-free; Detoxdication Environment: Outpatient; Inpatient Hospital MODES TO

Outpatient Meth Detox/Referral Catholic Social Service 2500 Alhambra Boulevard 914 13th Steet Marhnez, CA 94553 Modesto, CA 95354 (415) 228-5800 (209) 529-6470 Duector Tom Duarte Duector Ramon Batista Activity Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Detoxification Services. Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient

Church in the Park 901 McHenry Avenue MENLO PARK Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 526-9400 VA Menlo Park Meth Chruc Duector Wendell Woodthorp 790 Willow Road Actwity Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron; Menlo Park, CA 94025 493-5000 Education, Crash Pad (415) Services Drug-free Duector Thomas M. Engelsmg Envuonment . Outpatient, Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Famdy Svc of Stanislaus Co 1022 14th Street Modesto, CA 95354 MERCE D (209) 5244371 Director James Henman Merced Co Dept of Human Resources Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Education, P.O. Box 112 Information Merced, CA 95340 (209) 723-9757 Head Rest Inc Duector Judge George Barret 800 East Morris Activity Treatment/Rehabihtanon Modesto, CA 95351 Services Drug-free (209) 526-1440 Environment Residential Duector Roger E Thompson Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Trauung, Merced Co Mental Health Service Educahon; Medical 480 East 13th Street Services Drug-free Merced, CA 95340 Environment Outpatient (209) 723-8861 Director Ronald G. Scranton Herom Addiction Treatment Program Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Education, 1014A Scenic Dnve Mental Health Modesto, CA 95350 Drug-free, Detoxification (209) 526-6180 Outpatient Duector M Chnstopherson Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Information The Bndge Services Mamtenance 2926 G Street Environment Outpatient Merced, CA 95340 (209) 723-7719 Stanislaus Co Mental Health Duector. Don Keenan Service Drug Abuse Coordmator Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation; Education, Modesto, CA 95354 Crisis Hothne (209) 5264180 Services Drug-free Director Mary Chnstopher Envuonment Outpatient Activity Admuustratrve, Umbrella



Monterey Co Meth Frog Sierra View Mental Health Service 1200 Aquajito Road 205 Willow Valley Road Monterey, CA 93940 Nevada, CA 95959 (408) 373-0111 (916) 265-5811 Director George Browne, M.D Duector Robert V. Smith, M D Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabditahon Services Mamtenance Services Detoxification Enviornment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital

The Open Door Drug Chnic, Inc 228 North Garfield NEWARK Monterey Park, CA 91754 (213) 289-3563 Second Chance 6173 Baine Avenue Director Donald Laperna CA Treatment/Rehabihtation, Counselmg Newark, 94560 Activity (415) 792-4854 Services Counselmg Envuonment Outpatient Director Diann Anderson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Trauung, Educabon, Information, Referral MOORP ARK Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Coda Treatment Clmic 301 Moorpark Avenue Mourpark, CA 93021 NEWPORT BEACH (805) 529-2345 Narcotics and Alcohohcs Anonymous Director Lester D Cleveland 1835 Shermgton Place Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Newport Beach, CA 92660 Drug-free Services (714) 642-9373 Envuonment Outpatient Due ctor Leo Schroff Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Trauung, MOUNTAIN VIEW Education, Referral Services Drug-free Mountain View Methadone Clmrc Environment Outpatient 101 Strerlin Road Mountain View, CA 94085 So Cty Reg Drug Abuse Team (408) 969-3034 1441 Superior Street Newport Beach, CA 92626 M D Director Tom Gragg, (714) 642-9240 Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Services Maintenance Director Karen Morton Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake, Training, Education; Information SeMccs Drug-free, Detoxification NAPA Environment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare

Aldea Inc South County Methadone Center 429 Franklin Street 1441 Superior Napa, CA 94558 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (707) 224-8266 (714) 6454440 Director Allen Ewig Director Ron Sanchez Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rchabrhtation; Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trarrung, Central Intake, Trairung, Education Information Services Drug-free, Mamtenance Services Mamtenance Environment Residential Envuonment Outpatient

Drug Services Center 2344 Old Sonoma Road NORTH HOLLYWOOD Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-6933 Valley Free Clmic 5224 Larkershim Boulevard Ken Fleming Director CA 91601 Treatment/Rehabihtatron, North Hollywood, Activity Admimstrative, 763-8836 Central Intake, Information (213) Services Drug-free, Detoxification Duector Guy Carson Environment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare, Inpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information, Hospital Hothne


Services Drug-free Community Treatment Center Environment Outpatient 205 MacArthur Boulevard Oakland, CA 94610 (415) 273-7231 NORTHRIDGE Director James D Nicely Newhall-War Home Counsehng Center Activity Halfway House 8448 Resada Boulevard Northridge, CA 91324 Drug Awareness (805) 259-8510 9502 East 14th Street Oakland, CA 94621 Due ctor Diane Masuta (415) 635-8037 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free Director Kathy Embry Envuonment Outpatient Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trainmg, Education, Information, Referral and Hothne NORWALK Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Helplme Youth Counselmg Inc 12727 Studebaker Road East Oakland Drug Abuse Clinic Norwalk, CA 90650 6400 Foothdl Boulevard (213) 864-3722 Oakland, CA 94605 (415) 635-4793 Due ctor Patrick D O' Connor Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Hothne Director Tim Ray Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education Environment Outpatient Services Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient RHAAC Recovery House 11400 Norwalk Boulevard Gladman Psych Hosp Street Norwalk, CA 90670 2633 East 27th (213) 868-1761 Oakland, CA 94601 (415) 536-8111 Director Carlos Garcia Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Duector P. T Di Gaudio, M.D. Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Environment Residential Services Detoxification Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Metro State Hospital In 11400Norwalk Boulevard Touch 341- MacArthur-Boulevard Norwalk, CA 90650 (213)863-7011 Oakland, CA 94610 (415) 839-1010 Due ctor Jane Thomas Director Janet Bleckner Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation, Tramrng, E Information Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Education Services Drug-free, Detoxification Services Drug-free Environment Inpatient Hospital Envuonment Outpatient

OAKLAND Narcotics Education League 3315 East 14th Street Calif Corrections Dept NAOP Oakland, CA 94610 536-4760 568 West Grand Avenue (415) Oakland, CA 94612 Duector Juan Covarrubias (415) 464-0380 Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Director Robert W. Roenicke Intake, Trainmg, Education, Information, Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Parole Drop-In Center Services Drug-free Department Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential Environment Outpatient Soul Site Inc Grove Street Cath Soc Ser 3435 433 Jefferson Street Oakland, CA 94609 655-4266 Oakland, CA 94607 (415) (415) 834-5656 Director Ted Chase Activity Admuustratrve, Director John Kelleher Treatment/Rehabthtatron; Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Tfallullg Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Environment Residential


Synanon Foundation Director Tony Vicaiio 1215 Clay Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Traming, Referral Oakland, CA 94612 Services Drug-free (415) 444-3624 Environment Outpatient Director Sharon Green Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Trauung, WEDAC Methadone Clmic Education, Information 738 Ontario Boulevard Services Drug-free Ontano, CA 91761 Envuonment Residential (714) 984-1781 Director Galen Rogers West Oakland Health Ctr Meth Prgm Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information, 688 7th Street 24-Hr Chcnt Service Oakland, CA 94607 Services Maintenance (415) 835-9610 Environment Outpatient Director Isaac Slaughter Out-Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation WEDAC Reach Services Mamtenance 1240 West Francis Street Envuonment. Outpatient Ontario, CA 91761 (714) 9834119 Duector Enc Roth OJAI Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Drug-free Hacienda Help Services Envuonment Residential 206 South Blanche Ojai, CA 93023 West End Drug Control (WEDAC) (805) 646-7414 309 North Euclid Avenue Director Pat Burke Ontario, CA 91762 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron (714) 9864511 Services Drug-free Duector Joe Espinoza Environment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron


Care Unit ORANGE 550 Monterey Avenue Ontario, CA 91764 (714) 984-2201 Beverly Manor Hospital Director Del M. Houda 401 South Tustin Avenue Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity CA 92666 Detoxification Orange, Services Drug-free, (714) 663-9582 Environment Inpatient Hospital Duector Richard Thorpe Reach Out West End Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 404 West D Street Services Drug-free Ontario, CA 91762 Environment Outpatient (714) 9844016 Chapman College Community Clinic Duector Eric Roth 333 North Glassell Street Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron; Education, Orange, CA 92666 Information, Hotlme Drop-In 633-8821 Drug-free (714) Outpatient Director Evert T. Jacobson Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Trammg Straight Ahead Services Drug-free 210 South Fern Street Environment Outpahent Ontario, CA 91761 (714) 986-6761 Orange County Teen Challenge 78 Plaza South Director John Bowler Referral Orange, CA 92669 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, 633-3000 Services Drug-free (714) Envuonment Residential, Pnson Duector Ralph Coker Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, WEDAC Alzlan Information, Hotlme 828 East Holt Boulevard Drug-free Ontano, CA 91761 Outpatient (714) 984-1003


OXNARD Services Detoxiflcatron Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Los Hermanos Drug Treatment Center 344 Palm Drive Oxnard, CA 93030 PALO ALTO (805) 487-0630 Director Richard Gonzalez Addiction Research Laboratory Activity. Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron; 701 Welch Road Tratnmg, Education Palo Alto, CA 94304 Services Drug-free (415) 321-8339 Environment Residential Director Avram Goldstem Activity Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Meth Mamt Information, Research and Evaluation 436 Coloiuard Services Mamtenance Oxnard, CA 93030 En vuonment Outpahent (805) 487-5511 Director James G Wmgate The Collective Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trauung, 833 Emerson Street Educahon, Information Palo Alto, CA 94301 Services Mamtenance (408) 321-9180 Environment Outpatient Duector Jane Hiatt Achvity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Trauung, Education, Information PACIFICA Services Drug-free, Detoxificatio Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital San Mateo N Co Meth Treat Prog 160 Mihgra Drive Community Youth Responsibility Frog Paciflca, CA 94044 2220 East University Avenue (415) 355-0322 East Palo Alto, CA 94303 (415) 364-5600 Director Lucy Menken Activity Admmistratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Duector Ralph D Trivers Information, Ambulatory Detoxification Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Detoxification, Mamtenance Outpatient Drew Medical Center 2560 Pulgas Avenue East Palo Alto, CA 94303 (415) 328-5060 PACOIMA. Duector Samuel Benson. M.D. Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trauung El Proyecto Del Bamo Services Drug-free 13643 Van Nuys Boulevard Envuonment Outpatient Pacoima, CA 91331 (213) 896-1135 Director R oberto Castro PARAMOUNT Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Beliflower Famdy Service Drug Prog Environment Outpatient 15317Paramount Boulevard Paramount, CA 90723 (213) 633-5528 PALM SPRINGS Director Pietro J. Caporesso Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Desert Hospital Mental Health Ctr Information P.O. Box 1647 SeMces Drug-free Palm CA 92262 Sprmgs, Environment (714) 325-9166 Outpatient Duector. Morton Kurhnd, M.D Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon PASADENA

Foothill Free Chmc PALM DALE 30 North Raymond Avenue 6th Floor Pasadena, CA 91103 Palmdale General Hospital MHD (213) 795-8088 1212 East Avenue South Duector Dorothea A Bradley Palmdale, CA 93550 Education; 273-2211 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, (805) Information Director Bdly Kelly Services Drug-free Activity. Adnumstratrve; Treatment/Rehabthtatron Envuonment Outpatient


Impact House PLACENTIA 1680 North Fair Oaks Pasadena, CA 91103 Alpha Center (213) 681-2575 106 East Chapman Director Ben Werdenbener Placentta, CA 92670 Activity. Treatment/Rehabrhtation (714) 993-4400 Services Drug-free Duector Fred Reyes Envuonment' Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Education; Information; Crisis Intervention Pasadena Community Counseling Center Services Drug-free, Placement 155 North Madison Environment Outpatient Pasadena, CA 91101 (213) 795-7769 Duector Chfford Penner, M D PLEA SANTON Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Cura Detox Unit Environment Outpatient Budding 110,Camp Parks Pleasanton, CA 94566 Residence Inn (415) 829-2098 Jackie Robinson Center Duector Narcy Bustamante Pasadena, CA 91105 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (213) 798-0701 Services Detoxification Director Alexander Johnson Envuonment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services. Drug-free Cura Therapeutic Comm Environment Residential Budding 110, Camp Parks Pleasanton, CA 94566 829-2060 St Luke Hospital Care Unit (415) 2632 East Washmgton Boulevard Director Dan Moreno Pasadena, CA 91107 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron (213) 797-1141 Services Drug-free Director Sidnie Flacco Envuon ment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Central Intake, Traming, Education, Information, Hotline Help Center Hotlme 4361 Railroad Avenue No. C Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Rehabrhtation Pleasan ton, CA 94566 Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital (415) 462-5544 Duector Candace Ingram Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Information, Hotlme PICO RIVERA Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient RHAAC Substance Abuse Proiect Rio Hondo Area Action Council Inc Pico Rivers, CA 90660 POMONA (213)692-7768 Duector Carlos Garcia Pomona Crisis Center 637 North Park Avenue Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Information, Referral Pomona, CA 91766 Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance (714) 623-1588 Outpatient, Residential Duector Manual Esqueda Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient PITTSBURG Pomna Methadone Mamtenance Clinic Pittsburg Methadone Chnic 1050 North Garey Avenue 25 Lido Square Pomona, CA 91767 Pittsburg, CA 94565 (714) 623-6391 439-8282 (415) Duector Paulette Hartman Duector Rose Menko Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Intake, Training, Information Services Mamtenance Services Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient


QUINCY Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Family Counseling Services: Drug-free plumes County Mental Health Service Environment: Outpatient, Residential; Daycare Highway 70 Quincy, CA 95971 South Co Methadone Prog (916)283-1350 500 Arguello Street Redwood City, CA 94063 Director: Dr. Christenson 364-5600 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation (415) Dnector: William Edelman Plumas County Probation Department Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Main Street Services: Detoxification; Maintenance Quincy, CA 95971 Environment: Outpatient (916)283-1860 Dnector: Thomas Frady Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation Services: Drug-free RESEDA Environment: Outpatient CSDA Outpatient Clinic 18210 Sherman Way REDDING Reseda, CA 91335 (213) 885-7788 Agape Duector: Gary 1524 East Street Krupp Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Redding, CA 96001 243-8851 Semces: Drug-free (916) Environment Outpatient Director' Wdliam E. Simpson, Ph.D. Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation CSDA Reentry Program No. 3 Services: Drug-free 6833 Shirley Avenue Environment: Outpatient Reseda, CA 91335 (213)885-7788 Shasta Mental Health Service Director: Gary Krupp 2630 Hospital Lane Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Redding, CA 96001 241-8340 Services: Drug-free (916) Environment: Residential Director: Jeffrey R. Davis Activity: Administrative; Treatment/RehabiTitation; Triskelion Education; Information; Hotline 7040 Darby Street Services: Drug-free Reseda, CA 91335 Environment: Outpatient; Inpatient Hospital (213) 349-5855 Director: Mario Van Der Treatment/RehabiTitation REDONDO BEACH Activity: Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Behavioml Health Services 1603 Aviation Boulevard Redondo Beach, CA 90278 (213)673-5750 Director: Pat Hook RICHMOND Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free Richmond Discovery Center Environment: Outpatient 431 6th Street Richmond, CA 94801 (415) 233-2935 REDWOOD CITY Director: Anita Harris Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Chrysalis Inc Hothne and Referral Spring Street Services: Drug-free Redwood City, CA 94063 Environment: Outpatient (415) 3664616 Director: Frank G. Stagnaro Richmond Methadone Clinic Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation 2910 Cutting Boulevard Richmond, CA 94801 The Center (415) 235-8327 2421 Broadway Director: Jonna Stratton Redwood City, CA 94063 Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation (415) 364-777 Semces: Maintenance Director: Jay Endres Envnonment: Outpatient


RIVERSIDE l4verside Planrung and Vol Center 3527 Main Street Continuing Comm Care-Riverside Co MHS Riverside, CA 92501 3570 Nmth Street (714) 6864357 Riverside, CA 92501 Director Harriet Ohtt (714) 787-2982 Acuvity Admmistrative, Trauung, Information, Referral Duector Tom Suihvan Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Youth Services Center of Ibversrde lnc Services Mamtenance 3847 Terracma Drwe Environment. Outpatient, Residential lbversrde, CA 92506 (714) 683-5193 Abuse Service Dept Drug Director Enc Cluck 3931 Orange Street Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trauung, Education, lbversrde, CA 92502 Information, Hotlmc 787-6479 (714) Services Drug-free Director Carol Addias Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient RODEO

March Arr Force Base Social Action Office Trr-Cites Discovery Center March AFB, CA 92508 300 Parker Avenue (714) 655-4645 Rodeo, CA 94572 Duector David A Cunnmgham (415) 7586666 Actwity Admmrstratrvc, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Director Bernice Perazzo Information, Referral, Education Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, Informa- SCMces Drug-free, Detoxdication tion, Crisis Intervention Environment Outpatient; Inpatient Hospital Drug-free Outpatient RIF 4374 Central Avenue Rwersrde, CA 92501 ROSEMEAD (714)683-9758 Alhambra Psychiatric Hosp East Urut Director Dorothy Wdhams 4620 North Rosemead Boulevard Actwtty' Treatment/Rehabrhtatron; Information, Rosemead, CA 91770 Hot Lme (213) 285-2216 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Director Norman Brockman, M D Environment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare, Pnson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon SeMces Mamtenance Rwersrde Community Team Drug Envuonmcnt Outpatient 3901 Orange Street Riverside, CA 92501 787-2759 (714) RUNNING SPRINGS Director Stephen Sherman Actwity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, CEDU Foundation Inc Referrai P.O. Box 1176 SeMces Drug-free; Detoxification Ruruung Springs, CA 92382 Environment Outpatient, Residential (714) 867-2722 Duector Mel Wasserman Riverside County General Hospital Actwity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Trrumng, Educatror Psych Unit Services Drug-free Riverside, CA 92503 Envuonment Residential (714) 689-2211 Director Dan Palmer, M.D. Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation SACRAMENTO Services Detoxification Environment Inpatient Hospital Aquarian Effort Counseling Center 1304 0 Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Riverside Day Treatment Program (916)444-2231 3570 Nmth Street Don Juhl Riverside, CA 92501 Duector (714) 787-2748 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Intake; Trmung; Education, Information; Director Richard Parlour Crisis Intervention Actwrty Adnunistratwe, Central Intake, Trauung, Services Drug-free Educahon;Information Environment Outpatient


Aquarian Effort Detox Center State Office of Narcoucs and Drug Abuse 1330 P Street 915 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916)444-2620 (916) 322-3086

Director Dan Bergin Director Ste wart Sny der Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Activity Admuiistrauve Services Detoxification Envuonment Inpatient Hospital SALINAS Downtown Sacramento Methadone Pgm 2100 Capital Avenue Monterey Co Meth Prog-Sahnas Sacramento, CA 95816 1270 Nauvidad Road (916)442-4985 Salmas, CA 93901 424-7627 Director Barbara Parrett (408) Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Duector George Browne Information Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Services Maintenance Services Miunte nance Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient

Drug Alternauves Program 3128 Bradshaw Road SAN ANSELMO Sacramento, CA 95827 (916)454-2569 Sunny Hdls 300 Sunnyhdls Drn e Director Sally Davis Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education; San Anselmo, CA 94960 Activity 457-3200 Information (415) Services Drug-free Duector Norm Hcrstcin Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education, Information Office of Drug Program Coorrhnator Services Drug-free 3701 Branch Center Road Envuonment Residential, Daycare Sacramento, CA 95827 (916)454-5918 Director Marsha Martm SAN BERNADINO Activity Admuustratrve, Training; Education, Information Inland, Adolescent Cluuc 600 North E Clinic RAZA Drug Effort San Bernadmo, CA-92405— 1129 D Street (714) 886-5221 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916)443-3981 Duector Wesley Hoffman Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Duector Frank Rodriguez Services Drug-free Activity Admuustrativc, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Envuonment Outpatient Trainmg, Education, Information; Hothne Services Drug-free, Detoxification Adult Crisis Environment Outpatient 1010West Base Lme San Bernardino, CA 92401 Sacramento Co Meth Mamt Prgm (714) 884-2126 4430 V Street Duector Art Peskind Sacramento, CA 95817 (916)453-2601 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Director Barbara Parrctt Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education, Information Agape House Cnslg Ctr and Free Clc Services Mamtenance 607 East Highland Avenue Envuon ment Outpatient San Bernardino, CA 92404 (714) 882-1510 Sacramento Mens Cntr- Teen Challenge Duector Gene Dold 3733 5th Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Sacramento, CA 95817 Education, (916)456-3819 Information Services Drug-free Director Steve Frost Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Trauung; Education, Information; Hothne Casa De Bernardino Drug-free 237 East Rialto Avenue Outpatient, Residential, Prison San Bernardmo, CA 92408


(714) 888-2106 Dept of Substance Abuse Dvcctor Jesse Nunez 2870 4th Avenue Activity Trcatmcnt/Rchabihtauon, Prevcnuon San Diego, CA 92103 Services Drug-free (714) 2364041 Environment Outpatient Director Richard W. Jacobsen Activity Admmistrativc, Trammg, Information, Cathohc Social Services Umbrella 568 Mountmn View Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92401 Douglas Young Chmc (714) 686-7112 7798 Starhng Drive San Director Don R. Roquerrre Diego, CA 92123 Activity Treatment/Rchabditauon (714) 2784710 SCMccs Drug-free Ducctor Dr. James Rice Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Center for Dependent Behavior Envuonmcnt Outpatient 686 East Mdl Street San Bernardmo, CA 92405 Gifford Mental Health Clinic (714) 824-0800 3427 Fourth Avenue Dvector Frankhn Fowler San Diego, CA 92103 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon (714) 299-3580 Services Various Nonnarcotic Dvcctor Dr. I. Gran Envvonment Outpatmnt Activity Admmistrative, Health Chnic

East Valley Drug Abuse Treat Sys India Street Cluuc 365 North East Street 2040 India Street San Bernardmo, CA 92415 San Diego, CA 92112 (714) 889-8519 (714) 239-3017 Dvector Gary Taylor Dvector Don Fikc Actrvity Administrative, Central Intake, Referral Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Services Mamtenancc Methadone Prgm-County Mental Health Co Envvonment Outpatient 1455 North Waterman, Suite No. 126 San Bernardino, CA 92404 Market Street Cluuc (714) 383-1098 1300 Market Street San 92101 Dvector Myron J. Horn, MS Diego, CA Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Central Intake, (714) 239-3015 Cou nsehng Dvector Vvgmia Buttncr Services Mmntenance Acuvity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron Environment Outpatient Services M amtenancc Envvonment Outpatient

NARA-BOP DA Treatment SAN DIEGO 349 Cedar Street San Diego, CA 92101 (714) 2394171 Alpha Prolect Duector Dr. J. Kleckncr 4688 Oregon Street Acuvity Admmistrauvc, Treatment/Rehabilitation, San Diego, CA 92116 Trauung, Information (714) 283-2117 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Due ctor Georgia Berland Envvonmcnt Outpatient, Residential, Daycare, Acuvity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Trammg, Inpauent Hospital, Pnson Educauon, Information, Crisis I n tcrvcntron Narcotic Treatment Prog SeMces Drug-free San Diego VA Hospital Envvonment Outpatmnt San Diego, CA 92161 (714) 239-3017 Beach Area Community Chnic/Pathways Dvector Audrey Holhday 4312 Casa Street Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton San Ihego, CA 92109 (714) 488-9535 Narcotics Abuse Treatment Program Dvcctor Jerry Solomon 1300 Market Acuvity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, San Diego, CA 92101 Central Intake, Education, Information (714) 239-3015 Drug-free Dvector Ted Schramm Outpatient Activity Admmistrauve


Polydrug Study Umt Duector Russell H. Ritcher 2442 Fourth Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtabon, Triuiung, San Ihego, CA 92101 Educabon, Referral (714) 239-2186 Services Detoxxficabon Envuonment Residential Director Richard F. Avery Acbvity Treatment/Rchabxhtabon Western Insbtute of Human Resources PRANA 7522 Claxremont Mesa Boulevard 3373-1/2 30th Street San Ihego, CA 92111 San Diego, CA 92104 (714) 2924220 (714) 2806390 Duector Jeanne McAlhster Director Peter Libero Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtabon Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabxhtabon, Trammg Environment Services Drug-free Outpabent Envuon ment Residenbal

Project OZ SAN FRANCISCO 3304 Idie wild Way San Ihego, CA 92117 (714) 272-3003 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program Presidio Duector Noll Evans of San Francisco Activity Administrabve, Treatment/Rehabxhtabon, San Francisco, CA 94129 Trauung, Informabon, Famdy Resources (415) 561-3784 Services Drug-free Due ctor Maior Wilham Hougen Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtabon, Tranung, Education; Informabon; Walk-In Center Satori YMCA Drug Program Drug-free 11158th Avenue Day care San Diego, CA 92101 1714) 232-8901 Alternative Living Program Director Dr B.Barrett 1328 43rd Avenue Acbvxty Treatment/Rehabxhtabon, Traxmng San Francisco, CA 94122 Services Drug-free (415) 731-8420 Environment Outpabent Due ctor Jay Berhn Activity Treatment/Rehabxhtabon, Tranung, Solana Beach Chmc Foster Home 534 North Cedros Street Services Drug-free San-Diego, -CA 92075 —Envuonment Outpatient, Residential (714) 755-7720 Duector Chuck Dennett Aquarius 2nd Avenue Actxvity Treatment/Rehabxhtabon 1222 Services Mamtenance San Francisco, CA 94122 Environment Outpabent (415) 665-8066 Director Knn Storch Southeast Counseling and Consultant Service Acbvxty Treatment/Rehabihtabon 5835 Imperial Avenue SeMces Drug-free San Diego, CA 92114 Envxronment Outpatient; Resxdenbal (714) 262-0280 Bayvxew Hunters Point Methadone Director Jesse D. McKinney Clinic Acbvity Treatment/Rehabilitation 2690 Jennings Street Services Drug-free San Francisco, CA 94124 822-8200 Environment Outpabent (415) Duector Ernest Mitchell Southeast San Diego CMHC Acbvxty Admnustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, 4629 Market Street Vocational Counsel San Diego, CA 92102 SeMces Maintenance (714) 2634407 Environment Outpabent Director. Collins Munns Bayview-Hunters Point Foundabon Acbvxty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education Galvez Services Drug-free 1503 Avenue San Environment Outpatient Francisco, CA 94124 (415) 2854200 Teen Challenge Duector Ernest Mitchell 7111El Caion Boulevard Activity Treatment/Rehabihtabon; Tranung; Crash Pad San Ihego, CA 92115 Services: Drug-free, Mamtenance (714) 461-9111 Environment Outpabent


Center for Special Problems Haight-Ashbury Free Qinic Med Section 2107 Van Ness Avenue 529 Qayton Street San Francisco, CA 94109 San Francisco, CA 94117 (415) 558-2001 (415) 431~ 1714 Duector Sanford H. Harris Director: Davrd Smith, M.D. Acljvity. Treatment/Rehabilitatron Acttvrty. Treatment/Rehabihtation; Central Intake; Serv&ces. Drug-free; DetoxiTication, Mamtenance Information Envrronment Outpatrent Services. Drug-free Envuonment Outpattent Defensorer De La Juventud 259 Divisidera Helping Hands Center San Francisco, CA 94114 225 Turk Street (415) 731-8420 San Francisco, CA 94102 771-3366 Drrector. Inez Vaiies&hambers (415) Acuvity Admmistrative, Treatment/RehabiTitation, Duector Reverend Raymond Broshears Trauung, Educatron; Information, Activrty Admmistratn e; Treatment/Rehabrhtatton; Housmg and Legal Educatron; Information Services. Drug-free Services. Drug-free Environment: Outpatrent Environment. Outpatient; Residential

Delancey St Foundation Hucklebeny House 2563 Divisidero 3830 Judah Street San Francisco, CA 94115 San Francisco, CA 94122 (415) 563-5326 (415) 731-8420 Director: John Maher Director: Carolyn Maletta Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Trauung; Services: Drug-free Information; Crisis Intervention Environment: Residential Services: Drug-free Envjronment: Outpatient; Residential Everymans Free Medical Qinic 120 Church Street Langley-Porter Inst Youth Drug Study San Francisco, CA 94114 401 Parnassus (415)4744825 San Francisco, CA 94143 Director: Bertram M. Meyer, M.D. (415)6814080 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Director: Dr. Fariborz Arnini Services: Detoxification Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Environment: Outpatient Services: Drug-free ' Environment: Inpatient Hospital Fort Help Anti Add/Meth Maint Pgm 169 11th Street Methadone Treatment Center San Francisco, CA 94103 259 Hyde Street (415) 8644357 San Francisco, CA 94102 Director: Joel Fort, M.D. (415) 558-2761 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Director: Steven M. Levine Services: Maintenance Activity: Administrative; Treatment/RehabiTitation; Environment: Outpatient ,Training; information Servtces Maintenance Greenhouse Environment: (futpatient 4125 Kirkham Street San Francisco, CA 94122 Mssion Methadone (415) 731-3670 1001 Potrero Avenue Drrector: Betty Baskind San Francisco, CA 94110 Activity: Admudstrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; (415) 648-8200 Tralrdng Director: N Art Weinberg Services: Drug-free Activity. Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Environment. Outpatient; Residential Trahung; Information Services: Maintenance Haight-Ashbury Free Med Qhdc Environment: Outpatient 1644 Haight Street San Francisco, CA 94117 Northeast Drug Diversion (415) 6264271 15 Boardman Place Ihrector: Gary Freeman San Francisco, CA 94103 Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation (415)863-9138 Services: Drug-free Director. Robert G. Rodriguez Environment. Outpatient Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation; Information


Services. Drug-free Achvity Admuustrahvc, Treatment/Rehabrhtahon, Envu onment Outpatient Education, Information Services Detoxification Reality House Environment Inpatient Hospital 2603-23rd Street San Francisco, CA 94110 SF Methadone Programs Central Intake (415) 648-6100 535 Eddy Street Duector Leroy Looper San Francisco, CA 94102 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtahon (415) 558-2765 Services Drug-free Director Wdl Humphrey Environment Outpatient, Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake Services Mruntenance SF No. 2 Narcohc Addict Outpt Chnic Envuonment Outpatient 759 South Van Ness San Francisco, CA 94110 Synanon Foundation Inc (415) 557-2216 2240 24th Street Duector Jack Purvis San Francisco, CA 94107 Achvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trarmng, (415) 647-0440 Education, Information Achvity Treatment/Rchabthtatron, Trauung, Services Drug-free Education, Information Envuonment Outpatient Teen Challenge Inc San Fran Polydrug Proi 1464 Valencia Street 527 Irving Street San Francisco, CA 94110 San Francisco, CA 94122 (415) 285-1353 (415) 566-1700 Director Steven Gigourtaki Duector Donald Wesson, M.D. Activity Admmistrativc, Trcatmcnt/Rehabihtation, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Research Central Intake, Education; Information Services Drug-free San Francisco Drug Treatment Program Envuoninent Residential, Pnson 1754 Fell Street San Franasco, CA 94117 VA Satelhte Chmc (415) 922-3700 259 Hyde Street San Franasco, CA 94102 Duector Terry Burns (415) 928-7425 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtahon Ducctor John Sandford, M.D. Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Central Intake, San Francisco Methadone Treatmenf Prgm Cnsis Intervention 50 Ivy Street Services Maintenance San Francisco, CA 94102 Environment Outpatient (415) 558-2583 Duector Kathy Unger, M.D. Walden House Inc Achvity Adnumstrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, 2224 Sacramento Street Trairung, Education, Information San Francisco, CA 94115 SeMces Mamtenaiice (415) 346-1433 Environment Outpatient Duector Keith Matthews Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation San Franasco Methadone Trmt Program 3626 Geary Boulevard Walden House Re-Entry San Francisco, CA 94118 101 Buena Vista East (415) 558-2001 San Franasco, CA 94118 Director David Levme (415) 6684446 Activity Admuustratrve Duector Gary Wdhams Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation SF Dept PH-MH Ser Div Spec Prg Services Drug-free 3626 Geary Street Environment Residential San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 558-2001 Walden House Therapeutic Community Director Rinna Flohr 2224 S -ramento Street Activity Admuustrattve, Training, Hothne San Francisco, CA 94115 (415) 864-7090 SF Gen Hospital Ward 52 and 72 Duector Irma Newman Dept of Public Health Achvity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake, San Francisco, CA 94110 Trammg; Education, Information (415) 648-6016 SCMccs Drug-free Duector Charles B. Becker, M.D. Envuonment Residenual ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS CALI FORNIA

Westsrde Comm Mental Health Center Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 2209 Sutter Street SCMces Drug-free San Francisco, CA 94115 Envuonment Outpatient (415) 563-7710 Due ctor Jim Topscott SAN GABRIEL Activity Admmistrative Family Couns Svc of West San Gabriel Valley Westside Diversion Program 1027 South Gabnel Boulevard 2201 Sutter Street San Gabnel, CA 91776 CA 94115 San Franasco, 754-3819 (415) 563-7710 (209) Duector Tobi McMannon Director Peter Pursley Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient

Westside Methadone Program SAN 1301 Pierce Street JOSE San Francisco, CA 94115 Alum Rock Methadone Clinic (415) 563-7710 1765 Alum Rock Avenue Duector Aubrey O Dent San Jose, CA 95116 Activity Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron (408) 258-1567 SCMces Maintenance Duector Kenneth Memhardt, M.D. Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Maintenance Westsrde Therapeuhc Commuruty Envuonment Outpatient 899 Fell Street San Francisco, CA 94115 (415) 431-2060 Drug Abuse Chnic-Central CMH 2220 Moorpark Buddmg H-l 1 Ducctor Clarence Reeves San Jose, CA 95128 Actrvity Treatment/Rehabrhtation (408) 286-5442 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Dnector Kay Bergstedt Envuonment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Referral SCMces Drug-free, Detoxification Youth Advocates Middleground Environment Outpatmnt 1326 43rd Avenue San Francisco, CA 94122 (415) 665-3710 Eastside Drug Treatment Center 1129 South IQng Road Director Judy Bender San Jose, CA 95122 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Placement (408) 259-2275 SCMces Drug-free Duector Gilbert Environment Outpatient, Residential Loya Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation SeMces Drug-free, Detoxification Youth Drug Pgm/Japanese Comm Yth Counc Envuonment Residential, Inpatient Hospital 2012 Pine Street San Francisco, CA 94115 (415) 563-7710 Moorpark Methadone Chnic 2220 Moorpark Avenue Dnector Russell Hamada San Jose, CA 95128 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron (408) 286-5442 SCMces Drug-free Director Sam Benson, M.D. Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation SCMces Mamtenance Youth Drug Program-Buchanan YMCA Environment Outpatient 1530 Buchanan Street San Francisco, CA 94115 (415) 563-7710 Pathway House 102 South 11th Street Director Floyd Johnson San Jose, CA 95112 Actrvity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron (408) 998-5191 SCMces Drug-free Duector Environment Outpatient Mary Hedberg Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information Services Drug-free Youth Drug Program-Young Adults Environment Residential 751 Webster Street San Franasco, CA 94115 (415) 563-7710 Perlandra 600 4th Street Director Andre Dupre San Jose, CA 95112


(408) 275-6161 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Director Harry Shkker (805) 5444722 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Duector Daiuel C. Woehl Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Envuonment Residential SeMces Drug-free Environment Outpatient Santa Qara Co Heroin Detox Clmic 30 North 10th Street San Jose, CA 95112 (408) 258-1567 SAN MATEO Duector Russell Stark Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton Central County MHC Services Detoxification 3700 Edison Street Envuonment Outpatient San Mateo, CA 94403 (415) 573-2929 Santa Qara County Drug Abuse Coordination Prog Director Dr. J. Ddlon 70 West Hedding Street Activity Admuustrative, Trauung, Education, San Jose, CA 95110 Information, Research/Evaluation (408) 299-3202 Director Robert Garner County Drug Program Coordinator Activity Admuustrattve, Education, Information, 225 West 37th Avenue Planmng Program Development San Mateo, CA 94403 (415) 513-3704 Santa Qara Meth Treat Prog Duector Wiiham L. Edelman 30 North 10th Street Activity Admuustrative San Jose& CA 95112 (408) 288-7410 San Mateo Co Mental Health Services Duector Russell Stark 220 West 20th Avenue Activity Admtmstrative San Mateo, CA 94403 (415) 573-2532 Teen Challenge Director Dr. John Visher 204 Asbury Street Activity Admmistrattve San Jose, CA 95110 (408) 275-8240 Director David Marzolf SAN PABLO Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation, Education, Information San Pablo Discovery Center — —- --SeMces -Drug-free 13817 San Pablo Avenue ¹;8 Environment Residential San Pablo, CA 94806 (415) 236-1616 'Iherapeutic Community Duector Mane Daiuels Good Samantan Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation, San Jose, CA 95124 Information, (408) 371-0500 Referrals Services Drug-free Director Arthur W. Anderson, Jr. Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification SAN PEDRO Envuonment Daycare, Inpatient Hospital Harbor Free Chnic SAN LEANDRO 615 South Mesa San Pedro, CA 90731 547-0202 Eden Drug Abuse Program (213) 15001 Foot Hill Boulevard Duector Ron Moore San Leandro, CA 94578 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Information (415) 351-8000 Services. Drug-free Envuonment. Outpatient Duector Charles J. Meyers, Ph. D. Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake Efforts Services Mamtenance Harbor Health Jomt Program Envuonment Outpatient 825 West 9th Street San Pedro, CA 90731 (213) 542-9674 SAN LUIS OBISPO Duector Ernesto Duran Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation San Luis Obispo CMHC Services Drug-free 2180 Johnson Avenue Envuonment Outpatient



Center Point Inc County of Orange Dept of M/H 812 D Street Central Drug Abuse Team San Rafael, CA 94901 Santa Ana, CA 92706 (415) 454-2413 (714) 834-6286 Ihrector Mike Cowan Duector M. Quirke Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Training, Information Services Detoxification Services Drug-free Envuonment Inpauent Hospital Environment Residcnual County of Orange Dept of M/H Abuse Team Mann County Juv Prob Dept E Central Drug Ihv of Prob/Off Chddrens Tr Center Santa Ana, CA 92701 834-5509 163 Hall of Justice (714) San Rafael, CA 94902 Duector Michael O' Grady (415) 479-1800 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, Director Ron Baylo Information Drug-free Actrvity Treatment/Rehabthtation Services Drug-free Outpauent Envuonment Outpauent, Residenual, Daycare County of Orange Drug Prog Coord Off 515 North Sycamore Family Service of Mann Santa Ana, CA 92701 1005 A Street (714) 8344252 San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 456-3853 Director Richard Eckert Activity Admuustrative, Information Duector Robert F. Thomas Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtauon East Central Methadone Center 2215 North Broadway Mann Foundation Santa Ana, CA 92706 1010Lootens Place (714) 834-5041 San Rafael, CA 94901 Duector Tony Di Eugeiuo (415) 456-6072 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Trauung Duector Diane M. Barber SeMces Maintenance Acnvity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Envuonment Outpatient SeMces Drug-free Envuonment Residenual Orange County Methadone Admmrstratron 2215 North Broadway Santa Ana, CA 92706 Marin General Hospital (714) 834-6143 P.O. Box 2129 Duector Saul San Rafael, CA 94902 Stolzberg (415) 461-0100 Activity Administrauve, Trairung, Information Director John Moody West Central Methadone Center Acnvity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Trauung 2000 West Walnut Services Drug-free, Detoxdicauon Santa Ana, CA 92703 Environment Daycare, Inpatient Hospital (714) 8344050 Director Bdl Qumones Marin Open House Inc Acnvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Traimng, 1466 Lincoln Avenue Information San Rafael, CA 94901 Maintenance (415)457-3755 Outpatient Ducctor Peggy Woodruff Acnvity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Trauung; Information SANTA BARBARA Services Drug-free, Detoxdicanon, Mamtenance Environment Outpatient, Residential; Daycare Casa De Vida Inc 430432 State Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Rites of Passage (805) 9654921 1010Grand Avenue Duector Jesse L. Cortez San Rafael, CA 94901 Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, (415) 457-1234 Information Director Edward Beggs Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Residential


Community Health Task Force (805) 9644713 833 North Milpas Director Victor Santa Barbara, CA 93103 Kogler (805) 962-2011 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Services Maintenance Duector Frank Banales Envuonment Outpauent Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon, Education Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient SANTA CLARA

Community Rehab Program Pathway Society Inc 1006 Anacapa Street 1659 Scott Boulevard Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Santa Clara, CA 95050 (805) 963-1341 (408) 244-1834 Duector Marion Newbury Director Charles L. Alduch Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Educauon Acuvity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Educauon, Services Drug-free Inform auon Envuonmcnt Outpatient Drug-free Residenual Drug Abuse Preventive Society 24 West Arrellaga Santa Barbara, CA 93101 SANTA CRUZ (805) 962-6767 Ihrector Don Beckman Drug Abuse Preventive Society Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information 200 Seventh Avenue SeMces Drug-free Santa Cruz, CA 95063 Environment Residential (408) 4764010 Director Mark Tuehng Family SeMce of Santa Barbara Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtauon, Trmmng, 800 Santa Barbara Street Education, Informauon Santa Barbara, CA 93101 SeMccs Drug-free (805) 965-1001 Environment Residential Duector. Harry Harrison Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Methadone Treatment Health Services SeMces Drug-free 1060 Emeline Avenue Envuonment. Outpauent Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (408) 425-2236 Klein Bottle-Alternatives Unlimited Duector Hugh Ragel 20-West-De-La Guerra-Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Santa Barbara, CA 93101 SeMces Detoxification, Maintenance (805) 963-8775 Envuonmcnt Outpauent, Resrdenual Director Paul Smyth Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon, Educauon, Outpauent Clime Information 271 Water Street Drug-free Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Outpatient, Residential (408) 423-2003 Duector Gary Seabrook Santa Barbara CMH-Inpt Psych Umt Acuvity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trmiung, 300 San Antonio Road Information, Hothne Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Drug-free (805) 964-6713 Outpatient Duector Frank Allen Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Santa Cruz Comm Counseling Center 271 Water Street Santa Barbara Co MH Dept Santa Cruz, CA 95060 4444 Calle Real Road (408) 423-2003 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Ducctor Robert Kardon (805) 964-6713 Activity Administrauve, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Ihrector Marvm Messex, MPH Trauung, Education, Information, Hothne Activity Admmistratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Drug-free Traming, Information, Drop-In Center Outpauent, Residenual Drug-free Outpatient Santa Cruz County Methadone Program 1060 Emehne Avenue South Co Methadone Ginic Santa Cruz, CA 95060 4444 Calle Real (408) 425-2407 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Ducctor Joseph Craig ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS CALIFORNIA

Activxty Treatment/Rehabilitation, Information, Santa Momca Bay Area Drug Abuse Council Cnsis Lme, Detoxificauon 1312 Lincoln Boulevard Services Detoxxflcauon, Mamtenance Santa Monica, CA 90401 Environment Outpatient, Residenual (213)451-5631 Duector Michael S. Zimmerman Restoration Services Social Activity Treatment/Rehabxhtauon; Educauon; 2420 7th Avenue Information, Hothne Drop-In Santa Cruz, CA 95060 SeMccs Drug-free (408) 476-7465 Envuonment Outpauent Director Michael Schmidt Activity Treatment/ Rehabihtatxon St Johns Hosp Comm M/H Center Services Detoxificatio Xavier Chruc Envuonment Outpauent, Inpatient Hospital Santa Monica, CA 90404 (213) 829-5511 Sunflower House Duector Evxs J. Coda, M.D. 125 Rigg Street Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (408) 423-2003 Synanon Foundation Inc Duector Joseph Vitany 1910Ocean Front Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Traxnmg, Santa Monica, CA 90405 Educauon (213) 399-9241 Services Drug-free Director Ted Dibble Envuonment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Traimng, Educauon; Informauon SANTA FE SPRINGS SANTA ROSA Downey Area Counsehng Center Road 10909 Orr and Day Sonoma Cty Drug Abuse Csl Santa Fe Spnngs, CA 90670 1625 Frankhn Street (213) 868-9919 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 erector Joann H. Martm (707) 544-3295 Information Activity Treatment/Rehabxhtatxon, Ducctor Troy Wmslow Services Drug-free Activity Admmxstrauve, Treatment/Rehabxhtation, Envuonment. Outpatient Central Intake, Traxrung, Education; Information SeMces Drug-free, Detoxxflcatxon SANTA MARIA Environment Outpatient, Residential Preventive Center Drug Abuse Sonoma Mental Health Serv Street 110BSouth Lmcoln Oakcrest Hospital Santa Mana, CA 93454 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 (805) 922-5225 (707) 527-2855 Edward Stanzione Ihrector Duector David Disaruc Treatment/Rehabxlitauon; Inform anon, Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Vuats/Phone Service Activity Services Drug-free Drug-free Services: Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpauent

Santa Maria Methadone SEASIDE 402 West Park Street CA 93454 Santa Maria, Monterey Peninsula Youth Project Adult Residence 922-8282 (805) 1140 and 1146 Sonoma Avenue Director Donna Toedtman, MSW Seaside, CA 93955 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatxon (408) 899-3731 Maintenance Services: Duector Joyce McClenney Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon SeMces Drug-free Envuonment Residential SANTA MONICA Monterey Peninsula Youth Project (MPYP) LA of Mental Health Dept New Connection Santa Moruca West M/H Svcs D/A Coord 1001 Elm Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 451-8731 Seaside, CA 93740 (213) (408) 8994131 Duector Steven Reiter, M.D. Dxrector Miguel Medina Activity Admmxstratxve, Trammg


Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation STANTON Services: Detoxification Environment: Outpatient; Residential West Central Drug Abuse Team 10751 Dale Street Stanton, CA 90680 SEPULVEDA (714) 995-2471 Director Jim Teraz Sepulveda VAH DDTC Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation; Central Intake; 16111Plummer Street Information Sepulveda, CA 91343 Services: Drug-free (213)894-8271 Environment: Outpatient; Daycare Director: Walter Ling, M.D. Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation; Training, Research STOCKTON Services: Drug-free; Detoxification; Maintenance Environment: Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Council for the Spanish Speaking 1148 South San Joaquin Stockton, CA 95206 SOLEDAD (209) 465-3489 Crish House Director: David Ehzondo 255 East Street Activity. Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Soledad, CA 93960 Education; Information; Referral (408) 678-3934 Services. Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Director: Geoffrey Davis Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Drug Program Administrator Information; Crisis Intervention 1325 North Center Street Services: Drug-free; Detoxification Stockton, CA 95202 Environment: Outpatient (209) 948-7675 Director Glenn W. Avery SONORA Activity: Administrative; Central Intake; Training; Information Tuolumne County Mental Health Services 105 Hospital Road East Side Opportunity House, Inc Sonara, CA 95370 5125 East Washington Street (209) 532-3659 Stockton, CA 95205 (209) 9484357 Director: Clifton T. White Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Director: Warren Parker Central Intake; Training; Education; ActiVity: Treatmerit/Rehabilitation; Training; Information; Emergency Detoxiticatlon Information; Court Diversion Services: Drug-free Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient; Daycare, Inpatient Hospital Environment: Outpatient Friends SOUTH LAGUNA 1420 North Caufornia Stockton, CA 95204 South Coast Counseling Ctr (209) 464-2825 31706 Coast Highway Director: Louis Hardy South Laguna, CA 92677 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Information (714)497-2955 Services: Drug-free Director: Jerry Schipper Environment' Outpatient; Residential Activity. Treatment/Rehalitation; Information Services: Drug-free Project Identity Environment: Outpatient 805 East Weber Avenue Stockton, CA 95201 (209) 466-7957 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Director: Nancy Gutierrez Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Awakening Peace Inc Services: Drug-free P.O. Bax 848 Environment: Outpatient South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 (916)541-2445 San Joaquin Co Office Drug Coord Director: Terry Price 34 North Caufornia Street Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Stockton, CA 95201 Information; Family Counsehng (209) 466-9751 Services: Drug-free Director: Richard Vote Environment. Outpatient Activity: Administrative ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS CALIFORNIA

San Joaqum Cty Meth Maint Prog Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation San Joaquin General Hospital Services Drug-free Stockton, CA 95201 Envuonmcnt Prison (209) 982-1800 Ducctor George Feicht TORRANCE Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Mmntenance South Bay Drug Abuse Coahtron Inc Outpatient Environment 1547 Marcehna Street Torrance, CA 90501 (213) 320-8512 SUSANVILLE Duector Charles S. Adel 24-Hr Lassen Co Mental Health Service Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Referral Svc A P.O. Box 1208 SeMces Drug-free Susanville, CA 96130 Environment Outpatient (916) 257-5373 Du ector James T. Stupe TRACY Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rchabihtation, Central Intake, Education, Information Rising Sun Drug-t'ree, Detoxification 1018 East Street Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Tracy, CA 95376 (209) 835-8583 SYLMAR Duector Irene Ktllian Dc Oleda Achvity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, LA Hlth Svcs Traiiung, Information, Crisis Intervention 14445 Oln e View Drive Admuustration Buddrngs Sylmar, CA 91342 (213) 367-2231 TREASURE ISLAND Bruce Picken Director F Care Center Treatment/Rchabihtatron; Central Intake, Activity Budding 234 Information Treasure Island, CA 94130 Drug-free, Detoxification (415) 765-5272 Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Duector Lt E Hall Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation TAHOEVISTA Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Focus 6897 North Lake Boulevard Tahoevrsta, CA 95719 TULARE (916)546-2113 Tulare Co Substance Abuse Prog Jim Courte Manche Duector 559 East Bardsley Treatment/Rehabihtation Achvity Tulare, CA 93277 Services Drug-free (209) 688-7531 Environment Outpatient Director Jude Hayes Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rchabihtation, Central TARZANA Intake, Trauung, Education, Information, Referral Tarzana Psyciuatrrc Hospital Services Drug-free, Maintenance 18646 Oxnard Street Environment Outpatient Tarzana, CA 91356 (213) 996-1051 Tulare View Hospital IQngs View Inc Due Alan Muscatel ctor Tulare, CA 93274 Treatment/Rchabrhtatron Activity (209) 686-8651 SeMces Detoxification, Environment Inpatient Hospital Director R Blame Peterson Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation SCMccs Drug-free, Detoxification TERMINAL ISLAND Envuonment Inpatient Hospital

Narcotic Addict Rehab Urut

~ U.S. Department of Justice TWENTYNINE PALMS Termmal Island, CA 90731 (213) 831-8961 Morongo Basm Counsehng Service 6476 Abode Road Director James G Houston


Twentynme Palms, CA 92277 VACA VILLE (714) 367-9597 Director Paul Barkman Cal Med Faahty Methadone Prog Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, P.O. Box 2000 Central Intake, Information, Hothne Vacavdle, CA 95688 Services Drug-free (707) 4484841 Environment Outpatient Director Ralph Prout, M D Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation SeMccs Detoxification Environment Prison UKIAH VALLEJO Interact-Mendocino Co Drug Prog 107A West Perlans Street Genesis House Inc Ukrah, CA 95482 1149Warren Avenue (707) 462-6670 Vallelo, CA 94590 (707) 552-5295 Director Art Hilbert Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Director John Novads Central Intake, Education, Information, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Education Crisis Line Information Services Drug-free Envu on ment Residential VAN UNION CITY NUYS CSDA Reentry Cura Outpahent Program No. 2 15950 Hart 33923 10th Street Street Van Nuys, CA 91405 Uiuon City, CA 94587 (415) 489-4510 (213) 885-7788 Ducctor Gary Director Vincent Cowan Krupp Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Admimstratrve, Treatment/Rchabihtation, Services Drug-free Central Intake, Traming, Education, Envuonment Residential Information, Referral Sernces Drug-free I-ADARP Central Coordmahon Environment Outpatient 6646 Van Nuys Boulevard Van Nuys, CA 91405 (213) 994=7454 UPLAND Duector Michael R. Fritt Acuvity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Crossroads Project II Monte Vista Intake, Trainmg, Information, Referral 2426 North Euchd Services Drug-free Upland, CA 91762 Fnvuonmcnt Outpatient (714) 985-9604 San Fernando Valley Chdd Guid Ciuuc Duector Juhe Scott 7335 Van Nuys Boulevard Actn ity Admmistratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Van Nuys, CA 91405 Trammg, Education, Information (213) 989-5230 Drug-free Residential Duector Rene Lonner Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Counsehng Proyecto Accion Social (PAS) Services Drug-free 869'/z Foothill Avenue Envuonment Outpatient Upland, CA 91786 (714) 985-0818 San Fernando Valley CMHC 16930 Sherman Way Director Richard Vega Van Nuys, CA 91406 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (21 3) 996-5560 SeMces Drug-free Duector Environment' Outpahent Carlyle Langaigne Activity Adnuiustrativc San Antonio Community Hospital 999 San Bernardino Road San Fernando Valley Youth Center Upland, CA 91786 17400 Victory Boulevard (714) 985-2811 Van Nuys, CA 91406 (213) 342-3186 Duector Gary Voorman J. Duector Harvey Block Activity Administrahve Activity Treatment/Rehabihtahon Referral


Sciviccs Drug-free Director Jesse W Pratt Envuonmcnt Outpatient Acnvity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Environm«nt Residential

VENICE Veiucc Drug Coahtion hve Al terna Drug Program /39 Cahfornia Avenue 1426 Main Street Venice. CA 90291 Vemce, CA 90291 392-4151 (213) 870-6025 (213) Duector Director Vivian Brown Vermont R McKmney Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient Information, Research Services Drug-free I."nvironmcnt Outpatient CE.C. 1523 Lmcoln Boulevard Vcmce, CA 90291 Vita 822-1642 (213) 548 Vernon Avcnuc Director David Abclar Vemce, CA 90291 Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Vocational (213) 392-5744 Rehabihtation Ducctor Thomas A Jones Drug-free Activity Trcatmcnt/Rchabditation, Interest Groups Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Neighborhood Youth Assoc 548 Vernon Avenue Venice, CA 90291 392-3941 (213) VENTURA Director Lavester Williams Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Trammg, Effective Livmg Center Education, Information, Crisis Intcrventtc 3200 Telegraph Road No. 104 Services Drug-free Ventura, CA 93003 Environment Outpatient (805) 644-7161 Director James C Mdler Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Rap or Enter and Rap-Ear Services Drug-free BcnJamm Rush Center Envnonmcnt Outpatient 1426 Main Street Vemce, CA 90291 (213) 8706025 Director Vivian Brown Hacienda Help Services Achvity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Prevention 3175 Lorna Vista Road Services Drug-free Ventura, CA 93003 Environment Outpatient (805) 648-7777 Director Rusty Bass Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information, Rush Center-Venice Ou tpa trent Cou nschng 1426 Mam Street Services Drug-free Vcmce, CA 90291 Envuonment Reiadential (213) 870-6025 Duector Vrvran B. Brown Achvity Treatment/R«habditation, Cnsis Ventura Co Health Serv Drug Trt Prog Intervention 3291 Lorna Vista Services Drug-free Ventura, CA 93003 Environment Outpatient (805) 648-6171 Dnector Dale King Tuum Est Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, 503 Ocean Front Walk Central Intake Vemce, CA 90291 Services Drug-free (213) 392-3070 Environment Outpatient, Daycare


VIA AVANTA WEST SACRAMENTO Via Avanta Halfway House 12028 Venice Boulevard Aquarian Effort Alternative House Via Avanta, CA 90291 1731 West Capitol Avenue (213) 3906684 West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 372-5400 Duector Vivian Brown Activity Adm&nistratrve, Treatment/Rehabditahon Ducctor Dick Mitchell Services Drug-free, Maintenance Activity Tres tmcnt/Rchabihtation Envuonmcnt Res&dential Services Drug-free I'nvironmcnt Residential VISALIA Turning Point 1845 South Court WESTMINSTER Vrsalra, CA 93277 (209) 732-8086 Youth Awakening Director Kenneth G Kenncmer 13562 Jackson Street Westmmster, CA Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Information, Hotline 92683 Services Drug-free (714) 893-6063 Environment Residential Ducctor Jan Corkett Activity Treatment/RchabCitation, Tmnmg, WATSONVILLE Information, Referral, Hotline Services Drug-free Santa Cruz City Outpatient Environment Residential 278 Main Street Watsonville, CA 95076 Youth Service Center Westmmster (408) 728-1791 14180 Beach Boulevard Suite 203 Westmmster, CA 92683 Duector James Morris (714) 898-1325 Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/RehabCitation, Duector Robin Young Central Intake, Traming, Information Activity Treatment/RehabCitation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient WEST COVINA

Community Health Prolects WHITTIER 336&A South Glendora West Covma, CA 91790 Kennedy Cottage Program (213) 967-5307 11850 East Wliittier Boulevard Whittier& CA 90601 Director Forest S Tennant, M D (213)6984781 Activity Treatment/RchabCitation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Duector Terry Cramer Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/RchabCitation Services Drug-free East Valley Free Chnic, Inc Environment Pnson 537 Vine Avenue West Covma, CA 91790 ProJect Info (213) 3307428 9800 South MCls Avenue Whittier, CA 90604 Duector Howard Jackson (213) 944-6441 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Traimng, I nformation Director J Lindsay Woodard Drug-free, Detoxification Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditatron, Outpatient Trainmg, Education, Information Services Dnig-free Regional Headquarters Envuonment Outpatient 1435 West Covma Parkway West Covina, CA 91790 (213) 579-5950 WOODACRE Duector Ms Gomez Mann Youth Advocates Activity Admmistrative P.O. Box 473 Woodacre, CA 94973 Teen Challenge Mam Office (415) 924-4996 1543 West Garvey Boulevard Duector West Covrna, CA 91790 Bnan Slattery (213) 962-6787 Act&vity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditatton, Triuiung, Education, Information, Legal Director Dick Fort Services Drug-free Activity Admimstrative Environment Outpatient, Residential 50 CALIFORNIA ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS

Sishyou Co MH Semce 804 South Main Street Yreka, CA 96097 (916)842-3569 Director Joseph E. Onedl, M.D. Activrty: Treatment/Rehabrhtation


ASPEN Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education; Crnus Intervention Open Door Services Drug-free 501 Cemetary Lane Environment Outpatient, Residential Aspen, CO 81611 (303) 925-5400 Hill Project Director. Charles A. Baker 1421 Broadway Activity: Admmistratrve; Treatment/Rehabilitation, Boulder, CO 80302 Training; Information; Hothne (303) 442-5653 Services Drug-free Duector Wilham Olson Environment. Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services' Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient AURORA Mental Health Center of Boulder Co Comitis Crisis Center 1333 Iris Avenue 1150South Chambers Road Boulder, CO 80302 Aurora, CO 80011 (303) 443-8500 (303) 751-3010 Duector Galen Sanchez Director Richard Barnlull Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron; SeMces Drug-free Central Intake, Traiiung; Education, Envuonment Outpatient Information; Hothne Drug-free Outpatient; Residential Our House Youth Center 1621 Walnut Street Boulder, CO 80302 BOULDER (303)444-5693 Duector Donald Reed Boulder Half-way House Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 1415 Broadway Services Drug-free Boulder, CO 80302 Environment. Outpatient (303)449-2217 Director. Lmda J.Townsend Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Sernces: Maintenance COLORADO SPRINGS Environment Residential Colo Sp Hl Dept-Drug Dep Div Boulder Memorial Hospital Psych Ward 710 South Tejon 311 Mapleton Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80902 Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 633-1620 (303) 443-0230 Duector Harvey W. McCraney Ihrector Galen Sanchez Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free; Detoxification, Mamtenance Environment' Inpatient Hospital Environment Outpatient

Boulder Methadone Program El Paso City-County Health Department 1522 Broadway 501 North Foote Avenue Boulder, CO 80302 Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (303)449-2151 (303) 6344649 Director: Peter Hme Activity Admimstrative Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient CORTEZ Empathy House Inc 985 16th Street Cortez Drug Project Boulder, Co 80302 (303) 442-9824 Wilson Building 10 West Main Street Director: Tim Mahoney Cortex, CO 81321


(303) 565-7946 Independence House 1776 Wdliams Street Director Keith Hcniques Denver, Co 802 I 8 24-Hr Phone Service Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron, (303) 399-1454 Services Drug-free Brewster Envuonment Outpatient Duector Tom Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation

Malcom X MH Cnt 5023 East 28th Avenue DENVER Denver, CO 80207 (303) 355-1634 Arkansas Gimc 3150 West Arkansas Avenue Duector Rudolph Lie Information Denver, Co 80219 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, (303) 922-3673 Services Drug-free Envuonmcnt Ou tpatient Director Dr. Paul Polak Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron

BOP CPO Denver Narconon Denver New Life 19th and Stout 2801 East Colfax Avenue Denver, CO 80202 Denver, CO 80206 (303) 837-4141 (303) 333-0740 Director Floyd Gammdl Duector Leonard J Remhart Activity Admmistrative, Central Intake, Information Activity Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Trarmng, Education Colo Dept of H~I and Al and Dr Abuse Drug-free 4210 East 11th Avenue Outpatient Prison Denver, CO 80220 (303) 3884 I I I Program Duector Graydon Dorsch Narcotic Addiction Treatment Acuvity Admmtstrattve 126 Acorns Street Denver, CO 80223 Den Dept of Hl and Hosp MH Cnt (303) 778-6317 West 8th Avenue and Cherokee Street Duector Cecd A Edie Denver, CO 80204 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information (303) 893-7533 Services Drug-free, Maintenance Duector Barry R Bems, M.D Envuonment Outpatient Acuvity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtation Narcotic Addiction Treatment Program Drug Abuse Treatment Center 2860 Welton Street 1737 Gdpin Denver, CO 80205 Denver, CO 80218 (303) 6234214 (303) 388-4318 Duector Cecd A. Edie Duector Cecd A. Edie Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Trauung, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education Information Maintenance Services Drug-free, Services Drug-free; Maintenance Envuonment Outpatlnt Envuonment Outpatient

Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Admm 1055 Germont Street Inc Denver, CO 80220 SW Denver CMH Services, (303) 399-8020 3150West Arkansas Avenue Denver, CO 80219 Due ctor John T. Brewster (303) 922-3673 Activity Admuustrative, Central Intake, Trauung, Education, Information Duector Ralph Grosswder Acuvity Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Information, Commumty Treatment Center Drug Dependence Trt Ctr 1055 Germont Street Drug-free Residential Denver, CO 80220 Outpatient, (303) 399-8020 Duector John T. Brewster Stone Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Stepping Wilhams Services Drug-free, Detoxification 1768 Street Envuonment Residential, Inpatient Hospital, Denver, CO 80218 Outpatient, Prison (303) 571-9387


Duector Leroy Jackson (303) 493-2616 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free, Uime Screemng Duector David Adamson Envuonment Outpatient, Residenual Actnnty Treatment/Rehabilitation

Third-Way House Inc 1305 Vinta Street GRAND JUNCTION Denver, CO 80220 (303)623-0028 Bridge House Inc 436 South 7th Street Duector Barb Ewers Grand Junction, CO 81501 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Counsehng (Family) (303) 242-9827 SeMces Drug-free Envuonment Residenual Duector Carol Crawford Activity: Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Intake, U of Colorado Drug Rehab Program Trammg; Education; Information 1570 Humboldt Services: Drug-free Denver, CO 80203 Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare (303) 8314490 Grand Junchon Osteopathic Hospital ' Ihrector Richard Eckard 1065 Walnut Actnnty Treatment/Rehabihtation Grand Junction, CO 81501 Environment Outpatient (303) 242-0920 Walden Community Trt Ctr Duector living Nathenson 883 South Federal Boulevard Acuvity. Treatment/Rehabihtauon Denver, CO 80219 (303) 936-8595 GREELEY Duector Dr. Paul Polak Actnnty Treatment/Rehabilitauon Lean On Services Drug-free Island Grove Park Envuonment Residential Greeley, CO 80631 (303) 3564220 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation DURANGO Weld County Mental Health Center SWCo MH Cnt 1220 11th Avenue 1919Main Street Greeley, CO 80631 Durango, CO 81301 (303) 353-3686 (303)-247-5245 Duector Lawrence P. Morgan Director Robert G. Boe Actnnty Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Acuvity Admhustrative Education, Information, Crisis Intervention Services Drug-free South West Colorado Drug Project Envuonment Outpatient 1919Mam Avenue Durango, CO 81301 (303) 247-8178 LAFAYETTE Duector Keith Heuuques Activity Admuustrauve, Central Intake, Trauung, Lafayette Branch Chruc Education; Information, Drop-In Center 305 East Sunpson 24 Hours Lafayette, CO 80026 (303) 665-5564 Duector: Dan Escalante FORT CARSON Acuvity Treatment/Rehabilitation

Drug Center Lafayette Branch Clinic Specker Street 305 East S, pson Fort Carson, CO 80913 Lafayette, 0 80026 (303) 579-4413 (303) 443-8500 Due ctor Col. Douglas Duector Galen Sanchez Actwity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Sennces Drug-free Environment Outpauent FORT COLLINS Cenikor The Point 1533 Glen Ayr Drive 503 Remmgton Street Lakewood, CO 80215 Fort Collins, CO 80521 (303) 234-1288


Duector Dr. Chancy Services Drug-free ActMty Treatment/Rchabrhtabon, Trarrung, Information Environment Inpabent Hospital Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential


Longmont Branch Clime 1515 Warren Avenue Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 266-0446 Duector Galen Sanchez Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtabon Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpabent


Colo State Hosp Meth Cliruc 1600 West 24th Street Pueblo, CO 81003 (303) 543-1170 Duector Richard Lutz Acbvrty Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Educabon, Informabon Services Drug-free, Detoxdicabon, Maintenance Environment Outpabent

Evaluation and Detoxificabon Uiut 1600 West 24th Street Pueblo, CO 81003 (303) 543-1170 Duector Edward A. Engler Acbvrty Treatment/Rehabrhtabon; Central Intake; Evaluabon Services Detoxification, Evaluabon/Long-term Inpabent Program Environment Inpabent Hospital

Our House 172 hhdway Street Pueblo, CO 81001 (303) 543-1170 Director Richard Lutz Acbvity Treatment/Rehabrhtabon, Central Intake, Trarnmg, Educabon; Recreation Daily Liv Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpabent, Residenbal

Poly Drug Program 1600West 24th Street Pueblo, CO 81003 (303) 543-1170 Duector Erme McGrll Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtabon, Tranung, Education, Informabon, Followup Drug-free Outpatient, Inpabent Hospital

The Family 1600 West 24th Pueblo, CO 81003 (303) 543-1170 Director Guy Mayo Acbvity Treatment/Rehabrhtabon, Educabon


ANSONIA Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Narco Traming Center 278 Main Street Proiect Fire Ansonia, CT 06401 35 Cannon Street 735-8623 (203) Bndgeport, CT 06604 Duector Robert Barron (203) 384-1379 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Duector Frank Hall Information Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Drug-free Job Development Services Drug-free Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient

BRANFORD Reiponal Halfway House 392 Prospect Street Bridgeport CI' Branford 06604 Counseling Center and Helpline (203) 3334105 33 Laurel Street Branford, CT 06405 Director Joseph E. Downey (204) 388-8376 Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Information, Due ctor Bnan Lynch Job Development Drug-free Activity Central Intake, Information, Outpatient, Residential Counsehng/Helphne Short-Term Res Trt and Eval Unit BRIDGEPORT 392 Prospect Street Bndgeport, CT 06604 (203) 3334105 Crescent House 370 Crescent Avenue Duector Joseph E. Downey Bridgepor, CT 06608 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron (203) 576-8122 Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential Duector Larn Mazon Activity Treatment/Rchabihtatron Services. — Drug-free CHESHIRE Environment Outpatient Connecticut Hope Center Inc Correctional Institution On-Cit 10 Pequonnock Street Cheshire, CI' Bndgeport, Cl' 06604 06410 (203) 335-3400 (203) 272-5391 Duector Dwame Nickeson Duector Diana Davis Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Trauung, Trarmng, Education Education, Information Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Pnson Envuonment Outpatient

Methadone Treatment Quuc DANBURY 835 Wastungton Street Brideport, CT 06604 (203) 576-7040 Federal Conectional Institute Narcotic Addict Rehabihtation Unit Due ctor Manuel Mendes Danbury, CI' 06810 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trauung, (203) 746-2444 Information Duector. SeMces Mamtenance George Wdkinson Activity Environment Outpatient Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trauung, Educahon, Information Outpatient Chnic Drug-free 392 Prospect Street Pnson Bndgeport, CT 06604 (203) 333-4105 Interchange 80 Main Street Duector Sam Brown Danbury, CT 06810 Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtatron (203) 748-1249


Duector Edward Hutclunson Hartford, CT 06114 Activity Admmistrattve, Treatment/Rehabthtation, (203) 566-7390 Education, Information, Hothne/Crisis Director Stephen Glass Intervention Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Envuonment Residential

Connecucut Drug Councd EAST HAVEN 90 Waslungton Street Hartford, CT 06112 Project Intercept (203) 566-3403 599 Thompson Avenue Director Walter Stewart East Haven, CT 06512 Admuustrattve, Information (203) 467-1625 Activity Due ctor John Hcaly Conn St Dept of MH Drug Dep Prg Activity Administrauve, Treatment/Rehabilitation, 51 Coventry Street Education, Information Hartford, CI' 06112 Drug-free (203) 566-5825 Outpatient Ducctor Natahe N Lune Activity Admuustrattve, Education, Research FAIRFIELD Hartford Dispensary Cluuc No. 3 Services Ctr-Reach 72 Seyms Street Fairfield Community 06120 Sanford Street Hartford, CT 59 525-2182 Fairfield, CT 06430 (203) (203) 255-5777 Duector Ronald Craig Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Duector John Quinn Activity Services Mamtenance Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Education, Information, Youth Sennces Envuonment Prison Services Drug-free Regional Outpatmnt Chnic Envuon ment Outpatient Hartford 2 Holcomb Street Hartford, CT 06112 GREENWICH (203) 566-5155 Duector Marshall Cohen Argus Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon 61 East Putnam Avenue Services Drug-free Greenwich, CT 06830 Environment Outpatient (203) 869-1276 Director Kathleen IQng Henderson-Johnson Chnic No. 2 Actnnty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information, 522 Albany Avenue Crisis Intervention Hartford, CT 06103 Sennccs Drug-free (203) 525-2182 Environment Outpatient Duector Ronald Craig Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Education, ~ HARTFORD Information Services Mamtenance Outpatient Addiction Svcs Ct Dept of Correction Envuonment 340 Capitol Avenue Institute of Livmg Hartford, CT 06115 Retreat Avenue (203) 566-2859 200 Hartford, CT 06106 Duector Donald McConnell (203) 278-7950 Activity: Admuustratrve Ducctor John Donnelly, M.D. Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation, Trauung, Blue Hills Hospital Inpatient Unit Education, Information 51 Coventry Street Hartford, CT 06112 (203) 566-3390 Methadone Unit Methadone Dispensary Ihrector Dr. W. Alder Hartford, CI' 06112 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton (203) 566-2743 Services Detoxification Millette Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Director Dr. J. Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Detoxdication; Mamtenance Cadre House Services 190 Wethersfield Avenue Environment Outpatient


People Involved Together (PIT-I) (203) 643-2701 763 Albany Avenue Hartford, CT 06112 Director. Robert Berman (203) 527-8750 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Education Services: Drug-free Director: Michael Porter Environment' Residential Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation; Information; Crisis Intervention Services: Drug-free; Detoxification MERIDEN Environment: Outpatient Adolescent Drug Rehabilitation Unit People Involved Together (PIT-II) Meriden Road 75 Main Street Meriden, CT 06450 Hartford, CT 06106 (203) 238-2266 (203) 249-0696 Director Herbert Hall Director: Michael Porter Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Information; Services. Drug-free Crisis Intervention Environment. Residential Services: Drug-free; Detoxification Environment. Outpatient Dartec House Meriden Road Project Erah Meriden, CT 06450 33 Charter Oak Place (203) 566-2884 Hartford, CT 06103 (203) 2474636 Director. Francis Rizzolo Activity. Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education Director. Ester Jiminez Services. Drug-free Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation; Central Intake, Environment. Residential Traiiung; Education; Information Services: Drug-free Environment Residential; Daycare MIDDLETOWN

Project Fire Connection Inc 30 High Street 388 Washington Street CI' Hartford, 06103 Middletown, CT 06457 (203) 566-3718 (203) 344-0402 Director: Elmer Rodriguez Director: Thomas Sylvestor Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Activity. Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Information; Employment Referral Central Intake; Information Services: Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Envuonment Residential

The Hartford Dispensary Qhuc 45 Retreat Avenue Hartford, CT 06106 MONROE (203) 525-2182 Director. Ronald Craig Monroe Builds Communication Activity: Admmistrattve, Treatment/Rehabihtatron; Monroe Turnpike Education; Information Monroe, CT 06468 Services: Maintenance (203) 2684201 Environment. Outpatient Director: Lorraine Short Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation, Traming, Education; Information; Family MANCHESTER Counsehng Services: Drug-free Crossroads Manchester Environment: Outpatient 33 Park Street Manchester, CT 06040 (203) 647-9222 MONTVILLE Director: Jim Breitenfeld Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Altruism House II Central Intake; Training; Education; Montville Jail Information; Crisis Intervention Montville, CT 06353 Services: Drug-free (203) 447-1717 Environment: Outpatient Director: Michael Manning Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake; New Hope Manor Inc Training; Information 48 Hartford Road Services: Drug-free Manchester, CT 06040 Environment: Prison


NEW CANAAN Liberahon House 588 Howard Avenue Youth Ophons New Haven, CT 06519 156 South Avenue (203) 777-5600 New Canaan, CT 06840 Director Ellsworth La Frazicr (203) 655-1485 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, Information, Detoxification Director Harry Dunne Drug-free Actrvity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Information, Services Outreach Counschng Envnonment Residential Drug-free Outpatient Methadone Mamtenance Program 106 Park Street New Haven, CT 06511 NEW HAVEN (203) 772-3300 Director Dr Herbert Kleber Acute Adolescent Crisis Unit Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education 1450 Chapel Street ScMces Maintenance, Graduates New Haven, CT 06511 Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare (203) 772-3900 Duector Theodore Zanker, M.D. Methadone Research Clmrc Street Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Education 412 Orange Services Therapy New Haven, CT 06510 Environment Outpatient (203) 787-2247 Director Arthur Afircano Addiction Prevention Treatment Foundation Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education 98 Park Street Services Maintenance New Haven, CT 06511 Environment Outpatient (203) 787-7188 Duector Jill Rustici Narco Inc Avenue Activity Admuustrative 324 Congress New Haven, CT 06519 777-7387 Alpha House (203) 74 Dwight Street Director Rev. E. La Frazier New Haven, CT 06511 Activity Admmistrative, Central Intake, (203) 777-1634 Information, Hotlme Duector George Capozzi Actnnty Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education Project Fire Street Services Drug-free 109 Church Environment Residential New Haven, CT 06510 (203) 562-9831 Connecticut Mental Health Center Due ctor Brian Morrow Drug Dependence Unit Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Job Development New Haven, CT 06805 Services Drug-free (203) 772-3300 Environment Outpatient Duector, Dr. Herbert Kleber House Activity Admnustrative Verrtas Drug Dependence Unit Crossroads Inc New Haven, CT 06511 48 Howe Street (203) 787-3581 New Haven, CT 06511 Director Carl Calabrcse (203) 865-3541 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education Drug-free, Graduates Naloxone Due ctor Miguel Laguna Services Daycarc Activity Treatment/ Rehabihtation, Central Envnonment Outpatient, Intake, Information Sennces Drug-free Environment Residential NEW LONDON

Group 4 Altruism House I 840 Howard Avenue 45 Channmg Street 06320 New Haven, CT 06519 New London, CT (203) 4324980 (203) 447-1717 Duector Mare Hurzeler, M.D. Director Mark Kearney Admnustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education Activity Education, Information, Sennces Drug-free, Graduates Trainmg, Environment Outpatient Hothnes


Services Drug-free (203) 889-3824 Environment Outpatient, Residential Duector Clarence Bruninga Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information NEWTON I.'nvironment Outpatient

Fatrfield Hdls Hosp DPS Prolect Fire Edon House 132 Broadway Street Newtown, CT 06470 Norwich, CT 06360 (203) 426-2531 (203) 887-0383 Director Dr L. Suchothlt' Director Maria Hauslaib Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Training, Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Chsis Intervention Education Services Drug-free Drug-free, Detoxification Envuonment Outpatient Outpahent, Inpatient Hospital PLAINVILLE NORTH HAVEN Wheeler AfBihates Commumty Drug Program of North Haven 91 North West Drive Town Hall Annex Plarnvdlc, CT 06062 North Haven, CT 06473 (203) 7474801 (203) 239-5321 Director Joseph Puzzo Duector John IJalcy Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information Central Intake, information Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonmcnt Outpatient L'nvu onment Outpatient

NORWALK SOMERS Norwalk MMTP Dept of Ilealth Conn Correctional lnshtu hon So. Norwalk, CT 06854 Empathy House I (203) 838-7531 Somers, CT 06071 (203) 749-8391 Duector Anthony Vaz Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Wdham Tuthdl Seiviccs Mam tenancc Activity Treatment/Rehabditation. Central Intake, Environment Outpahent Education Services Drug-free Operahon Spear Inc Environment Outpatient, Residential 100 Washington Street So. Norwalk, CT 06854 (203) 838-4858 STAMFORD Duector Andrew Eichmann Drug Liberation Program Activity Inc Admuustrahve, Treatment/Rehabditation, 74 West Park Place Information Stamford, CT 06901 Services Drug-free (203) 359-3134 Envuonment Outpatient Director Doris De Huff Vitam Center Inc. Activity Admimstrative 57 West Rock Road Norwalk, CT 06851 Hobs (203) 846-2091 706 Bedford Street Stamford, CT 06902 Duector Joseph Phelan (203) 359-4822 Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, lnformahon, Research, Duector Stephen Gladstone Crisis Intervention Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation. Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mruntenance Education, Informahon, Youth Activities Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient

