ECE ARTICULATION CONFERENCE Meeting Minutes – May 8 & 9, 2019 (Whitehorse, Yukon)
ECE ARTICULATION CONFERENCE Meeting Minutes – May 8 & 9, 2019 (Whitehorse, Yukon) IN ATTENDANCE: Taya Whitehead (Chair/Selkirk College), Aanyta Fahienbruch (Selkirk College), Ellen Strelaeff (Selkirk College), Emily Gawlick (ECEBC), Laura Doan (Thompson Rivers University), Cindy Page (Northern Lights College), Merle Viaud (Langara College), Enid Elliot (Camosun College), Jeanne Puritch (Camosun College), Jessica Hrechka Fee (Camosun College), Monique Goerzen (University of the Fraser Valley), Michelle Tannock (Douglas College), Carla MacGillivray (Sprott Shaw College), Pat Bates (Stenberg College), Denyse Oswald-Finch (Nicola Valley Institute of Technology), Sharon Crowley (Delta Continuing Ed), Laurie Tulloch (North Island College), Terri Russell (Okanagan College), Brooke Alsbury (Yukon College), Andrew Richardson (Yukon College), Kate McCabe (Living Language IF), Darlene Westerman (Northwest Community College), Marketa Soldat (Burnaby School District #41), Katarina Jovanovich (Vancouver Community College), Sheila Grieve (Co-Chair/Vancouver Island University), Terry Breck (Capital College), Tia Smith (Capilano University), Violet Jessen (Capilano University), Erin Higginbottom (Montessori Training Centre of BC), Janet Webster (Maple Ridge School District #42), Alison Gerlack (University of Victoria) MINUTES – DAY ONE (May 8, 2019) (Yukon College) Welcome by Taya Whitehead Introduction from Dean of Yukon College on behalf of the 14 First Nations of the area (11 which are self-governing) Yukon College is transitioning to “Yukon University” Approval of Agenda by Laura Doan (Thompson Rivers), seconded by Cindy Page (NLC) Approval of Last Year’s Minutes by Katariana Jovanovich (VCC), seconded by Laurie Tulloch (North Island College) Reminder by Taya – only publically funded Institutions can vote Introductions by everyone in attendance 1. Business Arising from Last Year’s Minutes… o Para-Professionals vs Professionals (Iris Berger, Cindy Page, Laura Doan) o BC Child Care Owner’s Assn.
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