/f75 Netionel Institute on Drug Abuse ional ectory Drug Abuse Treatment Programs AND WELFARE UAL DEPARllNENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, puN@Heelh Servtce NieleL Drug Abuse, end MenieiHeeNh Mninieiralon National Institute on Drug Abuse National Directory of Drug Abuse Treatment Programs U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Pubhc Health Serwce Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE 11400 Rockwlle Pike Rockwlle, Maryland 20852 DHEW Publication No (ADM) 76-321 Pnnted 1976 FOREWORD The growth of drug abuse treatment programs throughout the country is the result of a successful, cooperative effort among Federal, State, and local agencies engaged in providmg treatment services. This rapid expansion of treatment capacity came with the national recognition that treatment services must be balanced with drug enforcement efforts to provide meaningful programs to control the drug abuse problem. The extent of this mcrease can be seen in the growth of Federal programs which increased from 36 programs in 1971 to 376 programs in 1975.These programs, combined with the resources from State, local, and private organizations, support over 3,800 treatment service points. This National Directory is an important resource for individuals who seek treatment and referral agencies and require information on the location and availability of different types of drug abuse programs and services. We hope it will also promote communication in the drug abuse field by facihtating the exchange of expenences, ideas, and methods among treatment personnel Robert L. DuPont, M.D. Director National Institute on Drug Abuse PREFACE The National Directory of Drug Abuse Treatment Programs is a compdation of approximately 3,800 Federal, State, local, and pnvately funded agencies responsible for the administration or provision of drug abuse treatment services throughout the United States and its terntones The descnptive information, primanly consistmg of the location and services of each program, was derived from the 1975 National Drug Abuse Treatment Utihzation Survey This survey was conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse to assess treatment capacity and chents in treatment as of June 30, 1975 The Directory was prepared to serve as a resource tool for program managers, treatment personnel, clients, and other persons interested in the location and activities of treatment service units and their admmistrative agencies Programs werc included if they were identified as a therapeutic community, halfway house, or free chnic, and if they were engaged in one or more of the following activities administrative services, treatment and rehabilitation programs, central mtake facilities, crisis intervention programs, and other support services such as counselmg Hotlmcs, cnsts centers, and programs engaged in other mformation, education, counsehng, or prevention activities were included only if they were also providing a treatment/rehabilitation service The pubhcation is orgamzcd alphabetically by State, and the entnes are alphabetized by city and then by program name withm the city Each entry consists of identifying information mcludmg program name, address, telephone number, director's name, and a descnptton of the program's activities Additionally, a malonty of thc treatment service cntrtcs include mformation on the services (modahttes) offered and thc environment in which they are provided The Directory will be updated following each Utilization Survey We hope you wdl find it a useful resource Please send your comments to us The Staff of the National Cleannghouse 1'or Drug Abuse Information STATE DRUG ABUSE AUTHORITIES George C Culver, Director Frank D Nelson, Director State Drug Program Bureau of Drug Abuse Prevention State Department of Mental Health 1323 Winewood Boulevard 145 Moulton Street Tallahassee, Flonda 32301 Montgomery, Alabama 36104 (904) 488-6108 (205) 265-2301 Jane Campion, Director Ms Mary Beth Hilburn Alcohol and Drug Section State Office of Drug Abuse Georgia Department of Human Resources Pouch H 01D 618 Ponce de Leon Avenue Juneau, Alaska 99811 Atlanta, Georgia 30308 (907) 586-3585 (404) 8944785 Mr James F Bailey Mr Timothy Wee, Acting Director Chief, Community Programs State Substance Abuse Agency Division of Behavioral Health 1250 Punch Bowl Street 2500 East Van Buren Street Honolulu, Hawau 96813 Phoemx, Arizona 85007 (602) 271-3438 Samuel B Adams, Actmg Chief Bureau of Substance Abuse Miles Waldron, Coordinator 327 L B J Building Dept of Social & Soc Rehabihtative Services Boise, Idaho 83720 4120 West Markham (208) 384-3340 Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 (501) 371-2604 Thomas Kirkpatnck, Executive Director Ilhnois Dangerous Drugs Commission Stewart Snyder 300 North State Street Executive Director Chicago, Illinois 60610 State Office of Narcotics and Drug Abuse (312) 822-9860 915 Capitol Mall Sacramento, Cahfornia 95814 William F Gnglak (916) 