NORWICH Liberahon Cluuc 125 Mam Street Norwich Hosp Outpahent Clmic Stamford, CT 06901 110Broadway (203) 324-7511 Norwich, CT 06360 Duector Harry Laban


Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Services Drug-free Education, Information Environment Rcsidcntial Services Drug-frcc Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Nascent House 900 Watertown Avcnuc Stamford Methadone Mrun and Tret Prgm Waterbury, CT 06708 Drug Liberation Program Inc (203) 567-9491 Stamford, CT 06901 Director Patnck McAuhffe (203) 359-3134 Activity Trcatrncnt/Rchabihtatron Director Paul McLaughhn Achvity Treatment/Rehabilitation Waterbury Hosp Meth Marut Program Services Mamtenance 64 Robbms Street Envuonmcnt Outpatient Waterbury, C'f 06720 (203) 573-6199 Ducctor James Alcxandcr, M D. STRATFORD Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance Stratford Counselmg Center-Inscape Envu onment Outpatient 2730 Main Strcct Stratford, CT 06497 Waterbury Hospital (203) 377-OJ 87 Heroin Abstinence Program CI' Director Greg Doyle Waterbury, 06720 Activity Treatment/Rehabdiiation, Information (203) 573-6281 Services Drug-Iree Ducctor James Alexander, M.D ~ Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation. Central Intake Services Drug-free, Miuntenance Environment Outpatient TRUMBULL

Beacon WAUREGAN 295 Whitney Avenue Trumbull, CT 06611 Conn Renaissance Inc (203) 261-5110 Resident Treatment Facdity Director Mr Terry Sloan Waurcgan, CT 06387 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Triumng, (203) 774-1113 Fducation, Informahon, Cnsis Director Gerald Landry In terven tron Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Trainmg, Services Drug-free Education, Information I=.nviromnent Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential WATERBURY WESTPORT Central Valley Drug Help Inc 900 Watertown Avenue Conn Renaissance Inc Waterbury, CT 06720 Resident Re-entry Program (203) 753-3141 Westport, CT 06880 Ducctor Angels Atterrato (203) 226-3353 Central Information Activity Admuustrative, Intake, Ducctor Gerald A Landry Activity Trcatmcnt/Rchabdrtatron Drug Help Treatment Center Scrviccs Drug-free 900 Watcrtown Avenue Environment Residential Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 757-9831 Conn Renaissance Inc Director Patrick McAuliffe Outpatient Treatment and Rehab Activity Treatment/Rchabthtation Westport, CT 06880 Sciviccs Drug-free (203) 226-3353 l.;nviromnent Outpatient Director Gerald A Landry Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Trairung, Marathon House Education, Information 900 Watcrtown Avenue Drug-free Waterbury, CT 06708 Outpatient (203) 757-9437 Director Bob Duncan Conn Rcniussancc Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, 21 Taylor Place Information Westport, CT 06880


(203) 226-3353 Duector Gerald A. Landry Activity Administrative, Information

Conn Renaissance Inc Alternatn e Program Westport, CT 06880 (203) 226-3353 Duector Helen Todd Acuvity Treatment/Rehabdrtauon, Trammg, Education, Information, Crisis Housmg Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient

Drug Dep Uiut —Brooke-Hall Hosp 47 Long Lots Road Westport, CT 06880 (203) 227-1251 Director Jean Cardm Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxdicauon, Mamtenance Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital


Perception House 215 Valley Street Wdhmanhc, CT 06226 (203) 423-7731 Duector Rhonda Kincaid Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation, Informauon, Hotline Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Residential


Operation Spear Inc 92 Danbury Road Wilton, CT 06897 (203) 762-3376 Duector Andrew Eichmann Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron; Trauung, Education, Information Services Drug-free Envuonment Residenual


DOVER Smyrna, DE 19808 (302) 653-9261 Dover Counseling Center Director. Jack Malahauski 1001 South Bradford Street Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Dover, DE 19901 Services. Drug-free (302) 678-5294 Envuonment Prison Director Walter C Fdi Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation; Education, Information WILMINGTON Services Drug-free Envnonment' Outpatient CRC-Aftercare 504 South Qayton Street Kent County Drug Abuse Clinic Wilmington, DE 19805 1001 South Bradford Street (302) 571-3505 Dover, DE 19901 Director: James V. Angelone (307) 6874548 Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Direct: John Sewell, M.D. Services. Drug-free Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment: Outpatient Services Mamtenance Environment: Outpatient CRC Phase I 504 South Clayton Street Wilmington, DE 19801 GEORGETOWN (302) 571-3523 Director' Frank Grassi Drug Counsehng Unit Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Sussex Correction Institute Services Drug-free Georgetown, DE 19947 Envu onment. Residential (302) 998-0527 Center Phase II Director: Thomas Bisio Crittenton Residential Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 115 East 14th Services Drug-free Wdmington, DE 19805 Environment. Prison (302) 571-3505 Duector Barbara Peterson Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation NEWARK Services Drug-free Environment. Residential Newark Counseling Center 349 East Main Street Delaware Drug Detoxification Center Newark, DE 19711 Foot of Madison (302) 738-7411 Wilmington, DE 19805 Director Paul Poplawslu (302) 571-3511 Activity' Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education; Duector Robert Beat tie Information Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation; Medical Services. Drug-free Detoxification Environment: Outpatient Services. Detoxification Environment: Inpatient Hospital

SMYRNA Dept of Hlth and Soc Svc Off Drug Abuse 3000 Newport Gap Pike Adult Corrections Drug Coun Unit Div Wilmington, DE 19808 Delaware Correctional Center (302) 998-0527 Smyrna, DE 19977 Merrill 653-9261 Director: William (302) Activity: Administrative; Education; Information Director: Thomas Bisio Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Family Court Drug Counseling Project Services: Drug-free 600 North Market Street Environment: Prison Wilmington, DE 19899 (302) 571-2260 Narconon Delaware Correctional Center Director: Marcia Ferreira Education Building Del Corr Ctr DELAWARE

Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient

SODAT of Delaware 1312 North Van Buren Street Wilmmgton, DE 19806 (302) 654-5433 Director Frank M Matthews Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education, 1nforma tion Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient

The Wdmmgton Counseling Center 1327 Washington Street Wilmrngton, DE 19801 (302) 571-3500 Director Pierre Verdet Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient

WMC Methadone Ci and Counselmg Service 1329 Washington Street Wdmington, DE 19801 (302) 428-2102 Director Joseph A Ghck, M.D Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient

Womens Correctional Center Greenbank Road Wdmmgton, DE 19808 (302) 428-2102 Duector Betty Mansack Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Environment Prison


WASHINGTON Chfton Terrace Treatment Center No. 28 1350 Chfton Street, NW Alcohol and Drug Prev Control Prg Washmgton, DC 20009 Walter Reed Army Medical Center (202) 6294992 Washmgton, DC 20012 Duector Cliff Mitchell (202) 723-3303 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information Director James Rumbaugh Services Drug-free, Detoxdicatron, Mamtenance Activity Administrative Envuonment Outpatient

Andromeda Inc Community Care Center 1823 18th Street, NW 3301 16th Street, NW Waslungton, DC 20009 Washington, DC 20010 (202) 667-6766 (202) 637-6965 Duector Ricardo Galbis, M D Director Paul E Fry Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free, Detoxification Services Drug-free Envnonment Outpatient Envuonment Residential

Bon-A-Bond Halfway House Correctional Center No. 2 1304 Monroe Street, NW 456 C Street, NW Waslungton, DC 20017 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 483M50 (202) 6294973 Due ctor Donald Reed Ducctor George A Wdhams Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Trauung Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Residential Environment Residential

Bon-A-Bond DC Gen Hospital D.A.M.S. 527 6th Street, NW 1905 E Street, SE Washington, DC 20001 Washmgton, DC 20001 (202) 783-5460 (202) 626-7350 Duector Waverly V Yates Director Lmda Stahlman Activity Admuustrative Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Detoxification Bureau of Rehab of the Nat Capital Area Envuonment Inpatient Hospital 666 11th Street, NW Waslungton, DC 20001 Detoxification Abstmence Clime (202) 637-7000 717 6th Street, NW Waslungton, DC 20001 Director Eugene J. Rhoden (202) 638-6097 Activity Administrauve Director Wdliam Boykm Ceased Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron 433 9th Street, NE Services Drug-free, Detoxdication; Miuntenance Waslungton, DC 20002 Envuonment Outpatient (202) 629-5451 Drug Addiction Detoxification Service Catherine Bego Duector 1714 14th Street, NW Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Activity Washmgton, DC 20009 Rehabditation Information, Vocational (202) 629-5721 Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication, Mamtenance Environment Outpatient Ducctor Randolph Pedish Activity Treatment/Rehabditauon Center No. 29 Shack Services Drug-free, Detoxdicatron, Mamtenance 123 K Street, SE Environment Outpatient Washington, DC 20003 (202) 6294928 Drug Dependent Probationers (DDP) 666 11th Street, NW Duector John Vaughn Washmgton, DC 20001 Activity Treatment/Rehabditauon (202) 637-7024 Services Drug-free, Detoxdication, Mamtenance Environment Outpatient Director Wdham Revely


Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation People Involvement Corporation Services Drug-free 2146 Georgia Avenue, NW Envuonment Outpatient Washington, DC 20001 (202) 232-8897 Emerge House 1905 E Street, SE Duector Sharlynn E Bobo Waslungton, DC 20003 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation (202) 626-7274 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Ducctor Maury R Hatton Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Referral Peitnatal Treatment Program No. 10 Services Drug-free 1350 Clifton Street, NW Environment Residential Washmgton, DC 20009 (202) 268-0722 Feats Clmic I 1905 E Street, SE Director Miryam Davis, M D Waslungton, DC 20003 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (202) 626-7348 Services Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient Director Anna Thomas Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation, Out of Town Psychiatric lnsti Drug Cntr Referral 2101 K Street, NW Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Washmgton, DC 20037 Envuonment Outpatient (202) 467-4600 Feats Clmic II Duector David H Fram, M D 4508 Quarles Street, NE Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Waslungton, DC 20019 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance (202) 396-2500 Environment Outpatient Duector Wdham F Chisholm Psychiatric Institute Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 2101 K Street, NW Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Miuntenance Waslungton, DC 20037 Envuonment Outpatient (202) 467-4595 Last Renaissance Ducctor David H Fram 2700 Martin Luther Kmg, Jr Ave, SE Activity Admuustrative Waslungton, DC 20032 (202) 574-7501 RAP Inc 1731 Willard Street, NW Director Ester B.Ordonez Washington, DC 20009 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (202) 462-7500 Services Drug-free Environment Residenual Ducctor Ron Clark Activity Treatment/Rehabditation NARA II Services Drug-free 666 11th Street, NW Envuonment Residential Wasiungton, DC 20005 (202) 637-6945 Residential Treatment Center 519 C Street, NE Director Wdham Revely Washington, DC 20001 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton (202) 637-7030 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Duector Walter Ridlcy Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Narcotics Treatment Admm Services Drug-free 613 G Street, NW Environment Residential Washington, DC 20001 (202) 6294755 Shaw Residence No. 1 1770 Park Road, NW Duector Wdham J Waslungton, M D Washmgton, DC 20010 Activity Admimstrative; Information (202) 637-7045 Neighborhood Treatment Center Duector Peter Paul Scallam 666 11th Street, NW Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Wasiungton, DC 20001 Services Drug-free (202) 546-7702 Environment Residential Duector John F Dudley Shaw Residence No. 2 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 1740 Park Road, NW Services Detoxification Washmgton, DC 20010 Envuonment Outpatient (202) 637-6910


Ducctor Decatur W Trotter Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Environment Residential

Shaw Rcsidcnce No. 3 2019 19th Street, NW Waslungton, DC 20009 (202) 637-6915 Director Kenneth L Setter Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Residential

Southeast Neighborhood Achon Board Inc Drug Addiction Rehabrhtatron Center Washmgton, DC 20020 (202) 678-2494 Director Benlamm F. Davis Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Environment Outpatient

The Wash Halfway House for Women Inc 1816 19th Street, NW Waslungton, DC 20009 (202) 462-8982 Duector Sonya E Moore Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential

Train Rehab Employ For Addicts Trtmt SRABRS 2607 Reed Street, NE Washington, DC 20018 (202) 265-2626 Director Janice Woodward Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Employment Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Environment Outpatient, Residential

VA Commumty Chnic 3103 Georgia Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20010 (202) 4834666 Director Walter Hundley Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Services. Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance, Counsehng Environment Outpatient



Semmole County Mental Health Center Florida Ocean Science Institute 103 Robm Road 1605 SE 3rd Court Altamonte Springs, FL 32507 Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 (305) 831-2411 (305) 399-8445 Duector Werner A. Metz Duector Dave Bender Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation; Central Intake, Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Information Trarnmg, Education Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Envuonment Day care


Renaissance House Delray Problem Cntr Glades Branch 170 NW 5th Avenue Belle Glade, FL 33430 Delray Beach, FL 33444 (305) 996-2079 (305) 278-0044 Duector Jean Cogar Due ctor Glenn Mdls Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information, Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Training, Outreach Education, information Services Drug-free Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Daycare

Family Study Center BOWLING GREEN 13132 Barwrck Road Delray Beach, FL 33444 Bowhng Green Inn Inc (305) 278-6275 P.O. Box 337 Duector Bowhng Green, FL 33834 Freduck K. Kratma M D (813) 375-2218 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtauon Duector James Strack So County Drug Abuse Foundation Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation 2300 South Seacrest Boulevard Services Detoxification Delray Beach, FL 33444 Environment Residential (305) 278-0000 Duector Mare J. Mann CLEARWATER Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information, Cusis Intervention Par Therapeutic Community Drug-free 601 North Fort Harrison Avenue Outpatient Clearwater, FL 33515 (813)441-3786 Due ctor Bob Griffin FORT LAUDERDALE Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Services Drug-free Henderson Qmic Drug Abuse Unit Envuonment Outpatient, Residential 330 South Rrverland Road Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 (305) 7914300 DAYTONA BEACH Duector Wdham C. Kipp Treatment/Rehabrhtarton, Reality House Activity Education, Information 419 Stadium Road Services Drug-free Daytona Beach, FL 32014 Envuonment (904) 255-0200 Outpatient Duector Malcomb Graham, Ph. D Broward Cnty Comp DAP Activity Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation Central Intake Off Broward Cnty Services Drug-free Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Envuonment Residential (305) 765-5964


Director Johnann Mcllwam Gainesvdle, FL 32601 Activity Administrative, Central Intake (904) 377-8787 Duector Jack Lamonna Coral Ridge Psych Hosp Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 4545 North Federal Highway Services Drug-free Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 Environment Residential (305) 771-2711 Due ctor Michael Held The Corner Drugstore Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 1128 SW First Avenue Services Detoxdication Garnesvdle, FL 32601 Environment Inpatient Hospital (904) 378-1588 Duector John A. Creech The Seed Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Traming, 6900 West State Road 84 Education, Information, Hotline Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314 Services Drug-free (305) 7914900 Envuonment Outpatient Duector Art Barker Activity Treatment/Rehabditation The Drug Prolect Services Drug-free 728 East University Avenue Environment Outpatient Gainesvdle, FL 32601 (904) 392-0878 Duector Henry Boudin FORT MYERS Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Tranung Services Drug-free Younrty House Envuonment Outpatient 1950 Henderson Avenue Fort Myers, FL 33901 (813) 332-2882 HIALEAH Director Richard A. Sapp Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Operation Self Help Inc Services Drug-free 950 East 56th Street Environment Daycare Hialeah, FL 33013 (305) 685-0391 Lee County Mental Health Guidance Ctr Duector George Cavenaugh 1630 Woodford Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Fort Myers, FL 33901 (813) 334-3537 Director Ruth Cooper HOLLYWOOD Activity Treatment/ Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free BMMRRF Environment Daycare 5720 Johnson Street Hollywood, FL 33021 (305) 962-1998 FORT WALTON BEACH Duector Mrs Lindberg Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Okaloosa Guidance Cluuc Services Detoxification, Maintenance 205-A Shell Avenue Environment Outpatient Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 (904) 244-6131 Duector Frank N Jacobson JACKSONVILLE Activity. Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Crisis Lme Services Drug-free Jacksonvdle Drug Abuse Frog-Admm Environment Outpatient 577 College Street Jacksonvdle, FL 32204 (904) 633-5150 GAINESVILLE Duector Robert J Cummmgs Activity Admmrstratrve Alachua Co Brd of Co Comm 2800 NE 39th Avenue Jacksonvdle Methadone Treatment Ctr Gainesville, FL 32601 930 West Bay Street (904) 377-5860 Jacksonvdle, FL 32204 Duector Richard McGee, Ph. D. (904) 633-3800 Activity Admmistratn e Duector Ann B Turner Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Metamorphosis Services Detoxd'ication, Mamtenance 732-734 NE 3rd Avenue Envnonment Outpatient


JDAP-Lil'e Communication Cntr Link ICS House 712 Davis Street Outpatient Services Jacksonville, FL 32209 Lake Worth, FL 33460 (904) 633-3816 (305) 848-0642 ' Director Malaclu Bessent Duector: Bluma Schwarz Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation; Central Intake, Services: Drug-free Information Environment: Outpatient Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Life House 15 South Lee Street Jacksonville, FL 32204 (904) 633-3798 MIAMI Director Melvin Alston Central Area Treat Cntr Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation 1375 NW 6th Avenue Services: Drug-free Miami, FL 33125 Environment: Residential (305) 324-1636 Director: Mae R. Christian KEY WEST Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Mamtenance Environment. Outpatient Catholic Service Bureau Drug Program 3211 Flagler Avenue Community Outreach III Key West, FL 33040 (305) 296-8032 13140NW 7th Avenue North Miami, FL 33168 Duector Louis B. Latorre (305) 685-7744 Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation; Information Director Helme Walter Services Drug-free Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment. Outpatient SeMces: Drug-free Environment. Outpatient LAKE WALES Coconut Grove Commumty Outreach 3685 Grande Avenue Turning Point Ranch Manni, FL 33133 P.O. Box 528 446-8286 Lake Wales, FL 33853 (305) (813)537-1718 Director Brenda Linton Activity Duector. Denver H. Smoot Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation; Environment Outpatient Trauung, Education Services Drug-free House Environment Residential Concept 162 NE 49th Street Miami, FL 33132 LAKE WORTH (305) 7574700 Duector. Ms. Berkeson Link Foundation Inc Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Residential Services Drug-free Lake Worth, FL 33460 Environment: Residential (305) 582-2544 DireCto: Diana Donald Drug Dependence Trt Ctr-Admin 1201 NW 16th Street, Room 116-F Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Training; Education Muuni, FL 33125 Services: Drug-free (305) 350-3578 Environment: Residential Director: Wesley Westman Activity: Administrative Link Foundation Inc Daycare Drug Dependence Trt Ctr (Outpatient) Lake Worth, FL 33460 1491 NW 20th Street (305) 582-2720 Miami, FL 33125 Director: Randale C. Burns (305) 3244455 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Training; Director: Arnold Feiner Education Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free Services: Various ModaUties Environment: Daycare Environment: Outpatient


James Lovett Encuento Drug Rehab and Referral Duector Treatment/Rehabihtation 2121 SW 27th Avenue Activity Services Mamtenance Miamh FL 33152 (305) 856-2254 Environment Outpatient Director Pat Concha Spectrum Chase Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 114-140NW 59th Street Services Drug-free Mianu, FL 33127 Envuonment Outpatient (305) 754-1683 Fredenck Harnson Jr Encuentro-Wyndwood Duector C Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 3420 NW 2nd Avenue Services Drug-free Miami, FL 33127 (305) 573-1305 Environment Residential Director Angelo Mumz Spectrum House-Dade Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information 449 NE 37th Street Services Drug-free Miami, FL 33137 Environment Outpatient (305) 754-1683 Fredenck C Harnson, Jr Here's Help Duector Treatment/Rehabihtation 14857 NW 7th Avenue Activity Drug-free Miami, FL 33168 SeMces (305) 685-8201 Envuonment Residential Director Manon Siegel Spectrum In Commuruty Service Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtation I NW 67th Street Services Drug-free hhami, FL 33150 Environment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare (305) 754-1683 Harnson, In-Pahent Detox Unit Director Fredenck C. Jr Treatment/Rehabihtation Jackson Memorial Hosp Activity Admmistrative, Services Drug-free Miami, FL 33136 (305) 325-6696 Environment Outpatient Director Dr. Max Sklauer Spectrum Reentry Activity Treatment/ Rehabihtation I NW 67th Street Services Detoxification hhami, FL 33150 Environment Outpatient (305) 754-1683 Frcdenck Ilarnson, Jr Jackson Outpatient Cliruc Duector C. Treatment/Rehabilitation 1029 NW 15th Street Activity Services Drug-free Miami, FL 33136 (305) 325-7265 Environment Residential Duector John W Dow St Luke's Center Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon 3290 NW 7th Street Services Detoxification, Maintenance, Aftercare Mianu, FL 33125 Environment Outpatient (305) 6434040 Edward Smith MCYCC Duector J Treatment/Rehabihtation 151 NW 60th Street Activity Services Drug-free, Maintenance, Detoxification Miami, FL 33127 (305) 757-2531 Environment Outpatient

Duector Calvm Scott Unity House Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon 8410 NE 1st Place Services Drug-free Miami, FL 33138 Environment Outpatient Director Ronald J Tamburii Model Cities Therapeuhc Comm Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation 151 NW 60th Street Services Drug-frcc, Maintenance hhami, FL 33127 Envuonment Day care (305) 757-2531 Director Sam Jacobs Village South NE Mianu Place Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon 5858 Services Drug-free Mianu, FL 33137 751-3856 Environment Residenhal (305) Duector David M Gersh Model Cities Treatment Center Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, TASC Holding 2500 NW 62nd Street Facility Miami, FL 33138 Services Drug-free (305) 693-0083 Environment Residential 71 FLORIDA NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

MIAMI BEACH Orlando, FL 32807 (305) 273-4970 Operat&on Reentry (Facd&ty No. 2) D&Icc1OI Wdham Moseley 3602 Coll&ns Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehab&htat&on, Educat&on Miami Beach, FL 33140 Services Drug-free (305) 673-7453 Envvonment Daycare Director Warren Klem Act&v&ty Adm&nistralivc, Treatment/Rchab&litat&on, Thee Door Methadone Program Education, Informat&on 1204 West Central Boulevard Services Drug-frcc Orlando, f L 32802 I:nv&r&&nmcn& Output&cnt, Daycare (305) 849-3407 Dvector Mar)one J Labarge MILTON Act&vity Trcatrncnt/Rehabditation Services Detoxificat&on, Mamtenance Santa Rosa County Guidance Cl&mc 200 Oak Street Envvonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hosp&tal Mdton, FL 32570 (904) 623-9434 Thee Door Residential Center 8301 E Colomal Drne Director R&chard M Goldberg Orlando, FL 32807 Activity Treatment/Rehab&htat&on, I..ducation, (305) 273-4970 Informat&on, Cr&sis Call Dvcctor Wdham Moseley NAPLES Act&vity Trcatmcnt/Rchab&htation SGIviccs Drug-free Drug Treatment Ccntcr Envvonment, Residential 993 Crcech Road i& Naples, FL 33940 We Care Inc (813)649-3194 610 Manposa Dvector Frank Dougherty Orlando, FL 32801 Act&vity Treatment/Rchab&htat&on, Education (305) 425-2624 Scrv&ces Drug-free Director Kathleen Anderson Environment Daycare Activity Admm&strative, Training, Education, I nl'ormat&on, Cnsis Intervention NARANJA Genesis House PANAMA CITY 14201-14203 SW 260th Street Naranla, FL 33030 Solourn (305) 245-0033 602 North Cove Boulevard Panama Director C&iy, FL 32401 Sharron Ally (904) 769-2404 Activ&ty Trcatmcnt/Rchab&htation SGIV1ccs Drug-free Dvector Michael H Cartwnght I:;nv&ronmcnt Residential Activity Admmistranve, Treatment/Rehabd&tat&on, Traimng, I::ducat&on. Int'ormation, Central lntakci OCALA 24-llr Tclcphofle ScIv&cc Manon-Citrus MH Ccntcr Services IJrug-Iree, Deto&uf icat &on 2305 SW College Dnve Envuonment Output»cnt, Itcs&dent&al, Inpat&ent Hosp&tal, Daycare Ocala, FL 32670 (904) 629-8893 PENSACOLA Dvcctor Wdlum Yound Drug Abuse Program Act&v&ty Treatment/Rehab&htat&on, Education, 1000 West Avery Street I nfor mat&on Pensacola, FL 32501 o&1&ventServices Drug-free (904) 348-3135 I', nv&ronmcnt Outpat&ent. Daycare Director I rank A Brown ORLANDO A ctiv1&v Admin&stra&&vc, Treatment/Rchabihtation, Train&ng, I'.ducation, Inforrnat&on, Social Hothnc Adlustmcnt Center Sc&v1ccs Drug-free, Dcto&nfication 1700 West Colomal Dnvc I' nv Output&cnt. Resident&al, Inpatient Hospital Orlando, FL 32804 (305) 849-3345 PERRINE Director John Cassady Act&vity Trcatrncnt/Rehabd&tat&on, Triuning, Genesis Outreach Education, Informat&on, I-lothnc/ 10139SW 168th Street Outreach Pcmne, FL 33157 Services Drug-I'ree (305) 233-5781 Env&ronment Outpat&ent Dvcctor Sharon Ally Act&vity Treatment/Rehabd&tat&on The Door Youth Dev Cntr Services Drug-free 8301 East Colonial Dnve I'nvironment Outpatient 72 ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS FLORIDA

ROCKLEDGE St Petersburg, FL 33710 (813) 344-5461 Brevard County Mental Health Center Director Art Barker 1770 Cedar Street Activity Treatment/Rcliabditation Rockledgc, FL 32955 632-9480 Services Drug-Iree (305) Envuonmcnt Outpatient Duector James Whitaker Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rchabihtation, Education, Information, Hothne TALLAHASSEE Services Drug-frcc Envuonmcnt Outpatient, Residential, Daycare ACMHS-Special Services 105 West Fifth Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32303 ST AUGUSTINE (904) 222-6264 Director Dr William MCCabe, Ph D Jam House Activity Treatment/Rchabditation 48 Charlotte Street Services Drug-free St Augushnc, FL 32084 Environincnt Outpatient (904) 829-2273 Director Charles 1.'. Huber Bureau of Drug Abuse Prevention Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Educauon, 1323 Wmewood Boulevard Information, Alternauve Center Tallahassee, FL 32301 Services Drug-free (904) 488-4306 Environment Outpatient Director Cary Robmson Activity Admmistrative ST PETERSBURG Disc I louse Flonda State Unn ersity, Budding 264 Goodwdl Aftercare Umt Tallahassee, FL 32306 Rehabilitation Services Department (904) 644-4448 St Petersburg, FL 33733 (813) 576-3833 Director George P Kousalcos Activity Trcatmcnt/Rchabditation, Traimng, Duector Arnold Andrews Education, Information Activity Treatment/ Rehabrhtatron Sclvices Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonrncnt Outpatient Environment Daycare Disc Vdlage Goodwdl Industnes Inc P.O. Box 6054 Genesis I and II, East Wmg Tallahassee, FL 32304 Petersburg, FL 33712 St (904) 878-1896 (813) 822-8735 Director Phd Petti)ohn Duector Peter Marmakis Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Acuvity Trcatmcnt/Rchabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free I.nvironment Residential Environment Rcsidcnhal Fcd Correctional Inst Drug Abuse Prog Par Alternatives Center Capital Circle 2301 Nmth Street South 'I'allahassee, I'L 32304 St Petersburg, FL 33705 877-1187 (831) 584-2173 (904) Director Barry L Spunk Director Louis Plaut Activity Admimstrativc, Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatinent/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Services Drug-t'rec, Maintenance Environment Prison Envnonment Outpatient, Daycarc

PAR Methadone Program 2400 Ninth Street South TAMPA St Petersburg, FL 33705 (813) 894-4181 Dacco Chemotherapy Center Meth Maint Prog Director Arnold Andrews FL Admimstrative, Treatment/Rchabihtation Tampa, 33601 Activity 228-7329 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Miuntenancc (813) Envuonment Outpatient Director Dow Weathington Activity Treatment/Rehabditation The Seed Inc Services Maintenance 2501 72nd Street North Environment Outpatient


Famdy Service Assoc of Greater Tampa Suite 23, Riverside Professional Building Tampa, FL 33606 (813) 253-0531 Duector Athlynn L. Hodges Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation

Tampa-Hdlsborough Cnty Drug Abuse Co 205 West Brorem Street Tampa, Fl 33606 (813) 253-6095 Director Charles Wright Activity Admmistrative


Alcohol and Drug Abuse Palm Bch Cnty 324 Datura Street, Room 115 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (305) 655-1898 Duector Darnel F. Gainey Activity Admmistrative, Information

Community Mental Health Center Substance Abuse Program West Palm Beach, FL 33407 (305) 844-9741 Director Fred H Wass Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation, Education; Information

Span Outpatient 2405 North Done Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33407 (305) 833-4642 Director Robert Walker Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation, Trairung, Education, Information, Walk-In Referral Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient

Span Residential 629 9th Street West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (305) 833-1027 Duector Granvdle Green Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Tranung, Education, Information Services Drug-free Envuon ment Residential


Spectrum Broward 2301 Wilton Drive Wdton Manors, FL 33305 (305) 5634413 Director Frederick C. Harrison, Jr Activity Treatment/Rehabditanon Services Drug-free Environment Residential


ALBANY Services Detoxification; Maintenance Envuonment: Outpatient Albany Outpatient Clinic 312 3rd Avenue Exit House Albany, GA 31701 112 Rogers Street, NE (912)439-7782 Atlanta, GA 30317 (404) 373-7268 Director. Mike Kogan Acnvity ' Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector' Wayne Scruggs Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Environment. Outpatient Services: Drug-free Environment: Residential The Camphor Tree 409 4th Avenue Ga Dept Human Res and Drug Abuse Serv Albany, GA 30701 618 Ponce De Leon Avenue (912)439-7782 Atlanta, GA 30308 (404) 6564312 Director Mike Kogan Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Duector: Mike Fowler Services: Drug-free Activity: Administrative; Treatment/RehabiTitation Environment: Day care Ga Mental Health Inst 1256 Brtarcliff NE ATHENS Atlanta, GA 30306 (404) 894-5574 Ahkido (Athens DFDC) Director George Dominick 425 North Pope Street Activity: Admmistrative; Treatment/RehabiTitation Athens, GA 30601 (404) 542-7222 Grady Memorial Hospital Drug Dep Unit Director: Debbie Newton 80 Butler Street Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Atlanta, GA 30303 Services: Drug-free (404) 659-1212 Environment: Day care Director: Alfred Byrne Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Detoxification; Maintenance ATLANTA Environment: Outpatient

Andromeda Pre.release Center Harambee House Therapeutic Community 310Ponce De Leon NE 1440 Donnelly Avenue SE Atlanta, GA 30308 Atlanta, GA 30311 (404) 656-4307 (404) 753-3113 Director Paul Vestal Direct: Billy Smith Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Services: Drug-free Services: Drug-free Environment: Residential Envuonment. Residential

Chrysalis Hunter Street Treatment Center 830 Boulevard SE 947 Hunter Street NW Atlanta, GA 30312 Atlanta, GA 30314 (404) 622%444 (404) 656-3308 Director. Bruce Pemberton DireCto: Mr. Lyn Brown Activity' Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services. Drug-free Services: Detoxification, Maintenance Envuonment Residential Environment. Outpatient

Economic Opp Atlanta D/A Counseling Little Five Pomts Northwest Perry Intake Center 1140 Euclid Avenue NE Altanta, GA 30318 Atlanta, GA 30307 (404) 7944426 (404) 656-5604 Director. John Roberts Director Mac Spence Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation


Services Detoxification, Maintenance Atlanta, GA 30308 Environment. Outpatient (404) 875-0184 Duector Steve Backus Atlanta Metro Summit Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 201 Ashby Street Atlanta, GA 30314 Uhuru Care Center (404) 5244395 Day 1325 Bankhead NW Duector Francoise Ohverues Atlanta, GA 30318 ActMty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Employment (404) 874-7549 Assistance Director Eddie Smith Northside Comp Health Center Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 1000 Johnson Ferry Road NE Services Drug-free Atlanta, GA 30342 Fnvironment Daycare (404) 252-7300 Due ctor Dr. Charles Edwards Uiuted States Penitentiary Activity Treatment/Rchabdrtatron, Information, 601 McDonough Boulevard Followup Atlanta, GA 30315 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Chemotherapy (404) 622-6241 Biofeed Environment Outpatient, Daycare, Inpa trent Hospital Duector Dr Jerry Remfield Activity Admmistrative Renewal 128 8th Street United States Penitentiary Atlanta, GA 30309 601 McDonough Boulevard 892-6586 (404) Atlanta, GA 30315 Director Jack Handler (404) 526%484 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Mr. Carlton Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Intake, Environment. Residential Information Services Drug-free Renewal House Drug Free Daycare Envuonment Pnson 1120 Euchd Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30307 VA Hosp Drug Dep Trt Center (404) 659-5207 196 Pryor Street SE Due ctor Bdl Gnpp Atlanta, GA 30303 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (404) 5254853 Services Drug-free Duector Dr Vargo Environment Daycare Activity Treatment/Rehabditation SeMces Detoxification, Maintenance Southside Treatment Center Envnonment Outpatient 1039 Ridge Avenue SW Atlanta, GA 30314 (404) 681-2404 Duector Joe Waslungton AUGUSTA Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Detoxification, Maintenance Augusta Central Drug Clmic Environment Outpatient 1394 Gwmnett Street Augusta, GA 30901 Tenth Street Treatment Center (404) 724-9976 190 10th Street NE Adanta, GA 30309 Duector Olhe Lee (404) 892-0992 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Detoxification, Maintenance Director Cashn Weathers Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditatron Services. Detoxdication; Maintenance Augusta-Richmond Co Coun A/DA Envuonment Outpatient 511 5th Street Augusta, GA 30904 Third U.S. Army Hdqtrs (404) 738-2525 Hdg Force Command Hr ADAPCP Atlanta, GA 30330 Director Manon Roberts (404) 752-3503 Activity Halfway House Director Lt Charles Murchison Georya Reyonal Hospital at Augusta Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Augusta, GA 30906 Education, Information (404) 793-3000 Truck Stop Boys Lodge Director Henry Yost 951 Piedmont Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron; Information


SeMces Detoxification (404) 324-7241 Environment Inpatient Hospital Director Doug Bennett Trust Drug Free Day Care Center Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 1303 15th Street Services Drug-free Augusta, GA 30901 Envuon ment Residential (404) 722-3411 Columbus Dept of Pubhc Health Director Lmda McCaskdl 1958 8th Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Columbus, GA 31902 Services Drug-free (404) 327-1541 Environment Daycare Director Hart Odum Activity Admnustrative BRUNSWICK DIG Drug Free Day Care Center Patterns 800 Fust Avenue 903 Monck Street Columbus, GA 31902 Brunswick, GA 31520 (404) 327-0380 (912) 264-1222 Duector Judy Kmlaw Director Calvin Bunn Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Daycare Environment Outpatient Drug Inclination Group (DIG) Chnic 806 First Avenue CARROLLTON Columbus, GA 31902 (404) 327-0383 Carrollton DFDC Director Eleanor O'Netu 559 Alabama Cncle Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron Carrollton, GA 30117 Services Detoxification, Maintenance (404) 834-0808 Environment Outpatient Duector Bill McGovern Garrard House Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free 1958 Eighth Avenue Columbus, GA Envnonment Day care 31902 (404) 327-1541 Duector Gary McCrory CARTERSVILLE Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation

Cartersvdle Outpatient Clmic 217 East Mam Street DALTON Cartersville, GA 30120 (404) 386-2435 Dalton Outpatient Clmic 217 Penta Street Due ctor Claude Armstead Dalton, GA 30720 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (404) 278-0400 Services Drug-free Director Envnonment Outpatient Hubert Marsh Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free COLLEGE PARK Envuonment. Outpatient

Odyssey Counseling Center DAWSON 3493 Main Street College Park, GA 30337 (404) 766-1616 Dawson Outpatient Chnic 105 East Church Street Director Daniel Serrrtella Dawson, GA 31742 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education, (912) 9954959 Information Services Drug-free Director Jonathon Lewis Envnonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient COLUMBUS DECATUR Alchemy Therapeutic Community 627 Second Avenue Central Dekalb MH Center Columbus, GA 31902 500 Wmn Way


Decatur, GA 30030 GRIFFIN (404) 292-5231 Duector Steve Weisz Spalding Drug Free Day Care Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 610 South Eight Street Services Drug-free Griffin, GA 30223 Environment Daycare (404) 228-8892 Director Jerry Stevenson Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Admm Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 1670 Claumont Road NE Services Drug-free Decatur, GA 30033 Envuonment Daycare (404) 3214111 Duector James Vargo Activity Admuustrative JESUP

Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Inpatient Hyacmth House DFDC 1670 Clarrmont Road NE 323 East Cherry Street Decatur, GA 30033 Jesup, GA 31545 (404) 321-6111 (912) 427-6901 Director James Vargo Duector James Wagley Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Services Drug-free Environment Inpatient Hospital Envu onment Daycarc

Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Outpatient 1670 Cliurmont Road NE LAWRENCEVILLE Decatur. GA 30033 (404) 321-6111 Gwmnett County DFDC 100 South Clayton Street SE Director James Vargo Lawrencevrlle, GA 30245 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation (404) 963-0330 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Fnvvonment Outpatient Director Ray Hoobler Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation The Breakthru House SeMces Drug-free 1895 Eastfield Street Envuonment Daycare Decatur, GA 30032 (404) 875-3924 Director Scott Dunbar MACON Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation, Halfway House Services Drug-free Macon Drug Center Hemlock Drive Envvonment Outpatient, Residential 770 Macon, GA 31201 (912) 745-0411 FORT OGLETHORPE Director Emory Pitts Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron NW Georya Mental Health Center SeMces Detoxification, Maintenance Hutcheson Memorial TinCounty Hosp Environment Outpatient Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742 (404) 861-1416 Macon-Bibb County Dept Hemlock Street Dvector David W Nash 770 GA Activity Treatment/Rchabihtatron, Information Macon, 31201 Services Drug-free (912) 745-0413 Environment Daycare Dvector Chff Orr Activity Admvustrative

GAINESVILLE Macon-Bibb Drug Free Day Care Center 653 Second Street North Georya Community M/H Center Macon, GA 31201 Enota Drwe (912) 745-5824 Gamesvdle, GA 30501 536-6582 Director Barbara Calhoun (404) Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Duector Leroy G Dickson Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Envvonment Day care


MILLEDGEVILLE Services Drug-free Envuonment Daycare Alcohohsm and Drug Unit Central State Hospital Savannah Narcobc Treatment Center Milledgeville, GA 31062 513 Whitaker Street (912)453-5133 Savannah, GA 31401 Duector Dr Alvarez (912) 2334985 Acbvity Treatment/Rchabihtation Director Mimi Prince Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Environment Inpatient Hospital Services Detoxification, Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient

MONROE STATESBORO Monroe DFDC 328 North Broad Street Shalom DFDC Monroe, GA 30655 114 South Main Street (404) 267-8302 Statesboro, GA 30458 Director Sally Rice (912) 764-9015 Acbvrty Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Audrey Campbell Services Drug-free Acbvity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Environment Daycare Services Drug-free Envuonment Daycare RIVERDALE TIFTON Clayton Mental Health Center 15 SW Rrverdale Road Upper The Door Rrverdale, GA 30274 1201 Tift Avenue 471-4111 (404) Tifton, GA 31794 Duector Nancy Barrett (912) 382-0595 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Duector Chuck Henley Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Envuonment Daycare Services Drug-free Environment Day care ROME VALDOSTA Rome Outpabent Chmc 1300 East Fust Street South Health Dis Comm Mental Health Ctr Rome, GA 30161 112 Webster Street (404) 232-5357 Valdosta, GA 31601 Duector Nan Giordano (912) 247-3472 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtabon Ducctor Norval Smith Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment. Outpatient


The Link-North Atlanta Medrtabon Perry DFDC 305 Carpenter Drive NE 1206 Macon Road Sandy Spring, GA 30328 Warner Robbms, GA 31069 (404) 256-9797 (912) 9224144 Duector Ibs Bolton Duector Wanda Curlee Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Famdy Mediation Acbvity Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient

SAVANNAH Warner Robbins Outpatient Clmic 404 Duke Avenue Savannah DFDC Warner Robbins, GA 31093 118 East 31st Street (912) 9224144 Savannah, GA 31401 233-4981 Duector David Swmdle (912) Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Duector Susan Lamb Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonment Outpatient


Social Action Office Warner Robbms Air Force Base, GA 31093 (912) 926-6201 Director Sgt. Robmson Activity Admmrstrattve, Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Tranung, Education, Information, Hothne


Today 102 Gilmore Street Waycross, GA 31501 (912) 285-4100 Duector Zebe Chestnut Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


ALEA (808) 935-3709

Alea Mental Health Chnic Duector Dr John Mebane Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 99-115Ales Heights Drrve Ales, HI 96701 (808) 488-0926 Director W Chun, M.D. HONOLULU Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Alternahves for Youth Honolulu, Hl EWA BEACH 96817 (808) 847-0467 Hale Ola Duector John G Gnechten, Jr Wailoki Drug Qmic Halfway House Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton Ewa Beach, Hl 96706 Services Drug-free (808) 681-3121 Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Central YMCA Detached Counselor Prog 401 Atlunson Drive Honolulu, Hl 96814 HALEIWA (808) 941-3344 Pupukea Mental Health Clmic Duector Gus Harper Haleiwa, Hl 96712 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (808) 247-2148 Services Drug-free Envuonment Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Outpatient Chdd and Famdy Service 200 North Vineyard Boulevard HANAPEPE Honolulu, Hl 96817 (808) 521-2377 Hanapepe Health Center Hanapepe, Hl 96716 Director J Reiter (808) 335-5531 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Dash 2230 Ldiha Street Cottage J Honolulu, Hl 96817 HAUULA (808) 537-5336 Hauula Mental Health Qiruc Duector Russ H Cook Hauula, Hl 96717 Activity Treatment/Rehabhtation, Information (808) 293-5178 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation In-Commuiuty Treatment Program Honolulu, Hl 96817 HICKAM (808) 845-3945 Drug/Alcohol Abuse Counselmg Center Director Earlene Chambers Piko 15ABW/SLD Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, Hrckam Au Force Base, Hl 96553 Information (808) 445-7700 Services Drug-free Environment Daycare Duector 1st Lt. J Gardner Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtation; John Howard Association Central Intake, Traming, Education, 200 North Vineyard Boulevard, Room 102 Information Honolulu, HI 96817 Drug-free (808) 537-2917 Outpatient Director Theodore I. Sakat Activity Admimstrative HILO Kahlu Mental Health Clmic East Hawiui Mental Health Clmic Honolulu, Hl 96817 Hdo, HI 96720 (808) 848-0741


Director Dr. Kerry Moruck Waikiki Drug Clinic Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation 319 Paoakslani Avenue Honolulu, Hl 96815 Kahhi-Palama Comprehenisve Community (808) 9224787 Lanakila Mental Health Chnic Director Mr. Steve Smith Honolulu, HI 96817 Activity Treatment/Rehabditatton (808) 845-9767 Duector. Dr. Jay Jackman Waikiki Mental Health Chnic Activity Treatment/Rehsbihtauon Honolulu, HI 96815 (808) 923-0466 Koko Head Mental Health Ciuuc Duector Ms. Judith Herzog Honolulu, HI 96816 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation; Central Intake; (808) 735-2448 Education; Information Duector Ms. Carolyn Warmsun Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation KAILUA Makild Mental Health Chnic Honolulu, HI 96816 Kailua Mental Health Clinic (808) 734-0215 Kadua, HI 96734 (808) 262-8105 Director. Mrs. Joy Dommgues Activity: Treatment/Rehabdttation Director: Paul G. Smith, M.D. Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation Methadone Maintenance Treatment Prog 2230 Liliha Street Windward YMCA Detached Counselor Prog Honolulu, HI 96817 Kailua, Hl 96734 (808) 533-1711 (808) 261-0808 Duector Ms. Lee Kyselka Director: Ms. Patricia Mahoney Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation Services. Maintenance Environment: Outpatient KANEOHE Metro YMCA Is-Wide Detach Cnslr Pqpn 735 Bishop Street, Room 420 Kaneohe Mental Health Ginic Honolulu, HI 96813 Kaneohe, HI 96744 (808) 5334409 (808) 247-2148 Director: Joyce Winn Director: Richard E. Armsby, Ph. D. Activity: Administrative Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake; Information Nuuanu YMCA Detached Counselor Program Honolulu, Hl 96813 The Habilitat Inc (808) 536-3556 45-035 Kuhonu Place Director. Mr. Larry Wdliams Kaneohe, HI 96744 Activity' Treatment/Rehabihtation (808) 235-3691 Services Drug-free Duector: Vincent Marino Environment: Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake; Trammg; Education; Information Office of Human Resources DAPP Services Drug-free Honolulu, HI 96813 Environment: Residential (808) 546-8064 Duector. Charles Schuetz Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation KAPAA Substance Abuse Agency Office of the Governor Kapsa Mental Health Clinic Honolulu, HI 96813 Kapaa, HI 96746 (808) 548-7655 (808) 8224961 Duector Raymond Shibata Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity: Administrative

Teen Challenge Hawaii KAUNAKAKAI 1178Fort Street Mall Honolulu, HI 96813 Molokai Mental Health Clinic (808) 521-2902 Kaunakakai, Hl 96748 (808) 553-5323 Duector Donald J. Hall Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtatron


Molokai Teen Challenge WAIMANALO Kaunakaki, Hl 96748 (808) 567-6367 Wmnanalo Teen Center Director Steve Boston Wmnanalo, Hl 96795 259-5531 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron (808) Duector Mr. David Tai Actwity Treatment/Rehabihtatron KEALAKEKUA Waimanalo Mental Health Qnuc West Hawaii Mental Health Qmic Waimanalo, Hl 96795 Kealakekua, Hl 96750 (808) 259-7274 322-9331 (808) Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Due ctor Mr. Hugh Macisaac Actwity Treatment/Rehabihtauon WAIPAHU

'LIHUE Ke Ola Hou Waipahu, Hl 96797 Kauai Teen Challenge (808) 668-8330 Lihue, Hl 96766 Director Mr. Bruce 742-1631 Borneman (808) Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Director Jamm Beruan Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Waipahu Mental Health Qinic Waipahu, HI 96797 (808) 677-3158 WAHIAWA Duector Mrs Eiko Frankhn Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Wahiawa Storefront School Wahiawa, Hl 96786 (808) 621-0485 Director Mr. Ed Tonaki Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Waranae Mental Health Clmic Waranae, HI 96792 (808) 696-7057 Duector Mrs. Cathlen Zarko Activity Treatment/Rehabihtanon

Waranae Rap Ctr 83-134 Plantation Road Waianae, HI 96792 (808) 696-4267 Ihrector Marion Metz Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron


Maui Mental Health Quuc Waduku, Hl 96793 (808) 244-3747 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation

Teen Challenge Maui P.O. Box 725 Wailuku, Hl 96793 (808) 661-3914 Director Orvdle Sexton Activity Admuustrative, Central Intake, Education, Student Miiustry School



Bureau of Substance Abuse Alcohol-Drug Umt Dept Health and Welfare 650 West State 828 8th Avenue Boise, ID 83720 Lewiston, ID 83501 (208) 384-3340 (208) 746-2651 Director Zane P Nelson Duector Marvm T. Lambrecht Activity Admuustrative, Triuning, Education, Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Information Education, Information Services Drug-frcc Codac (Comm Coord on Drug Abuse Control) Envuonment Outpatient, Residential 700 Robbins Road Boise, ID 83702 (208) 336-1630 Director Stanton D Tate POCATELLO Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Education, information, Alternative to Reyon Vl Idaho Drug Abuse Services Drugs 707 North 7th Services I'mding Alternatives Pocatello, ID 83201 Envuon ment Outpatient (208) 233-6170 Director Thomas B Stoclting Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Traiiung, CALDWELL Education, Information, 24-1 lr Cnsrs Phone Substance Abuse Services Reyon III Services Drug-free P.O. Box 988 Environment Outpatient Caldwell, ID 83605 (208) 454-0421 Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Education, Information ST ANTHONY Drug-free Outpatient Drug Rehabditation Program P.O. Box 40 St ID 83445 D'ALENE Anthony, COEUR (208) 624-3462 Substance Abuse Services Director Brian K. Chapman 315 Wallace Activity Admmistrativc, Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Coeur D'Alene, ID 83814 Central Intake, Trammg, Education, (208) 667-4676 Inforination, Diagnostic Services Drug-free Director Donald M. Lmke Envuonment Residential Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Information, Outreach Followup


Reyon VII Substance Abuse Reyon V Substance Abuse Services 255 B Street 638 Addison Avenue West Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Twm Falls, ID 83301 (208) 524-2060 (208) 7344128 Director Samuel B. Adams Director C B Robertson Acttvtty Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Tratrung, Education, Trainmg, Education, Information, Information Referral Services Drug-free Services Drug-frcc, Detoxification Envu onment Outpatient Environment Outpatient


BELLEVILLE (312) 973-5400 Duector John G Deikis Special Service Center Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, 1020 West Minn Street Training, Education, Information, Bellevdle, IL 62223 I lothne/Outreach (618) 875-6300 Services Mdieu Therapy Duector James J Hartmg Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, In formation Basta Drug Abuse Program Drug-free 728 West 17th Place Outpatient Chicago, IL 60616 (312) 243-8541 Duector Humberto Martinez BERWYN Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Youth In Cnsis Inc Envuonmcnt Outpatient 6737 West 34th Street IL 60402 Berwyn, Bethany Drug Awareness Chnic (312) 797-3182 341 South St Loms Street Director Richard M Kmg Chicago, IL 60624 Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, (312) 265-7781 Information Duector Tom C. Eversley Drug-free, Youth Advocacy Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake, Residential Outpatient, Education Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient BLOOMINGTON Bethany Loretto Chnic McLean Co Alcohol and Drug Ass Ut Inc 5520 West Flournoy Avenue 206 East Chestnut Chicago, IL 60644 Bloommgton, IL 61701 (312) 265-7781 (309) 828-1371 Director Tom C Eversley Maureen Young Director Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education Treatment/Rehabihtatron Activity SeMces Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient

CARBONDALE Brass Foundation —Umt I 418 E 47th Street House Therapeutic Commumty Hdl Chicago, IL 60653 412 West Oak (312) 538-6880 Carbondale, IL 62901 (618) 549-7391 Duector Ameha McKibbins Treatment/Rehabditation, Training, Schiff Activity Director Stephame Information, Referrals Treatment/Rehabthtation Activity Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Miuntenance Environment Outpatient Synergy 905 South Ilhnois Avenue Brass Foundation —Unit I I IL Carbondale, 62901 1107 East 43rd Street 536-2311 (618) Chicago, IL 60653 Due ctor Jeff Taylor (312) 538-6320 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Triunmg, Director Edward Norris Information; Crisis Intervention Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Trauung, Drug-free Services Information, Referrals Outpatient Environment SeMces Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Environment Outpatient

CHICAGO Brass Foundation —Unit IH 7912 Halsted Street Alternatives Inc Chicago, IL 60620 2546 West Peterson Avenue (312) 994-2708 Chicago, IL 60659


Duector Martin Cuellar Duector Robert J. Craig Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Services Drug-free, Detoxification Envu onmcnt Outpatient Environment Inpatient Hospital

Brotherhood Chiuc Drug Dependence Treatment Center Outpatient 1440 South Indiana Avenue 820 South Damen Avenue Chicago, IL 60605 Chicago, IL 60690 (312) 793-5613 (312) 666-6500 Duector Alvm J Buick Director Robert J Cuag Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Mruntenance SeMces Mamtenance Environment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient

City of Chicago Dept of Health El Rrncon Commumty Prolect Cn ic Center, 2853 1874 North Mdwaukee Avenue Chicago, IL 60602 Chicago, IL 60647 (312) 744-8174 (312) 276-0200 Ducctor Jerry Cowan, M.D Director Fred Avdcs Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Trarnmg, Education Clair-Christian Center Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenancc 3450 West 15th Street Environment Outpatient Chicago, IL 60623 Gateway House Kedzie Ducctor Thomas Smith Facdity 1706 North Kedzie Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Chicago, IL 60647 227-6040 Day I Cluuc (312) 1134 East 132nd Street Duector Charles Schwartz Chicago, IL 60627 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (312) 568-7867 Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential Ducctor Spellmon Young Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Mazei Services Mamtcnance Gateway House, Facihty North Lincoln Avenue Environment Outpatient, Residential 2750 Chicago, IL 60614 929-1867 Drug Abuse Research Program (312) 5737 South Drexcl Avenue Duector Robert Matuzak Chicago, IL 60637 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (312) 753-4204 Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential Duector Walter Dorus Activity Admuustrative, Drug Abuse Research Gateway House Ellis Facdity 4800 South Ellis Avenue Drug Dependence Program IL 60615 Northwestern Institute of Psychiatry Chicago, 822-0032 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) (312)649-8049 Director Diane Schwartz Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Alex M Panto Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake, Environment Residential Trammg, Education, Information, Cnsis Intervention Houses Foundation Inc Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Miuntcnance Gateway North Street Environment Outpatient, Daycare, Inpatient Hospital 505 LaSalle Chicago, IL 60610 822-0032 Drug Dependence Treatment Center Admin (312) 820 South Damcn Avenue Duector Harry Sholl Chicago, IL 60690 Activity Adnumstrattve, Central Intake, (312)666-6500 Trammg, Education, Information Duector Robert J. Craig Harambee Actnnty Admmrstrattve, Trauung, Education, Center Information 923 West 54 th Place Chicago, IL 60609 Drug Dependence Treatment Center Inpatient (312) 9244286 820 South Damen Avenue Ducctor Claudius Bey Chicago, IL 60690 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information, (312) 666-6500 Hothne


Services Mamtenance Director: William W. Southwick Environment. Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free Ill Drug Abuse Program (IDAP) Environment: Outpatient 1440 South Indiana Avenue Chicago, IL 60605 Path 1 (312) 793-5624 3319West Fulton Street Chicago, IL 60624 Director Edward C. Senay (312) 826-9080 Activity: Admnustrative, Traming; Education; Information Duector' Boisy Banks Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Illinois Dangerous Drugs Commission 300 North State Street Pilash Tyre Chicago, IL 60610 2043 North Sheffield (312) 793-3840 Chicago, IL 60614 (312) 549-8388 Director. Thomas B. Kirkpatrick Activity Administrative Director: Robert A. K@dan Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Impact Services: Drug-free 1414 West 63rd Street Environment. Outpatient; Residential Chicago, IL 60636 (312) 778-7400 Project ReconciTiation Drug Symposia 811 West 63rd Street Director: Cleophus G. Young, Sr. Chicago, IL 60621 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation (312) 723-5000 Services Drug-free; Detoxification; Maintenance Environment: Outpatient Director. Charles H. Evers Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Marvin J. Pitluk and Assoc Ldt Vocational Support 6212 North Lincoln Avenue Services. Drug-free, Detoxification; Work Release Chicago, IL 60659 Environmen: Outpatient; Prison (312)539-2060 Prairie Avenue Research Clinic Pitluk Director. Marvm J. 2126 South Prairie Avenue Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity. Chicago, IL 60616 Services: Drug-free (312) 225-1400 Environment' Outpatient DireCto: Larry Humphrey Mile Square Health Center Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation; Tranung; 2045 West Washington Boulevard Education, Vocational Rehabilitation Chicago, IL 60612 Services: Mamtenance (312) 942-3700 Environment Outpatient Lmdner Director. Ron Presentation Qinic Activity Adiiunistrative 758 South Springfield Chicago, IL 60624 Near North Famdy Guidance Center (312) 265-7936 12 East Walton Street Chicago, IL 60611 Director: Tom C. Eversley (312) 9434545 Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education Services: Maintenance Director: Arthur A. Hyams Environment. Outpatient Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education; Hothne Information; Prevention House Services Drug-free; Mamtenance 1336 North Hoyne Avenue Environment: Outpatient Chicago, IL 60622 (312) 252-7888 Northside Qinic 2723 North Qark Director Roger W. Turk Chicago, IL 60614 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; (312) 525-3574 Information Services: Drug-free Viramontes Director: Gerald Environment. Residential Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services' Mamtenance Rotary Connection Drug Abuse Program (RCDAP) Environment' Outpatient 1444 South Drake Street Chicago, IL 60623 Northwest Youth Outreach (312) 522-8400 7032 West Belmont Chicago, IL 60634 Director: D. Pope Bey (312) 777-7112 Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation


Safari Duector Gerald M Bereika 140 West 62nd Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Traming, Chicago, IL 60621 Education, Information, Crisis Intervention (312)955-4875 Services Drug-free Director Ronald Talbert Environment Outpatient, Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Mamtenance Veterans Admimstration Hospital Environment Outpatient, Residential 1900 East Main Street Danvdle, IL 61832 St Leonard's House (217) 442-8000 2100 West Warren Boulevard Duector Paul R Haskin, Ph D. Chicago, IL 60612 Activity Trcatmcnt/Rehabdttatton, Traming, Information (312) 738-1414 Services Drug-free Director Janet Hinkle Environment Inpatient Hospital Actnnty Admuustrative, Treatment/Rchabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient DES PLAINES

STU Forest Chmc Rehab Service 1440 South Indiana Avenue Forest Hospital Chicago, IL 60605 Des Plarnes, IL 60016 (312) 793-5629 (312) 827-8811 Due ctor Charles Reesc Director Robert Simon Actnnty Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, germ ces Mamtenance Traimng, Education, Information, Environment Outpatient Vocational Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Teen Challenge Envuonment Outpatient 315 South Ashland Boulevard Chicago, IL 60607 (312)421-0111 DOWNEY Director Thurman L Faison Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Admm Actunty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education VA Hospital Services Drug-free Downcy, IL 60064 Environment Residential (312) 689-1900 The Place Duector Joseph N. O'Donnell 5132 South Elhs Activity Admuustrative, Trauung, Information Chicago, IL 60615 (312) 955-0479 Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Inpatient VA Hospital Due ctor Christme Spence Downey, ILL 60064 Actnnty Treatment/Rehabihtation (312) 689-1900 Services Maintenance Environment. Outpatient, Residential Ducctor Joseph N. O'Donnell Activity Treatment/Rchabditahon Uptown Community Cimtc Services Drug-free 4536 North Broadway Envuonment I npatient Hospital Chicago, IL 60640 (312) 728-1604 Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Outpatient VA Hospital Due ctor Anthony Oliven Downey, IL 60064 Activity Treatment/Rchabditation (312) 689-1900

WSO Drug Abuse Rehabihtation Prolcct Director Joseph N O'Donnell C/0 Illionis State Psych Inst, 11th Floor Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Chicago, IL 60608 (312) 341-8145 EAST ST LOUIS Duector Wdham W. Darden Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation ADDCO 2501 Rmgc Avenue East St 4urs, IL 62205 DANVILLE (618) 8754300

Aquarius House Ducctor James Hartmg 7 Elraabeth Street Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Danvdle, IL 61832 Traming, Education, Information (217) 442-9529 Services Drug-free, Dctoxd'ication, Maintenance Environment Outpatient, Residential


Alter Image Therapeutic Community Services Drug-free 2501 Ridge Avenue Environment Outpatient East St Louis, IL 62205 (618) 875-6300 EVERGREEN PARK Duector James Harbng Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Youth Services Services Drug-free, Detoxtficabon, Mamtenance Little Company of Mary Hospital Environment Rcsidenbal Evergreen Park, IL 60642 (312) 4224200 Methadone Treatment Program 2301 State Street Duector Warren N. Houlette East St Lour, IL 62205 Acbvity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, (618) 875-6300 Information Services Drug-free, Parent Counsehng Duector Jailics Hartlllg Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Education, Information Services Detoxification, Maintenance HARVEY Environment Outpatient Foundabon I Metro East Merhcal and Psychiatric Serves 86 West 154th Street 333 North Nmth Harvey, IL 60426 East St Louis, IL 62201 (312) 339-8861 (618) 271-1638 Director Otis McCoy Director Gene Rednour Acbvity Treatment/Rchabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Mamtenance Envuonment Outpabent Special Service Center 2501 Ridge Avenue East St Louis, IL 62205 HINES (618) 875-6300 Duector James Harting Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Admm Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, VA Hospital Information Hmes, IL 60141 Services Drug-free (312) 261-6700 Envuonment Outpatient Director Frances R. Racusen Activity Administrative

EFFINGHAM Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Inpatient VA Hospital Health Center Effingham Co Mental Hmcs, IL 60141 806 North 3rd Street (312) 26 I+700 Effingham, IL 62401 (217) 347-7179 Director Frances R Racusen Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Robert Pbce Services Drug-free, Maintenance Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Environment Inpatient Hospital

Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Outpabent ELGIN VA Hospital Hines, IL 60141 CCADA (312) 2614700 20 North Grove Elgtn, IL 60120 Director Frances R. Racusen (312) 742-3545 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free, Maintenance Duector James Renz Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Informabon, Emergency Outpatient, Daycare JOLIET Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Omega-I 1253 Eagle Street Fox Valley Mental HIth Assc Joliet, IL 60432 384 Division Street (815) 727-6488 EIgtn, IL 60120 (312)695 1115 Director Denms H Parks Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Education, Duector J. Aldene Ecker Information Acbvtty Treatment/Rehabihtation


Services Miuntenance MOUNT VERNON Environment Daycarc Jefferson County Comprehensive Service 811 Casey Street KANKAKEE Mount Vernon, IL 62864 (618) 242-1510 Thresholds Chmc Director Jack Roberts 290 East Jeffery Street Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Crisis Lme Kankakee, IL 60901 (815) 939-0125 Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Director Roy A Daniels Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Information OAK PARK Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Comprehensn e Drug Program 1040 North Boulevard Oak Park, IL 60301 LA GRANGE (312) 3834266 Duector Donald Woolf Comm Ext Pro W Suburban YMCA Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 31 East Ogcn Avenue Services Drug-free La Grange, IL 60525 (312) 352-7600 Envuonment Outpatient Director Randall Hotchkin Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Outreach PARIS Services Drug-free, Poly-drug Use Environment Outpatient Edgar County Mental Health Center P.O. Box 302 Pans, IL 61944 LAKE VILLA (217) 465-4118 Director John Young Gateway House Lake Vdla Facihty Acuvity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, 512 Cedarcrest Lane Trammg, Education, Information Lake Vdla, IL 60046 (312) 356-8205 PARK RIDGE Duector Arnold Muse Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Lutheran General Hospital Alcohol Rehb Services Drug-free 1775 Dempster Street Envuonment Residential Park Ridge, IL 60068 (312)6964050 Duector Orvdle H McElfresh MAYWOOD Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Detoxification Inpatient Health Incorpora ted Rehabrhtatton Program 501 Lake Street Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Maywood, IL 60153 (312) 343-1275 Director Robert L Porter PEKIN Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information TazeweU County Youth Outreach Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance 116 South Capitol Outpatient Pelun IL 61554 (309) 347-1148 Duector Ted Wolff MOUNT PROSPECT Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information, Drop In Referral Prospectus Services Drug-free Vdlage Annex Envuonment Outpatient Mount Prospect, IL 60056 (312) 394-8400 PEORIA Director Thomas H. Pnce Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trammg, Comprehensive MH Board Information, Hothne Douglas Hall Services Drug-free East Peona, IL 61611 Environment Outpatient (309) 6944394


Director Larry M Gruuvis Director David Elhs Activity Admuustrative Activity Admuustrative

Oakwood Manor 3301 West Richwoods Boulevard SPRINGFIELD Peoria, IL 61604 (309) 685-5241 Gateway House Spnngfield Fac Sprmgfield, IL 62702 Director Bob Lewis (217) 522-7731 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free, Detoxification Duector Cleve Turner Environment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton Services Drug-free Stonehedge Herom Outpatient Program Envuonmcnt Residential 1015 West McBean Street Peona, IL 61605 Phoenix (7) (309) 676-1095 717 South Grand Avenue East Sprmgfield, IL 62703 Director Robert C Knol (217) 525-1064 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Duector Fred Ludwig Environment Outpatient Achvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Information Stonehedge Heroin Residential Unit Services Maintenance 1015West McBean Street Envuon ment Outpatient Peona, IL 61605 (309) 676-1095 SPRING HILL Director Robert C. Knol Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Psycholoycal Services Reyon 3 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance 1225 Larchmont Envuonment Residential Spnnghdl, IL 62704 (217) 546-7428 Stonehedge Poly Drug Outpatient Program 1321 Gardner Lane Duector Donald E. Gottschalk Peona Heights, IL 61614 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatton (309) 694-4394 Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Director Robert C Knol Activity Treatment/Rehabihtanon Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient TINLEY PARK

Crossroad ROCK ISLAND 7400 West 183rd Street Tmley Park, IL 60477 Freedom House (312) 532-7000 2116 25th Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201 Duector Maunce C. Dixon (309) 788-4571 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification Director Pamela Hopkms Environment Outpatient, Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Mmntenance Tinley Park Outpatient Environment Ilhnois Drug Abuse Program Tmley Park, IL 60477 (312)532-5550 ROC KFORD Duector Edward Austine Keyway House (Outpahent MM) Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 304 North Main Services Maintenance Rockford, IL 61101 Environment Residential (815) 962-5024 Duector Dennis Wtlhs VILLA PARK Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Information Services Mamtenance Outreach Center of Dupage County Outpatient Environment 207 South Vdh Avenue Villa Park, IL 60126 No IU Cncl on Alc and Drug Dependency (312) 834-8900 304 North Main Street Rockford, IL 61101 Director John O'Connor (815)962-5025 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation


Services Drug-free, Detoxification Envnonmcnt Outpatient


Division of Substance Abuse 2400 Belvidere Road Waukegan, IL 60085 (312)6894706 Duector Joel J Hoffman Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Intake, Education, Information Services Drug-free, Mamtenance Environment Outpatient


The Family Service Center 1167 Wdmette Avenue Wdmette, IL 60091 (312) 251-7350 Director Henry M Owen Activity. Treatment/Rehabrhtatron



Human Aid Center Montgomery Co Youth Services Bureau 211 East 10th Street 209 East Pike Street Anderson, IN 46016 Crawfordsvdle, IN 47933 (317)644-6655 (317)362-0694 Director Bert Nelson Duector Brenda Bankart Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient

ELKHART BLOOMINGTON Oaklawn Comm Men Health Cen David Crane, M.D. 2600 Oakland Avenue 409 East 4th Street Elkhart, IN 46514 Bloommgton, IN 47401 (219) 294-3551 (812) 339-1221 Duector Robert Hartzler Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient

Weekend Commuruty 221 North Rogers Bloonungton, IN 47401 (812) 339-2261 EVANSVILLE Duector David Konuto Dharma House ActMty. Treatment/Rehabihtation 200 Cherry Street Services Drug-free Evansville, IN 47713 Environment Resrdenual (812) 464-3696 YSB of Monroe County Duector Junmie Tyus 125 West Kirkwood Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Bloomington, IN 47401 Services Drug-free (812) 334-1082 Environment Outpauent Duector Paulette Perkins SW Ind MH Ctr Cluucal/Medical Activity: Treatment/Rehabrhtatron 415 Mulberry Street Services Drug-free Evansville, IN 47713 Environment Outpatient (812) 423-7791 Duector Jun Pickett COLUMBUS Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Drug-free Alternatives Inc Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital 511 Second Street Columbus, IN 47201 SW Indiana Drug Abuse Program (812) 376-9295 415 Mulbeny Street Evansville, IN 47713 Director Michael Wlute (812) 426-1625 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Duector Joseph Mdls Environment Outpatient Activity Admuustrative

Quinco Consulting Center Youth Emergency Service 2075 Lmcoln Park Drive 5600 Old Boonvdle Highway Columbus, IN 47201 Evansvdle, IN 47713 (812) 379-2341 (812) 479-6411 Duector. George Wemhnd, M D. Director John Kcrckhoff Activity' Treatment/Rehabihtatron Acuvity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free SeMces Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential Environment Residential



Brotherhood House Lake County Mental Health Clinic 301 West Creighton 4801 West Fifth Avenue Fort Wayne, IN 46807 Gary, IN 46406 (219) 744-0465 (219) 949-9031 Dnector: Jim Stewart Director. Krystena Sklenarz, M.D. Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity: Treatment/Rehabjhtatton Services: Drug-free Services: Drug-free Environment: Residential Environment: Outpatient

Drug Abuse Counseling Chute Miracle Products Clinic 227 East Washington Boulevard 1836 Broadway Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Gary, IN 46401 (219) 743-0011 (219) 885-7411 Director: Roger Henry Director: Ron Scott Activity: Treatment/Rehabjiitation Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitat&on Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Northwest Ind Reg Add Authodty 822 Broadway Gary, IN 46402 Drug Alternative Program (219) 883-0496 227 East Washington Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Director. Louis Martinez (219) 743-0158 Activity: Administratrve Director: Roy Whitehead Youth Crisis Center Activity: Treatment/Rehabtiitation 215 North Grand Services: Drug-free Gary, IN 46403 Environment: Outpatient (219) 938-5500 Drrector. Donald Capp IADAC Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation 227 East Washington Servrces: Drug-free Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Environment: Outpatient (219) 743-0158 Director: Roger Henry Activity: Administrative INDIANAPOLIS Christamore-Westside Clinic Inner City Mission Inc 2546 West Michigan 626 East Wayne Street Indianapolis, IN 46222 Fort Wayne, IN 46802 (317)635-1123 (219) 743-1606 Director: Ray Brgier Activity. Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Director: Sam Wmger Services Mamtenance Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Environment: Outpattent Services: Drug-free Environment: Residential Cognition House 3513 North Pennsylvania Street Job's House Indianapolis, IN 46205 1415 Broadway (317)9244221 Fort IN Wayne, 46802 Director: William 423-2560 Hubbs (219) Actrvity: Treatment/Rehabrhtation Dtrector: Ted and Pamela Graham Services' Drug-free Activity: Treatment/Rehabriitation Environment Resrdential Services: Drug-free Environment: Resrdentiai Comm Add Serv Agency Inc Cent Intake 140 East 36th Street Indianapolis, IN 46205 Summit House Methadone Treatment (317)923-5421 114West Washington Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Duector: William Boyd (219)423-3419 Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Services' Drug-free Dhector: Ina Hans Environment: Outpattent Activity: Treatment/RehabiTitation Services: Detoxification; Maintenance Drug Dependence Tr Ctr Environment Outpatient Indianapohs VA Hospital Buriding 5


Indiana pobs, IN 46202 Duector Joseph Brdl, M D (317)635-7401 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Director Ed Bell Environment Outpatient, Residential Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Services Drug-free, Detoxification. Maintenance Environment Outpatient, Residential KOKOMO

Inrhanapobs Teen Challenge Common Ground Cluuc South Drne 145 East Fall Creek Parkway 600 North Washmgton Indranapobs, IN 46205 Kokomo, IN 46901 (317)924-5463 (317)452-4004 Betty Violette Director Director Chns J Roberts Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Residential Environment Outpatient

Marion County General Ilospital 960 Locke Street LAFAYETTE Indranapobs, IN 46202 (317)639-6671 Dr. Edgar Stuntz Director Joseph Mamhn 2500 Ferry Street Suite 200 ActMty Treatment/Rehabditation Lafayette, IN 47904 Services Drug-free (317)447-5015 Environment inpatient Hospital Acbvity Treatment/Rehabditation Martmdale Phase II Cbmc 1719Martindale LA PORTE Indianapohs, IN 46202 (317)639-3361 La Porte Youth SeMces Bureau Duector Charles Avery 801 Madison Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation La Porte, IN 46350 Services Maintenance (219) 362 9587 Environment Outpabent Director Janet Wondergem Acbvity Treatment/Rehabibtation, Crisis Methodist Hosp Drug Abuse Trtmnt Ctr Intervention 1205 Central Avenue Indranapobs, IN 46202 (317)927-3031 LAWRENCEBURG Duector Dale S. Benson, M D Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Commumty MH-MR Center Inc SeMces Mamtenance 285 Bielby Road Environment Outpatient Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 (812) 537-1302 Rap House Ducctor Frank Addnsi Meridian 2413 North Acbvity Treatment/Rchabditation Indianapobs, IN 46208 SeMces Drug-free 925-8221 (317) Environment Outpabent Director Lena J. Hams Activity Treatment/Rehabibtation Services Drug-free LOGANSPORT Environment Outpatient Guidance Center Inc State of Indiana-Department of MH 200 Eel River Avenue Division of Addrcbon Services Logansport, IN 46947 Indianapohs, IN 46222 (219) 753-6328 633-4477 (317) Director James Schalbol, M D Duector Wdham Gnglak Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Admuustrabvc Services Drug-frcc Environment Outpatient JEFFERSONVILLE MADISON Southern Ind MH and Guidance Center Inc 207 West 13th Street Madison State Hospital-Addiction Umt Jeffersonvdle, IN 47130 Madison, IN 47250 (812) 283-4491 (812) 265-2611


Director Lou Scalo Ward F and/or Drug Abuse Umt Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Richmond State Hospital ScMces Drug-free Richmond, IN 47374 Environment Inpatient Hospital (317)966-0511 Duector John S Hedges MARION Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtation SeMces Drug-free Environment Inpatient Hospital SAC Inc 418 West 3rd Street Marion, IN 46952 (317)662-9872 SOUTH BEND Dncctor Paul Colhns Aurora Center Acbvity Treatment/Rehabditation 1015 East Madison Services Drug-free South Bend, IN 46614 Environment Outpatient (219) 234-0091 Director Aiuta VA llospital Curbs Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtabon Budding 4 SeMccs Drug-free Marion, IN 46952 (317)6'/4-3321 Environment Outpatient Director Gemt Quelle Delos House Acbvrty Treatment/Rehabihtabon 228 West Bartlett Street SeMccs Drug-free South Bend, IN 46601 Environment Inpabent Hospital (219) 232-4805 Ducctor Mary Skelton MUNCIE Acbvity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Envnonmcnt Residential Aquarius House of Delaware County Inc 103 East Mam Street No. 3 Lighthouse Methadone Munme, IN 47305 Chmc (317)282-2647 509 West Washmgton Street South Bend, IN 46601 Due ctor Bdl J. Brrtton (219) 234-2113 Acbvity Administrabve Duector James Saunders Acbvity Aquanus House of Delaware County Inc Treatment/Rehabrhtabon Services 300 West Waslungton Street Dctoxificabon, Maintenance Muncie, IN 47305 Environment Outpatient (317) 282-2647 MHC of Samt Joseph Co Inc Director Bdl J. Bbtton 711 East Colfax Avenue Acbvrty Treatment/Rehabihtabon South Bend, IN 46617 Services Drug-free (219) 234-0061 Environment Outpatient Director Glenn Harris, M D. Acbvity Admmistrativc RICHMOND NIDAS North Camdla B Dunn Mental Health Chute 315 Mam 54 South 15th Street South Bend, IN 46601 Richmond, IN 47374 (219) 234-6011 (317)962-1523 Duector Rene Wdett Director Donald Anthony Acbvity Administrabve Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Informabon Services Drug-free Envnonment Outpatient TERRE HAUTE

Jason's House Federal Corr Inst Drug Abuse Prog 738 South 8th Street P.O. Box 33 Richmond, IN 47374 Terre Haute, IN 47808 (317)966-6826 (812) 232-5337 Due ctor Al Nicoletta Duector Richard Hagan Acbvrty Treatment/Rehabditabon Acbvity Treatment/Rehabditabon Services Services Drug-free Drug-free Environment Residenbal Environment Pbson


Freedom House 200 North 12th Street Terre Haute, IN 47807 (812) 232-4673 Director John J Wdlock Activity Treatment/Rchabthtation Services Drug-frcc Environment Residential

Katherine Hamdton MHC Inc 2070 North 13th Street Terre Haute, IN 47804 (gl 2) 238-2656 Ducctor Helmut L Labrentz, Ph D Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Vmcennes Comprehensive MHC Good Samantan Hospital Vincennes, IN 47591 (812) 885-3291 Director Frederick Buehl Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Five County Mental Health Clinic Inc 703 South Buffalo Warsaw, IN 46580 (219) 267-7169 Drrector Ben Knott Activity Treatinent/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


AMES Cedar RapuLs, IA 52401 (319) 366-7847 Shelter House 712 Burnett Avenue Duector Michael Spdlers Ames, IA 50010 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation (515) 233-2330 Services Drug-free Envvonmcnt Prison Duector George Bchtsos Activity Admiiustrative, Treatment/Rchabihtatron, Reahty-10 Outpatient Central Intake, Trauung, Information, 629 8th Street SE Residence Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 Services Drug-free (319) 366-7847 Envvonmcnt Outpatient Duector Michael Spdlers Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Education, ATLANTIC Information Drug-free, Detoxificauon, Maintenance Chemical Dependency Atlantic Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Casa County Memorial Hospital Hospital Atlantic, IA 50022 (7I2) 328-9506 Reahty-10 Residential 522 8th Street SE Dvector Gary P Riedmann Cedar Rapuls, IA 52401 Acuvity Treatment/Rchabihtation, Information (319) 366-1816 Services Drug-free Envvonmcnt Outpatient Director Lloyd L McCabc Activity Treatment/Rehubditation, Central Intake, Training, Education, Information, BURLINGTON Hothne Services Drug-free Southeastern Iowa MHC Environment Outpatient, Residential 521 North 5th Bwlington, IA 52601 (319)754-5749 CHEROKEE

Dvector Bernardo Pineda Aim House Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information 1200 West Cedar Services Drug-free Cherokee, IA 51012 Envvonment Outpatient (712) 225-2594 Dvector Gary Van Nostrand CEDAR FALLS Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free Dept of Human Develop Envuonment Residential 102'/z East 3rd Strcct Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Arm House Outreach Cluuc (319)277-3141 1200 West Cedar Cherokee, IA 51012 Duector Bdl Martm (712) 225-2594 Activity Admrnistmtrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, Information Dvector Janet Zwick Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Information Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient CEDAR RAPIDS

