First Japanese Record of Uropterygius Fasciolatus (Muraenidae: Uropterygiinae) Collected from Yonaguni-Jima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago

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First Japanese Record of Uropterygius Fasciolatus (Muraenidae: Uropterygiinae) Collected from Yonaguni-Jima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago Species Diversity 22: 207–211 25 November 2017 DOI: 10.12782/sd.22_207 First Japanese Record of Uropterygius fasciolatus (Muraenidae: Uropterygiinae) Collected from Yonaguni-jima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago Keita Koeda1,2,5 and Yusuke Hibino3,4 1 The Kagoshima University Museum, 1-21-30 Korimoto, Kagoshima 890-0065, Japan E-mail: [email protected] 2 Present address: National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium, 2 Houwan Road, Checheng, Pingtung, 94450, Taiwan 3 Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University, 4190-172 Wagu, Shima, Mie 517-0703, Japan 4 Present address: Laboratory of Fisheries Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan 5 Corresponding author (Received 17 February 2017; Accepted 27 May 2017) Two specimens (304.0–441.4 mm total length) of Uropterygius fasciolatus (Regan, 1909) were collected from Yonagu- ni-jima island, the westernmost island in Japan. This species was previously known from Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Palau, the Tokelau Islands, and the Phoenix Islands. Therefore, the present specimens represent the first record from Japan, as well as the northernmost record of the species up until now. A new standard Japanese name, “Murakumo-kikaiutsubo”, is proposed for the species. Key Words: Blotched Moray, Anguilliformes, new record, coral reef, Okinawa. Introduction Materials and Methods The genus Uropterygius Rüppell, 1838, belonging to the Counts of vertebrae, measurements, and description of family Muraenidae, is known as a group currently con- head pores follow Böhlke (1989). Fin rays and vertebrae sisting of 21 valid species (Smith 2012). Four species of were counted from radiographs. Measurements were made this genus and one unidentified Uropterygius species have to the nearest 0.1 mm with needle-point calipers. Total and been recorded from Japanese waters, and most of these re- head lengths are abbreviated as TL and HL, respectively. The cords occur from the Pacific coast of southern Japan to the morphological description is based on the specimens col- Ryukyu Archipelago (Hatooka 2013). Uropterygius is char- lected from Yonaguni-jima island. Curatorial procedures for acterized by the combination of following characters: e.g., the collected specimen followed Motomura and Ishikawa body moderately elongate, laterally compressed; median fins (2013). The specimens of genus Uropterygius examined in restricted to tail tip; gill opening small and slit-like (McCo- the present study are deposited at the Natural History Mu- sker and Smith 1997). seum, London, United Kingdom (BMNH), the Kagoshi- During an ichthyofaunal survey at Yonaguni-jima is- ma University Museum, Kagoshima, Japan (KAUM), and land in the Yaeyama Islands, which is the westernmost is- Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural His- land in Japan, two specimens of Uropterygius fasciolatus tory, Washington D.C., U.S.A (USNM). (Regan, 1909) were collected off the island at a depth of 7 m in a coral reef area. The northernmost record of the species Family Muraenidae until now has been from Palau (Myers 1999). The speci- Uropterygius fasciolatus (Regan, 1909) mens from Yonaguni-jima island are herein described as [New standard Japanese name: Murakumo-kikaiutsubo] the first record of U. fasciolatus from Japan and the north- (Figs 1–3; Table 1) ernmost record of this species. In addition, only a handful of information about the morphology and fresh coloration Gymnomuraena fasciolata Regan 1909: 438 (type locality: were known for this species, and hence details of morphol- Atafu, Tokelau Islands). ogy and fresh coloration are herein described on the basis of Uropterygius fasciolatus: Myers 1999: 51 (Palau and Kapin- these collected specimens. gamarangi Atoll); Böhlke et al. 1999: 1654, 1657, fig. 37; Böhlke and Smith 2002: 158; Allen and Adrim 2003: 23 (Indonesia); Allen and Erdmann 2012: 97, unnumbered fig. (Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Palau, Tokelau Islands, Phoenix Islands); Smith 2012: 36; © 2017 The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 208 K. Koeda and Y. Hibino Fig. 1. Fresh specimen of Uropterygius fasciolatus (upper: KAUM–I. 88909, 304.0 mm TL; middle: KAUM–I. 88910, 441.4 mm TL) collect- ed from Yonaguni-jima island, Japan, and holotype (lower: BMNH 1877.2.24.84, 304.0 mm TL) collected from Atafu in the Tokelau Islands. Fricke et al. 2014: 21 (Papua New Guinea). chipelago, Okinawa, Japan: KAUM–I. 88909, 304.0 mm TL, Uropterygius goslinei McCosker and Randall, 1977: 167, figs KAUM–I. 88910, 441.4 mm TL, Umabana, 24°28′19″N, 3c, 5 (type locality: Kayangel Atoll, Palau; Papua New 122°57′57″E, 7 m depth, 5 July 2016, coll. K. Koeda. Guinea, Solomon Islands). Description. Counts and measurements are shown in Table 1. Body moderately elongate; body depth almost Material examined. Two specimens from Yonaguni- same throughout, depth at gill-opening 17.7–19.9 times in jima