322-3086 Division of Addiction Services 5 Indiana Square Graydon Dorsch, Director lndianapohs, Indiana 46222 Alcohol &. Drug Abuse Division (317) 6334477 Department of Health 4210 East 11th Avenue Fred S Bnnkley, Jr, Director Denver, Colorado 80220 Iowa Drug Abuse Authonty (303) 388-6111 615 E 14th Street, Suite D State Capitol Complex Walter Stewart, Executive Director Des Momes, Iowa 50319 Drug Advisory Council (515) 281-3641 90 Washington Street Hartford, Connecticut 06115 Dr Francis Gerner, Director (203) 566-3403 Drug Abuse Umt Alcohol and Drug Abuse Section Wilham B Mernll, Coordinator Department of Social Rehabihtation Services Division of Drug Abuse Control 2014 N Topeka Boulevard 3000 Newport Gap Pike Topeka, Kansas 66608 Wilmmgton, Delaware 19808 (913) 296-3925 (302) 998-0527 Howard Rosenberg, Director Chester Wlute, Acting Chief Section on Drug Abuse Drug Planmng Branch Bureau of Health Services 614 'H' Street, N W 275 East Main Room 713 Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Washington, D C 20001 (502) 564-7450 (202) 6294034 STATE DRUG ABUSE AUTHORITIES Calvit Bankston, Admin Officer Paul Cohen, Chief Bureau of Substance Abuse Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 200 Lafayette Street 1803 North Carson Street Weber Buildmg Carson City, Nevada 89701 Seventh Floor (702) 885-4790 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804 (504) 389-2534 George E Tice, Drub Abuse Coordinator 3 Capitol Street Mrs Marilyn Mclnnis, Director Room 405 Office of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Prevention (603) 271-2754 32 Winthrop Street Augusta, Mame 04330 Richard J Russo, Actmg Director (207) 289-2141 Division of Narcotic and Drug Abuse Control Department of Health Benlamin White, Actmg Director P 0 Box 1540 Drug Abuse Admmistration Trenton, New Jersey 08625 201 West Preston Street (609) 292-5760 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 (301) 383-3624 Steven Morgan, Coordinator State Drug Abuse Office Virgmia Burns, Act Asst Commissioner 505 Don Gaspar Division of Drug Rehabihtation Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Department of Mental Health (505) 827-3251 190 Portland Street Boston, Massachusetts 02114 Daniel Klepak, Acting Cominissioncr (617) 727-8614 New York Office of Drug Abuse Services Executive Park South J. Irvin Nichols, Director Albany, New York 12203 Office of Substance Abuse Service (518) 457-2965 3500 North Logan Street Lansing, Michigan 48914 F E Epps(Roy), Director (517) 373-8600 North Carolina Drug Commission 222 North Person Street Doyle Kirby, Actmg Director Suite 208 State Authority on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Raleigh, North Carohna 27611 Metro Square Building, Room 402 (919) 829-4555 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 296-4610 Richard D Elefson, Director Division of Alcoholism &. Drug Abuse David Neely Speights, Director 909 Basm Avenue Division of Drug Misuse Bisinarck, North Dakota 58505 1001 Lee State Office Buildmg (701) 224-2767 Jackson, Mississippi 39201 (601) 354-7640 Melvin Zwissler, Ph D, Chief Bureau of Drug Abuse Donald P Howard Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Division of Alcohohsm and Drug Abuse 2929 Kenny Road 2002 Missouri Boulevard Columbus, Ohio 43221 Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 (614) 466-7604 (314) 751-4942 Charles W Wnght, Coordmator George L Swartz, Drug Coordinator Drug Abuse Services Addictive Diseases Umt P 0 Box 53277 Montana State Department of Institutions 408-A North Walnut Street 1236 East 6th Avenue Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 Helena, Montana 59601 (405) 521-2811 (406) 449-4827 Clark Crum, State Drug Coordmator Jeffrey Kushner, Executive Duector Mental Health Division Nebraska Commission on Drugs 2570 Center Street, N E 'M' 1342 Street Salem, Oregon 97310 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 (503) 378-2163 (402) 471-2691 STATE DRUG ABUSE AUTHORITIES Director Richard Horman, Ph D. Ms Patty W Fowler, Abuse Control Executive Director Virgima Division of Drug Governor's Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse 901 Nmth Street Office Building Virginia 23219 of the Governor Richmond, Office 786-8517 Riverside Office Building —One (804) North Front Street 2101 Admmistrator Pennsylvama 17110 Howard Senter, Harrisburg, Office (717) 787-9857 Drug Abuse Prevention Capitol Center Building, Room 900 Administrator Olympia, Washington 98504 Dan Mellor, 753-3073 Rhode Island Drug Abuse Program (206) Budding 303 E Washington, Director General Hospital Raymond of Alcohohsm and Drug Abuse Rhode Island Medical Center Division 02920 State Capitol Cranston, Rhode Island 25305 (401) 464-2091 Charleston, West Virgmia (304) 348-3616 William J McCord, Duector Monson, Drug Abuse Program Coordinator South Carohna Commission on Alcohol and Larry Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Abuse Bureau
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