Linn Co —Reality 10 COUNCIL BLUFFS 629 8th Street SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 Chem Dep Agency-Council Bluffs Umt (319) 366-7847 532 1st Avenue Conned Bluffs, IA 51501 Duector Howard A Barnes (712) 328-9506 Activity Administrative Duector Gary P. Riedmann Reahty-10 institutional Outreach Activity Admmistrativc, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, 629 8th Street SE Information, Toll Free Phone


Services. Drug-free Services. Drug-free; Detoxification Environment: Outpatient Environment: Outpatient, Residential; Inpatient Hospital Polk County Mental Health Center 1301 Center Street DAVENPORT Des Moines, IA $0309 (515) 243-5181 Linnwood Therapeutic Community Director: William N. Cropp RR 2 School Road Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Davenport, IA 52804 Central Intake (319)324-0519 Services: Drug-free Environment. Outpatient Director: Emanuel Podurgal Activity' Treatment/Rehabilitation, Traming; Education Services. Drug-free GLENWOOD Environment. Residential Chemical Dependency Glenwood North Walnut Street Cities Drug Abuse-Outpatient Prog 112 Quint IA 51534 2nd Street Glenwood, 310West 328-9506 Davenport, IA 52801 (712) (319)322-5997 Director. Gary P. Riedmann Treatment/Rehabilitation, Information Director Emanuel Podurgal Activity Drug-free Activity' Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake; Services Outpatient Trainmg, Information; Admiiustrative; Environment: Education Services. Drug-free Environment Outpatient HARLAN Chemical Dependency Harlan Unit DES MOINES 520 Market Street Harhn, IA 51537 328-9506 Adapt Inc (712) 512 9th Street Duector. Gary P. Riedmann Des Moines, IA 50309 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Information (515) 288-9775 Services Drug-free Outpatient Duector Plul Chard Environment. Activity. Admmistrative, Central Intake; Traimng; Information; Medical IOWA CITY Adapt Inc Therapeutic Community Satellite 512 9th Street Iowa City Gilbert IA 50309 403 South Des Moines, 52240 (515) 288-9775 Iowa City, IA (319) 3384458 Director: Dennis R. Bowers Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Michael Spillers Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free Activity. Drug-free Environment. Residential Services: Environment Outpatient Maintenance TSU of Adapt Inc 512 9th Street MARSHALLTOWN Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 288.9775 Adapt Inc Director. Dennis R. Bowers 3' West Main Street Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake; Marshalltown, IA 50158 Training; information; Medical (515) 752-5421 Services: Drug-free; Detoxification; Mamtenance Denius R. Bowers Environment: Outpatient Director. Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Information Newton Community 512 9th Street Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 792-3008 Director: Mitchell Work MASON CITY Activity: Admimstrattve; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Traming; Education; Information, Alcoholism Coord Center Peer Counseling 101 South Taylor


Mason City, IA 50401 WATERLOO (712) 225-2594 Duector ' Janet Zwick Black Hawk County Drug Council Acuvity Treatment/Rehabrhtation 120 Independence Avenue Services Drug-free Waterloo, IA 50703 Environment Outpatient (319)233-9288 Director Patrick Vanzo Activity Admiiustrative, Central Intake; MISSOURI VALLEY Information

Chemical Dependency Mo. Valley 631 North 8th Street Missouri Valley, IA 51555 (712) 328-9506 Director Gary P. Riedmann Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Chemical Dependency Agency Red Oak 409 4th Street Red Oak~ IA 51566 (712) 328-9506 Duector Gary P. Rredmann Actmty. Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Information Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Chemical Dependency Shenandoah 1203 West Sheridan Avenue Shenandoah, IA 51601 (712) 328-9506 Director Gary P. Riedmann Activity Treatment/Rehabxhtatron, Information Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Chemical Dependency Sidney Unit Webster and Hill Streets Sidney, IA 51652 (712) 328-9506 Duector Gary P. Riedmann Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtatron; Information Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Northwest Alcohohsm and Drug Treatment Spirit Lake, IA 51360 (712) 262-5273 Duector Janet Zwick Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment. Outpatient


367-1593 EL DORADO (913) Director Dr. Ah Baser South Cntrl Mental Health Counsehng Ctr Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation, Education, 2365 West Central Information El Dorado, KS 67042 (316) 321-6036 MISSION Director Roy Voth Admmrstrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Activity Mental Health Center Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Johnson County Information 6000 Lamar Mission, KS 66202 (913)384-1100 EMPORIA Duector Harold Boyts Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Al Consult and Treat Serv (ACT) Information, Job Counsehng 501'/z Commercial Drug-free Emporia, KS 66801 Outpatient (316) 342-0548 Director Mr Ronald Wiebe Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Education, NORTON Information Valley Hope Assoc 709 West Holm Street Norton, KS 67654 (913)927-5111 Ihgh Plams Comp M/H Ctr Director Dcnius R Grhousen 208 East 7th Street Activity Admuustrative Hays, KS 67601 (913)628-8251 Valley Hope Treatment Center Duector Dr John Cody P.O. Box 410 Norton, KS 67654 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (913)927-5101 Director Kenneth R Dans KANSAS CITY Achvity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free University of Kansas Medical Center Environment Inpatient Hospital 39th and Itunbow Boulevard Kansas City, KS 66103 (913)831-6493 OVERLAND PARK Due ctor Dr. McKnelley Assn Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education Valley Hope Detoxd'ication, Mamtenance 8008 Floyd Services 66204 Envuonment Outpatient Overland Park, KS (913)927-5111 Wyandott Mental Health Center Inc Director Joe Brady 36th and Eaton Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Kansas City, KS 66103 Services Drug-free (913)831-9500 Environment Outpatient Duector Ehzabeth Gray ActMty Treatment/Rehabihtatron; Central Intake, Education, Information TOPEKA Services Drug-free Abuse Sechon Environment Outpatient Alcohol/Drug Dept. of Social and Rehab Serv 715 Hamson Street LEAVENWORTH Topeka, KS 66603 (913) 296-3925 NE Kansas Mental Health and Guidance Ctr Director Dr. Frank Gerner, Acting 719 North Broadway Acbvity Admmrstratrve Leavenworth, KS 66048

101 Chemical Problem Treatment Unit Topeka VA Hospital Topeka, KS 66622 (913)272-3111 Duector Dr. Kenneth Godfrey Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trruning, Education, Residency Services Drug-free, Detoxification Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital

The Carnage House Pro)ect 2200 West 6th Street Topeka, KS 66606 (913)234-0551 Duector Cecd R. Chamberlam Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake, Trauung, Education; Information, Recreation and Social Drug-free Outpatient

Topeka-Shawnee Co Health Dept 1615 West 8th Avenue Topeka, KS 66606 (913)233-5141 Ducctor Ray Baker, M.D Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Information, Cnsis Intervention Drug-free Outpatient


Sedgwick Co Comp Drug Treatment Pgm 2004 Wellington Place Wichita, KS 67203 (316) 265-5674 Director Dr. Rosemary Harvey Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare, Inpatient Hospital

Sedgwick Co Dept of Mental Health 1801 East 10th Street Wicluta, KS 67214 (316)268-8251 Director Chnton WiilsM Acnvity Admuustrative

Valley Hope Assoc Alcohol Counsehng 110East Waterman Street Wichita, KS 67202 (913)927-5111 Duector Slurley Grunert Activity Treatment/Rehabihtanon Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


ASHLAND Brownsvdle, KY 42210 (502) 597-3479 Drug Abuse Program Duector Jessica Coombs Federal Youth Center Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Ashland, KY 41101 (606) 928-6414 Director Henry Pederscn Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education BURLINGTON Services Drug-free Envuonment Prison Comprehensive Care Center Courthouse Annex Lansdown Comp Care Center Burhngton, KY 41005 2162 Greenup (606) 5864272 KY 41101 Ashland, Director J. Emmanuel Willett, Ph D 325-4664 (606) Acuvity Treatment/Rchabihtation, Central Intake, Due ctor Dons Leshe Education, Information, 24-Hr Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Telephone Line Information, Hothne Services Drug-free Drug-free, Detoxification Envuonment Outpatient Outpatient


Benton Mental Health Center Comprehensive Care Center 1300 Ohve Street 513 Highland Street Benton, KY 42025 Carrollton, KY 41008 (502) 527-1434 (502) 7324276 Due ctor Paul W. Trussell Duector J Emmanuel Wdlett, Ph D Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Achvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Information, Referral Education, Information, 24-Hr Telephone Services Drug-free Line Environment Outpatient Drug-free Outpatient


Barren Riv Reg Drug Abuse Program CAVE CITY 822 Woodway Drive KY 42101 Bowhng Green, Barren River Comprehensive Care Center (502) 842-6344 112 Second Street Director Lawrence Green Cave City, KY 42177 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (502) 773-2189 Duector Jessica Coombs Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron BRANDENBURG

Comprehensive Care Center P.O. Box 333 Brandenburg, KY 40108 CORBIN (502) 422-2009 Cumberland River Comprehensive Care Center Director Wilham Ficks P.O. Box 568 American Greetings Road Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Corbin, KY 40701 Services Drug-free (606) 528-7010 Environment Outpatient, Daycare Duector Alan C. Easley Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, BROWNSVILLE Central Intake, Trarnmg; Education, Information Drug-free, Detoxification Barren River Comprehensive Care Center Services Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Miun Cross and Waslungton Street 103 KENTUCKY NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

COVIN GTON Services Drug-free Envuonmcnt Outpatient Comprehensn e Care Center 622 Welsh Drive Covington, KY 41011 EDMONTON (606) 4914515 Director J Emmanuel Wdlett, Ph. D Barren River Comprehensive Care Center Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Intake, Suburban Motel Education, Information, 24-Hr Edmonton, KY 42129 Telephone Line (502) 4324951 Services Drug-free Duector Wdham Carver Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Comprehensive Care Center 11 East Tenth Street FALMOUTH Covington, KY 41011 491-3511 (606) Comprehensive Care Center Director J Fmmanucl Wdlett, Ph. D 211 West Shelby Street Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation, Central Intake, Falmouth, KY 41040 Education, Information, 24-Hr (606) 654-8384 Telephone Lme Duector J Emmanuel Wdlctt, Ph. Services D. Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Environment Education, Outpatient Information Drug-free Comprehensive Care Center Outpatient Second and Greenup Streets Covington, KY 41011 (606) 431-3052 FORT CAMPBELL Director Betty Santel Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Central Intake, Drug Control Office Education, Information, 24-Hr 2552 Indiana Telephone Lme Fort Campbell, KY 42223 Drug-free (502) 798-3711 Outpatient Duector Mal. R Smith Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabdrtation, North Ky. MH-MR Regional Board Inc Central Intake, Trauung, 430 Garrard Street Education, Information, Hothne Covington, KY 41011 Services (606) 491-1022 Drug-free, Detoxification Environment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Duector J Emmanuel Wdlett, Ph D. Activity Admuustratrve FORTKNOX

DANVILLE Fort Knox Alc Drg Abse Prev and Cntrl Prog Fort Knox, Mihtary Reservation Bluegrass South Compr Care Center Fort Knox, KY 40121 1086 Greenleaf Shoppmg Center (502) 624-2258 Danville, KY 40422 Duector Lt (606) 236-2726 Col Robers Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Director Chris Kubale Central Intake, Education, Information Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation, Education, Services Drug-free, Detoxification Information Envu'onment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient FRANKFORT

DAYTON Bluegrass West Comp Care Center 404 Ann Street Comprehensive Care Center Frankfort, KY 40601 410 Boone Street (502) 223-2181 Dayton, KY 41074 Director (606) 491-1881 D. W. Swam Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Duector J. Emmanuel Wdlett, Ph. D. Central Intake, Trauung, Education, Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Central Intake, Information, Hothne Education; Information, 24-Hr Drug-free Telephone Lme Outpatient


HARDINSBURG Drug Abuse Section Bureau of Health Services Care Center 275 East Mam Comprehenswe Frankfort, KY 40601 Route 1, Box 135A KY 40143 (502) 564-4488 Hardinsburg, (502) 756-5816 Director Howard Rosenberg James Wlute, Jr Actwity Admmistrative Dnector Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtation SeMces Drug-free FRANKLIN Environment Outpatient

Barren lbver Comprehenswe Care Center 103 West Madison HARLAN Franklm, KY 42134 Care Center (502) 586-8826 Cumberland lbver Comprehenswe Mounted Route No. I Director Eddie Bucklew Harlan, KY 40831 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (606) 2484949 Director Ehzabeth Meade GEORGETOWN Actlvl'ty Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Mamtenance Outpahent Help Center Envnonment 108 West Mmn Street Georgetown, KY 40324 (502) 863-2055 HARRODS BURG Duector Don Blue Bluegrass South Comprehensive Care Center Education, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, 213 East Broadway Referral Information, Harrodsburg, KY 40330 Services Drug-free (606) 734-9186 Environment Outpatient Duector Chns Kubale Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton; Education, GLASGOW Information Services Drug-free Barren River Comprehenswe Care Center Environment. Outpatient Box 439 Glasgow, KY 42167 (502) 651-8378 IRVINE Carver Director Wdham Gluegrass South Comprehensive Care Center Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity City Municipal Building hvme, KY 40336 (606) 723-5128 GRAYSON Duector Chns Kubale Treatment/Rehabihtation; Education, Carter County Mental Health Center Actwity 115 North Hord Street Information Grayson, KY 41143 Services Drug-free (606) 474-9229 Environment Outpatient Director Dons Leshe Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake; LANCASTER Information, Hothne Drug-free Services Bluegrass South Comprehensive Care Center Environment Outpatient 129 Hamdton Lancaster, KY 40444 (606) 792-3083 GREENUP Duector Chns Kubale Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Greenup County Mental Health Office Activity. 1018Walnut Street Information Greenup, KY 41144 Services Drug-free (606) 473-7333 Environment Outpatient Director Dons Leshe Central Intake, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, LEBANON Information; Hothne, Cnsis Intervention Comprehenswe Care Center Services Drug-free, Detoxification P.O. Box 523 Environment Outpatmnt


Lebanon, KY 40033 Acuvity: (502) 692-2509 Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Information Director: J. W. Obsourne Services: Drug-free Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Environment: Residential Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Buechel-Fern Creek Center 197 Carey Avenue Louisville, KY 40218 LEXINGTON (502) 491-8736 Director: C. C. Holmes Comprehensive Care Bluegrass East Activity: 201 Mechanic Street Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Information Lexington, KY 40507 Services: (606) 254-3844 Drug-free Environment Outpatient Director: Rick Berchou Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Information Dare House Services. Drug-free 2234 West Market Street Environment Outpatient Louisville, KY 40212 (502) 778-7382 Federal Correctional Institution Director: Leestown Pike Wayne C. Castor Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Lexington, KY 40507 Services. (606) 255-0812 Drug-free Environment Residential Dnector. Weslie Ross Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Drug Abuse Center Services Drug-free 521 West St. Catherine Street Environment. Prison Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 583-8808 Off Broadway House Director: Joseph C. Hoerter 379 South Broadway Park Activity: Lexington, KY 40504 Admhustrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; (606) 2334415 Central Intake; Information Services Drug-free Director: Robert K. Johns Environment: Outpatient, Residential Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free Dumesnil Service Center Environment' Residential 2815 Ovmesnil Street Louisviue, KY 40210 Urban County Detention and Court Svc Ctr (502) 774-1708 112 Barr Street Director: Lois Lexington, Roberts KY 40507 Activity: (606) 253-2616 Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education; Information Director: Tom Southwood Services Drug-free; Maintenance Activity' Admmistrative; Central Intake; Environment. Outpatient Education; Information Get-It-On Drop-In Center 1578 Bardstown Road LOUISA Louisville, KY 40205 (502) 4544605 Lawrence County Mental Health Center Duector: Vin Walters 305 East Main Street Activity: Louisa, KY 41230 Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; (606) 6384332 Information Services: Drug-free Director: Doris Lesiie Environment: Outpatient Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake; Information; Hothne; Cnsis Intervention Jefferson Comprehensive Care Center Services: Drug-free; Detoxification 600 South Preston Environment: Outpatient Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 582-2644 LOUISVILLE Director: Larry Marks Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; All The Way House Inc Information 1109South 2nd Drug-free; Maintenance Louisville, KY 40203 Outpatient ($02) $83-5414 Manthom House Director: Nell Marsh 525 West Ormsby Avenue


MADISONVILLE Loursnllc, KY 40203 (502) 637-3668 Madrsonville Area Mental Health Chmc Director Larry McDonough 139 South Main Street Actrnty Treatment/Rchabditation Madrsonviile, KY 42431 Services Drug-free (502) 821-8874 Environment Residential Director Gerald Stone Treatment/Rchabihtation Mdl Creek MH Center Activity 1512 Crums Lane KY 40216 Louisvdlc, MAYSVILLE (502) 448-8470 Due ctor Jesse Grant Maysvdle Compr Care Center Actinty Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Education, 216 East 3rd Street Information Maysville, KY 41056 Services Mamtenance (606) 5644813 Environment Outpatient Dn cctor Raymond J Sdva Admmistrative, Treatment/Rchabthtatron, Cresent Hdl Service Activity River Region Information 3418 Frankfort Avenue Services Drug free Lousrnlle, KY 40207 Environment Outpatient (502) 893-2583 Director Howard M Bracco SID Situation ID Disposition Serv Actrnty Treatment/Rchabihtation, Education, 216 East Third Street Information Maysvdle, KY 41056 Services Drug-free (606) 5644016 Ennronment Outpatient Director Dewey Applegate Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Information River Region Detox Unit Services Drug-free 600 South Preston Envuonmcnt Outpatient Louisnlle, KY 40202 (502) 587-6908 Director Linda Hayes MOREHEAD Actrnty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Run Comprehensive Care Center Services Detoxification, Mamtcnance Cave Main Street Ennronment Inpatient Hospital 325 East Morehead, KY 40351 (606) 7844416 MH-MR Board Inc River Region Director James McGovern Mall River City Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Lour snlle, KY 40202 Central Intake, Education; information, (502) 585-5381 I-lothne, Crisis Intervention Duector Ncd Kennedy Services Drug-free Actinty Admmrstratrve Envnonment Outpatient, Residential

South Louisnlle Drug Abuse Center MORGANTOWN 1735 Berry Boulevard Louisville, KY 40215 Barren River Comprehensive Care Center (502) 361-9254 Box 242 Duector Don Stokes Morgantown, KY 42261 Actrnty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, (502) 526-3877 Information Director Glenn Cathaings Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Outpatient

MUN FORDVILLE Stop Dope Now South 34th Street 1809 Barren River Comprehensive Care Center LoursVill, KY 40211 774-2338 Pubhc Square (502) Munfordvdle, KY 42765 Director Sterhng Neal (502) 524-9883 Treatment/Rehabditation, Information Actrnty Director Jcssica Coombs Sernces Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Environment Outpatient



Newport Comprehensn e Care Center Barren Rwer Comprehensive Care Center 718 Columbia Street Farm Bureau Budding Newport, KY 41071 Russclvdle, KY 42276 (606) 431-3052 Director Eddic Bucklew Ducctor Betty Santel Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Envuonmcnt Outpatient SANDY HOOK

Elhot County Mental Health Center PADUCAH P.O. Box 215 Sandy Hook, KY 41171 Comm Mental Health Ctrs of Western Ky. (606) 7384163 1530 Lone Oak Road Paducah, KY 42001 Director Doris Leslie (502) 442-7121 Actwity Trcatmcnt/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Information, I lot linc, Cnsis Intervention Director Charles R McArthur Services Drug-free Activity Admiiustrative F..nvuonment Outpatient

Marantha Christian Center 2500 Waslungton Street SCOTTSVILLE Paducah, KY 42001 (502) 444-6766 Barren River Comprehenswe Care Center Ducctor Robert Wemer City Buddmg Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Hothnc Scottsvdle, KY 42164 Services Drug-free (502) 2374481 Environment Outpatient Duector Eddie Bucklew Activity Treatment/Rehabditation PRESTON BURG

Layne House SOMERSET 18 South Front Avenue Lake Prestonburg, KY 41653 Cumberland Comprehenswe Care Center (606) 886-8572 Drug Education Program Somcrsct, KY 42501 Director Stephen H Knowlcs (606) 679 1137 Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Central Intake, Director Doug Hopkins Education, Information, Drop-in Activity Administrative, Crisis Intervention J Treatment/Rchabihtauon, Central Drug-free Intake, Trainmg, Education, Information, Hotlme Outpatient, Residential Services Mamtenance Envuonmcnt Outpatient Mountiun Comprehensive Care Center 18 South Front Avenue Prestonsburg, KY 41653 (606) 886-3887 SPRINGFIELD Director Richard Stai Comprehenswe Care Center Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, 413 Lmcoln Park Road Information, llothnc, Drop-in Springfield, KY Services Drug-free 40069 (606) 336-7775 Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare Director Darrcll Laurer Activity Treatment/Rehabditation RICHMOND Services Drug-free Lnvuonment Outpatient Bluegrass South Comprehensrve Care Center 209 St. George Street Richmond, KY 40475 STANFORD (606) 623-9367 Ducctor Chris Kubale Bluegrass South Comprehensive Care Center Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon, Education, 124 Somerset Road Information Stanford, KY 40484 Drug-free (606) 365-2197 Outpatient Director Chns Kubalc


Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, I nformation Services Drug-frcc Environment Outpatient


Barren River Comprehensrve Care Center 800 North Mam Tompkinsvrlle, KY 42167 (502) 487-5655 Duector William Carver Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron


Comprehensive Care Center Grant County Hospital Annex, Barnes Road Wrllramstown, KY 4 I 096 (606) 824-5336 Ducctor I Emmanuel Wdlett, Ph D Central Intake, Activity Treatment/Rchabthtatton, I'.:ducation, Information, 24-Hr Telephone Line Scrviccs Drug-frcc Envuonmcnt Outpatient LOUISIANA


Bureau of Substance Abuse Aide House 200 Lafayette Street 439 South Buchanan Street Baton Rouge, LA 70804 Lafayette, LA 70501 (504) 389-5792 (318) 233-8114 Director George A Bishop, M D Duector Mel Wood Activity Administrative Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Services Drug-free CCRC Envuonment Residential, Daycare 500 River Road Baton Rouge, LA 70821 (504) 344-3788 LAKE CHARLES

Director Gerald Alford Famdy and Youth Counsehng Agency Activity Admuustratrve 710 West Prren Lake Road Lake Charles, LA 70601 (318)4784891 CCRC Day Care Drug Program 500 Rwer Road Director Ronald Budge Baton Rouge, LA 70821 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (504) 344-3788 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Due ctor Sandra Wolf Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free MONROE Environment Daycare Northeast Louisiana Drug Abuse Center 441 Desiard Street CCRC Therapeutic Drug Community Monroe, LA 2110 Government 71201 Street (318) 323-0591 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (504) 344-0376 Dnector Jim Ford Activity Treatment/Rehabcitation, Director Gerald Alford Central Intake, Information Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Services Drug-fee Envuonment Residential, Environment Residential Daycare

NEW ORLEANS HARVEY Bethlehem House of Bread West Jefferson Mental Health Center Vdla Maria Girls Home 2108 8th Street New Orleans, LA 70117 Harvey, LA 70058 (504) 271-3408 (504) 367-0485 Director Sister Mary David Director Catheime Boudreaux Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Activity Admmistratrvc, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Drug-free Information Envn onment Residential

Community Care 535 Gravier Street JEFFERSON New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 524-7471 Insight Jefferson Parish Pub Health Duector 3900 River Road Albert L. Harirett Jefferson, LA 70121 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (504) 837-7700 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Dnector Patricia K Vines Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Fducation, Desue Narcohc Rehabihtation Center I nformatron 3307 Desire Parkway Drug-free New Orleans, LA 70126 Outpatient (504) 945-8885


945-5989 Director: Vernon B.Shorty (504) Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation Director: Oscar E. Carter Services Maintenance Activity Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Environment: Outpatient Central Intake; Traming; Education; Information Desire Day Care Services: Maintenance 815 Baronne Street Environment: Outpatient New Orleans, LA 70113 (504) 524-2726 Mayor's Bureau of Drug Affairs Avenue Direct: Vernon B. Shorty 1000 Howard Treatment/Rehabrhtatton New Orleans, LA 70113 Activity: 5294311 Services: Drug-free (504) Environment: Day care Director Claude Reese Activity: Administrative Drug Dependence Treatment Center New Orleans VA Hospital New Orleans Mental Health Center New Orleans, LA 70140 3100 General DeGaulle Drive (504) 524-0811 New Orleans, LA 70114 367-3850 Director. Frank Todd, M D. (504) Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Duector Dr. Helen Mason Services: Drug-free; Maintenance Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabdrtation, Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Central Intake, Trauung; Education; Information Drug Rehabilitation Clinic 714 Genois Street Odyssey House New Orleans, LA 70119 1125 North Tonti Street (504) 486-7641 New Orleans, LA 70119 821-9211 Director E. Ward Sudderth, M.D. (504) Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Mrs. Maggie Pike Services Mamtenance Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment. Outpatient Services. Drug-free Environment Residential Drug Research Clinic-Melpomene 1620 Melpomene Street Pontchartrain Mental Health Center New Orleans, LA 70130 1190Florida Avenue (504) 523-4918 New Odeans, LA 70119 944-6711 Duector E. Ward Sudderth, M.D. (504) Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Director. Pat Godfrey Services Miuntenance Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Environment. Outpatient Central Intake, Trauung; Education, Information Drug Research Clinic-Tulane Services Psychotherapy/Chemotherapy 3604 Tulane Avenue Environment: Outpatient New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 486-7641 Tulane Univ School of Medicine and Neurology Dnector. E. Ward Sudderth, M.D. Department of Psychiatry LA 70112 Activity: Admmistratrve New Orleans, (504) 588-5405 Euterpe Center Director: Gary Cohen, M.D. Ex-Addict Rehab Manpower Trng Center Activity. Treatment/Rehabditatron; Central Intake New Orleans, LA 70130 Services Drug-free (504) 581-7091 Envuonment' Outpatient Director ' Edward Smith Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation; Traiiung Services: Drug-free; Maintenance Environment: Outpatient; Residential; Daycare SHREVEPORT for Drug Abuse Control Louisiana Narcotic Rehab Commission Community Org 311 Baronne Street 501 Jordan LA 71101 New Orleans, LA 70112 Shreveport, (504) 581425I (318)424-8388 Peter T. Pearson Activity: Administrative Director Activity. Treatment/Rehabrhtation; Education; Crisis Intervention Lower 9th Ward Chnic Drug-free 2017 Cai'fin Street Services Outpatient New Orleans, LA 70117 Environment. LOUISIANA NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

Family Counselmg and Children Serv 864 Ohve Street Shreveport, LA 71104 (318)222-0759 Director Richard Day Acnvity Treatment/Rehabihtation

Highland House 501 Jordan Street Shreveport, LA 71101 (318)424-8388 Dnector Peter T. Pearson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient

Shire House 1540 Irving Place Shreveport, LA 71101 (318)424-2671 Duector Peter T. Pearson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information, Referral Services Referral Environment Outpatient MAINE

SACO AUGUSTA Aide Center OADAP 31 Beach Street Winthrop Street 32 ME 04072 ME 04330 Saco, Augusta, (207) 282-5976 (207) 289-2141 Duector Thomas Kanc, DSW Marilyn L. Mclnms Duector Admnustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Admuustratrve Activity Activity Central Intake, Trauung, Education, Information, Hothne Drug-free, Detoxification BRUNSWICK Services Environment Outpatient; Residential Full Circle 24 Jordan Avenue Brunswick, ME 04011 (207) 725-8911 Duector Memll Kidman Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trammg, Education Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient


Kirsman Hall Inc P.O. Box 490 Jackmen, ME 04945 (207) 668-2031 Duector Dean Hepper Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation SeMccs Drug-free Envuonment Residential


Elan I R.F.D. No. I Poland Springs, ME 04024 (207) 998-4666 Director: Joseph Rrcci ActMty Treatment/Rehabilitation


Day One 158 Danforth Street Portland, ME 04102 (207) 7744373 Duector Repton Memtt Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Envnonment Outpatient, Residential


ANNAPOLIS Baltimore, MD 21202 (301) 3964910 Anne Arundel Health Department 192 West Street Duector Delano Washmgton Annapolis, MD 21401 Activity Admhustratrve, Central Intake, (301) 268-4545 Trauung, Information Duector V. Santoro Drug Dependence Treatment Center ActMty Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, VA Hospital Trairung, Education, Informauon, Baltimore, MD 21218 Transportation; Referral (301) 467-9932 SeMces Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Envuonment Outpauent Duector Dr. Charles Savage Actinty Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Trauung, Education BALTIMORE Sernces Detoxification Envu onment Inpatient Hospital Abstinence Counsehng and Referral 730 Ashburton Street Drug Ulut Baltimore, MD 21216 31 Hopkms Plaza (301) 945-1600 Baltimore, MD 21201 (301) 962-3300 Director Herman W. Jones Actrnty Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Duector Dr Charles Savage Information, Referrals, Crisis Actn ity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Trauung, Intervention Education, Information Sernces Drug-free Sernces Drug-free, Maintenance Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient

Addict Referral and Counsehng Ctr East Baltimore Drug Abuse Ctr 21 West 25th Street 806 North Broadway Baltimore, MD 21218 Baltimore, MD 21205 (301) 366-1717 (301) 955-3501 Ducctor Laura D McCall Duector Raymond Robinson Actttinty Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Acuvtty Treatment/Rehabihtauon Education, Information, Civd SeMces Mamtenance Commitment Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Drug-free Outpatient, Daycare East Baltimore Drug Abuse Center 806 North Broadway Cherry Hill Drug Abuse Baltunore, MD 2490 Giles 21205 Road 9554306 Baltimore, MD 21225 (301) (301) 396-1646 Duector Ola E. Berger Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation DireCto: Edward T. Thomas Services Detoxification Actrnty Treatment/Rehabthtation, Traming, Ennronment Outpatient Education Drug-free, Detoxification, Miuntenancc Outpatient East Baltimore Drug Abuse Center 806 North Broadway Confined Addicts Seeking Help (Cash) Baltimore, MD 21205 500 East Madison (301) 9554306 Baltunore, MD 21202 Duector: M. S. Barfield (301) 396-5260 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Joe A. Desantis Sernces Drug-free Actinty. Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation; Envuonment Outpatient; Inpatient Hospital Central Intake, Education; Information East Baltimore Drug Abuse Center-Admin Sernces Drug-free 806 North Broadway Ennronment Residential Baltunore, MD 21205 (301) 955-3501 Court Referted Addict Trt Unit (CRAT) Director Raymond Robinson 401 East Eager Street Actn ity Admmistrauve


Neighborhood Adolescent and Young Adult Echo House 26 West 25th Street —3rd Floor 1705 West Fayette Street Balhmorc, MD 21218 MD 21223 Baltimore, 366-0355 (301) 947-1700 (301) Duector Gene A. Bass Director Sylvia Sartor Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Central Intake, Trauung, Education, Central Intake, Trauung, Education, Information Information; Urine Testing Drug-free Drug-free Services Services Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient Provident Hospital ProJect Adapt Glenwood Life Counsehng Center Inc 221 East 25th Street 516 Glenwood Avenue 21212 Baltimore, MD 21218 Baltimore, MD 467-7100 (301) 323-9811 (301) Robert Lee Richard Craig Director Duector Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Acuvity Activity Central Intake, Trauung, Information Information, Referral Center Services Detoxification SeMces Mamtenance Environment Outpatient, Prison Envuonmcnt Outpatient HI Impact Intens Supv Narc Offender Umt Hospital Drug Depency Program 12 North Calvert Street Smar and Belvedere Avenues Baltimore, MD 21202 Greensprmg MD 21215 (301) 383-6761 Baltimore, (301) 367-7800 Rudolph Aukschun Duector Berman Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Intake, Duector Joseph I Activity Information Information, Probation Supervision Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Services Drug-free, Mamtenancc Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient Southeastern Baltunore D/T Program Inner City Community MH Program Avenue 112 East West Street 4940 Eastern Baltunore, MD 21224 Baltimore, MD 21230 (301) 383-2900 (301) 396-8639 James W. Hawthorne Stehos Sprhadrs Duector Duector Treatment/Rehabihtation Admuustratrve, Central Intake, Education, Activity Activity Mamtenance Information, Hothne (Emergency) Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Envu'onment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Man Alive 2100 North Charles Street Vincent School Baltimore, MD 21218 St Street (301) 8374292 120 North Front Baltimore, MD 21202 Duector Richard Lane (301) 8374460 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Maintenance Director Mark Litynsky Services Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Envuonment Outpatient Activity Education ScMces Drug-free Mantra Drug Abuse Center care 3547 Chestnut Avenue Environment Day Baltimore, MD 21211 (301) 235-1158 State of Maryland-D/A Admm 201 West Preston Street Duector Herbert Lodder Baltuuore, MD 21201 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (301) 383-3955 Services Drug-free Robert Evans Environment Outpatient Duector L. Activity Admuustratrve Narcotic Clhuc Methadone Mamtenance 2100 North Eutaw Place University Hospital Baltimore, MD 21217 721 West Redwood Street (301) 5234074 Baltimore, MD 21201 (301) 5284800 Duector Boniue Charyszyn Dr. Wurmser Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Research Director L. Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Services Drug-free Acuvity Education, Information, Referral Environment Outpatient Trainmg,


SeMces Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance CALIFORNIA Environment Outpatient Walden Counselmg West End Drug Abuse Program Box 224 2401-05 West Baltimore Street California, MD 20619 Baltimore, MD 21223 (301) 8636661 (301) 945-7706 Duector Ken Sottes Director Ed Long Activity Adnumstrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education Central Intake, Trauung, Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance, Education, Information Juveiule Risk SeMces Drug-free, Cnses Intervention Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient

X-Cell 101 South Wolfe Street Baltimore, MD 21231 CAMBRIDGE (301) 732-0600 Agnew Mental Duector' Health Center Carolyn Strntchcomb 315 Woods Road Activity Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Cambndge MD 21613 Trarnmg, Education, Information, (301) 2286800 Recreation Social Service SeMces Drug-free Duector Mrs. Carpenter Envuonment Residenhal Activity Admmistra tive

BEL AIR CHEVERLY Harford County Health Department P.O. Box 191 Pnnce George's Co Health Dept Bel Air, MD 21014 Cheverly Drug Abuse Treatment Chmc (301) 8386000 Cheverly, MD 20785 (301) 773-1400 Duector Paul S. Stonesifer Activity Admuustrative, Central Intake, Duector James P Pappas Education, Information Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation SeMces Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance BERLIN Envuonment Outpatient

Co Hlth Dept Mental Hygiene Clc 107 William Street Berlin, MD 21863 COLLEGE PARK (301) 641-0213 Ducctor Dr. R. McFarhn Clearpath (DICAP) 4809 Greenbelt Activity Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Road Central Intake, College Park, MD 20740 Trauung, Education, 345-1414 Information; Cnsis Intervention (301) Duector Robert J. Deangelis Achvity. Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Trammg, BETHESDA Education, Information, Hotline Drug-free Community Psychiatnc Qinic Inc Outpatient 4803 Hampden Lane Bethesda, MD 20014 College Park Youth Semces Bureau (301) 656-5220 4500 Knox Road Director' Naonu Heller College Park, MD 20740 474-1210 Activity: Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Walk-m (301) Chnic Duector Richard Greenbaum Drug-free Activity Admuustratrve, Central Intake, Outpatient Trammg, Information

Second Genesis Inc Office of Drug Coordmator 4720 Montgomery Lane 9015 Rhode Island Avenue Bethesda, MD 20014 College Park, MD 20740 (301) 656-1545 (301) 627-3000 Duector Sidney Shankman, M.D. Duector Wcndall Turner Activity Admuustrative; Traming, Information Activity Adnumstrahve ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS , MARYLAND

COLUMBIA Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Grassroots Hospital 5829 Banneker Road Columbia, MD 21044 (301) 730.3784 FREDERICK Dnector Allen Fmestem Community Mental Health Actinty Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Tranung, 500 West Patrick Street Education, Information, Hotline Frederick, MD 21701 (301) 6624123 CUMBERLAND Duector Pete C. Charuhas Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake, Trahung, Allegany County Health Dept Information Willowbrook Road Education, Cumberland, MD 21502 Services Drug-free (301) 722-3010 Environment Outpatient Director Roger D. Simons Frederick Methadone Program Actn ity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron, 801 Tollhouse Avenue Central Intake, Traiiung, Fredenck, MD 21701 Education, Information, Crisis (301) 6634949 Interven iron Sernces Drug-free Ducctor. Dr Ralph Michels Treatment/Rehabihtation, Environment Outpatient Activity Admuustrative, Information DUNDALK Sernces Detoxification Ennronment Outpatient Eastern Baltimore County Drug Treatment 2538 Holabird Avenue Dundalk, MD 21222 GLEN BURNIE (301) 2854311 Harundale Youth Center Director Phyllis Cohen 50 Harundale Mall Actinty Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Glen Burnt, MD 21061 Trarrung, Education, Information (301) 768-1110 Sernces' Drug-free, Detoxification; Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient Director Charles Tufts Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, ELKTON Crisis Intervention SeMces. Drug-free Drug Dependency (clinic Ennronment Outpatient Elkton, MD 21921 (301) 398-5100 Open Door North Crain Ihghway NE Director Bryce Hill Glen Buriue, MD 21061 Actrnty Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Information, (301) 7606591 Crisis Referral Services Drug-free Director Calvin H. Offer Ennionment. Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trainmg, Education; Information Services Drug-free ELLICOTT CITY Ennronment Outpatient

Howard Co Drug and Alcohol Abuse Center 8293 Main Street HAG ERSTOWN EHicott City, MD 21043 (301) 465-5000 Center for Drug Abuse Assistance 1309 Pennsylvania Avenue Director Florence Rowley Hagerstown, MD 21740 Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation; (301) 739-0800 Education; Information Services: Drug-free Duector Dave A. Macleod Environment: Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Hothne SeMces Drug-free Taylor Manor Hospital Ennionment Outpatient College Avenue Ellicott City, MD 21043 Oak Hill House (301) 465-3322 653 Oak Hill Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 Director. Wade Esserwme (301) 7974567 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education


Director: Daniel O. Connell PARKVILLE Activity: Halfway House People for Community Action 1707 Taylor Avenue HYATTSVILLE Parkville, MD 21234 (301) 665-3330 Family Services of Prince George' s Directoz: Robert Suznick 4318 Hamilton Street Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Hyattsville, MD 20781 699-1190 Training; Education; Information; (301) Drop-in Recreation Director: Robert E. Costello Services: Drug-free Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment: Outpatient PRINCESS ANNE

LA PLATA Co Health Dept Mental Health Clinic 56 Prince William Street Southern Maryland D/A Frog-Bumpy Oaks Princess Anne, MD 21853 Route 2, Box 2287-Y (301) 651-0822 La Flats, MD 20646 Director' 934-4359 Dr. Duchness (301) Actwity. Admimstrative; Treatment/Rehabihtatzon, Director: Dr. Pat Hawkins Central Intake; Tranung; Activity' Admnustzative; Treatment/Rehabihtatzon; Education; Information; Crisis Central Intake, Training; Intervention Education; Information; 24-Hz Crisis Hotline Services: Drug-free, Crisis Intervention ROCKVILLE Environment Outpatient Inmate Services Montgomery Co Detention Center LEONARDTOWN Rockville, MD 20854 (301) 279-1248 Co Health Dept Director Mr. Hunter Box 316 Activity: Admnustrative; Treatment/RehabiTitation; Leonardtown, MD 20650 863-7092 Central Intake; Education; (301) Information Director: Carole A. Pinckney Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake; Karma Acad for Boys and Girls Education 5807 Wicomico Avenue Services. Drug-free; Maintenance Rockville, MD 20852 Environment: Outpatient (301) 340-8880 Director. Ahce Mdler Activity. OAKLAND Administrative; Treatment/Rehabzhtation; Central Intake; Training; Education; Alternative Recreation Youth Counseling Services Services: Drug-free East Adler Street 228 Environment Residential Oakland, MD 21550 (301) 334-8111 Director Ward Scott SALISBURY Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Information, Hotline Springhill Annex Services: Drug-free Wimico Co Health Dept Spring Hill Environment. Outpatient Salisbury, MD 21801 (301) 742-9318 Director Francis OCEAN CITY Powell Activity: Admmistratzve; Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake; Traudng; Ocean City Youth Health Services Education, Information; Crisis Caroline Street and Boardwalk Intervention Ocean City, MD 21842 Services: 289-9291 Drug-free; Detoxification; Maintenance (301) Environment: Outpatmnt Director: Patricia Ford Activity: Admiiustrative; Central Intake; Training; Education; Information; Drug and Medical Crisis MARYLAND ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS

SILVER SPRING Upper Marlboro, MD 20870 (301) 656-1545 Drug Alt and Couns Progs Duector Sidney Shankmam, M.D. 8500 Colesville Road Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education Silver Spimg, MD 20910 Services Drug-free (301) 5874565 Environment Residential Due ctor Robert Jardm, Ph D Activity Admuustratrve, Central Intake, Trauung, Education WESTMINSTER Junction Center SNOW HILL P.O. Box 206 Westmmster, MD 21157 876-1788 County Hlth Dept Mental Hygiene Clc (301) 109 West Green Street Main Office Duector Anthony Swctz, Jr Snow Hdl, MD 21863 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trauung, Education, (301) 641-0213 Information Hothne Drug-free Director Dr. R. McFarhn Outpatient Activity Adnunistrative, Treatment/Rchabihtatron, Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Information


Topic House (DICAP) 4911 St. Barnabas Road Temple Ihlls, MD 20031 (301) 894-5169 Director Mardyn J. Edelhoch Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Intake, Trauung, Fducation, Information, Vocational Exploration Drug-free Outpatient


Brotherhood of Man 101 East Joppa Road Towson, MD 21204 (301) 823-4357 Ducctor W+am M Russell Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Information, Drug Crisis Information ScMces Drug-free Envuonmcnt Outpatient

Comdap Sheppard Enoch Pratt Hospital 6501 North Charles Street Towson, MD 21204 (301) 823-8200 Director Carl Tlustel Activity Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trairung; Information, Balto Co Jad Program ScMces Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance, Jad Detox Prog Environment Outpatient, Pnson


Second Genesis Inc 405 Crun ihghway



Action Hothne and Drop-ln Center Code Inc Committee on Drug Education 396 Concord Avenue Acton, MA 01720 Belmont, MA 02178 (617) 263-8777 (617) 484-9225 Dnector Betsy I'ontes Duector Lynn M Slavitt Activity Trcatmcnt/Rchabiht, ition Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free I.nvironmcnt Outpatient ALLSTON Mass Residenbal Programs Inc Charlesview Teen Center 220 Lexmgton Street 27 Hefferan Street Belmont, MA 02178 Allston, MA 02134 (617) 876-3191 782-0680 (617) Director Carl Loges Activity Administrative Director Paul Crcighton Acuvity Trcatmcnt/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient BEVERLY Prolect Prolect Alternatrves Rap 156 Cabot Strcct 64 Harvard Avenue Bcvcrly, MA 01915 Allston, MA 02134 (617) 782-3918 (617) 922-0000 Director Jack Jcrdan Director Ms Eloisc Dixon Activity Treatincnt/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation Services Drug-frcc Environment Outpatient, Prison AMHERST

Frankhn County Mental Health Assoc BOSTON Amity Street Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Inc Amherst, MA 01002 (413) 253-2591 I Walnut Street Boston, MA 02108 Director Janet D Kkiusncr (617) 227-7114 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Barbara Whalen Activity Treatment/Rehabditation ATHOL Services Drug-free, Medical Van Environment Outpatient Bridge Action Concdio Hispano of Massachusetts 536 Mam Strcct 822 Trcmont Strcct Athol, MA 01331 (617) 249-2594 Boston, MA 02118 (617) 440-8282 Director Hclcn Estrada Activity Trcatmcnt/Rchabihtation Director Carlos M Mora, Jr Activity Trcatmcnt/Rchabditation

ATTLEBORO Dept. of Health and Hospitals Boston City Hospital Reach Out Boston, MA 02118 11 Dunhan Street (617) 261-2600 Attleboro, MA 02703 Duector Dr Vernon Patch (617) 222-2714 Activity Administrative Ducctor Pete Wordcll Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Division of Drug Rehabditation Services Drug-free Dept. of Mental Health L'nvironmcnt Outpatient 190 Portland Strcct


02532 Boston, MA 02214 Bourne MA (617) 727-8614 (617) 759-5656 H Christenson Director Virginia Burns Director Lugenic Treatment/Rchabihtation Activity Admmistrative Activity Services Drug-free Outpatient East Boston Drug Addiction Council Inc Environment 408 Mcrrdan Street East Boston, MA 02128 (617) 569-6050 BRAIN TREE Director George Walker Famdy Counselmg and Guidance Ctr Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 40 Independencc Avenue Scrviccs Drug-free Braintree, MA 02169 Environment Outpatient, Residential (617) 848-7840 Trcatmcnt/Rchabditation Famdies Extended-Alternative Home Pgm Activity Services Drug-fice 74 Walnut Street Envuonmcnt Outpatient Newton, MA 02158 (617) 655-5476 Director Robert B Hdl BROCKTON Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron Teen Chagengc of Boston Inc Help Program of Boston l315 South Main Street 94 Tremont Street Brockton, MA 02401 Boston, MA 02118 (617) 586-1494 (617) 426-5200 Director Bob Beushcr Activity Treatment/Rehabilitahon Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Services Drug-I'rce Mass General Hosp Drug Pgm I::.nvuonment Outpatient, Resrdcntnd 33 Fruit Street Boston, MA 02114 Thc Phaneuf Center (617) 726-2906 686 North Mam Street Ducctor John Renncr, Jr Brockton, MA 0240I Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (617) 584-0501 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintcnancc Director Richard Regan Envuonmcnt Outpatient, Daycare Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Services Drug-free Newton Comm Serv Centers Inc Environment Outpatient, Residential 429 Cherry Street West Newton, MA 02165 (617) 969-5908 BURLINGTON Director Anthony Bibbo Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Burhngton Commumty Life Center Services Drug-free 45 Center Street Environment Outpatient Burlmgton, MA 01803 (617) 273-1300 New England Medical Ctr Drug Program Director Bdl I rccman 260 Tremont Street Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Boston, MA 02116 Services Drug-free (617) 482-2800 Environment Outpatient Duector Dr Herb Wasserman, M D Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Dctoxdicatron CAMBRIDGE Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Cambridge Hosp Department of Psych Prolect Overcome 1493 Cambndge Street Mass. Halfway House Cambridge, MA 02 I 39 Boston, MA 02118 (617) 354-2020 (617) 445-6998 Director E J Khantzran, M D Duector Michael O'Conner Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Activity Administrative Cambrrdgeport Problem Center 10 Mt. Auburn Strcct BOURNE Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 661-1010 Bourne Youth Services Director Joel Bcn net 37 Sandwich Road


Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Duector Nancy Caracciolo ScMces Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Envuonment. Outpatient Services Drug-free, Chemotherapy Environment Outpatient, Residential Mass Residential Programs Inc 129 Mt. Auburn Street Cambridge, MA 02138 CHATHAM (617) 876-3191 Monomoy Commumty Services Director Carl Loges Cross Street Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Chatham, MA 02633 Services Drug-free (617) 945-1501 Environment Residential Director Victoria White North Cambridge Health Soc Scrv Center Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 38 Jefferson Park Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 864-6178 CHELSEA Director Peter Madscn Can Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 164 Shawmut Street Services Drug-free Chelsea, MA 02150 Envuonment Outpatient (617) 884-0222 North Charles Polydrug Treatmt Center Duector John R. Hoadley 1530 Cambridge Street Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Cambridge, MA 02139 Services Drug-free (617) 661-1090 Environment Outpatient, Daycare Duector E J Khantzian, M D. Actnnty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron CHICOPEE Pequod Inc 1145 Massachusetts Avenue Hill Inc Cambridge, MA 02138 502 Montgomery Street (617) 354-6259 Chicopee, MA 01020 (413) 538-9521 Duector Peggy Fox Actnnty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Director James Mercer Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient The Sanctuary Inc 74 Mt. Auburn Street Cambridge, MA 02138 COHASSET (617) 661-0600 Duector Laura Nemeyer The City Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron lll Ripley Road Cohasset, MA 02025 Vocational Rehabditation Center (617) 3834670 485 Massachusetts Avenue Duector Melvin Lewis Cambridge, MA 02139 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (617) 491-8666 Services Drug-free Director Ed Hassett Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient DANVERS

Walden Associated Services Famdy Counseling and Guidance Ctr Inc Door 3 2 Orchard Lane Cambridge, MA 02138 Danvers, MA 01923 Activity Treat ment/Rehabilitation (617) 7744820 Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron Services Drug-free CEEKONK Envuonment Outpatient

Help Mate Inc Liberty Street Associates 396 Newman Avenue 78 Liberty Street Ceekonk, MA 02771 Danvers, MA 01923 (617) 336-7215 (617) 7744880


Director: Marvin Snider Three Pyramids Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 66 Day Street Services Drug-free; Chemotherapy Fitchburg, MA 01420 Environment: Outpatient; Residential (617) 345-1105 Director: Adrian Ford Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation DEDHAM Services. Drug-free Environment: Outpatient, Prison Outreach Inc 50 Oakdale Avenue Dedham, MA 02026 FRAMINGHAM (617) 326-2955 Directo: Judie Strauss Framingham Youth Commission Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation 440 Waverly Street Framingham, MA 01701 (617) 872-8737 DORCHESTER Director Ridgely Fuller Activity Treatment/Rehabditatton Columbia Point Drug Action Program Services: Drug-free 320 Mt. Vernon Street Environment. Outpatient Dorchester, MA 02125 (617) 282-5433 Director Leon Rock GARDNER Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation Services. Drug-free Joyful Alternative Inc Environment' Outpatient 66 Parker Street Gardner, MA 01440 (617) 632-9572 ESSEX Dnector M. Leger Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Essex Youth Commission Town Hall Essex, MA 01929 GLOUCESTER (617) 768-7441 Director Loss Hushberg Project Nuva Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 47 Washington Street Gloucester, MA 01930 (617) 283-0006 FALMOUTH Director, Wdham S. Dubin Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Falmouth Hotline Inc Services Drug-free Academy Lane Environment Outpatient; Daycare Falmouth, MA 02540 (617) 540-0008 DireCto: Ethel Jeiuungs GREENFIELD Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free East Spoke Environment. Outpatient Psyctuatric Unit Green6eld, MA 01301 (413) 7724211 FITCHBURG Director: Eugene Loubier Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Luk Services: Drug-free 99 Day Street Environment Inpatient Hospital Fitchburg, MA 01420 (617) 345-7353 Franklin Community Action Corp Director Ernest M. Pletan, Jr Washington Street Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Greenfield, MA 01301 Services: Drug-free (413) 774-3948 Environment: Outpatient Director Steve Bloomfield Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Spectrum House 799 Mt. Elam Road Our House Inc Fitchburg, MA 01420 139 Shelbourne Road (617) 342-2901 Greenfield, MA 01301 Director. Judy Mackenzie (413) 772-6422 Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation


Duector James Higgmbotam Duector Dr. Mayer Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare KINGSTON

HINGHAM Kmgston Youth Commission 255 Main Street Proiect Turnabout Kmgston, MA 02364 Hmgham Ammunihon Depot (617) 589-8866 Hmgham, MA 02043 Director Sharon Hardesty (617) 749-6320 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Diane Peterson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free LEXINGTON Envuonment Residential Re-Place Inc 1912 Massachusetts Avenue HOLDEN Lexmgton, MA 02173 (617) 862-8130 Holden Experiment Duector Paul Goldmuntz Main Street 480 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation MA Holden, 01520 Services Drug-free 829-3206 (617) Envuonment Outpatient Acuvity Treatment/Rehabilitatron LITTLETON HOLYOKE Acid Holyoke Hosp Adolescent Chnic 544 Newtowne Road 575 Beach Street Littleton, MA 01460 Holyoke, MA 01040 (617) 486-4914 536-5221 (413) Duector Fr Bernard Lane Duector Joseph Michelson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient LOWELL

Providence Hospital Share Inc 1233 Mam Street 660 Middlesex Street Holyoke, MA 01040 Lowell, MA 01853 (413) 536-5111 (617) 459-2151 Ducctor Sister Smith Duector John Auld Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient, Residential JAMAICA PLAIN

Bashec MALDEN 105 South Hunhngton Avenue Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Acid (617) 232-3652 170 Pleasant Street Maiden, MA Duector Rev Douglas Sholl 02148 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron (617) 324-2218 Duector Jack Sarmama Hillside Outreach Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trauung 105 South Hunhngton Avenue Services Drug-free Jamaica Plam, MA 02130 Envuonment Outpatient, Residential (617) 566-0107 Duector Rev Douglas Sholl Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation MARBLEHEAD Marblehead Comm Counseling Center Inc Washingtonian Ctr for the Addictrons 41 Morton Street 10 School Street Marblehcad, MA Jamaica Plam, MA 02130 01945 (617) 522-7151 (617) 631-8808


Director Rita Cahdl Melrose, MA 02176 Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron (617) 662-8976 Services Drug-free Duector Lawrence Jacobs Fnvuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabdtation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare MARLBOROUGH

Together Inc METHUEN 64A Mechamc Street Marlborough, MA 01752 Challenge House (617)485-2424 30 East Street Due ctor John Mack Methuen, MA 01844 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron (617) 685-9141 Services Drug-free Director Ray Tague Environment Outpatient Actn ity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential MARSHFIELD

Prolect Friend Inc NORTH ADAMS 450 Plain Street Marshfield, MA 02050 Helphne Inc (617)834-6536 39 Eagle Street Duector I"mnk Hynes North Adams, MA 01247 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (413) 6644391 Services Drug-free Duector Gdl Salk Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation


Dale School Vision In Action Inc Mashpee, MA 02649 5 Main Street (617)477-0554 Natick, MA 01760 Director Tom Stewart (617)655-5476 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Dnector Judy Behrens Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient

Drug Addiction Rehabihtatron Center Boston State Hospital, G Budding NEW BEDFORD Matlapan, MA 02124 (617) 436-6000 Center for Human Services Inc Director Stephen Howard 1204 Purchase Street ActMty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron New Bedford, MA 02740 Services Drug-free, Halfway House (617) 999-2321 Environment Outpatient, Residential Duector Warren Davis Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron

MEDFIELD Drug Treatment Program 1204 Purchase Street Harding House Inc New Bedford, MA 02740 Box 404 Medfield (617) 999-2321 Medfield, MA 02058 (617) 359-7161 Director Warren Dans Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Due ctor Rev Norman Hall Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Activity Treatment/Rehabditatron Envnonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential The Ard Center 18 South Water Street New Bedford, MA 02742 MELROSE (617) 999-3232 735 Inc Director Tryne Costa 88 Rowe Street Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron


Fanuly Advocacy Prolect NORTH HAMPTON Life Resource Center Pittsfield, MA 01209 Hampslure Correctional Services (413) 4434473 177 Bridge Street North Hampton, MA 01060 Dvector Mia Ryan (413) 584-3320 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation

Dvector Cormeha Cromm Prolect Off Drugs Activity Treatment/Rchabihtatron Berkslure County House of Correcton Pittsfield, MA 01209 (413)499%220 NORTHBORO Dvector James Parslow The Horizon Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron 20 Hudson Street Services Drug-free Envvonment Northboro, MA 01532 Prison (617) 393-2550 Student Int'I Meditation Society Ducctor Arlene A Bettendgc 56 North Street Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Pittsfield, MA 01209 Sciviccs Drug-free (413)445-5415 Envvonment Outpatient Dvector Edward D'Yesso Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation OXFORD

Webster-Dudley/Oxford Cnsis Ctr Inc QUINCY 320 Mam Street Oxford, MA 01540 Counsehng Center (617) 987-8330 44 Faxon Avenue Director Jesse Gates Qumcy, MA 02169 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation (617) 773-5704 Services Drug-free Duector Dr Robert I-. Hassey Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation

Survival Inc PALMER 725 Southern Artery Quincy, MA 02169 Rap Inc (617) 773-5704 97 Water Street Palmer, MA 01069 Dvcctor Dr Robert F Hassey (617) 765-5907 Activity Administrative Dvector Marcia Dion Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Services Drug-free REHOBETH Environment Outpatient Rehobeth Problem Solving Center Inc 366 Wmthrop Street PITTSFIELD Rehobeth, MA 02769 (617) 2524363 Alcohohsm Detox Center Hdlcrest Hospital Dvector Marge Johnston Pittsfield, MA 01209 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtatron (413) 499-1337 Services Drug-free, Chemotherapy Envvonmcnt Outpatient Dvcctor Lda Rosenberg Activity Trcatmcnt/Rchabihtation Scrv1ccs Drug-free Environment Inpatient Hospital ROSLIN DALE

Epic House Southwest Boston Comm Services Inc 309 East Street 9 Fowle Street Prttsfieid, MA 01201 Roshndale, MA 02131 (413)442-9542 (617) 323-2150 Dvcctor Peter Chelimsky Duector Larry Perry Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtatron Scrv1ccs Drug-free Services Drug-free Envvonment Daycare Envvonmcnt Outpatient


ROXBURY Director Ann Toomey Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation First Inc Services Drug-frcc 336 Bluehill Avenue Envuonment Outpatient Roxbury, MA 02121 (617)445-5230 Duector Nathaiucl Wade Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron SPRINGFIELD Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication Envu onmcnt Residential, Daycare Insight 70's 71 Sumner Avenue Prolect Concern Inc Spimgfield, MA 01108 252 Dudley Street (413) 732-2553 Roxbury, MA 02119 Du'actor Boniue Izmiriian (617)445-1650 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Ducctor George Brice SeMces Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Residential Mercy Hospital 233 Caren Transition Alternative Springfield, MA 01104 466-468 Parker Street (413) 739-4751 MA Roxbury, 02115 Duector Sister 427-5427 Mary Peter (617) Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Director Ken Newell Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Sprmgfield Hospital Drug Couns Center 759 Chestnut Street Tlurd Nad Inc Springfield, MA 01107 1170Columbus Avenue (413) 787-4235 Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120 Due ctor (617)445-6142 John Pcstama Activity Treat men t/R elis bib ta t ion Duector James Amalfitano Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free STONEHAM Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Atlantis Stoneham Action 273 Main Street SALEM Stoneham, MA 02180 (617)4384640 Salem Youth Commission Duector Margante Nichols 90 Highland Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabrhta tron Salem, MA 01970 Services Drug-free (617)745-8966 Envuonment Outpatient Director David Bitt ton Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient TAUNTON

On the Corner SOUTHBRIDGE 237 Wluttenton Street Taunton, MA 02780 The Outpost (617) 8224972 51 Everett Street Southbridge, MA 01550 Director Ted Gulhcksen (617) 765-9497 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Drop-In Center Director Jax Bloom Services Drug-free Treatment/Rehabthtatron Activity Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Substance Abuse Commrmon 5 Leonard Street Taunton, MA 02780 SPENCER (617) 824-6651 Spencer Brookfield Youth Couns Service Duector Peter Lanztilotta 148 Main Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Spencer, MA 01562 ScMces Drug-free (617) 885-6829 Envuonment Ou tpatient



Inside Out Inc Whitman Proiect Massachusetts Correctional Institution Amencan Thermogm Budding Walpole, MA 61778 Whitman, MA 02382 (617)784-7777 (617)447-0441 Director Charles Diamond Due ctor Frank Eisner Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services. Drug-free SCMces Drug-free Environment Prison Envuonmcnt Outpatient

Walpole Hothne 19R West Street WORCESTER Walpole, MA 02081 (617)668-3223 Alps 831 Main Street Hansen Director Wayne Worcester, MA 01610 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtanon (617) 756-5788 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Dncctor Francisco Oieda Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtation Services Drug-free WAREHAM Environment Outpatient

Wareham Area Counseling Service Inc New Directions 21 Sandwich Road 10 Portland Street Wareham, MA 02571 Worcester, MA 01608 (617) 295-3634 (617) 752-2833 Director Lawrence Estey Duector Paul Plotczyk Acnvity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Watertown Youth Center 463 Arsenal Street Watertown, MA 02172 (617)962-3600 Duector Jeff Fever Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation


Open Door 219 Main Street Webster, MA 01570 (617)943-1903 Director Michael W. Guskey Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation


Chec 278 Elm Street West Spnngfield, MA 01089 (413) 732-1770 Director David Rockwell Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


ADRIAN (313)6624534 Duector Barbara McGuire Care Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 204 North Wmter Street Senesce s Drug-free Adnan, Ml 49221 Envuonment Outpatient (517)263-8905 Director Viiguua B Olsen Chdd and Famly Services Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Intake, 2301 Platt Road Trairung, Education, Information Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Drug-free (313)9714520 Outpatient Director Mardynn Roby Activity Treatment/Rehabditation SeMces Drug-frcc ALLEGAN Envuonment Outpatient

Allegan Co Community Mental Health Drug Help Inc Abuse Treatment Services Substance 621 East Wdham Allegan, Ml 49010 Ann Arbor, Ml 48108 (616)6734617 (313)761-5889 Director Timothy E Stewart Duector Gene Brown Treatment/Rehabilitation, Activity Admuustrative, Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Hothne Central Intake, Education, Services Drug-free Crisis Intervention Information; Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Octagon House I 219'/r East Washington Street Ann Arbor, MI 48108 ALLEN PARK (313)6624587 Drug Dependence Treatment Center Duector Richard Gdmore VA Hospital Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtation Allen Park, Ml 48101 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenancc (313)562-6000 Environment Outpatient

Duector John Fan Ozone House Inc Treatment/Rehabihtatiou, . Actnnty Admmistrative, 621 East Wdham Intake; Central Education, Ann Arbor, Ml 48108 Information, Job Referrals (313)7694540 Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Duector Gene Brown Activity Treatment/Rchabihtatron, Hothne Services Drug-free ALP ENA Environment Outpatient

Rap Inc Washtenaw Co CMHC 112West Chisholm Street 2929 Plymouth Road Alpena, Ml 49707 Ann Arbor, Ml 48105 (517) 356-9091 (313)761-9830 Duector Mary K. Smith Duector Gene Brown Activity Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Activity Administrative, Information Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Information, Cnsis Intervention AUBURN HEIGHTS Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Oakland Comm College Ctr Sub Abuse 2900 Featherstone Road Auburn Heights, Ml 48057 ANN ARBOR (313)8524550 Duector Arthur W Jalkanen Catholic Social Sennces Actnnty Treatment/Rehabihtation 117North Dnnsion Services Drug-free Ann Arbor, Ml 48108 Environment Outpatient


BAD AXE Services: Drug-free; Related Social Problems Environment Outpatient Huron Co Drug Abuse Program 304 County Building Bad Axe, Ml 48413 BESSEMER (517) 2694485 Western Up Health Dept Substance Abuse Director: Lawrence J. Lardieri 210 East Mary Street Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Bessemer, MI 49911 Information; Crisis Intervention (313)555-1212 Services. Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Director. Marilyn Kravetz Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation; Information Services: Drug-free BATTLE CREEK Environment. Outpatient

Drug Dependence Treatment Center Vetenms Administration Hospital BLOOMFIELD Battle Creek, MI 49016 (616) 965-3281 U-Turn 2636 Franklin Road Director. Joann Sinclair Bloomlleld Hills, Ml 48013 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation (313)858-2620 Services: Drug-free Environment: Residential Duector Patye J. Sullivan Activity, Treatment/Rehabditation Substance Abuse Services Services Drug-free 197 North Washington Environment: Outpatient Battle Creek, Ml 49017 (616) 964-7121 BRIGHTON Director. Dr. Wilhams Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Livingston Crisis Center Services Detoxification 5271 Old U.S. No. 23 Environment Outpatient; Inpatient Hospital Brighton, Ml 48116 Acnvity Treatment/Rehabilitation BAY CITY

Riverside Ctr for Sub Abuse Treat/Prev CALUMET 203 15th Street Bay City, Ml 48706 Phoenix House Inc (517) 894-2991 404 Pine Street Calumet, MI 49913 Director. Dr. P. Mdler Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation; Central Intake, Duector. Robert Onkalo Trammg; Education; Information Activity ' Treatment/Rehabihtation Services. Drug-free; Detoxification, Maintenance Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Environment. Residential


Benien Drug Treatment Center Model Neighborhood Inner City Phases 127 East Napier 14791-95 Teny Road Benton Harbor, Ml 49022 Capac, Ml 48014 (616)926-7271 (313) 3954436 Director: Jim Carrol Duector. Fred Brown Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free, Detoxification; Maintenance Environment. Residential BERKLEY

Berkley Schools Sub Abuse Prog CENTER LINE 2077 Oxford Road Berldey, MI 48072 Drug Abuse Treatment Clinics (313)399-8734 26328 Van Dyke Avenue Center Line, MI 48015 Director: Joseph Haddad (313)5734880 Activity. Admnustratrve; Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake; Education; Information Director Ronald S. Rice


Activity Treatment/Rchabihtahon (313)562-0900 Miuntenance Services Director Phylhs A Merchant Envuonment Outpatient Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Training, Education, information CLAWSON Services Drug-free, Mamtenance Environment Outpahent Clawson Ctr for Human Gwth and Dev 115 South Manas Qawson, MI 48017 (313)435-2130 Director Lrz Jones DETROIT Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Trammg, Adult Psychiatnc Cluuc Education, Information, Referral David Whitney Buridmg, Room 650 Drug-free Detroit, Ml 48226 Outpatient (313)962-7505 Duector Dr Gerhardt Hein Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabditation COOP ERSVILLE Services Psycluatric Treatment Envuonment Outpatient Ottawa County Drug Alert 293 Mam Street Alex House Therapeutic Community Coopersvdle, Ml 49404 4139 Second Avenue (616)8374510 Detroit, Ml 48201 Duector Kathy Brower (313)833-7611 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Charles Vaughn Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Sennces Drug-free DAVISON Environment Residential Hotime Human Serv Center Davison Alexandnnc House Inc Street 404 Dayton 10 Peterboro, Suite 320 M I Davrson, 48423 Detroit, MI 48201 (313)653-3555 (313)833-2500 Director Michael Moore Director Edgar Whitaker Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Trainmg, Achvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Education, Information, I lothnc Services Mamtenance Drug-free Environment Outpahent Outpatient Allied Health Services Inc 15500 Schaefer DEARBORN Detroit, Ml 48227 (313)836-1942 Ford Motor Company Drug and Alch Abuse Prog 3001 Miller Road Ducctor Mr. Huggs Dearborn, Ml 48209 Achvity Treatment/Rehabihtation (313) 322-3092 Services Drug-free, Mamtenance Envuonment Outpahent Duector Dr Kenneth K Schoof Admrmstratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Activity Area II Mayor's Committee Central Intake, Traming 2610 14th Street Services Maintenance Detroit, Ml 48216 Environment Outpatient (313)2244218 Heanng Aide Comm Services Director Edward Thomas 5227 Schaefer Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Dearborn, Ml 48126 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance (313)584-7800 Envuonment Outpatient Due ctor Ymg Gee Area IV Mayor's Committee Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education, 1512 Marquette Information, I-lothnc Detroit, MI 48208 Services Drug-free 2244271 Environment Outpatient (313) Ducctor Wdham Peppers Head Center Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation 24400 Ford Road Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Dearborn Heights, Ml 48127 Envuonment Outpatient


Balduck Svc Orgn Inc-Insight Services Generic Treatment 16339 East Warren Avenue Envvonment Residential Detroit, Ml 48224 (313)885-0090 Comprehensive Drug Abuse Programs lnc 18000 James Couzens Director Cyntlua A. Brzozowskr Detroit, Ml 48235 Activity Admuustrattve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, 341-0181 Central Intake, Trammg, (313) Education, Information, Hothne Director Rod Lesner Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Envvonment Outpatient Traming Services Maintenance Bomface 31st Street Clinic Southwest Envvonment Outpatient 3737 31st Street Detroit, Ml 48210 Comprehensive Neighborhood Health Center (313)897-7310 1200 Prngrcc Court Detroit, Ml 48202 Due ctor Jack Andrews (313)875-1830 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Director Bert W Overstreet Environment Outpatmnt Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Mamtcnancc Care Clinics lnc Envvonmcnt Outpatient 15232 Fenkell Detroit, Ml 48227 Detroit Drug Abuse Treatment Center (313)836-0600 8809 John C Lodge Building 4 Dvector Vlomeva McNerl Detroit, MI 48202 Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, (313)224-3981 Central Intake, Education, Director John Wlutc Information, Referral Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Central Intake Detoxification, Mamtenance Services Drug-I'ree, Detoxification Outpatient Envvonmcnt Outpatient Cathohc Social Services 9851 Hamilton Avenue Detroit General Hosp Drug Treat Prgm Detroit, Ml 48202 Detroit, Ml 48226 (313)883-2100 (313)224-0638 Due ctor Bcrney Casey Ducctor Brian Ennght Activity Treatment/Rchabihtatron, Training, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Referral/ Education, Information Vocational Envvonment Outpatient Services Mamtenancc Envuonment Outpatient Citizens Action Agamst Drug Abuse 10940 Mack Avenue Detroit Health Dept-Herman Keifer Hosp Detroit, Ml 48214 City-County Budding (313)822-6707 Detroit, Ml 48226 Dvcctor Calvin Tucker (313)224-3437 Activity Admuustrative, Central Intake, Trarmng Duector James Sall Activity Administrative Community Counseling Svc of Prolect He 18820 Hayes Detroit-Wayne Detroit, Ml 48205 Co Dept Sub Abuse Scrv (313)526-6000 500 Kales Budding Detroit, Ml 48226 Director Charles Johnson (313)2244746 Acuvrty Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Intake, Trammg, Dvcctor Edward Liebson Education, Information Activity Admuustrative, Education, Information, Services Drug-free Research Planning Envvonmcnt Outpatient Fanuly Medical Serv PC Commumty Treatment Center 3400 West Warren Bureau of Prisons Detroit, Ml 48208 Detroit, Ml 48216 (313)899-3777 (313)226-7042 Dvcctor Patricia Mclncrney Dvector Ronald Burchart Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Services Drug-frcc, Detoxification, Mamtenance Central Intake Envuonment Outpatient


Fort Street Cluuc Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rchabrhtation, 5882 West Fort Street Training, Education, Information Detroit, Ml 48209 Services Detoxification (313)842-5077 Environment Outpatient Thomas McGrath Due ctor League Goodwdl Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity 1401 Ash Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtcnance Services Detroit, Ml 48208 Envuonment Outpatient (313) 964-3900 Harbor Light Substance Abuse Center Duector Barbara J. Reed 3611 Casa Avenue Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation, Traming Detroit, MI 48201 Services Drug-free (313)833-0680 Envuonment Daycare John McDonald Duector Mayor's Cmtee for Human Resources Dev Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Medical Division Drug Abuse Program Central Intake, Trauung; Int'I Detroit, Ml 48208 Education, Information, Job 2244000 Placement (313) Drug-free Duector Aidan Codburn Residential Activity Administrative

Harper Hospital Poly-Drug Program MCHRD Area I —TADAC I 3825 Brush Street 3361 Grahot Detroit, MI 48201 Detroit, Ml 48207 (313)494-8393 (313)224-6294 Duector Kenneth K Schoof Duector Howard Lemon Activity Admuustrative; Central Intake, Trauung Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free, Detoxdication, Mmntenance Henry Ford Pallister-Lodge Clmic Envuonment Outpatient 1146 Palhster Detroit, Ml 48202 MCHRD Area III —TADAC-III (313)876-1262 9100 Kercheval Detroit, MI 48214 Duector John Bradshaw (313)2244280 Activity Admuustrativc, Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Detoxification, Maintenance Ducctor Jesse Henderson Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mmntenancc Hutzel Hosp Crisis Intervention Envuonment Outpatient 4827 Brush Street Detroit, Ml 48201 Metro Hospital Substance (313)494-7041 Abuse Center Detroit, MI 48206 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabrhatton (313)869-3600 Hutzel Pregnant Drug Dependent Women Duector Zebedee Bishop 4827 Brush Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton Detroit, MI 48201 Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Duector James Wardell Treatment/Rehabihtat ton; Information Acuvity Melropolitan Substance Abatement Frog Drug-free, Maintenance Services 6533 East Jefferson Avenue Envnonment Outpatient Detroit, MI 48207 (313)867-3367 Inner City Program Clime No. 3 2881 East Grand Boulevard Duector Andrew W. Petturs Detroit, Ml 48202 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (313)872-1535 Services Detoxification, Mamtenance Envuonmcnt Outpatient Duector Ramcey Fort Treatment/Rehabihtauon Activity Model Neighborhood Drug Program Mamtenance Services 4707 Woodward Avenue Outpatient Envuonment Detroit, MI 48201 (313)833-2200 Joharr House 525 East Grand Boulevard Duector George Wdhams Detroit, MI 48207 Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton (313)925-1144 Services Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient Duector Jeraldrne McCray


Model Neighborhood/Inner City D/A Prgm Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 2000 Fenkell Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Detroit, MI 48201 Envuonment Outpatient (313)864-7600 Director. George Wrlhams Prolect Bite Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 10600 Puritan Services Miuntenance Detroit, MI 48238 Environment Outpatient (313)273-3832 Director' Walter Oned Model Neighborhood/Inner City D/A Frog Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron; Central Intake, 4147 Casa Avenue Education, Information Detroit, Ml 48201 Services Drug-free (313)831-1400 Envuonment Outpatient Director George Wilhams Project Headhne Famdy Counseling Ctr Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Services Miuntenance 13626 East Seven Mile Road Envuonment Outpahent Detroit, MI 48205 (313)526-5000 NARA-DAPS Umt Herman Kiefer Hospital Duector James Keatmg 8751 John C. Lodge Actnnty Treatment/Rehabilitation Detroit, MI 48202 SeMces Drug-free (313)224-2350 Envuonment Outpatient Duector R. E. Klous Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtation; Project Headline-Crisis Center Central Intake, Information, 13627 Gratiot Referral Detroit, MI 48205 Services Drug-free (313)5264000 Environment Outpatient Duector Wilham Sumner Activity Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation, Nardm Park Drug Abuse Center Central Intake; Trairung, 9605 Grand River Information Detroit, Ml 48204 Services Drug-free (313)455-6262 Environment Outpatient Director. Eldirdge Huvkz Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Prolect Life Sub Abuse Center Central Intake, Triuning, 19731 West Seven Mile Road Education, Information, Psychosocial Detroit, MI 48219 Counsehng (313)532-9205 SeMces Mamtenance Duector Environment Outpatient Leanard Mobley Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services NE Guidance Circ-Substance Abuse Svr Detoxification Environment 17000 East Warren Outpatient Detroit, Ml 48215 (313)822-8440 Recovery House 4835 14th Street Duector. Angels Kennedy Detroit, MI 48208 Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, (313)869-7366 Central Intake Services Maintenance Duector. Wilham DavLs Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron

Neigh Serv Organ Health Resource Ctr Riverside Clinic (ME-RO EAST) 7707 West Chicago 11730East Jefferson Detroit, Ml 48204 Detroit, MI 48214 (313)834-7440 (313)824-1110 Director Jean Melton Duector Val Wydeven Activity. Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron; Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Central Intake, Referral Intake, Trauung, Information Services Drug-free; Detoxification, Maintenance SeMces Mamtenance Environment Outpatient Envu onment Outpatient

Northwest Drug Treatment Clhuc Sacred Heart Rehab Ct Inc 14602-14606 Greenfield Avenue 569 East Elizabeth Detroit, Ml 48227 Detroit, MI 48201 (313)835-7750 (313)962-0422 Duector. Joyce Johnson Director Vaughn M. Quinn


Activity. Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation; FARMINGTON HILLS Central Intake; Education; Halfway Home Farmington Area Advisory Council Services. Drug-free 23450 Middlebelt Environment: Residential Farmington Hills, MI 48024 (313)4774767 Shar House Inc Director. Gregg L. Young 1852 West Grand Boulevard Activity: Treatment/RehabiTitation; Education; Detroit, MI 48208 Information (313)824-0484 Services Drug-free Director Jerry Stephews Environment: Outpatient Activity: Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation; Education; Information Services: Drug-free FLINT Environment: Residential Ceres Center Southeast Sateihte 1929 Lewis Street 7351-7359 Gratiot Avenue Flint, Ml 48506 238-2652 Detroit, MI 48213 (313) (313)925-7752 Direct: Yolanda Nieto Education; Director: Joseph Jackson Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Information; Crisis Service Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Services. Maintenance Services Drug-free Environment' Outpatient Environment. Outpatient Genesee Co Comm on Substance Abuse Ser SW Detroit Drug Abuse Treat Program Leith Street 4749 Livernois Avenue 1300 Flint, Ml 48505 Detroit, Ml 48210 (313)897-7774 (313)232-1181 Director Charles P. Holmes Director N. R. Lezotte Activity: Administrative; Information Activity Administrative Mocrbee Awareness Center WOMAN Inc G-5266 North Saginaw 4105 Casa Ml 48505 Detroit, MI 48201 Flint, (313)831-2606 (313)789-2011 Director Jane Mannette Director. Joy Bridges Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabrhtation; Activity. Treatment/RehabiTitation Child Care Services: Drug-free Services: Maintenance Environment: Outpatient Environment. Outpatient Rubicon Odyssey House 1311Detroit Street Flint, MI 48503 238.9602 EAST LANSING (313) Director: Wesley Avera Michigan Dept of Public Health Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Information Office of Substance Abuse Svs Services: Drug-free 1019Trowbridge Road Environment. Outpatient East Lansing, Ml 48823 (517) 373-8600 Rubicon Odyssey House 1225 Detroit Street Director: J. Irwin Nichols Flint, Ml 48503 Activity: Admmistrative (313)238.0483 Director. Wesley Avera Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Information ELOISE Services Drug-free Environment: Residential Wayne County Dept of Health Wayne County Health Center Sirna Center Eloise, Ml 48132 1300 Leith Street (313)224-3824 Flint, Ml 48505 (313) 238-5648 Director: R. E. Kious Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Duector Anthony MacPherson Services: Drug-free; Maintenance Activity Administrative; Treatment/RehabiTitation; Environment: Outpatient Information


