Final General Management Plan, Environmental Impact Statement

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Final General Management Plan, Environmental Impact Statement National Park Service United States Department of the Interior Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site Kentucky Final General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement Final General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site La Rue County, Kentucky ____________________________________________________________________________________ First authorized as a national park in 1916 under reestablish a greater semblance of the historic the Secretary of War, Abraham Lincoln Birthplace scene and provide greater opportunities for visitors National Historic Site was redesignated by Con- to understand Abraham Lincoln and his early gress on September 8, 1959 (73 Stat. 466). The last childhood; it would also increase educational comprehensive management plan for the site was opportunities available to visitors to help under- completed in 1964. Much has changed since then. stand the national historic site and its resources. When Abraham was about two years old, the The key impacts of implementing the no-action Lincolns moved to the Knob Creek Farm, about 10 alternative (A) would include minimal interpreta­ miles from the birthplace cabin. In 1998 Congress tion and resource management at the Boyhood authorized the acquisition and addition of the land Home Unit. The key impacts of implementing and the cultural and natural resources of the alternative B would include beneficial impacts on historic Knob Creek Farm (Boyhood Home Unit) vegetation and wildlife from the removal of to the national historic site. Other smaller land modern structures and Keith Road from the additions have been made to the national historic Birthplace Unit, no adverse effects on cultural site over the years. Also, visitor use patterns have resources, and minor long-term beneficial impacts changed, and people want to bring new on visitor experiences. The key impacts of imple­ recreational activities to the national historic site. menting alternative C would include no adverse Each of these changes has major implications for effects on cultural resources in the Birthplace Unit, how visitors access and use the national historic negligible adverse impacts on soils, long-term site and what facilities are needed to support those minor beneficial and long-term minor adverse uses, how resources are managed, and how the impacts on vegetation, and a negligible beneficial National Park Service manages its operations. impact on wildlife. There would be moderate long- term beneficial impacts on visitor experiences. The This document examines four alternatives for key impacts of implementing alternative D on managing Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National natural resources would include minor adverse Historic Site for the next 15 to 20 years. It also impacts on soils and vegetation and a short-term analyzes the impacts of implementing each of the moderate adverse impact and long-term minor to alternatives. The “no-action” alternative, moderate adverse impact on wildlife. There would alternative A, consists of continuing the existing be adverse effects on historic structures (tavern site management and trends and serves as a basis and replica cabin) and cultural landscapes at the for comparison in evaluating the other alternatives. Boyhood Home Unit. There would be a moderate The concept for site management under long-term beneficial impact on visitor experiences. alternative B would be to emphasize the preservation and conservation of cultural and This Final General Management Plan / Environ­ natural resources and enhance visitor mental Impact Statement has been distributed to opportunities by developing a more authentic other agencies and interested organizations and historic scene at both national historic site units. individuals for their review. The no-action period The concept for management under alternative C for this document will last for 30 days after the would enhance opportunities for visitors to Environmental Protection Agency’s notice of interact with and appreciate all of the site’s availability has been published in the Federal resources while preserving or adaptively using Register. cultural resources. Alternative C is the National Park Service’s preferred alternative. The concept for management under alternative D would be to U.S. Department of the Interior • National Park Service SUMMARY First authorized as a national park in 1916 Ensure that this foundation for decision under the Secretary of War, Abraham Lincoln making has been developed in consultation Birthplace National Historic Site was with interested stakeholders and adopted redesignated by Congress on September 8, by the NPS leadership after an adequate 1959 (73 Stat. 466; see appendix A). The last analysis of the benefits, impacts, and comprehensive management plan for the site economic costs of alternative courses of was completed in 1964. action. Much has changed since then. When This Final General Management Plan / Abraham was about two years old, the Environmental Impact Statement presents four Lincolns moved to the Knob Creek Farm, alternatives, including the National Park about 10 miles from the birthplace cabin. In Service’s preferred alternative, for future 1998 Congress authorized the acquisition and management of Abraham Lincoln Birthplace addition of the land and the cultural and National Historic Site. The alternatives, which natural resources of the historic Knob Creek are based on the national historic site’s Farm (Boyhood Home Unit) to the national purpose, significance, and special mandates, historic site. Other smaller land additions have present different ways to manage resources been made to the national historic site over and visitor use and improve facilities and the years. Also, visitor use patterns have infrastructure at the national historic site. The changed, and people want to bring new four alternatives are alternative A, alternative recreational activities to the national historic B, alternative C, and alternative D. site. Each of these changes has major implica­ tions for how visitors access and use the national historic site and what facilities are ALTERNATIVE A: THE NO-ACTION needed to support those uses, how resources ALTERNATIVE (CONTINUE are managed, and how the National Park CURRENT MANAGEMENT) Service (NPS) manages its operations. A new plan is needed to Under this alternative, current national historic site management direction would Clearly define resource conditions and continue as guided by the 1964 Master Plan visitor experiences to be achieved at and subsequent more detailed implementa­ Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National tion plans. There would be no substantial Historic Site consistent with the site’s change in interpretation and management of purpose and significance statements. the national historic site. “No action” does not imply the discontinuation of present uses or Provide a framework for NPS managers to management practices or trends. Actions that use when making decisions about how to are already funded are included in the no- best protect national historic site action alternative, such as expansion of the resources, how to provide a diverse range parking area at the Boyhood Home Unit. NPS of visitor experience opportunities, how to staff would continue to protect and maintain manage visitor use, and what kinds of known cultural and natural resources as time facilities, if any, to develop at the national and funding allow. Cultural and natural historic site. resource inventory work and monitoring would continue. NPS staff would continue to encourage and seek funding for the research iii SUMMARY that is needed to fill the gaps in knowledge Keith Road would be removed to improve about resources following the park’s strategic safety, thereby helping to return the landscape plan. The no-action alternative provides a to a condition that is more in keeping with the baseline for comparison in evaluating the 1930s. changes and impacts of the other alternatives. Educational activities would continue in the The key impacts of continuing existing east side environmental education area, and management conditions and trends would existing trails would remain. include having only minimal interpretation and resource management at the Boyhood If available from a willing seller, National Park Home Unit. Service would seek to acquire the Nancy Lincoln Inn property. The Inn would be restored to its earliest exterior appearance, ALTERNATIVE B depending on the level of documentation available. The guest cabins would be retained, Under alternative B, park management would and the house would be evaluated. emphasize the preservation and conservation of cultural and natural resources. Visitor opportunities would be enhanced through the Boyhood Home Unit reestablishment of a greater semblance of the historic scene (early 1930s) for structures and A visitor contact desk, sales area, exhibits, landscapes at both units and telling the story restrooms, offices, or staff quarters would be of other Lincoln-related sites in the area. established in the tavern. This alternative recommends that the official The replica cabin would be restored to its name of the site be changed to “Abraham original 1930s exterior appearance and Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park.” interpreted (without public access to the interior). Birthplace Unit Ingress/egress to the unit would be redesigned for safety. The parking area would be moved The existing visitor center/headquarters to a new location southwest of the tavern
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