island in the Yaeyama Islands, southern Ryukyu Ar- TL. Body laterally compressed throughout, its width at gill- First record of Uropterygius fasciolatus 209 Fig. 3. Illustration of teeth on maxilla (left) and mandible (right) in Uropterygius fasciolatus (KAUM–I. 88910, 441.4 mm TL) collect- ed from Yonaguni-jima island, Japan. snout+two supraorbital pores anterodorsally on snout; four infraorbital pores and five mandibular pores along upper and lower lips. Two lateral-line pores located anterodosal side of gill opening (Fig. 2); a minute series of rudimental lateral-line pores passing along the mid-body to the tail tip. Coloration when fresh—Body and head light yellow in KAUM–I. 88909 and light brown in KAUM–I. 88910; ir- regular narrow dark crossbars partially reticulated often appearing incomplete; widely scattered faint white spots in KAUM–I. 88909. Posterior margin of tail bright yellow. Two distinct dark lines originating at posterior dorsal and ventral margins of eye in KAUM–I. 88909, and extending ca. 1.5 times of eye diameter (Fig. 2); both lines branched at mid- Fig. 2. Illustration of head of Uropterygius fasciolatus collect- dle; upper line running posterodorsally, and lower running ed from Yonaguni-jima island, Japan (tupper: KAUM–I. 88909, posteroventrally. Two dark lines present in KAUM–I. 88910, 304.0 mm TL; middle: KAUM–I. 88910, 441.4 mm TL), and holo- but faint and shorter than KAUM–I. 88909; lower line un- type (lower: BMNH 1877.2.24.84, 304.0 mm TL). Open and solid arrows indicate gill opening and lateral-line pores, respectively. branched; both lines running posterodorsally. Distribution. Uropterygius fasciolatus has been re- corded from the following localities of the Pacific Ocean: opening 1.8–2.0 times in depth. Tail longer than body, pre- Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Palau, anal length 17.5–20.0 times in TL. HL 9.5–10.5 times in TL. Kapingamarangi Atoll, the Tokelau Islands, the Phoenix Is- Median fins restricted to end of tail, origins located between lands (Myers 1999; McCosker and Randall 1977; Allen and verticals through 116th and 117th vertebra. Gill-opening lo- Erdmann 2012), and Yonaguni-jima island in Japan (present cated in middle of body, oblique slit, its length longer than study). The two present specimens were collected from holes eye diameter (Fig. 2). of hermatypic coral at 7 m depth located in a coral reef area. Snout short, rounded. Anterior nostril tubular, located Remarks. The present specimens from Yonaguni-jima anterior tip of snout; posterior nostril tubular, located an- island were identified as a species of the genus Uropterygius, terodorsal side of eye, tube longer than that of anterior nos- being clearly distinguished from other genera by the follow- tril. Eyes located above middle mouth, with diameter 1.9– ing combination of characters: body moderately elongate, 2.6 times of snout; jaws subequal, not curved, and closing laterally compressed; trunk length shorter than tail length; completely. median fins restricted to tail tip; jaws short, subequal and Teeth pointed, slightly recurved. Maxillary and mandibu- closing completely; eye located above middle of mouth; gill lar teeth triserial with outer row teeth small, numerous and opening small and slit-like (McCosker and Smith 1997). close-set, and inner row teeth large, widely-spaced (Fig. 3). Most morphometric values (e.g., preanal length 41.4– Inner and middle rows on maxilla forming zigzag-shape 43.7% TL vs. 43.4% TL; body depth at gill-opening 5.0–5.7% and line up densely at tip. Inner-row teeth on mandible larg- TL vs. 5.4% TL), pattern of head pores (two lateral-line est anteriorly. Intermaxillary region crowded by a group of pores), and body coloration (irregular narrow dark cross- large fangs, separated from uniserial-vomerine-teeth row by bars on body; two distinct dark lines originating at posterior a gap. dorsal and ventral margins of eye) for the present specimens Head pores indistinct. One ethmoid pore ventrally on closely resemble to those of the holotype of U. fasciolatus 210 K. Koeda and Y. Hibino Table 1. Counts and measurements of Uropterygius fasciolatus specimens collected from Yonaguni-jima island, holotype (Tokelau Islands) in the present study, and holotype of U. goslinei in McCosker and Randall (1977). Counts of vertebrae of holotypes extracted from Böhlke and Smith (2002). KAUM–I. 88909 KAUM–I. 88910 BMNH 1877.2.24.84 CAS 35253 Non-type Non-type Holotype of U. fasciolatus Holotype of U. goslinei Total length (mm) 304.0 441.4 304.0 483.0 Counts Dorsal-fin rays 38 35 N/A N/A Anal-fin rays 24 24 N/A N/A Caudal-fin rays 4 6 N/A N/A Predorsal-fin vertebrae 116 117 116 N/A Preanal-fin vertebrae 119 120 117 N/A Preanal vertebrae 50 51 N/A N/A Vertebrae 130 131 124 127 As % of total length Head length 9.5 10.5 11.5 11.6 Preanal length 41.4 43.7 43.4 N/A Trunk length 30.7 32.2 31.9 30.0 Tail length 57.8 55.8 56.6 58.4 Body depth at gill-opening 5.7 5.0 5.4 5.6 Body depth at mid-anus 5.2 4.4 4.7 N/A Body width at gill-opening 2.9 2.9 2.8 3.1 Body width at mid-anus 2.7 2.4 3.4 N/A As % of head length Snout length 18.7 17.4 17.4 16.1 Eye diameter 9.7 6.8 7.9 6.5 Upper-jaw length 42.3 42.3 44.5 38.6 Gill-opening length 11.7 9.0 7.1 N/A Interorbital width 14.4 11.8 12.3 11.9 (Table 1; Fig.
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