Services. Maintenance Gaylord, MI 49735 Environment Outpatient (517) 732-5313 Duector SODAT Tunothy J. Uhlmann Actxvity Treatment/Rehabihtation; 301 East Hamilton Educatxon, Information Fhnt, MI 48505 (313)239-2106 Drug-free Outpatxent Duector Donald Purcell Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabxhtation, Trammg; Education, Information Sernces. Drug-free GLADWIN Environment: Outpatient Addicted Family Counseling Service 103 North Bowery FLUSHING Gladwin, Ml 48624 (517) 426-5641 Flushing Youth Center Duector Joann Calkms 100 East Main Street Acttnty Treatment/Rehabxhtatxon Flushing, MI 48433 Sernces (313)659-3371 Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Duector Rev. M. Mutzelberg Activity: Treatment/Rehabxhtatxon, Educatxon, Information; Crisis Service Sernces Drug-free GRAND BLANC Environment. Outpatient SODAT-G 216 Reid Road FREMONT Grand Blanc, MI 48439 (313)694-0020 Life Counseling Sernce Inc Duector Randy Sdls 202 West Maple Street Actinty Treatment/Rehabxhtatxon, Fremont, Ml 49412 Trauung; 924-2280 Education (616) Services. Drug-free Director: Fred R. Zahrt Envuonment Outpatient Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabxhtatxon, Central Intake, Trammg, Education; Information Services. Drug-free GRAND RAPIDS Environment. Outpatient Kent Co CMHSB 1619Walker NW GARDEN CITY Grand Rapids, MI 49504 (616)456-3982 Garden City Prg Help Hope and Love 1803 Middlebelt Road Duector Robert Pease Garden City, Ml 48135 Actxnty Admuustrative (313)427-4357 Project Rehab Inc Director Terry Fields 1434 Madison S.E. Actxnty: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabxhtation; Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Education, Information (616)456-3595 Detoxification Services. Drug-free, Detoxification Duector. Steve McCreary Environment Outpatient, Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatxon Sernces Drug-free Midwest Mental Health Chnic Ennronment. Residential 6245 Inkster Garden City, MI 48135 (313)421-3300 HAZEL PARK Director Frank MacDonell Actxnty Treatment/Rehabxhtatxon Threshold Hazel Park Ctr for M/H Services: Drug-free 723 Woodward Heights Environment Outpatient; Inpatxent Hospital Hazel Park, MI 48030 (313)5434680 GAYLORD Duector Phylhs L. Wyrick Actinty Treatment/Rehabxhtatxon, Informatxon Comm Family and Children Sernces SeMces. Drug-free Central District Ennronment Outpatient


HIGHLAND PARK Help Crisis Intervention Center 1387 Inkster Road Highland Park Drug Abuse Center Inkster, Ml 48141 13314Woodward Avenue (313)562-7800 Highland Park, Ml 48203 Duector Wanda Hams (313)868-5525 Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Duector Reginald Banks Traimng, Information Actrnty Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Information Services Drug-free Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Environment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient


The Centre Journey House Inc 7th Street 18 North 235 7th Avenue Holland, MI 49417 Iron River, MI 49935 (616) 392-1873 (906) 265-9887 Hartstock Director Gary Director Joseph Wdham Varney Actinty Admmrstrative Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Envuon ment Residential HOWELL

Livingston Crisis Center 210.B South Highlander Way Howell, Ml 48843 JACKSON (517) 546-4126 'The Hard Drug Chnic Director Richard S Zipper 2301 East Miclugan Acttnty Administrative, Treatment/Rchabihtation, Jackson, Ml 49202 Central Intake, Trammg, 784-9153 Education, Information, Hothne (517) Services Drug-free Duector Neal V. Cook Envuonment Outpatient Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Miuntenance Prolect Trans-Action Ennronment Outpatient Howell Pubhc Schools Howell, Ml 48843 (517) 546-6200 Duector James E. Turner KALAMAZOO Actinty Treatment/Rchabrhtatton, Trammg, Education, Information Autos House Counsehng and Information 729 West South Street Outpatient Kalamazoo, Ml 49006 (616) 349-8081 INKSTER Duector Alhson Taylor Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Hegira Methadone Drug Center Services Drug-free 27755 Michigan Avenue Envuonment Residential Inkster, Ml 48141 (313)562-5323 Gryphon Place 1104 South Westnedge Duector J Callaway Kalamazoo, Ml 49008 Activity Admnustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, (616) 342-9891 Trammg, Information Services Maintenance Duector Ann M. Powell Envuonment Outpatient Actrnty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, Information, Crisis Intervention Hegira Therapeutic Day Chnic Drug-free 27436 Avondale Outpatient Inkster, MI 48141 (313)565-0650 Office of Substance Abuse Sernces 418 West Kalamazoo Avenue Director Edward Clark Kalamazoo, Ml 49006 Actinty Admrmstrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, (616) 342-9891 Trammg, Educahon, Information Services Drug-free Duector Wdbur Courter Envuonment Outpatient Activity Admuustratrve



Community Action Work Center Commumty Commimon on Drug Abuse 2301 East Michigan Avenue 1255 Middlebert Lansmg, MI 48912 Livonra, MI 48150 (517) 371-3662 (313)422-3760 Director John Belaski Director James L Anthony Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Admuustrative, Education, Services Drug-free Information Environment Outpatient Livonia Aide Center Comprehensive Drug Treat Prgm-Community 33110Fne Mile 300 North Washington Street, Suite 112 Livnoia, MI 48154 Lansing, Ml 48933 (313)261-3760 482-0824 (517) Duector James L. Anthony Duector Herschel Roper Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation, Trammg, Activity Admmrstratrve, Central Intake, Information Information Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient House of Commons 517 North Walnut Lansmg, Ml 48933 LUDINGTON (517) 489-1485 West Shore Alcohol and Drug Abuse Director Charles Holliman 10 Atkmson Dnve Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Ludmgton, MI Services Drug-free 49431 Environment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation

The New Birth Center 1023 West Ottawa MADISON HEIGHTS Lansing, Ml 48915 (517)485-7212 Gateway Cnsrs Center 26327 John R. Road Duector John Witt Marhson Ml Activity Heights, 48071 Treatment/Rchabihtation 545-5926 Services Detoxification, Mamtenance (313) Environment Outpatient Duector Nancy Sharbach Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Information Services Drug-free Envu onment Outpatient LAP EER

SODAT MASON 454 Park Street Lapeer, Ml 48446 Drug Abuse Treatment Program (313)664-4519 630 North Cedar Street Mason, MI 48854 Director Robert E. Mdler II (517) 676-2431 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Services Drug-free Duector Jerry Gallagher Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Uruted People inc Comprehensive Drug Services Kneciand Street 713 Ashman, Suite E Lewrston, Ml 49756 Midland, MI 48640 (512) 786-2294 (517) 835-6769 Duector Timothy J Shafto Director Don Crowder Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Central Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Traming; Intake, Traiiung, Education; Education; Information, Crisis Information; Cnsis Intervention Intervention Services Drug-free SeMces Drug-free Environment. Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient


MILAN Duector Gary Taylor Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Fed Cor Institution Non-NARA Unit Milan, MI 48160 Muskegon Methadone Treatment Center (313)439-1571 10102nd Street Ml 49440 Bons Muskegon, Director Eugene (616) 722-7837 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trauung, Education Director Gary Taylor Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Prison Peoples Help Center Fed Cor Institution 1980 West Sherman Boulevard NARA/DAP Unit Muskegon, Ml 49441 Milan, MI 48160 (616) 759-0911 (313)439-1571 Director Mike Ponke Director H. H Hoeppner Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trammg, Education Substance Abuse Administration Services Drug-free 3rd Floor County Buddmg Envuonment Prison Muskegon, Ml 49440 (616) 722-1026 Duector Daiuel Reeves MONROE Activity Administrative, Education

Help-Line/Monroe Co Drug Prolect 429 South Macomb Street Monroe, Ml 48161 MUSKEGON HEIGHTS (313)242-4357 Siahbe House Duector Wayne C Evens 2125 Peck Street Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Muskegon Heights, Ml 49444 Intake, Trauung, Education, (616) 7264991 Information, Hothne Services Drug-free Duector Daniel M Reeves Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Education, Information Services Drug-free MOUNT CLEMENS Environment Outpatient

Macomb Co Substance Abuse Service 308 Crocker NEWBERRY Mount Clemens, Ml 48043 (313)751-5900 Luce Co Substance Abuse Office Jan Christensen Newberry, MI 49868 Duector 293-5968 Activity Admuustratrve (906) Duector Robert A. Wood Mount Clemens Youth Counsehng Agency Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, 111Casa Information Mount Clemens, Ml 48043 Services Drug-free (313)463-7079 Envuonment Outpatient Director Sherry McRdl Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Education, Information, Crisis Phone Lme OAK PARK Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Department of Comm Services 13700 Oak Park Boulevard Substance Abuse Oak Park, Ml 48237 235 South Gratiot Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Mount Clemens, Ml 48043 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation OWOSS0 MUSKEGON Substance Abuse Trt Prevention Program 826 West King Street Barnard House Owosso, MI 48867 1433 Chnton (517) 7234791 Muskegon, Ml 49442 (616) 722-2241 Duector Carole F Rodvren


Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatton, (313)666-2720 Trairung, Education, Information, Director F G St Souver Prevention Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Services Drug-free Central intake Education, information Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential PAW PAW St. Joseph Mercy Hospital 900 Woodward Avenue Van Buren Community Health Dept Pontiac, Ml 48053 900 East Michigan Avenue (313)858-3000 Paw Paw, MI 49079 (616)657-6485 Director Ms Dune Wittl Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Duector. John Deren Services Drug-free. , Detoxification. Mamtenance Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation k nvironmcnt Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital


Drug Awareness Center Inc PORT HURON 1020 East Mitchell Rehabditation Petoskey, Ml 49770 Action Program (616) 347-3928 1808 Pine Grove Avenue Port Huron, MI 48060 Director Sheda A. Hawkins (313)984-5087 Actwity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Education; Director Frank E. Wagner Information, Referral Crisis Lme Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Services Drug-free Tranung, Education, Information, Environment Outpatient Consultation Services Detoxification, Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient PLYMOUTH

Alex Dehoco Mens Division Dt Ho of Cor P.O. Box 174 REDFORD Plymouth, Ml 48170 (313)455-6262 Redford Info and Coun Ctr on Drugs 15425 Beach Daly Duector John Moore Redord, Ml 48239 Activity Admnustrative; Treatment/Rehabthtatron, (313)535-7077 Central Intake, Education, Information Director Ada Anes Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Environment Residential Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Shar House Inc DEHOCO P.O. Box 411 Plymouth, MI 48170 (313)4554262 RIVER ROUGE Director Isaac Wdhams Northpoint ActMty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Intervenhon Center 10514 West Servtces Drug-free Jefferson River Envnonment Outpatient, Residential Rouge, Ml 48174 (313)224-6746 Duector Jube Kiplaby PONTIAC Activity Admmtstratrve, Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Central Intake, Trauung, City of Pontiac Methadone Maintenance Education, Information 140 Elizabeth Lake Road SeMces Drug-free Pontiac, Ml 48053 Envuonment Outpatient (313)338-9618 Trt-City Director George Carorus Drug Abuse Program Activity: Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Information 252 Visger Rn er Services Mamtenance Rouge, MI 48218 Environment Outpatient (313)383-0520 Drrector Alma Davis Residents Awareness Program Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Information 8100 Pontiac Lake Road Services Drug-free; Mamtenance Pontiac, Ml 48054 Environment Outpatient MICHIGAN ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS

RIVERVIEW Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Educabon, Informabon, Residential Southpointe Counseling Center Sernces Drug-free 17431 Fort Street Envuonment. Outpabent, Resrdenbal Rivernew, MI 48192 (313)283-8410 SAGINAW Duector Bob Alter Treatment/Rehabrhtatron; Acbvity Admuustrabve, Sagmaw County Drug Treatment Center Informabon Trammg; Educabon, 1422 East Genesee Avenue Services Drug-free Sagmaw, MI 48607 Environment Outpatient (517) 7534483 Director Rev. J. Mdler ROCHESTER Acbvity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtabon, Educabon, Informabon; Jari Rochester Turnmg Point-Ctr Drug Stud Program, Hothne 438 West Uruveisity Dnve Mamtenance Rochester, Ml 48063 Outpabent (313)651-1650 Youth In Conflic Duector Nancy Rollings 106 East Genesee Treatment/Rehabrhtabon, Trammg; Acbvity Saginaw, Ml 48607 Education, Informabon (517) 7554458 Drug-free Outpabent Duector Paul Novak Acbnty Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Educabon; Information ROMEO Sernces Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Humanity House of Romeo Inc 124 West Gates Romeo, Ml 48065 (313)752-9619 SANDUSKY Director M O. Marshall Crisis and Info Ctr Treatment/Rehabrhtabon; Educabon; Substance Abuse Acbvity Street Informabon, Halfway House 14 North Morse Sandusky, Ml 48471 Services Drug-free Ennronment Outpatient, Residenbal (313)6484327 Director Hero M. Smgh The Parish House Inc Acbvity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtabon, 332 South Mam Street Central Intake; Educabon; Romeo, Ml 48065 Information (313)752-7001 Drug-free Outpatient, Prison Duector Kathy Woods Actinty Treatment/Rehabihtabon


Romulus Help Center Clinic 05 Drug Abuse Treat Prev Prog 35085 Goddard Road 16001 West Nine Mile Romulus, MI 48174 Southfield, Ml 48075 (313)961-7980 (313)424-3305 Director Leonard Mehuck Director Michael P Coluca Actinty Treatment/Rehabrlitabon, Information, Activity Administrative; Treatment/Rehabrhtabon; Job Placement Central Intake, Trarnmg, Educabon; Drug-free Information Outpatient Services Drug-free, Detoxdicabon, Mamtenance Envuonment Outpabent; Inpatient Hospital

ROYAL OAK Counseling Associates Inc 25835 Southfield Road, Suite 101 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center Southfield, Ml 48075 120 South Washmgton (313)559-0545 Royal Oak, Ml 48067 Duector Dr. S Grossberg (313)545-2725 Acbvity Treatment/Rehabilrtabon, Educabon Dnector. Robert Groves Services: Outpatient Environment Outpabent


Southfield-Latluop Youth Services Wanen, MI 48089 26080 Berg Road (313) 758-1800 Southfield, MI 48076 (313)356-8755 Director Mary Sutherland Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation; Training, Education; Director' Thomas Frommeyer Information; 24-Hr. Crisis Lme Activity Admuustrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation; Services. Drug-free Central Intake; Training; Education; Environment. Outpatient Information Services: Drug-free Substance Abuse Center Environment Outpatient 8200 East Thirteen Mile Warren, Ml 48093 (313)573-7575 SAINT CLAIR SHORES Duector Denius Roblee Activity Substance Abuse Center Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Central Intake Services' 25401 Harper Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Saint Clair Shores, Ml 48081 (313)773-7300 Substance Abuse Info Center Director: Demus Roblee 11843 East Thirteen Mde Road Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Warren, MI 48093 Intake, Education; Information (313)939-5130 Services Drug-free Director' Environment Outpatient Elame M. Gross Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Education; Information STERLING HEIGHTS Services: Drug-free Environment Outpatient Phoenix Center Inc 35537 Ryan Road Sterling Heights, MI 48077 WAYNE (313)939-7650 Metro East Drug Treatment Center Director Larry Pollock 8047 Harper Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education Wayne, Ml 48213 Services: Drug-free (313)822-3250 Environment: Outpatient Due ctor Marion Joy Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation TAYLOR Services Maintenance Environment: Outpatient Taylor Drug Abuse Center 14716 Allen Road Taylor, Ml 48180 WESTLAND (313)283-7123 Westland Aide Center Duector. Larry Mandell 8068 North Wayne Road Activity' Admuustratrve; Treatment/Rehabihtation; Westland, MI 48185 Central Intake (313)522-3760 Services Maintenance Environment; Outpatient Duector James L. Anthony Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation, Informatmn Services. Drug-free TROY Environment. Outpatient

Troy Drug Alert Inc 60 West Wattles YPSILANTI Troy, Ml 48084 (313)689-5771 Dawn Incorporated 6667 Stoney Creek Director. John T. Lynch Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education; (313)485-8725 Information Services Drug-free DireCto: Gary Archey Environment' Outpatient Activity. Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services. Drug-free Environment Outpatient WARREN GIT Bi-County Group Therapy Clinic Comm Drug Crisis Center 13355 East 10 Mile Ypsilanti, Ml 48197


(313)485-0200 Director Gene Brown Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient

Octagon House II 16 South Prospect Ypsdanti, Ml 48197 (313)485-4000 Duector Richard Gilmore Activity Treatment/Rchabdrtatron Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Miuntenance Envuonment Outpatient

SOS Commumty Crisis Center 114 North River Street Ypsdanti, MI 48197 (313)485-3222 Director Gene Brown Activity Treatment/Rchabthtatron, Information, Hothne Drug-free Outpatient


CENTER CITY Director Lorraine Teel Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Hazelden Foundation Inc Services Drug-frcc Box 11 Environment Day care Center City, MN 55012 (612) 257-7184 Eden House Therapeutic Commuruty 1025 Portland Avenue Duector Daniel J Anderson, Ph D Mmncapohs, MN Activity 55403 Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Trauung, (612) 296-3419 Information, Referral Services Drug-free Duector Lorrame Teel Envuonmcnt Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential DULUTH Freedom House 2001 Program 3111 Harriet Avenue South 2001 West 3rd Street Mmneapohs, MN 55408 Duluth, MN 55806 (612) 823-6610 727-7098 (218) Ducctor Frank Cison Director Bdl Hardesty Activity Treatment/Rchabthtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envnonmcnt Rcsidcnhal Envuonmcnt Residential Hennepin County Alcohol and Incbnety Prog 527 Park Avenue South MINNEAPOLIS Minneapolis, MN 55415 (612) 348-7994 Cathohc Welfare Seivice of Mmneapohs Director Ms Peg Thompson 404 South 8th Street Achvity Administrative Minneapohs, MN 55404 (612) 333-6193 Hennepin County Methadone Program Director Peter Trebtoske 535 Park Avenue South Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Information Minneapolis, MN 55415 Services Drug-free (612) 348-4915 Envuonment Outpatient Director Wayne Wickoren Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Referral Chrysahs 2104 Stevens Avenue South House of Icarus hhnneapolis, MN 55404 2318 1st Avenue (612) 871-2603 South Mmneapohs, MN 55404 Duector Jean Young (612) 874-9097 Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Trainmg, Education, Duector Bdl Picorc Information, Early Intervention Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Drug-free, Information/Research Services Drug-frcc Outpatient Envuonmcnt Residential Drug Dependence Treatment Unit Minneapohs Drug Abuse Services Project hhnneapohs VA Hospital 1900 Chicago Avenue hhnneapohs, MN 55417 725-6767 Minneapolis, MN 55404 (612) (612) 333-2335 Duector Richard Hedman, M.D Duector Paul Jarcho Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Achvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Central Intake, Training, Education, Services Drug-free Information, Research Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtcnance Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital North Memorial Hosp Crrs&s Intervention 3220 Lowery Avenue North Eden House Daycare Center 1025 Minneapohs, MN 55422 Portland Avenue South (612) 588-0616 hhnneapohs, MN 55403 (612) 338-0723 Dnector James T Garvey MINNESOTA

Detoxification Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Scrviccs Drug-free, Hospital Services Detoxification I::,nvu onment Outpatient, Daycare, inpatient Environment Inpatient Hospital St. Mary's Drug Care Program Parachute 2512 7th Street South 914 18th Avenue North Mmneapolis, MN 55406 Mrnneapohs, MN 55411 (612) 332-8111 (612)522-6641 Ducctor George Mann Ducctor Howard Ottenhcimer Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton Detoxification, Maintenance, Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton Services Drug-free, Services Drug-free Counsel Intervention Residential, Daycare, Inpatient Envuonment Day care Envuonmcnt Outpatient, Hospital Pharm House 1025 6th Street Southeast 180 Degrees Inc Reentry Center Minneapolis, MN 55414 236 Clifton Avenue (612) 378-0832 Minneapohs, MN 55403 (612) 335-1608 Director Richard Cargdl H Robmson Activity Admmistrative Director Robert Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Trauung, Pharm House I Information 1025 6th Street Southeast Services Drug-free Residential Mmneapohs, MN 55414 Envuonment (612) 378-0832 Duector Richard Cargill RED LAKE Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Services Drug-free, Counsehng Red Lake Drug Abuse Program Envuonment Outpatient Red Lake Indian Reservation Red Lake, MN 56671 Pharm House II (218) 679-3321 519 20th Avenue Southeast Johnson Mmneapohs, MN 55404 Director Goldie S (612) 339-8104 Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatton, Education, Information Director Richard Cargdl Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton Envuonment Outpahcnt Services Drug-free Environment Residential ROCHESTER Prodigal House Minnesota Veterans Home Radar of Olmsted Co Minneapohs, MN 55417 119'/ 1st Avenue Northwest (612) 729-8915 Rochester, MN 55901 Duector Dennis Desmond (507) 288-0153 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Director John Anderson Trarmng, Education, Informahon, Activity Treatment/Rchabthtatton, L'ducation, Transcendental Meditahon, Recreation information, Hothne Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Residential Environment Outpatient

Progress Valley 3033 Garfield Avenue South ST. PAUL Minneapohs, MN 55408 (612) 822-0508 Freedom Center (Day Care) Due ctor Don Stuhlman 1365 Fnglewood Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation, Trammg St. Paul, MN 55104 Services Maintenance (612) 646-8671 Envuonment Residential Ducctor Rcv Walter Jones Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation St. Mary's Adolescent Drug Detox Scrviccs Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance 2414 7th Street South Enviromnent Outpatient, Daycare Mmneapohs, MN 55454 (612) 332-8111 New Connechon Director Jeffrey D Malmquist 719 Portland Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, St. Paul, MN 55104 Triumng (612) 224%384


Ducctor Michael Palus STILLWATER Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron Services Drug-free Jamestown Environment Residential 11550Jasmme Triul North Stdlwater, MN 55082 New Connechons Therapeutic Community (612) 296-3419 444 Lynnhurst Duector Cherey B Ccderlcaf St. Paul, MN 55104 (612) 296-3419 Activity Treatment/Rchabditation SGMces Drug-free Director Pat Stevens Environment Outpatient, Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtahon Services Drug-free Mmnesota State Prison Environment Residential P.O. Box 55 Stdlwater, MN 55082 Single State Agency (612) 439-1910 402 Metro Square Buddmg Duector Kenneth R St. Paul, MN 55101 Bcyer (612) 296-3419 Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Services Drug-free Director Dayle Kuby, Actmg Envuonment Prison Activity Admmrstratrvc

St. Paul Drug Rehabilitation Center Inc WAYZATA 1365 Englewood St. Paul, MN 55104 Relate Inc (612) 646-8671 18360 Mmnetonka Boulevard Duector Barb Thole Wayzata, MN 55319 473-0227 Actmty Admuustrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation, (612) Central Intake, Trauung, Information, Director Dan Nordby Crisis Phone Techmc Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Services Detoxification, Mamtenancc Services. Drug-free, Famdy Orientation Envuonment Outpatient Envuonmcnt Outpatient

St. Paul-Ramsey Co Mental Health Center Way 12 529 Jackson Street 645 East Wayzata Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55101 Wayzata, MN 55391 (612) 298-4613 (612) 473-1266 Director John Cathn Duector John Benson Activity Admmistrative Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Team House Environment Residential 54 West Exchange St. Paul, MN 55102 (612)227-0649 Director Richard Craven Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Envuon ment Residential

Treatment Program Buridmg 17 Fort Snelhng St. Paul, MN 55111 (612) 725-6767 Director Velta H Mikelsons, M D Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Envu'onment Outpahent

Changes Inc 1275 Sherborne St. Paul, MN 55104 (612) 646-1282 Duector Ron Lingle Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Services Drug-free Envuonmcnt Residential MISSISSIPPI

Activity: Admimstrative; Treatment/Rehabthtation; BILOXI Central Intake; Information; Crisis Intervention Gulf Coast Family Counseling Services: Drug-free 1145West Howard Avenue Environment: Outpatient Biloxi, MS 39530 (601)435-4584 Director. Wayne Brown GULFPORT Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Gulf Coast Mental Health Center 4514 Old Pass Road CLARKS DALE Gulfport, MS 39501 (601) 863-1132 Center for Mental Health Director: Dr. G. Stewart P.O. Box 1046 Central 38614 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Osrksdale, MS Intake; Information 627-7267 (601) Services: Drug-free Director Newton B. Dodson Environment Outpatient Activity' Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake; Education Services Drug-free HATTIES BURG Envnonment Outpatient Pine Belt Regional MH/MR Complex 1485 West Pine Street CRYSTAL SPRINGS Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 5444641 Karitas David Hargrove Road Duector 501 Harmony Administrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation; MS 39059 Activity Crystal Springs, Central Intake; Trammg, Education; (601) 892-2311 Information Director. A. B.Short Services Drug-free Activity: Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Environment. Outpatient Central Intake; Traming; Education; Hothne Services. Drug-free JACKSON Envuonment Residential Crossroad Services Inc 777 North State Street GREENVILLE Jackson, MS 39205 (601) 9694969 Mental Health Community Director: L. W. Clarke 1654 East Union Street Treatment/Rehabihtation; 38701 Activity: Admmistrative; Greenville, MS Central Intake, Trahung; Education; (601) 335-5274 Information Director: Dr. Gilbert MacVaugh Drug-free; Detoxification Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation; Outpatient; Residential; Inpatient Hospital Central Intake, Training; Education; Information, Emergency Care Division of Drug Misuse Services: Drug-free; Detoxification 1001 Lee State Office Building Environment Outpatient; Residential; Daycare; Inpatient Jackson, MS 39201 Hospital (601) 354-7640 Director: David Neely Speights Ad nunistrative GREENWOOD Activity: Jackson MH Center VI Mental Health Center Region 969 Lakeland Drive Old Browning Road 38930 Jackson, MS 39216 Greenwood, MS 982-8811 (601)453-6211 (601) Director: Dr. Ray Huff Director: Dr. Kinloch Gdl


Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron SeMces Drug-free Services Drug-free, Chemotherapy Envuonment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient; Daycare, Inpatient Hospital

PICAYUNE McCOMB Pride SW Mississippi Mental Health Palestine Road P.O. Box 592 Picayune, MS 39466 Mc Comb, MS 39648 (601) 798-8252 (601) 833-5386 Duector Donald Ray Stogner Director Charles Ray Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Actrnty Intake, Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation Traming, Education; Services Information Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Ennronment Outpatient

MERIDIAN STARKVILLE East Mississippi State Hospital Regional Mental Health Complex State Boulevard P.O. Box 902 Meridian, MS 39301 Starkville, MS 39759 (601)4824186 (601) 323-9261 Director Dr. James Champion Duector Dr. John Actinty. Hutcherson Treatment/Rehabihtauon Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Weems Community MH Center State Boulevard TUPELO Meridian, MS 39301 483-4821 (601) Mental Health Complex Duector R. P. Wlute North Missimppi Medical Center Actrnty. Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation Tupelo, MS 38801 Sernces Drug-free (601) 842-3632 Ennronment Outpatient Director Duncan A. Clark Activity Admmrstrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central OCEAN SPRINGS Intake; Trainmg; Education, Information Sernces' Drug-free Shady Oaks Ennronment Outpatient 601 Forest Hill Dnve Ocean Springs, MS 39564 (601)875-1393 WHITFIELD Director: Wayne Brown Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation Mississippi State Hospital Box 157-A Whitfield, MS 39193 OXFORD (601) 939-1221 Director Dr. W. Jaquith Region II Mental Health Center Activity Admuustratrve Highway 7 Bypass South Oxford, MS 38655 (601)234-7521 Duector. Peter Carson Activity: Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation S em ces: Drug-free Ennronment: Outpatient


Singing River Services 903 Eleventh Street Pascagoula, MS 39567 (601) 769-1511 Director. R. G. Stevens Actlnty Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education, Information; Crisis Call


CAPE GIRARDEAU Fulton, MO 65251 (314)642-3311 St. Francis Mental Health Center BOP Director Joe L. Coates 825 Good Hope Street Activity Adnumstrative, Treatment/Rchabthtatron, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Central Intake, Education, Information (314) 334-4461 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Ducctor Louis E Masterman Environment Inpatient Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient HANNIBAL

Hnbl Coun Dr Ab-Mark Twiun MH Cnt CLINTON 109 Virynia Street l-lannibal, MO 63401 Commuruty Counsehng Consultants (314) 221-0017 P.O. Box 211 Director Ray Kenison Clinton, MO 64735 Achvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, (816) 885-4586 Trauung, Education, Information, Hotline Director Eldon C Darnel Activity Administrative, Treatment/Xehabthtation, Psych ln-Pt Unit Central Intake, Education, Information 109 Virynia Services Drug-free, Maintenance Hannibal, MO 63401 Environment Outpatient (314) 221-2120 Director Terry H Allen Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Central Intake COLUMBIA SeMCCS Drug-free, Detoxiilcation Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare, Inpatient Hospital Front Door 707 North Eighth Street Columbia, MO 65201 JEFFERSON CITY (314) 443-2120 Director Jerry K Pncc Cnsrs Lme Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Training, 311 East Mdler Street I.ducation, Information, Peer Counsehng Jefferson City, MO 65101 Services Drug-free (314)634-3404 Envuonment Outpatient Duector Don Chne Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Mid-Missoun Alcohohsm Center Trauung, Education, Information, Mid-Missoun MHC I'amily Anonymous Columbia, MO 65201 Services Drug-free (314)449-2511 Environment Outpahent, Residential Director Dick Marquardt Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Informanon Mtssoun Dept of Mental Health Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 2002 Missoun Boulevard FARMINGTON Jefferson City, MO 65101 (314) 7514942 Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center Du ector Don Howard Farmmgton State Hospital Activity Administrative Farmmgton, MO 63640 (314) 756-4586 Duector Javier A. Pichardo, M D. JOPLIN Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Education, Information Ozark Community Mental Health Center 2808 Picher Avenue Jophn, MO 64801 FULTON (417) 781-2410 Duector James L Gonterman Fulton State Alcohohsm Center Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Fulton State Ilospital Information


KANSAS CITY (816) 861-5244 Director BOP Reg Off-Reg V and VII Michael K Hanley Actwity 8800 Northwest 112th Street Treatment/Rehabditation Kansas City, MO 64153 (816) 243-5680 Mul Town Center 3200 Broadway Due ctor Laura Jones Kansas City, MO 64111 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtabon (816) 274-1514 Director Lucian Catholic Family and Community Services Cordaro 527 West 39th Street Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtabon, Job Development Services Kansas City, MO 64111 Drug-free (816) 756-2350 Envuonment Outpatient Duector Donald A Rosenfield Pasco Outreach Clmic Actwity Treatment/Rehabditation 5640 Wayne Services Drug-free Kansas City, MO 64110 Envuonment Outpatient (816)471-1970

Discovery House Midwest Ducctor Bruno H Zwerenez 3635 Holmes Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Kansas City, MO 64109 Drug-free, Maintenance (816) 753-7182 Envuonment Outpatient Duector Tom Jones Phoenix Center Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtabon, Trammg, 3434 The Pasco Education, Informabon, Cnsis Intervention Kansas City, MO 64109 Selvlces Drug-free (816) 756-0100 Environment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare, Prison Director Laverta Murray Activity GKCMHF Drug Program for State Parolees Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trauung, 600 East 22nd Street Educabon, Information, Drop-In Center Kansas City, MO 64108 Services Drug-free (816) 471-3000 Environment Outpatient

Duector Charles B Wdkinson Tri-County Hospital Actnnty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron 2900 Hospital Drwe Services Drug-free Kansas City, MO 64116 Environment Outpatient, Residential (816) 474-5747

Greater Kansas City MH Foundabon Director Jack Viar 600 East 22nd Street Acbvity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rchabditation, Kansas City, MO 64108 Trammg, Education, Information (816)471-3000 West Missouri Mental Health Center Cluuc Duector Charles B Wdkinson 600 East 22nd Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtabon Kansas City, MO 64108 Services Drug-free (816) 471-3000 F.nvuonment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Duector Bruno H. Zwerenz Activity Kansas City TASC Program Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Intake 414 East 12th Street Services Drug-free, Detoxdication Kansas City, MO 64106 Envuonmcnt Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital (816) 274-1605 West Missouri Mental Health Center Due ctor Lynda O'Connor 600 East 22nd Street Acbvity Admuustrative, Central Intake, Trauung, Kansas City, MO 64108 Information, Data Analysis (816) 471-3000 Linwood Clmic Duector Dr B. Zwerenz 3210 Miclugan Acbvity Administrative, Informabon Kansas City, MO 64128 (913)831-5035 Due ctor Wdham McKnelly NEVADA Acbvrty Treatment/Rchabthtation, Educabon Services Detoxdicabon, Mamtenance Nevada State Hosp Alc and Drug Abuse Prg Envuonment Outpabent P.O. Drawer 308 Nevada, MO 64772 Linwood House (417) 667-7833 2000 East Linwood Ducctor Carl Schwamb Kansas City, MO 64109 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtabon


MO 63139 Alcohol and Drug Abuse St. Louis, Services 644-5400 Environment Inpahent Hospital (314) Director John V Nelkupa Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Experimental Drug PURCELL Services Naltrcxone I"nvuonment Inpatient )hospital Reach-Out Inc Box 349 Antagomst Research Prog —Outpahent Purcell, MO 64857 Outpatient Clinic H-3, 5400 Arsenal (417) 526-1974 St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 644-5400 Director David J Ford Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Duector John V Nelkupa Trauung, Education, Spiritual Renewal Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Experimental Drug Services Naltrexone Environment Outpatient SPRINGFIELD Archway Commuruties Inc Codac and Hotlme 5650 Pershmg Avenue 290 East Central St. Louis, MO 63112 SpungBield, MO 65802 (314) 727-4181 (417) 865-2616 Duector Mdton E Parks Duector Lmda Self Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/RehabCitation, Services Drug-free Central Intake, Triunmg, Education, Envuonmcnt Residential Information, Hothne, Walk-In Services Drug-free Community Clime Olive St Environment Outpatient, Prison 3927 Olive Street St. Louis, MO 63108 Park Central Hospital (314) 644-5400 440 South Market Duector Victor Stephens Springfield, MO 65806 Treatment/RehabCitation 865-5581 Activity (417) Services Maintenance Duector Robert E Lee Envuonment Outpatient Activity Admuustrative Community Psychological Consultants St. John's Hospital 1740 Gulf Drne Cherokee 1235 East St. Louis, MO 63124 Sprmgfield, MO 65804 (314)426-0810 Sister Dorothy Calhoun Director Duector Dr M Rosenbcrg Admuustrativc, Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Activity Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Trainmg, Educahon Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient ST. JOSEPH Drug Abuse Program-VA Hospital St. Joseph State Alcohohsm Center Jefferson Barracks Division St. Joseph State Hospital St. Louis, MO 63125 St. Joseph, MO 64502 (314) 652-4100 (816) 232-8431 Duector Suhas M. Lahrih M D. Director Frances Joy Activity Treatment/RehabCitation Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Information Drug Dept Trt Ctr VA Hospital ST. LOUIS St. Louis, MO 63125 (314)6524 100 Acid Rescue/Community Counseling Cntrs Duector Suhas M Latuir, M.D. 2023 Big Bend Activity Treatment/Rehabditation St. Louis, MO 63117 (314)645-2900 Magdala No. 2 Men' s Due ctor Steven H Snyder 2501 North 11th Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Achvity Admmistrative, Louis, MO 63106 Hothne St. Trauung, Education, Information, (314) 421-2505 Services Drug-free Robert Schhtt Environment Outpatient Duector Achvity Treatment/Rehabditation, Trairung Antagomst Research Prog —Inpatient Services Drug-free Residential Mail Stop 476, 5400 Arsenal Street Envuonmcnt


Magdala Foundation St. Louis Comp Drug Trt Ctr-St Hosp-H-4 1129 Penrose 5400 Arsenal Street St. Louis, MO 63107 St. Louis, MO 63139 (314)652-6004 (314) 644-5400 Director Thomas Mangogna Duector Paul Reese Actnqty Admininstrative, Central Intake, Traming, Achvity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake Education Services Detoxification Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Magdala Outchent Program 1129 Penrose St. Louis State Hospital-D/A Ward B4 St. Louis, MO 63107 5400 Arsenal Street (314)652-6004 St. Louis, MO 63139 Director Clarice Reid (314) 644-5400 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake, Director Alphonso Menotti Trainmg, Education, Referral Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Environment Inpatient Hospital

Malcolm Bhss MH Center-BOP Teen Challenge Inc 1420 Grat tan Street 5244 Washington Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63104 St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 241-7600 (314) 367-2225 Director Jaune Vargas Director Fred N Johnson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Services Drug-free Information I', nvrronmcnt Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential Narcohcs Service Council, Inc 2305 St. Louis Avenue Malcolm Bliss M.H.C.-Drug Free St. Louis, MO 63106 1420 Grattan Street (314) 2414310 St. Louis, MO 63104 Dnector Dr W Harvey (314) 241-7600 Activity Admnustrative Duector Jaime Vargas Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Nasco Central Services Drug-free 2305 St. Louis Avenue Environment Outpatient St. Louis, MO 63106 (314) 2414310 Director. Dr Wdliam Harvey TRENTON Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification Green Hriis Surs AB Task Force, Inc Environment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient 1302 Mam Street Hospital Trenton, MO 64683 (816) 359-5976 Nasco West Director 7100 David Garvm Oakland Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation St. Louis, MO 63117 Services Drug-free (314)647-5444 Envuonment Outpatient Director Dr. William Harvey Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education Services Drug-free Envnonment Outpatient

Renard Hosp-Barnes Hospital Complex Washington Univ Dept of Psychiatry St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 367-6400 Director James Hahkas, M D. Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron

St, Louis Comp Drug Treat Ctr 5400 Arsenal Street St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 644-5400 Director. Ron Tissier Activity Administrative, Tranung, Information


Duector Rod Newman ANACONDA Acbvity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtabon; Trainmg, Education; Informabon; Open Door Crisis Intervention 122 East Park Avenue Anaconda, MT 59711 563-5248 (406) GREAT FALLS Director Ron Fanyak Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Wesley Community Center Services. Drug-free, Detoxificabon 701 10th Street South Envuonment Outpatient, Inpabent Hospital Great Falls, MT 59403 (406) 761-7471 Mike Ruvald BILLINGS Duector Acbvity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtabon, Trarnmg, Educabon, Information Mornmgstar Project 1511Polly Drive MT 59101 Bilhngs, HELENA (406) 248-1635 Duector. Mark E Small Addrcbve Diseases Unit Acbvity. Treatment/Rehabditabon State Capitol Services Drug-free Helena, MT 59601 Environment Residenbal (406) 449-2827 Duector George L. Swartz South Central Montana Reg MHC Acbvity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation; North 29th 1245 Trauung, Education; Information Bilhngs, MT 59101 (406) 252-3851 Dept of Institubons Duector Dr. Bryce Hughett 1236 East 6th Avenue Acbvity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtabon; Helena, MT 59601 Trmung, Educabon, Information, (406) 449-2546 Crisis/Referral Duector Robert Mattson Acbvity. Adnunistrabve BOZEMAN New Spaces Gallatin Street Gallatin Council on Health and Drugs 1420 Tract Street Helena, MT 59601 15 South 449-2524 Bozeman, MT 59715 (406) (440) 672-3651 Director James E. Scott Treatment/Rehabrhtation Duector Gary Gerhardt Acbvity Services Drug-free, Detoxification Acbvrty. Treatment/Rehabihtabon Envuonment. Outpabent, Inpabent Hospital Services. Drug-free, Detoxification Environment. Outpabent, Inpatient Hospital Southwest Montana Drug Abuse Program Administrative Office BUTTE Helena, MT 59601 (406) 449-2825 Changes Director Michael Murray 102 South Main Street Activity Adnuiustrative Butte, MT59701 (406) 7234510 Duector. Bill Evans MILES CITY Activity' Treatment/Rehabihtabon Montana MHC Services' Drug-free, Detoxification Eastern Reg Budding Environment Outpabent, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Executive Miles City, MT 59301 232-1687 Southwest Montana Mental Health Center (406) 225 South Idaho Duector Frank L. Lane Butte, MT 59701 Acbvity Adnunistrabve; Treatment/Rehabihtabon (406) 723-3447



Western Montana Regional Mental Health Fort Missoula Road Missoula, MT 59801 (406) 543-5I77 Director: G. Clark Anderson Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation', Training; Education; Information


Lighthouse Drug Abuse Project Warm Springs, MT 59756 (406) 693-2221 Director: John Wetda Acnvtty: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabthtation Services: Drug-free Environment. Residential


BELLEVUE Lmcoln Councd on Alchohsm and Drug 215 South 15th Street Lmcoln, NE 68508 Sarpy County Mental Health Clnuc 1318 Federal Square (402) 475-2695 Bellevue, NE 68005 Director Eric McMasters (402) 4444405 Activity Administrative, Trainmg, I.ducation, Information Duector Aul Curro Activity Admmrstratrve, Education, Information Lmcoln-Lancaster Mental Health Center 134 South 13th Street Lmcoln, NE 68508 FREMONT (402) 475-4208 The School House Director Larry Frahm P.O. Box 774 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Education, Fremont, NE 68025 Information (402) 721-8884 Nebraska Commission on Drugs Director Don Lindsay Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, State Capitol Buddmg Activity NE 68509 information Lincoln, Drug-free (402) 471-2691 Outpatient Duector Jeff Kushner Activity Admnustrative, Tranung, Education, Information GRAND ISLAND NPCC Chemical Dependency Counshng Pro hhd Nebraska MHC P.O. Box 81248 914 Bauman Lincoln, NE 68509 Grand Island, NE 68801 (402) 477-3957 (308) 382-1943 Ducctor Muiam P Haworth Treatment/Rehabilitation Due ctor Ted Kawa Activity Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Fducation, Services Information Environment Prison Drug-free Outpatient NORFOLK

NNCMHC KEARNEY P.O. Box 769 Norfolk, NE 68701 Ctr South Central Comm Mental Health (402) 3714343 P.O. Box 2066 NE 68847 Director Dr R Sanders Keamey, Information, (308) 237-5951 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Crisis Intervention McKee Director Dr James Services Drug-free Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Activity Administrative, Envuonment Outpatient Central Intake, Training, Education, Information Services Drug-free OMAHA Environment Outpatient Casa Street Halfway House 6505 North 50th LINCOLN Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 342-2273 Full Circle Lincoln-Lancaster Drug Pro Director Coralie Wrnfield 2545 N Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Lincoln, NE 68510 Services Drug-free (402) 4324776 Environment Outpatient, Residential Due ctor Ron Ruhnke House Activity Admmrstratrve; Trruning, Education, Cuming Street Halfway Information, 3425 Cuming Street


Omaha, NE 68131 Activity Admmistrative, 556-6113 Treatment/Rchabihtation, (402) Central Intake, Education Director Darrel L Mcllor Services Drug-free Activity Trcatincnt/Rchabditation Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Residential SEWARD Drews Halfway House 4118 North 23rd Street Pioneer Mental Health Center Omaha, NE 68110 729 Seward Street (402) 451-4236 Seward, NE 68434 (402) 643-3343 Director Donald Stafford Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Duector Steven Scott Information Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Envuonment Outpatient

Equihbrta Medical Center 4209 Douglas Omaha, NE 68131 (402) 554-1700 Duector G I Lcnz Activity Admuustratrvc, Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Central Intake, Education, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital

Nebraska Psychiatric Inshtute 602 South 45th Street Omaha, NE 68106 (402) 541-4870 Duector Irvm Blose Activity Treatment/Rchabthtatton Services Drug-free Environment Inpatient Hospital

Omaha Awareness and Achon Inc 1021 North 46th Street Omaha, NE 68132 (402) 553-2000 Director Gordon Helberg Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rchabditauon, Central Intake, Trrunmg, Education, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxificauon Envuonment Outpatient, Prison

Operation Bndge 1021 North 46th Street Omaha, NE 68132 (402) 553-2000 Duector Ronald E Walters Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation SeMces Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Panhandle Mental Health Center 4110 Avenue D Scottsbluff, NE 69361 (308) 635-3171 Duector Allan Roehl


Board Drug CARSON CITY Economic Opportunity 900 West Owens NV 89106 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Las Vegas. Bur of 648-3208 1803 North Carson Street (702) Carson City, NV 89701 Director Adita Perez (702) 885-4790 Activity Trcatmcnt/Rchabditation Services Drug free Director Pau I Cohen Fnvlronmcnt Outpatient Activity Admimstrative, Tasc Diversion Prog Focus Carson Reyonal Councd Avenue 206 East Proctor Street 1916 Goldrrng Las Vegas, NV 89106 N V 89701 Carson City, 384-2914 (702) 885-4790 (702) Director I)ave Wilhams Director Don Darncll Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Education. Informa non Services Drug-free L'nvironmcn t Residential L'nvironmcnt Outpatient Frank I'. Fitzsimmons House Nevada State Prisons . 618-620 Madison P.O. Box 607 Las Vegas, NV 89106 Carson City, NV 89701 648-2741 (702) 882-1712 (702) Harold Ortega Director Boyd Marsing Duector Treatment/Rchabdltation Activity Treatment/Rchabditatlon Activity Services Drug-free Services Drug-Iree Envuonment Residential Environment Pnson

Nevada Family FALLON 405 West Jackson Las Vegas, NV 89101 648-9397 Clturclull Councd (702) 131 South Mame Director Burke Whitfield Fallon, NV 89406 Activity Treatment/Rchabditation (702) 423-4644 Services Drug-free I:, Residential Director Dana Coffee nvironmcnt Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, I:,ducation, Information Nike House Services Drug-free 4775 Pioneer Environment Outpatient Las Vcgas, NV 89109 (702) 876-0650 Director Men L Shadley LAS VEGAS Activity Trealmcnt/Rchabihtailon Services Drug-free Co-Addle Clc Dist Hlth Dept Clark Environment Outpatient, Residential 625 Shadow Lane Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 385-1291 Operation Bridge 3507 West Charleston Duector Kerry Klegman Las Vegas, NV 89102 Intake Activity Treatment/Rehabditatlon, Central (702) 870-6525 Services Maintenance Garry Rubenstiun Environment Outpatient Director Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Hothne Services Drug-free Drug Recovery Urut Envlronnlcn'I Outpatient 3186 Maryland Parkway Las Vcgas, NV 89109 (702) 732-9011 SNDAC Clmlc 314 Las Vegas Boulevard North Ducctor Ruth Jay Las Vegas, NV 89109 Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Information (702) 385-4127 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Thomas Hyatt Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Director


Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Activity Admmistratrve, Central Intake, Trauung, Services Drug-free, Detoxification Education, Information Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital His Place South Nevada Drug Abuse Council 537 Ralston Street 314 Las Vegas Bouelvard North Reno, NV 89503 Las Vegas, NV 89101 (702) 322-6913 (702) 385-4127 Duector Rcv M Harrel Duector Paul Montgomery Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Administrative, Trainmg, Information Services Drug-free Environment Residential US Incorporated 900 South Commcrce Street Inter-Tribal Councd A/D Education Pgm Las Vegas, NV 89106 836 East 2nd Street (702) 384-7690 Reno, NV 89502 786-1262 Duector John Zulhnger (702) Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Ray D Mills Sr Selvlccs Drug-free Achvity Admimstrativc Environment Outpatient Northern Area Substance Abuse Council Latmo Drug Abuse Prolect 1100Kietzke Lane 314 Las Vegas Boulevard North Reno, NV 89502 Las Vegas, NV 89101 (702) 7864563 (702) 385-4127 Duector Wrlham Wollitz Director Vivian Martinez Activity Admmistrative, Education, Information Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatrun SeMces Drug-free Omega House Envuonment Outpatient 275 East Fourth Street Reno, NV 89502 (702) 786-4484 Director John Tachihara Activity Administrative, Central RENO Intake, Trarnmg Omega House H Alcohol and Drug Abuse Consulting 10400 Highway 395 North 2400 West Seventh Street Reno, NV 89507 Reno, NV 89503 (702) 972-7041 (702) 786-4665 Duector Demse Warburton Director Harry Walrath Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Services Drug-free Information I nvuonment Residential Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Sierra Mental Ilealth Medical Group Inc. 1000 Ryland Street Alcohohcs Rehabihtation Association Reno, NV 89502 2550 Drckerson Road (702) 347-0721 Reno, NV 89503 Director David Dixon (702) 786-9917 Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Director Patricia Burke Central Intake, Education, Information Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Washoe State Rehab Ctr Halfway House Trammg, Educaton; Information 12000 South Vuginia Street Drug-free Reno, NV 89502 Residential (702) 825-0300 Beacon House Director John Fitzgerald 705 Humboldt Actrvity Treatment/Rchabditation Reno, NV 89502 SeMces Drug-free (702) 322-6730 Envuonment Residential Director Verna Mansell Churchdl Councd Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation New Frontier Treatment Center Services Drug-free 165 North Carson Street Environment Residential Rcno, NV 89406 (702) 423-2893 Ewitas Foundahon 16020 South Virgnsa Duector Larry Sulhvan Reno, NV 89502 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, (702) 826-1037 Information Services Drug-free Duector. Wesiey Brown Envu onment Rciadential 158 NEW HAMPSHIRE

CLAREMONT HAMPTON Odyssey House Inc Qaremont Alcohol and D/A Clinic 30 Winnachunnet Road Tremont Square 40 Hampton, NH 03842 NH 03743 Claremont, (603) 926-5200 (603) 542-8750 David Sandberg Jesse Trow Director Director. Administrative; Treatment/Rehabditation; Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Activity: Information Services' Drug-free Environment: Residential CONCORD

Program Alcohol and Drug Abuse KEENE 66 South Street Concord, NH 03301 Abuse Clinic 271-3531 Keene Alcohol and Drug (603) Keene Clinic Budding Duector: Jesse Trow Keene, NH 03431 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (603) 357-3007 Director Jesse Trow Hassle House Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 20 South Mam Street NH 03301 Concord, Youth Services 224-9313 Monadnock (603) 331 Main Street Director Thomas O'Connor Keene, NH 03431 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (603) 352-1009 Drug-free Services Dnector. Anthony Rosinski Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Hampshire Hospital New Envuonment Outpatient 105 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301 (603) 224-6531 LITTLETON Director Dr. Donald Niswander Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation All Saints Episcopal Parish House Program on Alcohol and Drug Abuse New Hampshire State Prison Littleton, NH 03561 Program on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (603) 444-5663 03301 Concord, NH D;rector. Jesse Trow 224-6554 (603) Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation

Oflice of Drug Abuse Prevention MANCHESTER 3 Capitol Street Concord, NH 03301 Caritas (603) 271-3745 194B Lake Avenue NH 03101 Director: George Tice Manchester, Activity Administrative (603) 6684111 Duector. Joe Capuchino Activity: Admimstrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation; DUBLIN Central Intake; Information Services: Drug-free Marathon House Environment Outpatient Box C Dublin, NH 03444 Manchester Alcohol and Drug Clinic (603) 563-8501 Putnam Street Entrance NH 03103 Dnector: James Germano Manchester, 669-2881 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation (603) Services Drug-free Director: Jesse Trow Envuonment: Residential Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation



Nashua Chnic Program on Alcohol and Drugs City Public Health Buildmg Nashua, NH 03060 (603) 889-6091 Duector Jesse Trow Activity Treatment/Rehabihtanon

Nashua Youth Council 221 Mam Street Nashua, NH 03060 (603) 889-1090 Duector Richard Berke, Ph. D. Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Hothne, Drop-In Center Drug-free Outpatient


North Conway Memorial Hospital Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program North Conway, NH 03860 (603) 356-5461 Duector Jesse Trow Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation


Anigos Venidos 4 Oak Avenue Park Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 431-8298 Director Sandy Zenuk Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation

Portsmouth Clinic Prog on Alc and D/A City Health Building Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 431-8305 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation

The Junction 65 Daniel Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 436-9222 Director David McDermott Activity Adnunistrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation; Trainmg, Education; information, Drop-In Center Services. Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient NEW JERSEY

ASBURY PARK Atlanbc City, NJ 08401 (609) 3454035 Asbury Park Out Reach Center Director Yvonne Oatman 818 Lake Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Asbury Park, NJ 07712 SCMces Drug-free (201) 988.6828 Envuonmcnt Residential Duector Wdham Scgaloff Actn ity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Information, Hothne SCMces Drug-free BAYONNE Environment Outpatient Bayonne Outreach Center 2-10 West 22nd Street Drug Treatment Center 818 Lake Avenue Bayonne, NJ 07002 Asbury Park, NJ 07712 (201) 4514000 (201) 988-8877 Ducctor Paul McCaffrey Director Terry O'Conner Acbvity Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Services Mamtenance Environment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient


NARCO Integrity House 2001 Bacharach Boulevard John E. Runnels Hospital Atlanbc City, NJ 08401 Berkley Heights, NJ 07922 (609) 345-4707 (201) 322-7240 Duector George Smith Director Ron Caidone Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Acbvity Treatment/Rchabrlrtabon SCrvlCCS Mamtenance Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Envuonment Residential

NARCO 1923 Bacharach Boulevard Atlanbc City, NJ 08401 BRICKTOWN (609) 3454035 Brrcktown Outreach Center Duector Frank Henderson 125 Chambersbndge Road Acbvrty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron NJ 08723 Drug-free Bricktown, Scrvlccs 920-0877 Environment Daycare (201) Duector Denms Collette NARCO Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, 2006 Baltic Avenue Information, Hothne Atlanbc City, NJ 08401 Services Drug-free (609) 3454035 Envuonment Outpatient Director Yvonne Oatman Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Drug-free Services BRIDGETON Envuonment Residential Cumberland County Drug Abuse Chnic NARCO Cumberland County Hospital Baltic Avenue 2006 NJ 08302 NJ 08401 Bridgeton, Atlantic City, 455-5441 (609) 345-1141 (609) Bill Foden John Brooks Director Director Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtabon; Admmrstratnre Acbvity Actrvrty Trauung, Education; Information SCMces Dctoxrficabon, Maintenance NARCO Environment Outpabent 282 South Massachusetts Avenue


CAMDEN Duector Hugh J. Gnbbon Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Camden County Drug Abuse Clinic Central Intake, Education; Information 822 Market Street SeMces Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Camden, NJ 08102 Envuonment Inpatient Hospital (609)541-8780 Director Susan Davidoff Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Inpatient Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatton Tremont Avenue Services Detoxification, Mamtenance East Orange, NJ 07019 Envuonment Outpatient (201) 645-2421 Duector Hugh J Gribbon Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation CLINTON East Orange Drug Abuse Program Genesis 65 Freeway Dnve East The Correchonal Inshtute for Women East Orange, NJ 07018 Clmton, NJ 08809 (201) 266-5204 (201) 735-7111 Duector Robert A. Harvey Director Marylon Ramsey Actwity Treatment/Rehabthtatron Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton; Trauung Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Envuon ment Pnson East Orange Drug Abuse Program 65 Freeway Dnve East COHANSEY East Orange, NJ 07018 (201) 6754422 Faith Farm Road No. I Bndgetown Duector Robert A Harvey Cohansey, NJ 08302 Activity Admmistrative, Vocational Testing (609) 455-6145 Harambe House Director Ed Torres 70 North Grove Street Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation East Orange, NJ 07017 Services Drug-free (201) 266-5212 Envuonment Residential Duector Robert A. Harvey Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation COLONIA Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare Woodbridge Action for Youth 1333St. George Avenue Physical and Detoxification Colonia, NJ 07067 300 Central Avenue (201) 574-0900 East Orange, NJ 07050 (201) 672-8400 Duector James Kilroy Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Duector Dr. Warren Wmfield Information, Hothne Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron Drug-free Outpatient, Daycare Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Outpahent Tremont Avenue East Orange, NJ 07019 DOVER (201) 645-2421 Duector Hugh J.Gnbbon Carmel Outpatient Addiction Clinic Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 19 Trenton Street Services Drug-free, Mamtenance Dover, NJ 07801 Envuonment Outpatient (201) 366-7100 Duector Edward Reading Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron Services Drug-free ELIZABETH Envuonment Outpatient Union County Narcohc Clmic 43 Rahway Avenue EAST ORANGE Eliaabeth, NJ 07202 (201) 3534040 Drug Dependence Treatment Center Duector Joyce Jackson Veterans Administration Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation East Orange, NJ 07019 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance (201) 645-3285 Environment Outpatient


FLEMINGTON ScMces Drug-free Envnonment Outpatient, Residential Hunterdon Drug Abuse Chnic Merhcal Center Hunterdon CITY Flemmgton, NJ 08822 JERSEY (201) 782-2121 Addhchon Services Inpatient Director Mary R Leshan Jersey City Medical Center Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Jersey City, NJ 07304 SeMces Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance (201) 451-9800 Environment Outpatient Duector Norman Lamonsoff Activity Administrative, Hosphtahzathon HACKENSACK Comm Drug Prog of Hudson Co Outreach Center Hackensack Community M/H Center Jersey City NJ 07304 64 Second Street Jersey City, Hackensack, NJ 07601 (201) 4514000 (201) 4874000 Duector Paul McCaffrey Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Geoff Davis Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabdhtation Services Drug-free Activity Envuonment Outpatient Services Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient Community Drug Program for Hudson Coun York Street Monsignor Wall Social Service Center 81 NJ 07303 Annex Jersey City, Jail 451-6000 Hackensack, NJ 07601 (201) (201) 342-2565 Duector Francis Scluller Admmistrative Duector Edna M. Callery Activity Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Greenville Satelhte Environment Outpatient, Pnson 47 Jackson Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305 (201) 4514000 HAMMON TON Director Paul McCaffrey Activity Treatment/Rehabdhtathon Abuse Cluuc Ancora St Hosp Drug Services Mamtenance Hospital Ancora Psychiatric Environment Outpatient Hammonton, NJ 08037 (609) 561-1700 Grove Street Satelhte Duector. Farrell R Crouse, M D 81 York Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtanon Jersey City NJ 07302 Services Detoxification (201) 451-6000 Environment Inpatient Hospital Director Paul McCaffrcy Activity Treatment/Rchabdhtation HOBOKEN Services Mmntenance Envuonment Outpatient Comm Drug Program of Hudson Co 104 Jefferson Street Heights Comm Health Program Hoboken, NJ 07030 369 Pahsade Avenue (201) 451-6000 Jersey City, NJ 07307 Director Paul McCaffrey (201) 4514000 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Paul McCaffrey SeMces Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rchabhhtathon Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient JAMES BURG Jersey City Medical Center Medical Center Budding Trairung School for Boys Jersey City 6F Counselling Program Jersey City, NJ 07304 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 (201) 4514000 (201) 521-2113 Director Paul McCaft'rey Director Angelo B Ceturlo Achvity Treatment/Rehabdhtation Activity Administrahve, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Services Maintenance Trauung, Education, Information Envuonment Outpatient


Services Drug-free, Detoxification Services Drug-free, Mamtenance Environment Residential Envnonment Outpatient

Reahty House Inc MARLBORO 95 Washington Street Momstown, NJ 07960 Ihscovery House (201) 267-9265 Detox Unit-Marlboro State Hospital Marlboro, NJ 07746 Dnector Lou Tsipouras (201) 946-8100 Activity Admiiustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtation; Education, Information Due ctor Eddie G Tate, Jr. Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtahon Environment Outpatient, Daycare Services Detoxification Envnonment Inpatient Hospital MOUNT HOLLY Discovery House Marlboro State Hospital Burhngton Co Drug Abuse Clime Marlboro, NJ 07746 77-79 (201) 946-9444 Rancocas Road Mount Holly, NJ 08060 Due ctor John France (609) 267-9553 Activity Admmistratrve Dnector: Robert Rostron, Jr Activity Admmistrative, Discovery House Therapeuhc Commuruty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Marlboro State Hospital Intake, Education; Information, Marlboro, NJ 07746 Crisis Intervention (201) 946-9444 Detoxification, Maintenance Outpatient Due ctor Eddie G Tate, Jr Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Traiiung; Education, Information NEW BRUNSWICK Services Drug-free Environment Residential New Brunswick Outreach 26 Denms Street New METUCHEN Brunswick, NJ 08901 (201) 745-5131 Middlesex County Narcotic Clinic Director Joseph Guadagnino Roosevelt Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Intake, Metuchen, NJ 08840 Education; Information (201) 548-1000 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Daycare Dnector Tony Pughese Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Detoxification, Mamtenance Environment Outpatient NEW LISBON

Burhngton Co Drug Abuse Clinic MONTCLAIR Pemberton-Brown Mdls Road New Lisbon, NJ 08064 We Help Ourselves-Who (609) 8944292 156 Bloomfield Avenue Director Robert Montclarr, Rostron, Jr. NJ 07042 Activity (201) 783-6033 Admuustrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trauung, Education; Information; ' Director Herbert Green Crisis Intervention Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Central Intake, Services. Drug-free Tratrung; Education; Information Envnonment Outpatient, Residential; Daycare Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient NEWARK

MORRISTOWN Addiction Services Inc 15 Roseville Avenue Moms County Drug Abuse Chnic Newark, NJ 07103 Commuiuty Medical Center (201) 484-9277 Morristown, NJ 07960 (201) 267-2066 Director. Lucius Bullock Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Duector Almerico A. Barbato SeMces. Drug-free; Mamtenance Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Outpatient


Methadone Chnic Patrick House-Clerk Street Kearny Avenue 287 Clerk Street 645 Kearny NJ 07032 Jersey City, NJ 07304 Kearny, (201) 4514000 (201) 9974000 Lemiie Duector Paul McCaffrey Director Edmund Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Maintenance Services Mamtenance Services Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient

Residential Commuruty LAKELAND 12 Bergen Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305 (201) 4514000 Turnmg Point Treatment Facihty Lakeland Road Dhector James McCaffrey Lakeland, NJ 08012 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (609) 227-3000 Steve Perkel Sumnut House Director Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron, 45 Summit Avenue Activity Education, Information, Crnas Jersey City, NJ 07304 (201) 451-6000 Intervention Services Drug-free, Detoxification Due ctor James McCaffrey Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare, Inpatient Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Services Drug-free Environment Residenhal LAKEWOOD

Westhall Detox Lakewood Outreach Center 110Chfton Place 200 5th Street and Lexington Jersey City, NJ 07304 Lakewood, NJ 08701 (201) 4514000 (201) 364-7782 Director Paul McCaffrey Duector James Burascano Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Services Detoxification, Mamtenance Information, Hothne Environment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Services Drug-free Hospital Environment Outpatient

York Street Qinic Community Drug Prog of Hudson Co LONG BRANCH Jersey City, NJ 07303 (201)4514000 Chelsea School Director Paul McCaffrey 152 Chelsea Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Long Branch, NJ 07740 Services Mamtenance (201) 222-5190 Environment Outpatlnt Duector Barry Ward Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Youth Program SeMces Drug-free 82 Grand Street Environment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Jersey City, NJ 07303 (201) 4514000 Long Branch Outreach Center Director: Paul McCaffrey 336 West Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatrort Long Branch, NJ 07740 Services Drug-free (201) 229-8444 Environment Outpatient Duector Nicholas Mazza Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Information, Hothne Drug-free Outpatient

Info Center Inter Council on Drug and Alc Abuse LYONS Keamy, NJ 07032 (201)9974000 VA Hospital Drug Free Program Knollcraft Road Director Edmund F Lemire Lyons, NJ 07929 Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation; Education, (201) 647-0180 Information Services Drug-free Duector Dr. W. Schram Environment Outpahent Activity Treatment/Rehabihtahon


Cura Director: Robert Robinson 15 Roseville Avenue Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation, Information Newark, NJ 07107 Services: Drug-free (201) 484-0018 Environment. Outpatient Director: Oswaldo Fierro Newark Detox Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; 15 Roseville Education; Information Avenue Newark, NJ Drug-free 07107 482-8700 Outpatient; Residential (201) Duector Mark Qumones Essex Co Drug Abuse Qinic Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 969 McCarter Highway Services: Detoxification Newark, NJ 07102 Environment: Residential (201) 6484030 N. College oi' Director Richard Powers J. Med and Dent 15 Roseville Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabditation; Information Newark, NJ Services: Drug-free 07107 643-8800 Environment' Outpatient (201) Director: Mark Quinones House of Insight Activity Adnurustrative, Central Intake 541 High Street Newark, NJ 07102 Soul-0-House (201) 643-3295 72 Broome Street Newark, NJ 07103 Director: Ronald Graham 643-3888 Activity: Treatment/Rehabditatron (201) Services: Drug-free Duector Edna Thomas Envuonment: Outpatient Actwity Treatment/Rehabditation SeMces Drug-free Integrity Inc Admmistrative Office Environment Outpatient 45 Lincoln Park Newark, NJ 07102 The New Well (201) 623-0600 91-95 South Orange Avenue Duector David Kerr Newark, NJ 07103 Activity Admuustratrve (201) 242-0715 Director Hicks Integrity Inc Adult Treatment George Facility Activity ' 99 Lincoln Park Treatment/Rehabdrtation Services. Drug-free Newark, NJ 07102 (201) 623-0600 Envuonment' Outpatient Duector David Kerr Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation Services: Drug-free NEWTON Environment Residential Labyrinth Integrity Inc- Youth Facdity Route 519 49 Lincoln Park Newton, NJ 07860 Newark, NJ 07102 (201) 9484660 (201) 623-0600 Duector Carl Lazzaro Duector. David Kerr Activity Admirustrative; Treatment/Rehabditation; Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtatron Traming, Education; Information Services: Drug-free Services. Drug-free Environment' Residential Environment. Outpatient; Daycare

Integrity Outreach Center 562ys Clinton Avenue Newark, NJ 07108 NORTH BERGEN (201) 243-1020 Director: Charles Wood Harold House Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation 8901 Tonnelle Avenue Services Drug-free North Bergen, NJ 07047 Environment Outpatient (201) 869 3410 Director: Hazel E. Mdler Mt Carmel GuBd Narc and Rehab Ctr Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education; Summer Avenue I Information; Family Counseling Newark, NJ 07102 Services. Drug-free (201) 482-0100 Environment Residential


North Bergen Chiuc Family Service and Cluld Guidance CI 111443rd Street 395 South Center Street North Bcrgcn. NJ 07047 Orange, NJ 07050 (201) 451-6000 (201) 675-3817 Ducctor Paul McCaffrey Duector Dr. E. Bokcrt Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Scrnces Mamtenancc SCMces Drug-free Ennronment Outpatient Ennronmcnt Outpatient

Orange Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program NORTH BRUNSWICK C/0 Holy Spirit Church Orange, NJ 07050 Middlesex Counsehng Center (201) 678-1616 Route I and Gcorges Road Duector Frank McGurk North Brunsvnck, NJ 08902 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Education, (201) 247-6727 Information, Outreach Director Mua Castor Sernces Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Traimng, Ennronment Outpatient Education, Information Selvlces Drug-free West Orange Family- Youth Service Environment Outpatient, Daycare 2 Muiucipal Plaza West Orange, NJ 07052 (201) 736-2224 NORTH WILDWOOD Director Audrey Baum Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Junction Services Drug-free 2503 New Jersey Avenue Ennronment Outpatient North Wddwood, NJ 08260 (609) 729-1663 Due ctor Fr C Rowe PARAMUS Actrnty Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Fducation, Information, VD Testing Bergen County Narcotic Chruc and Treatment East Rrdgewood Avenue Services Drug-free Paramus, NJ 08765 Envuonmcnt Outpatient, Daycare (201) 261-9000 Duector Paul Benedict Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation ORANGE Sernces Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Ennronment Outpatient, Residential Dare Admuustration 300 Main Street Orange, NJ 07050 PASSAIC (201) 673-5484 Director Jon Latuner Passaic County Drug Abuse Chruc Activity Admuustrativc, Trauung, Education, 147-149 Prospect Street Information Passaic, NJ 07055 (201) 777-2962 Dare Drop-In Center Duector David Blach 87 North Day Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information Orange, NJ 07050 Sernces Drug-free, Mamtenance (201) 678-7065 Envuonment. Outpatmnt Duector Edward McColgan Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation SeMces Drug-free PATERSON Envuonment Outpatient Damon House Dare Therapeutic Community 371 Market Street 19 High Street Paterson, NJ 07501 Orange, NJ 07050 (201) 279-5563 (201) 673-0636 Duector Gerald Natale Duector Jon Latimer Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Training, Education, Information, Iiducatron, Information Hothne ScMces Drug-free Sernces Drug-free Envu onment Residential Environment Outpatient, Residential NEW JERSEY NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

Dismas House for Drug Rehabditanon Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, Mount Carmel Gudd Soc Serv Ctr Information Paterson, NJ 07501 Services Drug-free (201) 345-6000 Environment Outpatient Duector Edward G Reading Activity Admrmstrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Intake, Traimng, Education, PLAINFIELD Information, Vocational Trrunmg Drug-frcc Inner Visions Outpatient, Residential 825 West 7th Street Plainfield, NJ 07060 Northsidc Addicts Rehab Center (201) 7534401 55 North Mrun Street Director Dwight Wdhams Paterson, NJ 07522 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, (201) 752-6595 Education, Information Ducctor Edward Nauman Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Envu onment Outpatient, Daycare Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential Plainfield Area Drug Abuse Clinic 519 North Avenue Passiac County Aftercare Clmrc Plainfield, NJ 07060 323 Mrun Street (201) 561-1603 Paterson, NJ 07505 Director John Brennan (201) 279-9116 Activity Trcatmcnt/Rehabihtation, Information Director Mike Bowcn Services Drug-free, Maintenance Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Environment Outpatient Services Drug-frcc, Mruntcnance Envuomnent Outpatient PRINCETON Puada Central Intake 363 Broadway Corner House Paterson, NJ 07501 273 Witherspoon Street (201) 881-0500 Pnnceton, NJ 08540 (609) 924-8018 Duector Hdda Conn Duector Wlute Activity Admrmstratrve, Central Intake, Trauung, Nancy Information, Vocational Rchabditation Acbvity Treatmcn t/Rchabthtatton, Information Services Drug-free Van llouten Cluuc Environment Outpatient 359 Van Houten Street Paterson, NJ 07109 Princeton Hosp Drug Abuse Chnic (201) 345-4040 253 Witherspoon Street Pnnceton, NJ 08540 Director Richard McDonald (609) 921-7700 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Services Detoxification, Maintenance Duector I rank Schncck Environment Outpatient, Daycare Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation SeMccs Drug-free, Mruntcnance Environment Outpatient PERTH AMBOY

Escape Center RED BANK Perth Amboy General Hospital Rcd Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 Bank Maintenance Chnic (201) 442-3838 141 Bodman Place Red Bank, NJ 07701 Ducctor Sister Thomasina (201) 842-9114 Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Hothne Ducctor Services Drug-free, Detoxitication, Mruntenancc John Magauran Activity Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare Treatment/Rehabthtation Services Mruntcnance Environment Outpatient PHILLIPSBURG Red Bank Out Reach Center Warren City Outreach Ctr 99 Monmouth Street 141 South Mam Street Red Bank, NJ 07701 Phdhpsburg, NJ 08865 (201) 842-3445 (201) 622-5233 Director Manannc Perzel Director Georgcann Moses Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information, Hothne


Services Drug-free Toms Rn'er, NJ 08753 Envuonment Outpatient (201) 244-1601 Director Joann Grande Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, RIDGEWOOD Inl'ormahon, Hotlme Services Drug-t'rce Raymond E Banta Valley Center Environment Ou tpa tie n t 301 North Van Ihen Avenue Rrdgewood, NJ 07450 (201) 4454357 TRENTON Director Barbara Caiola Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtation, Education, Mercer County Drug Abuse Chmc Information, Medical and Counschng 132 Perry Street SeMces Trenton, NJ 08618 Drug-free, Detoxification (609) 292-3910 Outpatient Director Willie McCrary Activity Trcatmcnt/Rchabditation, Recreational Therapy SOMERVILLE Services Dctoxitication, Mruntenance Envuonmcnt Outpatient Somerset County Drug Abuse Cluuc 74 East High Street NARCO Somervdle, NJ 08876 541 East State Street (201) 7224406 Trenton, NJ 08619 Due ctor Richard Coles (609) 989-9600 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon Duector Lewis Ware SeMces Drug-free, Detoxification, Mruntenance Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Residential

SOUTH ORANGE NARCO 533 Ingham Avcnuc Our House Trenton, NJ 08618 122 Irvmgton Avenue (609) 689-9600 South Orange, NJ 07079 (201) 763-5330 Director Lewis Ware Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector John Boyne Services Drug-frcc Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Information Envuonmcnt Outpatient, Daycare SeMces Drug-free Envuonment Outpahent N.J. Div of Narcotic and D/A Control 109 West State Strcct Trenton, NJ 08608 SUMMIT (609) 292-7232

Hril House Director Richard J Russo Overlook Hospital Activity Admuustrativc, Trauung, Education, Summit, NJ 07901 Information, Smgle State Agency (201) 522-2838 Trenton Psychiatric Hospital Director Arthur S. MCClellan, M.D Station A Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trenton, NJ 08625 Educahon, Information (609) 396-8261 Drug-free, Detoxification Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Director Joseph Prykanoski Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Dctoxitication TOMS RIVER Envuonmcnt Inpatient Hospital

Ocean County Drug Abuse Dept 131 Hooper Avenue UPPER MONTCLAIR Toms Rwer, NJ 08753 (201) 244-2121 Alpha Center Montciarr Youth Services Bureau H Duector James Canrung Upper Montclarr, NJ 07043 Acuvity Admmrstratrve, Trauung, Education, (201) 7834322 Information, Outreach Centers Director Norman Woerle Toms River Out Reach Center Acuvity Trcatmcnt/Rchabihtation, Central Intake, 28 Hyers Street Education, Information, Crisis Intervention


Services Drug-free WOODSTOWN Envuonment Outpatient Salem House Salem-Woodstown Road WAYNE Woodstown, NJ 08098 (609) 769-0777 Counsehng Center Way Director Chuck Wheatly Route 23 550 Activity Admiiustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron Wayne, NJ 07470 Services 694-1234 Drug-free (201) Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Director Thomas J. McArdle Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Trarrung, Education Drug-free Outpatient


The Bridge 429 Passaic Avenue West Caldwell, NJ 07706 (201) 575-8844 Duector Robert MacKey Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education, Information Services Drug-free Envuonmcnt Outpatient


Riverview House 5700 Boulevard East West New York, NJ 07087 (201)4514000 Director Paul McCaffrey Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Reality House Inc 409 Delsea Drne Westville Gove, NJ 08093 (609) 456-1811 Director Victor A. Yono Activity Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Trarrung, Education, Information, Crisis Intervention SeMces Drug-free Envrronment Outpatient, Daycare


SODAT 124 North Broad Street Woodbury, NJ 08096 (609) 8454363 Duector Ernest Pescatore Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Daycare


NARA I and NARA III Program Anthony, NM 88021 13104th Street SW (505) 882-3422 NM Albuquerque, 87101 Duector Harold V. Jones 766-7105 (505) Actinty Treatment/Rehabditation Duector Arturo Saiz Sernces Drug-free Actinty Treatment/Rehabditation Ennronment Prison Sernces Drug-free Ennronment Outpatient CARLSBAD Odyssey House 122 Broadway SE Community Mental Health Services Albuquerque, NM 87102 801 North Guadalupe (505) 242-2626 Carlsbad, NM 88220 887-1324 Due ctor Harold Weicker (505) Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Duector Marlorie Sdvester Sernces Drug-free Activity Treatment/R ehabditation Envnonment Residential Vencedor Inc Rio Grande Storefront 516 Juarez Street 1210 Rro Grande NW Carlsbad, NM 88220 Albuquerque, NM 87104 (505) 885-5287 (505) 8434363 Director Joan Hargrave, R.N. Director Henry Guitierrez Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Sernces Maintenance Services Drug-free, Maintenance Ennronment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient

South Storefront CLOVIS 10134th Street SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 Clove Soft Drug Pgm (505) 766-7105 81S West 2nd NM Director Sammy Chavez Clons, 88101 Activrty Treatment/Rehabditation (505) 7624394 Sernces Drug-free, Mamtenance Duector Betty Weber Ennronment Outpatient Actinty Treatment/Rehabihtation Sernces Drug-free Veterans Admuustration Hospital Ennronment Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Services Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 2684541 ESPANOLA Director Mano Ataventa Foundation the "SIKHS" Actrnty Treatment/Rehabditation, Referral 3HO of Box Services Dctoxdicatron Route I, 132D NM Environment Outpatient Espanola, 87532 (505) 753-6021 Youth Life Duector Harbogmd Singh 201 12th Street NW Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Albuquerque, NM 87102 Sernces Drug-free (SOS) 2424687 Ennionment Residential Director Elwood L. Lowe Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation FARMING TON La Comunida 214 6th Street SW San Juan Citizens Against Drug Abuse Alburquerque, NM 87103 417 East Main Street (505) 243-1731 Farmmgton, NM 87401 Duector Frank Marcus (505) 325-3008 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Delores Ghss Services Drug-free A county Treatment/Rehabditation Ennronment Outpatient

GALLUP ANTHONY Gallup Fust Offender Program Drug Abuse Program McKinley County Courthouse Federal Correctional Institution Gallup, NM 87301


(505) 8634816 Thvd Judicial District Dvector. Howard Genoff Dona Ana County Courthouse, Room 308 NM Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Las Cruces, 88001 523-5564 Services Drug-free (505) Envvonment Outpatient Dvcctor Ronald Paredes Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Envvonment Outpatient

Grants First Offender Program P.O. Box 879 LAS VEGAS Grants, NM 87020 (505) 287-9131 Cmty MH Services Las Vegas Duector Clvrs E Oberholsen Las Vegas Medical Center Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Las Vegas, NM 87701 Services Drug-free (505) 42547 II Envvonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation

