CUMULATIVE Bffiliography, 1949
L~N COLN LORE Bulletin of the Lincoln National Lifo Foundation --- • • • Dr. Louia A. Warren Editor Published each week by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, indiana Number 1072 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA October 24, 1949 CUMULATIVE BffiLIOGRAPHY, 1949 Stlec:tlon• apprond b7 tbe DlbUocraphy Comm.htt.e of the L[nc:.ln WHEARE, K. C. 1949·38 N•tlonal Life Fou:ndatioll. AdvltorT Group: Roy P. Ba•lu, Sprinl" tldd. Ul.: J, \V, Dolll:n..-u, Davenport, Ia.: R. Gerald MeMart17, Abraham Lincoln/and the/United States/by/K. C. llarrotrate, Tenn.: P. R...,. Riadon, Traname:rlca Biela'., Lo• Auseln, Wheare/New York/The Macmillan Company /1949. c.ur.; Wm, H. TownMnd, Lulna1on, l'y, Book. cloth, 4~ x 1, xiv p,, 28$ pp., fr., Price U.OO. Tea.cb Your~ Nf'W Llntoln Item• ani1Ab1t tor tOQlduatlon by the Committee .elf llist.or:v IJlnaq, PrintOO in Grut 8rltain. ma.t k ttnt to the above addN!IIM• or to tht Lintoln National Life Foa.ndatlon. JONES, EDGAR DeWITT 1949-39 Abraham Lincoln/ Apostle of Brotherhood/by Edgar CONKLE. E. P. 1949-30 DeWitt Jones/(Cover title). A China-Handled/Knife/ A One-Act Play About/ Young Folder. l)fl.l)(lr, e X SY.a. (6} pp. Abe Lincoln/ by E. P. Conkle/(Device)/Samuel French/ 25 West 45th St. New York 19/7628 Sunset Blvd. LE SUEUR, MERIDEL 1949-40 Hollywood 46/London Toronto. Nancy Hanks/of Wilderness Road/ A Story of A bra· l'tunphfet, fteodble bo&rd11, 1l}o8 X 6, ft pp.
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