La Sahda HOBBS 1200 National Avenue Las Vegas, NM 87701 Esperanza (505) 425-7572 P.O. Box 2308 Duector Manuel Chaves Hobbs, NM 88240 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (505) 392-5994 Services Drug-frcc, Mamtenance Dvcctor Anne Letahen Envvonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free, Maintenance Envvonmcnt Outpatient LOS ALAMOS

Hobbs B.OJ'. Commuiuty Program Los Alamos Family Council 503 North Turner Los Alamos, NM 87544 Hobbs, NM 88240 (505) 662-3264 (505) 393-9108 Dvcctor Mrs. hJJargarct Browne Duector Mark Anderson Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Los Alamos Fust Offender Program Envvonment Outpatient Children's Court Probation Ofhce Los Alamos, NM 87544 Lea County Crisis Line (505) 662-5180 Hobbs, NM 88240 (505) 3934633 Dnector Ralph Kopanski Actnnty Treatment/Rehabihtation Dnector Rose Ann Hedges Services Drug-free Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Envvonment Outpatient Personal and Social Development Inc P.O. Box 691 Los Alamos, NM 87544 LAS CRUCES (505) 672-9087

Lordsbwg Soft Drug Program Dvector James A Brown 575 North Main Street ActMty Treatment/Rehabrhtation Drug-free Las Cruces, NM 88001 ScMces (505) 542-3741 Envvonment. Outpatient Dvector Margaret Cardlo Actnnty Treatment/Rehabditatron LOS LUNAS Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Los Lunas First Offender Program P.O. Box 25846 Southwest Mental Health Center Los Lunas, NM 87125 575 North Mam Street (505) 865-9681 Las Cruces, NM 88001 (505) 5264604 Dvector Joe Aragon Actnnty Treatment/Rehabditation Dvector Joe Alexander Services Drug-free Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation Envvonment. Outpatient



Ciovrs First Offenders Community Mental Health Services 1520 South Avenue I 1210 Lmsa, Suite 10 Portalcs, NM 88130 Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 562-2653 (505) 827-2389 Director Wdham J Pogue Director Walter Smith Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Envaonment Outpatient La Puerta P.O. Box 2346 Eastern New Mexico Resource Center Santa Fe, NM 87501 1520 South Avenue I (505) 983-2367 Portales, NM 88130 Daector Beniamm Baca (505) 562-2653 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Daector Charles R Flemmg SeMces Drug-free, Mamtenance Activity Admnustrative Envuonment Outpatient

Eastern New Mexico Resource Center Outreach Inc 1520 South Avenue I 830 Hickox Street Portales, NM 88130 Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 562-2653 (505) 982-85 16 Dacctor Charles R. Flemmg Daector Robert M. Spitz Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envaonment Outpatient Envaonment Outpatient

Portales First Offenders Single State Drug Abuse Agency 1520 South Avenue I 505 Don Gaspar Portales, NM 88130 Santa Fe, NM 87503 (505) 562-2653 (505) 827-3251 Duector Wdham J Pogue Duector Steven E. Morgan Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Activity Admmistrative Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient SILVER CITY Tucumcarr First Offenders 1520 South Avenue I Sdver City Soft Drug Chmc Portales, NM 88130 810 10th Street (505) 562-2653 Silver City, NM 88061 (505) 538-3488 Duector Wdham J. Pogue Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Daector Margaret Carrdlo Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Envaonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Envaonment Outpatient ROSWELL SOCORRO Roswell Drug Abuse Treatment Services 1116Rancho Road Community Mental Health Services, SOCO Roswell, NM 88201 311 McCutcheon SW (505) 622-1704 Socorro, NM 87801 835-2444 Daector Q.T. Shults (505) Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Carol Chapm Services Drug-free Activity Treat ment/R ehabihtation Environment Outpatient

Roswell Fast Offender Program TAOS 309 North Atkinson Roswell, NM 88201 Taos Raton Clayton Fast Offender Prog (505) 623-1829 P.O. Box 1287 Director David T Featherstone Taos, NM 87571 (505) 758-9198 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Director Mary Martmez Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation


Services' Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Tucumcari Soft Drug Program 1424 South 6th Tucumcait, NM 8840 l (505) 562-2653 Director Paul Peloqum Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


ALBANY Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Drug-free Albany Co Mental Health Services Environment Residential 175 Green Street Albany, NY 12201 (5 18) 436-8481 Hospitahty House 527 Western Avenue Duector Dr Walter Osmski Treatment/Rehabditation, Albany, NY 12203 Activity Admuustrative, 43S-6844 Traming, Counseling (51S) Maintenance Director Margaret A. Fitzpatrick Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Albany Comm Serv Rep Ctr Environment Residential 488 Broadway Albany, NY 12207 (518)474-1106 NY State D/A Control Commission Executive Park South Duector John Smith Albany, NY Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 12203 457-2830 Services Drug-free (518) Environment Outpatient Director Don Randall Activity Administrative Albany County Mindabs 175 Green Street Albany, NY 12202 Parents Agamst Drugs (516) 436-8481 189 Chnton Avenue Albany, NY 12210 Duector Dr Walter Osmski (5 18) 434-8646 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Director Herbert Hughes Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtahon Services Drug-free Albany County YDA Environment Outpatient 175 Green Street Albany, NY 12202 (518)436-8481 Prolect Equmox 1 Lodge Street Dnector Dr. Walter Osmski Albany, NY 12207 Actrvrty Treatment/Rehabihtanon (518)434-6135 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Director Don Walker Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Drug Dependence Treatment Center Services Drug-free VA Hospital Envuonment Outpatient Albany, NY 12208 (518)462-3311 SUNY hhddle Earth Director Hudson Bates, M.D. 400 Washmgton Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Albany, NY 12203 Services Drug-free (518)457-7588 Environment Residential, Outpatient Director Barbara Hoffman Drug Dependence Treatment Center Admin Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation VA Hospital Services Counsehng Envuonment. Albany, NY 12208 Outpatient (518)462-3311 Director Jules Golden, M.D. St. Annes Institute YDA Program Activity Admmistrative 25 West Lawrence Street Albany, NY 12206 Hope House Inc (518)489-7411 261 North Pearl Street Duector James L. Deberry NY Albany, 12?07 Activity 465-244i Treatment/Rehabihtation (518) Services Drug-free Duector Lewis Krupka Environment Outpatient


ALBION Cayuga Co Narcotic Guidance Councd C/0 Cayuga County Mental Health Center Orleans Co Narc Gurd Ctr Auburn, NY 13021 57 North Main Street (315)253-0341 Albion, NY 14411 Duector E N. Shockey (716)589-9566 Activity. Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Rev. Edward Manglesdorf Services Drug-free Actwity Admuustratrve Envuonment Outpatient

AMITYVILLE BALDWIN Hope House Baldwm Councd Against Drugs Sunrise Highway Avenue Aiiutyvdle, NY 11701 1914Grand (516) 264-4000 Baldwin, NY 11510 (516) 546-1771 Director Dr Krrnsky Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Ellen R. Sdverman Scrvlccs Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment. Residential SeMces Drug-free Environment Outpatient

AMSTERDAM BATAVIA Dawn Wall and Division Street Corner of Genessee County Health Department Amsterdam, NY 12010 3837 West Main Road 843-3311 (518) Batavia, NY 14020 Dnector Michael Andolina (716) 343-8190 Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Director Dr. Victoria Markelhs Services. Drug-free Activity Admmistrative Envnonment Outpatient


Southern Erie County Help Center Steuben County Drug Abuse Councd 8344 Erie Road 123 East Steuben Street Angola, NY 14006 Bath, NY 14810 (716)549-1403 (607) 776-2133 Director Martm Slutsky Director. Wdham Belknap Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Actinty Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Scfvlccs Drug-free Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient

ASTORIA BAY SHORE Queens Co "Drug line" Program 3064 37th Street YMCA of Long Island Outreach Services Astoria, NY 11103 44 1st Avenue (212) 278-5650 Bay Shore, NY 11706 (5 16) 665-1173 Duector Dr. P. Kaufman Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Ruth Hoffman Services Maintenance Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonment Outpatient SeMces Drug-free Ennronment Outpatient

AUBURN Suffolk County D/A Treatment Ctr 5 Shore Lane Cayuga Co Comm Mental Health Bay Share, NY 11706 146 North Street (516)6654018 NY Auburn, 13021 Director Michael Corfusione (315)685-7350 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Director Peter Midura Sernces Mamtenance Actinty. Admin&stratrve Ennronment. Outpatient


BAYVILLE Bronx Lebanon Chnic 501 E 158th Street Comm Coord Comm of Locust Valley Bronx, NY 10456 2 June Avenue (212) 635-7800 Bayville, NY 11560 DireCto: Gary Frase Director: Bruce Gibson Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity' Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Maintenance Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Envnonment Outpatient Bronx Outreach Center Daytop 145 East 149th Street BEACON Bronx, NY 10472 (212) 585-1515 Craig House Hospital Duector Monsignor O'Bnen Drug Abuse Treatment Program Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Beacon, NY 12508 Services Drug-free (914) 831-1200 Environment Daycare Director J. Slocum Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Bronx State-Admin Services Drug-free 1500 Waters Place Environment Inpatient Hospital Bronx, NY 10461 (212) 430-3101 Director. Dr. Langrod BETHPAGE Activity Admmistrative

Bethpage Against Drug Abuse Bronx State-Lincoln OPD2 242 Park Avenue 368 East 149th Street Bethpage, NY 11714 Bronx, NY 10455 (516) 931-9413 (212) 292-6315 Dnector Larry Simms Director: Dr. Joyce Lowinson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Counselmg Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Counsehng Services Maintenance Envi'onment. Outpatient Envnonment. Outpatient

BINGHAMTON Bronx State-Pharmacy 1500 Waters Place NY 10461 The Farm Bronx, 430-3088 166 Washington Street (212) Bmghamton, NY 13905 Director Dr. Langrod (607) 723-7901 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Maintenance Director George Scukehardt Envuonment, Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services. Drug-free Environment. Residential Bronx State Melrose Prog 1500 Waters Place Bronx, NY 10451 BRONX (212) 292-8800 Director: Dr. Joyce Lowmson Argus Community Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 578 East 161 Street Services, Maintenance Bronx, NY 10456 Environment Outpatient (212) 665-7943 Director Elizabeth Sturr. Bronx State OPD 4 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 1500 Waters Place Services Drug-free Bronx, NY 10461 Environment. Outpatient (212) 430-3088 Director Dr. Joyce Lowmson Argus Group Home for Girls Activity. Treatment/Rehabthtation 402 East 156th Street Services' Maintenance NY Bronx, 10455 Environment: (212) 585-5996 Outpatient Director. Kate K. Woodbridge Bronx State Rapid Ind Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation 1500 Waters Place Services. Drug-free Bronx, NY 10461 Envn onment. Residential (212) 828-5303 ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS NEW YORK

Duector Dr. Joyce Lowmson Services Maintenance Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Environment Outpatient Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient Frankhn Avenue Neighborhood 1260 Boston Road Bronx State Soundview Bronx, NY 10456 1764 Ran dali Avenue (212) 681-8670 Bronx, NY 10472 Director Larry Thomas (212) 378-3881 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Director Dr Joyce Lowmson Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Outpatient, Daycare Services Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient Fulton Community Rehab Center 1511Fulton Avenue Bronx State-Fordham Hosp Bronx, NY 10457 Tremont Health Center (212) 583-8000 NY Bronx, 10457 Duector Luis Samuel (212) 583-6244 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Duector Mr. Wickham Services Drug-free, Maintenance Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Environment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Services Mamtenance Environment Outpatient Hrspamc-Phase IV 1771 Andrews Avenue Bronx State-Inpatient Bronx, NY 10453 1500 Waters Place (212) 583-9813 Bronx, NY 10461 (212) 931-0600 Director Omar Bordatto Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Dr. Joyce Lowmson Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtaton Environment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Services Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient Hispanic Assoc-Sera Bronx State-Lincoln 3 1771 Andrews Avenue 368 East 149th Street Bronx, NY 10453 Bronx, NY 10455 (212) 583-9696 (212) 292-3757 Director Omar Bordatto Ducctor Dr. Joyce Lowmson Activity Administrative Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Maintenance Ihspanic I Envuonment Outpatient 1835 University Avenue Bronx, NY 10457 Bronx State-Melrose (212) 589-8132 260 East 161st Street Bronx, NY 10451 Director I"rances Austen (212) 681-0331 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Duector Dr. Ehe Mazzio Environment Residential, Daycare Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient Hispanic II 1010-1014Hoe Avenue Bronx, NY 10459 Bronx State-Trailer I (212) 583-9813 1500 Waters Place Bronx, NY 10461 Director Robert Munoz (212) 430-3089 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Duector Dr. Joyce Lowinson Envnonment Outpatient, Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services . Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient Hunts Point Multi Service Ctr Clinic 777 Westchester Avenue Fordham Hospital Meth Mamtenance OPD Bronx, NY 10455 1826 Arthur Avenue (212) 329-0500 Bronx, NY 10457 Director Plul Montalvan (212) 583-6245 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Dr. R. Seigal Services Mamtenance Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonment Outpatient


Inward House HI Bronx, NY 10451 Score H AMB (212) 993-5350 391 East 167th Street Duector Abram Taylor Bronx, NY 10456 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (212) 992-5567 Services Drug-free, Mamtenance Director Raymond Giella Envu onment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton Services Drug-free Montefiore Chmc Envuonment Daycare 3416 Bainbridge Avenue Bronx, NY 10467 Inward House HI (212) 920-4067 Score H Prcv Director Mike Barnes 391 East 167th Street Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton Bronx, NY 10456 Services Mamtenance (212) 992-5567 Envuonment Outpatient Ducctor Raymond Giella Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Mora Bronx Chnic Services Drug-free 1205 Southern Boulevard Environment Outpatient Bronx, NY 10459 (212) 589-7032 Inward House ll Ducctor Arnoldo Mora Bronx II Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation 45 West 177th Street Services Mamtcnancc Bronx, NY 10453 Envuonment Outpatient (212) 294-5600 Director Floyd Black Morrisania MMTP Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton 1267 Gerard Avenue Services Drug-free Bronx, NY 10452 Envuonmcnt Residential (212) 992-9400 Duector Viniuc Chcsimaro Logos Center Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 480 East 185th Street Services Maintenance Bronx, NY 10458 Envuonmcnt Outpatient (212) 584-4458 Duector Ronald Myles NARCO Freedom Inc Activity Admimstrativc 2780 Tlurd Avenue Bronx, NY 10455 Logos I (212) 292-4640 480 East 185th Street Director Alan Cohen, M. D Bronx, NY 10458 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (212) 635-7170 Services Maintenance Duector Ronald Myles Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Nathan B Van Etten Hospital Envuonment Residential Moins Park Avenue and Semmolc Bronx, NY 10461 Logos Youth Center (Logos Webster) (212) 829-3440 2256 Webster Avenue Duector Susan Issacs Bronx, NY 10457 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton (212) 5845842 Services Mamtenance Duector Ronald Myles Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Odyssey I louse Envuonment Residential 449 Lenox Avenue Bronx, NY 10459 Logos Youth Center (Logos Webster) (212) 8624100 2256 Webster Avenue Bronx, NY 10457 Director Eugene Pryor (212) 584-5842 Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron Du ector Ronald Myles Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Phoenix House II Services Drug-free Har t Island, 800 Fordham Street Envuonment Residential Bronx, NY 10464 (212) 595-5810

Melrose Community Rehab Center Duector M Rosenthal, M D 470 East 161st Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation


Services Drug-free Bronx, NY 10468 Environment Outpatient, Residential (212) 584-9000 Director Pat Gartland Place Phoenix House Phelan Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 1851 Phelan Place Services Drug-free Bronx, NY 10453 Envuonment Outpatient, Residential (212) 595-5810 Duector M Roscnthal, M.D. Way-Out Acu. ity Treatment/Rehabihtation 861 East 162nd Street Services Drug-free Bronx, NY 10459 Environment Outpatient, Residential (212) 323-5536 Duector Anna Vdlafane Center Resurrection Rehab Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatlon 1216 Hoe Avenue Bronx, NY 10459 Way-Out Home for Addicts (212) 328-3333 520 East 148th Street Duector Carlos Jackson Bronx, NY 10455 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (212) 292-4550 Drug-free Scl'Vices Director Engcl Tones Residential Envu onment Outpatient, Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Rrvcidalc Mental Hlth Chnic 2736 Independcncc Avenue BROOKLYN Bronx, NY 10463 (212) 796-5300 Alpha School Due ctor Joyce Pdsner 60 Hinsdale Street Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Brooklyn, NY 11212 Services Drug-free (212) 346-1000 Environment Outpatient Director David Marguhs Treatment/Rehabihtatlon Neck Comm Center Activity Sound View Throggs Services Drug-free 2527 Glebe Avenue Environment Outpatient, Residential Bronx, NY 10461 (212) 430-8922 Anchor House Christian Rehab Program Director Dr M Ahmed 976 Park Place Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Brooklyn, NY 11213 Services Drug-free (212) 778-9823 Envuonment Outpatient Ducctor Alfredo Cotto-Thomer Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation South Bronx Medical Group SeMces Drug-free 880 Morns Avenue Environment Outpatient Bronx, NY 10452 (212) 588-7099 ARTC Brook Bethesda Director Hans Wehrheim 2 Jefferson Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Brooklyn, NY 11206 Services Mtuntenance (212) 852-9300 Environment Outpatient Director Beny Pnmm, M D Activity Treatinent/Rehabrhtatron Tremont Community Councd Services Maintenance 1962 Bathgatc Avenue Envuonment Outpatient Bronx, NY 10457 (212) 587-2930 ARTC Brook Ft. Greene Duector Vtigrma Bird 937 Fulton Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Brooklyn, NY 11238 Services Drug-free (212) 636-6700 Environment Outpatient, Daycare Director Allen Galonski Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatlon Fighters-Detox United Harlem Drug . Services Maintenance 26 West 137th Street Environment Outpatient Bronx, NY 10037 (212) 621-3219 ARTC Brook Quincy V Director Martha Davis 197 6th Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Brooklyn, NY 11217 (212) 852-9300 VA Hospital Director Beny Pnmm, M D 130 West Kingsbndge Road NEW YORK NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Brooklyn, NY 11221 Services Drug-free (212) 491-0202 Envuonment Residential Duector Gmnes Wilham Activity ARTC Brooklyn Program Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Administration Envuonment 22 Chapel Street Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Brooklyn, NY 11238 (212) 636-3711 Bushwich Youth Dist III 178 Central Avenue Ducctor Allen Galonski Brooklyn, NY 11221 Activity Admuustrative (212) 443-0900 Duector ARTC Program Mason Barry Activity 22 Chapel Street Treatment/Rehabihtation Brooklyn, NY 11201 Services Drug-free (212) 852-9300 Envuonment Day care Ducctor Beny Prunm, M D CDATP-Coney Island Hospital Actmty Admuustrative 2601 Ocean Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11235 ARTC-Brook Brownsville (212) 743-4850 964 Hopkinson Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11212 Director Dr R Tarter (212) 852-9300 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification Duector Carl Medford Envuonmem Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Maintenance Cnslg Serv of E Ihstrict of NY Environment Outpatient 186 Remsen Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Brookdale Hospruil Medical Center (212) 8584665 Drug and Substance Abuse Ctr Brooklyn, NY 10012 Director Mat Walsh (212) 240-6041 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification Duector Ed De Jesus Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Maintenance Coney Island Hosp Envuonment Outpatient 2601 Ocean Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11235 Brooklyn Community Rehab Center (212) 743-3332 55 Hanson Place Brooklyn, NY 11217 Duector Harvey Gollancc (212) 522-4300 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Stanley H. Essen Coney Island Hospital MMTP Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 2601 Ocean Parkway Services Drug-free, Mamtenance Brooklyn, NY 11235 Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare (212) 743-4100

Brooklyn Daytop Outreach Center Duector Harvey Gollance 334 Tompkins Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Brooklyn, NY 11216 Services Maintenance (212) 636-9332 Envuonmcnt Outpatient Director Monsignor O'Brien Cumberland OPD No. 2 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 98 Flatbush Avenue Services Drug-free Brooklyn, NY 11217 Envuonment Day care (212) 237-9600

Brooklyn Hosp Medical Center Duector Dr Harvey Gollance 121 Dekalb Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Brooklyn, NY 11201 Services Maintenance (212) 270-4411 Envuonment Outpatient

Ducctor Ms Peters Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Admin Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron 800 Poly Place Services Detoxification Brooklyn, NY 11209 Envuonment Residential (212) 836-6600

Bushwick Commumty Rehab Center Director Aaron Barcham 41 Howard Avenue Activity Administrative


Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Director: Dr. Zaks 800 Poly Place Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Brooklyn, NY 11209 (212) 836-6600 Ft. Green Voc Rehab League Inc 354 Gold Street Director: Naomi Johnson NY 11201 Treatment/Rehabilitation Brooklyn, Activity. 624-2655 Services: Drug-free; Maintenance (212) Environment: Residential, Outpatient Director: Yusuf Mumin Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Dynamite Youth Center Services: Drug-free 1830 Coney Island Avenue Environment Day care Brooklyn, NY 11230 (212) 376-7923 Genesis II South 4th Street Duector. Vmcent Tessitore 338 Treatment/Rehabihtation Brooklyn, NY 11211 Activity. 384-0650 Services: Drug-free (212) Envnonment: Outpatient, Residential Duector: Mr. Berry Actn ity Treatment/Rehabihtation FAA Cma House Services: Drug-free 898 Hopkinson Avenue Environment, Outpatient Brooklyn, NY 11212 (212) 638-2300 Green point Hospital Clinic and Skillman Avenues Director' L. Mereigh Kingsland Treatment/Rehabilitation Brooklyn, NY 11211 Activity. 387-3010 Services Drug-free (212) Environment. Residential Duector. Spencer Lieb Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation FAA Cones House Services: Maintenance 389 Wyona Avenue Environment Outpatient Brooklyn, NY 11207 (212) 638-2500 FAA Harambee House Herkimer Street Director: L. Mereigh 927 Treatment/Rehabilitation Brooklyn, NY 11216 Activity: 638-2500 Services: Drug-free (212) Environment: Outpatient; Residential Director: L. Mereigh Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation FAA New Lease Services. Drug-free 1368 Fulton Street Environment: Outpatient; Residential Brooklyn, NY 11216 (212) 638-2500 Kings Cnty Hosp Clinic No. I MMTP Director: L. Mereigh 600 Albany Avenue Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Brooklyn, NY 11203 Services: Drug-free (212) 63M514 Environment. Residential; Daycare Director: Dan Madura Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation FAA Re-Entry Services: Maintenance 644 Warwick Street Environment: Outpatient Brooklyn, NY 11207 (212) 405-7674 Kings Co Hosp Voc Rehab Director: L Mereigh 600 Albany Avenue Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Brooklyn, NY 11203 Services Drug-free (212) 630-3131 Environment: Residential Director: Beniamm Kissen, M.D. Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Federation of Addiction Agencies Services. Drug-free 1368 Fulton Street Environment Day care Brooklyn, NY 11216 (212) 638-2500 Kings County Hosp-K Building Albany Avenue Duector. Alvm Reinford NAAP-Polydrug, 600 NY Activity: Admimstrative Brooklyn, 11203 (212) 6304520 Flatbush-Brooklyn Medical Associates DireCto: Beniamm Kissen, M.D. 685 Third Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation Brooklyn, NY 11232 Services: Drug-free (212) 693-2403 Environment. Daycare


Kings County Hospital Director John Radford Detox, Buildmg K-600 Albany Avenue Activity' Treatment/Rehabilitation Brooklyn, NY 11203 Services. Maintenance (212) 270-3131 Envnonment Outpatient Director. Beniamin Kissen, M.D. Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Manumit Manor Services: Detoxification 274 Melrose Street Envnonment Inpatient Hospital Brooklyn, NY 11221 (212) 497-3054 Kings County Hospital Duector. Ernest Odom OPD No. 2-600 Albany Avenue Activity ' Treatment/Rehabilitation Brooklyn, NY 11203 Services. Drug-free (212) 630-4516 Envuonment Residential Due ctor Beniamm Kissen, M D Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Midwood Adolescent Services Maintenance 1484 Flatbush Avenue Environment Outpatient Brooklyn, NY 11210 (212) 434-4158 Kings County Hospital Due ctor Oscar Rabmowitz Heroin Detox Ward Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Brooklyn, NY 11203 Services Drug-free (212) 270-1425 Environment Outpatient Duector Beniamm Kissen, M.D Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation MTA 2 Kings Cty Addict Dis Hosp Services Detoxification 600 Albany Avenue Budding K Environment Inpatient Hospital Brooklyn, NY 11203 (212) 630-4554 Kmgs County Hospital Duector Benlamin Kissen, M D. The Loft Activity Treatment/R ehabihtation 846 Flatbush Avenue Services Maintenance Brooklyn, NY 11203 Environment Outpatient (212) 630-3684 Duector Beniamm Kissen, M.D NARCOV Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 1263 Gates Avenue Services Drug-free Brooklyn, NY 11221 Envuonment Outpatient (212) 864-3172 Duector. Gregory Wdhams Kings County Hospital Admin Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 600 Albany Avenue Services Drug-free Brooklyn, NY 11203 Envuonment Daycare (212) 630.4507 Due ctor G. Halloran Phoenix House Boerum Street Activity Admuustrative 130 Boerum Street Brooklyn, NY 11206 IQngs County Hospital Detox K42 (212) 3884717 600 Albany Avenue Duector M Rosenthal, M D Brooklyn, NY 11203 270-3131 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (212) Services Drug-free Duector Beniamin Kissen, M D Environment Outpatient, Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Detoxification Phoenix House Prospect Place Environment Inpatient Hospital 174 Prospect Place Brooklyn, NY 11217 Long Island College Hospital-Red Hook Clinic (212) 7894616 132-34 Van Dyke Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Duector M. Rosenthal, M D. (212) 780-2993 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Director Walter Bryant, Jr. Environment Outpatient, Residential Actrvrty Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Mamtenance Environment Outpatient St. John Bush wick 1727 Broadway NY Long Island College Hosp-Court Street Chmc Brooklyn, 11207 217 Court Street (212) 443-4269 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Duector James Brennan (212) 780-2861 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation


Services Mlntenance Umty Hospital Chruc I Environment Outpatient 1550 St. John's Place Brooklyn, NY 11213 St. John Brownsville (212) 966-1716 379 Rockway Avenue Director Berkley G Tatum Brooklyn, NY 11212 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (212) 498-1950 Services Maintenance Director Wdham Marold Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Maintenance Unity Hospital Umt II Envuonment Outpatient 1552 St. John's Place Brooklyn, NY 11213 St. Mary' s-Alabama (212) 966-1716 480 Alabama Avenue Due ctor Jean G Andrews Brooklyn, NY 11212 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (212) 485-3400 SeMces Maintenance Duector Kermit Francis Environment Outpatient Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance Wdliamsburg Clime Envuonment Outpatient 224-228 Grand Street Brooklyn, NY 11211 St. Mary' s-Brownsvdlc (212) 966-5806 229 Powell Street Duector Lidia Malave Brooklyn, NY 11212 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (212) 485-6000 Services Maintenance Director James Kennedy Environment Outpatient Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient BUFFALO

St. Mary' s.Prospect Buffalo Narcotics Guidance Council 1480 Prospect Place 293 South Elmwood Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11236 Buffalo, NY 14201 (212) 774-8820 (716) 855-3131 Director Malcolm Jackson Director Joseph Campagna Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation Actmty Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Outreach Services Mamtenance Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient

St. Mary' s-Classon Buffalo VA Hospital 635 Classon Avenue 3495 Bailey Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11238 Buffalo, NY 14215 (212) 622-4488 (716)834-9200 Director Charlotte Evans Duector Lucille M Lewandowski Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services, Maintenance Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital

Teen Challenge Center Inc CAO-DART 444 Chnton Avenue 402 Broadway Brooklyn, NY 11238 Buffalo, NY 14204 (212) 789-1414 (716) 853-0350 Duector Donald Wdkerson Director Fred A Wdhs Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education Actn ity. Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Services Maintenance Envuonment Residential Environment Outpatient

The Famdy - Sheepshead Bay Cathohc Charities Drug Abuse 1625 Gravesend Neck Road 1075 Broadway Brooklyn, NY 11229 Buffalo, NY 14212 (212) 8914732 (716) 894-8413 Dnector Wdham Douthard Director Joseph C Donofiro Actmty Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient


Cluldren Hospital (DHARMA) Services Mamtenance 133 Hodge Street Environment Outpatient Buffalo, NY I 4201 (716) 878-7703 Ny. Drug Abuse Control Commission Regional Office No. 8 Director Lawrence Nemeth Buffalo, NY 14202 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free (716) 881-5100 Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Duector Dave Polley Activity Admuustrative City of Buffalo NGC 1604 City Hall Tonawanda Branch Buffalo, NY 14202 3350 Delaware Avenue (716) 855-401 3 Buffalo, NY 14217 Director Dr B McBude (716) 875-2131 Activity Treat ment/R ehabiht ation Duector Phd Bush Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Corporation Vl, Lakeshore MH Services 485 Niagara Street Westside Counschng Center Buffalo, NY 14201 24 Grant Street (716) 856-2000 Buffalo, NY 14202 (716) 883-1600 Duector WIBian1 Moi!1s Activity Admmistrative Director John M Mercimo Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Drug Abuse Research and Treatment Services Drug-free 402 Broadway Environment Outpatient Buffalo, NY 14204 (716) 853-0350 YMCA 45 West Mohawk Director Ehzabcth Aikcn Buffalo, NY 14202 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (716)853-9350 ScrvIccs Drug-frcc Environinent Outpatient Director Jack Wdcy Activity Admuustrative FCCS Counseling Center 1331 Fdlmore Avenue YMCA East Side Counseung Center Buffalo, NY 14211 147 Dupont Street (716) 895-1271 Buffalo, NY 14208 (716) 885-3223 Director Wdbur J. Yaeger Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director James H Martm Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Lower West Side Y/DA Program YMCA South Buffalo Counselmg Center 487 Niagara Strcct 457 Abbott Road Buffalo, NY 14006 Buffalo, NY 14220 (716) 855-2012 (716) 824-0867 Duector Benlamm Matta Director Ms Shiela Femgold Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation, Outreach Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient

Masten Park Community Rehab Center CAIRO 485 Best Street Buffalo, NY 14208 Greene County Drug Abuse Services (716) 886-1425 County Building Cairo, NY 12413 Duector Joyce L MacAluso (518)622-9400 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Duector Dr. J Funk Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Methadone Maintenance Urut I Environment Outpatient Sisters of Charity Hospital Buffalo, NY 14214 CANANDAIGUA (716) 862-2623 Ontario Co NGC Duector Benlamm F. Murphy 120 North Mmn Strcct Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Canandsigua, NY 14424 186 ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS NEW YORK

(315)394-7070 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education, Counsehng John Lambrosa Director Services Counsehng Admuustratrve Activity Envuonment Outpatient

CARLE PLACE COOPERSTOWN of Drug and Alc Addiction Nassau Co Dept Otsego NGC Treatment Unit Outpatient County Office Buddmg NY Carle Place, 11514 Cooperstown, NY 13326 (516) 535-3512 (607) 547-9901 Bnan Hayward Ducctor A. Director Fred Ermhch Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Drug-free Services Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient NCDDAA-Social Services 214 Glen Cove Road CORONA Carle Place, NY 11514 (516) 535-2917 Corona Chnic Director. Sy Rudner 33-33 Junction Boulevard Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Corona, NY 11373 Services Drug-free (212) 830-2593 Envu'onment Outpatient Duector Thomas Chiistensen Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Maintenance CENTRAL VALLEY Envuonment Outpatient

Falkrrk Hospital Elmcor Youth and Adult Actn ines inc Central Valley, NY 10917 107-10 Northern Boulevard 928-2256 (914) Corona, NY 11368 Duector Theodore W. Neumann (212) 7794183 Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Duector Othlcy Brownbdl Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Envuonment Residential Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential CHEEKTOWAGA CORTLAND Mental Health Services Broadway 3465 Cortland County Mental Health Board NY 14227 Cheektowaga, 15 Court Street (716)681-4540 Cortland, NY 13045 Director Dr A. Zavala (607) 756-7523 Activity Admnustrative Dnector Betty Clark Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free CLARENCE Environment Outpatient Comm Counsehng Center-Clarence 4520 Ransom Road DELHI Chrencc, NY 14031 759-8358 (716) Delaware NGC Director Rev. C Bachman, Ph.D. 111Main Street Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Delhi, NY 13753 Services Drug-free (607) 746-2156 Environment Outpatient Director Thomas Buckner Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation COLD SPRING HARBOR Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Cold Spring Harbor Youth Center inc Lane Turkey DEPEW Cold Sprmg Harbor, NY 11724 (516) 367-4884 Chcektowaga YMCA Counsehng Center Director David J Jones 3140 Walden Avenue NEW YORK NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

Depew, NY 14043 Services Drug-free (716)684-7635 Environment Outpatient Duector Howard I. Weiss Activity Treatment/Rehabditation EAST MEADOW Services Drug frcc Environment Outpatient East Meadow Counseling Center 2362 Hempstead Avenue East Meadow, NY 11554 EAST GREENBUSH (516) 7354606

Tools Proiect Inc Director Darnel B. Sdver 674 Columbia Tpk Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Counseling East Greenbush, NY 12061 Services Counsehng (518)477-8990 Environment Outpatient Director John J Alena Jad-Work Release Program Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Jail Trader Carman Avenue Services Drug-free East Meadow, NY 11554 Environment Outpatient (516) 2924050 Duector Leonard S.Brahen EAST AURORA Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient East Aurora Center 706 Mam Street Methadone Maintenance East Aurora, NY 14052 Program (716)652-8270 Nassau County Medical Center East Meadow, NY 11554 Ducctor Bud Heffernon (516)542-3185 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Ron Melchionda Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Outpatient Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient EAST ELMHURST WECAN 234 Newbridge Avenue Adolescent Reception Rec Center 11-11 East Meadow, NY 11554 Hazen Street (516) 538-3870 East Elmhurst, NY 11370 (212) 626-3491 Director David Groden Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Duector Robert M. Stevens Counsehng Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation

Rikers Island Facihty EDEN . 10 Hazen Street East Elmhurst, NY 11368 Boces II (212) 7264646 3243 North Boston Road Director Bob Howard Eden, NY 14057 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (716)992-3416 Services Detoxification Duector Mr Norman Stadler Envuonment Residential Activity Admmistrative Women's House of Detention 15-15 Hazen Street ELLENVILLE East Elmhurst, NY 11370 (212) 247-5151 Renaissance Proiect Inc Duector Robert M Stevens R.D. 4, Box 22 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Ellenville, NY 12428 (914)6474575 Due ctor Anthony laccarmo EAST HAMPTON Activity Treatment/Rehabiht ation Services Drug-free Commumty Counseling Services Environment Residential I East Mam Street East Hampton, NY 11937 (516) 324-6850 ELMHURST Director Ruth Hoffman Elmhurst Cliruc Treatment/Rehabihtatron Activity 7941 Broadway


Elmhurst, NY 11373 FALLSBURG (212) 830-1106 Dynamite Youth Center Ippohto Dnector: Mary P.O. Box A Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Fallsburg, NY 12733 Services: Mamtenance (914)434-3370 Environment. Outpatient Director. Vincent Tessitore Samaritan Halfway Society Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Prison Program Services. Drug-free Elmhurst, NY 11373 Environment. Residential (212) 846-5200 Samaritan Halfway Society Banks Duector John Route 42A Treatment/Rehabditation Activity' Fallsburg, NY 12733 Services Drug-free (914)434-5383 Environment Outpatient, Pnson Duector Ambrose Funo Actrvity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free ELM IRA Environment Residential

Chemung County Drug Abuse Councd 126 Lake Street FAR ROCKAWAY Elmira, NY 14901 (607) 737-2882 Long Island Jewish Medical Center Director James R Diehl 327 Beach 19th Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Services Drug-free (516)471-8100 Environment Outpatient Director Joseph Murphy Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Detoxdrcatron Inpatient Hospital ELMONT Envuonment

Inc Comm Cncl of W Nassau FARMINGDALE 285 Hempstead Turnpike Elmont, NY 11003 328-1717 Pnce Inc (516) 266 Main Street Dnector Robert A Stevens Farmmgdale, NY 11735 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Education, (516) 293-3480 Counsehng Ducctor Steve Funken Services Counsehng Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Co unsehng Envnonment Outpatient Services Counsehng Envn onmcnt Outpatient

ELMSFORD FERNDALE Westchester Comm Opportunity Prog Central Admmrstration Addictions Services Elmsford, NY 10523 Old Route 17 (914)592-4415 Ferndale, NY 12734 (914) 292-8770 Dnector Edward Perez Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Dnector Dennis J Annastas Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Activity Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Shenendehowa Central School Flushmg Medical Associates Route 146 136-80 Roosevelt Elnora, NY 12065 Flushing, NY 11354 (518) 371-6000 (212) 939-5506 Duector Edward C. Lake Director Dr. Zaks Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient


Queens Hospital Methadone Program GARRISON 8248 164th Street Flushing, NY 11432 New Hope Manor Inc (212) 380.2231 RR No. 1 Garrison, NY Director: Harvey Gollance, M.D. 10524 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation (194)424-3050 Director Rev, Darnel Egan Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation FREEPORT Services Drug-free Environment Residential Drive —Woodward MH Center 201 West Menick Road Freeport, NY 11520 Walter Hoving Home Inc (516) 379-8900 Phillipes Brook and Avery Road Director: Helen Weri Garrison, NY 10524 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation (914)424.3674 Services Drug-free Director: John Benton Environment: Outpatient Activity, Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education Services. Drug-free Family Service Assoc Environment. Residential 17 Buffalo Avenue Freeport, NY 11520 (516)485MOO GENESEO Director: Robert Sunley Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Crisis Intervention Prevention Ctr Services: Drug-free 109 Main Street Environment: Outpatient Geneseo, NY 14454 (716)243-2720 Operation Pride 16 West Sunrise Highway Director: Donald Hardy-Holley Freeport, NY 11520 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation (516)546-2822 Services' Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Director: Tedd Levy Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Livingston Co NGC Counseling 109 Main Street Services: Counseling Geneseo, NY 14454 Environment: Outpatient (716)243-2708 Operations Alternatives Director: C. T. Andolino 146 North Main Street Activity: Administrative Freeport, NY 11520 (516) 378-3340 DireCto: Modie Berry GLENWOOD LANDING Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Counsehng North Shore Community Drug Council Services: Education, Counseling 136 Glenwood Road Environment: Outpatient Glenwood Landing, NY 11547 (516) 759-9110 Rehab Div Woodward Ment Hlth Center Director: 201 West Memck Road Neil Soloman Free port, NY 11520 Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation; Counsehng (516)379-0900 Services: Counseling Environment: Outpatient Director. Helen C. Weil Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Services. Drug-free Environment. Outpatient GLEN COVE

South Shore Child Guidance Center Glen Cove Hospital 17 West Menick Road Community House Freeport, NY 11520 Glen Cave, NY 11542 (516) 868-3030 (516)676-5000 Director: Harry H. Gonda, M.D. Director: Martin Singer Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free Services: Drug-free; Detoxification Environment: Outpatient Environment Outpatient; Daycare


Live GREENBURG 139 Glen Cove Avenue Glen Cove, NY 11542 Open Door Drug Program (516)671-6600 75 Warren Avenue Greenburg, NY 10607 Dncctor Steve Kent (914) 761-8264 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, Counsehng Ducctor John Berry Services Education, Counseling Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Warren Waslungton Comm MH Ctr Suffolk Co Drug Control Authority Glen Falls Hospital H. Lee Deiuuson Executive Office Budding Glen Falls, NY 12801 Hauppauge, NY 11787 (518) 793-5148 (516)979-2233 Director Dr. Lawrence Mutty Director Michael Schwegler Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Admimstrative Services Drug-I'rce Envuonment Outpatient Suffolk Co Pacs Screening and Detox Ctr 1330 Motor Park Way Hauppauge, NY 11787 (516) 5824641 GLEN OAKS Duector Jean Dickhoff Family Court Prolect-Lrd MHC Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 75-59 263rd Street Services Detoxification Glen Oaks, NY 11004 Envuonment Outpatient (212) 437-6700 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation HEMPSTEAD Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Alhance 510 South Frankhn Street Strauss Cottage Hempstead, NY 11550 Long Island Jewish Hdlside Med Ctr (516)485-0300 Glen Oaks, NY 11004 (212) 343-6700 Duector Peter Thompson Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Counsehng Dr Athens Karras Due ctor Services Counsehng Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Environment Outpatient SeMces Drug-free Outpatient, Daycare Envuonment Famdy Service Assomation 129 Jackson Street Hempstead, NY 11550 (516)4854600 GOSHEN Director Robert Sunley Orange Co Dept of Mental Health Actrvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Drug Unit Services Drug-free Goshen, NY 10924 Envuonment Outpatient (914) 294-6185 Hempstead Drug Abuse Center FOC Program Director Keith Mahoney 226 South Frankhn Street Activity Admmistrative Hempstcad, NY 11550 (516)489-1240 Director Bob Wdson GREAT NECK Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Education, Counsehng Services Counschng, Education Copay Great Neck Environment Outpatient 21 North Station Plaza Great Neck, NY 11023 Jewish Commumty Services of Long Island (516)466-2509 50 Chnton Street Hempstead, NY 11550 Director Richard Landsman (516)485-5710 Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation, Counsehng Services Counsehng Duector Hernuone G Davis Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation


Services Drug-free Services Drug-t'ree Environment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient

Regional Office No. 3 396 Conkhn Street HUNTINGTON Hempstead, NY 11735 (516)249-7412 Suffolk Co Nacc Meth Main Chmc East Street Duector Jerry Webber 110 10th NY Activity Admuustratrve Hunhngton, 11746 (516) 271-0278 Werc Veeb Director Michael Corfusione 160 North Frankhn Street Activity Treatment/Rehabrutatron Hempstead, NY 11550 Services Maintenance (516)538-6661 Envuonment Outpatient Director John Meyerhoefer Starshme Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Program Townhall Main Services Drug-free Street Huntington Station, NY Environment Outpatient 11743 (516) 271-5497 Director Edward A. Kmg HICKSVILLE Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free East Plams Community Program Environment Outpatient 76 North Broadway Hrcksville, NY 11801 (516)822-4060 IN WOOD Director Joseph B Zwieg Five Towns Community Center-CODA Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education 270 Lawrence Avenue Services Drug-free Inwood, NY Envuonment Outpatient 11696 (516) 239-1232 llicksville Against Drugs-HAD Director Sadie Scott 389 New South Road Activity Treatment/Rehabihtat ion Hicksville, NY 11801 Services Drug-free (516)935-6858 Environment Outpatient Director John Maniec Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Counsehng ISLIP Services Counseling Environment Outpatient Ishp Town 655 Main Street Operation Outreach Youth and Family Service East Ishp, NY 11751 36 Barclay Street 5814694 Hicksvrlle, NY 11801 (516) (516)822-6544 Director Frank Nichols Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Ducctor Gloria Pitts Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education, Envuonment Outpatient Counsehng Education, Counselmg Outpahent ITHACA

HUDSON Ithaca Alpha House Outreach Center 109 West State Street Ithaca, N Y Columbia Narcotic 14850 County Guidance Cncl 273-0123 738 Warren Street (607) Hudson, NY 12534 Director John Holland (518) 828-3331 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Director Wiiham Appell Environment Outpatient Activity Admuustrative House Open Door Open 121 E Buffalo Street 738 Warren Street Ithaca, NY Hudson, NY 12534 14850 (518)828-3331 (607) 273-1137 Director Donald Duector Karl L Nielsen Stringhan Activity Activity Treatment/Rehablhtation Treatment/Rehabrhtatron


990-2104 Services Drug-free (212) Environment Outpatient Director George Cuthbert Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Teen Challenge of Greater Ithaca Inc 412 North Aurora Street Queens Village Mental Health Ctr Ithaca, NY 14850 Jay-Cap (607) 273-8936 156-02 Liberty Avenue Director Rev. R. Mott Jamaica, NY 11432 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (212) 380-4126 Services Drug-free Director Thomas White Environment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Residential JACKSON HEIGHTS

Queens Co Neuropsychiatric Inst JERICHO 37-64 72nd Street NY 11372 Jackson Heights, Young Men's Christian Assoc of Long Island (212) 335-3434 150 Jericho Turnpike Director D. Lehmg Jericho, NY 11753 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (516)665-1 173 Drug-free Services Director Paul Arfin Environment Outpatient Activity Admmistrative

JAMAICA JOHNSON CITY Jamaica I Broome County NGC 89th Avenue and Van Wyck Expressway Park Place Jamaica, NY 11418 22 NY 13790 (212) 526-7500 Johnson City, (607) 798-7182 Dnector Chnton Roystcr Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Duector Ron Gaetano Activity Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance Drug-free Environment Outpatient Services Environment Outpatient Jamiuca II Southern Tier Drug Abuse Program 89th Avenue and Van Wyck Expressway 24 Arch Street Jamaica, NY 11418 NY 13790 (212) 526-7500 Johnson City, (607) 7294983 Duector Holhe Garland Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Director Wdson Schdler Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance Activity Maintenance, Chemotherapy Envuonment Outpatient Services Environment Outpatient Mary Immaculate Chnic I 88-29 150th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 KERHONKSON (212) 291-5795 Director Barbara Brenner Town of Rochester, NGC Elizabeth Street Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron Services Maintenance Kerhonkson, NY 12466 Environment Outpatient (914)626-7766 Director Vmcent Dunn Mary Immaculate Chnic II Activity Admuustrative 147-18 Archer Avenue Jamaica, NY 11435 291-5795 (212) KINGSTON Director Stan Freeman Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Ulster Co Mental Health Chnic Services Miuntenance 396 Broadway Environment Outpatient Kingston, NY 12401 (914) 331-6340 Queens Hospital Center K Wood 82-68 164th Street Director Michael Admuustratrve Jamaica, NY 11432 Activity


Ulster Co Meth Mamtenance Frog Sernces Drug-free 398 Broadway Ennronmcnt Residential Kingston, NY 12401 (914) 339-3434 Director Rose Snnpson LINDENHURST Actinty Treatment/Rehabihtation Sernces Mamtenance Town of Babylon Environment Outpatient 200 East Sunrise Highway Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Ulster Co Drug Commission (516) 888-7300 396 Broadway Director Joseph Caulfield Kmgston, NY 12401 Actinty Treatment/Rehabditation (914) 3393434 Sernces Drug-free Director Michael K Wood Ennronment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient LITTLE FALLS

Ulster County M/H Srvs D/A Programs Herkimer NGC 398 Broadway Little Falls Hospital Kmgston, NY 12401 Little Falls, NY 13365 (914) 339-3434 (315)823-2382 Duector Rose Simpson Duector Bnan V. Earl Actinty Treatment/Rehabihtation Actinty Treatment/Rehabihtation SeMces Drug-free Ennionment Outpatient LAKE GROVE

Smith Haven Mimstries LITTLE NECK 178 Smith Haven Mall Lake Grove, NY 11755 Samuel Field YM-YWHA (516) 724-8246 58-20 Little Neck Parkway Little Neck, NY 11362 Director Jack Eiicksen (212) 225-6750 Actinty Treatment/Rehabditation, Fducation Sernces Drug-free Duector Jack Lauren Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Sernces Drug-free Ennionment Outpatient LEVITTOWN

Youth Direction Conned LOCKPORT Center Lane Village Green Levit town, NY 11756 Hamdton House Out-Reach Center (516) 796-6633 24 Church Street Lockport, NY Duector 14094 James A. Edmondson (716)434-6258 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Counsehng Sernces Counseling Duector Rev. Daniel Chrk Ennronment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Hothne Sernces Drug-free Ennronment Outpatient LIBERTY

Inward House III LONG BEACH Upper Ferndale Road Liberty, NY 12754 Long Beach Memorial Hosp Meth Prog (914)2924000 455 East Bay Drive Long Beach, NY 11561 Director Raymond M Giella (516)432-8000 Activity Treatment/Rehabditatron Services Drug-free Director Mathew Gelfand Envuonment Residential Actinty Treatment/Rehabdrtation SeMces Maintenance Logos HI Youth Center Environment Outpatient P.O. Box 806 Liberty, NY 12754 Long Beach Reach Inc (914)2924232 48 East Park Avenue Long Beach, NY 11561 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (516) 889-2332


Drug-free Director: Harriet Eisman Services' Outpatient Activity' Treatment/Rehabditation Environment: Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient MALONE

Board LONG ISLAND CITY Franklin Community Mental Health Alice Hyde Hospital Bridge Plaza Treatment and Rehab Center Malone, NY 12953 41-21 27th Street (315)483-3261 Iong Island City, NY 11101 Duector George Fast (212) 786-4040 Activity' Treatment/Rehabihtation Director; Ronald Brady Services: Drug-free Activity' Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment: Outpatient Services. Maintenance Environment Outpatient MAMARONECK Queens Co Medical Society 30-64 37th Street Community Counseling Center Iong Island City, NY 11103 234 Stanley Avenue (212) 278-5650 Marmaroneck, NY 10543 (914)698-7549 Director: Philip Kaufman, M.D. Barbara Pearson Activity; Treatment/Rehabilitation Director: Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education Services: Drug-free Activity: Environment. Outpatient Services: Drug-free Environment. Outpatient Queensboro Community Rehab Ctr 47-04 Van Dam Street Larchmont-Mamaroneck NGC Long Island City, NY 11101 234 Stanley Avenue (212) 361-8920 Mamaroneck, NY 10543 (914)698-5303 Duector. Mr. Charles King Silverberg Activity Treatment/Rehabditatron Duector Wdliam Treatment/Rehabditation Services: Drug-free, Mamtenance Activity' Environment: Outpatient; Residential; Daycare Services: Drug-free Environment. Outpatient

LYN BROOK MANHASSET Link Lynbrook 27 Hemstead Avenue Community Day Center Lynbrook, NY 11563 1355 Northern Boulevard (516) 887-4848 Manhasset, NY 11030 (516)627-5002 Duector. James Baron Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation, Counseimg Duector Frank J. Robertson Services. Counseling Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation Environment: Outpatient Services. Drug-free Environment Daycare

LYONS Manhasset Community Life Inc 43 Manhasset Avenue Wayne County Mental Health Services Manhasset, NY 11030 Newark Lyons Road, Route 31 (516)627-5 113 Lyons, NY 14489 Director: Michael Aboff (315)946-4873 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Director: Rhode Brown Counseling Activity: Administrative Services: Counseling Environment: Outpatient

MAHOPAC North Nassau Mental Health Center 1691 Northern Boulevard Common Sense Manhasset, NY 11030 See Avenue (516)627-7550 Mahopac, NY 10541 Director: Mrs. Mollie Sldftman (914)628-7597 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Director: Gerald J. Robbins Services: Biochemical Psychotherapy Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Environment: Outpatient


North Shore Hospital (914)677-5335 400 Commumty Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 Ducctor Monsignor 0'Brien (516)562-2087 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Duector John E Imhof Environment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient MONTROSE

North Shore Hospital Drug Treatment Veterans Adm Hospital 400 Commuiuty Drive Montrose, NY 10548 Manhasset, NY 11030 (914) 7374400 (516)627-5566 Duector Carmine Mangano Director John E Imhof Activl'ty Treatment/Rehabditation, Education Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential Environment Daycare, Inpatient Hospital

North Shore Univ Hosp-Voc Rehab MOUNT VERNON 400 Commumty Dnve Manhasset, NY 11030 Mt Vernon Hospital Methadone Program (516)627-5000 3 South 6th Avenue Duector Barbara M. Korn Mount Vernon, NY 10550 Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation (914) 664-5981 Services. Drug-free Director Paul Hansch, M.D. Envuonment. Daycare Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Maintenance North Shore Hospital FMDP Environment Outpatient 300 Community Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 Daytop Village (516)562-2681 117 East 3rd Street Director Dr. Rita Harper Mount Vernon, NY 10550 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (914)6644070 Services Education, Prevention Director Monsignor O'Brien Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Envuonment Daycarc MEDINA

Iroquois Commumty Rehab Center NEW CITY R.D. 1, Tibbits Road Medina, NY 14103 Clarkstown Counsehng Center (716) 798-1393 44 South Main Street Duector' A. Cid New City, NY 10956 Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation (914)6344369 Services Drug-free Director Jim Tambmi Environment Outpatient, Residential Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient MIDDLE TOWN NEW HYDE Pius XII Outreach Progtam PARK 10 Orchard Street Middletown, NY 10940 Long Island Jewish Chnic (914) 342-5633 270-05 76th Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Director Richard Wdhams (516) 343-6700 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director. Services Drug-free James Noonan Actn Environment. Outpatient ity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance Envnonment Outpatient MILLBROOK Long Island Jewish Medical Center Methadone Daytop VQIage Millbrook Clhuc Route 44 27005 76th Avenue Millbrook, NY 12545 New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (516) 343-6700


Duector John Cunningham New York, NY 10003 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (212) 684-0600 Services Mamtenance Duector Dr. Kase Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient NEW PALTZ ARC Addicts Rehabihtatron Center Suny at New Paltz 1881 Park Avenue Oasis Center New York, NY 10035 New Paltz, NY 12561 (212) 427-1342 257-2257 (914) Duector James Allen Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Environment Residential

ARTC - Harlem Thud Honzon NEW ROCHELLE 2195 Thud Avenue New York, NY 10035 Guidance Center of New Rochelle MMTP (212) 852-9300 405 North Avenue Beny Prunm, M.D Rochelle, NY 10801 Due ctor New Treatment/Rehabilitation (914)632-8300 Activity Services Mamtenance Due ctor Dr. Robert Ort Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance ARTC Coordmated Walk In Chnic No. 5 Envuonment Outpatient 447 Lenox Avenue New York, NY 10037 New Rochelle Community Outreach Center (212) 852-9300 283 Huguenot Street Beny Pnmm, M.D. Rochelle, NY 10801 Duector New Treatment/Rehabihtation (914)636-9142 Activity Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonmcnt Outpatient ARTC Harlem Kaleidoscope 149 West 124th Street Renaissance Prolect Inc New York, NY 10027 365 North Avenue (212) 852-9300 New Rochelle, NY 10801 Pnmm, M.D. (914) 235-8048 Duector Beny Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Gerry Gerace Services Maintenance Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Admmistratrve Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient ARTC Harlem Program 136 West 125th Street Renaissance Prolect Inc New York, NY 11201 95 Lincoln Avenue (212) 852-9300 New Rochelle, NY 10801 Pnmm, M.D. (914)636-2554 Duector. Beny Activity Admimstrative Duector Wiiham Nelson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation ARTC Harlem Start Pomt Services Drug-free 149 West 125th Street Envuonment Outpatient New York, NY 10027 (212) 852-9300 MD NEW YORK Duector. Beny Pnmm, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Maintenance Addiction Services Agency Services Outpatient Human Resources Administration Envuonment New York, NY 10007 (212) 433-2014 Arthur C. Logan Methadone Chmc 510West 126th Street Duector Jerome Ornblass New York, NY 10027 Activity Admuustrative (212) 850-2700 Wilhe Mitchell Altro Director. Treatment/Rehabihtation 225 Park Avenue South Activity


Services Maintenance Bernstem Institute OPD 2C Envuonment Outpatient 435 2nd Avenue New York, NY 10010 ASA Central Referral Unit (212) 677-2300 8 West 14th Street New York, NY 10011 Due ctor Harvey Gollancc, M D. (212) 929-8406 Activity Treatment/R ehabihtation Director Stanley Gersten Bcrnstcin Institute OPD 2F Activity Admuustrative, Referral 429-31 2nd Avenue New York, NY 10010 ASA South Manhattan P 0 (212) 677-2300 370 West 34th Street New York, NY 10001 Director Harvey Gollance, M D (212) 563-7321 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Ducctor Pante Pisciano Bernstein Institute OPD 3B Activity Admmistrative, Referral 433 2nd Avenue New York, NY 10010 Beekman-Trinity Umt (212) 677-2300 74 Trinity Place New York, NY 10002 Director Harvey Gollance, M D (212) 422-0250 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Duector Ronald Schechter, M D Bernstein Institute OPD Activity 3D Treatment/Rehabihtation 435 2nd Avenue Services Maintenance New York, NY 10010 Envuonment Outpatient (212) 677-2300 Bellevue Chrome Methadone Chiuc Director Harvey Gollance, M.D. 26th and 1st Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabditation New York, NY 10016 (212) 561-4907 Bernstein Inshtutc OPD 6G 429-31 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Director Eileen Egan New York, NY l &8!I &) Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (212) 677-2300 Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient Direct or Harvey Gollance, M D Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Bellevue General Methadone Chnic Bernstein Institute 26th Street and 1st Avenue 15th Street OPD I 29 West 15th New York, NY 10016 Street (212) 561-4907 New York, NY 10011 (212) 677-2300 Director Fdcen Egan Director Activity Harvey Gollance, M.D Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Services Maintenance Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment Outpatient Bernstem Institute 25th Street OPD 341 East 25th Street Bernstem Inst Meth Prgm Holdmg Clc New York, NY 10010 435 2nd Avenue (212) 689-6709 New York, NY 10010 (212) 677-2300 Director Harvey Gollance, M D Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Due ctor Harvey Gollancc, M D Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Beth Israel Medical Center MMTP 309 1st Avenue Bernstein Inst Meth Program Phase Ill New York, NY 10003 433 2nd Avenue (212) 673-3000 New York, NY 10010 Duector Harvey 677-2300 Gollance, M D (212) Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Harvey Gollance, M D. Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Beth Israel Medical Center - Admm 421 East 14th Street New York, NY Bernstein Institute 10003 OPD I E (212) 673-3000 429-31 2nd Avenue New York, NY 10010 Direct or Plul Maghn (212) 677-2300 Activity Admimstrativc Duector Ilarvey Gollance, M.D Beth Israel Activity Medical Center Treatment/Rehabihtation 421 East 14th Street


Activity Trcatmcnt/Rehabihtation New York, NY 10003 Mamtenance (212) 673-3000 Services L'nvuonment Outpatient Director Plul Maghn Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation BIMC —Harlem Hosp OPD 8B Services Mamtcnancc 421 East 14th Strcct Environment Outpatient New York, NY 10003 (212) 673-3000 BIMC —Cumbedand OPD 2 Plul Maghn 421 East 14th Street Ducctor Activity Treatment/Rehabditation New York, NY 10003 Maintenance (212) 673-3000 Services Envuonment Outpatient Ducctor Plul Maghn Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation BIMC —Harlem Hosp OPD 8C Services Miuntenance 421 East 14th Street Environment Outpatient New York, NY 10003 (212) 673-3000 BIMC —Gouv Hlth Pgm Phil Maghn 421 East 14th Street Director Treatment/Rehabditation New York, NY 10003 Activity (212) 673-3000 Services Mamtenance Environment Outpatient Duector Phil Maglm Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation BIMC —Holdmg Prolect Services Maintenance 421 East 14th Street Environment Outpatient New York, NY 10003 (212) 673-3000 BIMC —Harlem Hld Pgm 421 East 14th Street Director Phil Maghn Treatment/Rehabditation New York, NY 10003 Activity (212) 673-3000 Services Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient Director Plul Maglin Activity Treatment/Rehabditation BIMC —Lenox Hdl Hosp Services Mamtenance 421 East 14th Street Envuonment Outpatient New York, NY 10003 (212) 673-3000 BIMC —Harlem Hosp OPD I 421 East 14th Street Duector Phd Maghn Treatment/Rchabditation New York, NY 10003 Activity (212) 673-3000 Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient Director Phd Maghn Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation BIMC —Methodist Hosp I Services Maintenance 421 East 14th Street Envuonment Outpatient New York, NY 10003 (212) 673-3000 BIMC —Harieln Hosp OPD 2 421 East 14th Street Director Phd Maghn New York, NY 10003 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (212) 673-3000 Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient Ducctor Phd Maglui A ctivity Treatment/Rehabditation BIMC —MJB Bl-3G Services Mamtenancc 421 East 14th Street I.'nvironment Outpatient New York, NY 10003 (212) 673-3000 BIMC —Harlem Hosp OPD 3 421 East 14th Street Ducctor Phd Maghn New York, NY 10003 Activity Treatment/Rchabditation (212) 673-3000 Services Mamtenance Environment Outpatient Director Plul Maghn Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation BIMC —MJB Phase 3 Services Maintenance 421 East 14th Street Envuonment Outpatient New York, NY 10003 (212) 673-3000 BIMC —Harlem Hosp OPD 5 421 fast 14th Street Ducctor Phil Maghn New York, NY 10003 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (212) 673-3000 Services Miuntcnance l.nvu onment Outpatient Director Plul Maglm


— BIMC MJB I-E PHA 2 (212) 673-3000 421 East 14th Street New York, NY 10003 Duector Plul M aglm (212) 673-3000 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Director Phd Maghn Environment Outpatient Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance BIMC —15th Street Environment Outpatient 421 East 14th Street New BIMC — I-E York, NY 10003 MJB VETS (212) 673-3000 421 East 14th Street New York, NY 10003 Duector Plul Maghn (212) 673-3000 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance Director Plul Maghn Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Mamtenance BIMC —2 Ave Chmc Envuonment Outpatient 2C 421 Fast 14th Street — New York, NY 10003 BIMC OP Harlem Hosp OPD SD (212) 673-3000 421 East 14th Street New York, NY 10003 Director Phd Maghn (212) 673-3000 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Maintenance Duector Plul Maghn Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Maintcnancc BIMC —2 Ave Chnic Envuonment 3B Outpatient 421 East 14th Street — New York, NY 10003 BIMC Queens Hosp (212) 673-3000 421 East 14th Street New York, NY 10003 Director Phd Maghn (212) 673-3000 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Maintenance Director Plul Maglm Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance BIMC —2 Ave Envuonment Chnic 3D Outpatient 421 East 14th Street New NY BIMC — York, 10003 St. Clares Hosp (212) 673-3000 421 East 14th Street New York, NY 10003 Director Phd Maghn (212) 673-3000 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Maintenance Director Phd Maghn Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Maintenance BIMC —2 F Environment Chmc Outpatient 421 East 14th Street — New York, NY 10003 BIMC St. Vincents (WATERS) (212) 673-3000 421 East 14th Street New York, NY 10003 Director Plul Maghn (212) 673-3000 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance Duector Plul Maglm Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance BIMC —25 Street Envuonment Outpatient 421 East 14th Street New York, NY 10003 BIMC —St. Vincents 13 St (212) 673-3000 421 East 14th Street New York, NY 10003 Director Plul Maghn (212) 673-3000 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Maintenance Director Plul Maghn Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance BIMC Columbus Envuon ment Hosp Outpatient 421 East 14th Street New NY BIMC —Triboro York, 10003 Chnic (212) 673-3000 421 East 14th Street New York, NY 10003 Duector Phd Maghn


Treatment/Rehabihtation Compass Acnvity 254 West 19th Street Mamtenance Services New York, NY 10011 Outpatient Environment (212) 691-5710 BIMC Coney Island Director Frank Luna 421 East 14th Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron New York, NY 10003 Services Drug-free (212) 673-3000 Environment Residential Director Phil Maghn Aftercare Treatment/Rehabihtation Contact Activity 46 East 7th Street Mamtenance Services New York, NY 10003 Envuonment Outpatient (212) 226-5221 BIMC Cooper Square Director Robert Carr 421 East 14th Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation New York, NY 10003 Services Drug-free (212) 673-3000 Environment Outpatient Ptui Maghn Duector Commumty Rehab Center Treatment/Rehabihtation Cooper Activity 232 East 12th Street Mamtenance Services New York, NY 10003 Outpatient Environment (212) 533-6900 BIMC —Harlem Hosp OPD B Director Ben]amm Goldman 421 East 14th Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation New York, NY 10003 Services Drug-free (212) 864-8177 Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Plul Maghn Duector Cross Roads Apol Counselmg Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity 182 East 111th Street Mamtenance Services New York, NY 10029 Outpatient Environment (212) 289-1004 BIMC —Lutheran Hosp Director Antonio Blondett 421 East 14th Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation New York, NY 10003 Services Drug-free (212) 492-4711 Envuonment Outpatient Plul Maghn Director Crossroads ATC Treatment/Rehabihtation Actlvl'ty 182 East 111th Street Mamtenance Services Manhattan, NY 10029 Envuonment Outpatient (212) 289-1004 BIMC —St. Lukes Hosp Duector Wtifredo Rivers 421 East 14th Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation New York, NY 10003 Services Drug-free (212) 673-3000 Environment Outpatient Maghn Duector Plul DACC-Regional Office No. I Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity 2127 3rd Avenue Mamtenance Services Manhattan, NY 10027 Envuonment Outpatient (212) 427-2254 Colonial Park Director Leonard Birnbaum 300 West 148th Street Activity Admmistrative New York, NY 10039 (212) 234-3360 Daytop Vdlage Inc 54 West 40th Street Wluley Director Olga NY 10018 Education New York, Activity Admmistrative, (212) 354-6000 Colonial Park (ATU) Director Monsignor O'Bnen 2774 8th Avenue Activity Administrative New York, NY 10019 (212) 690-5009 Delafield Umt I 600 West 168th Street Roscoe Bradley Director New York, NY 10032 Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity (212) 923-4132 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Duector Emmitt Williams


Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation ENTER Inc Services Maintenance 250-54 East 112th Street Environment' Outpatient New York, NY 10029 (212) 369-6112 Delafield Unit II Director' Washington Heights Health Center Jerry Fronhaufer New York, NY 10033 Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation (212) 795.1029 Services Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Director Huberta Mayfield Activity' Treatment/Rehabihtation ESPADA Services' Mamtenance 217 East 115th Street Environment. Outpatient New York, NY 10029 (212) 348-5626 Delafield Unit III 99 Fort Washington Avenue Director. Dommgo Munoz New York, NY 10032 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (212) 579-8702 Services Drug-free Environment: Outpatient; Residential Director: Dr. Newman Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Exodus House Services Maintenance 304 East 103rd Street Environment: Outpatient New York, NY 10029 (212) 876-8775 Drug Dependence Treatment Center New York VA Hospital Director, Rev. Lynn Hageman New York, NY 10010 Activity: Treatment/Rehabrhtation (212) 686-7500 Services Drug-free Enviroiunent: Outpatient; Residential Director. Dr. C, Herrera Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation French Clinic Services: Detoxification; Maintenance 249 West 29th Street Environment. Outpatient, Residential New York, NY 10001 (212) 868-6951 East Harlem Health Council 1685 Lexington Avenue Duector' Robert A. Bryant New York, NY 10001 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (212) 722-6035 Services: Maintenance Envuonment' Outpatient Duector Fernando Camacho Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Gold Star Mother Services: Drug-free 305 Canal Street Environment. Outpatient New York, NY 10013 (212) 9664205 ENTER Inc 224 East 112th Street Director Miriam I. Headley New York, NY 10029 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (212) 369-6112 Services Mamtenance Environment Outpatient Duector Jerry Fronhaufer ' Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Administrative Greenwich House Counsehng Center Services. Drug-free 116West 14th Street Environment: Daycare, Residential New York, NY 10011 (212) 691-2900 East Side Center 200 East 53rd Street Director. Anita Kurman&ulkin New York, NY 10022 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (212) 371-5122 Services' Drug-free Environment Outpatient Director: Arthur Zaks Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Greenwich House Counseling Center Services: Maintenance 50 Cooper Square Environment: Outpatient New York, NY 10003 (212) 677-3400 ENTER Inc 250-54 East 112th Street Director Anita Kurman&ulkin New York, NY 10029 Activity; Treatment/Rehabilitation (212) 369 6112 Services. Maintenance Environment: Outpatient Director: Jerry Fronhaufer Activity: Treatment/RehabiUtation Greenwich House Counseling Center Services: Drug-free 27 Barrow Street Settlement Environment: Residential New York, NY 10011


New York, NY 10035 242-4140 (212) (212) 427-2226 Anita Kurman-Gulkin Director Director Harvey Gollancc, M.D. Admiiustrative Activity Activity Treatment/Rehabditation

Hale House for Infants larlem Methadone Maintenance Chmc 122nd Street I 154 West 264 West 118th Street New York, NY 10027 Ncw York, NY 10026 865-1646 (212) (212) 966-5860 M D Duector Lorramc Hale, Tom Bell Treatment/Rchabihtation Director Activity Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton Drug-free Services Services Maintenance Residential Envuonment Environment Outpatient Confrontation Inc Harlem liarlcm Span Inc 2027 7th Avenue 62 West I 27th Street New iVY 10027 York, New York, NY 10027 666-3719 (212) (212) 876-8006 Ohvcr Director Russell Ronnie Middleton Treatment/Rehabilitation Ducctor Activity Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Drug-frcc Services Scrviccs Drug-free Outpatient, Residential Environment Environment Outpatient

Harlem Hosp Outpatient Dept 6 and 7 Harvey D Karkus, M. D MMTP 125th Street 173 East 27 East 92nd Street York, NY 10035 New New York, NY 10028 876-5544 (212) (212) 289-7166 Harvey Gollancc, M D Director Director Harvey Karkus, M D. Treatment/Rehabtlitatton Activity Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation Services Maintcnancc Hospital DAP Harlem Environment Outpatient 360 West 123rd St NY 10026 New York, and Sluelds Professional Corp 621-4183 Hausknecht (212) 1901 First Avenue Director Douglas Miller New York, NY 10029 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (212) 360-7594 Director Joan Musaro Harlem Hospital OPD No. I Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation East 125th Street 103 Services Detoxrttcation New York, N& IOC" 5 Envuonmcnt Residential (212) 831-5502 I larvey Gollance, M.D IJtrcctor and Shiehls Professional Corporahon Treatment/Rehabilitation Hausknccht Activity 301 West 37th Street New York, NY 100lg OPD NO. 2 Harlem Hospital (212) 868-7900 110 East 25th Street New York, NY 10035 Director Allen Hausknecht (212) 427-5800 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton Maintenance Director Harvey Gollancc, M D Services Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation

Harlem I-Iospital OPD No. 3 Haven 103 East 125th Street 226 East 116th Street Ncw York, NY 10010 New York, NY 10029 (212) 427-8077 (212) 534-1970 Director Harvey Gollance, M D. Ducctor Robert Baird, M.D Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation Services Drug-free Harlem Hospital OPD No. 4 Environment Outpatient 21 Old Broadway New York, NY 10027 Studies (212) 666-6121 Intl Ctr Integrative The Door Ducctor Harvey Gollance, M.D New York, NY 10011 Activity Trcatmcnt/Rehabihtation (212) 691-2960 James J Turanski Harlem Hospital OPD No. 5 Duector Treatment/Rehabditation 103 East 125th Street Activity 203 NEW YORK NA11ONAL DIRLCTORY Ol DRUG

Services Drug-free Lower Eastside Unit Il Environment Outpatient 29 Forsythe Street New York, NY 10002 Inward House Corporation (212) 431-4610 45 West I 77 th Street New York, NY 10453 Ducctor Edouard O. Beauvais (212) 294-5600 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton Services Mamtenance Director Raymond Giclla Environment Outpatient Activity Admuustrative Lower Eastside Unit HI Inward House I 46 East Broadway Score I DCDF New NY 15 York, 10002 11 Olmstead Avenue (212) 431-4610 New York, NY 10462 (212) 294-5600 Duector Joseph Benantc Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Ducctor Raymond Giella Services Maintenance Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonment Day care MMHP Corp 25 Lenox Avenue Inward House I-Score I-OPDF New York, NY 10001 1511 Olmstcad Avenue (212) 865-7272 New York, NY 10462 (212) 2945600 Duector Alan Abraham Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Raymond Giella Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonmcnt Outpatient Services Drug-free Envnonmcnt Outpatient Manhattan Community Rehab Center 460 West 41st Street Jerome Avenue Clmic New York, NY 10036 2005 Jerome Avenue (212) 565-2400 New York, NY 10453 Duector Margucnte Sanders (212) 583-0654 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Darnel Londa Services Drug-free, Mamtenancc Activity Treatment/Rchabihtatron Environment Outpatient, Residential Services Maintenance Fnvironment Outpatient Manhattan Outreach Center Day top Village Ncw York, NY 10024 Lafayette MMTP (212) 595-7855 Methadone Maint Treatment Program New York, NY 10012 Director Monsignor O'Bncn (212) 431-6177 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Duector Massimo Dcgiardc Envuonmcnt Daycare Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton Services Mamtenance Mary Scranton Foundation Envuonment Outpatient 400 East 77th Street New York, NY 10021 Lower Eastside Service Center (212) 628-2155 Beekman Tnmty Duector Dr W Tnebel New York, NY 10002 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (212) 431-4610 Services Mamtenance Director Edward Brown Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Medical M Group Environment Outpatient 255 3rd Avenue New York, NY 10010 (212) 475-1900 Lower Eastside Unit I 46 East Broadway Director Seco Guillermo, M.D. New York, NY 10002 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron (212) 431-4610 Services Mamtenance Environment Outpatient Director Myron Greenbcrg Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Methatde MMTP Services Mamtenance 178 2nd Avenue Envuonment Outpatient New York, NY 10003


New York Hospital (212) 777-3130 Adolescent Development Program Duector 13arry Lipton New York, NY 10021 Activity Trcatmcnt/Rehabihtation (212) 472-1707 Services Mamtenance Ducctor Dr Khurr Outpatient Environment Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Scrviccs Drug-free, Maintenance Metropohtan Hospital Fnvironment Outpatient 1900 2nd Avenue NY 10029 New York, New York Medical College (212) 360-6262 Department of Psychiatry Duectoi Alvin J. Cronson New York, NY 10029 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation (212) 369-7900 Maintcnancc Services Drug-free, D1IcctoI Richard Resnick Outpatient Environment Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Admimstrativc ScIY1ccs Detoxification Arnold Mora, M.D. Environment Outpatient 1230 Park Avenue NY 10028 New York, New York University Medical Center (212) 427-0211 550 Fust Avenue Director Al D'Angostino New York, NY 10016 Activity Treatment/Rchabthtation (212) 679-3200 Maintenance Services Duector George Gmsberg, M D. Outpatient Environment Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton Services Maintenance Hospital Medical Center Mt. Smai Environment Outpatient 100th Street and Madison Avenue NY 10029 New York, N.Y. Councd of Smaller Churches Inc 876-1165 (212) 69 West 128VI Street Director 13arry Stiinmcl New York, NY 10027 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton (212) 876-7799 Mamtenance, Medical Services Duector Rev Lmnette Wdhamson Outpatient Environment Activity Trcatincnt /Rehabihtation Services Drug-free NARCO II Environment Outpatient 360 West 123rd Street NY 10027 New York, Odyssey House I (212) 864-3172 208-10 East 18th Street Duector Gregory Wilhams New York, NY 10003 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Admuustrative (212) 8624100 Drug-free ScIviccs Director Ernest Little Environment Outpatient Activity 'I rcatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Detox Program New York City Environment Residential Hospital for Joint Ihsease New York, NY 10035 Odyssey House H 860-4280 (212) 24 West 12th Street Ducctor Paulme Taylor New York, NY 10011 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Referral (212) 9244205 Drug-frcc Services Director Pam Richmond Outpatient Environment Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation ScIY1ccs Drug-free MMTP New York City Envuonmcnt Residential 377 Broadway-5th Floor York, NY 10013 New Odyssey House Hl (212) 966-6312 309-11 East 6th Street Duector Bernard Bihan, M D. New York, NY 10003 Activity Admuustrative (212) 674-9164 Ducctor Peter Weimar New York Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 401 East 71st Street Services Drug-free New York, NY 10021 Environment Residential (212) 988-5881 Director Leonard Tamburd Odyssey House Inc Actlv1ty Treatment/Rehabihtatron 208 East 18th Street ScIv1ccs Mamtenance New York, NY 10003 Environment Outpatient (212) 260-3300


Director Dr Densen-Gerber Prolect Create Activity Adinuustrative Residence I, 121 West 111th Street New York, NY 10026 Operation Hel pmg Hand (212) 850-1960 501 West 145th Street New York, NY 10031 Director Elhson Shields (212) 234-1660 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Admuustrativc Services Drug-free Duector Thomas Frazier Environment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Prevention Services Drug-free Prolect Create Envuonment Daycare Day Care, 108 West 112th Street New York, NY 10026 Osborne Associates Inc (212) 850-1960 114 East 30th Street New York, NY 10027 Director Elhson Shedds (212) 685-9720 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free Duector Joseph Calahan Environment Outpatient, Daycare Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Prolect Create Phoenix House Residence 123 West 111th 164 2, Street West 74th Street New York, NY 10026 New York, NY 10023 (212) 678-1575 (212) 595-5810 Duector Elhson Shields Duector M. Rosenthal, M D Actn ity Treatment/Rchabihtatron Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Administrative Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Residential Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Prolect Return Pride of Honzon 327 West 43rd Street 371 East 10th Street New York, NY 10036 New York, NY 10038 (212) 489-7630 (212) 233-3180 Director Juho Martmez Duector Raoul Torres Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Scrviccs Drug-free Services Drug-free I.nvuonment Residential Envuonment Residential, Daycare Prolect Return Prolect Contact 304 East 52nd Street Day Treatment Center New York, NY 10022 512 Broadway (212) 832-7366 New York, NY 10003 (212) 533-3570 Director Juho Martmez Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Hdda Blanco Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Lnvu onmcnt Residential Services Drug-free Environment Daycare Prolect Return Admm 64 Universaty Place Prolect Contact Crisis Center New York, NY 10026 Evaluation and Diagnostic Component (212) 674-1700 65 East 7th Street New York, NY 10003 Ducctor Juho Martinez (212) 533-3570 Activity Admuustrative Du ector Hdda Blanco Prolect Return COC Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 793 9th Avenue Services Drug-free New York, NY 10019 Environment Outpatient, Daycare (212) 725-S841 Prolect Contact Residence Director Juho Martmez 315 Second Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation New York, NY 10027 Services Drug-free (212) 725-5840 Environment Daycare Director Jan West Prolect Return Induction Activity Trcatmcnt/Rehabihtation 317 West 48th Street Services Drug-free New York, NY 10036 Environment Residential (212) 582-3730


Duector Juho Martinez Revn e 3rd Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 1982 New NY 10029 Services Drug-free York, Environment' Residential (212) 860-3262 Director Mr. Jenkins Project Return Sponsorslup Activity' Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education 141 East 34th Street Services. Drug-free New York, NY 10016 Environment Outpatient (212) 725-1668 Ducctor. Julio Martmez Rockefeller Umversity York Avenue and 66th Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation NY 10012 Services Drug-free New York, Environment Outpatient (212) 360-1000 Director Dr. Vincent Dole Project Return-Educ/Voc House Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation 814-816 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10025 Roosevelt Hospital Substance Abuse Prg (212) 757-8515 428 West 59th Street Duector. Julio Martmez Manhattan, NY 10019 Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation (212) 5544570 Services: Drug-free Director Charles Eaton Environment: Residentud Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation, Referral Services: Maintenance Project Return- Youth Colliseum Environment. Outpatient 141 East 34th Street New York, NY 10036 Roosevelt Veritas I (212) 6744360 455 West 50th Street NY 10019 Director. Margaret McTaggart New York, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (212) 5544570 Services. Drug-free Director Irwm Leving Environment' Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Puerto Rrcan Community Development Environment Residential 210 West 50th Street New York, NY 10019 765-9800 Salvation Army (212) Women's Corr Ambulatory/Residential Duector George Ortiz New York, NY 10003 Activity. Treatment/Rehabthtation (212) 243-8700 Services Drug-free Director Mary Davis Environment Outpatient Ac tlvlty Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Quaker Committee on Social Rehab inc Environment Outpatient, Residential 135 Christopher Street New York, NY 10014 (212) 243-2134 Salvation Army-Eastern Temtory 233 East 17th Street Duector. Mrs. Jane Droutman NY Treatment/Rehabihtation New York, 10011 Activity. 673-7227 Services Drug-free (212) Environment Outpatient, Residential, Prison Duector Mary Davis Activity Administrative Reahty House II 125th Street 637 West St. Clare's Hosp MMTP NY New York, 10032 721 9th Avenue (212) 678-2671 New York, NY 10036 Director: Amos Henix (212) 247-7180 Administrative Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Duector Dr. M. Nyswander Detoxification Services: Drug-free; Activity' Treatment/Rehabilitation Inpatient Hospital Environment: Outpatient; Services: Maintenance Environment Outpatient Reality House Residence 181 West 135th Street New York, NY 10031 St. Vincents Hospital - Manhattan (212) 690-0109 201 West 13th Street New York, NY 10011 Director: Amos Herdx (212) 924-0756 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free Director: James Robilotti Environment: Residential Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation


Services Maintenance NEWBURGH Environment Outpatient Hormome-Moody House Inc Soul Saving Station 250 Grande Street 302 West 124th Street Newburgh, NY 12550 Manhattan, NY 10027 (914)5614400 (212) 662-9425 Duector Naomi Coleman Director Jesse Wmley Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Daycare Environment Outpatient Orange House Sylvan Sacohck Meth Maint Program 124 Dubois Street 2369 2nd Avenue Newburgh, NY 12550 New York, NY 10035 (914)562-8255 (212) 369-1144 Duector Arthur J. Gloecklcr Duector Dr. Sylvan Sacohck Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Services Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient St. Luke's MMTP United Harlem Drug Fighters 70 Dubois Street Drug Free Newburgh, NY 12550 New York, NY 10037 (914)5624400 (212) 621-4373 Duector David S. Farkas Director Martha Davis Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Mamtenance Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Environment Inpatient Hospital

Uiu ted Harlem Drug Fighters NIAGARA FALLS Detox Umt New NY York, 10037 Drop In Center (212) 621-3219 527 Buffalo Avenue Director Martha Davis Niagara Falls, NY 14303 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron (716) 282-2077 Services Detoxification Director Rev. Daniel Chrk Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Hotline Services Drug-free Veritas HI Environment Outpatient 455 West 50th Street New York, NY 10010 Niagara County (212) 724-4141 Mental Health Services 910 Ferry Avenue Duector Annette Eisenberg Niagara Falls, NY 14301 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Admuustrative (716) 285-9636 Services Drug-free Director Rev. Daniel Clark Environment Outpatient Activity Admuustrative Veritas HI Phase IV 203 West 84th Street NORTH AMITYVILLE New York, NY 10024 (212) 554-7017 Alba Neck Halfway House Inc Director Annette Eisenberg 276 Albany Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation North Amityvdle, NY 11701 Services Drug-free (516) 7244342 Environment Residential Director Chester Copemann Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Village Haven Services Drug-free 228 West 15th Street Environment Outpatient, New York, NY 10011 Residential, Daycare (212) 677-2700 Director Theresa Jean NORTH BABYLON Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Babylon Methadone Mamtenance Chnic Envuonment Outpatient, Residential 1121 Deer Park Avenue


North Babylon, NY 11703 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (516)667-6644 SeMces Drug-free Environment Outpatient Director John Addeo Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation ORCHARD PARK

NORTHPORT Orchard Park NGC 4313 South Buffalo Street Center Drug Dependence Treatment Orchard Park, NY 14127 Northport VA Hospital (716) 652-8270 Northport, NY 11768 (516) 261-4400 Director Bud Heffernon Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Education, Help Director Dr Mdler Center Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Services Drug-free Services Mamtenance Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient, Residential

The Place OSWEGO 324 Main Street NY Northport, 11768 Farnham Youth Development Center (516) 261-2670 184 West Bridge Street Director Joan Ayer Oswego, NY 13126 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtauon (315) 3424474 Services Drug-free Ducctor Fred Berger Environment Outpatient Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient NORWICH Tioga Co Narc Guidance Council Chenango NGC 175 Front Street 11 South Broad Street Oswego, NY 13827 Norwich, NY 13815 (607) 687-5555 (607) 334-7121 Dnector John Janchus Scott Cluppinger Director Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Services Drug-frcc Drug-free Services Environment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient

OTISVILLE OCEANSIDE Otrsvdle Rehabihtahon Center Center Oceanside Counsehng P.O. Box 8 Beach Road 3362 Long Otisvdle, NY 10963 Oceanside, NY 11572 (914) 386-2481 (516) 766-6283 Director Thomas Wdls ctor Dolores Burge Due Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabditatron, Counsehng Services Drug-free Counsehng Services Envuonment Residential Environment Outpatient

South Nassau Commumties Hospital OYSTER BAY 2445 Oceanside Road Oceanside, NY 11572 Youth and Famdy Counselmg Agency 764-2600 (516) 193 South Street Director Mark Cohen Oyster bay, NY 11771 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Medical Workup (516)9224867 Drug-free Services Duector Linwood V. Bulluck Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient ONEONTA

Prolect 85 OZONE PARK 85 Chestnut Street Oneonta, NY 13820 432-2111 ASA Queens/SIDO (607) 9205 Rockaway Boulevard Duector Geoffrey Davis Ozone Park, NY 11417


(212) 738-5700 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Mamtcnancc Director Pnestly Taylor I'nvironment Outpatient Actmty Admuustrahvc

PORT CHESTER PARKSVILLE Renaissance Prolect Inc Daytop ViUage-Parksvdle I South Main Street Old Route 17 Port Chester, NY 10573 Parksvdle, NY 12768 (914) 939-2700 (914) 736-1790 Due ctor Charles Richburg Duector Monsignor O'Brien Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Environment Residential St. Vincent's MMTP PEEKSKILL 350 North Mam Street Port Chester, NY 10573 (914) 937-1104 Peekskdl Community Hospital MMTP 1001 Park Street Duector Ahce Carcy. M D Pcekskdl, NY 10566 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation (914) 737-6117 Services Drug-free, Maintenance Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital, Puson Director Dr Benno Ebcnstem A ctlvlty Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Maintenance PORT WASHINGTON Environment Outpatient Court Counsehng Service 382 Main Street PELHAM Port Washmgton, NY 11050 (516) 883-3204 Pelham Guidance Councd 299 Wolf's Lane Duector Linda Gelerter Pelham, NY 10803 Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Counsehng (914) 738-5653 Environment Outpatient Duector Richard R. Raubolt Port Alert Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 225 Main Street Services Drug-free Port Washmgton, NY 11050 Environment Outpatient (516) 767-1133 Director John Viola PENN YAN Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation, Counsehng Services Counschng Yates County NGC Envuonment Ou tpatient 111 North Main Street Penn Yan, NY 14527 Port Washmgton Educ Asst Ctr Inc (315)536-4408 382 Mam Street Port Washington, NY 11050 Director John Lambrosa (5 16) 883-3006 Activity Administrative Director Joan Bowden Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Crisis Intervention POMONA Services Crisis Counsehng Environment Outpatient Rockland County CMHC Summit House Samtorium Road, Budding F Pomona, NY 10970 POTS DAM (914) 354-0200 St. Lawrence Co Comm Mental Hlth Bd Duector Martin V Hart, M D. Box 229, Memtt Hall Actmty Treatment/Rehabthtation, Hotlme Potsdam, NY 13676 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance (315) 2654190 Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Duector Wdham Scrafm Rockland County Mental 1lealth Board Activity Admmistrativc Sanitorium Road Pomona, NY 10970 St. Lawrence Mental Health Bd (914) 723-7848 Box 229 Potsdam, NY 13676 Director John Cones (315)2654190


Ducctor Dave Van Epps RAY BROOK Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatlon Services Drug-free Ray Brook Rehab DACC Envuonment Outpatient Boa 20 Ray Brook, NY 12977 (518) 891-2121 POUGHKEEPSIE Director Joseph P Daly Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtatlon Dutchess Co Mental Health Ctr Services Drug-free 230 North Road Envuonmcnt Residential Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (914)485-9710 Director Dr Roland Muller REGO PARK Activity Admuustrative Jewish Comm Serv of Long Island Dutchess County Methadone Chnic 97-45 Queens Boulevard 230 North Road Rego Park, NY 11374 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (212) 896-9090 (914)485-9710 Director George Rothman Ducctor Dr. Roland Muller Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation, Education Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rchabdrtation Services Services Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient Envuonmcnt Outpatient

YDA Center Yell Center RHINECLIFF 31 New Market Street Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Plus XH School (Holy Cross) (914)4854680 Holy Cross Campus Rhmechff, NY 12574 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (914) 8764084 Services Drug-free Director Steven R Gold I nvrronment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehablhtation Scrviccs Drug-l'rce QUEENS Envuonment Residential

Aurora Concept Inc 160-40 78th Road RICHMOND HILL Queens, NY 11414 (212) 591-9304 Samaritan Halfway Society 130-15 89th Road Duector Joseph Russo Richmond Hill, NY 11418 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtatton (212) 657-7220 Services Drug-free L'ddie Envuonment Outpatient, Resulcntial Director Gorham Activity Treatment/Rehabdltation Lic Astoria Youth Center Services Drug-free 28-14 14th Street Envuonmcnt Outpatient Queens, NY 11368 (212) 7284364 Samaritan Ilalfway Society MTA, 130-15 89th Road Duector Andrew Tine Richmond Hdl, NY 11418 Activity Treatment/Rehablhtation (212) 846-5200 Services Drug-free Envuon ment Outpatient Ducctor Rev. Damlen Pit&.aithly Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Admmistrative Services Mamtcnance QUEENS VILLAGE Envuonment Outpatient

New Directions Samaritan Halfway Society 220-05 97th Avenue Aftercare, 130-15 89th Road Queens Vdlage, NY 11429 Richmond Hdl, NY 11418 (212) 468-1177 (212) 846-5200 Duector Dr. Atlan Karas Duector Rev. Dalmcn Pltcaithly Treatment/Rehabditatton Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Services Drug-free ScMccs Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare Envu'onment Outpatient NEW YORK NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

Samantan Rc-Lntry ScMccs Drug-free 133-14 Atlantic Avenue Environment Outpatient Richmond kldl, NY 11419 (212) 523-8004 Fight Chanty House Duector Rev Damicn Pitcaithly 544 Chfford Avenue Rochester, NY 14621 Act nnty Treatment/Rehabihtation Scrvlccs Drug-free (716)454-1684 Envuonment Residential Duector Manta Jones Acuvity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free RIVERHEAD Envuonment Residential

Town of Riverhead Hlth Assoc of Rochester and Monroe Co 220 Roanoke Avenue 973 East Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 Rochester, NY 14607 (516) 727-2621 (716) 271-3540 Dvcctor Rev Adinolfc Duector Marita Jones Actnnty Treatment/Rehabihtation Actnnty Admmistrativc Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Ibero Amencan 938 Chfford Avenue Rochester, NY 14621 ROCHESTER (716)544-8094

Baden Street Ducctor Manta Jones 281 Joseph Street Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Rochester, NY 14605 Dctoxdication (716)546-3410 Envuonment Residential Duector Manta Jones Monroe County Board of Mental Health Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation 111Westfall Road Sennces Drug-free Rochester, NY 14620 Envuonment Daycarc (716) 4424000 Du ector Cathohc Family Center Court Team Andreas Pedersen 148 South Fitzhugh Street Activity Admuustrative Rochester, NY 14608 (716) 546-3046 Rochester Mental Health Center 1425 Portland Avenue Duector Manta Jones Rochester, NY 14621 Activity Trcatrnent/Rehabrhtatton (716) 544-5220 Services Drug-free Duector Envuonment Outpatient Douglas C. Evans, M D. Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Scnnccs Center for Youth Services Detoxification, Maintenance 293 Alcxandcr Street Environment Outpatient, Residential Rochester, NY 14607 (716)454-3083 State Office of Vocational Rehab 1295 Portland Avenue Duector Peter A. Essley Rochester, NY 14621 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (716) 325-5990 Services Drug-free Duector Environment Outpatient Manta Jones Acuvity Treatment/Rehabditation Delphi Sennces Drug-free 715 Monroe Avenue Envuonment Outpatient Rochester, NY 14607 (716)442-2900 Teen Challenge of Greater Rochester 75'/i Alexander Street Duector Marita Jones Rochester, NY 14620 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabthtatron (716) 325-7123 SeMces Drug-free Director Envuonment Daycarc Herbert Severm Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation SeMces Family Court-Monroe County Drug-free Hall of Justice Fnvuonment Residential Rochester, NY 14614 (716)454-7200 Threshold 115 South Chnton Director Dennis Walsh Rochester, NY 14605 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation (716)454-7530


NY 11515 Director Gdl Roberts Roosevelt, 546-1965 Actnnty Treatment/Rehabditation (516) Services Drug-free Director Wdburforce Q. Clark, Jr Environment Outpatient Achvity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Umversity of Rochester Strong Environment Outpatient 260 Crittendcn Boulevard Rochester, NY 14620 (716) 275-5608 SARATOGA SPRINGS Duector Ralph G Walton School Community Counselmg Program Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Saratoga Springs City Schools Services Maintenance NY 12866 Environment Outpatient Saratoga Sprmgs, (518)584-7510 YMCA Mctropohtan Drug Program Director Timothy A Hdts 100 Gibbs Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Rochester, NY 14604 Services Drug-free (716) 325-2880 Environment Outpatient Director Paul Bradshaw Sludmore College Counselmg Service Actnnty Treatment/Rehabditation Johnson Tower Services Drug-free NY 12866 Environment Outpatient Saratoga Springs, (518)584-5000 YWCA Drug Aftercare Program 58ector Harnet Hollander 175 North Chnton Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Rochester, NY 14604 Services Drug-free (716)546-5820 Environment Outpatient Director Mary E. Griswold Youth Unhmited Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Circular Street Services Drug-free 30 NY 12866 Envuomnent Outpatient Saratoga Sprmgs, (518) 587-2992 Duector Ms. Lane ROCKVILLE CENTRE Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation SeMces Drug-free Prolect HIGH Environment Outpatient 41 North Village Avenue Rockville Centre, NY 11570 (516) 536-6008 SAYVILLE Duector Carolyn Schmidt South Shore Boys Club Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, Avenue Counsehng 146 Radroad Education and Counsehng Sayvdle, NY 11782 Outpatient (516) 567-1191 Ducctor Charles Biiggs Confide Actnnty Treatment/Rehabditation 189 Sunrise Highway Services Drug-free Rockville Centre, NY 11571 Environment Outpatient (516) 764-5522 Director Constantme Mitchell SCARSDALE Actnnty Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Counsehng Services Counsehng — Envnonment. Outpatient Sunshme Prolect-YM YWHA 999 Wilmont Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 ROOSEVELT (914)472-3300 Director Barry Shrage Roosevelt —Rush Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 151 Nassau Road Services Drug-free Roosevelt, NY 11575 Envuonment Outpatient (516) 3464884 Dnector Michael Bendcll Actnnty Treatment/Rehabditatron, Education, SCHENECTADY Counsehng Mohonasen Central Schools South Shore Uiut 1930Curry Road 42 East Fulton Street Schenectady, NY 12303 213 NEW YORK NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

(518) 3554000 Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Joseph Araszewski Services Drug-free Actmty Treatment/Rehabrutation Environment Outpatient Services' Drug-free Environment. Outpatient STATEN ISLAND Schalmont CSB 825-831 Duanesburg Road Arthur Kill Community Rehab Center Schenectady, NY 12306 2911 Arthur Kill Road (518) 355-6110 Staten Island, NY 10308 (212) 356-7333 Duector Harvey Handel Activity' Treatment/Rehabihtatton Director. Virgil Hodges Services: Drug-free Actn ity. Treatment/Rehabthtation Environment Outpatient Services. Drug-free; Detoxification, Maintenance Environment: Outpatient; Residential The Bridge Center 70 Union Street Catholic Charities of Staten Island Schenectady, NY 12308 15 Treadwell Avenue (518) 346-1277 Staten Island, NY 10302 (212) 4476330 Director. Rev. Anthony Luvera Activity: Treatment/Rehabiutation Activity: Treatment/Rehabiutation Services: Drug-free Services. Drug-free Environment. Outpatient; Residential Environment. Outpatient

Kiwanis Club of Staten Island —Camelot SNYDER 263 Richmond Avenue Staten Island, NY 10302 Amton YMCA Counseling Center (212) 981-8100 4590 Main Street Director: Snyder, NY 14226 John R. Marra (716) 839-1600 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Director: Phdip Bush Environment. Outpatient Actmty. Treatment/Rehabilitation; Information; Outreach Richmond Hosp and Health Ctr Clinic Services' Drug-free 375 Sequine Avenue Environment Outpatient Staten Island, NY 10309 (212) 3564910 SOUTHAMPTON Duector. Malcolm J. Snuth Southampton Tuckahoe Drug Abuse Council Actmty' Treatment/Rehabilitation 9 Post Crossing Services: Maintenance Southampton, NY 11968 Envuonment Outpatient (516) 2834440 St. Vincent's Hospital-Staten Island Director Anthony P. Ilutzi 111Water Street Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Staten Island, NY 10304 Services. Drug-free (212) 448-3978 Environment' Outpatient Directo: Dr. Gollance Activity' SPRING VALLEY Treatment/Rehabilitation Stapelton Youth Center Ramapo Narcotic Guidance Council 320 Vanderbilt Avenue 12-14 Church Street Staten Island, NY 10304 Spring Valley, NY 10977 442-2271 (914)625-8133 (212) Director. Rosana Lassiter Director Arnold Swiller Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services. Drug-free Services: Drug-free Environment. Outpatient Environment: Outpatient Young Peoples Information Service SPRINGVILLE 243 New Dorp Lane Staten Island, NY 10303 Sprlngvllle Help Center (212) 351-1674 Sl B Franklin Street Director. Salvatore Panepinto Springville, NY 14141 592-2229 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation (716) Services: Drug-free Director: Bud Heffernon Environment: Outpatient NEW YORK ABU SE TREATM ENT PROC RAM S


Blue Heaven Farms Inc Renaissance Prolcct inc Schoolhouse Road off Route 9J 200 Sheldon Avenue Stuyvesant, NY 12173 Tarrytown, NY 10591 (518) 732-2606 (914) 6314050 Dnector Ralph Poc Director James Dunne Activity Treatment/Rehabtbtatron Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron ScMccs Drug-free Services Drug-frcc Envuonment Residential I.'nvrronment Rcsidcntial


Daytop Village Swan Lake Lansingburgh Boys Club Route 55 501 Fourth Avenue Swan Lake, NY 12783 Troy, NY 12182 (914) 524-8280 (518) 2354143 Director Monsignor O'Brien Director Joseph G. Manupclla Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtaiion Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential Envnonment Outpatient

Rensselaer County Dept of Youth SYOSSET County Courthouse Troy, NY 12180 Scan (518) 270-5335 184 Jackson Avenue Duector J Ncd Hook Syosset, NY 11791 Actwity Treatment/Rchabihtatron, Admuustrative (516)921-3740 SCMces Drug-free Director Steve Kraft Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Warren House Environment Outpatient 2 First Street Troy, NY 12180 (518) 273-5400 SYRACUSE Duector Mike Reardon Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Commuiuty Service Center ScMccs Drug-free 100 New Street Environment Residential Syracuse, NY 13202 (315)473-8148 Duector James Sulhvan TRUMANS BURG Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation ScMces Drug-free Ithaca Alpha House Environment Outpatient Road 1 Trumansburg NY 14886 Reachout (607) 2734)123 Kirk Park Field House Director John Holland Syracuse, NY 13207 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (315)475-1609 SCMces Drug-free Director Robert Detour Environment Residential Activity Treatment/ Rehabihtation Services Drug-frcc Environment Outpatient, Residential UNION DALE

St Mary's Hospital MMTP Tune-In Inc 1601 Court Street 294 Umondale Avenue Syracuse, NY 13208 Umondale, NY 11553 (315)455-6611 (516)485-1115 Due ctor Dr Ronald Doughcrty Director Robert Palodino Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, SCMccs Detoxification, Mamtenance, Drug-free Counschng Envnonmcnt Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Enviroiunent Outpatient


UTICA SE Nassau Guidance Counseling Center 3375 Park Avenue Insight House Wantagh, NY 11793 402 Rutger Street (516) 781-1911 Utica, NY 13501 724-5168 Director Harry Scrivener (315) Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Paul Vitaghano Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Envu onment Outpatient Services Drug-free Fnvironment Outpatient WARSAW

VALHALLA Wyoming Co Drug Abuse and Counsehng 400 North Main Street Dept of Corrections Westchester Cty Warsaw, NY 14569 Westchester Co Pemtcntiaiy (717) 796-3944 Valhalla, NY 10595 Ducctor (914) 592-8500 Charles I Craigmde Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Jack Cooper, M.D. Services Drug-free Activity ~ Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonmcnt Outpatient Services Dctoxrlication Environment Prison Wyommg County Narcohc Guidance Cncl 400 North Main Street Westchester Co Medical Ctr Warsaw, NY 14569 Munger Pavihon (716) 796-3944 Valhalla, NY 10595 Duector (914)592-8500 Warren Hanson Activity Admmistrative Duector Stephen Kasten ~ Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Mamtenance WATERLOO Environment Outpatient Seneca County Mental Health Chnic 44 West Wdham Street VALLEY STREAM Waterloo, NY 13165 (315)5394150 Fnends of Bridge Inc Director Menon Anandavalh 134 Rockaway Avenue Activity Administrative Valley Stream, NY 11580 (516) 825%242 Ducctor Robert H. Fischer WATERTOWN Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Counsehng Services Counsehng Credo Foundation Environment Outpatient 231 Mechamc Street Watertown, NY 13601 (315) 782-2207 WAMPSVILLE Director Rev Raymond Wertman Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Madison Mental Health Board Services Drug-free County Office Building Environment Residential Wampsvdle, NY 13163 (315) 366-2327 Jefferson Co Narc Guidance Councd Duector James Stack 21 Arcade Balcony Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Watertown, NY 13601 Services Drug-free (315) 782-7070 Environment Outpatient Director Robert Watts Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services WANTAGH Drug-free Environment Outpatient SE Nassau Guidance Center 3375 Park Avenue WATKINS GLEN Wantagh, NY 11793 781-1911 (516) Schuyler Area Drop-In Director Harry M. Scrivener 317 Frankhn Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Watkins Glen, NY 14891 Services Drug-free (607) 535-2345 Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Director Fredcnck L. MacNamara


Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Act&vasty Treatment/Rchabditation, I..'duiation, Services Drug-free Counseling Envvonment Outpatient Services Eduiation and Counschng Environment Outpatient


Hamilton County NGC Westport Against Drugs-WADA Community Hall North Mam Street Wells, NY 12190 Westport, NY 12993 (518) 9244421 (5 18) 962-8266 Dvector Peter Belhnger Dvcctor Dr. Walter Huchro Activity Treatment/ Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envvonment Outpatient Envvonment Outpatient


Area Councd on Alcohohsm Inc Cage 206 North Main Street 19 Davis Avenue Wellsvdle, NY 14709 Wlutc Plains, NY 10601 (716) 5934738 (914)428-1600 Dvcctor Dr Edward McAhster Duector Gd Black Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envvonmcnt Outpatient Envvonmcnt Residential

Cage Teen Center WEST HEMPSTEAD Cage Prevention Center 5 Ncw Street Prolect Outreach Wlute Plains, NY 10601 600 Hempstcad Turnpike (914)428-1600 NY West Hempstead, 11552 Dvcctor C.eorge Sands (516)481-2890 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Dvector Dr George Goldstein Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Envvonment Daycare Services Drug-free Envvonment Outpatient Greenburgh Open Door Drug Program 75 Warren Avenue Prolect Outreach Wlute Plains, NY 10607 600 Hempstead Turnpike (914) 761-8264 NY West Hempstcad, 11552 Duector John J Berry (516)481-2890 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Director Robert Elhot Services Drug-free Activrty Treatment/Rehabihtation Envvonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient N.Y. State Drug Abuse Control Comm 30 Glenn Street White Plams, NY 10603 WESTBURY (914)4286414 Duector Charles Barns Topic House Activity Admuustrative 719 Kenwood Place NY Westbury, 11590 Psychiatnc Services Center 535-5403 (516) 68 East Post Road Director James Jones White Plams, NY 10601 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation (914) 949-7880 Services Drug-free Dvector Alvm Yapalater Environment Residential Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtatio n Services Maintenance Westbury Phase I Envvonment Outpatient 618 Union Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 333-9292 Westchester Co Comm Board MMTP (516) 345 Main Street, Apt. LB Dvcctor Cornchus Bethely White Plams, NY 10601


(914)428-8773 WOODSIDE Ducctor James O'Hanlon Woodside Halfway Center Inc Activity Admiiustrative 48-09 47th Street Woodsrde, NY 11377 Westchester Co-op (212) 729-1218 75 Warren Avenue Wlute Plains, NY 10607 Duector Pat Counaccluob (914)592-4415 Acbvity Treatment/Rehabibtation Services Drug-free Director Edward Percz Environment Daycarc Activity Treatment/Rehabrbtatron Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient WOODSTOCK Wlute Plams Hospital MMTP The Famdy Switchboard 122 Main Street 16 Rock City Road Wlute Phrns, NY 10601 Woodstock, NY 12498 (914)428-5570 Ducctor Ruth Levine Ducctor Ilerbert Jcrnow Acbvity Treatment/Rehabibtation Activity Treatment/Rehabibtation SeMces Dru -free Services Mamtenance Envnonment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient

Cage Teen Center, Inc 5 New Street Wlutc Plains, NY 10601 YONKERS (914)428-1600 City of Yonkers Youth Services Agency Director George Sands 138 South Broadway Activity Admmtstratrvc Yonkers, NY 10701 (914) 963-7268 WILLISTON PARK Director Bob Heisler Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabibtation Epod Hemcks 348 lbllside Avenue Deros Veterans Program Wdliston Park, NY I I 596 138 South Broadway (516) 294-6969 Yonkers, NY 10701 (914)9684224 Director Mrs Rita Corwrn Activity Treatment/Rehabibtation, Education, Ducctor Mary Gibson Counsebng Activity Treatment/Rchabibtation Counscbng Services Drug-free Outpatient Environment Outpatient Rap House WOODBURNE 87 Locust Hdl Avenue Yonkers, NY 10701 Woodburne Rehab Center (914) 965-1583 Touch I Ducctor Robert Heislcr Woodburne, NY 12788 Acbvity Treatment/Rehabditation (914)434-7730 Services Drug-free Ducctor R. H. Kuhlmann Envu onment Residenbal Aciivity Treatment/Rehabrbtation Services Drug-free Rap Program Environment Residenbal 5 South Broadway Yonkers, NY 10710 (914) 963-7268 WOODMERE Ducctor Robert Heisler Acbvity Treatment/Rehabditation Tempo Services Drug-free 124 Franklin Place Environment Daycare Woodmere, NY 11598 (516) 374-3671 Renaissance Prolect Inc Director Mark Handelman 6 Main Street Activity Treatment/Rchabibtatron, Education, Yonkers, NY 10701 Counseling (914)423~66 Services Counsebng Dnector James Clayton Environment Outpabent Activity Treatment/Rehabibtation


Services. Drug-free Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Environment: Outpatient

Ridge Hill Comm Rehab Center New York State Thruway, Exit 6-A North Yonkers, NY 10710 (914) 963-1300 Dhector Raymond R, Bars, Jr. Activity: Treatment/RehabiTitation Services Drug-free, Maintenance Environment Outpatient, Residential

St Joseph Meth Maint Program 8 Guion Street Yonkers, NY 10701 (914) 9654700 Director Ms. Davey Activity' Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient

Yonkers General Hospital MMTP 185 Ashburton Avenue Yonkers, NY 10701 (914) 965-8200 Duector George De Zwuek Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Detoxification, Maintenance Environment. Outpatient

Youth Services Eastern Rap Lounge 2172 Central Park Avenue Yonkers, NY 10710 (914)965-1583 Director: Robert Heisler Activity. Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services. Drug-free Envnonment: Daycare

Youth Services NW Rap Lounge 166 North Broadway Yonkers, NY 10701 (914) 965-1583 Duector Robert Heisler Acts ity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment. Outpatient

Youth Services SW Rap Lounge 206 South Broadway Yonkers, NY 10705 (914) 965-1583 Director. Robert Heisler Activity. Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free Environment: Outpatient


Renaissance Project Inc 2851 Crompond Road Yorktown, NY 10598 (914)631-2997 Directo: Peter Manzo Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation


ALBEMARLE Orange-Person~tham M/H Center 310West Frankhn Street Stanly Center Chapel Hill, NC 27514 P.O. Box 1396 (919)9294723 Albemarle, NC 28001 Duector Dr. Jane Fatly (704) 983-2117 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Education Duector Elbert Johns Services Drug-free, Detoxification Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free, Detoxification Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital CHARLOTTE

ASHEVILLE Open House Counsehng Service Inc 801 East Morehead Street Blue Ridge Commumty MHC Drug Program Charlotte, NC 28203 51 South French Broad Avenue (704) 332-9001 Asheville, NC 28801 Duector John Allen (704) 255-0595 Activity Administrative, Trauung, Education, Duector Harry A. Woggon Information Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Outpatient Open House Methadone Program 801 South Graham Street Charlotte, NC 28200 BLACK MOUNTAIN (704) 337-3641 Ducctor Dec Kdgo Drug Rehabilitation Program Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Western Carolina Hospital Services Detoxrtlcation, Maintenance Black Mountain, NC 28711 Environment Outpatient, (704) 669-8732 Inpatient Hospital Director Frank Stolfo Open House Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Trauung, 717 South Kings Drive Education, Information Charlotte, NC 28207 Drug-free (704) 333-6611 Inpatient Hospital Director Dorothy Wdliams Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation BURLINGTON Services Drug-frcc Environment Outpatient, Daycare Alamance-Caswell Area MHC Drug Abuse Prog Open House Therapeutic Commuiuty 1946 Martin Street 518 East Morchead Street Burhngton, NC 27215 228-0581 Charlotte, NC 28202 (919) (704) 334-7323 Duector Cal Crutchfield Ducctor Stcvc Bondy Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Crisis Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Intervention Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonmcnt Residential Environment Outpatient

CHAPEL HILL DURHAM Advocates for Action Treatment Ctr Genesis House Day 705 Kent Street P.O. Box 2226 Durham, NC 27701 Chapel Ihll, NC 27514 (919)942-5857 (919)403-1402 Duector Charles Joyner Due ctor Nathaiuel Brown Activity. Treatment/Rchabrhtation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Services Drug-free Envuonment Daycare Envuo nment Residential


Drug Rehabihtation Center (919)274-2915 603 Massey Avenue Director Edward Johnson Durham, NC 27701 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtat ton (919)688-8244 SeMccs Drug-free Director Wmnie Breeden Environment Residential Activity Treatment/Rchabihtatron Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Guilford County M/H Ctr Drug Abuse Prog Environment Outpatient 300 North Edgcworth Street Greensboro, NC 27401 Troy House 373-3630 1101 North Mangum Street (919) Durham, NC 27701 Director Don I'ontana (9I 9) 688-8626 Activity Admiiustrative Duector Mark Walhng Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Training, Education Services Drug-free HIGHPOINT Environment Residential Ihghpomt Drug Action Council 121 Gatewood Avenue FAYETTEVILLE ghpomt, NC 27260 (919)882-8636 Crossroad Drug Treatment Center 2400 Murcluson Road Ducctor Robert H Howard Fayetteville, NC 28301 Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Central Intake, (919)323-0601 Traming, Education, Information, Crisis Intcrvcntion Ducctor Edward Minmch Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Intake, Environment Outpauent Crisis Intervention Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance, Chemotherapy Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital KIN STON Cumberland Co Mental Hlth Center P.O. Box 1406 Lenoir Co M/H Care Inn Faycttevdlc, NC 28302 109 South McLewcan Street (919)323-0601 Kinston, NC 28501 (919)527-7086 Duector Edward Miniuch Activity Admmistrativc Director Arthur B. Stevenson Activity Treatment/Rchabihtatron, Crisis Intervenuon


Wayne County Mental Health Center RALEIGH Herman Street Goldsboro, NC 27530 Drv of M/H Scrviccs 736-7330 (919) Albemarle Building, Room 1105 Director Jerry Edwards Raleigh, NC 27611 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Education (919)8294580 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Director Fred Coon Environment Outpatient Activity Adnumstratn e

GREENSBORO Drug Action of Wake Co Treatment Chnic Greensboro DAC/Ou tpatient Urut 908 Richardson Drive P.O. Box 6754 Raleigh, NC 27605 Greensboro, NC 27405 (919)8324453 (919)275-4519 Duector Kevin Welsh Duector Chester Ray Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron Services Drug-free Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenancc Envuorunent Outpat tent Envuonment Outpauent, Daycare

Greensboro DAC/Therapeuhc Commuruty North Carohna Drug Authority 108 Cypress Street 222 North Person Street Greensboro, NC 27405 Raleigh, NC 27611


(919)8294555 Mandala Center Reynolds Memorial Hospital Director Roy Epps Activity Admuustratrvc Winston-Salem, NC 27 I 01 (919)724-9236 Director Richard Boren SHALLOTTE ActNity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron

Camp Dolphm CODA-Day Treatment Program Ocean Isle Beach 110North Hawthorne Road Shallottc, NC 28459 WinstonSalem, NC 27109 (919)7634521 (919)725-8389 Ducctor Fritz W. Kern Duector Reuban J. Griham Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-frcc Services Drug-free Environment Residential Envuomnent Daycare

Councd on Drug Abuse WILM INC TON P.O. Box 7526 Winston-Salem, NC 27109 Afro House (919)725-8389 717 North 4th Street Director John Sherids Wrimrnt&on, NC 28401 Activity Admmrstratrve (919)762-0822 Ducctor George E Chette Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Crisis Intervention Services Drug-free Environment Day care

New Hanover Drug Abuse Committee 201 North Front Street WVmmgton, NC 28401 (919)763-1574 Duector Robert Marchant Activity Adnrmrstratrve, Trarnmg, Education

Storefront 517 South 11th Strcct Wrlmmgton, NC 28401 (919)762-7654 Director Portia I hnes Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free Envuonmcnt Outpatient


Wdson Grecnc Mental Health Center 1709 Tarboro Street NW Wilson, NC 27893 (919)291-8021 Director Jolm Wlute Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Trarnmg, Education, Information, Crisis Intervention


Forsyth Mental Health Center 740 Cleveland Avenue NE Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (919)727-2024 Director Roxanne Barrier Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Teaming, Education Services Drug-free, Detoxification Environment Outpatient



Awareness House Cross Roads 205 North Fifth 509 7th Avenue Bismarck, ND 58501 Jamestown, ND 58401 (701)255-3643 (701) 252-8174 Director Jerry Evanson Du cclor Richard Schacfcr Activity Admuustrative, Education, Information, Activity Admuustrative, Trammg, Education, Prevention Information, Cnsis Intervention

Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse North Dakota State Hospital 909 Basin Avenue Box 476 Bismarck, ND 58505 Jamestown, ND 58401 (701) 224-2767 (701) 252-2120 Director Richard D Elefson Ducctor Ronald W McNichol, M D. Activity Admuustiative Activity Admmistrativc, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trammg, Education, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxification DICKINSON Environment Inpatient Hospital

St Joseph's Hospital Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Unit MANDAN Dickinson, ND 58601 (701) 225-6771 Hcartview Foundation 1406 2nd Street NW Ducctor Ray Gellerman Mandan, ND 58554 Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, 6634418 Central Intake, Information (701) Services Detoxification Ducctor Dr Olov Gardcbrmg Envuonmcnt Inpatient Hospital Activity Admmistrativc, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Intake, Trammg, Information SeMccs Detoxification FARGO Envuonmcnt Inpatient I lospital

Alcohol and Drug Dependency Umt St John's Hospital MINOT Fargo, ND 58102 (701)232-3331 St Joseph's Hospital SE 3rd and 4th Street Director Aldcn Hvidslon Mrnot, ND 58701 Activity Treatment/ Rehabihtati on (701) 8384)341 Director Ted Austin GRAND FORKS Activity Admmistrativc, Trcatmcnt/Rehabihtation, Education, Information Base Hot Line Services Drug-free, Detoxification Grand Forks Au Force Base Environment Inpatient l.lospital Grand Forks, ND 58201 (701)594-6794 Duector Paul Anderson Activity Treatment/ Rehabrhtatron, Education, Information

Chemical Dependency Unit United Hospital Grand Forks, ND 58201 (701) 775-5521 Director Antti Lespisto Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron

223 OHIO

AKRON Bucyus, OH 44820 (419)468-3010 Ahead Director Chnton Jordan 633 East Market Street Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education Akron, OH 44304 Sernces Drug-free (216) 535-5181 Ennronmcnt Outpatient Director Roger Conn Actrnty Treatment/Rehabibtation

Akron Drug Abuse Chxuc CANTON 11 South Summit Street Akron, OH 44308 Adult Addictive Treatment Facihty (216) 4344141 300 Walnut Avenue Northeast Duector R. M. Antenuca, M.D. Canton, OH 44702 Activity Treatment/Rehabxhtatxon, Education (216) 4524578 Sernces Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Director Donna S. Walker Environment Outpatient Actxnty Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonment Outpatient

ASHTABULA Central Youth Services 903 12th Street Northwest Ashtabula Co Cncl on Alco and Abuse Drg Canton, OH 44703 7720 Jefferson Road (216) 453-8252 Ashtabula, OH 44004 (216) 998-0722 Duector Walter Barnes Achvity Treatment/Rehabxbtatxon, Trauung, Duector Charlotte Duva Information Activity Treatment/Rehabxhtatxon, Traming, Services Drug-free Information Education, Environment Outpatient Sernces Drug-free Environment Outpatient Court Services Program 903 12th Street Northwest Canton, OH 44703 BEREA (216)453-8252 Berea Board of Education Program Duector Mary A. Lupi 165 East Bagley Road Actinty Treatment/Rehabxhtatxon Berea, OH 44017 Sernces Drug-free (216) 234-1200 Envuonment Outpatient M. Schoenberg Director R. Stark Co Councd on Drug Abuse Information, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, 903 12th Street Northwest Counsehng Canton, OH 44703 Services Drug-free (216)453-8252 Ennronment Outpatient Dxrector Ahce Harper Activity Admmistrative BRECKSVILLE

Drug Dependence Treatment Ctr 10000 Brecksville Road CHESTER LAND Brecksnlle, OH 44141 (216) 526-3030 Geauga E Surburban Drug Ctr (Head-Help) Actxvity Treatment/Rehabditation, Admnustratxve, 8142 May field Drive Information, Education, Hotline Chesterland, OH 44026 Sernces Mamtenance (216) 729-1942 Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Director Mark Smger Actxvity Treatment/Rehabxbtatxon, Trauung, BUCYUS Education, Information, Hothne, Free Medical Crawford Co Cncl Alc Problems and D/A Sernces Drug-free 207)l South Sandusky Ennronment Outpatient

224 OHIO

CHILLICOTHE Director David Lyon Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Scioto Paint Valley Guidance Cntr 50 Pohlman Road Cmcinnatr Department of Health Chillicothe, OH 45601 3101 Burnet Avenue (614) 775-1260 Cmcinnati, OH 45229 (513)352-3100 Duector' Richard G. Bergman Activity Admmrstrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Director Robert Defiaun Central Intake Activity Admmistrative Services Drug-free Environment: Outpatient Commumty Action Commission 801 Linn Street Gncinnati, OH 39061 CINCINNATI (513) 241-1425 Duector Roberts Grant Vendanta House East Activity Admndstrative 2214 Vme Street Cincmnati, OH 45219 Crisis Intervention Center (513)241-9180 1620 Harrison Avenue Duector Larry M. Anthony Cincinnati, OH 45214 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, (513)4716000 Information Duector Barry E. Cobb Drug-free Services Activity Treatment/Rehabdit ation, Information, Envuonment Residential Hothne Maintenance C/N Hlth Dept Meth Treatmt Prgm Outpatient 909-911 Sycamore Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 Drug Intervention Center (513)352-3106 780 East McMdlan Street Duector Barbara Jones Cmcinnah, OH 45206 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information (513)281-2211 Services Mamtenance Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Outpatient Family Counseling Services Cathohc Charities at the Archohovess 2928 Lmwood 426 East Fifth Street Cmcmnati, OH 45208 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513)871-1844 (513)241-7745 Duector Dr. E. Parkey Director James H. Garland Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Actn ity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Information; Counsehng McMillan House Out Client Program Services Education; Information, Referral, Counsehng 1105 East McMillan Street Environment Outpatient Cincinnati, OH 45206 (513)961-3100 CCHB-DARE 526 Maxwell Street Director Laura Harkness Qncrnnati, OH 45219 Activity Admuustrativc, Treatment/Rehabihtation, (513)8616036 Central Intake; Trammg, Education, Information Director Bdl Wrlhams Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation, Crisis Intervention Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential Melburn Drug Program 3009 Burnet Avenue Central Community Health Board Cincinnati, OH 45219 780 East McMillan Street (513)559-3336 Cincinnati, OH 45206 (513)281-7420 Dnector Michael Gureasko, M.D. Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Director Maurice A. Permut Education, Information Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Cincumati General Hospital 2430 Goodman Street Residential Youth Treatment Program Central Psychiatric Clinic 2603 Umversity Court Cincinnati, OH 45529 Cincinnati, OH 45219 (513)872-3100 (513)281-3512


Director: James L, Fry Director: William Banks Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity: Treatment/Rehabditation Services: Drug-free Environment: Residential Cleveland Center for Alco and Drug Abuse 10900 Carnegie Street Talbart House for Men Qeveland, OH 44106 1105 East McMillan Street (216) 795-1616 Qncinnati, OH 45206 Director. Louise W. Lantz (513)961-3100 Activity: Admmistrative Director: Laura Harkness Activity: Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation, Cleveland Dept of Health Central Intake; Traimng; Education; Qty Hall, Room 23 Information; Counsehng Cleveland, OH 44118 Services Drug-free (216) 694-2295 Environment Residential Duector. Miss Kelly Activity Administrative Talbert House for Men-Wesley Avenue 1062 Wesley Qeveland Drug Abuse Program Qncinnati, OH 45203 1801 St. Clare (513)421-6886 Cleveland, OH 44115 Director: George Sahker (216)687-1050 Treatment/Rehabilitation; Activity. Admmistratrve; Dnector Robert L. Woodall Speeches Information, Public Activity Admmistrative Services: Drug-free Environment Residential Cleveland Metropolitan General 3395 Scranton Road House Women Talbert for Cleveland, OH 44109 334 McGregor Avenue (216) 3986000 Qncinnati, OH 45219 (513)7214444 DireCto: Aaron Billowitz, M.D. Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Director: Mickey Hailer Treatment/RehabiTitation; Central Intake; Activity: Cleveland Psych Inst Drug Treat Unit Information Training; Education; 1708 Aiken Avenue Drug-free Services: Cleveland, OH 44109 Environment Residential (216) 6614200 621-Care/Marlos Dnector: Lee Wolin 50 East Hollister Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Cincinnati, OH 45219 Services: Drug-free, Detoxification; Maintenance (513)621-2273 Environment. Inpatient Hospital Director: Tim J. Connelly Activity Treatment/Rehabditation; Education; Cleveland Treatment Center Inc Information; Crisis intervention 1127 Carnegie Avenue Services: Crisis Intervention Qeveland, OH 44115 Environment. Outpatient (216) 8614246 Director: Emizie Abbott Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Education CLEVELAND Services. Drug-free, Detoxification; Maintenance Envuonment. Outpatient Bhck Unity House-Inpatient 1187 Hayden Avenue Comm Action Against Addic Inc Qeveland, OH 44110 Eudid Avenue (216) 681-0500 5209 Cleveland, OH 44103 Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtstion (216) 8814765 Director Joseph Mathapo Bhck Unity House-Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 1167 Hayden Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 681-5927 Dig-It 991 East 105th Street Director: Yvonne Colher Cleveland, OH 44108 Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity: (216)451-2707 CAD Director: Clarence Bacon 7110Cedar Avenue Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Qevehnd, OH 44103 Services Drug-free, Detoxdication; Maintenance (216) 361-2354 Environment. Outpatient


Drug Abuse Centers lnc Services Detoxification, Mamtenance, Counsehng Chenrs 7110Cedar Avenue I.'nvironment Outpatient Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 361-0848 Mt. Pleasant Outreach Center Duector Ruth Fmkelstem 11707 lensman Avenue Cleveland, OH Acuvity Admuustrativc 44120 (216) 561-0703 Free Chnic West Inc Director Jack Basic 1985 West 85th Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Referral Cleveland, OH 44102 Services Maintenance (216) 961-2325 Fnvironmcnt Outpahent Director Vickie McBnde The Free Med Chmc of Gr Cleveland Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron 12201 Euclid Avenue OH Friendly Inn Settlement Cleveland, 44106 721-4010 2382 Unwrn Road (216) Cleveland, OH 44104 Director David B. Roth (216)431-7656 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Gloria Hawkins Rehab Service Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Vocahonal Guidance and 2239 East 55th Strcct Norwood Abuse Unit Cleveland, OH 44103 Hough Drug 431-7800 1467 East 55th Strcct (216) Cleveland, OH 44103 Director Steve Kushnick (2 l6) 881-2000 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trauung, Service Due ctor Gloria A Pierre Psychological Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Intake, Information CLEVELAND Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtcnance HEIGHTS Envuonment Outpatient Group The Rap Art Center Humaiust Fellowslup 13429 Cedar Road Cleveland Ol I 8143 Euclid Avenue Heights, 44110 Cleveland, OH 44115 (216) 932-9497 (216) 431-7900 Director Jan Fehxson Director Givendalyn M. Brown Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Jewish Community Center of Cleveland 3505 Mayfield Road J. Glen Smith Methadone Cluuc Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 11100St. Clan Avenue (216) 382-4000 Cleveland, OH 44108 (216) 249-4103 Duector Janice Fehxson Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Ducctor Robert I.. Woodall Technical Assistance Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient J. Glen Smith Methadone Clinic 11100St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44108 COLUMBUS Director Rick Spearman Bureau of Drug Abuse Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 2929 Kenny Road Columbus, OH 43221 Kinsman Clime No. I (614)466-7604 3162 Fust 93rd Street Director Melvin Zwissler, Ph.D. Cleveland, OH 44108 (216) 2714868 Activity Administrative Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Columbus Area MH Center 1515 East Broad Street McCafferty Chruc Columbus, OH 43205 4242 Lorain Avenue (614) 252-0711 Cleveland, OH 44102 Duector Dr Morganstern (216)651-5005 Activity Administrative Director Robert L Woodall Actn rty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, Columbus Teen Challenge Center Inc Information, Counschng 47 East 12th Avenue


Columbus, OH 43201 Services Drug-free (614) 294-5331 Envu onment Outpatient Director Rev Don Chapman Uhuru Drug Program Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 765 East long Street Columbus, OH 43203 Frankhn Treatment Co Comp Drug Prog 221-8601 1515 East Broad Street (614) Columbus, OH 43205 Duector Jessae Kmg (614) 252-0711 Activity Admmistratave, Treatment/Rehabahtataon, Trammg, I',ducation, Information Director Dr. Wilham George Services Drug-free Activity Admuustrative, Trcatinent/Rehabihtation Fnvuonment Residential Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Uhuru Famdy Center SOO North Nelson Road Human Resources Service Columbus, Oil 43219 461 Kimball Place 221-8601 Columbus, OH 43205 (614) (614) 258-8488 Director Gabuel T. Ukott Activity Treatment/Rchabahtataon, Trammg, Director .I oan Sparks Education, Information Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Residential Fnvuonment Outpatient VITA Treatment Center Integuty House East Broad Street 1755 Alum Creek Drn e 666 Columbus, OH 43215 Columbus. OH 43207 (614) 445-8318 (614) 2244506 Ducctor Robert E Sweet Director Rip Burnett Treatment/Rehabihtataon Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Acuvity Services i)rug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance I;nvaronment Outpatient Mayor's Office-City of Columbus 232 City Hall Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 461-5667 COSHOCTON Director Kathryn Koblentz Coshocton County Drug Abuse Advisory Councd Activity Treatment/Rehabahtataon, Trairung, 224 North Fourth Street Education, Information Coshocton, Ol-l 43812 Services Drug-free (614) 6224033 Environment Residential Director Jctfrcy C. Henning Activity Treatment/Rehabdatation, Education, Proiect Linden-fsnden Drug Treat Clc Information, I-I othne 1485 Cleveland Avenue Crasis Hothne Referral Columbus, OH 43211 (614) 294-5677 Outpatient Duector Gdbert A. Boothe Activity Treatment/Rehabditation DAYTON Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Raanbow Budge 2335 Wayne Avenue Social Actions Office Dayton, OH 45420 301 Air Refuehng Wing (513)254-3507 Rickenbacker AFB, OH 43217 (614)492-3167 Director Murray L. Katz Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Director George H Shelton Activity Admmistratave, Treatment/Rehabahtataon, Dayton Free and Counsehng Center Information, Education 1005 North Main Street Drug-free Dayton, OH 45410 Outpatient (513) 228-2226 Director Donald Berry, Jr. South Sade Settlement Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Trauung; 363 Reeb Avenue Information, Hothne Columbus, OH 43207 (614)444-9868 Drug-free Outpatient Duector Joel A. Rabb Activity Treatnient/Rehabahtation, Education, Dayton Oluo Buda Inc Information 25 North Chnton Street 228 ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS OHIO

Dayton, OH 45402 Ducctor Leonard F. Faymore (513) 223-5063 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Maintenance Ihrector James A Wdhams Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation

Dayton Mental Health Center FAIRBORNE Drug Unit 2335 Wayne Avenue Social Achons Office Dayton, OH 45420 (513)254-3507 2750 Airbase Wmg-Sld Fairborne, OH 45433 Duector Murray L. Katz (513)257-3241 Activity Admuustrative; Trammg, Education, Director Peter Wlutson information, Central Registry Actwity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Education, Information, Referral Center Health and Welfare Plannmg Council Services Drug-free Nara of Dayton Environment Outpatient, Daycare 184 Salem Avenue Dayton, OH 45406 Director Bruce Sucher Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation HAMILTON Pride Nara Aftercare Services of Butler County 404 Salem Avenue 630 Central Avenue Dayton, OH 45406 Hamilton, OH 45011 (513)276-4113 (513)867-1100 Due ctor Bruce Sucher Duector Mr Parker Moore Activity Actwrty Treatment/Rehabihtation Treatment/Rehabditation

Prolect Cure Inc Drug Rehab and Prevention Ctr IRON TON 803 West Fifth Street Dayton, OH 45407 Lawrence County Mental Health Chnic (5 13)228-8972 202 Park Avenue Director Abdur Zafr Ironton, OH 45368 Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabditation, (614) 5334648 Trammg, Educahon, Information, Director David Kittredge House Halfway Achvity Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake Services Drug-free, Detoxification Services Drug-free, Maintenance Envuonment Residential Outpatient, Environment Outpatient Youth Drug Prog of Mont Co/Ammber Hse 1302 Brown Street Dayton, OH 45409 JEFFERSON (513)2284648 Director Maureen S Burke Redesign Achvity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Traming 139 North Chestnut Services Drug-free Jefferson, OH 44047 Environment Outpatient, Residential (216) 576-7075 Director Dr Cheryl Barker Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Trauung, EAST LIVERPOOL Education, Information Drug-free East Liverpool Drug Program Outpatient 129 West Tlurd Street East Liverpool, OH 43920 (216) 386-9049 LEBANON Duector Karen Wayne Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Warren County Counsehng Service 416 South East Sheet Lebanon, OH 45036 ELYRIA (513)932-1119 Doctors Chnic Methadone Center Director James A Elhs 38251 Butternut Ridge Road Activity Admmistrattve, Treatment/Rehabditation, Eiyrra, OH 44035 Education, Information, Counsehng (216) 323-2700 Envuonment Outpatient


LIMA (419)5264332 Director Rebecca R. Price, Ph.D. Coun of Allen and Hardin Drug Auglarze Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, Hothne Omega House Cnsis Intervention Lima, OH 45802 Sennces Drug-free (419) 227-0066 Envuonment Outpatient, Prison Duector Ronald W. Emrich Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Traming, Education, Encounter Groups for Youth Information, Cnsis Intervention 455 Park West Drug-free Mansfield, OH 44906 Outpatient, Pnson (419) 522-3511 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron

LISBON Richland Neuropsychiatric Hospital 1695 Lucas Road Abuse Substance Center Mansfield, OH 44903 607 East Lmcoln Way (419) 589-5511 Lisbon, OH 44432 (216)424-5132 Director Carol Lepley Activity Treat ment/Rehabihtatio n Director John Grzebieiuak Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rchabihtation, Central Intake, Trauung, Education, Information, Contact Lme MAR YSVILLE Services Crimmal Justice Referral Environment Outpatient, Prison Union County Counsehng Services Memorial Hospital Marysville, OH 43040 LORAIN Director Robert F Fathman Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Tmjnmg, Gateway Information; Hothne 122 West 22nd Drug-free Lorain, OH 44052 Outpatient (216) 2454822 Duector Thomas Wiihams Activity Treatment/ Rehabihtation MASSILLON

Head Rest Switchboard 122 West 22nd Street 211 6th Street Lorarn, OH 44052 Massillon, OH 44646 (216) 2454821 (216) 833-2861 Due ctor Lynne Capretto Director Charles Lester Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Acuvrty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trauung, Education; Information Lorain County Meth Main Prog Services Drug-free St. Joseph's Hospital Envnonment Outpatient Loram, OH 44052 (216) 245-6851 Director Thomas Zeck MEDINA Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Medma County Youth Services Bureau Youth Services Inc 219 East Waslungton 122 West 22nd Street Medma, OH 44256 Lorarn, OH 44052 (216) 723-3641 (216) 2454821 Director George H. Insh Director Mr. F.. Brunner Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trairung, Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, Information, Employment Central Intake, Traiiung, Education, Envnonment Outpatient Information, Outreach Services Drug-free; Maintenance Envrrorunent Outpatient, Residential MID DLETOWN

MANSFIELD Uruty House 403 Curtis Street Middletown, OH 45042 ADAPT (513)424-3505 35 Bartley Avenue Mansfield, OH 44906 Director Jim Richardson


Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trammg, SALEM Fducation, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication Salem Substance Abuse Program Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital 113South Broadway Salem, OH 44460 (216) 424-5132 NELSONVILLE Duector John Grzebieniak Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Fducation, Athens-Hocking-Vinton Cluucal Servs Information West Frankhn Mount Mary Services Drug-free, Ilospital Referral Nelsonville, OH 45764 Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital (614) 753-1931 Director Lans Norton Acbvity Treatment/Rehabditabon SIDNEY

Shelby County Mental Health Chnic 500 East Court Street NEWARK Sidney, OH 45365 (513)4924178 Newark Drug Forum inc 28 South Third Director David L. Funk Newark, OH 43055 Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, (614) 3454166 Information, Hothne Environment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Director Tun Otis Activity Treat ment/Rehabihtation, Training, Educabon, Information, Hothne/Drop-In/ SPRINGFIELD Crisis Drug-free Operabon Prode Outpatient 354 Doctors Court East Springfield, OH 45505 (513)325-7039 OTTA WA Director Andrew L. Turner Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Putman County Mental Health Chnic Route 1 Ottawa, OH 45875 ST. CLAIRSVILLE (419)523-4500 Duector Dr Sara Schoonover Belmont County Drug Awareness Councd Acbvrty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, 161 West Main Int'ormation St. Clairsville, OH 43950 Services Drug-free (614) 635-1296 Environment Outpatient Due ctor Les French Activity Treatment/Rehabditation


Together Jefferson Co Ctr on Alc and Drug Abuse 14 South Campus 541 North 6th Avenue Oxford, OH 45056 Steubenvdle, OH 43952 (513)523-4146 (614) 282-1202 Director Eh Coleman Director James A. Cavaher Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Acbvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trammg, Information, Hothne Education, Information, Halfway House Services Drug-free Outreach Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free, Maintenance Environment Outpatient, Residential


Lake Co Ctr on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Sandusky Valley Board of Substance Abuse 111 South St. Clair Street 34 South Washmgton Street Painesvdle, OH 44077 Tiffin, OH 44883 (216) 352-9607 (419)4484640 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Robert S Distel


Activrty Admudstrative, Treatment/Rehabdrtatron; Southwest Chmc (Pathways) Education, Informahon 3138 Dorr Street Services Drug-free Toledo, OH 43607 Environment Outpatient, Prison (419) 537-0132 Director Wonell Tiffin State Hospital Marilyn River Road Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information Services Drug-free Tiffin, OH 44883 (419) 447-1450 Fnvuonment. Outpatient Duector Armando Garza Toledo Methadone Clinic Inc Activdy Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, 350 West Woodruff Central Intake, Trauung, Information, Toledo, OH 43624 Crisis Intervention (419) 243-2168 Services Drug-free Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Duector Jacqueline Martm Achvity Treatment/Rehabditation, Trahung, Educahon, Information TOLEDO Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication; Mmntenance Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital, Prison Eastside Clinic 1127 Clark Street Toledo Methadone Clinic Inc Dorr Toledo, OH 43605 1621 Street (419)691-9852 Toledo, OH 43606 (419) 243-2168 Duector Richard French Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Duector Jatquelme Martin Trammg, Education, Information; Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Alternative Therapy Services Drug-free, Detoxification Toledo MHC Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital, Prison 930 South Detroit Toledo, OH 43614 Economic Opportumty Planning Assn (419) 385-5731 C/0 Aftercare Drug Program Duector Dr. P. J. McCarthy Toledo, OH 43604 Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation (419) 242-7304 Services Detoxiticahon Duector Verona A Brewton Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Achvity Treatment/Rehabdit ation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient URBANA

Family Tree Humanizing Community lnc Logan Champaign Guidance Clime Inc 807 Supenor 2380 Street Route 68 Toledo, OH 43604 Urbana, OH 43078 (419)2484421 (513)593-7236 Director D. Gary Guherre Duector Gary Crow Achvity Treatment/Rehabihtahon Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Services Drug-free Trammg, Education, Information Environment . Residential Services Diagnosis, Counseling Environment Outpahent Lucas Co Drg Abuse Proiect Toledo Board of Health 635 North Erie Street WARREN Toledo, OH 43624 (419)255-1500 Harper Hall-House of Correction 4041 Northfield Road Ihrector Thomas I'ine Warrensville Heights, OH 44485 Activrty Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabdrtation, (216)464-9100 Information Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Jones Memorial Center Round Two Drug Abuse Center 4041 Northfield Road 1319Detroit Avenue Warrensville Heights, OH 44122 Toledo, OH 43607 (216)464-1780 (419)242-4261 Duector Robert L. Woodall Director Mercel Jones Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitahon; Information Services Drug-free Northeast Ohio Councd on Drug Abuse Environment Outpatient 1440 East Market


Warren, OH 44481 Duector Michael I Szauter, M.D. (216) 392-3288 Actrvrty Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Mr Bob Andohna Activity Treat ment/Rehabihtatio n ZANESVILLE Outreach ProJect Muskrngum Joint Co Board of MHkMRkD/A 305 East Market Street CIO Bethesda Hospital OH 44481 Warren, Zanesville, OH 43701 (216) 392-3577 (614) 454-8557 Trucksrs Duector Rev. F. Duector David H. Thompluns Admuustratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Activity Activity Admmistrative, Trainmg, Education, Information, Trairung, Education, Information; Commumty Organization Arts and Cmfts Drug-free; Detoxification


The House 479 South Yearhng Whitehall, OH 43213 (614) 239-9965 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information, Cnsis Intervention Drug-free Outpatient


Human Services Center of Wayne County 512 North Market Street Wooster, OH 44691 (216) 264-9573 Director Susan McMillen Activity Admuustratwe, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Trairung, Education; Information, Counseling, Recreation Outreach Counsehng Outpatient


Manorung County Drug Program Inc 507 Oak Hill Avenue Youngstown, OH 44502 (216) 743-2197 Director J. A. Traficant Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Intake, Trahung, Education, Information Services Detoxification, Mamtenance Envuonmcnt Outpatient

Truth Chapel 1196 Donation Avenue Youngstown, OH 44505 (216) 744-8244 Duector Rev Willie Duke Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron

Woodsrde Receiving Hospital 800 East Indianola Avenue Youngstown, OH 44502 (216) 788-8712



Ada Commumty Mental Health Chnic Bethany Gmdance Center 1630 East Beverly 6901 Northwest 23rd Street Ada, OK 74820 Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 332-1904 (405) 789-9066 Dnector Mildred Northrip Duector J Ronald Cruse Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient CARNEGIE Region III Guidance Center 1630 East Beverly The Head Shop Ada, OK 74820 117West Main (405) 332.0085 Carnegie, OK 73501 (405) 353-6147 Duector Sidney Pepper, Ph D Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Thomas Stokes Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free ANADARKO Environment Outpatient

Anadarko Operation Outreach 900 West Kentucky CHANDLER Anadarko, OK 73501 (405) 353-6147 Out Reach VI Isncoln County Director Stan Holder Chandler, OK 74834 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (405) 258-2028 Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Director Sue Rider Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation


The Open Door Southeast Gmdance Center South Forrest and East Floyd 3644 Southeast Fifteenth Street Apache, OK 73006 Dcl City, OK 73115 (405) 353-6147 (405) 677-2441 Duector Tracy Holder Director John Quinn Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient DUNCAN

Stephens County Guidance Center ARDMORE 1401 Boss D'Arc Duncan, OK 73533 Ardmore Comm Mental Health Cluuc (405) 255-0043 14 K Street, Southwest Director B K. Munro Ardmore, OK 73401 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (405) 223-6404 Duector Patricia Dole, ACSW Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation DU RANT

Carter County Guidance Center Durant Comm Mental Health Clmic 14 K Street, Southwest 504 Evergreen Street Ardmore, OK 73401 Durant, OK 74701 (405) 223-5636 (405) 924-4045 Duector Charles Brown Director Phylhs Wise Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation


EDMOND Director William Blyth, M.D Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Edmond Guidance Center 108 South Littler Edmond, OK 73034 GUTHRIE (405) 341-6120 Logan County Guidance Center Director Richard Swink, Ph D 118 South First Street Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Guthne, OK 73044 (405) 282-5080 EL RENO Director John Atwood Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Drug Abuse Program El Reno Federal Reformatory Outreach V El Rcno, OK 73036 323 South Second (405) 262-4875 Guthne, OK 73044 (405) 2824770 Director Bill C un nmgham Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Barbara Tarbutton Services Drug-free Acnvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Environment Pnson Services Drug-frcc Envu onment Outpatient Outreach I Courthouse El Reno County KINGFISHER El Reno, OK 73036 (405) 262-4823 Outreach II Director Lawrence Goodm 119 East Broadway Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Kmgfisher, OK 73750 Services Drug-free (405) 375-5395 Fnvuonment Outpatient Director Lawrcncc Goodin Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Information ELGIN Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Thc Drug Store P.O. Box 331 LA WTON Elgm, OK 73501 (405) 353-6147 Arhngton House Detoxification Duector Tracy Holder 8 North First Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Lawton, OK 73501 Services Drug-free (405) 248-2097 Environment Outpatient Director Charles Harnson Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation

ENID Comanche County Guidance Center 1010South Shendan Road Enid Commumty Mental Health Clmic Lawton, OK 73501 418 Bass Buildmg (405) 248-5890 Enid, OK 73701 Director Tcd W Stcphcns (405) 237-3996 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Robert Bndges, ACSW Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton Cnsis Inc 1305 F Avenue Garfield County Gmdance Center Lawton, OK 73501 2109 Lahoma Road (405) 353-6147 Enid, OK 73701 Director Paul Bennett (405) 233-0650 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Information Director Michael Blazr Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Outpancnt

Lawton Comm Mental Health Center 602 Southwest 38th FORT SUPPLY Lawton, OK 73501 (405) 3554183 Western State Hospital Box I Dnector Don Abbott Fort Supply, OK 73841 Acnvity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, (405) 766-2311 Information


Services Drug-free NORMAN Envuonment Outpatient Center State Hosp Drug Detox Ward Rap Room East of Norman Lawton, OK 73501 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 353-6147 (405) 321-4880 Duector Ken Darnell Duector Sylvia Kalman Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabdit ation Services Detoxit'ication The Tnbal Medicine Lodge Environment Inpatient Hospital Lawne Tatum Road Lawton, OK 73501 Central State Gnffin Memonal Hosp (405) 353-6147 lwst of Norman Ducctor llbcrt C.inllo Norman, OK 73069 A chvit y Treatment/Rchabditation (405) 3214880 Services Drug-free Director Haydcn Donahuc, M D Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation

Cleveland County Gmdance Center McAI,ESTER 641 East Robinson Norman, OK 73069 Carl Albert CMH Center (405) 321-4048 1100 East Monroe McAlester, OK 74501 Director Ronald Reeves (918)426-1000 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Duector Paul Picket t, Jr Norman Commumty Mental Health Center Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Information 909 East Almameda Services Drug-free Norman, OK 73069 Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital (405) 3214880

Region I Gmdance Center Director W K Huber, M D. 305 East Chadick Acuvrty Treatment/Rehabilitation McAlester, OK 74501 (918)423-4254 Number Nync OK University Cnsis Ctr 731 Elm Street Duector Ray Hoeflmg, M S. Norman, OK 73069 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (405) 325-3161 Director Omowale Marshall, M.D MIDWEST CITY Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Information, Hotline Services Drug-free Mid-Del Youth and Famdy Center Environment Outpatient 300 Mid-Amenca Boulevard Midwest City, OK 73110 Webster House (405) 737-6668 413 North Park Norman, OK 73069 Duector Kenneth Dick, Ph D (405) 321-5433 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Information Services Drug-free Director Barbara Tarbutton Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Environment Outpatient MUSKOGEE

Muskogee Comm Mental Health Clmic OKLAHOMA CITY 3621 West Broadway Muskogee, OK 74401 OEO Office (918)682-3431 120 Northeast 26th Strcct Oklahoina City, OK 73105 Director I.', unice McDowell (405) 521-2861 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information Services Drug-free Director Bill Wolhtz Envuonment Outpatient Activity Admmrstrative

Muskogee County Guidance Center Center Okla Drug Abuse and Aftercare Program 530 South 34th Strcct Hubbard Hospital Muskogee, OK 74401 Oklahoma City, OK 73117 (918)687-4456 (405) 427-5437 Duector Jerry Simon Director Maynard Tmkham Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information


Services Drug-t'rcc. Detoxification, iVlamtenancc Director I.'dwin I'au Environment Outpatient Activity Treatincnt/Rehabihtation. Inl ormation Services Drug-free Dept of Psych and Bchav Sciences OUI ISC I::nvironmcnt Outpatient 800 Northeast 13th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 271-5278 PRYOR Director f'crnando Tapis. M D Maycs County Guidance Center Activity Treatment/Rchabditatton 102 North Adair Pryor, OK 74361 Drug Abuse Services 8254224 408-A North Walnut Street (918) Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Ihrector Phd Porter (405) 521-2811 Activity Treat ment/Rehabihta hon Director Charles W Wright Admuustrative Activity SAPULPA Drug Dcpendencc Treatment Center Creek County Gmdance Center Oklahoma City VA Hospital 23 North Main Oklahoma City, OK 73104 OK 74066 (405) 272-9876 Sapulpa, (918) 224-5531 Duector John I lake Director D'ann Berson, M A. Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Drug Recovery inc 14 Northeast 48th Strcct SHAWNEE Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 521-0784 Outreach IV Director Danny McCollugh Shawnee, OK 73801 Activity Trcatrnent/Rehabilitation (405) 2754200 Services Drug-free Director Lou Busby Envuonment Outpatient Mary Activity Treatment/Rchabditation, Information Services Drug-free New Dimensions I::nvuonment Outpatient 133 Northwest 23rd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 524-8434 Shawnee Community Mental Health Clmic 316 North Broadway Director Nancy Waters Shawnee, OK 74801 Activity Treatment/Rchabthtation, Information, Hothne (405) 273-6173 Services Drug-t'rcc Ducctor Velma Pierson, ACSW Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation OK City Comm MH Clmic 1615 North Lincoln Boulevard STILLWATER Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 2324159 Payne County Gmdance Center Director Dorothy Lee 501 South Lewis Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Stdlwater, OK 74074 (405) 372-1979 OKMULGEE Director David Martm, Ph.D. Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Okmulgee County Guidance Center Stdlwatcr Comm Mental Health Chnic 1304 East Walnut Street 205 West McElroy Street Okmulgee, OK 74447 (918)756-8123 Shllwater, OK 74074 (405) 375-1250 Duector Arhs Wood Sinderson Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Jeffrey Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron

PONCA CITY Student Health Center Oklahoma State Unn. Hospital and Chnic Bi-State Mental Health Foundation Stdlwater, OK 74074 1500 North 6th Street (405) 372-6211 Ponca City, OK 74601 Ducctor Dale Maxwell (405) 762-7561 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation



Tahlequah Commumty Health Clmic Eastern State Hospital Rooms 113-114Wyly Hall Vinita, OK 74301 Tahlequah, OK 74464 (918) 256-6482 (918)456-8272 Director Joe Tyler, M.D Director Gary Davis Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Information Services Detoxification Services Drug-free Environment Inpatient Hospital Envnonment Outpatient

WEATHERFORD TULSA Weatherford Community Mental Health Chmc Eastern State Hospital East Wmg Stewart Hall Outpatient Chnic Weatherford, OK 73096 Tulsa, OK 74127 (405) 772-3134 (918)587-7241 Director Richard P Harper Director E. E Elhs, M D Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, information Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Mandala Drug Rehabilitation Program Tulsa Psychiatric Center Tulsa, OK 74120 WHEATLAND (918)582-2131 Dnector Kerry Booth Southwest Guidance Center Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 7012 South Klemer Services Drug-free Wheatland, OK 73097 Fnvironment Residential (405) 745-3419 Director Gene Hawkins Open House Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 1716 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74135 (918)932-9292 WOODWARD Director George Stewart Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Northwest Oklahoma Guidance Center Services Drug-free 1009 Nmth Street Environment Outpatient Woodward, OK 73801 (405) 256-7872 Outpatient Vets Treatment Center Director Marlot Wilhams 1717 North Peoria Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Tulsa, OK 74106 Services Drug-free (918)585-8207 Fnvnonmcnt Outpatient Director Jayne Oertle Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Maintenance Environment Outpatient

Tulsa County Chdd Gmdance Cimic 1104 South Victor Tulsa, OK 74106 (918)936-2074 Director Ehnor Verville Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation

Tulsa Drug Treatment Center 550 North Frisco Tulsa, OK 74103 (918)587-0092 Director Susie Fwmg Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Inf'ormation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Environment Outpatient


BURNS (503) 655-8401 Director Robert Davis Center Harncy Counsehng and Guidance Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Harney County Hospital Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Burns, OR 97720 Information (503) 5734388 Services Drug Evaluation Duector Robert Young Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Detoxification Services Detoxification Inpatient Hospital Envuonment PORTLAND

House CURTIN Alpha 2365 Northwest Marshall Portland, OR 97210 Sunapec Farm 226-7029 Curtm, OR 97428 (503) Director Richard S.Vohs Director Rev Menter Achvity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Environment Residential EUGENE Delaunay Institute for Mental Health 6419 North Portsmouth White Bird Chnic Portland, OR 97203 341 East 12th Street (503) 285-9871 Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 342-8255 Director Delores Morgan Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Duector Cindy Wooten Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Actwrty Treatment Services Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Drug 4th Street Information 309 Southwest Portland, OR 97204 Drug-free 229-5129 Outpatient (503) Director Wdham Hoffsiettcr Activity Treatment/Rehabditation MEDFORD Freedom House Inc Jackson County Mental Health-Outreach Program 1531 Northeast 21st 650 Royal Avenue Suite 16 Portland, OR 97227 Medford, OR 97501 (503) 288-2331 (503) 779-8650 Director Peggy Tomhn Duector John Laughhn Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake Services Drug-free Services Drug-free, Maintenance Envnonmcnt Residential Environment Outpatient Janis Outchent Programs 1942 North west Kearney ONTARIO Portland, OR 97209 (503) 223-6145 Chruc Malheur County Service Director Carol Cordes Hospital Holy Rosary Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Ontario, OR 97914 Central Intake, Traiiung, Education, (503) 889-9169 Information, Referral Service Director Jim Atkins Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Environment Outpatient

Janis Prolect Residential Programs OREGON CITY 1942 Northwest Kearney Street Portland, OR 97209 Clackamas Co MH Center (503) 223-6145 South Kaen Road 1425 Duector Carol Cordes Oregon City, OR 97045


Activrty Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Trainmg, Education, Information, Referral Service Services Drug-free Environment Residential

Methadone Treatment Program 309 Southwest Fourth Street Portland, OR 97204 (503) 229-5510 Director James B. Robbins Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation; Training; Information M iuntenance OutPatient

Ore. M/H Div-Reg I&ODA 309 Southwest 4th Street Portland, OR 97204 (503) 229-5525 Director David A Francis Activity Admuustrative

TADA 9024 North Edison Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 286-3148 Director Ms. Shirley Smith Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation


Methadone Mamtenance Program 494 State Street Northeast Salem, OR 97301 (503) 588-5351 Director Dr Baxter Activity Treatment/Rehabditation

State of Oregon M/H Ihv 2570 Center Street Northeast Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378-2163 Duector Clark Crum Activity Admmistrative


Mid Columbia Center for Livmg 502 East Fifth Street The Dalles, OR 97058 (503) 296-5452 Director Ronald Tiffany, Ph. D Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation


ABINGTON Lchigh County Prison Detox Program Lchigh County Prison PA 18101 Hosp MH/MR Center Allentown, Abington 432-0873 York Road (215) Abington, PA 19001 Dnector F. L. Nero (215) 885-4000 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Drug-free, Detoxification Director Joy T]arks Services Environment Prison Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Maintenance Co Cncl on Drug and Alc Abuse Envuonment Outpatient Lehigh 532 Chew Street Allentown, PA 18102 ALIQUIPPA (215) 4374)801 Director Ann Rose Aliquippa Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 2500 Hospital Drive Services Drug-frcc Ahqmppa, PA 15001 Envuonment Outpatient (412) 378-8511 Duector C H. Boon, Jr. WOOD Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation ALLEN Deer Run Inc Gateway Rehabditation Center Wlute Moffett Run Road P.O. Box 97 PA 17810 Ahquippa, PA 15001 Allenwood, (412) 766-8700 (717) 538-2567 Richard I ianagan Director Sister G Walter Director Treatment/Rehabdrtation A ctlvity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Residential ALTOONA La Casa Halfway House MH Ctr 41 Shannon Street Altoona Hosp Comm Avenue and 7th Street Aliquippa, PA 15001 700 Howard (412) 375-1939 Altoona, PA 16601 (814) 946-2141 Director George L Thorne M D Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Ray Lewis, n Services Drug-free Actn ity Treatment/Rehabditatio Environment Residential Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient

ALLENTOWN AMBLER Confront, Inc 1130Walnut Street Cope Allentown, PA 18102 150 East Butler Avenue (215) 433-0148 Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 643-5522 Director Robert C Csandl Acbvity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Director James Madison Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment Outpatient Services Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient LVDAS Keenan House P.O. Box 685 Allentown, PA 18105 BARNESBORO (215) 439-8479 Outreach Center Csandl Duector Robert City County Chmc in Johnstown Inc Activrty Treatment/Rehabditation Barnesboro, PA 15714 Services Drug-free (814) 948-5091 Envuonment Residential, Daycare


Director John R. Cammerata Director Donald Porter Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital


Beaver Falls Unit Family Counsehng Service Medical Center of Beaver County 603 West Main Street Beaver Falls, PA 15010 Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (412) 843-6000 (717) 784-5773 Duector Robert D Walker Director Leonard P Maskas Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation


Bedford Help Center Council on Chemical Abuse 140 East Pitt Street Boyertown YMCA Outreach Bedford, PA 15522 Boyertown, PA 19512 (814)623-1133 (215) 376-8669 Duector Carl G Amcnhauser Director Betty Johns Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Envuonmcnt Outpatient, Residential BRADDOCK

BELLE VERNON Alternatives Outpatient Unit 723 Braddock Avenue Outreach Center Braddock, PA 15104 Belle Vernon (412) 351-4110 Belle Vernon, PA 15012 (412) 929-4050 Ducctor John Bcnshoff Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Thomas W Nega, Jr Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditauon Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient BRADFORD

BELLEFONTE Bradford Hospital 116-156Interstate Parkway Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Bradford, PA 16701 The Counsehng Service Inc (814) 3624623 Bellefonte, PA 16823 (814) 355-5541 Duector Fredrick C. PoweH Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Duector Ehnor Westerfcld Services Detoxification Treatment/Rehabdrtation Activity Environment Inpatient Hospital Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Cemp Counsehng Center 137 North Bennett Street Bradford, PA 16701 BETHLEHEM (814) 3624620 Endeavor Inc Director John W. Addis 1500 Center Street Activity Treatment/Rehabdit ation Bethlehem, PA 18018 Services Drug-free (215)691-6360 Environment Outpatient, Daycare

Duector John O'Laughlm Cemp-Outreach Qmrc Activity Treatment/Rehabildation Greeves Street Services Drug-free Bradford, PA 16701 Fnvuonment Outpatient (814) 837-8282

Muhlenberg Medical MMP Director Dorothy Blacklock Muhlenberg Medical Center Activity Treat ment/Rehabilitation Bethlehem, PA 18017 Services Drug-free (215) 865-0711 Environment Outpatient


Futures Inc Sheltered Workshop (717) 761-0202 49 East Main Street Director Sister Ursula Bradford, PA 16701 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (814) 362-3911 SeMccs Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Director Mary M Rae Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Therapcuhc-B Ward Services Drug-free SCIC Environment Daycare P.O. Box 200 Camp Hdl, PA 17011 (717) 787-9764 BRIDGEVILLE Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Chartrers MH/MR Center Environment Prison 437 Radroad Street Bndgeville, PA 15017 West Shore Youth Counsehng Center (412) 221-3302 303 South 32nd Street PA Director Tom Atmore Camp lhll, 17011 737-8772 Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation (717) Services Drug-free Director Vince O'Reiley Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient BROOKY ILLE

CLFD-Jeff MH/MR Program Brookvdlc Hospital CARBONDALE Brookvdlc, PA 15825 (814) 765-5337 Carbondale Drug and Alcohol Abuse Chnic Director Patricia Hdlcbrand 141 Salem Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Carbondale, PA 18512 Services Drug-free (717) 282-0332 Envuonment Outpatient Director Wdliam F. McLaine Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free BUTLER Environment Outpauent

Addictive Behavior Unrt Irene Stacy Mental Health Chnic Butler, PA 16001 (412) 287-0791 CARLISLE Director George White Dickinson Drug Ed Committee Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Diclanson College Services Drug-free Carhsle, PA 17013 Environment Outpatient (717) 2434135 Director Patrick Neal Butler County Memorial Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation East Brady Street Extension SeMces Drug-free Butler, PA 16001 (412) 283-6666 Environment Outpatient Director Eugene Vodue Hospital-War College Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Dunham Army Barracks Services Detoxdication Carhsle Environment Residential Carlrsle, PA 17013 (717) 245-3041 Deshon Veterans Administration Hosp Director J W. Ransone New Castle Road Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Butler, PA 16001 (412) 2874781 Family Guidance Chnic Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 114 North Hanover Street Carhslc, PA 17013 (717) 2434033 CAMP HILL Director Harry Campbell Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Holy Spirit Hospital MH/MR Service Services Drug-free Community MH Center Envuonmcnt Outpatient Camp Hill, PA 17011


CHALFONT Duector Dr James Loucks Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Lenape Valley Foundation Services Maintenance West Butler Street MR No. I Envuonment Outpatient Chalfont, PA 18914 (215) 345-7617 Sunnyside House Director Edward Knoph 24th and Upland Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Chester, PA 19013 Services Drug-free (215) 874-9611 Environment Outpatient, Residential Director Michael J Lee A cuvit y Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free CHAMBERSBURG Environment Residential

Chambersburg Hospital Kmg and Seventh Strccts CLARION Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 787-9764 Mental Health Services in Clarion Duector Robert Kmney 14A Grant Street Achvity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Clanon, PA 16214 Services Detoxification (814) 2264252 Environment Inpatient Hospital Director Theodore Bierbeaur Activity Treatment/Rehabditatron Mental Health Chnic of Frankhn Co Professional Arts Bmlding Chambersburg, PA 17201 COATESVILLE (717) 264-5410 Director W. E Kissinger Drug Dependence Rehabditation Center Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Coatesvdle VA Hospital Services Drug-free Coatsvdle, PA 19320 Environment Outpatient (215) 384-7711 Duector Dr Druly New Ld'e Treatment Center Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Route 6 Chambcrsburg, PA 17201 (717) 375-2205 CORNWELLS HEIGHTS Director Gary W Barnes Actrvity Treatincnt/Rehabditation Libertae Services Drug-free 4833 Hulmeville Road Envuonmcnt Residential Cornwells Heights, PA 19020 (215) 2934955 Director Carlene Betts CHESTER Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Services Drug-free Crozer-Chester Comp Alc Prog Environment Residential 15th Street and Upland Avenue Chester, PA 19013 (215) 874-9611 COUDERSPORT Director Louis D Horvath Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Dept of Comm Mental Health Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication Charles Cola Memorial Hospital Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Coudersport, PA 16915 (814) 274-8652 Demeter House OP Chruc Director Katherme P Dorfeld 315 East 9th Street Actrvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Chester, PA 19013 Services Drug-free (215) 874-9611 Environment Outpatient Duector Thomas Fedewa Acuvrty Treatment/RehabCitation Futures Inc Satellite Workshop Services Drug-free Maple Street Envuonment Outpatient Coudersport, PA 16915 (814) 274-9081 Main Methadone OP Chmc Director Mary M. Rae West 733 9th Street Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Chester, PA 19013 Services Drug-free (215) 874-9611 Environment Daycare PENNSYLVANIA ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS

Maple Manor DuBois. PA 15801 101 Maple Street (814) 371-8362 Coudersport, PA 16915 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (814) 274-9265 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Director Daniel Mikanowicz Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient l lospital Activrty Treatment/Rchabditation Services Drug-free CLFD-Jeff MH/MR D and A Prog Envuonment Residential 807 Turnpike Avenue DuBois, PA 15801 (814) 371-8362 DANVILLE Director Patricia Hdlebrand Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Community Mental Health Center Services Drug-free Gcismger Medical Center 1'.nvnonment Outpatient Danvdle, PA 17821 (717) 275-6396 Director James E Smith DU SHORE Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prg Comm Educ Ctr 133 Hedley Avenue DARBY Dushore, PA 18614 (717) 787-9764 Hipid Satelhte Director James H Hoag 649 Mam Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Darby, PA 19023 Scrviccs Drug-free (215) 583-4110 Environment Outpatient Duector Rhoda Indictor Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free EAST PITTSBURGH Environment Outpatient Thc House-Alternatives 1514 Electric Avenue DOVER L' Pittsburgh, PA 15112 (412) 824-9300 New Life Girls Ranch Director John Bcnshoff Road No. 3 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Dover, PA 17315 Services Drug-free (717) 266-5614 Envuonment Outpatient Director Demi Rodriguez Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation EAG LEVILLE

DOYLESTOWN Eagleville Hospital and Rehabditation P.O. 45 Prison Program-Today Eaglevdle, PA 19406 Bucks County Pnson (215) 539-6000 Doylestown, PA 18901 Director Donald J. Ottenberg, M D (215) 348-9056 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Mr. Mehan Services Drug-free Actwity Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonment Reiadential Services Drug-free Environment Prison EBENSBURG Tact-Today Reentry 31 West Ashland Avenue Outreach Center Doylestown, PA 18901 City County Chnic in Johnstown inc (215) 3454074 Ebensburg, PA 15931 (814) 472-5091 Duector Larry Huntzberry Actwity Treatment/Rehabditation Director John R. Cammarata Services Drug-free Achvity Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment Residential Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient


CLFD-Jeff MH/MR D and A Prog Inst of Soc Rehab of lntl Medit Soc 100 Hospital Avenue 339 Mt. Vernon Drive


Elwood City, PA 16117 Services Drug-free (412) 758-6826 Environment Outpatient Duector Steven M Greenberg Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment Outpatient FARRELL

Process EMPORIUM Corner of Frud and Roemcr Farrell, PA 16121 Cemp Outreach Clmic (412) 9814630 24 Cherry Street Director Bruce Douglas Emponum, PA 15834 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (814)486-0554 Services Drug-free Director John W. Yates Envuonment Daycare Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient FRANKLIN

Venango County Mental Health Center ERIE C/0 Venango Human Services P.O. Box 231 Frankhn, PA 16323 Abraxas Foundation Inc (814) 437-6821 South 348 West 8th Street Ducctor T. C. Bierbauer Erie, PA 16502 Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron (814) 459-0618 Services Drug-free Director Vmcent Mezzacapo Environment Outpatient Actn rty Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Envuonmcnt Outpatient, Residential FREDERICKTOWN

Ene County Drug Abuse Program Centcrvdlc Clmics Inc BSU 155 West 8th Street Old Route 40 Ene, PA 16507 Fredencktown, PA 15333 (814)452-3618 (412) 757-6801 Duector. Michael R Bartlett Director Richard Feise Activity Treatment/Rehabdrt ation Activity Treatment/Rehabdit ation Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient GREENSBURG Nascent House Reentry Facilrty 502 Sassafras Street AAIU-Alc Clinic and Detox Ene, PA 16507 Westmoreland Hospital Association (814) 725-1391 532 West Pittsburg Street Greensbuig, PA Director 15601 I.dward S Gulnac (412) 8374I100 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Director Jack Hemsky Environment Outpatient, Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free, Detoxdication St. Vincent Hosp Community Health Environment Outpatient; Inpatient Hospital 232 West 25th Street Ene, PA 16502 Outreach Center 3 (814) 459-4000 Arona Duector Greensburg, PA 15601 David Sullivan, Ph.D. (717) 787-9736 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Director Richard S. Shamlm Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient EXPORT State Regional Correction Facility Outreach Center I Route 119South Del mont Export Greensburg, PA 15601 Export, PA 15632 (412) 8374397 (717) 787-9736 Director Chris Chapel Dnector Richard S. Shamhn Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Environment Pnson


Westmoreland Alc Addiction Treat Services Drug-free, Detoxification 533 West Newton Avenue Envuonment Outpatient. Inpatient Hospital Greensburg, PA 15601 (412) 836-4320 North Dauphin County MH/MR Center Inc 1703-05 North Front Street Ducctor Richard Shamlm Harnsburg, PA 17102 Treatment/Rehabditation Activity (717) 232-8761 Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential Director Mrs. Elhs Grayson Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free GROVE CITY Envuonment Outpatient

Bashline Osteopathic Hosp PA Board of Probation and Parole Oak Dnvc 3101 North Front Street Grove City, PA 16127 Harrisburg, PA 17120 (412) 458-9400 (717) 787-5699 Ducctor Warren Bassett Director Wdham Boor Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation

Reentry Prog-SC IC HANOVER I 100 North Thud Street Harnsburg, PA 17102 Adams/York Mental Health Inc (717) 783-8508 205 Carlisle Street Director James E Leake Hanover, PA 17331 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (717)632-4900 Services Drug-free Director Robert Muzzy Envnonment Pnson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Sercmty House Envuonment OutpatMnt 1838 North Second Street Hamsburg, PA 17102 (717) 232-8253 HARRISBURG Director George Culmer Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Clinic Inc Addictivc Disease Services Drug-free Street 1936 North Second Envuonment Daycare Hamsburg, PA 17102 236-9421 (717) Teen Challenger Ihrector Richard Houston 1421 Front Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Hamsburg, PA 17102 Services. Maintenance (717) 2334549 Envnonment Outpatient Director Jack Schell Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Gaudenzia Outreach Three 1301 Howard Street Hamsburg, PA 17103 HAVERFORD (717) 234-6188 Haverford Addiction Center Alan Ferm Director Haverford Slate Hospital Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Haverford, PA 19041 Services Drug-free (215) 525-9620 Envuonment Outpatient Director John F. McBrearty Governor's Councd on Drug/Alcohol Abuse Actmty Treatment/Rehabditation Riverside Office Building One Services Drug-free 2101 North Front Street Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Hamsburg, PA 17110 (717) 787-9857 HAVERTOWN Duector Richard Horman, Ph D Activity Admnustrative Changmg Tunes Center 2227 Darby Road Harnsburg Hospital MH/MR Center Havertown, PA 19083 Hamsburg Hospital (215) 853-2660 PA Hamsburg, 17101 Duector Vicki Redly (717) 782-5421 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Duector Milton Appleyard Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment Outpatient


HICKORY Indiana Univ of PA-IVP Pratt Hall, Pratt Drive Seremty Farms Indiana, PA 15701 P.O. Box 102 (412) 357-2706 Ihckory, PA 15340 (412) 356-2208 Director John Frank Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Duector Fagan I'agan, Jr Activity Treatment/Rehabditation The Open Door of Indiana County Services Drug-free 948 Wayne Avenue Envuonment Residential Indiana, PA 15701 (412) 465-2605 HOMESTEAD Director Kenneth Edgar Acuvity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free The New Program-Drug Environment 815 Ann Street Outpatient Homestead, PA 15120 (412) 462-0400 Transitional Living Service Box 432, Route 422 East Ducctor Kenneth Ramsey Indiana, PA 15701 A ctivrty Treatment/Rehabditation (412) 465-5141 Services Drug-free Director Father George Hnatko Envuonmcnt Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free HONESDALE I'.nvironment Residential

Treatment and Rehab Center of NE Penn JOHNSTOWN 824 Church Street Honesdale, PA 18431 (717) 253-4981 City Co Cluuc in Johnstown Inc Center Town Branch Duector Jane Studer Johnstown, PA 15901 A ctivity Treat ment/Rehabilitation (814) 535-8531 Services Drug-free Director James L' Shoenfelder Fnvironment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free HUNTING DON Environment Outpatient Concmaugh Valley Memorial Drug and Alcohol Office Hospital Franklm Street 405 Penn Street 1086 Johnstown, PA 15905 Huntingdon, PA 16652 (814) 643-3733 (814) 536467l Director Gary E Bell, M.D Duector Carl Saylor Activity Treatment/Rehabditation A ctivity Treatment/Rehabdrtatton Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment I npatient Envuonment Outpahent Hospital

Juniata Tn Valley County DAP KITTANNING J.C. Blau Memorial Hospital Huntmgdon, PA 16652 (814) 643-2290 Armstrong Co Council on Alc Prob 301 Arthur Street Duector Richard Cummmgs Kittanmng, PA 16201 Activuy Treatment/Rehabditation (412) 548-7607 Services Detoxification Director Ms. Kevin McKee Fnvuonment Inpatient Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free INDIANA Envuonment Outpatient, Residential

Alcohol Education and Counseling Service 632 Philadelphia Street LANCASTER Inihana, PA 15701 (412) 349-4060 Famdy Counsehng Center Lancaster General Hospital Director Paula Toomey Lancaster, PA 17602 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (717) 393-5801 Services Drug-free Director Envuonment Outpatient Edward Albee


Activity T" tmcnt/Rehabditatton LEWIS BURG Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Union/Snydcr Community Counschng Serv Evangelical Community Hospttal Manos House Lewtsburg, PA 17837 NCA Lancaster County Inc (717)524-7650 Lancaster, PA 17603 Director David Wilder (717) 393-8998 Activity Treattnent/Rehabdttatton Director Harold Jordan Services Drug-free A chvity Treatment/Rchabthtatton Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Residential U.S. Penitentiary Lewtsburg, PA 17837 St. Joseph Hospital (717)523-1251 250 College Avenue Director Dr Eming Lancaster, PA 17604 Activity Treatment/Rchabditatton (717) 299-5511 Director Sister S Mane Activity Treatment/Rehabdttatton LEWISTOWN Services Drug-free, Detoxification Envuonment Daycare, Inpatient Hospital Lewtstown Hospital Highland Avenue Lewtstown, PA 17044 LANGHORNE (717) 787-9764 Director Thomas Crunes Newtown Facdity-Today Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Woodbourne Road Services Detoxification Langhorne, PA 19047 Envuonment Inpatient Hospital (215) 9684713 Director Bob Allen MH/MR Office of Juruata VaUcy Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 400 Highland Avenue Services Drug-l'rec Lewtstown, PA 17044 Environment Outpattent, Residential (717) 242-0351 Director Carl Saylor Activity Treatment/Rchabditatton LANSDALE

Help Line Center LOYSV ILLE 901 West Mtun Street Lansdale, PA 19446 Perry Health Center Famdy Guidance (215) 3684357 Loysvdle, PA 17047 Duector Zachary J. Comeaux (717) 789-3553 Activrty Treatment/Rchabdttatton Director Harry B Campbell Services Drug-free Acuvity Treatment/Rchabdrtatton Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient LEBANON MALVERN Famdy and Chddren Services 937 Wdlow Street Malvern Institute Lebanon, PA 17042 P.O. Box 297 (717) 273-3717 Malvern, PA 19355 Duector Mary E Aungst (215) 6470330 Treatment/Rehabtlitatton Activity / Director Randolph H Tdlet Drug-free Services A cttvity Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment Outpatient Services Detoxification Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Good Samantan Hospital Fourth and Walnut Lebanon, PA 17042 MARIENVILLE (717) 272-7611 Director Enc C. Landgraf Abraxas I Acttvtty Treatment/Rehabdttatton The Abraxas Foundation Services Detoxification Manenvdle, PA 16239 Envuonment Inpatient Hospital (814) 927-6615


Director Arlene Lissner Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Fnvuonment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient, Residential

MON ESSEN McKEESPORT Mon Valley Addtcttvc Diseases Center Mon-Youth Drug Program (The Center) Eastgate 8 120 Fifth Avenue Moncsscn, PA 15062 McKeesport, PA 15132 (412) 684-9000 (412) 673-7151 Director Thomas W. Nega, Jr Director Gerald Serafino Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free, Detoxification Environment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital

Thc Center Corrections Prgm MONROEVILLE 120 Fifth Avenue McKeesport, PA 15132 New Earth Prog of Alleg MH/MR (412) 673-7151 4346 Old William Penn I hghway Director Richard Asaitan Monroevdle, PA 15146 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (412) 243-1973 Services Drug-free Director David Linell Envuonment Outpatient, Prison Acuvity Treatincnt/Rehabdttation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient MEADVILLE

Counseling Center on A and D Abuse MON TROSE 488 South Street Meadville, PA 16335 Trehab Center-Susque (814) 724-4100 13 Pubhc Avenue Director Jerry Peterson Montrose, PA 18801 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (717) 278-3393 Services Drug-free Director Jane Studer Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation SeMccs Drug-free, Mamtenancc Spencer Hospital Envuonment Outpatient 1034 Grove Street Meadvdlc, PA 16335 (814) 337-1261 NEW BRIGHTON Ducctor Sister E Pfister Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Medical Ctr of Beaver Co New Bnghton Services Detoxification 900 Pennsylvama Avenue Environment Inpatient Hospital New Brighton, PA 15066 (412) 8434000 Director Mr Prosser MEDIA Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Sodat 332 West State Street NEW CASTLE Media, PA 19063 (215) 5654455 Human Services Center Duector Guy F Matthews 25'8 North Mercer Street Actwrty Treatment/Rehabdrtation New Castle, PA 16101 Services Drug-free (412) 658-3578 Environment Outpatient Du cctor Eleanor S Retd Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free MIFF LINTOWN Environment Outpatient Mental Health Center Lawrenco Co Drug Alcohol Program I North 3rd Street 425'/i South Mill Street Miffhntown, PA 17059 New Castle, PA 16101 (717)436-8291 (412) 658-2696 Director Herbert B Rosenfeld Director Frank J Dileo


Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Montgomery County Meth Center Services Drug-free Resources for Human Development Inc I:.nvu onmcnt Outpatient Nornstown, PA 19401 (215) 272-3710 St. Francis Hospital Director Robert Fishman Streets South Mercer at Phdhps Acuvlty Treatment/Rehabditation New Castle, PA 16101 Scrvlccs Mamtcnance (412) 658-3511 Environment Outpatient Director Joseph Novdcllo Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatlon Services Detoxification NORWOOD I.nvuonment Inpatient Hospital Mid County Outpatient Chnic 130 Chester Pike NEW KENSINGTON Norwood, PA 19074 (215) 5344140 Abuse Umbrella Allegheny Drug Program Director Joseph Watson 5th Avenue 908 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabditation PA New Kensmgton, 15068 Services Drug-free (412) 339-7515 Envu onmcnt Ou tpatlent Director Sherry 8re nn an Achvity Treatincnt/Rehabdltatlon Services Drug-free OIL CITY Environment Outpatient Famdy Services and Chddrcns Ard Society 202 West I'irst Street NEWTOWN Od City, PA 16301 (814) 646-1283 County Association for the Bhnd Bucks Director Robert A Carone Ncwtown-Langhornc Road Acbvity Treatment/Rehabdltatio n PA Newtown, 18940 Sclviccs Drug-free 968-4731 (215) Envuonment Outpatient Director Richard T Matt Achvity Treatment/Rehabditatlon Scivlccs Drug-free PALMYRA Environment Daycare Gaudcnzia House Grantvdle Routes 22 and 743 NORRISTOWN Palmyra, PA 17078 (215) 221-9100 Eaglevdlc Halfway House Ducctor Thomas Zompanis 603 Dckalb Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditatlon Norristown, PA 19401 Drug-free 539-6000 Services (215) Environment Residential Director I.ynn Cox Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free PAOLI Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare Paoh Hospital I aglcvdlc Halfway House Lancaster Pike 901 Dekalb Street Paoh, PA 19301 Nornstown, PA 19406 (215) 647-2200 279-6100 (215) Director W M Tomlinson Director Donald Ottcnberg Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Detoxd'ication Scrviccs Drug-free Environment Inpatient Hospital Envuonment Residential Paoh Memonal Hospital MH-MR Emcrgcncy Services Center Addiction Treatment Center Nornstown State Hospital Paoh, PA 19301 Norristown, PA 19404 (215) 647-5210 279-6100 (215) Director John Boyd Coatcs, Jr Director Naoml Dank Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Scrvlccs Drug-free Services Dctoxiticatlon Envuonment Outpatient Enviro un'lent Inpatient Hospital


PHILADELPHIA (215) 597-3671

AMEN Director Albert Uhl 1819 Arch Street Acuvity Treatment/Rchabditation Phdadclphia, PA 19103 (215) 567-6969 Diagnostic and Rchab Ctr-Drug lnpat Umt 2002 South 7th Street Duector Rev .lames M«uskcr Philadelphia, PA 19148 Activity Treatment/Rchabditation (215) 925-3909 Act Director I-Icnry Mimms Activity Jewish Employment Vocational Scrviccs Treatment/Rehabditation Services Phdadelplua, PA 19141 Drug-frcc (215) 276-8400 I:nvvonmcnt Residential Director Mike Gold Diagnostic and Rchab North Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation 521 West Girard Avenue Services Drug-free, Maintenance Phdadelphia, PA 19121 Environment Outpatient (215) 925-3909 Director Henry Munms Adihctive Disease Program Activity l louse of Correction Treatincnt/Rehabditation ScIV Icos D I'ug-I rcc Pluladclphia, PA l 9136 (215) 568-3725 I;nvu onmcnt Outpatient Director Hcrinan llanncr DRC Annex Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 103-105 Arch Strcct Services Drug-1'ree, Detoxification Phdadelphia, PA 19106 Envvonmcnt Prison (215) 425-8844

Alternatives l)ircctor H. Rciscman 1745 North Fourth Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Drug-I'rec, Pluladelphia, PA 19122 Scfvlccs Detoxification (215) 684-3700 Fnvvonment Outpatient Director Leon Brinkley Drug Dependence Treatment Center Activity Treatment/Rehabditation VA I lospital Services Drug-free. Detoxification, Mamtcnancc Piuladelphia, PA 19104 Envvonment Outpatient (215) 382-2400

Bridge Strcct House Director Dr Barton 2005 Budge Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditatiun Pluladelphia, PA 19136 (215) 289-8326 Drug Free PPC 47th and Westminster Streets Director Joseph Krahcr Phdadclphia, PA 19139 A ctivity Treatinent/Rchabihtation (2IS) 879-6114 Services Drug-free Environment Residential Ducctor J I raknol Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Cobbs Creek Counselmg Ctr Drug-free L'nvu 5923 Walnut Street onment Outpatient Pluladclphra, PA 19143 (215) 474-3435 Gaudcnzia House 1834 West Tioga Street Dvcctor Alvm Thomas Pluladclphia, PA 19140 Activity Treatment/Rcliabihtation 221-9100 Services Drug-free (215) Envvoninent Outpatient Director John Ruocco Activity Treatment/Rehabditatron CODAAP ScIvlccs Drug-free 1405 Locust Street, 2nd Floor Envvonment Residential Pluladelphia, PA 19102 (215) 735-0664 Gaudcnzia Outreach Two Director John Riggan 1509 West Columbia Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Pluladclphia, PA 19121 Scrviccs Drug-free 221-9100 Envvonmcnt Outpatient (215) Dvector Howard Berne Commumty Srvcs Admm-NE Region Acuvity Treatment/Rehabditation, Traming Scott Plaza II Services Drug-free Phdadclphra, PA 19113 Fnvvonment Outpatient


Genesis I I Lower Kensington Rchabditation Center I 214 North Broad Street 2005 North 2nd Strcct Pluladclphia, PA 19121 Phdadclphla, PA 19122 (215) 763-2650 (215) 425-7333 Ducctor Carol M Nixon Director Leon Alexander Activity Treatcnt/Rehabdltation Acuvity Treatment/Rchabditation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Rcsrdcntml Envuomncnt Residential

Help Inc Ludlow Addiction Center 638 South Street 1529 North 7th Street Phdadclphta, PA 19147 Ptuladclphta, PA 19122 (215) 928-0623 (215) 684-2400 Director Wdlianl Bruce D1 recto I Donee I'ishcr Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Services Drug-free Services Drug-I'rcc Environment Outpatient Environment Daycarc

Holmcsburg Pnson Detox Unit Mabel Althoff Home for Boys E Dorm 156 West Schoolhouse Lane Pluladelphia, PA 19136 Phladelph&a, PA 19144 849-2054 Duector Dr Guy (215) Aciivrty Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Duanc A. Henders Ac tlvll'y Treatment/Rchabdltation Hor&zon House Scrviccs Drug-free 2530 Chnstian Street I.;nvuonmcnt Residential Pluladelphia, PA 19146 (215) 389-8091 Mandell Community Services South 5th Street Duector Irving Rutman 1437 Philadelphia, PA 19147 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Sciviccs Drug-free (215) 925-3909 Environment Residential Director M I Reisman Activity Treatment/Rehabditation tlorizon House Services Drug-free SW Cor 24th and South Streets Environment Outpatient Pluladelphia, PA 19146 (215) 271-5352 Mantua Halfway House North 38th Street Duector Irving Rutman 428 PIuladelphla, PA 19104 Actrvdy Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Counschng (215) 3874060 Envuonment Outpatient Director Dr Kermit Gosncll Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Honzon House Inc Services Maintenance 1717Point Breeze Avenue Envuonlncnt Outpatient PIutadeiphra, PA 19145 (215) 271-5353 Mary Ahcc Heckler II&&me for Girls Director John Flor 329 Woors1er Avenue Treatment/Rehabdrtation Pluladelphia, PA 19144 Activity 843-2887 Services Drug-free (215) Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Director Mr Eller Acts ity Treatment/Rehabditation Horizon House Residence 1905 South 7th Street Methadone Program PPC PIuladelphra, PA 19106 4400 Haverford Avenue (215) 389-8091 Phdadelphia, PA 19104 Director Irvmg Rutman (215) 387-2215 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Director Richard Wdson Services Drug-free Activity Tlcatmcnt/Rehabditation Envuonment Residential Services Maintenance Environment Outpatient Lower Kensmgton Rehab Program Lower Kensington Environmental Ctr Inc NARP Methadone Chnic Phdadelphia, PA 19133 Thomas Jefferson Uruversity (215) 4264)900 Phdadelphia, PA 19145 Director Leon Alexander (215) 467-3390 Activity Treatment/ Rehab drtatio n Director Dr Tredici


Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Probation Dept-Phila D and A Uiuts Services Maintenance 332 North 13th Street Envuonment Outpatient Pluladelphia, PA 19107 (215) 686-2999 New Ducctions PPC Director Kathenne Daycare Center Barrmgton Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 387-6300 SeMces Drug-free Fnvuonment Outpatient Director Richard Greer Actrvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Program Against Drug Abuse Service Envuonmcnt Daycare 2 South 43rd Street Ptuladelphra, PA 19104 North Broad Chnic (215) 382-5040 830 North Broad Street Director Edward R ussell Ptuladelphra, PA 19122 (215) 235-5520 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector George Bustard Raid-Rehab for Addicts in Distress Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 4669 Paul Street Services Miuntenancc Philadelphia, PA 19124 Environment Outpatient (215) 743-8770 Director Lcshe Sandier North Central Drug Res Treatment Prog Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 1424 West Ontario Street Services Mamtenance Ptuladclphia, PA 19140 (215) 226-5000 Envuonment Outpatient Director Carl Hankey South West Counseling Ctr Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 6080 Woodland Avenue Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication Pluladelphia, PA 19142 Envuonment Residential (215) 724-8500 Charles North Central Meth Treatment Center Duector Martucci 3617 North Broad Street Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Philadelphia, PA 19140 (215) 226-5000 Envuonment Outpatient Director Ray Glaze St. Luke's Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 8th and Girard Services Drug-free, Miuntenance Philadelphia, PA 19122 Envuonment Outpatient (215) 684-3900 Director James Giuffre Plul Drug Treatment Ctr CODAAP 1306 Arch Street Activity Treatment/Rehabi1rtatron Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication, Maintenance Pluladelphia, PA 19107 (215)686-7280 Environment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Duector John N. Johnson Terry-Thurmond Tmt Ctr Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 600 Vruversity Avenue Services Detoxification, Maintenance Philadelphia, PA 19104 Envu onment Outpatient (215) 387-8190 Director Post Release Addictive Tmt Enc Fme 1317Fdbert Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free, Maintenance Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215)686-2999 Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Duector Kathenne Barrington The Bridge Graduate Halfway House Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation 4530 Regent Street Services Drug-free Ptuladelphia, PA 19143 Envnonment Outpatient (215) 3824548 Director Peter A. PPC-Ptula Psych Ctr Qumn Actwity Treatment/Rehabilitation Ford Road and Monument Avenue Services Drug-free Pluladelphia, PA 19131 (215) 877-2000 Environment Residential Duector Dr Freidman The Bridge Outpatient Center Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 7307 Frankford Avenue Services Drug-free, Detoxification PIuladelphia, PA 19136 Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital (215) 624-8000


Director Peter P Qumn South lhlls Counseling Center Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 1933 East Carson Street Services Drug-free Pittsburg, PA 15203 Fnvuonment Outpatient (412) 344-6400 Director Stanton Marian The Budge Therapeutic Ctr-Fox Chase Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Pine Road 8400 Sernces Drug-free PA 19111 Phdadelphia, Envuonment Outpatient Director Peter P Qumn Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Special Treatment Unit Services Drug-free St. John's General Hospital Environment Residential Pittsburg, PA 15212 (412) 766-8300 Transition Duector ElH Jones Jefferson Community MH/MR Center Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation PA 19107 Philadelphia, Sernces Detoxification 829-8300 (215) Ennronment inpatient Hospital Director Tony Regar Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron St. Francis Gen Hosp-Drug Treatment Services Drug-free 7800 Susquehanna Street Environment Outpatient Pittsburg, PA 15208 (412) 241-5543 West Plula Commuruty MH Consortium inc Director Daniel Roberts Box P.O. 8076 Treatment/Rehabilitation Phtldelphia, PA 19101 Activity 387-5000 Sernces Drug-free, Maintenance (215) Envuonment Outpatient Director Anthony Santore Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Team Specialists-WPIC Drug Prog Sernces Detoxification, Maintenance 3811 Ohara Street Environment Outpatient, inpatient Hospital Pittsburg, PA 15219 (412) 624-2226 PHILIPSBURG Duector Robert Lawson Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Plulipsburg Hospital Ennronmcnt Outpatient Plulipsburg, PA 16866 (814) 342-3320 Voc Rehab Ctr Drug Program Ducctor William Crater 1323 Forbes Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Pittsburg, PA 15219 Services Drug-free (412) 471-2600 Environment Outpatient Director Leonard Weitzman Acuvity Treatment/Rehabilitation PHOENIXVILLE Environment Outpatient Alpha House Project Help of Phoenixville 435 Shady Avenue 742 South Main Street Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Phoeruxville, PA 19460 3634220 (215) 933-7346 (412) Director Alex Levy Duector Lmda D Peters Acttnty Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabiirtatron Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Environment Outpatient Bidwell Cultural and Training Center 1401 Sedgwick Street PITTSBURGH Pittsburg, PA 15233 (214) 3234)800 Homewood-Brushton Health Ctr Duector Wdliam Strickland Drug Rehab Dept Acuvity Treatment/Rehabilitation Pittsburg, PA 15208 Ennronment Outpatient (412) 243-8800 Duector Robert Boulden Drug Dependence Treatment Center Actn rty. Treatment/Rehabilitation Pittsburg VA Hospital Services Drug-free Pittsburg, PA 15240 Environment Daycare (412) 683-3000


Director Paul Dulfly Pittsburgh Black Action Drug Prgm Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 1332 Juniata Street Pittsburgh, PA 15233 Famihes Together (412) 322-8415 4527 Winthrop Street Brack M Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Duector Barr, Jr (412) 421-7500 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free, Maintenance Director Kathleen Eckels Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/ Rehabihtation Services Drug-free St. Francis Hosp CMHC Drug Serv I':nvironment Outpatient 45th Off Penn Avenue ttsbuigh, PA 15201 Famdy Addiction Control and Educ Face (412) 6224545 7131 Frankstown Avenue Pittsburg, PA 15208 Director Wilham Mooney (4]2) 731-5100 Activity Treatment/Rehabilrtation Services Drug-free Director George Monroe Envuonment Outpatient Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Western Corrections Institute Environment Outpatient Western Pcnitcntrary Pittsburgh, PA 15212 GoodsviII Industries (412) 761-1955 2600 East Carson Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Pittsburgh, PA l 5203 (412) 481-9000 Director Mr. Miller PORT ALLEGHENY A ctrvity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Counsehng Cemp Drug and Alcohol Abuse Center Environment Outpatient 4 North Main Street Port Allegheny, PA 16701 Ile Elegba Inc (814) 642-2538 2012 Center Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Duector Darnel Mikandwicz (412) 288-2630 Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Services Drug-free Director Sala U Kiongon Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Residential, Daycare POTTSTOWN

Karma House Pottstown Area Drug Rehab Center 304 South Bouquet Street 101-105Kmg Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Pottstown, PA 19464 (412) 421-7500 (215) 326-9770 Duector David Droppa Director Tom Wolack Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient Environment Residential, Daycare, Inpatient Hospital

Methadone Mamt Clinic of WPIC 3306 5th Avenue POTTSVILLE Pittsburg, PA 15213 (412) 624-2840 Good Samaritan Hosp Alc and Dr Counsclmg Duector Robert Lawson 727 East Norwegian Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Pottsville, PA 17901 Services Drug-free, Maintenance (717)622-5898 Environment Outpatient Director Sister Weneburg, M S.C Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Northern Comm MH/MR Soft Drug Ctr Services Drug-free 3315 McClure Avenue Environment Outpatient Pittsburg, PA 15212 (412) 766-0244 Pottsvdle Hosp and Warne Chnic Detox Ducctor Michael E. I'lourner Jackson and Mauch Chunk Streets Activity Treatment/ Rehabditation Pottsville, PA 17901 Services Drug-free (717)6226120 Environment Outpatient Duector James Kirk


Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation REHRERSBURG Services Detoxil'ication Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Teen Challenge Traimng Center P.O. Box 98 Rchrcrsburg, PA 19550 PUNXSUTA WNEY (717)9334181 Director Regmald A. Yake CLFD-Jeff MH/MR D and A Program Activity AdmmLstratrve, North Findley Street Treatment/Rehabditation, Trammg, Education, Information Punxsutawney, PA 15767 (814) 938-8817 Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential Due ctor Pa tricia Hdlebrand Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free RIDGWAY Envuonmcnt Outpatient Partial Hospitahzation 216 Center Street READING Ridgway, PA 17047 (814) 776-1050 Alc and Drug Tmt Prog-BCP Due ctor Rodger L Beatty P.O. Box 797 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Reading, PA 19603 Services Drug-free (215) 3734998 Environment Outpatient, Daycare George Duector J Vogel Psychiatric Unit Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Elk County General Hospital Services Drug-free, Detoxification Ridgway, PA 15853 Envuonment Puson (814) 7754111 Director Robert J. Dickmson Alcoholism Treat Ctr Acuvity Treatment/Rehabilitation 12th and Walnut Street Services Drug-free Reading, PA 19603 Envuonment Inpatient Hospital (215) 787-9764 Director Santo C. Agolmo Ridgway Area Psychiatric Center Actrvrty Treatment/Rehabiht ation 110 Lmcoln Street Services Drug-free Ridgway, PA 15857 Envuonment Outpatient (814) 776-2145 Director John W Yates Aware Commumty Inc Actwity Treatment/Rehabilitation 19 South 9th Street Services Drug-free Readmg, PA 19601 Envuonment Outpatient (215) 3754277 Director Theodore Mason, Jr ROCHESTER Activrty Treat ment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Beaver County Mental Health Center Envuonment Outpatient 176 Virginia Avenue Rochester, PA 15074 Changes (412) 775-5208 6th and Spruce Director Robert A Yee, M D Reading, PA 19602 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (215) 3784190 Envnonment Inpatient Hosprtal Director Tom Dugdell Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Rochester Umt-Med Ctr of Beaver Co Services Detoxdication Rochester Hospital Environment Residential Rochester, PA 15074 (412) 7746060

Counseling Services Urut Duector Wdson Tucker 145 North Sixth Street Activity Treat ment/Rehabihtation Reachng, PA 19601 (215) 376-4881 SAYRE Director Peter T. Pughcse, M D Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Bradford Tioga Sullivan Co D and A Progmm Services Drug-free, Mamtenance 114 Lockhart Street Envuonment Outpatient Sayre, PA 18840


(714) 8884516 Director Lou&s Charles Activ&ty Treatinent/Rehabditation Duector Thomas Palumbo Services Drug-free Act&v&ty Treatment/Rehabditation 1',nvironment Services Drug-free Outpatient Environment Outpatient SHAM OKIN SCHIKSHINNY Shamokin State Hosp&tal Shamokm State General Hos Clearbrook Lodge C/0 PA Clearbrook Lodge Corporation Shamolun, I 7872 648-5772 RD 2, 146A (717) Sch&kshinny, PA 18655 Director James E Smith (717) 864-3581 Act&v&ty Treatment/Rehabditation Serv&ces D&rector Frank Babow&cz Detox&f&cat&on Env&ronment Act&vity Treatment/Rehabditation Outpat&cnt Services Drug-free Envnonment Res&dential SHARON

SCRANTON Mercer County Drug Council IS Vine Avenue PA Residential Detox Uiut Sharon, 16146 981-5155 Scranton State Hosp (412) Scranton, PA 18501 Director Troy Emery Act&v&ty Treatment/Rehab&htanon Director Armand Zangard& Services Drug-free Act&vity Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment Serv&ccs Drug-free Outpatient Env&ronment Res&dential Sharon Gen Hosp&tal The Rehab Center-Lack Co East State Street 200 Adams Avenue Sharon, PA 16146 Scranton, PA 18503 (717) 787-9764 (717) 344-961S Director Eugene Omeara Director Jane Y Studer Activity Treatment/Rehabditat&on Activity Treatment/Rehabil&tat&on Services Drug-free SM Envuonment Outpat&ent, Resident&al ETHPORT

Famdy and Cluld Guidance Center The Rap House Cemp East Main Street 719-720 Mulberry Street 410 Scranton, PA 18510 Smethport, PA 16749 (717) 342-4298 (814) 887-5591 Director Lawrence Hams, Ph D Duector Susan Z&ering Act&v&ty Treatment/Rehabd&tation Act&v&ty Treatment/Rehabditat&on Services Drug-free Serv&ces Drug-free Envuonment Envuonment Daycare Outpatient

SELLERSVILLE SOMERSET Ctr-Bedford/Somerset Penn Foundation for Mental Health Help Rear North Center Avenue Lawn Avenue 780 Somerset, PA Sellersville, PA 18960 15501 (215) 2574551 (814) 4454865 Duector Carl Amerhauser D&rector Gary Beese G. Activ&ty Treatment/Rehabditat&on Act&v&ty Treatment/Rehabilitat&on Serv&ccs Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential, Daycare Env&ronment Outpatient Outpatient,


Today County L&ne Sewickley Valley Hosp Drug Prgm Blackburn Road P.O. Box 949 South PA Sewickley, PA 15143 Hampton, 18966 (412) 7414600 (215) 322-0827


Director Jack Moore TOWANDA Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program Environment Outpatient 513 Minn Street Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 2654588 ST. MARY' S Duector James H. Hoag Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Elcam Vocational Rehab Center RDNo. 3 Services Drug-free I',nvuonment Outpatient St. Mary' s, PA 15857 (814) 781-7101 Duector George W. Von Ilacht UNIONTOWN Actwrty Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Addictive Disease Center Environment Daycare Old Kerry Steak House Uniontown, PA 15401 (814) 4394)064 STATE COLLEGE Duector Eleanor Ddlon Actwity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Mountam View Services Drug-free Centre Community Hospital Environment Outpatient State College, PA 16801 (814) 2384351 Fayette County MH/MR Clone Inc Director John Branigan 410 Fayette Bank Buddmg Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Uniontown, PA 15401 Services Drug-free (412) 437-0729 Envuonment Outpatient Director Anna B Calloway Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation STROUDSBURG Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Tn County Drug and Alcohol Program 208 Main Street UPPER DARBY Stroudsburg, PA 18360 (717)421-1960 HIPIP-Outpatient Drug Director Bruce C Duvall 303 South 69th Street Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Upper Darby, PA 19082 Services Drug-free, Maintenance (215) 734-1155 Environment Outpatient Director Rhoda Indictor Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free SUNBURY Environment Outpatient

Central Susquehanna Drag and Rehab Svs Sunbury, PA 17801 WARREN (717) 286-2278 Famdy Service and Chdls Ard Soc of Warr Director Wdhain C. Snauffer P.O. Box 628 Actwity Treatment/Rehabditation Warren, PA 16365 Services Detoxification (814) 723-1330 Envuonment Outpatient Director James W Knder, Jr Actwity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free TITUSVILLE Environment Outpatient

Titusville Counselmg Center for D/A Wanen Forest MH Service Inc 108'/i South Franklm Street 216 Liberty Street Titusvdle, PA 16354 Warren, PA 16365 (814) 827-1885 (814) 723-1832 Director Jerry P Petersen Duector Launc Bdlstone Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtat ton Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Environment Outpatient



Washmgton D and A Cluuc Clut-Chat Farms 8 West Chesnut Street P.O. Box 277 Washington, PA 15301 Wernersville, PA 19565 (412) 228-2200 (215) 678-2332 Director Gdles L Girard Director Jerry Shulman Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Services Detoxufication Fnvironment Outpatient Environment Residential


Nascent House Gaudenzia House-West Chester Road No. 2 P.O. Box 352 PA Wattsburg, 16442 West Chester, PA 19308 (814) 725-1319 (215) 221-9100 Duector Edward Gulnac Ducctor Nikki A. Mitrovrc A ctlvlt Treatment/Rehabihtation y Activity Treatment/Rchabditation Services Drug-free Scivlces I)rug-free I:,nvironmcnt Residential Envuo nment Residential

The Open Door WAYNE 216 South Church Street West Chester, PA, 19380 Changing Times 2 (215) 436-5432 234 Conestoga Road Wayne, PA 19087 Duector Sharon White (215) 293-0955 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Director Vicki Redly Environment Pnson Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free I'.nvironment Outpatient WEST NEWTON

WAYNESBURG Ou treach Center Mon Valley United Health Serv Wayncsburg D and A Chnic West Newton, PA 15089 Wayncsburg, PA 15370 (412) 872-7646 (412) 627-6108 Director Thomas Nega Du ector Gdles L Girard Acuvity Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient

Youth Inc Fordycc Ranch Waynesburg, PA 15370 WILKES BARRE (412) 499-5256 Director Hank Fordyce Court Advocate Program Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 19 North River Street Services Drug-free Wdkes Barre, PA 18701 Environment Residential (717) 829-3489 Ducctor John Khmchak Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free WELLSBORO Environment Outpatient

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prog Mahbar Youth and Drug Center Community Fducation Center Malabar Inc Wellsboio, PA 16901 Wdkes Barre, PA 18701 (717) 724-1202 (717) 8224157 Director .lames H Hoag Director Mitchell Embry Acuvity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Fnvuonment Outpatient



New Earth Wrlkrnsburg Ctr 1019Wood Street Wdkrnsburg, PA 15221 (412) 241-1415 Director James Long Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Colonial Halfway House P.O. Box 3204 York, PA 17402 (717) 757-1461 Director G F. Brenneman Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Residential

York Hosp-Methadone Prog 1001 South George Street York, PA 17405 (717) 771-2385 Director Leon F Hawn Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient


AGUADILLA Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Education, Information. Commumty Services Centro De Aguadilla Services Drug-free Frente Hospital De Distrito Environment Residential AguadCla, PR 00603 (809) 891-2352 BAYAMON Director Jose Luis Caban Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron Alcance Juvenil Services Maintenance Carretera KM HM Los Frades Environment Outpatient 862 2 7 Sector Bayamon, PR 00619 Hogar Crea Aguaddla (809) 7874516 Calle San Carlos Director Alberto Arroyo Aguaddla, PR 00603 Acnvity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron (809) 761-0715 Services Drug-free L'nvnonment Duector GuClermo Perez )imenez Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Fducation, Information, Community Services Centro De Bayamon Services Drug-free Calle Comeno 428 Envnonment Residential Bayamon, PR 00619 (809) 786-4370 Reto a la Juventud Director Armando Rovira Apartado 3351 Activity Treatment/RehabChtatron Aguadilla, PR 00603 Services Maintenance (809) 832-6212 Envuonment Outpatient Director Israel Toro Activity Treatment/RehabCitation; Information Centro de Bayamon, Comeno Services Drug-free Centro Comercial San Fernando PR Environment Outpatient, Reiadential Bayamon, 00619 (809) 785-3420 Director Onofre Santaigo ARECIBO Acnvity Treatment/RehabCitation Services Drug-free Centro de Arecibo Environment Outpatient, Daycare Ave Victor Rolas Arecibo, PR 00612 Hogar Crea Bayamon Naran)rto (809) 878-4256 Carr 167 Bayamon A Comeno PR Director Sra. Suarez Bayamon, 00619 Activity Treatment/RehabCitation (809) 761-0715 Services Drug-free Duector Ehas Torres Sanchez Environment Outpatient, Daycare Activity Treatment/RehabCitation, Education, Information, Community Services Hogar Crea-Arecibo Drug-free, Detoxification Carr, 129 Bo. Alto Abalo Residential Arecibo, PR 00612 (809) 878-5053 Hogar Crea-Mu)eres Dnector Jose R Martinez Carretera a Comeno Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Bayamon, PR 00619 Information, Commumty Services (809) 785-8314 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Director Nereida Manas Environment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatton, Education, Information, Community Services Drug-free BARRANQUITAS Residential

Hogar Crea-Barranquitas Hogar El Encuentro Annguo Hospital Mumcipal Bayamon Gardens Station Barranquitas, PR 00618 Bayamon, PR 00763 (809) 857-4055 (809) 858-1068 Duector Hector L. Burgos Director Jenny A Tapis


Activity 'frcatment/Rchablhtatlon, Traimng, Education CAROLINA Scrvlccs Drug-free Environment Residential Ccntro dc Intervcncion y Colaboracion Calle Munoz Rtvera 252 Tenn Challenge of Puerto Rico Carolma, PR 00630 Carr 2 KM 7 HM7 (809) 763-7575 PR 00619 Bayamon, Director Zulcika de Vidal 783-0522 (809) Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, Director Jrome Pcrcz Information, Sports Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education Drug-free Services Drug-frcc Outpatient Environment Residential Hogar Crea-Carolma Calle Munoz Rivers CABO ROJO Carolina, PR 00630 (809) 768-3858 Hogar Crea-Cabo Rolo Director Wllham Percz Calle Munoz Rn era 81 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, PR Cabo Rolo, 00623 Commumty Services 761-0715 Information, (809) Services Drug-free, Detoxification Director Jamie Anderson Environment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Information, Commumty Services Services Drug-free CAROLINA ALTA Environment Residential Instituto Psicologrco de Puerto Rico 15 B Avenida Mdagros Cabeza CAGUAS Carolina Alta, PR 00630 (809) 768-3770 Centro dc Caguas Director Dr M Wcnnerhorm Antlguo Hospital Municipal Activity Admlmstratlve, Treatment/Rehabthtatton PR 00625 Caguas, Services Drug-free 744-6660 (809) Environment Outpatient Director Carlos E Nunez Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education Scrvlccs Mtuntenance CATANO Environment Outpatient Ilogar Crea Catano Adolescentcs Centro de Caguas-Cesame Borlnquen 25 Calle Intendentc Ramirez 14 Catano, PR 00632 7884)292 Caguas, PR 00625 (809) (809) 743-8474 Director Luis M Guadalupe Director Jose Ramlrez Polo Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Information, Community Services Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Daycare Residential tano Adultos Hogar Crea-Adolescentes Hogar Crea~ Bamo Qucbrada Arenas Bamo Sabana PR Caguas, PR 00625 Catano, 00632 (809) 761-7145 (809) 781-6590 Director Ricardo Bommguez Director Johnny Torrcs Activity Treatment/Rehablhtatlon, Educahon, Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, Information, Commumty Services Information, Commumty Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Residential Environment Residential

Hogar Crea-Caguas CAYEY Calle Padlal Final Caguas, PR 00625 Hogar Crea-Cayey (809) 743-6660 Avemda Antomo R. Barcelo PR 00633 Director Luis M Padm Classen Cayey, 738-5357 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, (809) Information, Commumty Services Director Juho Cuevas Cahxto Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Residential Information, Community Services


Services Drug-free, Detoxification GUAYNABO Environment Residential Hogar Crea-Guaynabo Carr. 833 Bo. Sta. Rosa Buaynabo, PR 00657 COAMO (809) 761-0715 Director Miguel A. Oieda Crea-Coamo Hogar Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Calle Mariano Qumones Information, Community Services Coamo, PR 00640 Services Drug-free (809) 825-1786 Environment Residential Director Luis Bernos Rivers Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, Information, Community Services GURABO Services Drug-free Environment Residential Hogar Crea-Gurabo Carrctera 181 Final Gurabo, PR 00658 (809) 761-0715 FAJARDO Director Charhe Rodriguez Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Centro Psico-Social Drurno Ambuiatorio Information, Community Services Calle Zalduondo Veve Drug-free PR Faiardo, 00648 Residential (809) 863-3323 Duector Srta Sylvia Carmona Mezqwta Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information HATO REY Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Centro de Intervencion y Colaboracion Calle Uruguay 116 Hogar Crea-Falardo Hato Rey, PR 00919 Bo.Jerusalem (809) 765-9940 Falardo, PR 00648 Ldhan Valcarcel (809) 863-2766 Director Achvity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Duector Ramon Rivers Information Activity Treatment/Rehabditatron, Education, Services Drug-free Information, Commumty Services Envu onment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Residential HUMACAO

Centro de Humacao GUANICA Bamo Telas Humacao, PR 00661 Hogar Crea-Guaruca (809) 852-3455 Calle San Miguel Esq. Santa Rosa Guanica, PR 00653 Duector Sra. Ldhan Lopez (809) 821-5825 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education Services Maintenance Director Wrlberto Rivers Casiano Environment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, Information, Commumty Services Hogar Crea-Humacao Services Drug-free Carr. Hacia Playa Humacao Environment Residential Humacao, PR 00611 (809) 8524) 144 Director Juan Santana Molrca GUAYAMA Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, Information; Community Services Hogar Crea-Guayama Services Drug-free, Detoxification Bo. Lmea Capo Environment Residential Guayama, PR 00654 (809) 864-0230 Programs Corda Carretera 910Bo.Catano Dnector Eduardo Colon Humacao, PR 00661 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Information, Community Services Duector Jose Cruz Services Drug-free Activity Admnustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Envu onment Residential Education, Information


Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential Environment Outpatient, Daycare

Hogar Crea-Mayaguez JUNCOS Carr 2 KM 180.6 Mayaguez, PR 00909 Hogar Crea-Juncos (809) 832-8225 Central Juncos Director Ramon Guzman Juncos, PR 00666 Activity Treatment/RehabCitation; Education, (809) 734-8303 Information, Community Services Duector Pablo Rivera Sandoz Services Drug-free, DetoxCication Activity Treatment/RehabCitation, Education, Environment Residential Information, Commuiuty Services Services Drug-free Envnonmcnt Residential MOROVIS

Hogar Crea-Morovrs MANATI Baldorioty 74 Morovis, PR 00717 Centro de Manati (809) 7614715 Road 2 KM 47.7 Duector Eduardo Hernandez Manati, PR 00701 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, (809) 854-1165 Information; Community Services Director Lydia S Del Valle Services Drug-free Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Trainmg Environment Residential Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Daycare PONCE Hogar Crea Manati Barirada San Jose Centro de Intervencion y Colaboracron Manatr, PR 00701 Calle Mayor Cantera 35 (809) 854-1845 Ponce, Pr 00731 (809) 763-7575 Du'cctor Manuel Rios Berrios Activity Treatment/RehabCitation, Education, Duector Elsie de Allen Information, Community Services Activity Treatment/RehabCitation, Education, Services Drug-free Information; Sport Activities Envnonment Residential Services Drug-free Envu onment Outpatient

Centro Residencial El Roble MAYA GUEZ Calle 25 de Enero (final) Apartado 3617 Ponce, PR 00909 Centro de Intervencion y Colaboracion (809) 843-8035 Centro de Servicios Multiples Duector. Elba de Rivera Mayaguez, PR 00708 Activity Treatment/RehabCitation (809) 763-7575 Services Drug-free Duector Jose Gonzalez Laabes Environment Residential Activity Treatment/RehabChtatron, Education, Information; Sports Activities Hogar Crea Phya Ponce Drug-free Box 33 Outpatient Ponce, PR 00731 (809) 844-2715 Centro de Mayaguez Duector Victor J. Carbonel Calle de Diego 15 Este Activity Treatment/RehabCitation, Education, Mayaguez, PR 00708 Information, Community Services (809) 833-1560 Services Drug-free Duector Luis Raul Paddla Segarra Environment Residential Activity Treatment/RehabCitation Services M amtenance Hogar Crea-Ponce Pueblo Environment Outpatient Calle Central 13 Ponce, PR 00731 Centro de Mayaguez (809) 844-2715 Ave Guanalibo 242 Altos Dnector Raul Costas Mayaguez, PR 00708 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education; (809) 833-2193 Information, Commuiuty Services Duector Sixto Mendez Bonilh Services Drug-free; DetoxCication Activity Treatment/RehabCitation Environment Residential


Mision de Refugio Incorporated Centro Pellot-Dc Diego Bamo la Yuca 192 Ave De Diego 459 Ponce, PR 00731 Rio Piedras, PR 00928 (809) 842-8784 (809) 7244015 Director Rev. Joaquin Candal Duector Manucl I',strada Actinty Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Central Intake, Traiiung, Information, Services Maintenance Prevention Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential Centro Psrco-Social Nocturno y Ambulat Centro Medico Vuscad Inc Rio Piedras, PR 00928 Urb Vdla Del Carmen (809) 765-9940 Ponce, PR 00731 (809) 842-5254 Director Sra. Garcia Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Aids Cruz Vda Services Drug-free Activity Admmistrative, Education, Information, Envuonment Outpatient Counsehng, Community Services Centro San Patricio Antiguo Hospital San Patrtcio PUERTA DE TIERRA Rio Predras, PR 00909 (809) 781-6038 Hogar Crea-Puerta de Tierra Duector David Calle San Agustm 202 Qugano Activity Puerta de Tierra, PR 00906 Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Traiiung (809) 724-2760 Sernces M aintenance Envuonment Outpatient Director Narciso Guadalupe Actinty Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education, Department of Addiction Services Information, Community Sernces P.O. Box 20016, Rio Piedras Station Services Drug-free Rio Piedras, PR 00928 Ennronment Residential (809) 763-7575 Director Rafael Santos Del Valle RIO GRANDE Activity Admnustrative, Information Expreso Tru)dlo Hogar Crea-Rio Grande Hogar Crea Ave Bamo Juan Gonzalez Tru)tllo Alto KM 2 Rio Rro Grande, PR 00745 Predras, PO 00750 (809) 887-2512 (809) 761-5858 Director Director Carlos Andrdlon Luis 0 Cotto Activity Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Education, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, Information; Community Services Information, Commuiuty Sernces Drug-free SeMces Drug-free Residential Ennronment Residential Hogar Crea-Barrio Tortugo RIO PIEDRAS Vreja Carretera Rro Piedras a Caguas Rio Piedras, PR 00928 (809) 781-8152 Centro de Intervencion y Colaboracion Edrficro 84, Apt. 858 Director Ramon L. Cruz Rio Piedras, PR 00909 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, (809) 764-0470 Information, Community Sernces Services Ducctor Howard Charles Drug-free Envu onment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Trammg, Education, Information Drug-free Hogar Crea-Country Club Lola Rodz. Outpatient 794 de Tio Box 1873 Rto Piedras, PR 00934 Centro de Orientacion (809) 769-3193 Iglesia Evangelica Unida Duector Alfredo Ortiz Rio Prcdras, PR 00909 Activity. Treatnient/Rehabihtation, Education, (809) 763-7575 Information, Community Services Services Drug-free Director Srta. Margarita Fonseca Ennronment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Central Intake; Information Crea-Hato Services Drug-free Hogar Rey Calle Ba)adoz Ennronment Outpatient 305 Rio Piedras, PR 00919


(809) 764-8373 Samt Just-La Qumta Carretera 848 KM I HM 2 Director Gomez M Cintron Samt Just, PR 1.'ducation, 00750 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, (809) 761-3190 Int'ormation, Cominunity Services Services Drug-free Duector Francisco Cruz Environment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, In formation, Commuiuty Services Hogar Crea-Manuel a Perez Services Drug-free, Detoxification Calle 50 D-2 Environment Residential Rio Piedras, PR 00923 (809) 765-0912 SAN JUAN Duector Edgardo dc la Vega Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Casa la Providencia information, Community Services Boulevard Del Vaile 200 Services Drug-free Old San PR Environment Residential Juan, 00902 (809) 725-5358 Hogar Crea-Venezuela Director Sister Maureen Wamman Bo. Venezuela Apartado 21102 Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Rro Predras, PR 00928 Central Intake, Trammg, Education, (809) 766-3442 information, Prevention Services Drug-free Duector Jose Rivers Rodriguez Environment Residential, Daycare Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Education, Information, Community Services Centro De Intervencion Services Drug-free, Detoxification y Colaboracion Ave Ponce De Leon Parada 5'Iz Environment Residential 250 San Juan, PR 00906 (809) 722-3400 Pabellon J y H Hospital de Psiquiatria Centro Medico Director Hiram Montalvo Rro Piedras, PR 00928 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Traming, (809) 765-0575 Education, Information, Servicios Deportivo Services Drug-free Duector Maria I Casellas Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Traming Services Drug-free Centro Ferrocarrd Environment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare Calle Del Muelle-Parada 2'/s San PR Pabellon B Juan, 00936 763-7575 Antiquo Hosital De Psiquiatria (809) Bo. Monacillos Director Doris Pacheco Centro Medico Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education Rio Pietras, PR 00909 Services Maintenance (809) 765-2050 Envuonment Outpatient Director Alelandnna S De Lugo Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Nara Counselor Services Drug-free Edif Federal Oficio 508 Vielo San PR Environment Residential, Daycare Juan, 00904 (809) 723-0531 Hogar Crea-Park Gardens Director Jose M Dechoudens Calle Tortosa Final P-15 Activity Administrative, Information Rio Piedras, PR 00928 (809) 761-8840 SANTURCE Duector Wrlfrcdo Cruz Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, I',ducation, Centro Alhambra (Playita) Informauon, Commumty Services A Services Drug-free Caseta y B Santurce, PR 00915 Environment Residential Activity (809) 763-7575 Duector Carmen S. Ortega Cordero SAINT JUST Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Tramjng, Education Hogares Crea Inc Services Mamtenance Carretera 848 KM 09 Environment Outpatient Samt Just, PR 00750 (809) 76 1-0715 Centro Casita Verde (Mu)eres) Director Juan Jose Garcia Caseta A y B Santurce, PR Admuustrative, Information 00909 (809) 722-3125


Duector Marian Rodnguez TOA BAJA Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Training, Education Centro Resrdencial Casita Midway Services Maintenance Carr. 867 KM I HM 5 Envnonment Outpatient Toa Baia, PR 00759 (809) 784-2137 Centro Llorens Torres Director Belcn Casanova Calle Loiza 2259 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education, Santurce, PR 00909 Information (809) 726-0490 Services Drug-free Duector Francssco Torres Environment Residential Activity Treatment/RehabCitation Services Mamtenance Environment Outpatient VEGA ALTA

Centro Residencial Hogar Nueva Esperanza-Ctr Rehab Psico Averuda Ponce De Leon-Parada 15 Carr. 647 KM I HM 3 Santurce, PR 00909 Vega Alta, PR 00762 (809) 723-0120 (809) 7854430 Director Padre Donald Vega Director Dr Ralph Knspy Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Tratmng Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation, Training Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Environment Residential Envuonment Outpatient, Residential

Hogar Crea-Rio Piedras Seguuniento Avenida Fernandez Juncos 1853 VEGA BAJA Santurce, PR 00908 (809) 766-5367 Hogar Crea-Vega Baia Baldonoti Director Pedro Montalvo 51 Vega Bala, PR 00763 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, Information, Followup (809) 858-2537 Drug-free Director Humberto Diaz ' Outpatient Activity Treatment/RehabCrtatron, Education, Information, Commumty Services Hogar Crea-Ciudad Modelo Drug-free Calle Bolivar 40 Residential Santurce, PR 00909 (809) 722-3132 SILO-Mision Cristiana Inc Director Victor M. Ramos Apartado 1781 Activity Treatment/RehabCitation, Education, Vega Baia, PR 00763 Information, Commuiuty Services (809) 783-2725 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Ducctor Judith Rossy dc Cintron Envuonment Residential Activity Treatment/RehabCrtatron, Education Services Drug-free Hogar Crea- Taft Envuonment Residential Calle San Jorge No. 108 Santurce, PR 00909 (809) 722-4530 YABUCOA Duector Jose Negron Zapater Hogar Crea- Yabucoa Activity Treatment/RehabCitation, Education, Information, Community Services Salida Bo.Camino Nuevo Services Drug-free Yabucoa, PR 00767 Environment Residential (809) 893-2016 Duector Jose A. I'onseca Hogar Crea-Villa Palmeras Activity Treatment/RehabCitation, Education, Ave Eduardo Conde 2005 Information, Community Services Santurce, PR 00915 Services Drug-free (809) 722-3621 Environment Residential Duector Jose F Fuster Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education, Information; Community Services Services Drug-free Environment Residential


CHARLESTOWN Duector Ellen Green Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Washmgton Co Comm M/H Services Drug-free Old Post Road, P.O. 363 Environment Outpatient Charlestown, RI 02813 (401) 364-7705 PROVIDENCE Director Richard Antonelli Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Alternative Services Drug-free 7 Burgess Street Environment' Outpatient Providence, Rl 02909 (401) 421-2236 CRANSTON Due ctor Ken Smith Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Caritas House Services Drug-free Cottage 404, Cottage Ct A Environment Outpatient Cranston, Rl 02920 (401) 464-3197 DASH 124 Taunton Avenue Duector Mrs. Susan Wallace East Providence, Rl 02915 Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity (401) 438-9330 Services Drug-free Environment Residential Duector James Alonzr Activity Treatment/Rehabditation CODAC Services Drug-free 91 I Pontiac Avenue Environment Outpatient Cranston, Rl 02920 (401) 461-5056 Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Davis Park Director Grarg Stennmg Providence, Treatment/Rehabditation RI 02908 Activity 521-1700 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance (401) Envuonment Outpatient Director Jack Van Vhet Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Admuustrative Dept of Mental Health Retard and Hosp Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance 600 New London Avenue Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Cranston, Rl 02920 (401) 464-3291 JCDC Drug Program 231 Amhurst Avenue Director Joseph Bevdacqua Rl Admuustrative Providence, 02907 Activity (401) 421-8062 Rhode Island Statewide Drug Abuse Prog Director Frank Depetrdlo R.L Medical Center Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Cranston, RI 02920 Services Drug-free (401) 831-6756 Environment Outpatient, Daycare Duector Daniel Mellor Marathon House Activity Admmistrative 121 Dyer Street RI 02906 RIDAP Detoxification Unit Providence, 397-7778 R.l. Medical Center (401) Cranston, Rl 02920 Duector James Germano (401) 331-7400 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Drug-free Dnector Richard Snyder SeMces Envuonment Residential Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation Providence Mental Health Center Broad Street PA WTUCKET 355 Providence, Rl 02907 274-2500 Road Counsehng Program (401) 393 Main Street Director Charles Maynard Pawtucket, Rl 02860 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (401) 728-3260


Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient

Span Inc P.O. Box 1227, Providence Annex Providencc, Rl 02903 (401) 464-2251 Duector Sandy Cutler Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation


Pro)ect Alpha 265 Putnam Avenue Smithfield, Rl 02880 (401) 231-7211 Director Leo Prevey Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Warurck Narcohc Guidance Council 146 Winter Avenue Warvvrck, Rl 02889 (401) 464-2251 Director Michael Brophy Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtation Services Drug-free Envnonment Outpatient


Road Counsclmg Program Federal Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 (401) 769-3100 Director Steve Lieberman Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


29020 AIKEN Camden, SC (803) 4324902 Aiken-Barnwell Mental Health Center Duector. William J. Higgins 104 Florence Street SW Activity Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Aiken, SC 29801 Information; Referral Center (803) 648-0481 Services: Referral Outpatient Director: E A. Lombard Environment Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation CHARLESTON ANDERSON Charleston Area Mental Health Center Abuse Comm 30 Lockwood Drive Anderson Co Alcohol and Drug 29401 Street Charleston, SC 128 West Benson 577-2300 Anderson, SC 29621 (803) (803) 225-1468 Duector J. W Blanton Treatment/Rehabihtation Director: Doyle W. Kay Activity: Activity. Administrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation; Charleston Co Substance Abuse Commission Trainmg; Education; Information 27 Courtenay Drive Services Drug-free Charleston, SC 29403 Environment Outpatient; Residential (803) 723-7415 Anderson-Oconee-Pickens Director Patncra B. Sutker 200 McGee Road Activity. Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation, Anderson, SC 29621 Central Intake; Trammg; Education; (803) 224-2105 Information Services: Drug-free; Screening Director: Mary Burroughs Environment Outpatient Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Coastal Comm Pre-release Center BEAUFORT 2462 Leeds Avenue Charleston Heights, SC 29405 744-5511 Naval Hospital (803) Drug/Alcohol Rehab Center Director: Milan O'Bradovich Beaufort, SC 29902 Activity: Admmistrattve; Treatment/Rehabihtation; (803) 524-2151 Central Intake; Trainmg; Education; Information Activity: Administrative Services: Drug-free Environment: Prison Oflice oi' Alcohol and Drug Control Marine Corps Air Station Counseling and Assistance Center Beaufort, SC 29202 846-2211 Naval Station (803) Charleston, SC 29408 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation (803) 743-2636 Director. LCDR L. K. Weittenhiller Central Intake; BENNETTSVILLE Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation, Training; Education; Information; 24-Hour Hothne Tri-County Mental Health Center Services Drug-free The Whitner Building Envuonment Outpatient Bennettsville, SC 29512 (803) 479-6422 Franklin C. Fetter Family Health Center Director. Gary Zimmerman Substance Abuse Program Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation 689 Metting Street Services: Drug-free, Psychotropic Drugs Charleston, SC 29403 Environment Outpatient (803) 722-8315 Director Lon De Leon Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake; CAMDEN Activity Trammg Information Services. Drug-free; Detoxification; Maintenance Kershaw County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center Outpatient, Residential; Daycare; Detoxdication 703 Lafayette Environment 271 SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF DRUG

Naval Hospital Manning Correctional Inst Naval Regional Medical Center 502 Beckman Drive Charleston, SC 29408 Columbia, SC 29203 (803) 743-5130 (803) 7584721 Director Gdbert Snyder Director Mdan O'B radovich Activity Administratn e; Treatment/Rehabilitation, Acttvrty Administrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake; Trammg, Education, Central Intake; Training; Education; Information Information; Mamage Counseling Services: Drug-free Services. Drug-free Environment Residential; Inpatient Hospital Environment: Prison

Office of Social Actions Methadone Mant Prog Col Urban Serv Ct 437 Maw/Sld 1438 Gregg Street Charleston, SC 29404 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 7474111 (803) 7794330 Director Norbert R Hand, Jr. Director Sterhng Laney Activity Admmistrative; Treatment/RehaLihtation, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Central Intake, Trainmg, Education; Services Mamtenance Information, Crisis Intervention Envnonment Outpatient

VA Hospital Mosob Neighborhood Treatment Center Substance Abuse Program 1900 Hampton Street Charleston, SC 29403 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 577-5011 (803) 254-7684 Due ctor Dr James Sexauer Director Gloria Ferguson Activity Treatment/Rehabihta tron Activrty Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Intake, Information Youth Rehab Center 200 Coming Street S.C. Alcohol and Drug Addiction Center Charleston, SC 29403 State Department of Mental Health (803) 722-4 I 12 Columbia, SC 29203 Duector Lon DeLeon (803) 7584437 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Thomas G. I'aison Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Quarter-Way House Envuonment Residential, Inpatient Hospital COLUM B]A S.C. Comm on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Central Correctional Institution P.O. Box 4616 1515 Gist Street Columbia, SC 29240 Columbia, SC 29211 (803) 758-2521 (803) 781-1130 Director William J McCord Duector Mdan O'Bradovich Activrty Administrative Activity Admmistratrve. Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Trammg, 1.',ducation South Carolina Dept of Conections Drug-free 4444 Broad River Road Prison Columbia, SC 29202 (803) 781-1130 Columbia Area Mental Health Center Director Mdan O'Bradovich 1618 Sunset Dnve Activity Traming, Education. Columbia, SC 29203 Admmistrativc, (803) 758-3503 Information Director Hugh Esker The Bosom Neighborhood Tmt Center Activrty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, 709 Santee Avenue I.ducation, Information, Detoxification Columbia, SC 29205 Crisis Intervention (803) 7794780 Drug-free, Detoxification Director Outpatient Judy Slumanousky Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake Services Decker House Drug-free Envuonment 1712 Decker Boulevard Outpatient Columbia, SC 29204 (803) 782-0730 Watkins Prc-Release Center 4546 Broad River Road Director Terry Watson Columbia, SC 29210 Activity Treatment/ Rehabilitation (803) 7584466


Duector Milan O'Bradovich Services Drug-free, Dctoxd'ication Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Envuonment Residential Central Intake, Training, Education, Information Services Drug-free GREENVILLE Envuonment Puson Blue Ridge Community Pre-Release Center Women's Correctional Center 220 Beverly Road 4450 Broad River Road GrcenviUc, SC 29609 Columbia, SC 29210 (803) 268-1360 (803) 758-6491 Director Milan O'Bradovich Director Milan O'Bradovich Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central intake, Education, Information Central Intake, Traming, Education Services Drug-free Drug-free Envuonment Prison Puson GreenviUe Area Mental flealth Center 715 Grove Road CON WAY Greenvdlc, SC 29605 (803) 242-8085 Hoity-Georctown-Wdliamsburg Men Hlth Director Louis CanceUaro 706 Laurel Street Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Conway, SC 29526 Services Drug-free (803) 248-9543 Envuonment Outpatient Duector James W. Pearson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, L'ducation, Comm for Abuse Control Information Greenvdle Cty Drug 135 South Mam Street Envuonment Outpauent Greenvdle, SC 29602 (803) 232-1319 FLORENCE Duector James C Haynes Activity Admmistrative Florence Co Comm on Alcohol and D/A 306 South McQueen Street Winguard Center Florence, SC 29501 Route Box 468-A (803) 665-9349 11, Greenvdle, SC 29611 Director Charles Young (803) 232-1319 Activity Admuustrativc, Treatment/Rehabditation, Ducctor Jim Haynes Central Intake, Trarrung, Education, Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Cnsis Intervention Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential Environment Outpatient

Niktu Cruz Outreach of S.C. Inc Youth Challenge Home for Girls Palmetto Street 3201 Augusta Road Florence, SC 29501 GreenviUc, SC 29605 (803) 662-5201 (803) 271-7952 Duector Bubba Grunslet Duector Byron Jones Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trammg, Education Pee Dee Mental Health Center Services Drug-free Route 2, Box 7 Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Florence, SC 29501 (803) 662-1401 Director John R Howard GREENWOOD Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation

Beckman Ctr for Mental Health Service GASTON Corner Phoenix and Alexander Streets Greenwood, SC 29646 Gaston House (803) 223-8331 Highway 321 South Duector Zolton Agardy Gaston, SC 29053 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake, (803) 796-6206 Education, Information Director Jon Linder Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Outpatient



Darhngton Cnty Comm on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Office of Social Actions 418 West Carolma Avenue Myrtle Beach Arr Force Base, SC 29577 Hartsvdle, SC 29550 (803) 448-8311 (803) 3324156 Director Charles C O'Bnen Ducctor Winston McElveen Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central intake, Trammg, Education, Information, Group Therapy, Aftercare Services Drug-free NORTH AUGUSTA Envuonment Outpatient Aiken Cty Comm on Alcohol and Drug Abuse 610 Cherokee Drive LANCASTER North Augusta, SC 29841 (803) 279-1999 Lancaster Co Comm Alcohol and Abuse Drug Director Scott McPherson P.O. Box 1110 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Lancaster, SC 29720 (803) 758-3864 Central Intake, Trainmg, Education, Information, Hotlmc Duector Wilham A Putman Services Drug-free Activity Admnustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Environment Outpatient, Daycare, Pnson Trammg, Education, Information. Referral Services Drugs'ree evrionment Outpatient PARRIS ISLAND

Depot Drug and Alc Abuse Control Sect LAURENS G-I Pams Island, SC 29905 Laurens Alcohol and Drug Abuse Comm (803) 524-2111 235 Laurens Street Director Laurens, SC 29360 Terrance D. Brown (803) 984-2024 Activity Admmistrativc, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trammg, L'ducation, Information Director Luther M Mundy Services Drug-free Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Education, Information, Referral Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Referral Envuonment Outpatient, Residential PIC KENS

Prckens Co Comm on Alc and Dr Abuse MARION P.O. Box 188 Pickcns, SC 29671 Marion County Alcohol and Drug Abuse (803) 8784107 P.O, Box 1011 Director Wdlette G. Dewsnap Marion, SC 29574 (803) 423-5610 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Trainmg, Education, Director Wdham T. O'Connor Information Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Services Drug-free Central Intake, Tranung, Education, Envn'onment Outpatient Information Drug-free Outpatient RIDGEVILLE

MacDougal Youth Correctional Center MONCKS CORNER Route I, Box 178 Rrdgeville, SC 29472 Berkeley Cnty Comm on Alcohol and Drug (803) 858-3561 109 West Mam Street Duector Mdan O'Bradovich Moncks Corner, SC 29461 Activity (803) 899-7711 Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Central Intake, Trainmg, Education, Director Ernest E. Kennedy Information Activity Admuustrativc, Central Intake, Education, Drug-free Information, Counselmg and Aftercare Pnson


ROCK HILL (803) 773-0321 Director Diann Mosley Abuse York County Council on Alc/Drug Activity Admmistrative, Central Intake, Trainmg, 325 East Wlute Street Fducation, Information, Hothne Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 3274119 Santee-Wateree Mental Health Ctr Duector Terry J. Rodgers P.O. Box 1946 Activity Admmistrative, Central Intake, Trammg, Sumter, SC 29150 Education, Information, 24-Hr Phone (803) 775-9364 Director Wilham King, M.D Mental Health York-Chester-Lancaster Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtauon 103 Sedge wood Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 327-2012 WALTERBORO Director Claudus R. Bellamy Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Coastal Empue Mental Health Center 315 South Lamack Street Walterboro, SC 29488 SALUDA (803) 549-1551 Duector Thomas Cleary Alcohol and Drug Abuse Comm Saluda Cnty Acuvity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, 303 West Butler Street Information Saluda, SC 29138 Services Drug-free (803) 445-2968 Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare Duector George I'. Hawluns Activity Admmistrative, Educauon, Information WEST COLUMBIA

SPARTANBURG Eureka Neighborhood Treatment Center 432 Center Street Alcohol and Drub Abuse Commission West Columbia, SC 29169 254 West Main Street (803) 2534036 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Director Tina Ferris (803) 582-7588 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake, Director Don Francis Information, Job Development Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation

Piedmont Comm Pre-Release Center WINNSBORO Route 7, Box 182 Spartanburg, SC 29303 Fairfield County Substance Abuse Comm (803) 585-7408 P.O. Box 388 Fairfield Street Winnsboro, SC 29180 Mdan O'Bradovich Duector (803) 635-2335 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake, Fducation Director Weldon C Bonds Drug-free Activity Admmistrative, Trammg; Education, Puson Information, Referral

Spartanburg Area Mental Health Center 149 East Wood Street Spartanburg, SC 29303 (803) 585-0366 Duector Samuel R. Kggore Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation


Drug/Alcohol Rehabihtation Program Shaw Air Force Base Sumter, SC 29152 (803) 668-2673 Director Captam Thorn Carmichale Acuvity Treatment/Rehabilitation

Mothers Palamas 226 Broad Street Sumter, SC 29150


ABERDEEN Director Ray Gunn Activity Halfway House Northeastern Mental Health Center 305 South State Street West River Mental Health Center Aberdeen, SD 57401 710St. Anne Street (605) 225-1010 Rapid City, SD 57701 Director Carle Morgan (605) 343-7262 A ctivit y Counselmg Director Gary Selvy Acnvity Counsehng BROOKINGS WATERTOWN Brookings Area Guidance Center 217 4th Street Lake Region Mental Health Center Brookings, SD 57006 420 Fourth NE (605) 692-6892 Watertown, SD 57201 Director Edwin Koepp (605) 886-5841 Activity Counselmg Director A. A Wyhe Activity Counsehng CANTON YANKTON Keystone Alcohol-Drug Treatment Center Canton, SD 57013 Lewis and Clark Mental Health Center (605) 987-2751 401 Capitol Street Duector Lou Schmidt Yankton, SD 57078 Activity Information, Counselmg (605) 6654604 Ihrcctor Eugene P. Engen, Ph D Activity Counsehng ELLSWORTH A.F.B.

Social Actions Office 44 SMW/SL Ellsworth, A.F.B., SD 57706 (605) 399-2366 Director Joseph A. Giannantonio II Activity Admiiustrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake; Trammg, Education, Information, Savehne/24-Hour Operation Drug-free, Detoxification Outpatient; Inpatient Hospital


Department of Health Divison of Drugs State Capitol Building Pierre, SD 57501 (605) 224-3123 Director Roger D. Herrnnan Activity Admmistrative, Trainmg, Education, Information


Friendship House 211 West Boulevard North Rapid City, SD 57701 (605) 342-9961


BARTLETT Mocassin Bend Psychiatric Hospital Mocassin Bend Road Bartlett Family Chnic Chattanooga, TN 37405 5712 State Road (615) 265-2271 Bartlett, TN 38005 Duector. Cheryl Robley, Ph. D. (901)386-0322 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation Dnector Micky Johnson Services Drug-free Activity. Treatment/Rehabditation Environment Inpatient Hospital

Phoenix House BOLIVAR 758 Oak Street Chattanooga, TN 37403 Western State Psychiatric Hospital (615) 2674331 Bolivar, TN 38074 Director Greg L Manson (901)658-5141 Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Duector Earl Ninow, M.D Education, Information, Hothne Activity Admmistratrve, Treatment/Rehabditation, Services Drug-free Information Envuonment Outpatient; Daycare Drug-free, Detoxification Inpatient Hospital Recovery House 1043 Blackford Street Chattanooga, TN 37403 BRISTOL (615) 266-4761 Director John I'arrow, Jr Bustol Regional Mental Health Center Activity Treatment/Rehabditation 26 Midway Street Services Drug-free Bristol, TN 37620 Envu'onment Outpatient, Residential (615) 968-1561 Duector Herbert Bockian, M.D Acuvity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation CLARKSVILLE Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Harnett Cohn Mental Health Center 1300 Madison Street Clarksvdle, TN 37040 CHATTANOOGA (615) 648-8126 Director Ned Mogge Chattanooga Psychiatnc Chnic Inc Acuvity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, 1028 East Tlurd Street Central Intake, Education, Informauon Chattanooga, TN 37403 Services Drug-free (615) 266-6751 Environment Outpatient Director John Fisher Activity Administrative CLEVELAND Chattanooga Psychiatnc Clinic Meth Cl 1041 Blackford Street Cleveland-Bradley Rgnl Mental Health Clhuc Chattanooga, TN 37403 755 Broad Street (615) 266-2288 Cleveland, TN 37311 (615)479-5454 Duector Betty Norns Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Edward Seder, M.D Envuonment Outpatient Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Information Cncl for Alc and Drug Abuse Services 2436 Glass Street Chattanooga, TN 37406 (615)698-8571 COLUMBIA Director Gd Anthony Columbia Area County Mental Health Center Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Activity Memonal Building Education, Information, Central Intake, Columbia, TN 38401 Referral (615) 3884653 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential Duector George Spam


Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Services: Drug-free Central Intake; Education; Information; Environment: Outpatient; Daycare Forensic Treatment Services: Drug-free; Detoxification Environment: Outpatient; Inpatient Hospital JOHNSON CITY

Watauga Area Mental Health Center COOKEVILLE 208 West Fairview Avenue Johnson City, TN 37601 Plateau Mental Health Center (615) 928-7311 P.O. Box 655 Cookeville, TN 38501 Director David H. Sims (615) 858-3171 Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation Services. Drug-free; Detoxification Director: Guy Zimmerman, M.D. Environment: Outpatient; Daycare; Inpatient Hospital Activity: Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake; Training; Education; Information KIN GSPORT

Kingsport MHC of Holston Valley Hosp COVINGTON 132 West Sevier Avenue IQngsport, TN 37660 Covmgton Mental Health Center (615) 247-5123 Box 114 Covington, TN 38019 Director Denms Chipman, M.D. (901)476-8967 Activity Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Duector Charles R. Kennon Environment Outpatient Activity Administrative; Treatment/Rehabthtation, Central Intake; Traiiung; Education; Upper E. Tenn Coun/Alcohol and Drug Dep Information 116 East Market Street Services: Drug-free Kingsport, TN 37660 Environment Outpatient (615) 247-6128 Director: Ron Stone GREENEVILLE Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake, Trammg; Education; Nolichuckey-Holston Area MHC Information P.O. Box 683 Drug-free; Detoxification Greeneville, TN 37743 Outpatient; Residential; Inpatient Hospital (615) 639-1961 Director: Tom Parker KNOXVILLE Activity: Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free Eastern State Hospital-Alc and Drug Environment: Out patient Freedom House Knoxville, TN 37919 (615) 584-1561 JACKSON Director: Walter Fain Jackson Cnci on Alc and Drug Dependency Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Drug Detoxification New Southern Bldg Services: Drug-free Jackson, TN 38301 Environment. Outpatient; Inpatient Hospital (901)424-9441 White Avenue Clinic Director: Jim Crowe 1828 White Avenue Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Knoxville, TN 37920 Central Intake; Trainmg; Education; (615) 637-0560 Information Drug-free Duector Max Williamson Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation; Traming; Education, Information Jackson Mental Health Center Services: Drug-free; Maintenance 238 Summar Drive Environment. Outpatient Jackson, TN 38301 (901)424-8751 MEMPHIS Director' Michael Bohleber Activity: Admuustrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Alcohol and Drug Dependence Clinic Central Intake, Trahung; Information, 865 Poplar Avenue 24-Hour Crisis Line Memphis, TN 38104


(901)534-6421 Southeast Mental Health Center 3530 Old Getwell Road David H Knott, M.D Duector Memphis, TN 38118 Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation (901) 794-0640 Services Drug-free Envuon ment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Duector Tom Mdcs Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtahon Drug Dependence Treatment Center Services Counsehng Veterans Admuustration Hospital Envu onment Outpatient Memphis, TN 38104 (901) 725-9100 Southwest Whitehaven MHC 1264 Wesley Dnve Mose Jr Duector Hart, Memphis, TN 38116 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (901) 332-6050 Services Drug-frcc, Detoxification, Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Director Barry Boggs Achvity Admmrstrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation Intermediate Care Facility Services Drug-free, Detoxification 3618 Summer Avenue Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Memphis, TN 38122 (901) 323-1659 Summer Avenue Chddren's Center 3628 Summer Avenue Pam Holhs Duector Memphis, TN 38122 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (901)327-1651 Jackson Wales Satelhtc Director Ann Tansy 3985 Jackson Avenue Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Memphis, TN 38128 (901) 382-1500 Univ of Tenncsse Mental Health Center 865 Poplar Avenue Director Evelyn Sulhvan Memphis, TN 38103 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (901) 5284411 Envuonment Outpatient Duector Leon Lebovrtz, Ph D Memphis Achvrty Admmrstrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, 1642 Poplar Avenue Central Intake Memphis, TN 38104 Services Drug-free (901)274-5642 Envuonment Outpatient Duector Allen McMurtry, Ph D Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation MORRISTOWN Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Residential Cherokee Guidance Center 815 West 5th North Street Cntr Memphis City Schools Mental Hlth Momstown, TN 37814 2597 Avery Avenue (615) 586-5031 Memphis, TN 38112 (901)454-5224 Duector Carol Chesney Activity Adnunistrative, Treatment/Rchabihtation Duector James C Paavola, Ph.D Envuonment Outpatient Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information Services Drug-free MURFREESBORO Envuonment Outpatient Rutherford County Guidance Center Center Northeast Commumty Health 315 North Church Street 593 Vandalia Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Memphis, TN 38122 (615) 893-0770 (901) 327-7391 Director Murphy M Thomas Michael Devitt Director Activity Admmistrativc, Treatment/Rchabrhtation, Treatment/Rehabditation, Activity Admmistrative, Information Information Trauung, Education, SeMccs Drug-free Envuonment Outpahent Shelby County Penal Farm Route 8, Box 500 Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 3864391 NASHVILLE Duector James Harbor Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Trarnmg, Dept of Mental Health Education, Information Alcohol and Drug Abuse Section Services Drug-free Nashville, TN 37219 Envuonment Outpatient, Pnson (615) 741-1921


Director Mark Watson Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabtbtatton, Activity Admiiustrative Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Information Drug and Alcohol Abuse Center Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Central State Psychiatric Hospital Environment Outpatient Nashvdlc, TN 37217 (615) 741-7418 Director Elbot Ward OAK RIDGE Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Traming, Information, Forensic Treatment Regional MHC of Oak Ridge Services Drug-free, Detoxification 240 West Tyrone Road Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (615)482-1076 Meharry Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program Director John F Byrne, Ph.D. Outreach-Outpatient Actrvity Admmtstrative, Treatment/Rehabibtauon, Nashvdle, TN 37208 Education, Information (615) 327-1890 SeMccs Drug-free Director Stanley Jcrnigan Environment Outpatient Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient PARIS

Meharry Alcohol/Drug Abuse Program Pans Mental Health Center Inpatient Detoxificabon Program P.O. Box 30 Nashvdle, TN 37208 Paris, TN 38242 (615) 327-6356 (901)642-0521 Director Stanley Jernigan Director Susan B Kennon Activity Treatment/Rehabibtation Acbvity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabibtation Services Detoxification Environment Outpatient Envuonmcnt Inpatient Hospital

Nashvdle Drug Treatment and Rehab Ctr TULLAHOMA 2312 West End Avenue Nashvdle, TN 37203 Mulb-County Comprehensive MHC (615) 327-3521 1803 North Jackson Street Tullahoma, TN 37388 Director Lee Fleisher, Ph D (615)455-3476 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Training, Education, Information Director Charles B Keppler, M.D. Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication, Maintenance, Activity Treatment/Rehabtbtatron, Education, Chemotherapy Information, Crisis Hotbne Environment Outpatient, Daycare, Inpatient Hospital Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication Environment Outpatient, Residential, Daycare, Rap House Association Inc Inpatient Hospital ~ 1013 17th Avenue South Nashvdle, TN 37212 (615) 255-7882 UNION CITY Director Vmce McCarthy Northwest Tennesse Mental Health Ctr Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Obion County General Hospital Education, Information, Hotbne Counsebng Union City, TN 38261 Services Drug-free (901) 885-9333 Environment Outpatient Director Don Finch Therapeutic Community Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrbtation, 1602 Herman Avenue Central Intake, Trauung, Educabon, Nashvdle, TN 37208 Information (615) 327-3617 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Duector Stanley Jernigan Activity Treatment/Rehabditation SeMces Drug-free Environment Residential

Vanderbdt Drug Info-Treat-Rehab-Clnc Vanderbilt Univ Medical Ctr South Nashvdle, TN 37212 (615) 322-6605 Director Bruce W Rau, M.D.


ABILENE Director Carole Steele Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Alnlene Polydrug Abuse Treatment Center 1174 North 1st Street Human Development Center Abdene, TX 79604 1800 Houston Street (915)673-8106 Austin, TX 7S756 (512)452-9571 Ducctor James Vrck Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation Director Dennis Hill Services Drug-free, Detoxification Acuvrty Treatment/Rehabilitation Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Human Development Center 2326 Fast First Street AMARILLO Austin,Activity'TX 78702 (512) 474-2481 Amardlo Drug Abuse-Detox Chnic Director Adelle I'reyman 2103 West 6th Treatment/Rehabrhtation Amarillo, TX 79105 (806) 376-4431 Human Development Center Duector Kenneth McTague 2818 San Gabnel Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation Austm, TX 78705 Services Drug-free, Maintenance (512)476-7507 Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Director Judy Skenazy Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Kairos House 808 Crockett Human Dcvelopmcnt Center Amardlo, TX 79107 2200 Rosewood (806) 376-4431 Austin, TX 78702 Duector Wdham Zccck (512) 476-7263 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director James Cummings Activity Treatment/Rehabditation

AUSTIN State Program on Drug Abuse 210 Barton Springs Road Alternatives Lmng Services Austin, TX 78704 1430 Colher (512) 475-6351 Austin, TX 78704 (512) 447-4141 Ducctor Jack Baylor Activity Administrative Duector Allen Poe Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Stratford House 1808 West Avenue Austin-Travis County MH/MR Center Austin, TX 78701 1430 Collier Street (512) 472-8189 Austm, TX 7S704 James E. Lavender (512) 4474141 Duector Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Darnel Dierschke Services Drug-free Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Residential Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Environment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Travis County Juvenile Drug Program 2515 South Congress Freedom Connection Austm, TX 7S704 2336 Rosewood (512)4426733 Austin, TX 78702 Dierschke (512)472-6261 Duector Daniel Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Duector Daniel Dierschke Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation BEAUMONT Human Development Center 1430 Collier Street BR Bamngton, Ph.D Austm, TX 78704 3455 Stagg Drive (512)447-4141 Beaumont, TX 77701


(713)835-9966 Services Drug-free Environment Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabditation Outpatient Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient

SE Texas Regional MH-MR Center DALLAS 1297 Calder Street Beaumont, TX 77701 BOP Regional Manager Region 6 (713)8384203 3883 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Room 111 Dallas, TX 75219 Duector Dr. Roger Pucer (214) 749-3614 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director R. W Cunnmgham Activity Admmrstrative BROWNSVILLE Dallas County MH/MR Center Brownsvdle Drug Abuse Center 414 S R L Thorton Freeway 612 East Elizabeth Dallas, TX 75203 Brownsville, TX 78520 (214) 943-2411 (512) 546-3769 Director Don Shattuck Director Allen Sturm Activity Admuustrative Actn ity I reatment/Rehabditation District 6 MH/MR Center Brownsville Drug Treatment Center 721 South Peak 715 West Jefferson Dallas, TX 75203 Brownsvdle, TX 78520 (214) 826-2170 (512)546-2239 Director Michael Ghck Director Allen Sturm Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Drug Dependence Treatment Center 4500 South Lancaster Road CORPUS CHRISTI Dallas, TX 75216 (214) 376-5451 Corpus Christi Drug Abuse Council Director Ralph Robinowitz 425 South Broadway Acuvity Admmrstrative, Treatment/Rehabilitauon Corpus Christi, TX 78401 Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance (512) 883-0202 Fnvuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Director Jim Jackson Activity Administrative Drug Services DARCO 3409 Oaklawn Memorial Drug Abuse Program Dallas, TX 75219 Memorial Medical Center (214) 521-7830 Corpus Christi, TX 78405 Duector Don Shattuck (512) 884-4511 A cuvrty Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Jim Jackson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Help Is Possible Services Maintenance 3603 Ross Avenue Envrronment Outpatient DaUas, TX 75204 (214) 827-2870 Nueces Co MH/MR Outpatient Drg Free Svs Director Bill Watkins 712 Booty Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (512) 884-6667 Oaklawn Treatment Center Director James Der 3851 Cedar Sprmgs Road Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabditation Dallas, TX 75219 Services Drug-free, Detoxification (214) 521-6030 Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Director Rebecca Benavides Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron

CRYSTAL CITY Rehabditation Services Inc 2727 Oaklawn Zavala County MH Outreach Program Dallas, TX 75219 402 East Nueces Street (214) 5284920 Crystal City, TX 78839 (512) 374-2707 Duector June Garrett Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Esequed de la Fuente Services Drug-free Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation Envuonment Outpatient


Drug-free DENISON Services: Environment: Outpatient Texoma Regional MH/MR Fort Bliss Halfway House Building 5218, Grayson County Airport Building 2414 Denison, TX 75020 786-2912 Fort Bliss, TX 79916 (214) (915) 568-1825 Duector: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Lt. Erwm Schmidt Services: Drug-free Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment: Outpatient Services: Drug-free; Detoxification Environment. Residential EDIN BURG Stanton Outpatient Clinic 2300 North Stanton Street Hidalgo Co MH/MR Center 9th Street El Paso, TX 79902 1425 South 5424082 Edinburg, TX 78539 (915) (512) 383-5366 Director: Ramon Adame Treatment/Rehabilitation DireCto: Marion Shirah Activity: Activity: Administrative

El Tule Drug Abuse Center 702 South 18th FORT WORTH Edinburg, TX 78539 Aid of Tarrant Co (512) 383-0163 Family Serv Trav Ass 212 Burnet Street Duector' Carlos Trevino Fort Worth, TX 76102 Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation (817) 335-2401 Director Frances Wood EL PASO Activity: Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Aliviane Midway House Environment Outpatient 800 East Olive El Paso, TX 77901 i ed Correctional Institute (915)542-0467 3150 Horton Road Duector' Ramon Adame Fort Worth, TX 76119 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (817) 535-2111 Director Mr. Nadroski Ahviane Youth Home Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation; Admmistrative 7358 Alameda Services. Drug-free, Nara; Non-Nara El Paso, TX 79942 Pnson (915)7794669 Environment Director Ramon Adame Activity Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabditation Shanti Youth Center 3008 Merida Apollo Store Front Fort Worth, TX 76106 4805 Apollo Street (817)924-9741 El Paso, TX 79924 Director. Julius Collum (915)751-5348 Activity: Treatment/Rehabihtation Director. Ramon Adame Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Tanant Co Med Educ and Res Found El Paso Center for MH/MR Services 900 Southland Avenue 322 East Yandell Fort Worth, TX 76104 El Paso, TX 79902 (817) 336-5454 (915)5324961 Director: Julius Collum Director: Jorge Gomez, M.D. Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free; Detoxification; Maintenance Services: Drug-free; Detoxification; Maintenance Environment: Outpatient; Residential Environment: Outpatient Youth Center Family Service of El Paso TCMERF 2930 North Stanton Street 1534 Pruitt El Paso, TX 79902 Fort Worth, TX 76104 (915)533-2491 (817) 336-5455 Director: Robert Kemp Director: Julius Collum Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity:


GALVESTON Houston, TX 77004 (713)524-4683 Famdy Service of Galveston 509 Texas Budding Director Enc Comstock Galveston, TX 77550 Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation (713) 762-8636 Services Detoxification Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Duector John Wilhs Activity Admuustratwe, Treatment/Rehabihtation Repose Drug Abuse Program Services Drug-free St. Joseph Hospital, Dept of Psychiatry Envuonment. Outpatient Houston, TX 77002 (717) 225-3131 Gulf Coast Regional Methadone Program 2817 Post Office Street Director Mr McMeekin Galveston, TX 77550 Actwity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation (713)763-8521 Services Detoxification, Maintenance Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Duector Ed Nettleton Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Riverside Gen Hosp Drug and Alcohol Center 2931 Holman Gulf Coast Regional MH/MR Center Houston, TX 77004 1124 24th Street (713)527-9304 Galveston, TX 77550 (713) 763-2373 Duector Donald R. Conner Actwity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron Director Mr. Billmgs Services Mmntenance Activity Admuustrative Envuonment Outpatient

Turns Outreach-Northwest HARLINGEN 4800 West 34th Houston, TX 77018 Harlingen Drug Abuse Center (713)688-2265 418 South C Street Harlingen, TX 78550 Director Ann Rose (512)689-2427 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation

Duector Olga Dominguez Tex Research Inst of Mental Sciences Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation 1300 Moursund Houston, TX 77025 (713) 522-2871 HOUSTON Duector. Timothy Sharma Casa de Amigos Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation 1235 Lorrame Services Drug-free, Mmntenance Houston, TX 77009 Envuonment Outpatient (713)225-1178 Vocational Gmdance Sen ice Duector Arturo Fernandez 2525 San Jacmto Street Activity. Admmistratwe, Treatment/Rehabditation Houston, TX 77002 Services Drug-free (713)237-1800 Envuonment Outpatient Duector John Hargraves Drug Dependence Treatment Center Acuvity Admmistratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtation Houston VA Hospital Services. Drug-free Houston, TX 77021 Envuonment Outpatient, Residential (713) 236-8258 Director George Wiggtns, M.D. KILLEEN Activity Admmistratwe, Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Central Counties MH/MR Killeen Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital 1005 North Gray Killeen, TX 76541 MH/MR Authority of Harris County (817) 526-4146 2501 Dunstan Houston, TX 77005 Duector Raymond Finn (713)526-2871 Activity Treatment/Rehabiiitat ton Duector Leonora Owre Halfway House Rehab (Libra House) Actwity Admmistratwe, Treatment/Rehabilitation III Corps, Fort Hood Services Detoxdication Fort Hood, TX 76544 Enviroiunent Inpatient Hospital (817)685-2736

Poly-Drug Abuse Treatment Program Ducctor John Szdvasy Center Pavillion Hospital-9th Floor Actwity Treatment/Rehabihtation


LAREDO Achvity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Residential Larcdo Drug Abuse Rehabditation Ctr Envvonment Outpatient, 712 Corpus Christi Street Laredo, TX 78040 Tlurd House (512) 723-2412 1505 East Highway 80 Midland, TX 79701 Director Mr Cantu (915)683-1788 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free, Maintenance Ducctor Bettye Bmnnen Envvonment Outpatient Acuvtty Treatment/Rehabihtation


Gregg-Harrison MH/MR Center Permian Basin Community Center 731 South Green 204 East 16th Street Longview, TX 75601 Odessa TX 79760 (214) 7584)171 (915) 333-3265 Director James Wdhams Dvcctor Joe Glass Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Admirustrative, Treatment/Rehabditation Acuvity Port Arthur Methadone Treatment Center LUBBOCK Medical Service Center Port Arthur, TX 77640 Lubbock Reyonal MH/MR Center (713)9836686 1210Texas Avenue Dvector Elhs Urbma Lubbock, TX 79401 Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation (806) 7634213 Services Drug-free, Maintenance Dvector Oscar Jones Envvonment Outpatient Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free, Maintenance Envvonment Outpatient SAN ANGELO

Tlurd Nail MH/MR Center for Greater West Texas 2408 13th Street 244 North Magdalin Lubbock, TX 79401 San Angelo, TX 76901 (806) 763-4213 (915)655-5676 D vector Dwayne Piercy Dvector James Young Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Activity Admmistrative, Services Drug-free Envvonment Outpatient MC ALLEN

Community Care Agency SAN ANTONIO N and J Building 308 South Mam Bexar Co Drug Dependence Program Mc Allen, TX 78501 3721 South Presa Street (512) 682-9491 San Antoruo, TX 78210 (512) 533-9156 Director Mr. Tony Gabaldon Acuvity Treatment/Rehabilitation Director Mike Bustamante Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Drug Treatment Center 100 South 19th Street Bexar County MH/MR Center Mc Allen, TX 78501 611 North Flores Street (512) 682-5567 San Antonio, TX 78205 (512) 2254011 Dvector Carlos Trevmo Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Dvector James F. Badey Activity Administrative

Drug Dependence Associates MIDLAND 3701 West Commerce Street San Antonio, TX 78207 Permian Basm Comm Ctrs for MH/MR (512)434-0531 3701 North Big Springs Duector Dr James Payte Midland, TX 79701 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (915)683-5591 Services Detoxification, Maintenance Dvector Sandy Skeleton Envvonment Outpatient


Patncian Movement WICHITA FALLS 222 East Mitchell San Antonio, TX 78210 Wichita Falls MH/Retardation Ctr (512) 532-3126 1800 Rose Street Duector Rev Dermot Brosnan Wichita Falls, TX 76301 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation (817) 322-1196 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtatron I nvuonment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Touch 901 East Drexel San Antomo, TX 78205 (512) 224-1862 Director Dr Gregory Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Environment Outpatient


Central Co Ctr for MH/MR Services 2 North 4th Temple, TX 76501 (817) 7784841 Director Raymond Finn Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification Environment Outpatient, Residential, Inpahent Hospital


Vernon Center for Drug Dependent Youth FM433 and SH283 Vernon, TX 76384 (817) 552-6264 Director Dr F Wilhams Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation Services Drug-free Environment Residential


Gulf Bend MH/MR Center 2105 Port Lavaca Drn e Victoria, TX 77901 (512) 575-0611 Director Tom Kelhher, Jr. Activity Admiiustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient


Heart of Texas MH/MR Center 1401 North 18 Waco, TX 76703 (817) 752-3451 Director' Larry Renegar Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential

286 UTAH


Emery County Mental Health Center Human Relations Center Professional Budding Dugway Proving Ground Castcdale, UT 84513 Dugway, UT 84022 (801) 748-5216 (801) 522-2336 Director Stan Fillmore Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Activity Administrative, Trcatmcnt/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Traming, Education, Central Intake, Trainmg, Education, Information Information Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envnonment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient LOGAN CEDAR CITY Northern Utah Mental Health Chmc Southern Utah Guidance Center 160 North Main Street 1552 West 200 North Logan, UT 84321 Cedar City, UT 84720 (801) 752-3730 (801) 5864341 Director Thomas S. I ox, M D. Director Kerth W. Stroud Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Trammg, Information Drug-free MANILA Outpatient Daggett County Mental Health Cluuc Daggett County Courthouse CLEARFIELD Manda, UT 84046 (801) 789-1264 Davis County Alcoholism Services Duector Garth Harrison, A C S W 450 South 430 East Activity Admnustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Clearfield, UT 84015 Central Intake (801) 773-7060 Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trammg, Environment Outpatient Education, Information Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient MANTI

DELTA Sanpete County Guidance Center First State Bank Budding Mdlard County Mental Health Center Manti, UT 84642 District School Office (801) 835-9331 Delta, UT 84631 Director Allen Hall (801) 864-2764 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Allen Ilail Services Drug-free Actn ity Treatment/Rehabditation Environment Outpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient MONTICF LLO DUCHESNE San Juan Mental Health Center Duchesne County Mental Health County Courthouse UT County Courthouse Monticello, 84535 Duchesnc, UT 84021 (801)587-2324 (801) 722-2283 Director Richard Shanteau Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Duector Garth Harrison, A.C.S W Activity Admmrstratrve, Information Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake Central Intake, Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envnonment Outpatient Environment Outpatient


MURRAY Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Murray Jordar Tooele MHC 5130 South State Street Murray, UT 84107 PROVO (801)262-8416 Duector Thomas L Eucksen Timpanogos Comm Mental Health Ctr Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, 1161East 3rd North Central Intake, Training, Education, Provo, UT 84601 Information (801) 373-7393 Ducctor Phdhp Washburn, M D. Activity Administrative, OGDEN Treatment/Rehabditation, Central intake, Trainmg, Education, Information Alcohol and Chemical Treatment Ctr 300 Polk Avenue Utah Co Councd on Drug Abuse Rehab Ogden, UT 84403 470 North University Avenue (801) 399-4111 Provo, UT 84601 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, (801) 377-5449 Central Intake, Traming, Education, Director Vernon Wolf, Ph D Information Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Drug-free, Detoxification Central Intake, Trammg, Information Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient Weber County Mental Health Center 350 Healy Avenue Utah State Hospital Ogden, UT 84401 P.O. Box 270 (801) 399-8391 Provo, UT 84601 Director Rhett Potter (801) 3734400 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Duector Blame Crawford Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Acuvtty Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabditation; Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Information 2791st USAF Hospital Drug-free USAF Hospital Hill/SGHMM Outpaucnt Ogden, UT 84406 (801) 777-2632 Ducctor Spencer Kreger RICHFIELD Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Trr-County Guidance Center Environment Outpatient Professional Plaza Richfield, UT 84701 (801) 896-5109 PARK CITY Director George L Brmkerhoff Activity Admmistrative, Palefire Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education P.O. Box 699 Park City, UT 84060 (801)649-9461 SALT LAKE CITY Duector Taylor H artman Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Community Crisis Center Education, Information 327 East 600 South Services Drug-free Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Envu onment Outpatient (801) 355-2846 Director Larry Peterson Activity PRICE Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Information Drug-free 4 Corners Mental Health Center Outpatient Hardmg School Building, 61 North 2nd Avenue Price, UT 84501 Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Admin (801)637-2358 VA Hospital Due ctor Michael WiHiams Salt Lake City, UT 84113 Activity Admmistratn e, Treatment/Rehabihtatron; (801) 322-1565 Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Duector Jun Gardner Information Activity Admmistratrve


322-1001 Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Inpatient (801) VA Hospital Director Quentm Kolb Salt Lake City, UT 84113 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Traming, (801) 322-1565 Education, Information Duector Stephen Ross Services Drug-free Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Outpatient, Services Drug-free, Detoxification Envuonment Inpatient Hospital Prolect Reahty 146 Fast 600 South Drug Referral Center Salt Lake City, UT 84111 146 East 6th South (801) 364-8080 Salt Lake City, UT 83704 Director Earl Hobby, A C.S.W. (801) 355-7413 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Information Detoxification, Maintenance, Duector D. Davies, Ph D Services Drug-free, Other Chemotherapy Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Information Environment Outpatient, Residential Dept's Referral Granite CMHC Drug Division SLC Co Health Drug 156 Westmmster Avenue 146 East 6th South Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 (801) 262-2937 (801) 355-7413 Duector Kay Allen, Ph D. Director David B. Dames Administrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Information Services Drug-free Central Intake, Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Salt Lake CMHC Granite Mntl Hlth Juvenile Crt Drug Section 807 East South Temple 3522 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84102 Salt Lake City, UT 84109 (801) 3284)361 (801) 262-2601 Director Eugene Chathn Director Marcel C. Chappuis Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Acts ity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Services Drug-free Information, Court Diversionary Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Envuonment Outpatient Salt Lake County Alcohol and Drug Prob Dept Holy Cross Hospital Psychiatric Unit 250 East 300 South 1045 East 1st South Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 (801)328-7306 (801) 328-9171 Director Kenneth L. Odell Diversionary Duector Jacquehne R Flammer Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Court Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake, Trauung, Education, Salt Lake County Detox Center Information 175 East 21st South Services Drug-free Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Environment Inpatient Hospital (801) 328-7045 Director Kenneth Odell, A.C S.W LDS Church Unifield Social Services Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation 19 West South Temple Services Detoxification Salt Lake City, UT 84103 Environment Inpatient Hospital (801)531-2644 Duector Dallas C. Thompson Salvation Army Mens Rehab Ctr Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, 346 West 800 North Central Intake, Trammg, Information Salt Lake City, UT 84101 (801) 322-3992 Manhattan Prolect Salvation Army Director Carl C. Utterback 40 East 13th South Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Central Intake, Trammg, Education, (801)4874991 Information Director Jim Marchel Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton Environment Outpatient, Residential Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential State Division of Alcohol and Drugs 554 South 3rd East Odyssey House Salt Lake City, UT 84114 68 South 6th East (801) 3284532 Salt lake City, UT 84102

289 Director. Robert Christiansen Activity: Admmistrative; Traming; Education; Information

Therapeutic Livmg Center 1002 East South Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84102 (801) 328-9171 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake; Traming Services: Drug-free Environment. Outpatient

University MCD Ctr Al and D/A Clinic 50 North Medical Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84132 (801)581-6228 Director: Dr. Gary Jorgensen Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation; Training; Education; Information Services. Drug-free Environment Outpatient

Utah State Prison Alcohol Program 554 South 300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84111 (801) 3284037 Duector J. A. Crocker Activity Treatment/Rehabthtation Services Drug-free Envuonment Pnson

VA Outpatient Rehab Qinic 210 East 700 South Salt Lake City, UT 84111 (801) 582-1565 Director Larry J. Lantmga Activity Treat ment/Rehabilitation Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Environment Outpatient


Uinta County Mental Hygiene Clinic Room 104, Courthouse Vernal, UT 84078 (801) 789-1264 Director: Dr. Nyla Cole Activity: Admimstrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake Services: Drug-free Environment Outpatient


BRATTLEBORO (802) 492-3322 Director Michael H Wells Brattleboro Retreat Activity Treatment/Rehabxhtatxon 75 Lmden Street Brattleboro, VT 05301 (802) 254-2331 MONTPELIER Director Dr. Wdham Beach Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trainmg, Education, Information, Referral/Walk-In 81 River Street Chnics Montpelier, VT 05602 (802) 828-2721 Hotline for Help Duector James Leddy 17 Elliot Street Activity Admmistrative Bxat tleboro, VT 05301 (802) 257-7989 Drug Abuse '1'rcatmcnt Action Counselors Heritage Buddmg Due ctor Barbara Gerrard Montpeher, VT 05602 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation; Traxnmg, Education, Information, Hotline (802) 828-2721 Director Barbara A. Watts Wmdum County Youth Service Bureau Actxvity Treatment/Rehabxhtation, Education, 21 Elhot Stxect Information Brattleboro, VT 05301 Services Drug-free (802) 476-6624 I'.nvxronment Outpatient Director Clark Johnson Washmgton Co Youth Services Bureau Activxty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information, Referral/Drop-In Center 5 State Street Montpcher, VT 05602 (802) 229-9145 BURLINGTON Director Dr Kenneth Ley Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Traming, Education, Center Employment Adiustment lnc Information, Hothne, Drop-In 138 Church Street Burhngton, VT 05401 (802) 658-0423 RUTLAND Director Richard Kelir! 'g Treatment/Rehabxhtatxon, Trammg, Job Tlac Activity 51'/i Merchants Row Placement VT 05701 Drug-free Rutland, Services (802) 775-1478 Envuonmcnt Outpatient Duector Joe Patalano Rcfcrral Medical Center Hosp Vt. Cnsis Clmic Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Colchester Avenue Services Drug-free Burlington, VT 05401 Environment Outpatient (802) 656-3587 Andrew Siegel Director SHELDON SPRINGS Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trammg, Walk-In Clinic Threshold House P.O. Box 446 Threshold Outpatient Sheldon Spnngs, VT 05485 Main Street 65 (802) 933-4373 Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 863-3456 Director Bruce L Levine Treatment/Rehabilitation, Tranung Jack Fronk Activity Duector Drug-free Treatment/Rehabditation, Training, Referral Services Activity ent Residential Staff Traming Envuonm Services Drug-free Outpatient Environment SOUTH BARRE

Center for Self Help CUTTINGS VILLE Vermont P.O. Box 315 Barre, VT 05670 Ranch Inc South Spnnglake (802) 479-0515 Cuttmgsville, VT 05738 291 VERMONT

Duector Elton Bors Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Trammg, Education Services Drug-free Environment Residential


DATAP Vermont State Hospital Waterbury, VT 05676 (802) 244-733l Director. Dr. William Dean Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient



Alcoholism and Narcotics Commission Franklin Suddrng, 3rd Floor Charlotte Amahe, Vl 00801 (809) 774-6909 Dvector Dr George A Moorehead Activity Admmistrativc

St. Thomas Rehabditatron Program Old Muncipal Hospital Charlotte Arnalie, Vl 00801 (809) 774-1321 Dvector Leon Monrose Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Central Intake Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Envvonment Outpatient


St. Croix Rehabiht ation Program 153 Richmond Chnstiansted, Vl 00820 (809) 774-5150 Dvector Dr Ralph de Chabert Central Intake Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Envvonment Outpatient


ALEXANDRIA Alexandna, VA 22304 (703) 751-3770 Alexandria Methadone Clmic 517 North St. Asaph Street Duector Gregory J Wolber Alexandna, VA 22314 Activrty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, (703) 750-6634 Education, Information, Cnsis Intervenhon Services Drug-free Duector Angel Cardona Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Central Intake, Education, Information, Cnsis Intervention Services Detoxification, Mamtenance ARLINGTON Environment Outpatient Prelude Da ' Care Treatment Program City of Alexandria Com D/A Control Program 1531 South Walter Reed Dnvc Room 504-A, 320 King Street Arhngton, VA 22204 Alexandna, VA 22314 (703) 920-5480 (703) 548-1778 Duector William Powell Duector Keith M ulrooney Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Intake, Activity Admnustrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, Informahon Vocational Counsehng Services Drug-free Envnonment Outpatient Second Genesis 1204 Pnnce Street Prelude Intake and Evaiuahon Alexandria, VA 22314 1119North Hudson Street (703) 683-4610 Arhngton, VA 22207 Director Sidney Shankman, M D (703) 527-0834 Activity Admmistratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Duector Phylhs K Braun Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Intake; Information Trauung, Education, Information Drug-free Drug-free Outpatient Outpatient

Second Genesis, Inc Prelude Therapeutic Community 1013King Street 1427 Courthouse Road Alexandria, VA 22314 Arhngton, VA 22201 (703) 683-2027 (703) 558-2136 Duector Sidney Shankman, M D. Director Tom A. Brooks Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Education Services Drug-free Services Drug-free Envuonment Residential Envuonment Residential Second Genesis, lnc 1001 King Street BLACKSBURG Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 548-0442 Raft Inc Duector Sidney Shankman, M.D. 207 Washmgton Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Blacksburg, VA 24060 Services Drug-free (703) 951-3434 Envuonment Residential Director Suzanne M Biskin Acuvity AdmmLstrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Storefront Counselmg Center I Education, Information, Hothne, 638 North Alfred Street Walk-In Center Alexandria, VA 22314 Drug-free (703) 683-1121 Outpatient Director Gregory J Wolber Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Education, Information, Cnsis Intervention CHARLOTTESVILLE Drug-free Outpatient Blue Ridge Comm MH Cnt 1602 Gordon Avenue Storefront Counsehng Center 11 Charlottesville, VA 22903 82 North Gordon Street (804) 295-2161


VA 22401 Director. C. Knight Aldrich Fredericksburg, A&ivity. Treatment/Rehabihtation (703) 373-8554 Semces Drug-free Director James C Talley Environment, Outpatient; Daycare; Inpauent Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabihation, Information; Crisis Intervention Services Drug-free CHESAPEAKE Environment Outpatient

Chesapeake Drug Abuse Program 1205 20th Street FORT BELVOIR Chesapeake, VA 23324 (804) 543-6847 ADCO Director: Dawn Baker Building T468 VA 22060 Activity Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Fort Belvoir, Central Intake; Training; Education; (703) 664-2624 Information; Primary Prevention Director. Maj. Webbert Drug-free Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Central Intake; Outpatient; Prison Training; Education; Information; 24-Hr. Hotline Services: Drug-free; Detoxification FAIRFAX Environment Outpatient; Residential; Daycare; Inpatient Hospital Crossroads Outpatient 9411-M Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22030 HAMPTON (703) 691-2468 Director: lola Scafford Action Committee To Stop Drugs Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation, Training, Box 278 Education; Information, Referral Hampton, VA 23669 Services. Drug-free (804) 723-8600 Environment Outpatient Duector Myron Cook Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation; Crossroads TC Central Intake, Trammg, Education; 9411-M Lee Highway Information, Job Placement Fairfax, VA 22030 Services' Drug-free (703) 691-2667 Environment: Outpatient; Residential, Prison Director lola Scafford Rehab Program Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Trammg; Hampton Drug Education 711 North Kmg Street Semces Drug-free Hampton, VA 23369 Envuonment. Residential (804) 7234046 Director John Psnnas Fairfax Cty Drug Abuse Control Prog Activity Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; 9411-M Lee Highway Central Intake; Education; Information Fairfax, VA 22030 Services. Mamtenance (703) 691-2468 L'nvrionment. Outpatient Director. lola Scafford Activity Administrative; Information HARRISON BURG

FALLS CHURCH Halfway House 1888 Pear Street VA Special Drug Abuse Unit Harrisonburg, 22801 207 Park Avenue, B-5 (703) 434-0132 Falls Church, VA 22046 Director: William L. Hall (703) 532-2077 Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Education; Information; Outpatient Director: William S. Smith Drug-free Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Services: Central Intake; Information Environment: Residential Services Drug-free Environment: Outpatient LITTLE CREEK

FREDERICKSBURG Navphibase Counseling Assistance Topside Building 3007 Rappahannock Crisis Center Little Creek, VA 23521 210'h George Street (804) 464-7524


Duector Lt Slurley Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Environment Outpatient

Comp Addictive Seiv Pgm Res Clmic LYNCHBURG 706 Duke Street Norfolk, VA 23507 DASH (804) 622-3938 P.O. Box 2346, 1010Miller Park Square Lynchburg, VA 24501 Duector Raymond D. Slone (804) 847-1265 Achvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free, Detoxification; Mamtenance Director Sue Holland Environment Residential Activity Treatment/Rehabihtat ton, Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Information; Counseling and Assistance Center Prevention Naval Station Services Drug-free Norfolk, VA 23511 Envn onment Outpatient (804) 444-3475 Director. Wdham G. Steger MARION Activity. Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake; Trammg, Education; Southwestern State Mental Hospital Information; Cnsis Intervention Box 670 Services Drug-free Marion, VA 24354 Environment ' Outpatient, Phson (703) 783-3171 VA Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dep Duector. Frank Merker, F. M.D. Professional Arts Budding Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton Norfolk, VA 23510 (804) 625-5830 NEWPORT NEWS Director Gorman G. Bimkley Activity Administrative; Treatment/Rehabihtation, Alcohol and Drug Prev and Control Trammg, Education; Information Fort Eustis Newport News, VA 23604 (804) 878-2985 PETERSBURG Director. Flen R. Wmgard Federal Reformatory Drug Abuse Activity Admmistratn Program e; Treatment/Rehabihtation; Federal Reformatory Central Intake, Trammg, Education; Petersburg, VA 23803 Information (804) 733-7881 Alternatives Incorporated Director Lyle M Jones 7324 Warwick Boulevard Achvity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation Newport News, VA 23607 Services Drug-free (804) 245-5234 Environment Prison Dnector Richard Goll Central State Hospital Actmty Treatment/Rehabilitation, Training; Petersburg, VA 23803 Education; Information (804) 861-7422 Services Drug-free Environment Daycare Duector Dr. Brags Achvity Treatment/Rehabihtation

NORFOLK Petersburg City Health Dept 35 West Filmore Street Community Services Inc Petersburg, VA 23803 P.O. Box 1980 (804) 8614582 Norfolk, VA 23501 Duector R. L. Wood (804) 625-0496 Achvity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtahon; Director John Tinsley Traming; Education Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation; Services Drug-free Aftercare Services Environment Outpahent

Comp Addict Serv Pgm Outpatient Clinic Petersburg Drug Treatment Center 727 Boush Street 842 West Washington Street Norfolk, VA 23510 Petersburg, VA 23803 (804) 623-4365 (804) 732-2800 Dnector Raymond D. Slone Director Joseph C. Conley Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation


Services Drug-free (804) 786-8517 Fnvuonment Outpatient Duector Patty W. Fowler Activity Admm istra tive Southside Area Mental Hygicnc Cluuc 12 East Tall Street Great Pflat Tire Company —Rubicon Petersburg, VA 23803 1208 West Frankhn Street (703) 733-1030 Richmond, VA 23220 Due ctor Kurt Morbitzer (804) 359-3255 Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron Director Carol Jones Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Vocational Counsehng PORTSMOUTH Services Drug-free Envu onment Residential Portsmouth Drug Free Center Randolph and Green Streets Henrrco Mental Hygiene Clinic Portsmouth, VA 23705 4902 Azala Mall (804) 399-1184 Richmond, VA 23227 Duector Charles Demark (804) 2624557 Information, Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Duector M. M Vitols Legal Intervention Actn ity Treatment/Rehabditation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residentml Proiect Jump Street 15 West Cary Street Portsmouth Hlth Dept Meth Clnc Richmond, VA 23220 720 High Street (804) 6444636 Portsmouth, VA 23705 (804) 393-8616 Ducctor Janet Sargent Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Information Director Woodrow C. Manley Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication; Maintenance Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Envuonment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Services Mamtcnance Environment Outpatient Richmond VA Hospital Drug Dependence Treatment Ctr, 116A Richmond, VA 23249 RADFORD (804) 233-9631 Mountain Empire Guidance Center Duector Rainer M. Doost, M D. 710 Clement Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Radford, VA 24141 (703) 639-3979 Richmond VA Hospital Duector Lewis Armrstead, Ph D. Drug Dep Treatment Ctr Outpatient Activity Treatment/RehabiTitation Richmond, VA 23249 (804) 233-9631 St. Albans Psycluatric Hospital Director Cynthia L'. Bentley P.O. Box 3608 Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtation Radford, VA 24141 Services Mamtenance (703) 639-2481 Envuonment Outpatient Director. Dr Scott Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Richmond VA Hospital Drug Dependence Treatment Center and RICHMOND House of Janus Richmond, VA 23249 Adolescent Medicine Program (804) 233-9631 301 College Street Duector Cynthia E. Bentley Richmond, VA 23298 Acuvity. Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Admuustration (804) 770.6506 Services Drug-free, Detoxification Director George M. Bnght Environment Inpatient Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Central Intake, Trainmg, Education, Information Rubicon Services Drug-free, Detoxification; Mamtenance, 1208 West Frankhn Street General Medical Care Richmond, VA 23220 Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital (804) 359-3255 Duector J J Frankhn ; Commonwealth of VA Div of Drg Abuse Co Suite 901,Ninth Street Office Building Activity Admmrstratrve, Central Intake, Chent chmond, VA 23219 Follows


Rubicon Metro Services Drug-free West 909 Grace Street Environment Outpatient, Residential Richmond, VA 23803 (804) 359-3255 Ducctor John Allen ROCKY MOUNT Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education, Vocational Counseling Edgemead of Vuginia Drug-free Box 130 Outpatient Rocky Mount, VA 24151 (703) 721-2341 Rubicon North Director Suzanne M. Robbms 1208 West Frankhn Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 359-3255 Director Calvin Davis STATE FARM Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Vocational and Job Development House of Thought Services Drug-free James River Correctional Center Environment Residential State Farm, VA 23063 (804) 784-5201 Rubicon Reahty Director Glory Ashe 1208 West Frankhn Street Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Trauung Richmond, VA 23220 Services Drug-free, Resident Tramee (804) 359-3255 Environment Pnson Director Tommy Holley Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Education Services Drug-free VIRGINIA BEACH Envuonment Residential Comprehensn e Drug Abuse Treat Prog Rubicon-West 1876 Wddwood Dnve 1208 West Frankhn Street Vuginia Beach, VA 23454 Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 4814545 (804) 359-3255 Director Joel Wallach Director John Slaw Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Actn ity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Education, Central Intake, Trainmg, Education, Vocational and Job Development Information, Hothne Drug-free Residential Ou treach Chnic 2022 Atlantic Avenue Westbrook Psychiatnc Hospital Virginia Beach, VA 23451 1500 Westbrook Avenue (804) 425-1403 Richmond, VA 23227 Director Bill Butler 266-9761 (804) Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Director A B.Campbell Information, Hothne Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Youth Challenge P.O. Box 90066 Richmond, VA 23225 WILLIAMSBURG (804) 359-0283 Alcohol Treatment Unit Duector Robert D Wendell Budding 11, Eastern State Hospital Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Hothne Wilhamsburg, VA 23185 Services Drug-free (804) 2294200 Environment Residential Director Dr Henberto Vasquez Activity Treatment/Rehabditation ROANOKE Bacon Street Mental Health Services Drug Unit 105 Bacon Avenue Box 411 Wdliamsb urg, VA 23185 Roanoke, VA 24016 (804) 229-9897 (703) 342-8298 Duector James Redly Duector Robert Croxson Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtat ton, Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trammg, Information, Hothne Referral Central Intake, Education, Information Services Drug-free Fnvuonment Outpatient


AUBURN (206) 4854541 Director Phylhs Parsons Valley Cities Mental Health Center Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, 2704 I Street NE Traming, Education, Information, Auburn, WA 98002 24-Hr Hothne (206) 833-7444 Semces Drug-free Duector Emihe A. Johnson Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Semces Drug-free, Detoxification Environment Outpatient BRADY

New Ld'e Found-Harvester Found BELLEVUE Olympic Highway East Brady, WA 98863 Eastside Communrty Mental Health Ctr (206) 2494695 2253 140th Avenue NE Director Jerry Birhn Bellevue, WA 98005 Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, (206) 747-9000 Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Duector Bonnie Logan Information, Hothne Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Information Services Drug-free Scrviccs Drug-free Environment Residential Environment Outpatient

Yes BREMERTON 257 100th NE Bellevue, WA 98009 Kitsap Commumty Counsehng Service (206) 454-5502 3423 6Vi Street Bremerton, WA 98310 F P Bianchi, Jr Director (206) 373-5031 Activity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Central Intake, Education, Information Director Richard McDonald Services Drug-free Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Environment Outpatient, Residential Central Intake, Trainmg, Education, Information, Involuntary Treatment Drug-free BELLINGHAM Outpatient

Sun Crisis Center Kitsap County Councd on Youth Inc 1014 Forest Street 1122 Elizabeth Street Bellmgham, WA 98225 Bremcrton, WA 98310 (206) 734-7271 (206) 377-0016 Ducctor Gary W McDonald Director Juhannc H Secor Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Actrvity Trcatinent/Rehabihtation Traming, Education, Cnsis Intervention Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Fnvuonment Outpatient

Whatcom Counsehng and Psychiatry Cluuc 1135 Mt. Baker Highway CHEHALIS Belhngham, WA 98225 (206) 676-8455 Lewis Cty MH Chnic 1117Boistfort Street Director George IQmball Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Chehalrs, WA 98532 Activity Admmistratrve, 7484696 Central Intake, Trammg, Education, (206) Information Director Mac Knutson Semces Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Environment Outpatient Semces Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital, Prison

BOTHELL CI.ARKSTON Inc Spot Community House Asotm-Garfield Mental Health Cluuc 17516 Bothell Way Northeast 1219 Evergreen Court Botheil, WA 98011


Clarkston, WA 99403 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, (509) 758-3341 Trammg, Education, Information Director Dr Irwin Services Drug-free Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, Environment Residential Central Intake, Traming, Education, Information Services Drug-free KENT Environment Outpatient Kent Valley Youth Services 743 North Forth Avenue EDMONDS Kent, WA 98031 (206) 8524145 Conquest Center Ducctor Jim Bauman 8021 230th SW Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Education, Edmonds, WA 98020 Information, Consultation (206) 774-9551 Services Drug-free Director Gerald Sanders Envuonment Outpatient Activity Treatment/Rehabditation

Conquest Center, House Two MOUNT VERNON 8021 230th SW, Box 394 Edmonds, WA 98020 Vertex (206) 364-9573 208 Kmcaid Street Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Duector Gcrard Sanders (206) 466-3683 Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Traming, Education, Information Director Mike Doran Services Drug-free Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Envu onmcnt Residential Education, Information, 24-Hour Call Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient ELLENSBURG

Open House OLYMPIA 606 North Ruby Ellcnsburg, WA 98926 Community Drug Program (509) 925-3847 2604 12th Court SW Olympia, WA 98502 Director Richard Pyeatt (206) 9434760 Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatton Director Phd Demicio Actrvity Admmtstrattve, Treatment/Rehabditation, EPH RATA Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Information Mental Health and Famdy Service Ctr Drug-free 121 Basm Street SW Outpatient Eplirata, WA 98823 (509) 754-2011 Drug Abuse Prevention Office 900 Capitol Center Budding Ducctor Dale Yenncy Olympia, WA 98504 Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Traming, Education, (206) 753-3073 Information Services Drug-free Duector Howard E Senter Environment Outpatient, Daycare, Inpatient Hospital Activity Admimstrative, Trauung, Plannmg

Thurston Youth Services-Learning Ctr KELSO 411 East Union Olympia, WA 98501 Commumty Social Services Program (206) 943-0780 Fifth Avenue Courthouse Annex Director Roger O. Kuhrt WA Kelso, 98626 Activity Admmrstratrve, (206) 423-2400 Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Duector Daryl D Jenkms Information, Diversion Actwity Admmistrative Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Prison Drug Abuse Prevention Center 117 Kelso Dnve Kelso, WA 98626 PORT ANGELES (206) 636-1050 ClaUam Co M/H Director Les Berkemmerrer Drug Abuse Program 540 East 8th Street


Port Angeles, WA 98362 SEATTLE (206) 457-0431 Bishop Lewis House Norman Peterson, M D Director 703 8th Avenue Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Actwity Seattle, WA 98104 Education, Information, Referral Trainmg, (206) 722-2993 Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient, Dayeare, Inpatient Hospital Duector Ronald Campbell Acnvity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Information PULLMAN Drug-free Outpatient, Residential Whitman County Mental Health Center SE 310 High Street Center for Addiction Services Pullman, WA 99163 200 Broadway (509) 564-5193 Seattle, WA 98122 (206) 662-7090 Duector Mike Lynch Activity Administrative, Trammg, Education; Duector Art Sunmons Information, Cusis Treatment Referral Acnvity Admmrstratrve, Treatment/Rehabthtatron, Central Intake, Trauimg, Education, Information PUYALLUP Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient, Residential; Inpatient Hospital Puyallup Valley Youth Services 112 East Pioneer Central Area Mental Health Ctr Inc Puyallup, WA 98371 3601 South Mc Clellan (206) 848-5538 Seattle, WA 98144 (206) 723-7770 Duector Thomas H Thompson Hawkins Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Director Larry Information Actnrity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free Services Drug-free, Detoxification; Maintenance; Counsel Environment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient

Central Breakthrough Maintenance Pgm 2203 East Union RENTON Seattle, WA 98122 (206) 3234)611 Renton Area Youth Services Duector Tom O'Dell 1525 North 4th Street Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Renton, WA 98055 Services Maintenance (206) 235-2315 Envuonment Outpatient Due ctor June Leonard Commumty Psychiatric Clinic Inc Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, NW Information 5355 Tallman Avenue Drug-free Seattle, WA 98107 Services 789-1121 Envuonment Outpatient (206) Director Mel Warn Acuvity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services Drug-free RICHLAND Envuonment Outpatient

Mid Columbia Mental Health Center Community Psychiatric Cluuc-Unn ersity 1175 Gribble 1408 NE 45th Street Richland, WA 99352 Seattle, WA 98105 (509) 943-9104 (206) 634-3051 Duector Owen 0 Connel Director Mel F. Warn Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Activity Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Services Drug-free Information Envuonment Outpatient Maintenance Outpatient Creative Life Foundation 1600 NE 150th Street Newhfe Homes Seattle, WA 98155 829 Goethals Street (206) 365-7541 Richland, WA 99352 Director Bob Groeschell (509) 946-5154 Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatron Duector Lee Jimmehnk Services Drug-free Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Envuonment Outpatient


Domos Dignitatus Seattle, WA 98155 127 NE 60th Street (206) 365-5550 Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 523-3310 Director. Michael J. Sharpe Activity: Administratn e; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Director Ken Woods Central Intake; Training; Education; Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Information Services: Drug-free Drug Dependence Trt Ctr Outpatient Environment Outpatient VA Hospital Second and Yesler Seattle, WA 98108 Open Door Clinic (206) 6224081 5012 Roosevelt Way Northeast Director: Robert Dunn, Ph.D. Seattle, WA 98105 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Administrative; (206) 524-7404 Central Intake; Information Director Clive W. Beasley Services: Drug-free Activity Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Environment: Outpatient Central Intake; Training; Education; Information; Crisis Intervention Family House Services Drug-free 200 West Comstock Environment Outpatient Seattle, WA 98119 (206) 284-2010 Operation Awareness Director Elame Garsi 9521 6th Northwest Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Training Seattle, WA 99117 Services. Children Group Home (206) 3244166 Environment Outpatient; Residential Director Calvin Hightower Activity Admmistrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Genesis House Central Intake, Trammg, Education, 4508 16th Avenue NE Information Seattle, WA 98105 Services Drug-free (206) 524-6767 Environment: Inpatient Hospital Director Rod Pearson Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Puget Sound Social Program Services: Drug-free; Maintenance 113015th Avenue NE Environment Residential Seattle, WA 98125 (206) 5224220 The Grapevine Shelter Director Mngon David 424 South 152nd Street Activity. Treatment/Rehabrhtation; Central Intake; Seattle, WA 98148 Information (206) 248-1762 Director Mark Mdhon Seadrunar Activity Treat ment/Rehabilitation 809 15th Avenue East Services. Drug-free Seattle, WA 98112 Envuonment' Outpatient; Residential (206) 324-8500 Director. Nan Brown Harbor View Community Mental Health Center Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Information 326 9th Avenue Services. Drug-free Seattle, WA 98104 Envuonment. Residential (206) 223-3000 Director: William Wolmack Seattle Mental Health Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; 1605 17th Street WA Central Intake; Training; Education; Seattle, 98122 Information (206) 329-5400 Drug-free Director: Myron Kowals Outpatient Activity. Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free; Detoxification Highest High Environment: Outpatient; Daycare 6730 Mary Avenue NW Seattle, WA 98117 Stonewall Human Growth Center (206) 782-7039 1808 18th Avenue Director: William M. Maloon Seattle, WA 98122 Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation; Training (206) 634-2798 Services: Drug-free Director: David J. Baird Envhonment: Residential Activity: Administrative; Treatment/Rehabilitation; Training; Education; Information Mental Health North Services: Drug-free 1600 NE 150th Street Environment: Outpatient; Residential


Teen Challenge Girls Home Director Melba Leestma 4326 4th Avenue NE Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Seattle, WA 98105 (206) 633-3592 Youth Help Association P.O. Box 321 Dave Tores Director Spokane, WA 99210 Activity Treatment/Rehabditation (509) 747-0155 Director Andy Anderson SPOKANE Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Trammg, Education, Information Bridge Receiving HMS-I'. xch Hse Services Drug-free 1008 East 8th Street Environment Outpatient Spokane, WA 99206 (509) 456-8820 STEILACOOM Director Ray Marriott Treatincnt/Rchabihtation Activity United States Penitentiary Drug-free Services P.O. Box 500 Envuonment Residential Stcdacoom, WA 98388 (206) 588-5281 Lmker House East 29 Seventh Director Robt Volkmer Spokane, WA 99204 Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation (509) 624-2777 Services Drug-free Environment Pnson Dnector M E. Anderson Activity Treatment/Rchabihtation TACOMA Seremty House Stone Street North 133 Comprchensivc Mental Health Center WA 99202 Spokane, 1202 South K Street 535-9850 (509) Tacoma, WA 98405 Director Mary Higgins (206) 597-8200 Treatment/Rehabihtation, Consultation Activity Director Robert R Behur Services Drug-free Activity Admmistra tive, Central Intake, Traming, Envnonment Outpatient Cnsis Phone Famdy House Spokane Drug Abuse Treatment Prgm North Hamilton 1129 Western State Hospital WA 99202 Spokane, Fort Steilacomm, WA 98494 484-1060 (509) (206) 5884411 Darnel Reynolds Director Director Dr Bush Treatment/Rehabihtation, Education, Activity Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Information Central Intake, Trainmg, Education, Drug-free Services Information Envuonmcnt Residential Services Detoxification I',nvrionmcnt Inpatient Hospital Spokane Methadox P.O. Box 321 Drug Dependcncc Treatment Ctr WA 99201 Spokane, American Lake VA Hospital 838-6212 (509) Tacoma, WA 98493 Director H E Anderson (206) 588-2185 Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Director Geoffrey Bartol Services Mamtcnance Activity Treatment/Rehabdrtatron, Administrative, Outpatient Envnonment Education, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxification Inn The Way Environment Residential, Inpatient Hospital, Outpatient North 118 Browne Street WA 99210 Spokane, Fort Lewis C.C.P.A.DA. 838-6212 (509) Fort Lewis, WA 98433 Duector Andy Anderson (206) 968-3107 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Director Wilham T Junk Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, —Human Center Youth Help G/C Central Intake, Traming, Education, Cooper George Budding Information, Detoxification Spokane, WA 99202 747-2156 (509) Greater Lakes Mental Health Center 9618 Gravelly Lake Drive South


Tacoma, WA 98499 WHIDBEY ISLAND (206) 584-8933 Counschng Director Richard T. Wintersteen and Assistance Center Activity Counsel Buddmg 180 Whidbey Island, WA 98277 McChord AFB Drug and Counschng Ctr (206) 257-2396 SLD/STOP 47 Director Don Mdler McChord AFB, WA 98438 Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron; (206) 984-5433 Central Intake, Trainmg, Education, Duector Edward Sabo Information Services Drug-free Activity Administrative, Central Intake, Trammg, Envuonment Education, Information, Counsehng Outpatient

Tacoma Narcotics Center 1702'/~ Takoma Avenue YAKIMA Tacoma, WA 98402 (206) 572-8200 Yaluma County Community Services Prgm 322 Liberty Building Director Dave Purchase Yakima, WA 98901 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Fducation, (509) 2484361 information Director Services Drug-free, Detoxification Wilham Buckles Activity Environment Outpatient, Residential, Pnson Admmistrative Yakrma Methadone Tacoma-Pierce Methadone Maintenance Program 930 Tacoma Avenue South 104 North First Street Tacoma, WA 94802 Yahma, WA 98901 (206) 593-4100 (509) 248-5230 Dnector Dan Andersen Duector Dexter Hardcastle Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Services. Mamtenance Envuonment Outpatient


Damper 601 Main Street Vancouver, WA 98660 (206) 695-3416 Director. Hurb Jahns Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education, Information, Primary Prevention Drug-free Outpatient

Drug Dependence Trt Ctr 4th Plain and 0 Streets Vancouver, WA 98661 (206) 6964041 Activity Admuustrative, Central Intake, Trainmg, Education, Information, Treatment/Rehabditation Drug-free, Detoxification Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital


Chelan-Douglas CMHC 110North Wenatchee Avenue Wenatchee, WA 99801 (509) 662-7105 Dnector G C. France Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation Services: Drug-free Environment. Outpatient



NARA DAP Unit Center on Alcohohsm and Drug Abuse Federal Reform for Women-Box A Number 6 Hospital Plaza Alder son, WV 24910 Clarksburg, WV 26301 (304) 445-2901 (304) 623-2986 Duector Joe Greenwood Duector Paul Lanham Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Central Intake, Achnty Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trainmg, Education Education, Information Services Drug-free Services Drug-free, Detoxdication Ennronment Prison Envuonment Outpatient


BECKLEY Alchohsm and Drug Abuse Program Yokum and Wilmouth Streets Alcohohsm and Drug Abuse Program Elkins, WV 26241 101 South Eisenhower Drn e (304) 636-3232 Beckley, WV 25801 (304) 252-8651 Director Alex Portz Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Trammg, Duector John Almond Education, Information Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trammg, Sernces Drug-free, Detoxification Education, Information Ennronment Outpatient Services Drug-free, Detoxification Environment Outpatient FAIRMOUNT

Center on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse CHARLESTON 300 2nd Street Fatrmount, WV 26554 366-7878 Comprehensive Drug Abuse Treatment Adm (304) 415 Brooks Street Director Estelle Vaughan Charleston, WV 25301 Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Traming, (304) 343-4196 Education, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxification Director W. Henderson Ennronment Outpatient Activity Admmistrative

Div of Alcoholism and D/A GUTHRIE Charleston, WV 25305 (304) 348-3616 Guthrie Center Director Raymond E. Waslungton 4720 Brenda Lane Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Guthrie, WV 25312 (304) 3484053 Region 3 Drug Treatment Center Director Robert Grubbs 415 Brooks Street Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Trammg, Charleston, WV 25301 3434196 Education, Information (304) Services Drug-free Duector W E Henderson Ennronment Residential Actrnty Admmistratrve, Treatment/Rehabihtation Sernces Drug-free, Detoxification Ennronment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital HUNTING TON

Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Comm Mental Health Center West Virginia Dept of Mental Health 3375 U.S. Route 60 East State Capitol Huntington, WV 25705 Charleston, WV 25305 (304) 525-7851 (304) 348-3616 Director Larry C. Smith Director Ken Delnn Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, Trammg, A ctrnty Treatment/Rehabihtation Education, Information


Services Drug-free PARKERSBURG Environment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital Center on Alcohohsm and Drug Abuse Division of Alcohohsm and Drug Abuse 1100 Market Street 3375 U.S. Route 60 East Parkcrsburg, WV 26101 Huntmgton, WV 25705 (304) 428-8277 (304) 525-7851 Duector Sharon Elhot Director Lander Beal Actwity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trammg, Activity Admuustrative, Treatment/Rchabihtation, Education, Information Education Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient Hospital

PRINCETON LEWISBU RG Alcohohsm and Drug Abuse Program Center on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse 12th Street Extension 101 Church Street Pnnccton, WV 24740 Lewisburg, WV 24901 (304) 732-7402 (304) 6474006 Director Ira Southern Director Harry Brownmg Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatron, Tmming, Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Trammg, Education, Information Education, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication Scivlces Drug-free, Detoxd'ication Environment Outpatient Envuonment Outpatient POINT PLEASANT

Mason Co Mental Health Office Alcohohsm and Drug Abuse Program 701 Viand Street 206 Dtngess Street Point Pleasant, WV 25550 Logan, WV 25601 (304) 675-2361 (304) 752-4357 Director Larry C. Smith Dnector George Kirk Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Traming, Services Drug-free Education, Information Envuonment Outpatient Drug-free, Detoxification Outpatient SCOTT DEPOT

Human Problem Center of Putnam County MARTINSBURG 4026 Teays Valley Road Scott Depot, WV 26650 Center on Alcohohsm and Drug Abuse (304) 3434196 101 South Queen Street Director W. E Henderson Martinsburg, WV 25401 Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation (304) 267-7571 Duector Tom Holland Activity Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Trammg, WAYNE Education, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxification Wayne Co Mental Health Office Environment Outpatient Wayne Co Health Dept Wayne, WV 25570 (304) 272-3466 Duector Larry C Smith MORGANTOWN Activity Treatritent(Rphabihtation Services Drug-free Center on Alcoholism and Abuse Drug Envuonment Outpatient 414 High Street Morgan to wn, WV 26505 296-1731 (304) WEST HAM LIN Duector Steve Mason Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtation; Trammg, Lincoln Co Mental Health Office Education, Information 6990 State Route No. 3 Services Drug-free, Detoxd'ication West Hamhn, WV 25571 Environment Outpatient (304) 824-5790


Director: Larry C. Smith Activity: Treatment/Rehabilitation Services: Drug-free Environment: Outpatient


Center on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse 40 12th Street Wheeling, WV 26003 (304) 233-8700 Duector: James PL Rawhns Activity. Treatment/Rehabihtation; Training; Education; Information Services. Drug-free; Detoxification Environment Outpatient


AMERY Services: Detoxification, Maintenance Environment: Outpatient, Inpatient Hosptial Indianhead Council on Alcoholism 337 South Keller Avenue Amery, Wl 54001 LANCASTER (715) 268-2028 Unified Counseling Service Director. Thomas R. Magnuson Box Route 2 Activity: Admmistrative; Central Intake; Training; 351, Education; Information; Referral Lancaster, Wl 53813 (608) 723-2160 Director Wtiham Reisner CUMBERLAND Activity Admmtstrattve, Treatment/Rehabihtatton, Central Intake, Trammg, Education; Northern Pines Unified Services Center Information; 24-Hour/Day Emergency 1065 Seventh Avenue Services Drug-free, Detoxification Cumberland, WI 54829 Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital (715)822-4747 Ihrector. David Markert, Ph D. MADISON Activity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Trainmg, Education, Bur and Ab of H and Information of Alc Drug Dept S West Wdson Room 523 Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance I Street, Madison, Wl Outpatient 53702 (608) 266-7010 Director Larry Monson ELKHORN Activity Administrative, Education, Information

Lakeland Cnslg Ctr of Walworth Co Dane Co Comp Drug Abuse Treat Prog Box 290 31 South Henry Street Elkhorn, Wl 53121 Madison, WI 53703 (414) 723-5400 (608) 251-2341 Due ctor Walter Gleason, Ph.D. Director David A Kuykcndall Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Activity Treatment/Rehabtlttatton, Trammg, Education, Central Intake, Education, Information, Information Cnsis Intervention Services Drug-free, Detoxification Services Drug-free, Detoxification I nvironment Outpaucnt, Inpatient Hospital Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital MILWAUKEE JANESVILLE Comm Rela Soc Dev Comm OPA Treat Ctr Rock County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Umt 1361 West North Avenue P.O. Box 351 Mdwaukee, Wl 53203 Janesville, Wl 53545 (414) 272-5195 (608) 752-9481 Director Gene Dc Fazio Director Richard T. Canepa Activity Treatment/Rehabilitation, Traming, Actrvity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabilitation, I'.ducation, Information, Commuruty Central Intake, Education, Information, Development/School and Hospital Emergency Service Services Drug-free Drug-free; Detoxification Environment Outpatient Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Community Relations-Social Development 161 West Wisconsin Avenue KENOSHA Milwaukee, Wl 53202 (414) 272-5600 Kenosha Memorial Hospital Director Tom Wilhams 8th Avenue 6308 Activity Administrative Kenosha, Wl 53140 (414) 656-2011 Counsehng Center of Mdwaukee, Inc Director Riley McDavid 2390 North Lake Drive Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Walk-In SeMce Mdwaukee, Wl 53211


(414) 271-4610 RACINE Duector Andrew Kane, Ph D Innovative Youth Services of Racme Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Education 826 Park Avenue SeMces Drug-free Racine, Wl 53403 Environment Outpatient (414) 637-9557 CR-SDC JUP House Res Drug Treat Fac Director Robert Wright 109-117East Kcefe Avenue Activity Treatment/Rehabditation, Traming, Mdwaukee, Wl 53212 Information, Hotlme and Recreation (414) 272-2982 Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient Director Helen D Guyton Activity Treatment/Rehabrhtatron Mental Health Assoc of Racme Inc SGMccs Drug-free Cty 824 6th Street Environment Residential Racine, Wl 53403 637-1800 Genesis-Next Door (414) 3034 West Wisconsm Director Ruth C Weyland Mdwaukce, Wl 53208 Acbvity Treatment/Rehabditation, Information (414) 931-8611 Sciviccs Drug-free Environment Outpatient Director John R Ammerman Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation Thc A-Center of Racine Wisconsin Inc Services Drug-free 2000 Domanik Dnvc Environment Outpatient Racine, Wl 53404 (414) 632-6141 Lahno Drug Counschng Center 1326 South 16th Street Director Rcv E Belter Mdwaukee, Wl 53204 Activity Admmrstratrvc, Treatment/Rehabihtation, (414) 643-5410 Information Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Mamtenance, Director Guadalupe E Benterra Chemotherapy Actwity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Environment Outpatient, I lospital Information Inpatient Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient STEUENS POINT Wisconsin Correctional SeMCC Wisconsin State Univ. Health Service 436 West Wtsconsm Avcnuc 1000 Tremont Street Mdwaukce, WI 53214 Steucns Point, Wl 15448 (414) 271-2512 Ducctor Donald D Johnson Director Erwin Heinzelmann Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Treatment/Rchabrhtatron, Court Intervenuon Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient SUPERIOR Wisconsm Famdy Inc Douglas Co Chemical Dependency Umt 2105 North Booth Street 1914 Susquehanna Avenue Mdwau kec, Wl 53212 263-4481 Superior, Wl 54880 (414) (218) 392-2252 Director Ken Brooks Director Marcus P Desmonde Activity Treatment/Rehabditation Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rchabihtation, Services Drug-free Central Intake, Information, Detoxification Envuonment Residential SeMces Drug-free, Detoxification Envuonmcnt Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital NEW RICHMOND WAUSAU Chemical Dependency Uiut Box 99 Marathon Co Health Care Ctr New Richmond, Wl 54017 1100 Lake View Drive (715) 246-6186 Wausau, Wl 54401 Director Lyle J Cameron (715) 842-1636 Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Activity Director Edwin Shoenbach Central Intake, Traming, Education, Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtation, Information, Outpatient Central Intake, Education, Information Services Drug-free, Detoxification Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital Envuonment Outpatient, Daycare, Inpatient Hospital



MHC ND DTC Med Cmplx Drug Abuse Chmc 8700 West Wisconsin Avenue Wauwatosa, Wl 53226 (414) 258-2040 Director Richard L Wiesen, M D. Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Traming Services Drug-free, Detoxification, Maintenance Environment Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital

Mdwaukee Psychiatnc Hospital Dewey Center Wauwatosa, Wl 53213 (414) 258-2600 Duector John Shafer Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Aftercare Services Drug-frcc, Detoxification Envnonmcnt Outpatient, Inpatient Hospital


The Tellunan Community Wmncbago Mental Health Inst Winnebago, Wl 54985 (414) 235-4910 Director Mike Florek Activity Admimstrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Information, Cnsis Intervention Services Drug-free Environment Outpatient, Residential


Drug Dependence Treatment Center 5000 West National Avenue Wood, Wl 53193 (414) 384-2000 Duector Richard Wang Activity Treatment/Rehabihtation, Hothnc, Admimstrativc, Training, Education Services Drug-I'ree, Detoxification Environm&:nt Residential, Inpatient Hospital


BUFFALO (307) 6344487 Director Raymond Muhr, Ph D Northern Wyommg MHC-Buffalo Branch Activity Admmrstratrvc, Treatment/Rehabrhtatron, 521 West Lott Central Intake, Trauung, Education, Buffalo, WY 82834 Information (307) 6&4-5531 Services Drug-free Ducctor John McMahan Environment Outpatient Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Information CODY Services Drug-free Envu onment Outpatient Park Co Counsclmg Service 1253 Sheridan Avenue Cody, WY 82414 CAMPBELL (307) 587-2197 Ducctor Paul Montvdle Health Center Northern Wyoming Mental Actwity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, 900 West 6th Street Central Intake, Education, Information Campbell, WY 82716 (307) 6824762 Ducctor Robert Weisz EAST EVANSTON Actrvity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Central Intake, Trammg, Education, Wyommg State Hosp-Drug Abuse Prgm Information P.O. Box 117 Services Drug-free East Evanston, WY 82930 Envuonment Outpatient (307) 789-3464 Director Paul Saxon, M D Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabihtation, CASPER Central Intake, Trauung, Education; Information Central Wyommg Counsehng Center Services Drug-free 504 South Durbin Street Environment Residential Casper, WY 82601 (307) 237-9583 Director Mike Huston Actn ity Admmistrative, Treatment/Rchabditation, JACKSON Central Intake, Trauung, Education, Information Western Wyommg Mental Health Center 132 North Glenwood Well Being Jackson, WY 83001 837 East C (307) 733-2046 Casper, WY 82601 Director John Woods, M.D. (307) 265-9555 Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Duector irwin Brandiord Central Intake, Trauung, Education, Activity Administrative, Treatment/Rehabditation, Information Central Intake; Trauung, Education, Services Drug-free Information, 24-Hr Phone Service Envuonment Outpatient Services Drug-free


Office of Drug Abuse Services Western Wyoming MH Cntr Hathaway Buddmg P.O. Box 726 Cheyenne, WY 82001 Petroleum Buildmg (307) 777-7351 Kemmerer, WY 83101 8774466 Director Robert Adams (307) Activity Administrative Director Fred Lmdberg, Ph D Activity Admmtstratrve, Treatment/Rehabrhtatton, Southeast Wyommg Mental Health Center Central Intake, Education, Information 2322 Evans Avenue Services Drug-free Cheyenne, WY 82001 Envuonment Outpatient



Fremont Counsehng Service Fremont Counselmg Service P.O. Box 618 418 South 7th East Lander, WY 82520 Rtverton, WY 82501 (307) 332-2231 (307) 856-6587 Director John Doidge Director Charles W. Rodgers Activity Admmistrattve, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Activity Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Central Intake, Central Intake, Education, Information Fducation, Information Services Drug-free Drug-free Environment Outpatient Outpatient


Southeast Wyoming Mental Health Center Southwest Counsehng Service Ivanson Memorial Hospital 809 Thompson Laramie, WY 82070 Rock Springs, WY 82901 (307) 745-7015 (307) 3624615 Ducctor H. Wcdel Ducctor Alan Yates Activity Admmtstrattve, Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Activity Admmtstrattve, Treatment/Rehabihtation, Central Intake, Tmnung, Education; Central intake, Tranung, Education, Information Information Services Drug-free Envuonment Outpatient SHERIDAN

NEWCASTLE Northern Wyoming MHC 1221 West 5th Street Northern Wyoming MHC-Newcastle Sheridan, WY 82801 18 Stampede Street (307) 6744405 Newcastle, WY 82701 Director Dr Donald Morrison (307) 746-4456 Activity Admmtstrat tve, Treatment/Rehabthtatton, Duector Jerry leckel Central Intake; Trammg, Education, Activity Admuustratrve; Treatment/RehabCitation, Information, 24-Hr Answermg Servtce Central Intake, Tratmng, Education, Services Drug-free Information Envuonment Outpattent Drug-free Outpatient SUNDANCE

Northern Wyommg MHC tlundance Branch PINEDALE Courthouse Building Sundance, WY 82729 Western Wyommg MH Center-Ptnedale (307) 283-3636 P.O. Box 856 Dtrector Kenneth Colher, Ph D Pinedale, WY 83941 Admmistrattve, Treatment/Rehabthtatton, (307) 367-2111 Activity Central Intake, Trammg, Education; Duector Dave DChngham Information Activity Admmtstrattve, Treatment/RehabCitation; Drug-free Central Intake, Information Outpatient Drug-free Outpatient TORRINGTON

Southeast Wyommg Mental Health Center RAWLINS 215 East 21st Street Torrington, WY 82240 Carbon County MHC (307) 5324211 Osborne Buildmg Director Russell Blomdahl Rawhns, WY 82301 Activity Admmtstrattve, Treatment/Rehabihtation, 324-2424 (307) Central Intake, Trainmg, Education; Duector Roger Hornby Information Actrvtty Admmistrative, Treatment/RehabCitation, Services Drug-free Trammg; Education, Information Environment Outpatient



Southeast Wyommg Mental Health Center Platte Co Courthouse Wheatland, WY 82201 (307) 322-3190 Duector. Gary Payne, Ph.D Actrvrty Admmrstratrve; Treatment/Rehabihtatron; Central Intake, Tramrng, Education; Informatton Drug-free OutPatrent

313 * u S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1976 a -9&A/')I DHEW Pubhcatton No. (ADM) 76-321 Pnnted 1976